Tuesday, January 11, 2022

January 11

11:48 Can't make much sense right now of these images as i am... severely impaired. But i know i will forget if i don't write it here right now. The digging and expelling of the ground is always accompanied by a rumble in the distance, a big engine, maybe 1/4 miles away that can't be heard outside door but makes the walls resonate. It's almost impossible to record because of very low frequency. Ok i'll try to write it down.

First, lots of soil have been expelled under an area where siding meets foundation, at an angle. There is some space between siding and foundation that i filled with cut foam, however the foam has been moved and it's loose, got to put something else in there. I went and tried to step on that mound, it stuck on my shoes, went back inside, the rumble started again and then the "plug" that i made with my shoes has been cracked. Then i went, removed about half bucket of red soil, took inside, mixed with cement and put it back.
8:14 Nu cred că Rajk a murit atunci. Cred că a fost trimis în România cu o misiune. Și pare să fie japonez.

8:16 Smoke made its way here. Went back outside, found a hole under siding, put a piece of cut foam in it. Took one bucket of soil from around the corresponding hole in the ground. The hole under had like 3-4 inches diameter for a distance of one meter, too big for a mole (i think). I added some cement in the soil and put it back, and the level is now lower, because of the missing soil (the space of the hole). While doing that i had the confirmation (by the smell) that the smoke is actually made with dog dung. Also they started to move, cars and SUVs parking across. Sirens. I got so mad because of sirens (and also by being high) i was thinking getting in the car and to the ER across 65th Ave to see if it was real, but then they stopped. Put a small amount of chlorine in the tub, soaked the towels and put them on top of filters. The high is from the protozoa that survives the fire and flies as aerosol and gets into my gut. The two bulges next to my ears are actually my parotid glands infected with the T-gondii.

9:18 Found something else instead. How Japanese schoolgirls looked in 1941.

9:46 Went back outside. Soil was pushed a bit. Smoke now smelled more like pine tree and/or camphor. See you later, gator!

Crushing the (red) nuts?

Every time i go for walks or for a drive i see one of these. Or more. KGA, KGB. The rest are derived. It looks to me like everyone in the area is involved, not having anything better to do. I've been trying for a long time to catch one, they are too fast for my phone camera to get ready. Today i was so mad i was just taking pictures randomly so i caught it for you.

I went for walks in there for a year or so, never seen any turtles or people speeding (the simulated people of Tualatin are too good to do that). But i know they inspired the new trend with backpacks. 11:45 For my "friends" at the Guardian: Most (re)tardises are dimensionally transcendent.

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