Showing posts sorted by relevance for query asphalt. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query asphalt. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, August 26, 2023

August 26

4:00 Doing this was not as fun as i thought it was going to be... One thing is sure. They don't make them like this anymore...

10:40 Coming back from the dead...

11:30 Patru salvatori, patru victime, patru intubați, patru autospeciale.

1:13 Daikoku is the Japanese counterpart of Hindu goddess Kali.


Shinto - World History Encyclopedia

"The main beliefs of Shinto are the importance of purity, harmony, respect for nature, family respect, and subordination of the individual before the group".

4:07 It still smells like asphalt in here. (My perspiration smells like asphalt). In fact, i just wiped the door outer upper frame with a wet paper towel that came black, after the tan SUV that was not seen here for months was idling with big low freq noise for half hour now, bringing the dust inside by the door. There is also wildfire smoke.

I went yesterday to give a blood sample for an A1C test, others. Metabolic and counts were all normal, A1C is not on my chart yet. Took a shower right before, however the fine invisible asphalt dust, bacteria from two mats again rejected by the garbage company and sitting there next to the bin, wet from the rare rain two days ago, many other items, penetrated under my skin through that tiny but deep needle wound and finally driving two hours with AC on yesterday did it.

Got again an infection under skin or fascia, very similar to the one i had when i went to the ER, but invisible with no open wound, that spread in other areas like shoulder, wrist etc.. Hot flashes, shivers and much perspiration and some pain that goes all the way to the bone. Also slept only 4 hours last night, probably because of noise upstairs that woke me up etc..

6:26 I used to hate Doja Cat but since i saw last time the video in the second link today this song keeps playing in my head.

11:00 After i used patches with vast amounts of anitbiotics (4x500 mg at a time) i'm over with the infection. I also took half Zyrtec, used some nasal decongestant, slept 9 hours straight, now it's 11 PM.

11:45 Da bine dar îl curățau cu lapte în el? Cum a ajuns totuși vestea tragică la oamenii din zonă?

Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16

3:06 Nighttime paving on Hwy 18 at 99 Jct after McMinville. UFO gay city USA. But let's not forget. I was hesitating to write anything about for several reasons. It will dilute what i wrote recently. I don't know exactly why and what really happened. Spent most day trying to figure who Remy Drabkin really is but i failed. However i figured Drabkin is a Russian name but also reminds of course of Dracula.

5:22 Slept only 4 hours last night. Tried all afternoon to sleep but i can't. I know it usually happens when people throw things on the red mulch. Some kind of invisible pungent mold grows under. I saw last night when i came or yesterday when i left a car's wheel next to the stairs wheel wall. I initially wanted to take it next to the garbage bin but first i tried to look to see if it belongs to any car in the lot. I saw it belonged to the car next to it and when i looked the other side, i saw a spare, now flat and another flat one.

I remember i saw and heard him about 2 weeks ago talking literally over my head with a supposed work colleague  from the other building in the same direction where i was saying "When are we get payed?".

Then i went to take the garbage thinking that could have been the problem however the problem lays in the bin. The bin stinks really badly and there's no wind. Somebody threw some pieces of what it looked like coming from a couch.

However they messed with my car yesterday. I drove for 1200 miles and the voltage did not change at the digital voltmeter from the 12 volts adapter.

Here i have to repeat what i wrote before. Most people including myself until recently think they might have "smart charging systems" on the newer vehicle. Which means if they stick a digital voltmeter in the plug which is connected actually to the wires that lead to the battery or measure the voltage at the battery (on the wires) it should be anywhere between 12.7 "when the alternator is not charging" and 15 volts when it does. Or at least me i get these readings, on both Elantras i owned or own.

But if i go ahead and fiddle with the connectors (clean with alcohol, tight them to the specs) the situation changes. The voltage stays constant or better said it varies only with outside temperature. At 75 degrees outside the voltage is 14.4. At 60 is 14.5. At 50 is 14.6. Above 85 is 14.3. I believe the variations are due to change in temperature but hard to say of which component. Could be battery. Could be alternator or even the cable.

The reason for the alternator (not so smart) intermittent charging process are the badly designed contacts (not enough contact pressure, contaminants). When the voltage difference between the wires and the terminal gets high enough the contact resistance is broken and the battery starts charging, When it's not charging, the pulsating 15 volts from the alternator goes to all the systems in the car and especially the fuel pump is malfunctioning (pulsating pressure i guess) but also the EPS (Electric Power Steering system). When there are good contacts, the pulses get smoothened by the battery that acts as a capacitor.

So i had the above temperature dependent readings for the whole 1200 miles trip. But after i got home, or better said the next day, i started to get anything between 12 and 15. So while driving towards what i thought was going to be the Ocean, i stopped three times. The voltage got back to normal only after i wiped with alcohol wipes all connecting metal surfaces and the plastic parts around the alternator connector. It was like it was contaminated with something invisible that was trickling back from plastic parts to metal joining parts as soon as i was wiping only those.

After first night on the road at Comfort Inn in Yreka, or Tuesday night, i woke early (freeway noise) and went to check the manifold bolt. (I got a bolt on the manifold which sticks outside the heat shield that likes to get loose). So i torqued it by ear with a 6 inch ratchet at about 20. Then i went back in the room. At nine when i left i had a hunch and dried it one more time and it was loose again. One our later we went to check the small casino (i believe Red Rock) and drove a couple of miles there and when we left i tried again and the bolt was loose again but i believe i torqued it less cause i don't know what happened.

We went to another one (yes we tried to tour the casinos along the way), called... Rolling Hills and checked it again and it was a bit loose because i did not tightened it enough at Rain Rock. Then it stayed like that for the rest of the trip. I guess cause i was just following some scratches i done with a file on the nut. However, i realized later the rotation of that scratch was too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Last night in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain i finally took the small torque wrench (got two, one big and one small, it's another story) and torqued the nut at 20+ but less than 25. When i got home last night i finally read in the service manual. The torque there should be between 25 and 30 lbft but i'm afraid to go there with the 8 mm studs, sorry. So i left it just under 25.

Unlike any other time, there was a security van moving around, and i was getting very nervous because they once told me not to work on car in the parking lot, in similar circumstances, that is like tightening a nut or something. Just when i was about done she came and in the dark thought i recognized her from somewhere. Could be the last match. She asked if i needed help.

Soon after that i got what people call an anxiety attack. Since i've been so many times through those (not in recent years) i now have an idea what they really are. It starts with breathing on the nose that is partly congested and in the same time your heart being stimulated, mostly with substances like coffee, alcohol, T gondii, etc. It may take hours to fully develop. You breathe harder through the congested nose without realizing.

Yesterday was topped by driving through fresh asphalt smell, others. Though i used a decongestant in the morning.

There is a partial vacuum in the chest because of obstructed nose and your diaphragm muscle is raised. Retained intestinal gas pushes it upwards from the other side. Heart doesn't have enough room to get filled by the low pressure of venous blood. The lack of oxygen also gives you a high and you don't realize what's happening. It's the perfect storm.

Your heart does not get enough oxygen but works harder because lungs do not get filled enough. In the end it's the lack of enough oxygen in the heart muscle that triggers the sensation. Or the fact the heart does not get filled enough. Nothing related to a mental condition except the highs before that could have been signs and avoided.

Yes it was done on purpose. Because i dared to post this. And this. They might pretend they are magically gassing you but they are not really.

However the result is very similar. After you finally realize what's happening and finally open your mouth, you need to hyperventilate sometimes for hours for your heart to get really oxygenated to the point you are not aware or do not have shortness of breath anymore.  Which is the sensation of not having enough air that may last for hours.

If it's torture. They only provide the extra conditions. Most people would be okay if they get through a cloud of asphalt smell. However if you are in a certain high condition and already breathing harder on your nose, it will push you beyond limit. I think they call it "breaking". However i the end it's not real but simulated (except for my symptoms which are real). The ninja try to simulate what right extremists would do, to entrain more of those.

Rage can create that condition. Your nose mucous gets inflamed and swollen. Breathing harder gets you a high and an unprecedented alertness. Your body goes on adrenaline mode with less oxygen to the muscles which go in anaerobic metabolism for faster response but it should not last long (until your rage passes) and you start breathing normally. It is an emergency physiological mechanism that need to stop in time and should not be abused. If they knew. Yes they did, they created the problems with the car and made me fix it on the side of the road with much traffic and then the unscheduled, unannounced paving.

Black asphalt is another symbolism. I know i wrote about this several times before but it takes me less time to write it again than search, evaluate and link to. I will try to write a named post about buck breaking.

Soon after i got stopped behind other vehicles in a line on top of the fresh asphalt and waiting there not knowing what happened, for half hour. No car was going in neither direction. I remember when we got back i saw a panel saying "paving work". And then a "pilot vehicle" guided the few cars. But not when i went when i saw people turning around and taking voluntary detours. I remember how many times they were detours on 18 always in that area but it was always signaled or announced.

This time i tried to figure using the gps map and got back to McMinville, took a left and another one and driving parallel with 18 where i saw cars were finally moving got back in the street on the point where there was a flagger that stopped us. A Japanese guy trying to look Latino looking at us with disgust.

We waited for 10 minutes for all the cars in the line we've been into and more to pass and then we went after those. I don't know exactly how may miles they paved and when they started. Still trying to figure that out but could not find anything with google.

8:03 The car alternator terminal was contaminated again. At the liquor store one very old man looking terminally ill went in the store and came back and insisted if i wanted some help with the car while i was trying to deal with the connectors. I tightened the alternator connector but it again needs alcohol. But i won't fix until i leave cause until tomorrow it will get loose again. I think i will carry from now on a small bottle with alcohol in the car.

9:06 Lăsați vrăjeala cu chatboții. M-am urcat în mașină și am mers până la liquor store (în statele vecine tăria se vinde la supermarket, asta e numai în Oregon). Când am oprit la semafor la prima intersecție (cu exit-ul de pe I5) a apărut un TIR (semi) cu reclamă la cartofi prăjți (potato chips) văluriți (wavy), culoarea exact ca în link, mare cât toată remorca și mi-a defilat prin față, sub camerele video de pe stâlpi. Asta pentru că am scris despre curentul pulsatoriu nefiltrat care iese din alternator din cauza contactelor slabe de la baterie și afectează pompa de benzină deci consumul.

O problemă cronică chiar și la mașini noi fiindcă acel contact de la alternator se contaminează cu vapori de ulei cu praf foarte fin, invizibil de la mașinile din față.

Budiștii din Japonia și dominicanii (domonkos) din Ungaria (controlați tot de budiști) care s-au unit și vor să încălzească planeta din motive religioase nu au nici un interes în a reduce consumul de carburanți, dimpotrivă. Ei folosesc deci această metodă de combatere prin suprapunerea informațiilor.

Apropo de dominicani, după ce m-am plâns că Reno a fost inundat cu metamfetamină, când m-am dat jos din mașină la liquor store mirosea la fel ca în parcare când am plecat de acasă, adică kk de câine care a stat vreo zi două la soare. Deci toată zona e la fel. Nașpa că mă ține treaz, nu pot dormi, am intrat într-o fază din alea de insomnie care m-au condus în trecut la spitalul de nebuni.

Încă zece sau o sută de faze la fel până la liquor store și înapoi pe care nici nu am timp să le memorez din moment ce totuși trebuie să fiu atent fiindcă eu conduc pe bune în timp ce alte mașini sunt conduse de IA. Culmea, ei pretind invers ca să justifice faptul că nu m avut niciodată accident din vina mea în 28 de ani, în afară de 2 în parcare când am atins stâlpi, unul când am dat înapoi și o tipă care venea cu viteză (și lucra în asigurări) mi-a luat spatele. Cel puțin în Oregon, tot ce mișcă, persoane, mașini sunt coordonate de inteligența artificială, de zeci de ani, dar totul devine din ce în ce mai sofisticat.

Bineînțeles asta înseamnă înlocuirea tuturor locuitorilor cu actorii și figuranții (extra) lor. Sute de mii în total (informație luată de la cineva din România).

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How Black Magic Works

Was i praying when i was driving back home? I know i kept repeating in my mind. Please let me be in a good enough shape to write what i have in mind.

Spiritual. What is spiritual. What is based on mind only. What is based on spirits. What are spirits. Entities that inhabit all space around us. I will go by the oldest definition, that of Australian aboriginal. Don't know if other prehistoric people had the same beliefs, but these are well documented, through oral tradition that continued to our days.

And let's mention here. They have direct descendants in our world. A living connection with our distant past. The Noongars of Australia may be today's Hungarians. A direct, last migration from there that took several generation to complete. Attila is the name in aboriginal of the most known Australian landscape. A mountain that is horseshoe shaped. Or has a rainbow snake shape.

As i said, their prehistoric culture is rich and documented. Of their many deities we could mention wandjinas, with their Egyptian correspondent, Wadjet or Arabic (al)djin. All the way to English genie.

But tonight i am interested in the sort of spirits i always believed played a key role in their culture. The name means nothing to me right now. But could it represent the (eukaryotic) cell, from which all life on Earth was created, including single cell organisms (prokaryotic) like bacteria? Could they have handled such concepts?

I know some of the greatest scientists that ever lived on Earth are/were Hungarian, and all the others - disguised Hungarians.

I wrote yesterday about a possible symbiosis between humans and some of the deadliest bacteria that live on Earth similar to the symbiosis with the thousands of species of bacteria in our gut. In fact, it seems impossible to me that humans are completely free of those, since they are omnipresent, though much less than others (that make the bulk in our gut).

Clostridium are anaerobic and spores can survive in soil or human intestine and some are present in rust. I am positive our immune system is trained to deal with those in early infancy. I know raw honey contains clostridium and it may be sickening to young children. Of which tetanus and botulinum are the deadliest.

Ok so i am going to try to shorten it somehow for tonight. Black magic may be tricking our subconscious which may have some control over the immune system to believe the paralysis or stiffening of our body is actually done by our own neurotransmitters, in a state of pleasure or anticipating pleasure.

I am positive fresh asphalt, which is black, but also black clothes may contain some of the deadliest forms since they provide shelter from light and air that may destroy those. So providing some in the environment that otherwise are quite harmless and then creating in subconscious a false association with feeling good and/or anticipating and the color black.

This way, in the presence of color black (which in environment may be represented by objects loaded with clostridium and you breath the stuff emanating from fresh asphalt), your subconscious may allow those to multiply. You will probably not die but your brain will be numb enough for you to turn into a zombie (without knowing of course).

Another source which may provide deadly bacteria more than our (trained) immune system can handle may be a slow healing wound.

The situation may be worsening with intellectual effort and/or depression, with our body allowing more to multiply. Alcohol withdrawal - hangover. Opiate withdrawal - cramps, etc..

And yes i believe it's ancient science and some on Earth are using black magic without even really knowing (anymore) the mechanisms, but with incredible results and and an adjuvant in controlling the whole world, together with all sort of ancient tricks and deceptions - magic, sorcery, witchcraft.

Do you believe we really deserve and/or need all these to be constantly applied on us or we should get rid of them for (our) good?

Monday, August 23, 2021

August 23

12:45 He came from behind and stopped and let headlights on high beam possibly other more lights on. I spoke with him in the spot of those lights. He didn't have a mask and asked me to remove mine. I had one because i was afraid i was smelling though i didn't drink for 5 hours before. Then he "piloted" me on a dark street with no much light. I spent the rest of the time worrying about towing, insurance. I was pretty shook up after what happened including for the next 24 hours. Then i started to worry about other things. But i'm sure he was at least one inch short of 6 ft.

8:08 Place filled with smoke that could be raw tobacco or something else, not sure where it's coming from, really annoying.

1:44 Woke up around noon after a few more hours of sleep. When i woke up Progressive called. Monica confirmed i was insured, my deductible is 300 for hit and run, and asked me if i wanted the car fixed or money for repair and i said i wanted it fixed. Though the noise is still there, that car is way too important because of the mileage. I drove it 65k with almost half the price for gas i would have with a different car. However i remember the Nissan when it was new (to me) was doing a similar mileage. She said i will be contacted by a local agent with options within 24 hours. I sent her the pictures with the damaged car and the paper the Police officer gave me.
While rested, i felt very nauseated, my mouth was smelling like a garbage bin in the summer and tried to go for a walk. That didn't work and came back and took some charcoal caps. I noticed food wraps in the grass most likely from the kids that were playing yesterday, from the direction of the wind at that hour. Earlier i saw a beer or soda can in the chips from the opposite direction or where the wind was blowing from at that hour but that has been removed. Next to the garbage bin i saw a piece of ground beef and two pieces of cheese next to a doggy bag.

I went for a walk, many fat and thin women, all from the same australian species, with extra long legs patrolling, looking concerned. A very fat guy with a very large black and long beard in an Oregon State Police car, double parked at the end of the near empty section of the lot. An Airgas van parked in the middle on several spots. They finished Borland street, poured new asphalt, it smells like it. I came back, only half as nauseated as when i left.

I noticed, over time that they throw in the grass or next to bin foods or wraps from foods i just ate. That ensures breeding the exact type of bacteria and/or mold that would made me sick when the wind blows from that direction. I think it's again one of their alchemic principles, fire with fire.

These foods could have come from the fridge and still good within an hour or so but just the juices that fall on asphalt in the sun next to that garbage been and dog bag are enough.
2:16 The guy upstairs just made a noise, his car is in the lot, he could have change jobs or schedule again.

From the site They are not searching yet witnesses for my high speed hit and run crash though i told the officer it looked intentional to me. When i'm done with the insurance, i will try to get a copy of his report and maybe a picture cause i could not clearly see his face during the whole episode.

2:47 Guy upstairs got an auspicious moment and started his march to victory. I just went outside and picked some of the mess next to the bin. Butter, cheese (i ate this morning), ground beef, dog poo. There are more items like dog poos and cans between the fence and bin i cannot pick without a tool.

5:01 Angela is just outside trying to fix the plant with aphids, for a week now, every day, got three flowers, i am doing a search, and the man upstairs is retaliating, like he did in the last few weeks, this time by stumping at the end of the living, with smell of cat litter dust being released. This could not have been the old dust since the ladies of December. This should have been brought here fresh by him or his elves.

Earlier. Went to pick Angela from work, she had a scheduled stop at Fred Meyer (Kroger, whatever). On the road at an intersection i saw Kurt Cobain in a Porsche or a guy made to look like him (his actor is dead in Hungary, got a statue there). More German scenes, at the entrance a Heidi with unbreaded pony tails and a huge flying butt on top of pillar like legs, moving, from time to time her head nervously, only to show she was a gypsy from Hungary, a long line for backscenes at the entrance, all the scenes were in the store, i lost Angela and then i realized i forgot my phone. On my way back to the truck i grabbed a 2 liter pop of diet no caffeine Cola, this was my chance, and at the entrance two gigantic cops with an SUV (they got a designated parking spot, but they pulled at the entrance, for dramatism) one of them staring at me with disbelief (my luck, he meant by looking at me).  Don't know what for, haven't done nothing but stumbling on the actors at every corner, and in the store where only them, the actors. But as long as is 23 and there's still a chance... Is Terry Yaki Japanese or Chinese?
5:57 Smoke.

6:10 Heavy smoke, could be cocaine. Loud TV.

7:05 Acum vreo jumătate de oră o oră am ațipit pe scaun la calc., Angela dormea cu geamul deschis, s-a dus și a trântit geamul. Nerd-ul acela (cred că e un actor dintr-un film cu nerdz, poate Big Band), și-a scos iar vocea pițigăiată la balcon, la parter în clădirea vecină, pretinzând că vorbește la telefon, spune tare unul după altul cuvinte fără sens, cu accente pe nervii mei, iar când începe îl ține ore în șir. Am luat telefonul gândindu-mă doar să-l înregistrez mai de aproape, am deschis ușa și am scos capul și m-am uitat după colț iar în balcon în spatele lui care ședea, în blugi plini de slănină prelungă durdulie și cu păr galben despletit, cine era pe post de soție și înger păzitor, alta decât Șoșoaca însăși, scroafa zburătoare transatlantică? Când m-am uitat, ea s-a mișcat nervos, nu-mi venea să cred, m-am mai uitat odată, iar și-a încordat mușchii slănina (am mai văzut-o odată acu vreo 2 luni, tot acolo). Încă e 23, a venit, poate mă enervam (ninja de sus mi-a dat mai devreme iar cu praf din ăla împuțit și iritant și cu gărgăuni de pisică) și scoteau ceva din toată faza, mâine pielea mea nu va mai valora nici jumătate din cât face azi, iar peste 2 zile ajunge iar la mai nimic.

9:00 János Áder a uitat când o făcea pe agentul la Poliția din Lake Oswego? Într-o zi prin 2013 cred am lucrat la mașină și am inhalat atât de mult fum pe-afară încât pur și simplu nu mai știam ce-i cu mine. Mergeam peste viteza limită, depășeam aiurea. A doua zi când conduceam normal sergentul Sparkle pe care-l cunoșteam fiindcă am chemat odată poliția la o fază, nu-mi mai amintesc, tot așa, era fum, el tot așa, cu mustață, mai tânăr, bărbat bine, m-a urmărit, fără flash sau sirenă, eu nu am știut, am intrat la stația de benzină, a venit în locul tipului de la stație și mi-a dat chitanța după care m-a scos din mașină, mi-a dat un test de sobrietate cum se spune în engleză și printre altele mi-a băgat bastonul între picioare, în timp ce avioane mari de linie treceau pe deasupra. Într-un sfârșit a venit o tipă în aceeași uniformă, probabil polițistă pe bune la care tipul m-a lăsat în pace și a plecat. Probabil există încă video, asta a și dorit, faza s-a întâmplat la stația Chevron din Lake Oswego de pe Boones Ferry lângă I5.

Cât despre Trianon, psihologie inversă, ungurii ori vor stăpâni lumea în continuare, inclusiv România, în parteneriat cu japonezii, ori, dacă pierd controlul, vor dispărea iar numai atunci românii vor scăpa din gheara lor, fiindcă aceasta este calea pe care au ales-o, scopul pentru care au venit în Europa, cu ultimul val, maghiarii (magarii) budiști, acum 1000 de ani.

De fapt, dacă stau și mă gândesc bine, Trianon a fost motivația cu care elitele, sau cei ce le controlează care nu pot fi decât ninja din Japonia, i-a făcut pe fraieri, care au fost pregătiți cam de la înființarea academiei aceleia de actori să se bage în identități false în toată lumea, pentru a se răzbuna. Reculer pour mieux sauter. Însă mulți, mai ales cei de etnie română, evreiască sau țigănească au fost șantajați.

11:39 Apropo, ori de câte ori vedeam chestiile alea de paradă bineînțeles anti-gay din Ungaria mă gândeam la pozele astea pe care nu-mi mai aminteam unde erau. Căutând altceva, am dat de ele în sfârșit. La noi, chiar la alții încă nu am văzut așa ceva.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

September 2

12:09 When will they ever learn?

12:15 Din păcate, oboseală și lipsă de timp m-am oprit cu postarea mea despre Scientologie la vremea liceului. Nu, nu cred că s-a întâmplat, la fel ca nici unul din acest tip de incidente de când le știu, totul e media, totul e fake, totul e neștiri și contra știri.

12:23 A, ok. Să-l demită, dar să fie constituțional. Constituția, singura lege pe care am votat-o toți. Sau mă rog, majoritatea, așa cum era pe vremea aceea, căci pe vremea asta, a ajuns la 12,5%, conform noii legi a referendumului a lui Băsescu.

7:35 Și azi când mă uit la textul acestei legi rămân blocat. O exprimare ciudată pentru o lege a referendumului. "Opțiunile valabil exprimate" înseamnă voturi, nu? Deci dacă votează 25% din alegători? Asta înseamnă o majoritate de 12,5%?

„(3) Rezultatul referendumului este validat dacă opţiunile valabil exprimate reprezintă cel puţin 25% din cei înscrişi pe listele electorale permanente”.

7:41 I just wrote about historical ninja employing children at least in some occasions, that is to fly kites that by their color could send codes at a distance, in plane sight. (What we know about this guys is just the peak of the tip of the iceberg). Today Microsoft gives us this bizarre no-news.

A 500 kg kite made of bamboo could certainly carry a 50 kg ninja over a besieged castle.

8:02 5 minutes workout from your chair? Why not 30 minutes in bed?

8:36 The continuum. Guy upstairs is here today to stay the TV is on and thundering loud again and the floor is squeaking since before 7.

Edge of space opera continues with a story written "on the fly". Why this surfaced only today?

I just finished writing and he was gone, like he knew. Every day a different schedule?

8:52 Feher la nevoie scrie, subliminal.

9:16 Xenu lovește iar. Faza nașpa e că vin pe bandă rulantă, criza-n-temele astea. Estimp, după cum repet, bugetul dă în foc.

9:24 Moțiomania, salvează România?
5:32 History of the kite.

7:42 This is so weird! Could they train one of these to set enemy's camp on fire?

Was wondering...

9:03 Ordered online, went to pick at Taco Bell, was worried i was 5 minute later, order wasn't ready anyways... The're not used to...

Earlier. 1:10 PM, was really sick. Went and found the remaining of the party of the screaming kids last night. Maybe... Grapes, crackers on a paper plate... Sweet ropes, melting in the sun. Unopened yogurt... All kinda wraps on the red chips. Further around the corner... A few pounds of small apples, like fallen from a tree, some crushed, dried, crushed and dried mandarin oranges. All rotting on the redwood chips for days... Redwood dust somehow blown from its place onto the asphalt, where the cars run... Picked them all, swept the asphalt. Tonight i slept a while, woke up tried and sick again. Went and found half more pound of sweet ropes next to the next building, again on the chips. Sweet rope, i didn't know the name until i googled "soft twisted candy". Could it be a threat?

9:16 Never thought about writing about the threatening youtube commercials. Just restored truck's mileage to better than new by changing gas filter, then adding some Gumout additive in the tank (25 now vs 23 new, expecting even better after running a tank with additive). Yesterday when i refilled at the Shell up the street (Nyberg exit) there was this "black" guy (probably a disguised Japanese) who made compliments to my truck, and i saw him today in the complex on bicycle, he looks a bit like the guy upstairs. Now i see this commercial for some toothpaste, about "restored gums". Could they possibly add some mud in my tank? Maybe at the gas station? I've seen worse.

How many times i have to repeat. I even made a complaint to SEC's whistle blower's page (however, you have to constantly look, they won't send you an email if there is a reward, and i didn't, don't have enough time) about google abusing the videos that are uploaded mostly illegally by adding commercials, some targeted and some, like in this case, even threatening. BTW, kitchen window was open, dust came in, this time no wind no nothing, i hosed the building yesterday, could it be from upstairs.

11:09 It was quiet tonight. Almost recovered from the hangover cause by drinking last night and much amplified by all the food stuff left intentionally "by the kids" on the chips outside. They left me alone because of hangover, then i remembered about the gas station episode yesterday, that black guy looked and acted weird, but when i thought they might have given me bad gas i got really mad, and though it seemed absurd at first, even to me, i start searching in the list with Japanese actors, eyes hurting because of dust, which fortunately went exactly till 1950. Don't know why, at first pass i can't find much especially in situations like this, but at second, after i get familiar somehow with the faces, chances are i can find someone which i did. By the time i wrapping it up (croping and aligning) "he came back upstairs" and started working the floor, however was too late, i was almost done.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 16

12:00 Mai vreți să vedeți cum arată un dac, o dacă (aici, capturați)? Dacii suntem... noi! 

11:40 Dacian shields. Nobody in Europe has better proof of their noble origin yet we were always kept aside. Schengen treaty was included in European treaty since 2000 or way before Romania became part of it yet they pretend they still have to vote and Austria which probably thinks has claims on some of our territories like Bucovina where i'm from opposes her veto in an unnecessary invented vote.

The claims may be also based on the name of our president, Klaus Werner Iohannis, who comes from a city named in the past Hermannstadt. However the city name and its hypothetical German minority (they all have left for Germany because of communism hardship decades ago) comes from the German immigrants who came here from Germany proper by invitation from Hungary, trying to top the Romanian majority as seen in Unio Trium Nationum which BTW is described in totally biased manner in the Wikipedia page, don't even wanna read it it makes me sick.


12:11 Au ajuns că nu le mai pasă de nimic. Poate avea media acces la dosarele procuraturii și apoi să publice mărturii, părți din acele dosare? Adică, poți să spui că unul e cercetat, poți să-i faci o poză cu cătușele la mâini între jandarmi (poți?) pentru că îl poate vedea oricine în stradă (oare de ce?) dar să publici dosarul, nu cred. Și totuși nu am auzi niciodată pe nimeni din sistemul judiciar sau din publicul interesat să protesteze sau chiar să formuleze acuzații fiindcă mi se par fapte penale.

12:15 Tiktok, copiii. Nu-i pasă nimănui de datele confidențiale. Problema este nuditatea, lascivitatea, înjurături, invitații la prostituție, conținutul aproape porno al multor conturi. Eu am pus odată un link pe fb cu o tipă mai dezbrăcată deși nu prea, luată tot din media "legitimă" și mi-au blocat postarea. Pe tiktok se pare că merge orice.
Acum 20 de ani Eminem avea probleme pentru doar aluzii obscene, astăzi sunt cuvinte explicite unele repetate la infinit aproape în toate melodiile noi pentru tineri repetate de multe ori pe zi pe posturile de radio și nu-i mai pasă nimănui. Ce contează că auzi un bip de mascare de 100 de ori într-o melodie și știe oricine ce înseamnă.

7:48 E sărac și n-are maniere!

8:43 Figured last night. Hosier-Kushner (not so) refreshing baritone diversifying trend/experiment actually started much earlier...

(Curious about on thing. Could your electricity powered AI actually predict karma). Now it all went silent cause AI is rebooting. Again.

And BTW why the effort. There is no market today. Though i'm happy to see you again.

10:30 There is no way they didn't know about this when they chose the stage name for their crowned princess.

This morning instead of Autumn Moon they used something with hot pepper in it. Awoke with shortness of breath and pain all over my skin that woke me up after two and a half hours of sleep.

Are you all gonna sit and entertain yourself with these presented here on this weekend too?

1:40 Flooded with smoke, feeling much better. Familiar familiar familiar...

5:54 AI is rebooting again.  For a few hours now.

I wish i knew who the SOB with smoking asphalt came at that hour on a Saturday on Borland. That black stuff restarted an dormant infection and as a result i got progressing chills again and i'm back on antibiotics. Yes i pressed the button a bit too early being afraid i'm gonna loose it and the camera was too slow for a second shot.

Seconds after, the street was filled with smoke that lasted for minutes as i was walking in the direction seen in the picture. For the last month, every time i went in there they were guys mowing the grass on the right though in never seen them before.

Lately everywhere i go there is paving with asphalt going on. Towards Mt.Hood, near McMinnville, parking lot here, parking lot at Spirit Mountain, etc.. I think they are asking for the help from the goddess.

BTW when i came back i found a bag with a poop on top of the bushes under that apartment with the German shepard. I saw  them "accidentally dropping" stuff from that balcony before, including debussing of a plate once, cams from a broken sack, etc.. I saw it earlier but didn't pay attention because it was in a blue bag. But this one was stinking really bad in the bag with a loose knot under hot sun rays. 

7:26 Cancel_arul. Not the right time. Cred că Bucovina este motivul pentru care Austria, o țară care nu este membru NATO, îl susține deschis pe Putin. Deja vu.

9:43 I had this wild idea about an age range and did a search and i found a woman who resembles the current (a double of the) woman upstairs (based on a few seconds clear view from 30 ft away). Bucovina used to be under Austrian rule between...

10:18 Întrebare. A apărut Gheboasa vreodată într-un video porno pe site-urile principale, într-o pădure, cu tipă tânără cu ochi albaștri care părea drogată, cu încă doi tipi? (video care a dispărut fiindcă tipa are acum alt nume și alte roluri).

11:20 Ok m-am prins la niște faze dramatice. Povestea lui Salmoxis așa cum am spus-o este abia la început. Aștept reacții sau poate mă enervez dacă mai scârțâie sus mult și scriu acum. Sau poate asta urmăresc. Îmi dau fum și scârț ca să-mi scurtcircuiteze neuronii ca să meargă pe repede înainte și să vin cu idei trăsnite ca oracolul din Delphi.

Ok nu se poate opri. Prima fază.

(Ok se pare că a executat un dans și a spus o mantra prin care m-a făcut să uit ce vroiam să scriu. A ok gata mi-am amintit. (Not so) nice try).

De fapt asta scrie chiar în Wikipedia. Maestrul zidar era un fost solomonar care a ales să se întoarcă între oameni pe care îi ajuta împotriva solomonarilor. Solomon a construit primul templu care a fost prototipul templelor masonice de mai târziu și l-a înviat pe Hiram Abiff, arhitectul templului și fiul văduvei care a fost lovit în cap de trei rufieni.

Nu am înțeles niciodată din Biblie de unde și-a adunat Solomon bogăția cu care a construit Primul Templu acolo în Canaan unde curge doar lapte și miere dar în Biblie bogăția (și înțelepciunea) lui sunt legendare.

Întrebare. Să fie Solomon același tip cu Salmoxis care mai întâi s-a dus la Pitaguru, a învățat carte după care a venit și i-a vrăjit pe geți pentru a lua aur de la ei în schimbul iluziei nemuririi? (Prima țeapă luată de geți din istoria cunoscută). (Depozitele de aur din România sunt și au fost cele mai mari din lume, probabil fiindcă aici a căzut acum aproximativ 70 milioane de ani un asteroid metalic).

Da știu nu se potrivește cronologia însă datarea vieții lui Solomon este ipotetică în timp ce de Pitagora știm exact când a trăit. Circa. Dacă nu cumva toate sunt niște povești iar când sună clopoțelul știm că Ram_ses trebuia să fi murit.

Mai e o chestie. Pitagora a descoperit teorema cu același nume, iar în teoremă e vorba de un triunghi dreptunghic cu trei pătrate (squares) ce poate avea legătură cu semnele masonice suprapuse (compasul și echerul).

Deși compasul și echerul îl întâlnim și în mitologia chineză, Fuxi și Nuwa, cei doi șerpi frate și soră care după potop au reconstruit lumea cu un compas și un echer iar numele Nuwa pare să semene cu Noe. Dar și Noe a construit o arcă, acolo. Capisci?

1:00 Eu am (încă) o chestie. Ceva o permeabilitate în cerul gurii, poate de la vorbit prea mult la telefon (wireless, celular) sau mă roade placa dentară mai ales dacă mănânc alimente mai tari (nuci, alune, carne sau pizza arsă LOL) sau o combinație.

Dacă pun ceva dulce în gură mai ales seara după tot efortul masticator din cursul zilei dimineața mă doare capul. Dacă sunt într-o perioadă în care iau antibiotice faza nu se întâmplă.

Pot fi însă și alte infecții cronice nediagnosticate în zona capului, ca de exemplu urechi, gât, sinuzită cronică etc. sau un "tratament pe canal" la un dinte care de fapt înseamnă un os mort înfipt în mandibulă/maxilar. Încercați cu antibiotice de curiozitate. Tetraciclina, doxiciclina și tot neamul lor sunt nașpa pentru inimă totuși.

Monday, September 26, 2022

September 26

12:52 There was a guy next to the soda machine at Ilani who looked like him. But is this possible, he is in prison! Got to search for him, starting from here. But i'm too tired now and my eyes are irritated by something. Tomorrow. Him?

8:29 Got awakened at 7 with violently loud TV. Fell back asleep, slept intermittently, TV stopped after about half hour, got squeaked until 8. Smelling bad in  here, refreshed the chlorine under sink. Just realized. I'm 99% sure the whole floor that is made of fiberboard with animal glue in here. And it's bulged in places which means wet from the vapor of driers with exhausts leaking in the basement. I'm also pretty sure about 10 years ago i found references on the web to it, now they're gone. Summarizing. Protein (collagen) eating bacteria breeding ground animal glue fiberboard in the floor. Gypsum walls that out-gas SO2. Nasty mineral insulation in the walls and attic. Asbestos in  the popcorn ceiling. Asphalt in the roof. That got to count for something. I'm also pretty sure they knew what they were doing when they designed all these during a time when Americans went to the Moon.  For comparison, most European homes are made of concrete with variations like much marble in Italy by example. These are the real mass murderers, the executioners of American people.

10:29 Almost got in a few accidents until i got at Kaady Carwash, including one red Nissan that pulled from the spot right in front of me on the alley. Taking advantage of my dirty windshield, they tried. Incredibly how different are rules of traffic here in the complex. Once you enter that alley, nothing applies anymore, it's like in a different country. In there, a ballet dancer (literally) was moving graciously among vehicles, but when i got to pay a fat woman came from the boot and asked me for 15 dollars, without giving me the option. Mad, i forgot to put the wallet back in my pocket. More encounters on the freeway, passed by a huge speeding garbage truck. At WinCo, i returned the coffee, the manager was  there. Can't remember the name, i once or twice found her by chance on a Hungarian site, could be Klara or something similar, not on my lists, the manager was there at service desk. Went to grab another one, the WinCo brand decaf was missing, Nestle is 10 bucks, but when i looked in my pocket i realized i had no wallet. Ran back to the service desk, they said i never pulled one there, went at the truck and  there it was. Sitting on the ground next to truck. The wallet is so worn out can barely distinguish it from the asphalt. Due to effect of bullying at Kaady and mesmerized by the dance, i forgot to put the wallet back in my pocket and it fell to the ground when i got out of the truck (can't explain it otherwise).

At Walmart. Grabbed the last one on the shelf. Their own brand decaf, 4 dollars something. I tastes the same as Nestle or any brand. That's why it's going so fast. But it made me nervous since it was the last one. (What if it's the same?). Went to the batteries to look for a cheap one to try my experiment to solder a bolt to terminals before i buy a more expensive one that fits my car. A tall good looking guy was cornering me there, for cameras.

At sodas, a little scene. A short, needy woman yelled asking for help to grab a soda from upper shelf. I was hesitating since her and her cart was right under. At cookies there was a woman, stocking. I risked a question. What do you got for sugar free cookies i asked. Free? She replied.

Another woman next to me who was ready, jumped, showing happiness to help on her face, much satisfaction after. At the stands, like last time, had to do the card ten times until accepted. Only happens at Walmart. On the road, had to avoid a cistern at the shortest ramp in the world. Then i drove next to a truck with the logo Sore-ensen, Los Angeles-Seattle "Your shipment is our most important shipment".

Dozens of other scenes i can't remember. Ok, last one. They cracked open a wall visible from the road starting a building at that end while never finishing at this one . Not at my window or the windows across the alley. But here at the bottom of du cool du sac, nobody can see.

Conclusion. On the set, everybody is working overtime.

10:43 A couple of hours ago i said that American houses kill their occupants. Other similar cancel_ations.

12:01 Astounded probably like everybody by the weather. It's late September, feels like early August. Of course i would love some rain, something with wind if possible, to clean the dust left on the buildings. Until then, i started to ask myself if the predictions from Buddha's sermon are not happening already and that could only be marked be the apparition of a second Sun (in the sermon they are a total of seven). So again asked myself what could that be? Well, there is a country in the world that has a sun on its flag.

And the mind went to the emperor god, descendant of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Always intrigued by the suffix hito in the names of the last three emperors. So i went to google translate to see what's the deal and i got even more intrigued by the fact it means... man! Could this be a consequence of a secret agreement around the humanity declaration at the end of WWII of emperor Shōwa? No, cause the other (personal) name of emperor Shōwa was Hirohito which already contained the suffix. But what hiro (pronounced like hero) means in Japanese? I had to ask google directly cause google translate doesn't know.

Apparently nothing with the first hito. However the second has something in it. Aki means bright. While naru... So in the end we got. Hirohito. Akihito. Naruhito. Abundant. Bright, radiant. To develop, developing.

4:23 Never seen anything quite like it. A fog bank in the ocean for all of the West Coast with clear skies above land. What happened to the jet stream? Never-mind, it didn't disappear, just moved way up north. In fact i have never seen a nicer, one piece, meandering like in the definition, jet stream.

9:38 m1 * v1 = m2 * v2

It is true that if you give an asteroid heading for Earth a tiny speed component perpendicular on its direction when far enough you could change that direction enough to prevent it from hitting Earth or coming close enough to be captured on a descending spiral orbit.

But they needed something they can say it can be measured from Earth and in the news they are talking about changing the rotation speed by 200 seconds over 12 hours which would be measurable from Earth (not by amateurs astronomers who i bet didn't measure the rotation time before the impact). Reading further on the ESA site i got confused enough to stop my investigation and won't go and calculate v2 in the formula above. They are saying the rotational (tangential) speed of the smaller asteroid around the bigger one is 17 cm/s, though the distance is about 1.2 km and rotation occurs in 12 hours. Total orbit length in meters would be 1200 * 2*Pi and the time in seconds 12*3600 and the resulting speed would be 3.14*2*1200/12/3600 or 0.177 m/s or 177 cm/s. One order of magnitude off.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Cop of Covfefe For Your Hate

These guys are writers, psychologists, graduates of theater institutes or simply ninja. The're not out there to play with words but weave with symbols. One keyword that was said two years ago resonates with another one that is just been repeated thousands of times in a song. In fact, most of the languages, phrases or stereotypes we use are stuffed with symbols with hidden links between them (better said, unmentioned in the user's manual which is also missing).

24 hours ago i wrote about Kofun in a fb post. I'm gonna try to paste it here and make a new sense of it (yes, it's better on the blog).

Don't know if the English word coffin that traces its origins all the way to Ancient Greek and probably beyond (need to check in Sanskrit [checked in Sanskrit and cannot be found]) has anything to do with this keyhole monument which name in Japanese is named Kofun or with the name of Khufu, the Asian looking pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid. But i know i saw on black t-shirts a strange sign, looking both like a keyhole and a scull, made of a circle and a rectangle with thin vertical lines on the rectangle part probably symbolizing teeth, sometimes associated with the words North Face. It is the impression that gave me the female with partially black teeth this morning at the car wash.

Also don't know if this is a (black) magic ritual of some kind. Exactly during the Republican Convention they repaved with fresh asphalt on the street (on the 65th portions of Nyberg) though they did it this spring. And since that was not enough today when i got home i drove behind a cistern with really weird smelling asphalt or something that took a left at the plaza with Best Buy store. [later i realized the street parking lot belonging to Meridian offices was also partially repaved since i've been there last time] »

There was a picture and the link to Wikipedia article too.

Here are three of some of my recent posts on similarities. Didn't think at the time it was necessary to mention. All four persons in these six picturees are actually only one, and that is the last one, a female citizen of Japan named Utada Hikaru.

Can you accuse someone of embedding all this weirdness in a song about a young couple of which the male is dying.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dust In The Wind

I did it once, let me see if i can do it again. But now, i'm no mood to make calculations.

Aproximately, how much weight brake rotors loose by wearing off? A quarter of a pound every 50 thousand miles would be fair? An average car front rotor is 10 pounds. 5 percent? Seems too much. Let's say 2.5%, a quart of pound of metal. Seems about right. It matches what i remember since i made the calculations.

I've been working at Les Schwab and resurfaced brake rotors. You can do that 2-3 times for a rotor and the rotor loses like 10% of the thikness in it's life time. But the rotor, besides disk, it has a bigger piece of metal in the middle that does not wear out.

Conservatively, i'd say a brake rotor looses in 50 thousands miles a quarter pound of metal just for braking. About the same for the pads. By 4 that is a pound of dust, plus ceramic and other stuff, including asbestos for older cars and some after market pads. So almost a pound of metal (heat resistant alloys, that contains, besides iron, up to 10% of all kind of heavy metals including chromium) per car per 50 thousand miles or the interval between two brake jobs.

In a city like Portland there are 2 million cars running an average of 20,000 miles per year. That is 40 billions miles per year. Divided by 365, we get 109 millions miles per day. Divided by 50,000 we get approximately 2200 brake jobs a day, with the same amount in pounds of dust metal and other good stuff released in the air (not talking about resurfacing but actual braking).

One metric ton of very fine, microscopic, heated, partly un-oxidized, metal dust released in the air in the whole Portland area. Is it much? Is it little? I'd say anything above zero in that category is too much.

But think about tires and road wear-out. How much asphalt dust, rubber dust? How much asphalt dust a studded tires car creates in a season?

Portland is kinda lucky because of the rain. During rain season much of this is washed out down the drains, into the river and into the Ocean. One ton of metal a day just from Portland.

That's why leaky oil pans, unburnt oil and fuel are good. All this stuff acts as a dust binder (including for mineral dust from insulation in the attics of houses near streets) and traps lots of it. However, in time it flies away from under the car, drys out but some gets trapped in the soil around streets and again into the drain. And let's not forget that engine oil contains as well high alloy metal and when it burns, it releases it... Fine metal in oil that does not oxidize and when burned, it is partly in metallic state.

That's why i think it's not a good idea to eat stuff grown in the cities or around busy highways.

Don't ask me what a good idea is to blow it with blowers on the sidewalks or parking lots.

With newer cars, less leaky, with catalytic converters that turn everything into CO2 is even worse. No binding of the dust. The hope comes from electrics and hybrids that do not use classic brakes except for failure of the regenerative braking system (turning braking energy into electricity and store it back in the battery). Smaller with smaller tires.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

April 7

8:17 Diplomatul Belicos

8:38 This is a first. Got a back pain so severe i just can't sit so i write while laying in bed on a side. It's about officer Sparkle from Lake Oswego. One day i could not stand the smoke no more and called the Police. It was then where i met him. While waiting for him i popped the hood of the truck ad dropped the keys in a hard to reach place. When he came he just reached and grabbed them for me. In that moment the dog of my next door neighbor (Apt.9) came and he got nervous and asked me if it was mg dog. Anyways, he left and he said the smoke was from leaves.

In a different day again i was working on the truck and got so much of the smoke and irritating dust i just left and drove around like crazy on Boones Ferry. But he was not ready that day. The day after, again i went to get gas from Chevron at Boones Ferry and I5, i was driving normally that day, but when the attendant was supposed to give me the receipt officer Sparkle gave it to me instead. Then he pulled me out of the truck, gave me a sobriety test and a frisk when another cop came, a woman, and he finally left me alone.

I wrote this because yesterday i discovered another possible etymology for Lake Oswego. Widow is a major theme in Freemasonry.

8:54 Carmen Bejan?

11:32 Had a pair of jeans that i used for at least a week before i finally threw them in the washer and put some water on top because they were stinking. Today i wanted to wash them, put more stuff in the washer to make a load, but when i tried, nothing. The washer wouldn't start. Then i remember the whole process i went through a couple of times since i moved already. Shall i call them? It would probably take at least one day. I would probably have to remove the water and the laundry to let them fix it or replace it. So i just went and looked at the lid switch which was broken and temporarily fixed by me about 5 years ago. The spring in there jumped or something broke (a piece of plastic came out). I shorted the switch and started the load, however, have to fix them better. Or call them.

Also last time when i fixed the water heater (after inspection, the distribution box was full of water) i set the thermostat to 125 degrees and today i saw the water is a bit too hot from what i was used to but when i went to adjust it i saw it was already down like 10 degrees from my last set, so i wasn't sure what to do, i moved it a little lower anyways.

Both water heater and washer/dryer are 20+ years old but since i messed with them i'm afraid to call them to have them replaced. Water heater had some sort of mud under, i lifted it and partially cleaned it in the first year or so, but that was after i replaced the thermostat and was again afraid to call them.

All these might have something to do with the fact that last night i forgot the door completely open? I mean, it was closed but not all the way, unlocked and without the block (i use a piece of wood) but if somebody would have pushed it with a finger... Also yesterday when i left for the walk i forgot to take the picture of the two rotating bottles at the door. Those bottles rotate when i open the door and set in a different position every time and if i take a picture when i leave i know if somebody's been here when i come back and take another picture which i do every time except when i forget.

8:28 I'm kinda late with this post. Figured it too late. The reason for the construction site was the public toilet. It started a few months ago, not sure, maybe last year.  A point on my 3 miles loop. A big mystery to me. What were they trying to build? There was even a small excavator on the side of the road, for the same amount of time. Then about two weeks ago i became intrigued and took a picture of the site. The next day teams were working. First they cut the asphalt. Then they poured asphalt. What they did was a couple of gigantic speed bumps, maybe 30 ft long each. Both on the right side of the road as leaving the residential area. Then i realized. Every time i passed that public toilet there was a man walking towards it (and then passing of course). Today instead they made me rendez-vous with that plane.

8:45 This "fitness trainer from Ukraine" landed in Romania a few days ago and became an instant star after an older man who realized who she was gave her a small amount of money for her to fill her car with gas.

9:31 No there was not that sort of damage at the car, only optical illusions created by the puddle of water created by a clogged sewer the car's been sitting on for weeks before they started to work on it (until i got the parts i ordered myself). I washed upholstery, vacuumed the dog food from heater core but the AC got contaminated with mold and/or bacteria. I accidentally releases some Freon when i refilled it and it was smelling like mold big time. Ever since i've become sicker and sicker especially after walks upstairs. In the morning solid tiny pieces like sand come from my eyes. This morning my tonsils were so big i started to have breathing problems. Keeping Augmentin in my mouth ever since and i got even better than before in half day. But when i tried to stop, after a walk upstairs, my eyes, throat, ears and everything started to hurt again.

Monday, February 17, 2020

McNeeley Real Estate

Name says a lot. For many years i used to believe it has something to do with kneels. Makes you kneel that is. I know one guy there. Mark Hessel. And there was another woman i spoke with in the agency, short, fat, looking Japanese.

In January 2010 we've been kicked from Sussex. There was a guy there Kaleb whom i knew only by seeing him and seeing his name on the mailbox.

At Sussex there was an episode that just came to mind. The 2002 Seattle earthquake. There was a handyman scheduled exactly at that time in the apartment. He went outside to pick something from his Volvo, i went to the door to see what he's doing. Then the earthquake started, a series of ample movement, i stood in the door frame when i heard somebody running on the roof. I looked at the handyman while he was staring the roof.

There was a broken pipe in the wall in there that got never fixed. Every time i was opening the water at the bathroom sink, a pipe was moving in the wall. Probably leaking in the wall and making mold.

While i was there at first i was not aware of the mineral insulation problem. After, or when when i realized the attic was full with loose mineral insulation, i taped the lid to the attic so it won't fall down at least through there.

There was this guy with a red Toyota Supra i guess who looked like a South American drug dealer who was showing from time to time, pretending living there. La Tuta i guess.

Christine McVie, Carole King acting like managers. John Winquist, owner of Regent, the management company i think is a now Hungarian top politician.

Across the street, BNC. A church that looks like an UFO.

And Tom Cruise, the mechanic.

That's all about Sussex, here and now.

So we've been looking for a place to move. Actually applied in two different places. One Saturday in February they called us from Sunflower Apts, i believe we were approved there too but for some reason i can't explain right now none of us wanted to answer the phone. Monday (hopefully i will come with the date, it think it was February 2010) i had appointment with Mark from McNeeley, i went at the apartment in Lake Oswego and signed the papers. As we climbed in the truck to go in Lake Oswego they called us again from Sunflower and told us we were approved but i already made my mind. I was moving to Lake Oswego. Rent was about similar but location, one of the best in Portland area. Not knowing it was actually on the top of an extinct volcano.

Don't know what was wrong with me in that day. I didn't feel the terrible stink in there. Maybe because window was open. Maybe i was hypnotized (to us, Mark appeared like he had severe strabismus (not seen in the picture above). All i saw was the view, the pool (which Mark told us wasn't "ours", the apartment was the only one rented in the building, the others were individually owned condos). The place was a dump. I will select some pictures. The pan of the fridge filled with some sort of glue that resulted from combination of asphalt and silica from roof shingles. Hardwood floor was stinking so bad from being contaminated with that stuff and food that i had to cover it with shelf liners.

The rusty, leaking toilet, discoloration of the vynil.

Everything was leaking under the kitchen sink

And the endless hole.

There are many other things to be said about that place before i start getting to the reason for this post. But before, a word about Apt.9 or next door. There were a couple of celebrities that were showing as Anna, the young single neighbor. One of them was Kelly Clarkson.

And the guy at Apt.2 (two levels down) who looked like Jinichi Kawakami posing for a young single guy who was never cleaning and smoking the stinkiest cigarettes (natural tobaco, not treated for burning faster like most brands). There i found out for the first time of the existence of ninja dojos in the US.

The woman who lived at nr.6 (right under) left after one week (came back at times). I forgot where she said she was moving. The apartment was vacated for a long time, more that a year. Then the short old man with the green van moved in. He lived there for about 6 months. On June 6 2011 i took this picture.
And this one on July 2nd the same year.

I think he left in September that year. That was after they poured asphalt on street. Because the day after he dragged me into a short conversation.

What was about him. As you can see from the first picture he was handling some high tech tools. Sometimes at night i head what i though him was chiseling, maybe the walls.

After him i remember Christina Minnis moving in there. Found the name on a site that gives you names of neighbors and googled and found this.

She was wanted in Texas for some minor offenses and she found shelter here. However, she was living in that dump with a guy (i forgot his name now), black, who was working for a British company, somewhere in Downtown Portland.

She found a job here in Portland at David Killer Bread. I remember the day when Dave Dahl, the owner, was arrested. A few days later they started the bathroom fan downstairs and was on until December 2014.

They had a dog probably she dog, probably sick cause it was actually crying every they after they left in the morning.

Story is much longer. To make it short, today i figured the purpose for that fan to be on for so long was to pump in the floor (or their ceiling) and into our apartment the same stuff they pump in here for more than a year now or since i heard upstairs the same chiseling sound, December 2019 and then i heard the dog making the same crying sound as the one down stairs more than 6 years ago. That is litter dust. When those neighbors moved in spring, i saw the woman carrying a small dog in a pouch at her chest, like a baby. Both dogs were probably sick, probably infected with some parasite that eliminates in the feces and ended up in the dust that gets in here, that gives me the same symptoms and probably.

This summer upstairs moved a woman who looked like a Japanese actress. They also had a dog and they had a portable AC in the kitchen area vibrating the walls and floors and allowing litter dust to get into the walls and from there in here. The current neighbor does not have a dog but a cat and uses only one "in wall" heater, in the dining area or about the same area where the AC was and for that reason (the others are off) it runs a lot, that also vibrates, in about the same area.

Last night i covered more holes and cracks in the laundry closet area because after cleaning for many days it started to stink after i used the washer and drier yesterday which shook the walls and more stuff came in. But i believe somebody was in here last night and took out of the sealed bag an old injector (forgotten from Nissan) that today started to stink to mask the hole story.

Both stinking places are responsible for creating and maintaining my diabetes.

The woman at Apt.9 driving a blue Jeep reminds me now of Christa Jacobson. After her in that apartment moved in a guy who resembled Andrei Postelnicu whom i saw last time the day before he went missing in Florida. In the spring of 2014 i believe Bill Cosby moved in there.

The apartment nr.7, next wall, slightly below, had a chimney. I believe this is where the smoke came from. When i moved in here the smoke didn't get out of our clothes until i washed them at least 5 times each. I believe in there at times was a woman from Hungary, Nora Gorbe.

I once called Lake Oswego Police. The guy who came, Sergeant Sparkle, was looking exactly like the President of Hungary, János Áder.

One more thing. The more i look at Jim McNeeley's face the more i think he looks like the old man who moved lately at Sussex in the apartment under. I don't know, it's been more than ten years. I think it was around 2007 when he came. He parked some sort of old RV vehicle and had it parked there for a long time. Then he got an old car. Lately he put a blanket in kitchen's window and i think he was not airing and cleaning a lot and the whole place started to stink.
To be continued (having a break).