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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query seattle. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18

12:14 China

12:14 I was feeling guilty for not being able to sleep in Reno and ruin Angela's vacation. Trying to compensate, i searched on the map for casinos closer to home and found a huge one near Seattle. Muckleshoot Casino, "biggest in Northwest" with 3000 machines, at about 169 miles from here. We decided to cut the distance in two and stop at Lucky Eagle.

I tightened the bolt at the manifold and got in the car. But on the freeway. Everybody was taking a pass at me. Literally. Passing on the right at high speed, but especially tailgating. How many times did i have to get out of the way of big SUVs coming from behind (now i'm afraid, after the accident) at speeds faster than speed limit +10. The usual congestion before the bridge. The same trend after i started the blog with similarities in 2018 only more intense every time. Newest, semis speeding and passing cars and other semis.

But once in the State of Washington. While getting closer to exit 88, i started to feel sick. Soon i discovered the source. I've been driving behind a "classic car" for many minutes, that finally exited. Then i discovered other vehicles, like a Chevy truck from 70s, others that i passed one by one. Last one was a Japanese driver. Fighting to stay alert and on the road during the last 20 miles because smoke was getting me dizzy.

Deja vu. Lately it always happens in the State of Washington. Every time i hope it will be the last time, but they never stop. Also tailgating drivers simulate they are just bad drivers, continuing to tailgate at less than half second distance the next driver after me getting out of the way. But they are simply too many for me to believe that, basically one after another. Many are leading a line of several tailgating drivers, pretending are pushed from behind. But lately most of them have tinted windows so i can't see who they are when they pass.

One guy with a silver BMW going only 1 or 2 mph more than the rest was shoving all the cars in his way.
Some five miles to destination me driving in the second lane i saw a State Patrol vehicle (i think, did not see the mark) on the shoulder, flashing red and blue lights behind a stopped one. So i tried to slow down though they were coming like a herd of raging buffaloes from behind. Slowed at 70 (the legal limit) and still breaking, a white vehicle i think a VW almost hit me with its rear left side while trying to get in front of me from the first lane "trying to clear the lane near the shoulder", in the last possible moment or maybe after.

Had to further hit the brakes and let him pass in front of me to avoid collision. I now believe that after they were tailgating all the way they were now trying to demonstrate on a State Patrol vehicle camera it was me i was tailgating. Then after he merged in front of me within a second or two another huge white SUV came from behind real fast as now i was now going under speed limit as per drivers' manual and i had to accelerate real hard to get away. At the wheel a driver which at first seem Latino, but when i looked better i thought he was Japanese as well.

They were few empty spots in the pretty big parking lot at Lucky Eagle. First one i found was near a huge red truck (symbolism, later it moved away and was replaced with a smaller bright red car). Like usually i had a couple of drinks in the car and went in the casino. There i saw this Indian looking guy, with round face and long black almost blue hair, parading.

Then i went back in the car, with the soda paper cup in my hands, poured some more rum in it (i love rum and cola) and suddenly got very sleepy, i think i went back in the casino, could not fight it and went back in the car and slept for two hours. The Zyrtec i said to myself, but i believe the exhaust from the road was a factor, from driving behind smoking vehicles most of the way. When i woke up i saw through the tinted windows him sitting in a car besides me and checking his phone. Later when Angela came, a girl like 14, emerged from the roof top.

Angela came in the car and i started to drive towards Muckleshoot. Same tailgating story, only on the narrower lanes in the (sub)urban maze in south Seattle. I was telling Angela. This looks like San Francisco or LA.

From the distance i saw the fireworks near the casino. After finding a spot, i parked and went inside. First machines at the entrance, the most boring kind. As we advanced, we found the good ones only at the "bottom of it". Too many machines of the same kind packed together and i never seen machines so greedy. In an hour or so Angela lost 200 bucks (i helped with 40) or all her money. The casino at first seemed full of Asians, later some white people showed, while we were in the last room and spent our last money.

The interesting part. There was a live band with i think with Chinese instrument players and an American maybe looking girl at vocals and they were playing a Romanian song. Could have been herself, i don't know, i only looked from a distance and i again had a few drinks in the car. Nevermind, the lead guitarist (bottom right) only looks Chinese.

So we got cleaned and left in a couple hour or so. Direction. Red Winds, some 39 miles away, south from Seattle. Outside the fireworks were still on, more than one hour after we came. At Red Winds, i was so tired i could barely walk and barely speak in any language when Angela won a 1250 jackpot at a "Black Diamonds" game.

Amounts over 1000 have to be taxed and payed by an attendant but it took him more than half hour to come with the money. I started to get worried and tried to start the phone to take a picture and i realized the phone was just starting by itself in my pocket, but the unused phone malfunctioned (could not bring up the camera app). So i went in the car to grab the camera.

Outside i saw two Nisqually Police SUVs (and one car?) parked at the entrance. Got back with the camera, in the meantime Angela got her money (1060 after federal tax) and was fretting thinking she gave him only 20 dollars tip. She told me a woman came and asked her money "because she hit the jackpot" and she gave her 5 dollars. The win cover our losses for the "vacation". (But not the bitter taste).

Heading for the restroom and soda machine. While there with the soda cups in my hands the two cops passed, maybe like trying to warn me. Last time i was there i drank some coffee that tasted weird but now i don't believe anymore it had something in it. Could have been just very diluted coffee made with tap water. Though it's very easy to mess with it since the carafes with coffee which i think are not locked or something.

(The problem is here in the wall above the dryers vents around the corner. Especially when the fridge next to it starts it all start to stink like dog poop and of course the poops left outside, not so many lately). 

So i checked again the nut at the exhaust, very little loose, we left and behind me of course a guy with one single headlight tailgating as i was not able to go past speed limit because of being so tired. At a certain moment i saw a second lane on the right, tried to veer off his way only to see a deer grazing next to it so i just hit the brakes and went back in the lane where i was. He slowed accordingly (good thing he didn't hit me). Since he continued, at the first "roundabout" which nowadays abound in the State of Washington, i went 360 degrees, like in a merry go round and let him pass.

On the freeway. Again when i entered a guy tailgating and one occupying the first lane where i wanted to merge though at 2 AM the highway was deserted. Many people entering exactly when us passing which seems so weird on a empty freeway.

People passing on the right, a long time (minutes), to exit faster (i always set my cruise control on speed limit +9). I told Angela to look for a rest area, we missed the first one. Found one on gps 39 miles away. Too far (my laptop is playing tricks with cursor jumping all over). So i pulled in the first exit with services after about 25 miles on the way and slept one hour in a parking lot next to a Chevron gas station.

Same hell after i re-started driving back home. The mileage was not stellar, around 39, because of tire pressure going from 39 psi at 80 degrees during my trip to Reno to 35 at 50. Voltage at the plug stayed 14.4. Here in Tualatin Angela went to deposit the money at the bank (to pay bills of course) and then we went at McDonalds we knew was open to get some breakfast. At the window a woman who looked again like Frankie Adams. The nut on the exhaust was loose a hair only. Got to finally find the inner strength and tight it to specs.

Slept four hours and wrote this in about 2.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

St.Mary of Stark

Nevastă-mea a vrut să meargă la biserică azi. Am zis că hai să mergem la cea din Stark St, Portland că am fost mai mult la cea din Oregon City până acum (de fapt când a fost ea acu vreo câteva săptămâni acolo nu a fost nimeni). Ok, eram pe roşu la rezervor, acul două liniuţe sub limită, m-am oprit la Chevron-ul din Boones Ferry, am făcut plinul şi am pornit spre 205 fiindcă aşa mi s-a părut mie mai aproape. Pe drum am văzut mai multe maşini atingând banda despărţitoare în timp ce mă depăşeau, iar la un moment dat un SUV Infiniti alb, nou, lat şi sportiv după ce a atins banda în timp ce m-a depăşit pe dreapta a vrut să schimbe banda simultan cu pornirea semnalizatorului, aici aşa fac toţi, semnalizatorul este pornit în ultimul moment, mai mult ca să zică că l-au pornit ca să nu ia amendă, nu are nici un sens pentru că nu avertizează pe nimeni decât ca să fii sigur că nu a pierdut controlul volanului.

Click on the pictures to enlarge

Deci acest SUV Infiniti alb nou a sărit din dreapta, la 65 mph, când aproape să atingă aripa mea din dreapta, am tras puţin de volan stânga şi am apăsat pe frână şi iar am realizat, din nou, că frâna mea trage aleatoriu în stânga sau dreapta când apăs, de data asta a tras în stânga şi era să pierd controlul fiindcă am tras şi de volan, dar nu prea mult deci am redresat. Am scos telefonul din buzunar să fac o poză dar era prea departe, a început să accelereze, altă maşină s-a băgat în spatele lui, apoi l-am văzut iar, până la urmă am reuşit să fac o poză la câteva mile de unde s-a petrecut faza, dar nu se poate citi numărul, cel puţin nu de mine.

Bine până la urmă după alte câteva faze, ceva mai slabe, am ajuns şi la biserică.

După un timp l-am văzut pe tipul ăsta aşezat pe băncile din stânga. La început mi s-a părut că seamănă cu Nelu Ciorba dar era prea tânăr. Mai târziu a apărut şi nevastă-sa şi ţinea un copil în braţe, care a început să plângă. Atunci am ieşit din biserică.

Slujba nu a început decât vreo 20 minute mai târziu, după 10:30, timp în care am făcut nişte poze la pereţi şi altar şi sunt tot felul de chestii în icoanele alea care la prima vedere nu par ciudate, dar dacă le examinezi lasă de gândit. Cu toate că sunt făcute cu telefonul şi calitatea este minimă, le pun aici şi vreau să îi invit pe cei care se pricep la icoane să se uite puţin.

Nu e prima dată când mi se pare că degetele de la mâinile tuturor sfinţilor din icoanele de la acea biserică, dar şi din cea din Oregon City sunt roşii spre vârf, de aceeaşi culoare cu hainele de purpură.

În icoana aceasta măgarul pare că mănâncă o creangă de măslin.

Aici deasupra uşii din stânga stă un sfânt într-un scaun ce pare să se scufunde într-o pată roşie de lumină provenind de la semnul EXIT, care era acolo înainte de a fi făcută icoana, cred. Mai este în faţa acelui sfânt un simbol, un turnuleţ care nu prea ştiu ce înseamnă.

În întreaga biserică sunt zeci de asemenea puzzle-uri care de fiecare dată când le vezi te fac să îţi zboare gândul la orice în afară de slujbă.

Au fost cel puţin trei copii foarte mici, în jur de un an sau sub, din care unul în primul rând, dreapta, de câteva luni, avea un căpşor cât pumnul meu.

Când ne-am aşezat în genunchi când preotul a cântat "Veniţi să ne închinăm şi să cădem la Iisus", unul din copii, ăla din spate stânga, a început să plângă tare, iar după vreun minut, tipul care stătea lângă copil l-a luat şi l-a dus în biroul preotului.

Apropo de stat în genunchi, băncile sunt foarte aproape una de alta iar dacă te aşezi în genunchi, e imposibil să nu te sprijini de scaunul din spate.

Copii mergeau pe alei ca la plimbare tot timpul slujbei. La un moment  dat am plecat, m-am urcat în maşină şi m-am dus şi am parcat în faţa bisericii. Spre ieşire am văzut că se adunase mai multă lume în spate şi l-am văzut pe Stelică Andrei, cel care vorbea cursiv engleză când a venit în 1997 (lucram la Epson) m-a angajat la AVX în 1999, împreună cu Nelu Ciorba (de fapt era un tip în biserică, ăla cu copilul care plângea, care semăna cu Nelu Ciorba, numai că era mult mai tânăr), mi-a zis să încep un blog (acesta adică) şi seamănă cu Ludovic Orban de la PNL. Stelică a întins mâna, şi a zis, cu accent perfect moldovenesc, "Da şi faşi Gigi?", am întors capul şi am ieşit.

Stăteam în maşină şi mă uitam la troiţa din faţă, la care am ajutat şi eu în 2003, când a construit-o Petrică tâmplarul iar sculptura a fost făcută de alt tip care tocmai îi murise nevasta sau copilul nu mai ţin minte, şi lucram toţi trei, a fost cu o zi înainte de weekend-ul când a fost Sfânta Maria, pe 15 August 2003. Aveam în plan să merg la Seattle, la un tip ce îşi zicea Cristi Aniţei şi zicea că e inginer acolo, şi a venit părintele Barr şi a încercat să mă convingă să nu mă duc, ci să vin la hram.

Eu am fost la Seattle, eram foarte obosit, nu dormeam suficient pe atunci, îmi amintesc totul ca în ceaţă, am discutat cu Cristi jumate de noapte despre turbine eoliene, vroia să mă convingă să cerem un grant să începem să proiectăm turbine eoliene cu ax vertical, ne-am plimbat prin Seattle, mi s-a stricat camera video, la hram în Portland a venit arhiepiscopul Nataniel mi se pare, eu nu am fost, şi l-a mutat pe părintele Barr în Florida. Cristi era un tip plăcut la conversaţie, înalt, şi fuma ţigară de la ţigară. Cred că am undeva o poză de-a lui dar făcută cu câţiva ani înainte, prin 2000. În poza aia toţi au cam întors capul. Ok, am găsit poza. El e cel înalt.

Iştodor aka Mazăre?

Bine să revin la trecutul apropiat, deci am stat un timp lângă troiţă până am realizat că era un semn nou cu parcare interzisă, de fapt mai era un van acolo şi a plecat, a condus o tipă ce tocmai ieşise din biserică, şi care semăna mai mult a sârboaică din Banat decât a româncă, de fapt în biserică am auzit foarte puţin vorbindu-se româneşte, pe aceleaşi persoane şi cam tare.

Deci am plecat, am zis că nu se poate să mai dureze prea mult, am găsit un parc şi m-am plimbat pe acolo, dar şi acolo s-au întâmplat tot felul de faze din care îmi amintesc numele parcului.

Deci m-am mai plimbat prin parc şi la un moment dat am ieşit pe stradă să ajung mai repede în parcare unde am lăsat maşina şi văd vizavi dincolo de parcarea de la o biserică, Bible Church cred, ieşind fum dintr-un coş. Din acel moment până a ieşit nevastă-mea din biserică, după ora 1:10, toată zona a mirosit a fum ciudat, mi s-a făcut rău, am condus în jur de 20 mile prin jurul bisericii până a venit ea, dar cu puţin timp înainte mirosul s-a schimbat într-un miros înţepător care m-a mai inviorat. Era să am mai multe accidente, am scăpat şi de data asta. Singurul loc unde nu mirosea era în faţă la... unul din dealership-urile de pe 122 cu Burnside parcă.

Dacă vroiam fum, mai bine mergeam la ocean, unde pe tot drumul, la orice cătun, iese cel puţin de la un coş fum albastru. Iar la ocean singura şansă să respiri e dacă bate vântul dinspre Ocean. De fapt m-a învăţat Ron Boger, când mergeam la Biserica Nazarineană din Beaverton, că dacă bate vântul dinspre ocean vremea e naşpa şi dacă bate dinspre continent e mişto şi atunci să mă duc la ocean.

Am condus aşa deci vreo oră în jurul intersecţiei 122 cu Stark, şi traficul mi s-a părut cel puţin dublu faţă de normal.

Ce am scris aici nu e decât 5-10% din ce am văzut azi, dar nu pot să stau aici să scriu toată ziua, iar după câteva ore uit oricum, nu că nu am memorie bună dar se întâmplă mereu alte chestii şi pe aici, când am intrat în apartament mirosea a mucegai, o chestie nouă fiindcă în ultimele zile nu a mai mirosit a mai nimic.

Un coşuleţ de căpşuni care l-am luat ieri şi în afară de 2-3 lovite toate erau perfecte aseară, azi când m-am întors erau toate moi şi unele maro înăuntru.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

November 28

7:48 O ipoteză "șoc" pentru cine bate pas de defilare chiar acum în apartamentul de sus. De aia nu a fost aici până ieri (luni) la ora 2 PM ora locală. Au scăpat porumbelul. Nici o chestie. A mai fost și Fifor pe aici. De când m-a trezit și până acum mi-a dat în cap suficient praf ca să mi se facă greață. Tortura nu se prescrie în SUA. Într-o zi va rămâne totuși fără pașaport și imunitate diplomatică.

8:07 Deja vu. E o diferență între prince și arestat.

8:25 Am fost la fereastră să mă uit ce mașină e aici, o femeie  japoneză pe care nu am mai văzut-o de vreun an, pitică de vreo 30 de ani și un metru și ceva înălțime stătea pregătită și a plecat de la scara vecină voioasă "la școală". Bine că nu am deschis ușa, să fac o poză cu scara dărâmată, ziua pe lumină.

9:09 Două persoane din care o tipă solidă și un tip, amândoi asiatici, totuși mai înalți, au coborât scările. S-a mai auzit puțin zgomot, după care zgomotul a încetat.

9:13 N-am știut! 35000 membri? Dacă a fost considerat periculos în 2016, de ce avea case în Franța? Au depus mărturie în fața Libération? A făcut un an pentru viol? Care au fost condițiile? Să nu plece din țară era una din ele? Nu știu, mie mi se pare că autoritățile din România și Franța îi creează într-adins toate condițiile ca el să poată continua să facă România de kk maka. Sau a fost totul inventat acum?

Narcis Tarcău, cel care a reprezentat India la Congresul Yoga de la Rishikesh din anul 2000,  "locotenentul" lui Bivolaru, fiul directoarei PTTR din Bacău (pe vremea ailaltă) a fost vecin de birou cu mine la IMU până in 1990 când am plecat la CPL. Membru al Atelierului de Proiectare Electrice la IMU, nu făcea altceva decât să joace jocuri pe un Sinclair toată ziua. Împreună cu Mitică, un tip care semăna perfect cu Mick Jagger.

Eugen Mârț, mâna stângă a lui Bivolaru, lucra la IPEP peste drum. Însă colegul meu de birou, Iulian Mârț, care locuia în Salem, Oregon (nu Massachusetts unde erau vrăjitoarele) împreună cu soția și cei doi copii, când am venit eu în SUA în August 1995 și lucra la firma Yamamoto în Hilsboro (acum închisă).

Am stat la el în Dallas (Oregon) o lună. Și el yoghin, dar nu cu MISA, este cu 10 cm mai înalt decât Bivolaru, deși semăna foarte bine cu el. Soția lui Veronica lucra și ea la o firmă  japoneză, WaferTech, în Salem. După care s-au mutat la Seattle, cam după anul 2000.

Am avut o postare de blog cu poze ale lui în Seattle 2007 dar se pare că am șters postarea definitiv, într-un moment când am crezut și eu că era chiar el, Bivolaru, mai am pozele pe un hard drive undeva într-un sertar. A nu am găsit postarea și pozele.

11:54 A existat mandat de căutare internațională pe numele lui emis de Finlanda din 2017 și totuși el s-a putut "ascunde" unde, în Paris, timp de 6 ani. (De ce credeam eu că e în închisoare?) Dacă e adevărată toată povestea.

12:53 Mai este o săptămână până la meeting-ul JHA (JAI) din 4-5 decembrie. Deși votul pentru aprobarea verificării condițiilor este în agendă (link mai jos în pagină), se zvonește acum că Olanda se opune aprobării verificării pentru Bulgaria, iar în agendă votul este într-adevăr programat împreună, ceea ce este un abuz ce șochează bunul simț. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări diferite, fiecare cu votul ei în Consiliu.

Însă agenda este provizorie, ea necesită votarea de către Consiliu la începutul meeting-ului. LOL îmi amintesc cum era în România la ședințele de partid (am devenit membru chiar înainte de 90, am prins una-două ședințe), tot așa, se vota ordinea de zi chiar la început. Chiar glumeam pe chestia aia, care a rămas în picioare și acum. "Cine e pentru, cine e împotrivă, să se abțină".

BTW România poate opune veto-ul din cauza abordării împreună cu Bulgaria și atunci se va duce dr.dre meeting-ul, Consiliul și UE în general.

1:50 She did laundry before she left. Her drier vent is under my wall and window. I think it could be only detergent from laundry that has not been rinsed enough. The symptoms (which i felt before many times but never made a connection) are tightness of skin around eyes, neck ankles and calves.

8:00 Can't turn off sound notifications in Windows 10 no matter how many hours i waste trying to find  the setting. Went outside to take the garbage, there is a chocking smoke around the building. Upstairs is quiet but they dry a third load of laundry.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14

12:15 AM Opened a can of worms...

While i was staring at the diagrams, trying to figure where it would fit a 2 meter diameter steel ball, she got up from bed, went to the restroom, squeak the floor and awoke Angela... I live in terror, like the whole world lives in terror because of what these guys did to us and are still doing...

From the observation level all the way to antenna, under the roof, there are (were) about 30 ft (10 meters). There have been recent modifications...

Insulating foundation, like the Eiffel tower? Could have more than one function, like ionosphere manipulation? What is that antenna on top? Nobody uses AM radio no more.

12:48 Eye of the needle or Damocles sword? I see. I also see a solar symbol. Complete with rays and stuff.

12:55 There's one in Hamburg where i've been too. Also with at least one restaurant.

1:11 Towers of the world.

1:20 Ooops!

1:20 Ok i posted enough towers so no one can say i am favoring one or another. I think i will go to bed now.

7:50 Their problem is not the Prime Minister or anything of the absurd game they are playing on the political scene. He now quits just to shadow a number of things i said yesterday and recently.

But the Emperor? giving up the (fake) Emperor would be a good start though... The mentality of the people in that country is frozen in time, like thousands of years ago.

And bringing back home the millions of ninja from the US. But i don't think that is possible anymore, that does not compute on their AI, the West Coast would simply stop running cause they replaced too many, mostly fallen in the wars of the last decades.

If i have by example a chance to look at one semi driver, all i ever see is Japanese, barely disguised in Mexicans whatever. And they now go with limit + 10 and and pass other vehicles on the freeway with 80 in a 70 limit in the high speed lane like any car would do...

BTW they redrew some of the yellow line on I5 up north from Portland. It's all crooked and bent, sometimes oscillating with one foot within 100 yards. Never seen such an ample sloppiness done on so many miles. I think it tries to show how crooked the Jews are, yellow of course representing not the Japanese, but the Jews. But to whom cause all i see it's them.

8:05 On demand, or as of today. Warning? We're way past that. What part you people can't understand of "physically occupied"? By millions? All protected by AI or like pawns on a huge chess board? Who justify their absence at home as being hikkikomori?

12:42 For a long time i have been living with the idea that Nirvana is one of the most racist, antisemitic if not plain right far right, not only antisemitic but anti-supposed-semitic-system coming from the most antisemitic far right city of US, Seattle, Wa. Aberdeen whatever. The pure bred highlanders of the Pacific NW (or NW of Pacific whatever).

Since i was at it, tried a search to figure (quickly without waking that part of my brain with all the memories) what was their most representative song (in this direction) and what do i find. "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe or basically an a...e, don't buy this CD. I don't care if you like me, I hate you."-Kurt Cobain". (teaching hate to haters?) On other sites i read he was a Christian, feminist, etc.. Whattt?

Well first it shocked but then i decided not to be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time when Americans buy everything are being told, and/or get it entirely wrong, like opposite from right wrong. Told by the man himself. Should not listen to what he said, should listen to what he sang. If you don't believe me, watch this video which i'm sure you watched before but nobody told you about the words.

Blue eyed blond hair (short-not-so-aryan) Christian feminist racist hater supremacist anti-family anti-semitic defiant anti-system. And he's got an accent that could be German, but i know it's Hungarian. Attila Hungarian. Entraining because it's accepted. In Seattle. (click on video to go to youtube to see lyrics).

Hello how low. A Mulatto, an Albino, a mosquito (three members of the group). Probably in reference on how they could have been called by the establishment serious people (supposedly Jews).
And here what a Jew has to say (sing) about it.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Von Neumann Architecture

from Google

"The von Neumann architecture—also known as the von Neumann model or Princeton architecture—is a computer architecture based on a 1945 description by Hungarian-American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann and others in the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC."

Just finished a blog post that tries to raise awareness to the general public that the very weird intriguing architecture of some prominent buildings in Seattle may have something to do with Japanese traditional architectural elements which post ended with the (in)famous kuji-in grid. The other day i plainly wrote something about von Neumann architecture, and having all these three things in my recent memory a fresh idea occurred. What if...

But first, an introduction to von Neumann architecture. Not reading anything, from my understanding only. It is based on a matrix or a grid of binary data deemed as memory. Intersection of each row with the columns represents data (or instruction, read bellow). Rows are called addresses. The columns exist physically as an equal number of wires (usually 64) which can carry each binary information, that is 0 or 1 materialized as 0 volts and 5 volts, called data bus, while the rows which are much more numerous (4 billions) can be activated by a similar or half size (width) address bus (usually 32 wires at current time) that carry again binary information which is not applied directly to the matrix but decoded and so it can activate (for read or write) only one row (address) out of 4 billions at a time (4 Gigs, 64 bits, sizes most common). At the intersection of each row and column there is a small electronic circuit called a cell that can memorize last voltage applied to it and yield that voltage when the row is activated.

Both buses end in the processor (CPU, Central Processing Unit).

Data is read or written in memory by the processor by simply formulating an address (a combination of zeros and ones on the address bus) and then supplying or retrieving the combination of resulting zeroes and ones on data bus. This type of memory or the working memory of any computer is called RAM (Random Access Memory, quite a confusing acronym which actually means that RAM memory can either (randomly) be written or read).

Now the most confusing part. Programs themselves represent a succession of binary numbers written in RAM memory line after line or address after address that can be decoded by CPU as instructions (machine code) or data. As per Von Neumann architecture we have thus in computer's memory both instructions and data to be processed using the instructions. The CPU knows which is which by sequence only. That is after it first reads an instruction, that instruction tells the processor what follows and if it's data, how long. RAM memory is volatile. It means that at startup of the computer there's nothing in it. A certain program has to be loaded by the CPU line by line from a more permanent memory (disk, SSID), and then processor starts reading sequentially that program from the very beginning executing instructions and using data.

Processors are much more complicated than this "external" architecture but what is important is that if they read an instruction, a certain number of circuits inside the processor are activated and execute that instruction which most of the time involves processing data on the addresses following that instruction.

Here is from Wikipedia a working schematic of a 4 bits wide memory with 4 addresses coded on a 2 bit bus. All RAM memories are similar except for size. Each cell can memorize a voltage of either 0 or 5 volts (actually ranges around those voltages) that is applied to. There is also a selector for read or write that i did not talk about.

All circuits inside a CPU that are activated by instructions are made by so called gates. That is small circuits with a few transistors each with two inputs and one output that are capable of executing instructions equivalent to basic binary operations like addition, multiplying, etc. again by processing voltages of 0 or 5 volts. (AND gate, OR gate, etc.). Because operations are binary they are also called logical operations (with only two possible outputs, 5 volts for true or 1 or 0 volts for false or 0).

Here is an AND gate schematic using two transistors in switching mode.

And 4 basic gates symbols and tables of truth

All these things are well known to computer engineers and everybody who took some electronics in a technical college like myself. What prompted me to write this is the analogy with the kuji-in grid from ninjutsu, the concept of mind gate also in ninjutsu and gate as an architectural unit in the landscape of Japan. Could those have been the source of inspiration for von Neumann?

We all heard nowadays of the word transistor. Very few outside the body of specialists know what it means. I guess fewer these days where everybody is more on social networks than following hobbies and are more enthusiastic about numbers, speed and size then the actual working principle.

We may have heard that newer computer processors have more and more transistors (while speed somehow got stuck @3 GHz). Hundreds of thousands per processor (core) is not uncommon at mid range prices. That is because more and more operations turned from sequential as in von Neumann architecture to parallel processing, that is more operations per instruction, requiring more circuitry thus more transistors. Instructions or machine cycles process whole blocks of memory data at the time due to a relatively newer component call DMA (Direct Memory Accessing) allow a more efficient use of memory. Multiple processors also allow more parallel processing. Nowadays overwhelming majority of computer processing is data transfer as opposed to math calculations.

But what is a transistor. Again, first described by an (Austro)-Hungarian scientist in 1926 and not realized until much later, it was a much sought for replacement for old vacuum tubes in early electronic devices. The holy grail of electronics if you want. An early superheterodyne radio contained 6 or more of those tubes also called valves.
Prototype Armstrong superheterodyne receiver 1920.jpg
But valves were big, fragile and required extra power to heat up by a filament.

Their main function was amplifying of a weak signal like those carried by radio waves into a strong one that could be heard in a speaker.

Transistors are done with semiconductors instead of vacuum. What is essential is there are two circuits. A weak signal circuit or input and a strong current circuit called output.

One single compact small transistor was replacing one valve and was solid and required no filament power. However there are power losses when transistors work as amplifier (output circuit is basically shorted to the ground through a resistor where there's no signal). That power loss has to be evacuated as heat with a radiator like in most stereo systems.

MOSFET transistors that are build by etching a single silicon crystal in the hundred of thousands to make computer chips have basically three terminals. Source, Gate and Drain. Question.  How many gates (both logical and semiconductors terminals) do you have in your octo-core smartphone processor (not counting the display, memory and other components)?

Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 13

3:31 When i got back home about an hour ago i went and took some pictures and looked under the car. No oil leaks, however, there's plenty of dust mixed with oil on the back of the plastic engine shield that fell from the untigthen oil filter (as per Jiffy Lube). I believe it still flies and ends on the hot exhaust and stinks behind. I tried to clean it a bit but it's mission impossible, shield got ribs on the other side, unless if i remove the engine plastic shield and clean it. I'll try tomorrow.

Earlier. At Ilani Casino, i saw a number of celebrities of Japanese origin. Angela gave me 5 bucks with which i won 50 (all that i played) and then i almost sat on a chair next to Doja Cat. They got a self serve soda machine there, a pretty neat one with touch screen. However yesterday there was an attendant whom i think it was... I had to ask her... "Half sparkling water, half diet Pepsi, no ice..." Otherwise, then 10k capacity casino (an industrial hall full of slot machines) was full of fat, nervous ninja, acting Latinos or old Asians acting Asians.

Earlier. At Lucky Eagle, like at Ilani, we had no phone coverage. I just looked. Should have had. Right in the middle of the map where it says Chehalis. When we were about to live, they put a sign on the non-smokers restroom, so Angela had to go to the other. (I spent most of the time there trying to setup some sort of communication, which i succeeded, right before i left, with messenger over theri free wi-fi. However, it would work intermittently, as at Ilani).

I went to find her and passed through smoking area that was filled with all kinda smoke though, not only cigarette. Same in the parking lot. Or the heavy smoke inside was meant for us not to feel so much the one outside. In the car, our clothes were smelling heavily. At the traffic circle, we almost got hit by a truck with gigantic wheels speeding coming from left (previously unseen, coming out of nowhere). That would have insured not too much damage on his side (cold have left, like maybe in another hit and run). Later when i spoke about the smoke, at Seattle rock station would put the Clapton song, Cocaine. My mind started to clear only after i started to drive back home. Draw bridge was closed so i got to drive ten more miles, on 14 and 205.
Earlier. Had trouble with steering ever since i replaced shafts and struts (and before, because those were bad). To replace those, did not take apart or broken loose the big upper ball joint nut, only the three under. Actually tighten those a bit more. However, later i discovered they were loose. I tightened them to more than 50 lb ft several times (as required by specs). But especially yesterday. We went to the ATM near the US Bank branch in downtown Tualatin. On our way there i saw again the battery connector was intermittently loose (by the voltage at the lighter plug). I came back home and fixed that and had this idea and checked again the upper ball joint nuts. Right was loose again though i tightened it an hour before and only drove a couple of miles. When we left there were big wind on the hills on I5, until we passed Mt.Sylvania, literally pushing me off the lane, several times. But never had problems with both of them for the next 250 miles that i drove last night. I was commenting with Angela. As with the previous car, 10% worse mileage (by dashboard indicator) on the last portion of I5 before Oregon (more than 50 miles). Very rough road, with many bumps making the car jump all over and rough, noisy surface). It a big difference on 205 in Oregon when i finally realized there's nothing wrong anymore with the car.

12:30 Here today there's excessive dust, especially after i went outside to plug holes by stepping on those and they started several huge exhausts, shaking everything.

12:48 Last summer, a couple of weeks before the accident, i saw the owner of an old Ford truck with big wheels in the parking lot, symbolically buffing the brand plate of his Lord truck. While i was walking further, i saw this in the Meridian parking lot.

1:08 Just went outside to pick something at the car, the place is surrounded with heavy smoke, the same kind like yesterday in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle.
Went outside and tigthened the oil filter some more. Jan.31 after re-tightening
Smoke was gone but when i went to tighten the filter, i saw from under the car the legs of a tall guy, looking Japanese, posing Latin. Sorry to scare you, he said, with heavy Mexican accent. He didn't scare me but i raised kinda fast because he would have casually walked over my legs. 11:11. Got to re-tighten the battery connector at Chinook Winds, where Angela nearly made back her money she lost over the weekend. Managed to drive 20 miles south of Lincoln City on 101 along the Ocean and back. (Saw the stature of an angry whale, in Depoe Bay). Don't know why, as long as i leave that car out of my sight in a public place, things are happening to it.
When i left i saw in the alley a bottle of water mixed with hot sauce. I was complaining all day and yesterday of a burning sensation which i attributed to redwood dust. Just been and found it, flattened by cars. I was thinking. The wheel. And Angela made 100 bucks at "a wheel of fortune game", playing at 1 dollar.
On the road, was thinking. A number of years ago, maybe 8, i was speaking a lot with a couple of people from Romania. Don't want to go in all the details, but the guy who was from the northern part of Romania, near the border with Ukraine, was complaining to me that a lot of cars were passing next to the little village where his father lived. Since there are no big cities in the area, they were probably going in and out Ukraine. I don't really know how many Romanians have left Romania. All i see in the news are THEIR actors. Never real people. Oficial numbers are 5 millions or a quarter of the population. Today again all i saw on the road and in the casino are the same type of actors i always see. I once said, i don't know if i ever ever saw a real American. Or a real Romanian. I saw in the news plans to evacuate Kiev and stuff. But are they really any Ukrainian left in that country, or it's like Oregon, with hikikomori (ninja) for Hispanics and Hungarian actors for whites.

11:30 We hear every one and then that catholic Church are apologizing for this and that. But did they ever apologize for the people killed by this so called Crhistian Church using various methods, like breaking on the wheel, burning at the stake?

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

2017 ORS 163.732 Stalking

Probably because of what i wrote about Sunday on 213 in Oregon City a State Police car pulling everybody to the right than possibly going to the shopping center near Molalla Ave (i also wrote it could had been an illusion, could had been another car). Also because what i wrote about the name Washington (和神道), architect Minoru etc. BTW, one more idea from seeing the ubiquitous NW on a sign on the road, Pacific NW could stand for Pacific NOW, another, Cobain for Kobe Japan, still thinking about Boeing which reminds me of the name of Chinese martial artist Bolo Yeung, who after he lost all the muscles now looks like the President of China. AM, for Amaterasu? (Main Japanese Shinto Goddess).
Japanese language or Google Translate in relationship with it are realy weird. When i typed the word bo with latin characters it came with a kanji for the word grave. But when i pasted that kanji it came with a transliteration like haka which again means grave (remembering Elvis singing in a karate inspired suit, "hunk a hunk a burning love", Both Elvis and his daughter Priscilla had black belts).

Before i learned more English i always thought he was singing haka haka. Now that i look at the video i see his face looking serious but his body language is almost obscene.

Syllables bo 薄 in Chinese means flimsy and yong 用 use, together meaning 薄用 surge. Nothing obvious further here (but i don't speak Chinese).

I'm going to change the order of what happened because i need to say something first (something that came to mind on trails when i'm finally alone and noise free). I knew a couple of engineers who worked at Boeing one through Mart family. Dragoș Mărgineanțu and his wife Daciana who now to me look like the Romanian blogger Simona Tache (i could be wrong though, i never met Simona Tache and even if i did last time i saw Daciana was i think Christmas 1999 when i also met (by chance, in the same Pacific resort next to Depoe Bay, with Mary, the wife or Ron Bogger, who looked like Priscilla ...Presley), and the other one is Cristi Aniței, who now to me look like Romanian actor Tudor Aaron Istodor, son of Maya Morgenstern, with his wife Cecilia who looked like Iulia... Vântur (she used to work for the City of Seattle), Vânt means wind in Romanian.

Last night around 10 i went to McDonalds after i ate and had a beer. On the upper alley (go there because of inclination that possibly pushes oil on the PCV at the Hiunday on the other alley) two Tualatin Police SUVs. A guy on a bicycle from from the same direction passing me on the right in the same time with last SUV passed me on left. That because i was going really really slow listening to the tick. The guy on the bicycle looked very intrigued at the officer in the last SUV. His face was showing like "now what"? Cop was blond, in his late thirties, blue eyes, looking mean. Bicycle guy in his twenties, brunete, thin.

Today i left for a walk. Just from the start here in the parking lot a Hyundai Elantra four door, about the same age as ours, possibly bigger engine, like 2 liter. Passed me and i could hear no tick.

An old man with a crooked stick like of the counter revolutionary miners in the last picture i posted last night was next to a car right behind my truck smoking acting like ignoring everything. I waited a while and he wouldn't move. He looked very frail so i chose not to tell him to move aside so i backed in the spot next to that car but then had to accelerate. My after market cat especially when cold doesn't work very well so they made their first point of the day on me.

Bad luck in the park. Was raining and got all wet so i went at Tryon through Lake Oswego. Right at the beginning in the parking lot maybe up to 10 small children, a girl dressed with a colored skirt reminding of gypsies, a woman looking like a gypsy, etc.. Did they restart the Waldorf kindergarten in the park again?

While driving there again the parade with weird LPT numbers. About 25% had 2 of the letters from KGB. (They gave us at Mountain Park DMV about one year ago a LPT with JKB which was next in the stack).
While walking at Tryon i was thinking all the time at Angela's surgery ten days from now (suture hernia repair with mesh). Can't get out of my mind how the guy (Physician Assistant Miller, second most common name in the US), who in the third day after open heart surgery came in her room and clipped the 4 temporary pacemaking wires connected to the heart during surgery instead of removing them). He came, he said he was present with the doctor in the operating room. Angela almost pulled those wire while on oxycodone thinking they were remaining suture wires.

And then something weird happened. On a boardwalk that used to be slippery they installed a chicken wire mesh sort of thing.
At Tryon i also met with a woman who looked like Hungarian actress Egri Marta.

... will continue...

Monday, February 17, 2020

McNeeley Real Estate

Name says a lot. For many years i used to believe it has something to do with kneels. Makes you kneel that is. I know one guy there. Mark Hessel. And there was another woman i spoke with in the agency, short, fat, looking Japanese.

In January 2010 we've been kicked from Sussex. There was a guy there Kaleb whom i knew only by seeing him and seeing his name on the mailbox.

At Sussex there was an episode that just came to mind. The 2002 Seattle earthquake. There was a handyman scheduled exactly at that time in the apartment. He went outside to pick something from his Volvo, i went to the door to see what he's doing. Then the earthquake started, a series of ample movement, i stood in the door frame when i heard somebody running on the roof. I looked at the handyman while he was staring the roof.

There was a broken pipe in the wall in there that got never fixed. Every time i was opening the water at the bathroom sink, a pipe was moving in the wall. Probably leaking in the wall and making mold.

While i was there at first i was not aware of the mineral insulation problem. After, or when when i realized the attic was full with loose mineral insulation, i taped the lid to the attic so it won't fall down at least through there.

There was this guy with a red Toyota Supra i guess who looked like a South American drug dealer who was showing from time to time, pretending living there. La Tuta i guess.

Christine McVie, Carole King acting like managers. John Winquist, owner of Regent, the management company i think is a now Hungarian top politician.

Across the street, BNC. A church that looks like an UFO.

And Tom Cruise, the mechanic.

That's all about Sussex, here and now.

So we've been looking for a place to move. Actually applied in two different places. One Saturday in February they called us from Sunflower Apts, i believe we were approved there too but for some reason i can't explain right now none of us wanted to answer the phone. Monday (hopefully i will come with the date, it think it was February 2010) i had appointment with Mark from McNeeley, i went at the apartment in Lake Oswego and signed the papers. As we climbed in the truck to go in Lake Oswego they called us again from Sunflower and told us we were approved but i already made my mind. I was moving to Lake Oswego. Rent was about similar but location, one of the best in Portland area. Not knowing it was actually on the top of an extinct volcano.

Don't know what was wrong with me in that day. I didn't feel the terrible stink in there. Maybe because window was open. Maybe i was hypnotized (to us, Mark appeared like he had severe strabismus (not seen in the picture above). All i saw was the view, the pool (which Mark told us wasn't "ours", the apartment was the only one rented in the building, the others were individually owned condos). The place was a dump. I will select some pictures. The pan of the fridge filled with some sort of glue that resulted from combination of asphalt and silica from roof shingles. Hardwood floor was stinking so bad from being contaminated with that stuff and food that i had to cover it with shelf liners.

The rusty, leaking toilet, discoloration of the vynil.

Everything was leaking under the kitchen sink

And the endless hole.

There are many other things to be said about that place before i start getting to the reason for this post. But before, a word about Apt.9 or next door. There were a couple of celebrities that were showing as Anna, the young single neighbor. One of them was Kelly Clarkson.

And the guy at Apt.2 (two levels down) who looked like Jinichi Kawakami posing for a young single guy who was never cleaning and smoking the stinkiest cigarettes (natural tobaco, not treated for burning faster like most brands). There i found out for the first time of the existence of ninja dojos in the US.

The woman who lived at nr.6 (right under) left after one week (came back at times). I forgot where she said she was moving. The apartment was vacated for a long time, more that a year. Then the short old man with the green van moved in. He lived there for about 6 months. On June 6 2011 i took this picture.
And this one on July 2nd the same year.

I think he left in September that year. That was after they poured asphalt on street. Because the day after he dragged me into a short conversation.

What was about him. As you can see from the first picture he was handling some high tech tools. Sometimes at night i head what i though him was chiseling, maybe the walls.

After him i remember Christina Minnis moving in there. Found the name on a site that gives you names of neighbors and googled and found this.

She was wanted in Texas for some minor offenses and she found shelter here. However, she was living in that dump with a guy (i forgot his name now), black, who was working for a British company, somewhere in Downtown Portland.

She found a job here in Portland at David Killer Bread. I remember the day when Dave Dahl, the owner, was arrested. A few days later they started the bathroom fan downstairs and was on until December 2014.

They had a dog probably she dog, probably sick cause it was actually crying every they after they left in the morning.

Story is much longer. To make it short, today i figured the purpose for that fan to be on for so long was to pump in the floor (or their ceiling) and into our apartment the same stuff they pump in here for more than a year now or since i heard upstairs the same chiseling sound, December 2019 and then i heard the dog making the same crying sound as the one down stairs more than 6 years ago. That is litter dust. When those neighbors moved in spring, i saw the woman carrying a small dog in a pouch at her chest, like a baby. Both dogs were probably sick, probably infected with some parasite that eliminates in the feces and ended up in the dust that gets in here, that gives me the same symptoms and probably.

This summer upstairs moved a woman who looked like a Japanese actress. They also had a dog and they had a portable AC in the kitchen area vibrating the walls and floors and allowing litter dust to get into the walls and from there in here. The current neighbor does not have a dog but a cat and uses only one "in wall" heater, in the dining area or about the same area where the AC was and for that reason (the others are off) it runs a lot, that also vibrates, in about the same area.

Last night i covered more holes and cracks in the laundry closet area because after cleaning for many days it started to stink after i used the washer and drier yesterday which shook the walls and more stuff came in. But i believe somebody was in here last night and took out of the sealed bag an old injector (forgotten from Nissan) that today started to stink to mask the hole story.

Both stinking places are responsible for creating and maintaining my diabetes.

The woman at Apt.9 driving a blue Jeep reminds me now of Christa Jacobson. After her in that apartment moved in a guy who resembled Andrei Postelnicu whom i saw last time the day before he went missing in Florida. In the spring of 2014 i believe Bill Cosby moved in there.

The apartment nr.7, next wall, slightly below, had a chimney. I believe this is where the smoke came from. When i moved in here the smoke didn't get out of our clothes until i washed them at least 5 times each. I believe in there at times was a woman from Hungary, Nora Gorbe.

I once called Lake Oswego Police. The guy who came, Sergeant Sparkle, was looking exactly like the President of Hungary, János Áder.

One more thing. The more i look at Jim McNeeley's face the more i think he looks like the old man who moved lately at Sussex in the apartment under. I don't know, it's been more than ten years. I think it was around 2007 when he came. He parked some sort of old RV vehicle and had it parked there for a long time. Then he got an old car. Lately he put a blanket in kitchen's window and i think he was not airing and cleaning a lot and the whole place started to stink.
To be continued (having a break).

Saturday, December 24, 2022

December 24

12:45 O Suprapunere de drapele, o multitudine de imagini subliminale încorporate care apar în funcție de distanța de la care priviți. Câte puteți să identificați? Prima și cea mai evidentă este gura lui Lenin, nasul și ochiul lui Putin, un avion, un tanc, o lopată, zâmbetul lui Iohannis pe galben etc..

7:45 Șarpele din Pomul de Crăciun și cel de toate zilele din fața unei școli din
 (Șarpele Liber) Ungaria care este alintată chiar așa, Școala Șarpelui (Kígyós Iskola). Încă unul asemănător tot în fața unei școli în Nagykanizsa.

Banca în formă de șarpe de lângă Templul Mormon din Iadaho Falls pe unde trece Snake River.

2:20 Nobody's going to believe what i've been going through today. Again. After i bought the meter i measured every corner of the apartment especially around the router. I measured in the place where Angela was sleeping in the bedroom and next to her and i didn't see big values.

Today i watched for about half hour an incredible movie (a fantastic comedy) from the other side of the double twin beds or with my head just over one meter away from the router, in the other room which was installed next to the cable outlet. Angela sleeps 2 meters more further from it. I stopped the TV while falling asleep.

Woke up 2 hours later with pains everywhere i was exposed to the laptop or close to it in the last 6 months. Grabbed  the meter and the signal strength was normal in the area. Then i started the TV and the signal was an average of 5 which i think it's too much especially after i got exposed for so long to CRT monitors, wi-fi and phone.

Half hour of exposure re-triggered everything which was fading away in the last weeks since i put everything away which also shows the shape i'm in.

3:45 I learned the first words in English in 1972 when i was twelve in a summer camp near Hamburg Germany. As per Ceaușescu, Maurer, Bodnăraș, Sergiu Nicolaescu etc.. My grand grand father was there since the war, when remember and analyze the whole thing is clear to me, they wanted me to remain with him. Director of the camp Klaus Meine insisted half day i would give him a call but i didn't because the scared me (lower ranks Securitate guys) when i left Bucharest.

Then i actually studied it (one hour per week for four years in HS). Consolidated a bit in college and with programming. All the movies and music. I was able to understand most lyrics but stumble at a few words and get it all wrong many times. Maybe it was good for my protection i guess because some of the lyrics are so screwed up.

But i never knew why i couldn't understand some of the words like i still can't today and have to pull the lyrics to end the riddles. I listen to the radio on KG_ON and there's a couple of guys making all kinda jokes and i suddenly lose one word or two and the whole joke.

But this never happens to me when i watch DIY-ers videos on uTube. It's so plain and clear, no effort to understand. Because the sometimes naive but true speech belongs to authentic native English speakers while most artists are foreign actors.

5:05 Here's an example. If you try to forget the images in the shocking video and listen carefully, you will detect peculiarities in pronunciation of words, letters like r, t, unsecure hesitations, more than a supposed "Seattle accent" in "Cobain"'s "song".

Not exactly your athletic blond German.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29

12:25 Bănuiesc că nu au ales aceste nume întâmplător. În statul Washington de pe coasta de vest, capitala Seattle, abreviat WA care stat are o populație de vreo 8 milioane de locuitori, și același nume ca și capitala SUA de pe coasta de est de la 5000 km distanță și 3 fusuri orare, există o localitate Vancouver, care este la granița cu Oregon (fluviul Columbia), și practic face parte din zona urbană Portland (Portland Metro Area).

Vancouver WA SUA este un sfert ca mărime față de Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), Canada, la nord de statul Washington. Când am venit în SUA, după 6 luni în Oregon m-am mutat pentru 6 luni în Vancouver, în speranța unui job care nu s-a împlinit și am găsit în schimb un job tot în Portland și m-am mutat iar. Toate rudele și cunoștințele mele au fost destul de confuzate de aceste nume.

A și chestia cu Salem, capitala Oregonului care nu este mai cunoscutul Salem Massachusetts. A și mai există un Portland tot așa pe coasta de est, în statul Maine. Și Isle of Portland, Regatul Unit care a dat numele cimentului așa cum îl știm noi, Portland cement.

Cred că faza cu Madonna a fost concepută (designed, written) pentru a acoperi ceva din relatările mele despre accidentul din 20/21 August 2021, alte chestii descrise de mine ca de exemplu administrarea cutanată a antibioticelor, posibilitatea ca diabetul să fie tratat cu antibiotice etc..

9:00 The building wasn't hosed since i got the "new" car i guess and that will be two years in October. They were dust buns everywhere but because of the laundry vapor coming from partially washed clothes the dust was also stinking. I knew because the stink intensified when i was touching the hot surface (was alomst 90 again today) with the jet of the hose.

More than that. After the blowing yesterday much fresh dust settled on top of the old one. It became painful. My sleep was fragmented and woke in pain all over my body. I tried the unthinkable and that is two Tylenol tablets (generic, non time release, the simple tablets) and put it on my arm under a bandaid pad. It worked. I slept some more throught the day but i already have it in my digestive system.

While i was slowly hosing the building and patch of grass in front of the car which is too far from any of the sprinklers, people were getting in my way. But many of them were the same person. Actress Frankie Adams who actually is a Japanese ninja. She was dressing up in different ways and was showing at different times but only in the direction i was hosing. Not that it would have toched her. It was two far, just the symbolisim on camera.

However one of the guys who got in front of the hose was him. I'm also sure this video is sublinally directed against me. Saw him before here, bullying and cursing at me when i was working at the car but it was dark and didn't realize who he was.

10:00 Mă gândeam când am văzut prima dată o astfel de știre ieri în contextul bacalaureatului că aceste dispozitive merg pe tehnologia bluetooth iar sufleorul este undeva în apropiere. (Nu cred că se apucă nimeni acum să inventeze ceva nou doar pentru aceste curiozități). Bluetooth însă merge doar la câțiva metri. Dar ce spun nenii aici se încadrează dincolo și de wi-fi care merge până la vreo 50 metri.

GSM sau poate 4G. Nu cred că folosesc alte benzi decât cele nemonitorizate pentru wi-fi și celulare (2,4 GHz). Dar ce baterie poți să pui într-un nasture care să emită GSM timp de jumătate de oră cât durează acel examen. Presupun că nu au voie cu celular în sala de examen. Un celular ar putea acționa ca un releu. Nasturele este prea mic pentru a instala în el și baterie și emițător GSM sau 4G.

9 ani de anchetă pentru a prinde 25 de fraudanți care puteau fi prinși cu un simplu dispozitiv de detectare microunde (la fel ca și la BAC).

Asta de exemplu este wi-fi iar dispozitivul wireless atașat este de mărimea unui celular, nu cred că puteau să intre cu așa ceva la examen.

Orice tehnologie wireless începând de la inclusiv wi-fi emite niveluri dăunătoare de microunde, care sunt necesare pentru funcționare. Abrevierea wi-fi de exemplu are origine dubioasă și cred că e subliminal pentru cuvântul englez wife.

10: 23 Totul are legătură subliminală cred cu mitul lansat câțiva ani înainte de revoluție, că Elena Ceaușescu ar fi fost analfabetă. Actrița americană de origine austriacă Hedi Lamarr, care a jucat-o pe Elena a fost creditată cu inventarea unei tehnologie cruciale în telefonia celulară și wireless.