2:00 PM Free live music and erotic show at Spirit Mountain. That night at Spirit Mountain. There was a guy from Lincoln City playing live music. There was a plastic foil covering the end of the casino (ex non-smoking area), a dead end.
Next to the foil, inside of the open area, always "playing" at the same machine a woman having one leg on the chair bend under her butt, with a mask with eyes resembling Alexa Crush. Herself, not a meme. Doing the same thing as her meme did at Little Creek. The only thing is the meme got arrested.
I kept staring at her trying to figure what was odd. Bret played one last romantic song at the piano then the show ended.
Today i had a revelation and figured what was going on. Question. How low can these guys at Spirit Mountain go?
They were times when they were offering, like all the other "establishments of culture" free lodging during weekdays. Trying to figure out why they don't anymore. Who comes to stay there during the week when the casino is almost empty? Actors and extras from Hungary, ready at any time for a show?
3:36 On Friday August 18 2023 i went with Angela in the food court at Spirit Mountain. 3 Japanese women came to a table next to ours and started talking very loud. One was sitting, two standing. After about half hour i told them to quiet down. However one of them (on the left) came and sat at our table and told me. "You are ugly!". I like to f... but i will never f... with you because you are so ugly.
Then i pulled the camera in about the same time security came in and filmed them. I am not so proud the way i was talking (tired, a bit drunk) and don't want to post the video. However, when i looked at today, i realized the one sitting may be the current Empress of Japan, Masako.
My computer refuses to upload that screenshot right now. I tried to send the image to Angela's computer to upload it from there however gmail refused to do it. I tried to upload the image on google drive, the same result.
Ok after a number of tries i finally uploaded the image on google drive and i post it from there. Ok my computer still refuses to upload images on blogger so i will post her picture from a site (there is a chance it will disappear or the link will be broken).
4:55 How it all started. @ July 4th i put a piece of plastic foil to stop the seeds from falling on the concrete patio because birds and squirrels were making a mess (bringing red wood dust on the concrete, that would then be blown by the AC). A couple of pushpins broke and fell on the ground. One of the broken tips, that was like a 10 mm needle entered one of my toes.
Today or after about a month i had to remove it because too many seeds gathered in there, somehow got wet and started to stink. BTW it stinks badly like dog s...t, at 96 degrees (36 Celsius). Much silence around here after i posted the above, i guess the AI is rebooting, like after any major revealing.
You have to understand i did not put the video (screenshots) at the time out of respect for a most important country. But they did not understand and kept doing the same thing over and over. I think the ninja have outlived their role in unifying and modernizing Japan.
At this moment, after the last episode and after remembering almost every time i went in there i saw some old Japanese ladies probably from their entourage (or themselves, i was always a bit buzzed especially when arriving, and then i wasn't paying much attention), i can only conclude that Spirit Mountain Casino within Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Oregon is actually under direct patronage of the Japanese Imperial Court. To use for propaganda reason (shows with the Antichrist).
5:40 But here at the apartment. Naruhito himself showed as the supervisor of the construction team (BZ Construction) who installed the new windows after i posted those IR images in April 2022.
6:53 PM Micul gid juridic. Mărturiile vin de la procuror... Și de la martori ce vine? Acuzarea?
10:55 PM Alte probe din același dosar penal făcute publice.
9:50 (8-9) How frustrating... Is this real? Can you figure now what these guys are doing and how are they controlling everything?
10:05 (8-9) Wait a minute. The standing one? The one i talked to? It makes sense cause she was speaking perfect English. Also acting as dr.Collier at Woodland Park hospital in 2002. Falsely detaining me in the hospital. Torture. It makes sense since Harrison Ford was dr.Erickson, also detaining and torturing me. She is now dead (or retired in Japan) but dr.Harrison is here and fine.
1:08 I'm back at the PC as my laptop now broke. Only one of two USBC charging capable ports was still working and now it's flickering. Like many other things it broke over the weekend, when i was not here.
Was searching for somebody else when i ran into this. A Hungarian synchronized swimmer who committed suicide at 15 or in 2004, strangulating self with a noose. Reading some comments, i figured something else. She was lesbian. Though i don't speak or understand Hungarian, i saw when i translated with google and wanted to make sure. Also note there is no gender for third person pronoun. I knew that since before also by using google translate.
If i wasn't already processed by the guy upstairs who pumped the sewage present from a leak from bathroom fan pipe. He squeaked until he again broke my spirit. Following me everywhere in the apartment. I am positive he is getting some too until he finally leaves through the attic to sleep in a clean place. Nevermind he's back.
Was thinking earlier. Ninjutsu is crime rationalized and made efficient.
2:13 Am citit cu câteva luni în urmă un articol despre o actriță româncă de teatru care a vrut întâi să intre în miliție și era prea scundă, înainte de școala de actorie, am căutat în toate felurile în care am știut, și știu destule, am vrut apoi să caut în istoria căutărilor mele și s-a stricat fișierul de pe serverul google, așa că nu mai am istoria căutărilor, tipa îmi amintea de o colegă de serviciu pe care am cunoscut-o în 86 când am început să lucrez la IMU Bacău, care era din București și se putea despărți de accentul ei de bucureșteancă mă rog.
Mai era o tipă tot așa din București cu care am lucrat cot la cot să spun așa, care semăna cu Angela Ciochină și era prietenă cu prima. Gabi Rafailă. Când se întâlneau chiar era amuzant să le auzi vorbind în limba lor latină.
Chiar după ce am început să lucrez acolo ne-au luat și ne-au dus la... câmp la strâns porumb. Toți inginerii din proiectare. Dar asta a fost în 86.
În 87 sau 88 cred în vară am fost la București la un curs de programare (cu toată gașca pe care o strânsesem de pe la proiectare, numai tipe bune, eu eram șeful lor) și acolo am cunoscut și două tipe de la Lugoj, una foarte mișto, o blondă, cu care am și dansat (am făcut noi un party în ultima zi în hotelul ăla foarte mișto din nordul Bucureștiului, ce piscină, era ditamai bazinul de înot) și tipa mi-a făcut o propunere prea directă să nu mă șocheze.
În timp ce dansam cu zeița și mă feream s-o ating măcar ea mi-a spus la ureche "cred că ești un șef foarte bun" la care eu am răspuns vag "nu ai de unde să știi". Tipa semăna cu... Camera lor era lângă a noastră.
Ceilalți erau cazați prin alte camere, mai departe, inclusiv Alex Horovitz din Timișoara de la o fabrică de mașini unelte de pe acolo. ("Fiul profesorului Horovitz care a scris o carte (de mașini unelte)"). Asta fost singura dată când am interacționat cu ea, mai ales că a doua zi am plecat toți acasă.
În camera mea mai era un tip, care semăna cu vocalistul Janos Kobor de la Omega. Al doilea din stânga. Care seamănă cu David Gilmour de la Pink Floyd. Fiica lui Kobor, Lena. Fishe eye effects.
Apropo, al patrulea tip din poză seamănă cu tipul de la Lynyrd Skinnrd. Care au o melodie ciudată, aproape incestuoasă.
Cursul a fost pentru cele două grupe, una din Bacău și una din Tmișoara (și cei trei din Lugoj) și el era echivalentul meu acolo dar erau mai avansați. El mi-a dat niște programe în Basic și apoi am luat tot de la Timișoara și primele calculatoare pentru grupa noastră de proiectare asistată de calculator care se numea chiar așa. SPAC (Sisteme de Proiectare Asistată de Calculator). Clone de Spectrum, cred că se numeau Tim-S.
Când am primit calculatorul mare cu terminale (o clonă de PDP) tot de la ei am luat un program făcut în Cobol pentru generat fișe tehnologice, de un tip Hlușcu care fugise în Germania și care nu a mers. Am făcut eu în schimb un program mult mai simplu și mult mai mișto în Fortran care făcea fișe tehnologice și normare, dar șeful meu l-a aruncat la gunoi (deranja grupa de normatori). Ăla a fost momentul când am început să mă gândesc să mă mut spre salarii/contabilitate.
A mai era și o tipă? Erica? din Timișoara ce părea chiar înotătoare, înaltă, cu musculatură dar cam urâțică și aia se cam lua de mine dar eu o ignoram. M-am mai întâlnit odată cu ea la Timișoara în casa lui Alex la o palincă și atât după care ea "a fugit în Germania". Chiar îmi amintesc ce casă sau apartament într-o clădire din aia veche imperială avea Alex și ce rufos eram eu (de fapt ca și acum).
Îmi spunea Gabi Rafailă, că tipa aia din Lugoj, cu un nume nemțesc, rămăsese gravidă.
Cred că am mai spus că șeful meu de atunci, Cărămidaru semăna mult cu Cristian Țopescu. În timp ce eram noi la București o colegă (aia care semăna cu Julia Roberts, nu aia care semăna cu Olivia Newton John) sună la Bacău și află că și Cărămidaru a fugit în Turcia iar de acolo în Italia și apoi Canada.
11:34 What's draggin the market today, a good way to increase inflation? Good news on inflation, energy and Alexandria Real Estate.
3:55 I can't remember how many times i said before that smell from the bathroom gets in the space between the floor upstairs and our ceiling through a leak in the pipe. This summer actually you could feel the smell from outside. Can't let the fan run too much to push fresh air through the same leak because it blows insulation dust. I had this idea for a few days now but i only tried it today. Apply some vacuum with the vacuum cleaner to see if the pipe is actually clogged with dust buns or something. So i applied vacuum to the fan box for a few seconds and nothing changed.
In the same time i was waiting for the first day alone here to put some high tech stuff on the fiberboard under the sink that gets wet with water when i do the dishes and start stinking. So right after i've done the vacuum thing i applied that water based acrylic under the kitchen sink and then i went in several places.
First to green whatever bottle drop box next to Fred Meyer. But did not have the card with me and waited until somebody came to open the door. Someone as tall as me with big blue eyes and some sort of weird makeup on her face to make her look old and ugly. Then i went to WinCo, the usual routine, at the self check stands was supervising Gladys, ex Van Dame's wife.
But after that and a walk, i still could not unfog my brain since last night's smoke that was engulfing the building. Angela doesn't let me call the firefighters or something.
Not from holes or anything. I plugged all holes. Plainly from everywhere. Went outside to look and got an even higher dose. Interestingly when that happens nobody is around here. At 10 PM the place seem deserted literally. I guess they don't want to expose their own.
Angela came and looked through the banks and told me at Grande Ronde Shell we got charged 6 dollars on a Capital one for gas, card we don't usually use for gas. After a while she remembered she bought a hot dog and biscuits and gravy at the CS that tasted like vanilla at like @5 AM or when we left and bought gas from there and i was so hungry after being sick all night. But why did they charge food as gas.
And BTW i figured why i am also sick in the morning. The gas smell.
5:55 Didn't you all know. Girls look more life fathers then mothers. My ears are huge like Buddha's and eyes are brown like my sisters'. My mother had blue eyes and father dark brown.I also have a hook nose.
12:54 Devine plictisitor să mai povestesc pățaniile critice prin care trecem când mai mergem undeva. Angela a vrut să meargă încă o dată anul ăsta la Indian Head. 108 mile, 175 km, nu ar fi așa departe dar după o anumită dată nu se mai poate trece peste munți, la 1200 metri altitudine drumurile îngheață și sunt pline de zăpadă și mai trec pe acolo doar camioane cu lanțuri.
Deci am fost și ploua cu găleata și într-un loc cu o vale s-a adunat apă pe drumul cu două benzi prost construit și exact acolo s-a nimerit să depășesc o camionetă mare cu remorcă, cam la 100 kmh și din roțile lui a ieșit atât de multă apă încât ne-a acoperit și nu mai vedeam nimic. Am frânat fiindcă alternativa era să aștept să mă răsucesc și să intru în roțile remorcii respective. După câteva secunde am început să văd iar și eram ok.
Ploua în deșert. Drumul ăla nu a fost construit în mod evident pentru ploaie. Două șanțuri adânci de cm făceau ca mașina să se legene tot timpul din stânga în dreapta benzii. La un moment dat m-am prins că dacă merg lângă linia întreruptă din centru roțile calcă pe lângă șanțuri, dar dacă veneau mașini trebuia să mă dau la o parte etc. și trebuia să merg cu viteză fiindcă veneau tot felul de SUV-uri puternice cu cauciucuri off road și mă împingeau din spate.
Surpriza plăcută. O floare de deșert, datorită căldurii (15 C) și ploii a înflorit cred încă odată și totul mirosea foarte mișto.
1:15 Nici nu știu ei cât de inspirați au fost jurnaliștii români când au venit cu sintagma "miliardar de carton", acum mai puțin folosită. Vila lui Bezos. Dacă a fost construită în 2000 de acum pereții goi în interior sunt plini de bioxid de sulf emanat de panourile interioare din ghips ale pereților aerat prins între două fâșii de carton, celebrul drywall de 10 sau 13 mm (fășia verticală din dreapta).
Muștele sau țânțarii nu trăiesc în asemenea locuințe și totul în interior are mirosul acela acru de bioxid de sulf. Dominant căci mai sunt și altele.
Miliardari de carton, vile de carton. Tyvek este folosit pentru acoperirea panourilor din lemn presat cu formaldehidă din exterior, până la instalarea sideing-ului, un fel de șindrile.
Se trec sume enorme pe numele unor nimeni pentru a acoperi faptul că aceste corporații gigantice sunt controlate de puteri străine (știm noi cine).
6:45 Cazul Lasconi. Am acceptat toți această ciudățenie lingvistică născută relativ recent, homofob, fără a clipi. Poate la fel de bine însemna frica de om, adică de homo sapiens.
Ciudățenia este însă mai veche. Cuvântul homo are două înțelesuri. Om când vine din latină și același când vine din greacă, și a fost altoit peste englezul sexual (de fapt germanul sexuelle, prima dată cuvântul a apărut într-o corespondență în limba germană).
Dar dacă acceptăm o etimologie pur greacă, unde Φόβος înseamnă frică, ar însemna frica de același iar pentru una hibridă latino-greacă ar fi frica de om.
Un cuvânt împrumutat din engleză. Dacă ne venea din franceză, ar fi fost omosexual, la fel ca omonim.
Cei doi care au născut acest cuvânt care a înlocuit sodomit trebuiau să fi știut toate astea fiindcă pe atunci orice om cu carte știa și greaca veche și latina.
De fapt, pur lingvistic, fără contextul trendului, homosexual înseamnă cel mai direct om sexual, în aceeași direcție cu homo sapiens (om gânditor).
Da cred că acest cuvânt este subversiv și "umanizează" în subconștient această pornire, homo pentru majoritatea însemnând om, prin asocierea mai cunoscută cu homo sapiens.
Dar cazul Lasconi însumează două scandaluri vide de relevanță în unul. Adică ceva să umple știrile. I se retrage sprijinul la europarlamentare. Și? Ce mare cașcaval? Cu ce ne ajută pe noi românii europarlamentarii când se duc ei acolo în afară de cazul lui Băsescu, care a dispărut din știri forever? Ați auzit să fi făcut ei vreodată ceva? Pentru România și/sau alte țări?
Stau acolo și ridică mâinile dacă sunt prezenți, ceea ce eu mă îndoiesc, de câte ori m-am uitat la un video live sau chiar o înregistrare video a unei dezbateri din Parlamentul European am văzut doar câțiva în sală.
Yeah i know they were forcing me to take position (can't stay put) knowing my reactions and thus trying to separate me from a certain recent influnce(r). Which coming from them to me is the exact opposite, that is encouraging.
9:45 As i said before. Coffee accelerates heart rhythm and is a stimulant even in low doses. Last night when i left Indian Head got some real coffee in a cup just in case i become sleepy on the road which i did and i drank that coffee.
Problem was and still is i also had my nose congested and was breathing on my nose while my heart was being stimulated and compensating but that can only last for so long before heart gets tired and eventually crashes (goes into failure, fibrillation, shortness of breath due to lack of oxygen to heart and body etc..).
So this is the problem with drinking coffee. You may be stimulated while you are not breathing right and then you crash or worse. And every time i drink real coffee my reaction gets worse.
When i got last night in Portland area on 205. There was smoke in the air just like at Spirit Mountain Friday night.
I became disoriented and stayed on an exit lane by mistake in the 45 speed area. When i realized, i tried to get back on the freeway, but there was a vehicle coming so i nearly stopped.
I looked in the mirror and saw some headlights but those were pretty far so i just reentered and and accelerated and found myself in a zone with two lanes and concrete barriers on both side and no shoulder (the reason for reduced speed). But until i got back to 55 (45+10) the lights from behind came really fast and changed lanes and zoomed past me at high speed, way more than 45 which i was already at. 4 SUVs passed me at high speed in that area obviously bullying me as i was one or two ft away from the concrete.
11:03 Went outside to double check. The leaves are back almost to the same level as before. So the gasoline smell. I know when i picked those the smell was coming from the last spot next to hydrant where there were several puddles of oil (where the Chrysler is right now). It is actually a leak of oil contaminated with gasoline. What i don't understand is the position of the puddles cause he always parks rear first. 11:52 So i went outside to pick as many leaves as i could. Garden mold smell was present mostly in the bedroom so i started in that direction.But when i tried to take the leaves to the bin, i saw in there a number of blue doggy bags, one of them right on top of it. I took pictures and when i did the old man's bodyguard came right near the bin, 3 ft away from me, smoking, making me very nervous.I picked 3 or 64 of them, some unknotted, when i found one that was under, they put the bin on top of it Tursday. When i tried to remove it broke and i came to wash hands and some small pieces of it are now in the new sewer that probably has a filter to pick everything from here.From winds's direction. But when i came back i nearly stepped on one, altogether the reason my fa..s were stinking so bad at the casino yesterday. This place is a bio-hazard. But in Lake Oswego or even at Sussex was similar though at Sussex to a less extent.And the mats. When it rains in weekend they will be matts next to the "no dumping" place".
The reason i slept only 4 hours last night. The reason i had congested nose and palpitations this morning.
I went and picked 2 more "bagless" ones and took a picture of the most used bin.
Got on the patio years ago a Homo Depot bucket where i keep most stinking things like pump to change oil, stuff like this. Not long after i bought it the lid broke and was not closing completely. Now i understand his action. And the Chrysler. But why they choose to act allegorically and did not tell me anything?
It's a cascade or escalating thing. They retaliate while keeping in place the reasons and the retaliations may continue indefinitely bringing in new things to retaliate for etc. like my f...s. that come from the poops and the whole apartment stinking because of the poops. And of course you don't feel other smells anymore.
But today i took some more household bottles and spray outside and the lid from that bucket was taken out the bucket altogether.There was a faint smell i recon. It doesn't bother me which i'm closest. Why anybody never said anything?
Went and picked two more blue bags from next to that bin. A tall Asian guy with a Tacoma with cage in front came again very close. But then i saw more behind and can't get in there. Though i did it once when i climbed over the bin and nearly fell.
8:55 Don't know how to start this. Read Shogun (schengen?) to better understand what's happening to me and raise it to the power of 8.
This one is newer than the last time stamp. I was eating the humble hamburger from Spirit Mt. (Angela ate her while i was driving, BTW the heavy rain turned the older parts of the road into car surfing areas with big grooves full of water, the same as yesterday in the desert) and the woman upstairs who BTW is doing laundry, waited us with a cloud of super perfumed detergent at the door and then she hit the floor with an object. I choked with a piece of food, first blocking the airways, which i coughed out and then in the esophagus but it passed within a minute or so.
Earlier. When we got home an Asian woman with a dog let the leash long and the dog almost got under my car but i did break. It was like she was testing my level of alertness.
Earlier. We had to go to Grocery Outlet in Dundee to get water, eggs and other urgent stuff (could not make time this weekend to go to stores and good water is cheaper there). So i did not take the variant at the fork before McMinville but entered the ghost city of McMinville.
It was raining heavy and it was dark and soon we entered the ghost city of Dundee (never seen anybody on the streets there). I noticed they were a number of Police SUVs blinding me with flashing lights in the distance. I was worried more about those and did not realize there was a power outage and the stop lights weren't working.
However i slowed to maybe 20 and was watching carefully when i passed among them (two on the right, apparently they pulled someone, and one on the left. There was no traffic whatsoever. At the next intersection a guy in a huge white pickup jumped from the left but i hit the brakes and i was too slow anyways to meet with it. Would have been on three different videos from three different angles.
We continued until we got at the fork towards Grocery Outlet when i parked and Angela went inside to get the stuff. Soon after i saw three Police SUVs coming from the same direction with flashing lights and sirens. Could have been the same ones. One minute later one of them returned again with flashing lights.
The parking lot at Grocery Outlet was empty however a woman in an SUV looking like a model chose to park behind our car when Angela came with the cart and i opened the trunk. With the lights still on she got out and took a good look in our trunk.
When i got home and opened the email found 2 fresh emails from... Chase. I looked in the manual. Should have stopped at every intersection. In fact google didn't know much else except in Michigan the rule is i should have had the right of way if coming from main direction or something.
Earlier. Two cars with diesel engine were making a big noise and smoke in the parking lot at Spirit Mt. when we were about to leave. I looked at one of them and he gave me an "angry Mexican look". That always happens when i f...t in the casino. I can't help it. It happens every time i eat when there are dog poops outside here.
Earlier. They were wiping the tables at the Court Food with some irritant substance. I tried to stay away while waiting for the burger which BTW took a lot (They were three customers in the whole restaurant, Angela was the only one in line when she ordered). I think that substance played a role in me being numb and dumb and not realizing i had to stop in every dark intersection with no signs no nothing except hard to see in the heavy rain stop lights.
Earlier. Enough to say Angela won in single session most of the money she lost tonight (over 200 dollars). I knew when this happens, something else will happen on the streets. However lately something happens on the streets anyways.
This reminds me of the two angry women who were wiping the machines behind me at Chinook Winds. That substance contributed to me almost getting into a fight with that Japanese movie director and then banned.
Earlier. When i got there i went in the blue room and i saw a guy passing and the floor made a noise. I walked around and found another area with soft or moving parts in the floor. Would have checked anyways in the area where i fell. Right in the exact same place the floor was going down like half inch when i was stepping on it. I wanted to take a picture with the exact place but security guards were patrolling one after another.
Earlier. A few days ago i ordered online some black cherry concentrate. I made some juice to have on the road at Indian Head. Last night when i was about to leave at Indian Head i went into the restroom. A heavy smell spiced with some yeast after someone just left. Today before i went or 24 hours after i had some of it and it was tasting and smelling like some sort of yeast, very similar with the day before in the restroom.
Yesterday when i left i at Indian head or after i exited the restroom started to have shortness of breath like in good old times. It lasted more than half hour into the trip back home. I took a charcoal cap which absorbs gas. and got better. When i got back home i was having palpitations while laying in bed. I remember they were a number of models in there and one of them at a certain time was laying bottom on a side along three chairs, right behind us.
I know when someone bends and shows his bottom right in front of me, some half hour later i get shortness of breath, gas retention.
Today after we left home. I don't remember anybody doing a particular thing just a number of people were doing weird things on the alley in our way out of the complex.
10:33 Upstairs they can't stay put in the bedroom (walking back and forth).
11:55 Why i stopped writing with no explanations. It is a form of protest, though to me writing was a form of protest. A protest on top of a protest.
Though i frequently listen music on car's radio during my trips (my fingers do not follow the same way my brain after a 5 days pause), i never realized or payed attention to Doja Cat's song Paint the Town Red (until i heard it on tiktok of course were else, thank you Alexa for this one too).
Maybe because it is has fewer profanities than others. However when i saw the video it was shocking and really underscored the conclusion i already made. The song is about me. And it's currently number one in 15 countries. A way of subliminally counteracting most of my themes of my standing protest.
Then in the same time i discovered yet another possible avatar of Seri Iwahori, other then the ones i already wrote about. And this one is threatening. And didn't and still don't know how to describe it without triggering the underpromised retaliation.
But i broke ranks of my lone strike to write about only one thing. (Yeah i've been thinking if i had a chance to write about one more thing what would be the most important one to write about).
It is about yawning. Yeah i like to shock people hopefully drawing attention while exposing contradictions. Let me explain.
There are a number of "social quirks" that are contagious. To sympathetically synchronize behavior, some say. Yawning is so inducible you may yawn while reading this. Maybe the reason that long time yawning was considered impolite and unaccepted (semiconscious) behavior. But there are others less obvious. And more others nobody has ever written or spoke about it.
That is how i could explain the unconscious physiological changes that occur to me when i see a person usually with black pants and a considerable butt bowing backwards (the reverted usual social Japanese or Korean bow) at me while calculating or made aware (signaled) of the moment i look. Sometimes all the way to touching ground with hands. Under various pretexts, like grabbing dropped keys, things like that.
I still don't even realize something is happening and it took me a long time to make the link, and only because of the very high frequency they deliberately used it on me, thus making it statistically remarkable.
Now i know the effects occur instantly with lowering of blood circulation in pelvic area and intestinal gas blockage and it manifests within minutes when pressure starts building up and propagate all the way to the diaphragm muscle that is also part of the breathing apparatus, with lowering of breathing capacity and twisting of the hard which is attached to through connective tissues and there goes your panic attack.
Diminished blood circulation (and intestinal absorption) starting with lower abdomen, pelvic area and legs, for a longer time may get you chronic constipation, weird, persistent, hard to cure urinary infections and possibly leg ulcerations. Other unknown effects.
And of course heart benefits at first of the lowering of blood circulation in some areas of the body and gets used to it making it "addictive" and when the condition lasted a long time and it reverts, you may go into partial heart failure. Easiest to diagnose. Coldness of hands and other extremities by closing blood circulation in non essential areas to compensate.
Also yoga poses done in public, or intimacy, and especially the lotus pose may have also weird, sometimes submissive effects on others. The rubbing fingers gesture.
An area modern western medicine never went to because they don't see any reason to. Spiritual, non contact martial arts, old magic, some would think but it's nothing but an (ancient) exploit of the so vulnerable human nature and physiology.
What scares me the most. It is most likely done also through mass media, during clips, movies and reading the news on TV and with any opportunity THEY through all kinda of poses and postures related to plain words can mass spread all kinda diseases and behaviors.
And BTW i already got one (type of panic attack) because all the time i was writing the above a dog was barking with crying accents and a big engine with small exhaust was revving in the vicinity).
Another one i wanted badly to write every day during my hiatus. Always thought they were saying come down or something... Or maybe they did and the lyrics are wrong. Rema? Rama? Roma?
10:15 About 12% of the Brits have supplementalprivate insurance, the rest go with NHS. Angela's insurance at Eaton cost the company 500 dollars and she also pays 150-200 her share on the payroll.
11:00 Metsubushi. I think it started after i came from my trip to Canyonville or after i moved the ozone generator in the bathroom (BTW i took it back, there is no more sewage smell coming from the floor space).
Now when i use the bathroom fan huge amounts of insulation dust are blown outside through cracks in the wall and some come back inside from under the door every time i use the fan. Upstairs noises stopped dramatically which means they are affected too. I think dust particles are too big to be quickly neutralized by the negative ions.
Or there is a big hole in a wall somewhere.
Or it's been like that for a long time but only now i feel it because of cessation of the smoke.
11:33 What do you know, they were two major holes in the walls i forgot about because of the smoke of course. As i said before, writing it down makes me remember. BTW, this is what i saw also during my walk on by today...
And the weird fog bank like cloud 20 miles inland (crazy jesterfollowed me, found me in the fog, now you all can panic), and there was this guy looking familiar in a black Nissan that stood in my left blind spot in a passing area and tried to pass me when my lane ended and there was this woman with a dog at the next machine where Angela was playing and i was eating the remaining of the fries i didn't finish in the food court.
Angela won a little to cover most of Saturday loses and we went to the bank to deposit it so she can pay the bills and next to her there was this Tesla driver with black shorts who dropped his receipt... Yes it works best with black shorts. But now that i know, i meditate a little and i'm fine.
11:58 Fortiter et recte. În premieră guvernul nu va mai face rectificarea bugetară. E greu să rectifici ceva ce nu știm exact cât e, cat a fost, cât a mai rămas.
10:07 To me the word antisemitism sounds weird. It comes from semites which comes from Shem, Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah. I think THEY speculate the true linguistic coincidence with the word semi which usually means half (untermensch).
Plainly unclear the etymology for the word semi used in transportation though it suggests all commercial activity is owned by Jews.
Talking about etymologies, here's another intriguing one. I bought food last night from a bar named Tule. and during the long time i was waiting in like this idea came to me. It may suggest the syntagm too late.
While writing the above paragraph i heard first a distinguished stump coming from war away like maybe from the next apartment which is in the middle of the building followed by activity upstairs. It confirm my older suspicion that people upstairs are in a similar situation with mine, that is captives and have to execute certain tasks.
The noises partly canceled what i had in mind, it took some effort to bring it back; First intervention of the day, lately they always intervene when i'm about to write something about THEM. But how do they know what i'm about to write?
Looking at this face and i see exactly the women serving at the Tule bar in Indian Head casino, supposedly Native Americans.
I am well accustomed with the ninja technique of making accusations of the exact same things they are doing and always taking great care in posing in victims.
I will dedicated my next hours and days trying to figure if the so called incarceration of Japanese people in the US after Pearl Harbour was real. Also did not forgot to investigate the link between the casinos and indigenous people and if they benefit in anyways from those. Simply had to postpone it because i did not have time.
BTW i just plugged a whole that was allowing smoke to get in here. I only slept 4 hours and we are both irritated and ready to fight with each other. Part of it is the dust they raised Wednesday on walls.
11:10 The dark colored Chrysler, now parked on a different spot is leaking gas on the pavement. I first noticed the smell last night. The smell covered the smell of a poop near the hydrant.
12:53 It so happens i haven't much time right now to finish this (got to go). However, i think i got the main idea. This dwelling in Tualatin, the past one in Lake Oswego seems to try to recreate the conditions of those camps. It is not very difficult, most apartments in the US are similar;
Tar paper barracks. In Lake Oswego the attic and the apartment was filled with tiny balls of tar from the roof. Everything smelled like it. The insulation under the apartment has fallen, thee is poop smell and dust.
First month in the US we slept in a garage with only one layer of panels as walls on single beds. It was quite cold in the morning. The arrival in the US was calculated on August 6 and in Portland on August 10.
The fact they started right after August 23 with the repair of the sewer lines tells everything. Like in August 21 2021 when they hit me on the freeway from behind. As for dog poops, that is the work of their Hungarian and Filipinos allies, the Dominicans. Those who execute me are also trapped as i am so they are not guilty of anything. Except maybe a few of their thugs.
It is retaliation for what King Michael did in August 23 1944, no doubt about.
However many of the described inconveniences are exaggerations and we don't know to what extend those camps were occupied. As for me behind the biologic offspring of King Michael, that is not true. Royal family had some protocols and guards and that could not have happen. I think Mikitovici was the man.
One thing is clear. They are in charge here, Tualatin, Oregon United States.
4:12 I was doing google searches on Alexa's blog IP number and i found a list of blogs associated with and when i opened the second in the list i found this, which could be my upstairs neighbor. Born in Philippines, writer, degree in English, also from San Francisco, journalist, food critic, Reiki practitioner, operating room nurse, etc.. I think i talked to her last Saturday at Lucky Eagle Casino not knowing who she was.
Also in the section with followers on goodreads i saw someone (second picture) that could be Alexa but there is no name and is not clickable, even after i signed it in with fb.
Could have done this long time ago but did not have time and patience.
5:37 Oh... My... God... Did i just criticize Stevie Nicks' eerie clothing style?
Been to Fred Meyer to get the stuff i din't get at WinCo yesterday. When i came back they were here, doing gymnastics moves and yelling like crazies.
6:20 Like anything in this crazy world we live in there are of course fake Sadhus. The reason i searched and wrote this was this guy in red t-shirt with deformed hands that passed on the street in front of me twice, when i started my walk and when i came back. I saw in a video last night a Sadhu that held his hand in the air for 50 years and the hand was deformed but i think he was real. Just to prove his dedication to Lord Shiva.
And i remembered a couple of things. The check-stand i saw first yesterday had no line so i went there and there was this short Indian woman (a rare sight) and i was intrigued that she didn't greet me or i didn't hear, she was holding her head down while checking stuff and in the end she asked me if i needed bags and i looked at her and said i have my bags in the car. Got next to car, moved my stuff in the bags, it was raining and then another older woman came and ask me to give her the cart and then she said 'thank you' and i said "you welcome".
Lately i became so emotionally pissed with everything i sometimes won't answer to hellos in the park and here is an example. Today there was a woman with a dog who said hi, i made eye contact and nodded my head but didn't say anything as she started talking to her dog. "Come on. No! Leave it there. Come on".
11:43 Minciuna zilei. Cea mai mare sursă de venit al bugetului de stat (fără contribuții asigurări sociale) e TVA. Toți plătesc TVA chiar și când cumpără o pâine.
10:44 To those who tried to help me last night. It worked a little, thank you. But it's not a permanent fix. Still got a number of questions on the subject. I was determined to find a site that offers free fish eye transformations, i found one but i have to sign up and put a card number and it's free only three days. And then my motivation got softened and then nullified by the entities upstairs.
One thing is sure. This summer encounter had an intense positive effect on me especially during last few weeks. I started to communicate better on the blog, focus, to figure things at a much higher rate, even try to defend myself from the bully. It feels like i'm coming back to life after a long hibernation. In fact, i forgot i can feel that way. That's why i'm so afraid of loosing it.
Upstairs. Ever since i woke up it just sits in there in one place and do little squeaks. I don't know how to describe it but best would be it somehow it taps into my brain and do that every time a tiny emotion is being released. Or better said, when i have this urge to communicate with someone about those subjects. But why i also have the urge not to talk about. Like a little secret. Is my subconscious happy to at least communicate with someone no matter how.
Their reaction is almost instantaneous and i tend to believe is not human. But they have to do it while humans are present otherwise it would be really weird.
Of course i get all kinda of emotional reactions in my mind when i read news. It is what triggers to write back. The more intense the reactions the more intense the squeaks. And if i go over a certain limit then it starts walking and marching etc. making sounds comparable with thunder or stronger, matching my emotions.
In the end i get into a state of total dissatisfaction. Like if somebody would try and deny you a physiological urge.
Anybody can please tell me what is this?
Over the years i tried to guess. Shin shin shin gan, vibrational electric or primordial impulse form of telepathy turned into bullying that manifests only emotionally, name it. Or simply some type technologically assisted bullying. But why somebody can afford to do this as a permanent job (in this case, two persons of which one is here all the time) and most important. Who are these guys and why are doing this.
Punishment or suppression of using this atavism, this ancient form of communication that somehow got awakened in me through yoga during high school?
I remember this when it first happened, in January 1996 i ended up been awake, not eating or drinking water for a week and then in the ER at the hospital in Vancouver they put me in a bed next to a woman who gave birth. They brought me some food but no water and then in the psychiatric ward at the other end of the town they gave me an ativan with a little water and i slept 12 hours. I continued drinking too little water in the hospital. It took weeks to re hydrate time in which i was feeling like paralyzed.
All described above are clearly true crimes, torture is not affected by statutes of limitations, Hilary Clinton acting as attorney Janet Anderson, Chris Mathews acting as attorney James Mayhew, Christiane Amanpour acting as a police officer, ER doctor, dr.Augusto Pro_ano, Dan Costan, Nelu Ciorba, Vlaicu, John Mladin, others are all involved, they all saw me during the time i was not sleeping and also hallucinating.
The whole story repeated while i was working at Epson in 1997.
As for invasion of privacy, sleep deprivation as a form of torture, polluting, coercing, that are continuing to the present, are also crimes. Any low enforcement agency, can they read this?
11:23 They left as i was writing about them. That happened before. That functionality has been taken over by other less convenient ways from their part. Slamming doors in the parking lot. Slamming the garbage bin. Car alarms and beeps. Soon there will be modified exhausts, etc.. Short or longer bursts of water in pipes. Now feeling the tiny bathroom tub or something. Something that didn't happen in months.
Now all i have to do is go and explore my environment for pollutants.
11:32 First reaction to a reaction. Amidst everything that happened here this morning and all the stuff i got to read before i got pissed off, one thing got stuck in my brain that is annoyingly related to what i wrote a few days ago. A form of suppressing information through superseding. Yeah i know the term brutărie for bakery is a linguistic accident in Romania. Pretty much like grocery in English.
(And the fact that every person who learned several languages becomes involuntarily a linguist and every person who is permanently bullied becomes a psychologist.)
11:45 Now it's all quiet. It happens when i successfully turn the attention to them.
11:54 But when i opened the back sliding door first thing i saw was this 19 year old Japanese actress posing as a 13 years wearing shorts and flashing me in a model position in her balcony and then walking in the yard like on a catwalk.
12:04 Now i hear the first exhaust of the day. Many will follow. Yeah i just listened to it. Nothing came out in the recording, frequency is too low for these mics.
12:18 I opened the door again, i felt smoke smell and saw the familiar mound on the right of my patio while i also feel dog poop smell. Her balcony is on the right.
I intentionally raised the camera to catch the balcony where she shows (on the left). Yes i've been thinking many times of taking a picture of her but i usually don't as it could get very complicated. However one day day this guy came and threatened me. "If you take a picture of my little sister i will kill you!" he said. Yes she looks like her too. Then they both died and later they both got back to life.
i don't know the exact moment when my day started to turn into something else but i feel like it's already been screwed up and it's only noon. BTW, i think i can have a drink now though my stomach, esophagus, pancreas, whatever it's hurting down there they all beg to differ and are opting out.
Also there is one week of dark weather again. It Oregon when it rains clouds get very low and it gets this dark.
1:25 I am not trying to seduce youNicuCeaușesu. Is that a sued leather jacket? I had one like that just before i started college. A rare item in those days in Romania in a store in Câmpulung, like waiting for me in the day i got payed and didn't even really liked it but it seemed the only choice. Had boots to mach.
That summer i worked at the factory across the street and bought a few things. Got my first Levis jeans but when i washed them first time in the dorm in college they turned purple. I payed a one month salary for those from a guy who worked on a ship or something. Either counterfeit or someone added something in the detergent.
All Asians look the same. In this video Sir Elton looked a bit like him.
3:15 When you start becoming a minority. Yesterday at Spirit Mountain. About 20% of the people there were whites. Rest, a mixture of South Americans and Asians. All bumping into me like not seeing me (felt like i was transparent). But who knows which were which.
There was a band and a quite good old guitarist. Got to know who they were as he seemed familiar like from a recent post. Bassist seemed Japanese.
3:24 And BTW. The last time we left with a positive balance from a casino was when i last time wrote something similar before we went. Keep forgetting on writing it before i go and we keep loosing.
4:33 BTW i think i just saw her in the yard. Double of nothing.
The cycle is starting over. They came back with thunders upstairs.
5:10 So it is true. I was in the process of ordering some essence on Amazon as the time required for the recipes measures in weeks.
6:05 Angela went to the stores and i fell asleep with the door unlocked. Anybody could have entered here. Woke up with shortness of breath due to thick smoke outside.
Went to take the garbage and saw two women furthering away on foot one looking like her from behind and the other one wearing a neon green jacket...
9:20 This entry disappeared so i'm gonna write it again with original time stamp (aprox). I had a feeling those women are still in the complex as i heard a weird sound upstairs in the dining area. Went outside to look and the blinds were on and two people were talking in a balcony next to our building (other than the one in the picture). Also Angela bought some natural juice from the store to mix with water, "drink instead of soda" șhe said. I mixed some with grain alcohol and water to make liquor.
1:10 Was our beloved Beau de l'Aire on absinthe when he wrote the poem? I don't know, maybe only when the ideas hit him, i know it takes sobriety to do such a job. I will try to work a decent translation until tomorrow though the guy upstairs just hit me with a kami of smoke and one of dust. And the coincidence. He is the only French poet i ever read from, except one or two fables by Jean de la Fontaine.
This poem now almost translated, features one of the most famous important quotes of all times. "The Art is long and The Time is short". However a major in Art or French only takes a few years (if you have your own money or win a scholarship, i don't get any stats from google, i don't know how many people are reading this) while doctors in the US work like slaves. Canada is very close where you can be taught by native speakers.
2:42 Tristan Tate got this one right, in Romania indeed family bonds are very strong.
3:30 Other business. That i can remember from the long list today. They scheduled an empty cistern to pass right in front of me at the stop light in Lincoln City. One more black truck with no LPN in front or rear and was too dark to even see the brand, passed after that one. So i got to drive behind those too all the way to the first passing zone which is in the middle of the forest with no other traffic.
The cistern went on the right though (as usually) accelerated and the black truck passed it, slowly and i passed both but i think the truck accelerated after got into my blind spot when i changed lanes cause the passing zone was ending anyways.
It was no small surprise when i saw it in the mirror ft or even inches away, right after making me thinking the surprise could have been much bigger, like finding myself in a rolling vehicle with broken limbs after in an area with nu much traffic and far from hospitals.
The guy tried to stay behind, i slowed, he accelerated, i matched speed, wanted to see at least the brand of the truck but guess what. At Spirit Mountain, i stayed behind in an area with more light to let him pass and take a good look, but he pulled... inside the casino area. Then he casually went to pick someone and it was the perfect situation to go and see the guy but Angela didn't let me to. Now i think he could have simulated a road rage incident and do whatever.
At food court. Angela had a coupon, bought one fish and chips which at that hour was enough for both. They gave us a pager and we were waiting when i saw something really weird at the check stand. They were two stacks with pagers figuring two towers and somehow they got synchronized and they were flashing all one after another creating the illusion of light moving upwards.
Then i remembered what i saw in Lincoln City. Angela went inside, i am banned and not interested to appeal that decision. Tried to go for a walk, changed my mind, went to Grocery Outlet, was with my mind somewhere else like usually and grabbed a 6 gallons box with Crystal Geyser (we did that many times, and bought water from that store). The store now was moved and i asked the cashier why, i thought because of the tower that was in their lot but now they had a bigger one on the hill across the street, and she said no, for a different reason.
Forgot to get the only decent brand of bone broth which BTW has many benefits in any healing process, i started to climb stairs again with no pain after a severe tendinitis at the knees, the results are visible after one serving and a day passed, got instead some soda and nuts and went at Roads End round about, accidentally saw the sunset, then some cars moved, i was the last in line, i advanced and now i could see the hill and on the highest position and tallest building i saw a fire on a roof.
First i thought it was a reflection of the sunset in a window but it was still there when i moved a bit. After 10 or 15 minutes was not changing intensity and though could have been a BBQ in a balcony or whatever and left. Could be this one but for some reason i thought it was higher. No, it was this one.
Believe it or not that kami worked me all night. Constantly thinking now and forever of other types of business and names and persons and veterans i saw at the beach and how people come to the US.
5:23 Începând din 2000 Tratatul Schengen a devenit parte integrantă din Tratatul de Aderare la UE. Toate țările care au aderat după sunt membre în Schengen, cu îndeplinirea doar a unor formalități. Consiliul nu trebuia să mai voteze încă o dată pe acest subiect. Chestia cu declarația de dragoste față de România a Ursuley von der Leyen e o vrăjeală menită să șteargă această imagine.
Just figured something important weird. Americans with Disabilities Act varies from state to state. Not all questionnaires regarding a potentially disabled employee are the same in all states. So far i can tell the one in Florida by example is much more complicated and precise than the one in Oregon.
11:45 Got chills and pain from an infection that started because of the kami dog.
I wanted to write earlier but i forgot. A possible explanation for the belief of the Japanese that not having sex before battle is bad luck. Because nutrients accumulated in prostate and seminal vesicles for a longer time are constantly under assault from all kinda pathogens and there is an extra burden on your immune system and heavily using your body's resources.
Getting rid of those seems an easy solution.
Also a storm of hormones also get released in your blood stream during sex with a woman making you way more alert and motivated.
However, in the first hours your prostate goes in overdrive trying to replenish those again stealing precious resources especially proteins from your system and in a few days you are back at the starting point. Producing sperm is an absolute priority and a burden on your system especially during wars or in people with poor nutrition that i was during my youth.
But when you got diabetes things are much worse because of the presence of sugar in all organs and tissues that feed pathogens that may easily enter during unwanted pre-secretions through unscheduled hyper stimulation creating infections beyond your body's defense capabilities especially when living in an unsanitized environment. Infections in prostate may quickly spread around to adjacent organs and the whole body putting you at risk for sepsis.
11:52 Haven't looked at the stats of my blogs in a long time. It all started when i put a DIY post about painting walls years ago using lime which is much cheaper and a much better choice than "latex" water based paint, if you know how to do it that was very common in Romania before i came here. However there was an unknown factor i could not figure, materials here are different, could not get (at the time) lime in paste (CaOH) used instead CaCO3 in powder, sometimes the paint came hard as rock, sometimes soft as a piece of chalk.
Looked at those and i was getting like 100 hits per hour. However after 4 hours it all stopped and never saw since more than a few hits at every post. That is good because it spares me the emotions, but bad because i can't make any money from it. Today i started again google analytics to see more.
Also in my particular case making money from commercials or sponsorships may not be a good idea because they may alter in subtle, unintended ways the perception of my posts, especially in areas that critical, with ideas that in time got so radical (wasn't planning, just got carried out).
Latest and most important, it is my constantly inevitably renewing perception that at least Oregon, the west coast of US is occupied by millions of foreigners and all the politicians are again actors from a different country.
With those present and running things around here nothing is going to ever work for me or other people like me or ordinary Americans though the US is one of the richest country in resources and debt to those in the trillions.
And BTW real time conversations in English if they go beyond light still give me enough surprises to freeze me at times and twist my intentions interfering with the process of choosing my confessions which may at times be very embarrassing. As for play i am still considering the other hypothesis case in which it may prove a catastrophic unrecoverable mistake.
Word play here online where it's safe is the only possibility.
Besides. I live surrounded by them. They knock on walls when i go to the the restroom to block my transit for God's sake. Or simply when i get excited by something. It's hard to catch a window to view a movie online. Same happens to any hotel i've been during my trips. They call it "influencing".
Nevermind just figured. We usually go at least once a week, mostly Saturdays at Indian Head. However 90 to 100% of the people there is THEIR people, playing different roles. I saw somebody with a girlfriend there before. Longer road, safety concerns. Usually a last minute decision done together.
1:00 I looked again today and i am puzzled by contradictions between different reports even on the same page though some have changed a bit, i see now hits in the thousands per day in one report, still insignificant if you intended to make money of it. I re-started data collection with google analytics and will check in a few days.
I know is hard to understand but money making, negotiating, was not part of the culture i grew up with. While other people, skeptical of the system, secretly and partially passed it to their kids, though it was too outdated when the revolution hit us in 89, and didn't really worked for them, (as the world in the meantime turned into a one by the known model), i am simply illiterate at it (or there are too many watching every of my move and sabotaging me) and one of the reasons i moved to the US was hoping to learn however THEY had different intentions with me.
I even had an Ameritrade account where i put 2000 dollars and tried to use some common sense algorithms to make very short term speculations. It worked only a few times at first and then i sensed some intervened and totally changed the evolutions of the stocks i was picking. By the sheer number of people and resources i sense they use around me, i think for them doing that would have been nothing as they regularly manipulate the market during one day, spending trillions in high freq trading, with fake news, Musk's perceived mood, manipulating oil price and live shows with Dracula and Xenu.
More than that. Oregon DMV gave me a LPN in 2018 that was saying JKB i din't pay attention to. Ever since, everywhere i go i see around me an unusual number of cars with different similar combinations. One of my bosses in Romania resembled an ex KGB director. The reason i have a personalized LPN in the line ipsum lorem bla bla (ERGO), that still has some significance to some (pretty girl Era).
1:17 An alternative way of seeing reactions to my posts (and especially seeing when i screw up) besides numerous indirect responses in official media is by looking at the stock market reaction. Unfortunately market goes down when i'm not making mistakes. Because all companies listed are mostly owned and run by THEM and everything i write down is coincidentally against them. However they tied the mass of people to the market through retirement funds. Could this be the time of her last post? But can she even see my posts? I have no proof of that.
1:30 Now we're simply fighting to keep Angela's job. They were at least two more letters in her myChart from her doctor to HR recommending limitations that may qualify as disability by ADA definitions but never treated as such by the company though they accepted the limitations. There was never an ADA questionnaire before last week.
Those are now gone and instead there is only the more recent ADA questionnaire Angela had to give to her doctor last Friday that basically when returned said she is disabled by ADA definitions. However we have downloaded them. However doctor said Angela may recover from her foot problems within a month which we think is possible and the lifting limitation to 20 pounds never changed in 5 years while the company accepted it, until recently when they asked her to do a job lifting more than 40 pounds.
However walking more than 5000 ft or one mile every day without rotating every few days or the way that work station was manned before her is not acceptable by any standard, disabled or not. She did that for more than one year and a half, and that started her feet problem.
2:10 Coincidence of the day. MittRom-nay. Welcome to my silly life, quantum dragă fly.
5:23 There are a few "children" in the yard and yell as Angela is sleeping. Got the AC unit and a foil in the open sliding door and sound gets in here like the door is wide open. I went in the kitchen to grab a drink and a snack and they were yelling every time i was grabbing or biting or sipping something. Like they knew. Or like getting commands from AI via ear-prompters. I did record it and saved it but there is nothing in that file.
6:00 Writing here today was most difficult. Having too many things on my mind and with all the noises i made numerous mistakes. As anyone may see, i write through re-editing or by adding time stamped entries in the same post during one whole day, and had by mistake at certain times several tabs open with the same post and got lost in versions, writing one thing in one tab and one in other, ending loosing some of the notes etc..
I feel like i'm drunk though i'm not. Some sort of weird mold smell coming from rapidly mutating microbes due to tanins of the redwood mulch coming from all kinda "casually" thrown garbage, the bins are full, they will be emptied tomorrow, combined with animal waste make me feel that way. Considering of going and buying liquor because with that one at least i know i'm drunk.
7:22 Like in many older people, GeneralPetraeus's appearance has changed as he got older and predictably, by his fast (healing) metabolism and high energy, thinner, especially when looked at from aside for half second while finishing climbing, at the top end of stairs at the beach. Now i know who staged the chase with the cistern on hwy 18 last night. Some of the other times? August 20/21 2021?
8:30 Angela did not approve a run to the liquor store, it smells like hell in here, wanted to go outside to throw those, any time i tried the child actors were eyeing me. But i'm pretty sure they will bring more right away as things got very intense these days, they are throwing at me everything they got.
12:40 They brought in that Sunday a white horse at the beach but the horse was kinda upset probably because of the sound of the ocean and din't wanna a walk. In the end they rode him a bit but kinda against his will.
12:41 Smile back at you, Pikachu. Never believed dogs can have facial expressions. However foxes... (Yeah i watched funny animals videos all day trying to forget my ongoing confusions).
12:45 They started a midnight walk upstairs. Or smoking, whatever. In response to some emotions of mine while remembering stuff while very relaxed. Getting mad that is.
9:21 The science didn't get quite there yet. I think i know the reason. There is this influential sect within the catholic church called "Dominican" and it could be all suppressed by them. They since the beginning, that is the end of the 13th century did weird things and inquisition is one of them. The name is a wordplay, and it could mean "dogs of god" in Latin. They might do some dog magic, as inherited from the Egyptian and than Roman gods.
Think what a weapon this would be. You casually come at your enemy's door with your dog and leave a poop and in that day he instead of going about his business goes crazy instead. Unsuspecting. Unrecognizable.
I know for sure that something in dog poop strongly influence me. Don't know if "regular" poops, healthy or sick dogs, or fed with special food, male, female, females in heat, pheromones, parasites bla bla, but when those are present around the building their smell, that i don't even perceive as smell at the beginning, really drives me wild. That's why every time i realize that i go around and pick and throw them in garbage. But it's usually too late to save the day and i end up exposing me even more to those by picking them.
It started after we got a small condo in Bacău and there was this boy who was "walking" his she dog around the building, several times a day, for years. Don't know if he was picking or not but most likely not cause i never saw him with bags and i don't even think they had bag like these in the late80s in Romania. There must have been at any time dozens around that building.
Indoor litter boxes are a good source of contamination both with pathogens and invisible dust.
Some people may be more affected than others but there could also be other factors that may contribute.
It is my understanding those affect men more than women but there could be a similar trick that affects women as well like the old CRT computer monitors i was spending my whole days near. For about a year or so i also had a cat... Also smoke from my neighbor downstairs always made me feel good (No they were no drugs of any kind during those years in Romania)...
They were plenty of dogs and cats around the house (now heavily modified, made to look dark) i lived during my first years until 14 and did all my vacations until 22 în Câmpulung, a town with Switzerland like mountains and views. The name of the street has also been changed from Novermber 7 (day of boshevic revolution) though Transylvania is not that close.
10:30 I think they started to smoke upstairs about a week ago. Cigarette smoke is now coming after i hear some softer squeaks than before. She who stays home is lighter i guess. A reason to wake up at night. The smoke this morning caused me heart palpitations by causing nasal congestion and me unconsciously trying too hard to breath on my nose.
10:52 I lost my glasses... Will try to write this paragraph without those... Another thing that has happened to me lately that makes me very irritated. I almost got into fights with people in casinos and stores... Last time and WinCo they brought at the check-stands this woman who looks like ex Van Damme's wife... Anyways.
I know where it's coming from. For a month now they moved the van with the Insulation logo on it so i know. Could it be a warning? A threat?
After they installed the AC in the bedroom window upstairs, after i asked here how could they withstand the temperatures of 90s or even 100s upstairs with the sun hitting the roof they installed a window AC upstairs they use mostly at night.
One of the worst things you could do in a building that has the walls but especially the attic full of loose mineral insulation. The vibration from the AC breaks some of that and the very irritant and possibly carcinogen dust flies around the building. I wrote many times in the past here and on fb about that and i think it also modifies behavior by making you more impulsive and ready to fight.
Mineral dust so small it doesn't get caught by a PM2.5 sensor but so sharp it can penetrate human cells.
And yes your body may react to it by putting more protective oils on your skin in which case showers can only make the irritation worse...
I looked at the weather forecast, there will be one more week of heat (90s in September?) followed by average temperatures and it looks like it's going to be on for at least one more month...
11:37 Negative ion generators may help as they charge the invisible dust negatively and make it fall to the floor but not sure exactly which one works and there is no way to tell.
And the pain. The diffuse whole body pain from the mineral dust makes you wanna use all kinda stuff that kills pain from alcohol to weed to prescription.
And i don't believe there is escape from it in the US. Unless you build yourself a house free of mineral insulation.
2:08 Terrifying how every time i touch the laptop the first time there is a march and some heavy stomps upstirs. Just came from Wallmart and WinCo and put some of the stuff away and rushed to the computer to write a very important thing.
Every time i see a sign i can't recognize my mind rushes to the nearest symbol i know. Because of my college background and all the formulas with Greek letters they fed up with in there when i see by example a capital A without the horizontal bar my mind goes to the Greek lambda and i read it as L. That could create lots of confusion in the (poor) minds of those who are constantly trying to read or guess my thoughts.
This is the case with KIA which is is written with a stylized A that actually figures a lambda. More than that nowadays the combination I + lambda also reads like a Russian I. No L in Russian is...
In plain English could be suggesting KIYV. KYIV Soul.
It happened when i drove back from WinCo. I tried to pass that SOB on the right just to see his Asian face but i could not. His LPN started with PKC and i think that was a KIA Soul.
Then i remembered i was under the red line with the gas, and since i was at the nearest lane after the unsuccessful attempt to pass i pulled at the (expensive) Shell on the right and when i saw that ugly Asian attendant i asked to do it myself (As i said it will be years until Oregonian will give up gas attendants even if the law is now in force. Then i realized it was 9-11.
It happened Saturday night at Lucky Eagle. I was parked facing two identical grey KIA Soul. Two guys got out of one of them and started looking for differences and that created the pretext for one of the guys to come with his butt at my window and the other one to bend over to see something under the other one and that created lots of problems to me that night.
For weeks now the theme is Alexa and everywhere i go i see girls trying to emulate her appearance. There was one at the entrance of Walmart and i was with the cart full of groceries (forgot the bags in the truck) and she entered the store when i left that was looking almost like her.
When i finally got here found a spot next to the one level apartment where the 19 years old child looking Japanese actor supposedly lives, on a Thursday and one guy looking like the Arab ninja i talked about later (not him, i saw him in the casino Saturday night playing for hours at the same machine) was walking with a dog back and forth, like patrolling. Trying to prevent me from "feeding the cats?".
Also totally forgot abut the gray, drove both ways on the freeway near it.
5:18 I am so sick and tired of writing everything down here. I go driving around and repeat in my mind the phrases i have to write next.
However i have to write this on so hopefully it won't repeat. Cause it's not the first time with the same person there.
Things are like this. I have to buy water from Fred Meyer cause i can't find it anywhere else. Crystal Geyser cause it doesn't taste like plastic or mud. Canned chilis and hot dogs at WinCo because only there i can find my favorites. And sour bread and diary and most other stuff. Produce now got better at Walmart across the street (yes, Dartmouth). Today i lost my list at Walmart, forgot to get stuff at WinCo and still forgot some even after i went today twice in both stores.
There was only one bottle of water on the lowest shelf at Fred Meyer (Kroger) (and one at Walmart, coincidence), and that one was pushed deep inside the shelf (probably the reason it was still there). I would have had to crawl in four to get it. So i gave up. I bought some grapes on sale at 99 cents but they were on "electronic coupon".
I was also very distracted when i got to the self check stands because all the stuff that's happening to me these days and i put the damn grapes directly on the final scale. Usually the machine would have yelled at me but i can't remember hearing anything,
Would have figured after i found my card which i was searching for when she came, within seconds. Half my height, with her slanted eyes shining with hate. She took the grapes from the (final) scale and put it on the upper one i was supposed to put them before i searched for the card, without a word, while triumphing without giving me a chance to explain. They finally caught me though i was very careful these days knowing they tried before.
So i swallowed my pride and continued with entering Angela's phone number so i would get the price reduction but somehow, also because now i was mad, i ended paying the full price, which was more than double and this is the big problem with the local Kroger here. When you put in "the alternate ID" to benefit from the "digital coupons" you won't see the price reduction on the screen until you hit the pay now button.
Somehow today (again too many things on my mind) i did the card before that and didn't have a chance to re-enter the phone number if i put it wrong and the card got charged with the full price.
So i asked her again and she said, categorically, like the soup Nazi, no, you haven't used the digital coupon, showing it to me in the receipt.
Knowing they had this huge head-start with my first mistake, i just gave up but i let her keep the grapes. She probably needed the money to pay for her English classes.
One other hundred of similar scenes, more simple or more complex i can't even remember. I live on a stage, exactly like in Truman show, though unlike him, i'm not happy. And i can't drink anymore either because of the platelets.
50 de ani de când Dacia se produce în România. Dar departamentul de prese grele când a apărut prima dată? Înainte de 77?
Statistic vorbind. Când cauți ceva într-un noian de chestii (postări) întotdeauna sunt șanse mai mari să găsești altceva nu? Pentru că tu cauți o singură chestie, altceva sunt toate celelalte. Un post pe care l-am căutat de am înnebunit altă dată care demonstrează că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să se deplaseze din Vrancea în București.
Și mai sunt niște secunde bune până când se ajunge la intensitatea maximă și câteva până când începe să cadă câte ceva. Bine dacă ești la etajul 10 într-un bloc înalt nu prea contează dar dacă ești într-o clădire veche cu bulină ai putea să fugi.
7:37 Da bine în 1940 nu era nici o presă grea sau alte utilaje grele în România, poate doar tancuri de zeci de tone ce puteau fi mișcate simultan pe niște valuri de pământ pe un deal la frecvența de rezonanță a zonei seismice.
România a intrat în pactul tripartit (Axa) la 23 noiembrie 1940 la două săptămâni după cutremurul din 1940, la 2 luni după abdicarea forțată a lui Carol al II-lea și venirea la putere a legionarilor care acum au început să mă scârțâie tare pe tavan. Nu am spus practic nimic, e vorba doar de cronologia evenimentelor.
Cum se transmite o vibrație doar la masa care are o anumită frecvență dar nu și la celelalte. Se numește rezonanță. Fiecare zonă seismică de pe planetă are o anumită frecvență de rezonanță. Orice pe lumea asta este până la o anumită limită, elastic, inclusiv stratul de sub zona seismică respectivă. Motivul pentru care piramidele au fost construite exact în centrul geografic al suprafețelor uscate de pe pământ, pentru a ajunge oriunde.
Bineînțeles energia transmisă nu este cea totală a cutremurului, este mult mai mică, suficientă doar pentru a-l declanșa. Energia cutremurului este de altă natură (înghețare/dezghețare a magmei dintr-o bulă de magmă ajunsă aproape de suprafață cu schimbare bruscă a volumului).
Piramidele aveau mai multe funcții. Una din ele era producerea cutremurelor la distanță cu ajutorul marii galerii din piramida mare. Pe această galerie erau lăsate să alunece, poate pe un strat de apă, blocuri mari de granit la diferite intervale de timp (perioada frecvenței de rezonanță) pentru diferite zone seismice care se loveau mai apoi una de alta. Cine a descoperit primul secretele piramidelor, care pe atunci erau pe jumătate îngropate în nisip?
E posibil însă să fi fost folosite și pentru comunicații (pe alte frecvențe).
11:15 Kaly Yuga? OK i was curious about one thing and spent one hour and pasted one Wikipedia table into a spreasheet and drew a diagram and guess what i found out. The volcanic eruptions are getting more numerous. Could it be the dust drove people first exited so they came up with the industrial revolutions and then they got really mad and starting fighting each other or maybe it's just the lack of accurately recorded data?
11:27 There was no sun today, right now temp is 65 F (18 C), no need for AC, the two nearby are stopped but there is one on at the other end of the building and that is enough to create the cloud of dust. Also smells like dog poop, i saw one earlier but was wetted by the sprinklers, don't know if i can pick it up.
12:17 Nu știu, diferență mare de vârstă, vedeți și dvs. că eu m-am cam plictisit.