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Showing posts sorted by date for query seattle. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14

12:15 AM Opened a can of worms...

While i was staring at the diagrams, trying to figure where it would fit a 2 meter diameter steel ball, she got up from bed, went to the restroom, squeak the floor and awoke Angela... I live in terror, like the whole world lives in terror because of what these guys did to us and are still doing...

From the observation level all the way to antenna, under the roof, there are (were) about 30 ft (10 meters). There have been recent modifications...

Insulating foundation, like the Eiffel tower? Could have more than one function, like ionosphere manipulation? What is that antenna on top? Nobody uses AM radio no more.

12:48 Eye of the needle or Damocles sword? I see. I also see a solar symbol. Complete with rays and stuff.

12:55 There's one in Hamburg where i've been too. Also with at least one restaurant.

1:11 Towers of the world.

1:20 Ooops!

1:20 Ok i posted enough towers so no one can say i am favoring one or another. I think i will go to bed now.

7:50 Their problem is not the Prime Minister or anything of the absurd game they are playing on the political scene. He now quits just to shadow a number of things i said yesterday and recently.

But the Emperor? giving up the (fake) Emperor would be a good start though... The mentality of the people in that country is frozen in time, like thousands of years ago.

And bringing back home the millions of ninja from the US. But i don't think that is possible anymore, that does not compute on their AI, the West Coast would simply stop running cause they replaced too many, mostly fallen in the wars of the last decades.

If i have by example a chance to look at one semi driver, all i ever see is Japanese, barely disguised in Mexicans whatever. And they now go with limit + 10 and and pass other vehicles on the freeway with 80 in a 70 limit in the high speed lane like any car would do...

BTW they redrew some of the yellow line on I5 up north from Portland. It's all crooked and bent, sometimes oscillating with one foot within 100 yards. Never seen such an ample sloppiness done on so many miles. I think it tries to show how crooked the Jews are, yellow of course representing not the Japanese, but the Jews. But to whom cause all i see it's them.

8:05 On demand, or as of today. Warning? We're way past that. What part you people can't understand of "physically occupied"? By millions? All protected by AI or like pawns on a huge chess board? Who justify their absence at home as being hikkikomori?

12:42 For a long time i have been living with the idea that Nirvana is one of the most racist, antisemitic if not plain right far right, not only antisemitic but anti-supposed-semitic-system coming from the most antisemitic far right city of US, Seattle, Wa. Aberdeen whatever. The pure bred highlanders of the Pacific NW (or NW of Pacific whatever).

Since i was at it, tried a search to figure (quickly without waking that part of my brain with all the memories) what was their most representative song (in this direction) and what do i find. "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe or basically an a...e, don't buy this CD. I don't care if you like me, I hate you."-Kurt Cobain". (teaching hate to haters?) On other sites i read he was a Christian, feminist, etc.. Whattt?

Well first it shocked but then i decided not to be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time when Americans buy everything are being told, and/or get it entirely wrong, like opposite from right wrong. Told by the man himself. Should not listen to what he said, should listen to what he sang. If you don't believe me, watch this video which i'm sure you watched before but nobody told you about the words.

Blue eyed blond hair (short-not-so-aryan) Christian feminist racist hater supremacist anti-family anti-semitic defiant anti-system. And he's got an accent that could be German, but i know it's Hungarian. Attila Hungarian. Entraining because it's accepted. In Seattle. (click on video to go to youtube to see lyrics).

Hello how low. A Mulatto, an Albino, a mosquito (three members of the group). Probably in reference on how they could have been called by the establishment serious people (supposedly Jews).
And here what a Jew has to say (sing) about it.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16

I ran into something i forgot and never understood well from an application since 8 years ago. A diagram showing tidal variations over the  years, in Seattle.

I did not have the time to fully understand that and the rest of the page, but i already have a conclusion. Tides are highest at solstices and lowest at equinoxes, because of course of the Earth distance to the Sun, but also because of the exposure of different faces of the Earth to the Sun, due to seasons.

According to this, and the fact that tides are a measure of all combined gravitational forces exerted by Sun and Moon, there should be another correlation with earthquakes. That of points of Earth on the ecliptic.

So what do i have so far?

Distance to the Moon (or apparent diameter of Moon).

Phase of the Moon (alignment Earth-Moon-Sun).

Solstices and equinoxes. I hope i will have the time to verify this in the next few days. I am almost positive a correlation will be found.

And  then, the questions. Why am i the first to show this? Why people back in my youth have tried to embed all these information into my life, so i will remember it later? Who is suppressing all this knowledge?

I think by combining all 4 charts, tides and and weather predictions, one could pinpoint precisely enough when an earthquake should occur, since ancient times. And we know ancient Egyptians were both mathematicians and astronomers. I wouldn't be surprised if some would have that knowledge plus everything that comes with modern mathematical formulas, supercomputers, AI.

8:52 Orban, meddling in Romania's EU Parliamentary Elections. Not that it matters. Being a UE MP is like a sweet retirement for used Romanian politicians.

I remember the times of Ceaușescu when heads of states were visiting each other's countries on invitation basis.

9:11 Von der Lie-on, Disinformation.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Occult Domination by Asians of the United States

They woke me up with sporadic noises however now a heavy person or one who hops at every step makes the hole building shake. Is either when i read the news, do a search etc.. One can hear the stomps at the beginning and end of this file.

However i managed to find something. It is not only my perception that there is a link between Shintoism and Hinduism.

There is a quote in the first page of the article above that tries to prove the Japanese text is almost entirely taken from Dà zhìdù lùn.

But my ideas came from somewhere else. The correspondence between Hindu gods and Japanese ones, like in the case of Daikokuten. Even the name Shinto seem to come from Hindu.

Wondering if the feminine power principle Shakti has something to do with the goddess Amaterasu, highest position in Shinto pantheon. Though Shinto tradition in Japan says Amaterasu legend is much older than middle ages.

The largest volcano by volume in the Cascade range, located in northern California is named Mt. Shasta. The name California itself and a myriad of other toponyms in the western United States remind of the name of goddess Kali, which today is marginal in Hindu religion. The name Nevada seems to come from Sanskrit.

Here is one more disturbing link. The name of the Capital of the United States (and the state of Washington, geographically closest to Japan) seem to come from Japanese Wa Shinto which in Japanese means Shinto Harmony. 

The Capitol Building and Jefferson Memorial are built in a version in the shape of a Shiva Linga. Both domes have three bands reminding of Tripundra. However at the end of the alley that starts from the Capitol building there is a sort of Obelisk that reminds of Egyptian pyramids. But if you asked me, i'd say the whole valley of California, with Mt. Shasta at one end represent a Shiva linga.

George Washington himself who oddly looks like the face of the Sphinx is depicted on a fresco on the highest point of the dome of Capitol building as a godworshiped nowadays by a Shinto Sect in Hawaii.

No wonder someone organized live shows in the town of Palisade, Nevada, that was at the origin of the wild wild west myth, to prevent European descending folks from the East to come over in large numbers in the west, especially after finishing of the trans continental railway.

It is my perception that the west nowadays is dominated by people from Asia, mainly Japanese in the State of Washington, Indians in California, etc., some masquerading as Latinos. Microsoft and Google headquartered in Seattle, Wahington and California is dominated by Indians. The mayor of San Francisco by example looks Japanese.

I myself have been "processed" in Vancouver, Washington (just north of Portland) in what seems to be a sacrificial ritual. (double quadruple confusion, Vancouver WA, US vs Vancouver BC, Canada, and Washington State vs Washington DC)

But nowadays i have neighbors that keep suppressing me using all kinda of illegal means, including remote psychological and  physical torture with synchronized noise, dust and dog waste. The use of women in these actions seemed justified since they are not as sensitive to dog waste and also match the chaotic feminine destructive part of Shiva.

US music charts and radio stations playlists are dominated by Japanese women masquerading as Blacks and Latinas etc.

However white politicians and entertainers are figured by Hungarians who came in Europe from Asia in waves, last one from Nepal in 9th century.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

November 28

7:48 O ipoteză "șoc" pentru cine bate pas de defilare chiar acum în apartamentul de sus. De aia nu a fost aici până ieri (luni) la ora 2 PM ora locală. Au scăpat porumbelul. Nici o chestie. A mai fost și Fifor pe aici. De când m-a trezit și până acum mi-a dat în cap suficient praf ca să mi se facă greață. Tortura nu se prescrie în SUA. Într-o zi va rămâne totuși fără pașaport și imunitate diplomatică.

8:07 Deja vu. E o diferență între prince și arestat.

8:25 Am fost la fereastră să mă uit ce mașină e aici, o femeie  japoneză pe care nu am mai văzut-o de vreun an, pitică de vreo 30 de ani și un metru și ceva înălțime stătea pregătită și a plecat de la scara vecină voioasă "la școală". Bine că nu am deschis ușa, să fac o poză cu scara dărâmată, ziua pe lumină.

9:09 Două persoane din care o tipă solidă și un tip, amândoi asiatici, totuși mai înalți, au coborât scările. S-a mai auzit puțin zgomot, după care zgomotul a încetat.

9:13 N-am știut! 35000 membri? Dacă a fost considerat periculos în 2016, de ce avea case în Franța? Au depus mărturie în fața Libération? A făcut un an pentru viol? Care au fost condițiile? Să nu plece din țară era una din ele? Nu știu, mie mi se pare că autoritățile din România și Franța îi creează într-adins toate condițiile ca el să poată continua să facă România de kk maka. Sau a fost totul inventat acum?

Narcis Tarcău, cel care a reprezentat India la Congresul Yoga de la Rishikesh din anul 2000,  "locotenentul" lui Bivolaru, fiul directoarei PTTR din Bacău (pe vremea ailaltă) a fost vecin de birou cu mine la IMU până in 1990 când am plecat la CPL. Membru al Atelierului de Proiectare Electrice la IMU, nu făcea altceva decât să joace jocuri pe un Sinclair toată ziua. Împreună cu Mitică, un tip care semăna perfect cu Mick Jagger.

Eugen Mârț, mâna stângă a lui Bivolaru, lucra la IPEP peste drum. Însă colegul meu de birou, Iulian Mârț, care locuia în Salem, Oregon (nu Massachusetts unde erau vrăjitoarele) împreună cu soția și cei doi copii, când am venit eu în SUA în August 1995 și lucra la firma Yamamoto în Hilsboro (acum închisă).

Am stat la el în Dallas (Oregon) o lună. Și el yoghin, dar nu cu MISA, este cu 10 cm mai înalt decât Bivolaru, deși semăna foarte bine cu el. Soția lui Veronica lucra și ea la o firmă  japoneză, WaferTech, în Salem. După care s-au mutat la Seattle, cam după anul 2000.

Am avut o postare de blog cu poze ale lui în Seattle 2007 dar se pare că am șters postarea definitiv, într-un moment când am crezut și eu că era chiar el, Bivolaru, mai am pozele pe un hard drive undeva într-un sertar. A nu am găsit postarea și pozele.

11:54 A existat mandat de căutare internațională pe numele lui emis de Finlanda din 2017 și totuși el s-a putut "ascunde" unde, în Paris, timp de 6 ani. (De ce credeam eu că e în închisoare?) Dacă e adevărată toată povestea.

12:53 Mai este o săptămână până la meeting-ul JHA (JAI) din 4-5 decembrie. Deși votul pentru aprobarea verificării condițiilor este în agendă (link mai jos în pagină), se zvonește acum că Olanda se opune aprobării verificării pentru Bulgaria, iar în agendă votul este într-adevăr programat împreună, ceea ce este un abuz ce șochează bunul simț. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări diferite, fiecare cu votul ei în Consiliu.

Însă agenda este provizorie, ea necesită votarea de către Consiliu la începutul meeting-ului. LOL îmi amintesc cum era în România la ședințele de partid (am devenit membru chiar înainte de 90, am prins una-două ședințe), tot așa, se vota ordinea de zi chiar la început. Chiar glumeam pe chestia aia, care a rămas în picioare și acum. "Cine e pentru, cine e împotrivă, să se abțină".

BTW România poate opune veto-ul din cauza abordării împreună cu Bulgaria și atunci se va duce dr.dre meeting-ul, Consiliul și UE în general.

1:50 She did laundry before she left. Her drier vent is under my wall and window. I think it could be only detergent from laundry that has not been rinsed enough. The symptoms (which i felt before many times but never made a connection) are tightness of skin around eyes, neck ankles and calves.

8:00 Can't turn off sound notifications in Windows 10 no matter how many hours i waste trying to find  the setting. Went outside to take the garbage, there is a chocking smoke around the building. Upstairs is quiet but they dry a third load of laundry.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29

12:25 Bănuiesc că nu au ales aceste nume întâmplător. În statul Washington de pe coasta de vest, capitala Seattle, abreviat WA care stat are o populație de vreo 8 milioane de locuitori, și același nume ca și capitala SUA de pe coasta de est de la 5000 km distanță și 3 fusuri orare, există o localitate Vancouver, care este la granița cu Oregon (fluviul Columbia), și practic face parte din zona urbană Portland (Portland Metro Area).

Vancouver WA SUA este un sfert ca mărime față de Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), Canada, la nord de statul Washington. Când am venit în SUA, după 6 luni în Oregon m-am mutat pentru 6 luni în Vancouver, în speranța unui job care nu s-a împlinit și am găsit în schimb un job tot în Portland și m-am mutat iar. Toate rudele și cunoștințele mele au fost destul de confuzate de aceste nume.

A și chestia cu Salem, capitala Oregonului care nu este mai cunoscutul Salem Massachusetts. A și mai există un Portland tot așa pe coasta de est, în statul Maine. Și Isle of Portland, Regatul Unit care a dat numele cimentului așa cum îl știm noi, Portland cement.

Cred că faza cu Madonna a fost concepută (designed, written) pentru a acoperi ceva din relatările mele despre accidentul din 20/21 August 2021, alte chestii descrise de mine ca de exemplu administrarea cutanată a antibioticelor, posibilitatea ca diabetul să fie tratat cu antibiotice etc..

9:00 The building wasn't hosed since i got the "new" car i guess and that will be two years in October. They were dust buns everywhere but because of the laundry vapor coming from partially washed clothes the dust was also stinking. I knew because the stink intensified when i was touching the hot surface (was alomst 90 again today) with the jet of the hose.

More than that. After the blowing yesterday much fresh dust settled on top of the old one. It became painful. My sleep was fragmented and woke in pain all over my body. I tried the unthinkable and that is two Tylenol tablets (generic, non time release, the simple tablets) and put it on my arm under a bandaid pad. It worked. I slept some more throught the day but i already have it in my digestive system.

While i was slowly hosing the building and patch of grass in front of the car which is too far from any of the sprinklers, people were getting in my way. But many of them were the same person. Actress Frankie Adams who actually is a Japanese ninja. She was dressing up in different ways and was showing at different times but only in the direction i was hosing. Not that it would have toched her. It was two far, just the symbolisim on camera.

However one of the guys who got in front of the hose was him. I'm also sure this video is sublinally directed against me. Saw him before here, bullying and cursing at me when i was working at the car but it was dark and didn't realize who he was.

10:00 Mă gândeam când am văzut prima dată o astfel de știre ieri în contextul bacalaureatului că aceste dispozitive merg pe tehnologia bluetooth iar sufleorul este undeva în apropiere. (Nu cred că se apucă nimeni acum să inventeze ceva nou doar pentru aceste curiozități). Bluetooth însă merge doar la câțiva metri. Dar ce spun nenii aici se încadrează dincolo și de wi-fi care merge până la vreo 50 metri.

GSM sau poate 4G. Nu cred că folosesc alte benzi decât cele nemonitorizate pentru wi-fi și celulare (2,4 GHz). Dar ce baterie poți să pui într-un nasture care să emită GSM timp de jumătate de oră cât durează acel examen. Presupun că nu au voie cu celular în sala de examen. Un celular ar putea acționa ca un releu. Nasturele este prea mic pentru a instala în el și baterie și emițător GSM sau 4G.

9 ani de anchetă pentru a prinde 25 de fraudanți care puteau fi prinși cu un simplu dispozitiv de detectare microunde (la fel ca și la BAC).

Asta de exemplu este wi-fi iar dispozitivul wireless atașat este de mărimea unui celular, nu cred că puteau să intre cu așa ceva la examen.

Orice tehnologie wireless începând de la inclusiv wi-fi emite niveluri dăunătoare de microunde, care sunt necesare pentru funcționare. Abrevierea wi-fi de exemplu are origine dubioasă și cred că e subliminal pentru cuvântul englez wife.

10: 23 Totul are legătură subliminală cred cu mitul lansat câțiva ani înainte de revoluție, că Elena Ceaușescu ar fi fost analfabetă. Actrița americană de origine austriacă Hedi Lamarr, care a jucat-o pe Elena a fost creditată cu inventarea unei tehnologie cruciale în telefonia celulară și wireless.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28

9:30 I was writing and getting ready to finish an important email to WSP (Washington State Patrol) using the gmail account associated with this blog when the email was sent before i had a chance to finish it.

In my initial email two days ago i was asking them for the name of the towing truck driver called by officer Boston Draper who in the end refused to tow us per reason of distance (22 miles) but never had the chance to say i suspect now he was also the driver of the truck that hit me from behind and ran minutes before before the email got sent without me hitting the send button.

They implied in the answer i was replying to they could send me the video from the freeway cameras if i provided location date and hour which i already did, though i asked only for the name of that towing driver. I also gave all the available information in the suspect/witness form i filled that night and is attached to the file that can be found under my name in their records. The form was filled in a street off the freeway at the first exit after location and i think officer Draper put the right location in his forms which are also attached to the file.

But my initial email with the request was not included in their answer (they broke the thread like they always do) and it looks like they missed my only request and now are offering something else instead, the video which two years ago they say it is not available, also asking for... the description of the other driver, which i never had a chance to see. Except if he was the tow driver to whom i casually talked to about the mods at the battery while officer Draper was filling his paperwork in his SUV.

10:10 I know what will happen. Another officer from WSP will answer again breaking the thread of the conversation, pretending he didn't read or understand my previous two emails.
4:45 For (Eastern Europeans only. Washington State is a state in the Western US, north of California and Oregon, with capital in Olympia and main city Seattle, home of Boeing, Microsoft and Starbucks, the last state to be added to the Union (1889), not to be confused with Washington DC, that is 3000 miles by plane or three time zones away.

4:50 When Angela comes from work she is very vocal and the only way to quiet her down is to give her some food. Today i gave her slow cooked rice (14 minutes) with soy sauce, caramelized sauteed sliced sugar free giant chicken breast (8 minutes), grated cabbage with diced canned olives and cherry tomatoes which took me all about half hour to cook (excluding doing the dishes and marinating the chicken, which i done earlier).

Sorry the picture came blurred cause i'm drunk already. BTW now she's demanding her glass of wine. Soon she will go to sleep for the rest of the evening time in which i can't move cause she wakes up easily.

But i got plans. I will continue to binge watch a Sci-Fi series i started yesterday on NETFLIX. Cause i don't know what to post anymore.

5:30 What am i saying, i have still a lot on my mind. Google's AI keep pushing me on the right side of youtube songs chosen for the moment. The blacklight reminds me of the first time i heard (and danced on) this song (1981). (One of the few successful songs with synths injected into rock). But keep thinking. Was Lou Gramm's first version or the one i heard then first time, better?

8:22 Went to WinCo. Mexican music playing very loud here at different apartments in the last days and when i left like trying to prove they are not chicanos hikikomori from Japan. There was this guy beyond the one level building with an older white car with a big bass in the trunk.

Many things on the road and at WinCo but one is worth mentioning. When i got back, at the last stop light here at 7-11 there was this snake woman waiting to pass with both legs a few inches in the street since my light was green. Then it turned yellow and i judged i did not have the time to stop without my groceries being spread accross the trunk (and i have two big boxes to put the bags in).

Then the light turned red in about one second or faster than normal but i think i still entered on yellow and she was always there, part in the street, part on the sidewalk, not moving.

When i came back and grabbed the bags and heard the music again i remembered something. I can't remember when i last saw any of my neighbors coming home with groceries except once or twice but i think it was years ago. Most of them i only see a few times before they are replaced anyways.

9:25 Just went in the street to see. Yellow time at that intersection is 4 seconds.
There are two lights but only one lane for going forward and one is covered by trees at the distance where you should see it. But there's something else i remembered. First time after they opened that corner of the intersection i was complaining about, when you were pressing the button, it was making the sound of a machine gun. A joke i assume. I saw two days ago a city guy with a phone around those things and the sound turned to normal. Can they be (re)programmed with a phone?

I was searching for the time needed to stop at 40 (speed limit there is 35) and found for 55. Some vehicles need only 3 seconds to do 0 to 60, mine, more than 6 including reaction time. Deceleration factor does not change with speed so i would assume you would need about 4 seconds to stop at 30, including reaction time. Very tight.

9:37 Now i need the rest of the evening to search for the actress who does Elisabeth Warren.

10:20 Nevermind it was less than an hour. 25 more minutes to explain what happened:

That guy was playing the bass so loud i decided to go for WinCo also because i was craving munchies. It annoyed me even in the parking lot. I believe i was so busy with the car i haven't hosed the building in years so dust buns including insulation dust is everywhere and falls at loud vibrations and that is plainly painful.

Other people doing stupid things i can't remember. Rude drivers on the freeways, some again tailgating. I was mad when i got there. And there she was, at the onion bay. Trying to open a bag for a couple of minutes. I asked her if she was going to stay there all night and then it all escalated into a verbal fight and i think she left the store immediately.

Don't know why a professor (emeritus) in sociology was on my list of actors. Or it is an extraordinary coincidence. Or she was briefly an actress when young. After all, Viktor Orban himself is an actor and director by trade. Trump could also have been a professor of economics in Hungary.

But i'm pretty sure it's her. Even the name clue is there. Maria N, Warren.

Senator of Massachusetts, ex candidate. The name of that cop was Boston Draper. Wondering if it wasn't her design from the beginning. Or maybe she supervises the whole damn thing i keep talking about for years.

Timing was midnight 20/21 August 2021. BTW they used the window of opportunity tonight exactly when i was driving for a few seconds a bit aggressive on I5 to send the email. They didn't give me the video though they said they would if i give them time and location and they didn't give me the name of the tow truck driver, only the towing company... Chappell’s. More than that, i think i also saw him at WinCo tonight.

I was wondering. If WSP had a contract with that towing company like Draper said (not sure which is first and last name), what happened after they broke the contract. Was there any written form. Was the cop supposed to tell his bosses the name of that driver. I think it's impossible for WSP not to know that name.

12:00 Last one this day. I remembered when i came from WinCo had to pass through a cloud of very strong laundry perfume. Seemed like someone did laundry and dried without rinsing. 30 minutes later inside started to smell like dirty laundry. I think i saw earlier a guy going next door resembling... Also had painful dust on my whole body from today's blowing of the parking lot, shaking of building.

So i went to take a shower and then in the bedroom trying to get new underwear, when i felt smoke in there. Went outside and found close to the wall next door a hole that i plugged. Haven't seen that guy, haven't find holes in a while except for one under the main deck.

Last night i hit the doormat to the stairs a couple of times, some dust came out of it, swept under. Today after they blew the parking lot with 200 mph power blowers the mat had way more dust than yesterday after i done the same thing. Literally a cloud of dust came out of it.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18

12:14 China

12:14 I was feeling guilty for not being able to sleep in Reno and ruin Angela's vacation. Trying to compensate, i searched on the map for casinos closer to home and found a huge one near Seattle. Muckleshoot Casino, "biggest in Northwest" with 3000 machines, at about 169 miles from here. We decided to cut the distance in two and stop at Lucky Eagle.

I tightened the bolt at the manifold and got in the car. But on the freeway. Everybody was taking a pass at me. Literally. Passing on the right at high speed, but especially tailgating. How many times did i have to get out of the way of big SUVs coming from behind (now i'm afraid, after the accident) at speeds faster than speed limit +10. The usual congestion before the bridge. The same trend after i started the blog with similarities in 2018 only more intense every time. Newest, semis speeding and passing cars and other semis.

But once in the State of Washington. While getting closer to exit 88, i started to feel sick. Soon i discovered the source. I've been driving behind a "classic car" for many minutes, that finally exited. Then i discovered other vehicles, like a Chevy truck from 70s, others that i passed one by one. Last one was a Japanese driver. Fighting to stay alert and on the road during the last 20 miles because smoke was getting me dizzy.

Deja vu. Lately it always happens in the State of Washington. Every time i hope it will be the last time, but they never stop. Also tailgating drivers simulate they are just bad drivers, continuing to tailgate at less than half second distance the next driver after me getting out of the way. But they are simply too many for me to believe that, basically one after another. Many are leading a line of several tailgating drivers, pretending are pushed from behind. But lately most of them have tinted windows so i can't see who they are when they pass.

One guy with a silver BMW going only 1 or 2 mph more than the rest was shoving all the cars in his way.
Some five miles to destination me driving in the second lane i saw a State Patrol vehicle (i think, did not see the mark) on the shoulder, flashing red and blue lights behind a stopped one. So i tried to slow down though they were coming like a herd of raging buffaloes from behind. Slowed at 70 (the legal limit) and still breaking, a white vehicle i think a VW almost hit me with its rear left side while trying to get in front of me from the first lane "trying to clear the lane near the shoulder", in the last possible moment or maybe after.

Had to further hit the brakes and let him pass in front of me to avoid collision. I now believe that after they were tailgating all the way they were now trying to demonstrate on a State Patrol vehicle camera it was me i was tailgating. Then after he merged in front of me within a second or two another huge white SUV came from behind real fast as now i was now going under speed limit as per drivers' manual and i had to accelerate real hard to get away. At the wheel a driver which at first seem Latino, but when i looked better i thought he was Japanese as well.

They were few empty spots in the pretty big parking lot at Lucky Eagle. First one i found was near a huge red truck (symbolism, later it moved away and was replaced with a smaller bright red car). Like usually i had a couple of drinks in the car and went in the casino. There i saw this Indian looking guy, with round face and long black almost blue hair, parading.

Then i went back in the car, with the soda paper cup in my hands, poured some more rum in it (i love rum and cola) and suddenly got very sleepy, i think i went back in the casino, could not fight it and went back in the car and slept for two hours. The Zyrtec i said to myself, but i believe the exhaust from the road was a factor, from driving behind smoking vehicles most of the way. When i woke up i saw through the tinted windows him sitting in a car besides me and checking his phone. Later when Angela came, a girl like 14, emerged from the roof top.

Angela came in the car and i started to drive towards Muckleshoot. Same tailgating story, only on the narrower lanes in the (sub)urban maze in south Seattle. I was telling Angela. This looks like San Francisco or LA.

From the distance i saw the fireworks near the casino. After finding a spot, i parked and went inside. First machines at the entrance, the most boring kind. As we advanced, we found the good ones only at the "bottom of it". Too many machines of the same kind packed together and i never seen machines so greedy. In an hour or so Angela lost 200 bucks (i helped with 40) or all her money. The casino at first seemed full of Asians, later some white people showed, while we were in the last room and spent our last money.

The interesting part. There was a live band with i think with Chinese instrument players and an American maybe looking girl at vocals and they were playing a Romanian song. Could have been herself, i don't know, i only looked from a distance and i again had a few drinks in the car. Nevermind, the lead guitarist (bottom right) only looks Chinese.

So we got cleaned and left in a couple hour or so. Direction. Red Winds, some 39 miles away, south from Seattle. Outside the fireworks were still on, more than one hour after we came. At Red Winds, i was so tired i could barely walk and barely speak in any language when Angela won a 1250 jackpot at a "Black Diamonds" game.

Amounts over 1000 have to be taxed and payed by an attendant but it took him more than half hour to come with the money. I started to get worried and tried to start the phone to take a picture and i realized the phone was just starting by itself in my pocket, but the unused phone malfunctioned (could not bring up the camera app). So i went in the car to grab the camera.

Outside i saw two Nisqually Police SUVs (and one car?) parked at the entrance. Got back with the camera, in the meantime Angela got her money (1060 after federal tax) and was fretting thinking she gave him only 20 dollars tip. She told me a woman came and asked her money "because she hit the jackpot" and she gave her 5 dollars. The win cover our losses for the "vacation". (But not the bitter taste).

Heading for the restroom and soda machine. While there with the soda cups in my hands the two cops passed, maybe like trying to warn me. Last time i was there i drank some coffee that tasted weird but now i don't believe anymore it had something in it. Could have been just very diluted coffee made with tap water. Though it's very easy to mess with it since the carafes with coffee which i think are not locked or something.

(The problem is here in the wall above the dryers vents around the corner. Especially when the fridge next to it starts it all start to stink like dog poop and of course the poops left outside, not so many lately). 

So i checked again the nut at the exhaust, very little loose, we left and behind me of course a guy with one single headlight tailgating as i was not able to go past speed limit because of being so tired. At a certain moment i saw a second lane on the right, tried to veer off his way only to see a deer grazing next to it so i just hit the brakes and went back in the lane where i was. He slowed accordingly (good thing he didn't hit me). Since he continued, at the first "roundabout" which nowadays abound in the State of Washington, i went 360 degrees, like in a merry go round and let him pass.

On the freeway. Again when i entered a guy tailgating and one occupying the first lane where i wanted to merge though at 2 AM the highway was deserted. Many people entering exactly when us passing which seems so weird on a empty freeway.

People passing on the right, a long time (minutes), to exit faster (i always set my cruise control on speed limit +9). I told Angela to look for a rest area, we missed the first one. Found one on gps 39 miles away. Too far (my laptop is playing tricks with cursor jumping all over). So i pulled in the first exit with services after about 25 miles on the way and slept one hour in a parking lot next to a Chevron gas station.

Same hell after i re-started driving back home. The mileage was not stellar, around 39, because of tire pressure going from 39 psi at 80 degrees during my trip to Reno to 35 at 50. Voltage at the plug stayed 14.4. Here in Tualatin Angela went to deposit the money at the bank (to pay bills of course) and then we went at McDonalds we knew was open to get some breakfast. At the window a woman who looked again like Frankie Adams. The nut on the exhaust was loose a hair only. Got to finally find the inner strength and tight it to specs.

Slept four hours and wrote this in about 2.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30

8:57 Psihologie inversă. O elită secretă din Ungaria controlată de o elită srecretă din Japonia controlează totul inclusiv UE, Parlamentul și Comisia. Și arestarea Evei Kaili este tot un exemplu de psihologie inversă.

9:18 Woke up in mold smell. Last night at 1:30 i had to go and pick items from the redwood mulch. Amazing how much mold smell can cause inisde a can of soda with some soda left in it, thrown on that. But who will throw soda and beer cans with soda and beer left in it? Besides, all the people here look civilized, i'm supposed to be the only villain.

However it takes hours until the mold smell subsides, after removing those. So i started the filters and ozone generators and the smell is so bad you can't even feel the smell of ozone.

9:35 Un canal din media oficială preia din volei această idee, bineînțeles cu o greșeală. Ca și cum nu ar fi de partea utilizatorilor, ci a fabricanților care îi sponsorizează. Puterea de emisie nu depinde de brand sau sistemul de operare (iPhone, Android) ci de distanța până la turn sau câte bare de semnal sunt la telefon.

Într-un bloc din beton armat telefonul trebuie să folosească mai multă putere, din cauza efectului de cușcă Faraday a armăturii și a betonului în general, care blochează semnalul. Telefonul are setări automate pentru putere la emisie, invizibile pentru utilizator. Când avem bare puține telefonul emite la putere maximă. Semantică, psihologie inversă.

Friars. Multă lume se gândește probabil că radiația de la un telefon celular este un efect secundar. Nu, radiația este efectul principal, este vocea dumneavoastă, digitalizată și modulată pe acest semnal. Cu alte cuvinte, este o ilustrare a proberbului românesc "Pasărea pe limba ei piere". Tot ce vorbiți (uneori cu păcate) vă trece la propriu din nou prin creier. Este foarte posibil să fie un sistem realizat deliberat tot de acești dominicani.

9:51 A van from a cabinets firm from Seattle came to do the cabinets upstairs. It will be one hellofaday. If started with most likely intentional dropping and rolling of a heavy object. Should have left earlier but i didn't have a chance to eat.

Didn't catch that. Vibration was so intense it induced a shock wave into my spine, like going to the chiropractor. Here a sample of hammering.

12:20 They blew the leaves from eastern garages (relative to this building) as they said they will. I took a picture but it did not come right. The piles of leaves blown from the roof are about twice the size of what i picked in five laundry baskets after the wind. By handling those leaves i got more hives on the left arm. I think i can feel the stink right now, as mold resembling smoke.

12:30 There is a "floating" old white van in the neighborhood with LPN JBQ i wrote about before. Right now is parked not on a spot but on the narrow space next to the garbage bin across. But before the warning tickets it was staying for weeks in the same spot behind a bush where my truck is now next to south garages. It had visibility to the apartment upstairs. I think they wrote the whole scenario of the "guy" upstairs moving around this story. Right after he left they piled appliances at the sliding doors that cut visibility. One of the guys i saw near the van was... and another one...

12:40 I feel a presence... I bet the shy skinny white guy who officially does now the cabinets upstairs can't and won't do this kinda of noises. I think it's her again and again.

1:28 I thought i was privileged to drive alongside iconic Hwy 101 on a gorgeous day sometimes among a myriad of American flags during a holiday that is sacred to most Americans. Memorial Day, commemorating the loss of so many young pure lives who knows what for and thought to myself, this must come with a price that i will pay someday. The pay time came sooner than expected, with that near accident in Florence. I am also happy that many TV encores gave up the pronunciation "mmorial" and nowadays all vowels are heard.

The empty restaurant symbolizes the missing ones.
5:50 They came. 3 kids in bathing suits that yell almost continously, for hours. The same way they made noise at the hotel or this morning upstairs, with almost no pause bertween knocks. Where from do they have that kinda energy?

8:28 There was a 50 dollars difference for the brake pads if i ordered them with normal or expedite shipping. With normal shipping they would not come here before our vacation. So i went outside to check the right wheel as well. As for the left, here is at least 10k till the indicator would start to squeak. So i ordered the parts, which i found at an online dealer for half the price on ebay and less than on Amazon and they will arrive while i won't be here. Oops, i think they will let them at the door. Need to go back and cancel the order.

8:32 Could not cancel the order, i just sent them an email.

What i wanted to say. While i was outside. First 5 minutes was ok except for the air horns on the freeway, which sounded for 30 seconds at the time. Soon after, they started to pour in. Finally when i was done and torquing the nuts (BTW they were all loose, at all wheels, which explains some sounds i was hearing when turning in the parking lot and some driveability issues) obviously with my butt in the air, a thin read headed guy whit a LPN HET (No in Russian) came, parked rear first and handed ceremoniously a small package, most likely food, to a little girl that came outside.

Yesterday i remembered i had a jump starter which i bought for the other Elantra before i replaced the battery. 40 bucks on Amazon. I only used it a few times. I was sure it was in the car in a pouch that belonged to my old truck but cannot find it anywhere. Could it have remained in the car when i took it to the shop for damage estimation? No cause i remember i put it in that pouch together with a small compressor that broke after.

I went to search for it in the truck, and uphill, next to the one level house, where lives this bearded guy who looks like a bishop from Romania, talking to, possibly trying to convert?... a biker on a Harley.

9:20 Just saw a Progressive commercial on TV. I think the read headed guy earlier in the parking lot was him.

Nu e asta. M-am uitat la televizor în seara asta, ceea ce nu fac de mult timp. Am văzut pe mai multe canale de știri și chiar în show-uri elemente de combatere pe cuvinte cheie, răspunsuri subtile la postările mele recente, știri și evenimente întregi generate pe computer, bineînțeles inexistente în realitate. O știam de mult, am uitat, pentru că procesul de îmbătrânire a creierului meu a avansat. A fost o perioadă când mă simțeam sufocat de aceste practici dar acum le ignor.

Inteligența artificială este la lucru de mult, de decenii, și a ajuns să controleze o mare parte dacă nu tot ce se publică, inclusiv crearea sau generarea citirii știrilor, cu actori care sunt modelați după persoane existente, deși instanța respectivă este creată de un computer. Alegerile sunt un show de la început până la sfârșit. Suntem... departe pe acest drum fără întoarcere.

Tired from Sunday, scrambled from noises this morning. I had a few drinks and fell asleep late afternoon. Woke up with the pleasant sensation of something accomplished. But i was craving fruit and all i had was some dried oranges. So i decided to go to WinCo.

After 10 PM, the beeping sound of forklifts moving through the store. A short guy was looking desperately after somebody and i was in his way and for a good few seconds it looked like he was chasing and yelling at me.

There was only one check stand open but the self ones were opened, surprisingly, after 10. Didn't have many items and went to a self stand. But when i got to the cherries, the system read the barcode but gave me a message. Item not recognized. I was simply too lazy to think as the supervisor was close and he grabbed the bag and simply went through the menu which i could have done it myself.

On my way back after hitting the bumpers here in the parking lot, i heard the noise again, like the nuts for one wheel (left front) were loose again.

Monday, May 15, 2023

May 15

11:08 Thou shalt not hurteth the oil. This is not funny anymore.

I knew for a long time they get in here while i'm gone. The oil in the deep fryer is now several shades more brown than as i left it and the fries came bitter. I have a sign at the door but they can beat it, given enough time (They open and close the door enough times until it comes in the same position. Or they have a different way of entering).

The guy from upstairs asked permission to clean the balcony. Now the balcon looks like a... Though the paint was gray (who paints a table, i saw it in his balcony)in that color?). I now remember what he did last summer.

I am familiar with this type of imitating the adults. Small children sometimes like to repeat your words or gestures to pay back the annoyance of hearing adult people having conversations and not understanding. But from a country of adult people that are bound to controlling the world, this isn't funny anymore.

BTW last night i drove for a while behind this old Jaap that was modified and turned into a pickup that was stinking really bad. I think it was making me very tired. Passed him and fought him not letting him pass again. The next street i took was empty for all i could see, a mile, but i don't know where from, here came this Japanese looking guy who wanted to cross and he would have crossed without me seeing him first (he probably came from the field or from behind some trees) if it wasn't for the Police car that was coming from a side street. Here maybe, with Police car where that car is, google car did it backwards, i was on the other side. He stopped, surprised, short of getting in my way.

Somebody please tell them. Nobody can control the world, like the weather, with gigantic supercomputers and microwave actuators (Yes, they use cell phone towers for very locaI weather "effects", Gaconna station for US level, etc). For a few weeks in a row, every weekend was hot, the snow was melting in the passes only during weekends, were sacrificing the other days so they can do their show with us on the desert beyond Mount Hood, where several times i almost lost it.

In a free world every person is a universe. Unless you enslave them all with kryptonite (their cell phones) and then you can control them, like in Ancient Egypt.

11:45 I think i feel weird after eating those fries.

12:30 Getting in my way, to pretend. I wanted to hose the balcony where the paint is and this corner of the building, to be able so install the AC. He/she/it came "home" "from work" in reality from the other roles he/she/it assumes during daytime, i'm kina hesitating cause he can pretend whatever. Now it opened the patio door upstairs. If i don't hose it dust from the AC is going to fly away in the yard. At least in the first day or so.

2:24 So i left in frustration, went for a walk, though it was very hot. Though i'm all hot, my hands are cold because of perspiration, for cooling the whole body. Which means the infection is creeping back. At Walmart they started to deny again my Barclay card though it worked for a while. I bought oil, bandaid and soda. Came home only to see a small uHowl van in his spot.

What i wanted to tell during my walk. The cops know what's happening. Proof is last night. They stopped the man from crossing. Or it was all simulated. In all cases, they know.

What this guy did to me in two and a half years or so is enough to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Yet he gets away (from this identity). Am i happy? I'm not happy cause it's not going to change anything. They are going to bring someone else, like from the beginning, doing pretty much the same stuff. The first guy i saw in here, the old man, though they were a few playing the same role (when showing) looked like Pacepa. Saw him clearly during a dysphagia episode when he came in front of my car (i drove myself to ER), looking down at me with an expression like saying. Now die!

Soon enough Romanian choreographer looking like him (Romanian my a...) who could have been him because they need to be athletic to walk that much, died unexpectedly (or retired in his original ID in Hungary whatever). Before he left i think it was Dick Cheney himself, and before that, a comedian from Seattle (Dangerfield) etc..

Now he's playing the moving scene, with the same old squeaking and hitting heavy objects.

BTW when i came. The small dog from next door came charging at me, twice. It done it before, but in a very smart way. The moment i reached in my pocket for the camera he went away like nothing happened. In the mean time i lost a full minute before looking at the sign (when i left to park the truck). He was around, everywhere, loading his van.

BTW when i backed to move the van an old white police car (Ford Crown Victoria) crept at my back and blocked my way and they wouldn't move until another guy completely backed up and left. As i said before, in this complex all driving rules are different.

3:34 Yeah i was expecting something like that. Every time i was opening the door, he was in front of me. Could not finish the AC because he moves on top of me from main door to balcony door and back. He just threw a couple of wheels from his car in the yard (the only time i ever talked to "him" i told him i bought one of my wheels from a junkyard, but it was from the same type of car and then he bought four wheels online but they didn't match the car and he kept those in the balcony) .

Could one of them have fallen on my head. What do you think now, Police. Ok i might have talked to him briefly one or two times after. Yesterday at the door. On two occasions including yesterday he had the zipper of "his" pants open.

A while ago i found a tire in the same area.

BTW just remembered something. At Walmart an Indian guy (from India) with his model girlfriend was pushing a bicycle (with a tag still attached to it) on the food isles where i was going.

3:45 Ok i just saw him picking back one of the wheels from the grass.

3:57 He slammed the door of his van, i thought it was Angela, went to open the door, he was in my face again.

4:13 The van is gone, Angela is overdue for half hour.

4:18 Angela is here, dead tired, she almost fell asleep in a road block that lasted half hour.

4:49 Four. Christmas in July. A plecat Santa in Islanda să inspecteze elfii.

5:47 Masters of blues (yes i had a few drinks). Fender and Gibson, dueling. The thrill is here. Never seen Eric so concentrated on the scene trying to keep up with his master Joe but i always thought is easier to play with a pro because he's so inspiring. He's got a slightly better voice though. Trying to figure how much is practice and planning and how much improvisation. BTW, a question for those who never listen to live music. What instrument is playing the black guy jumping around next to the two white bluesmen and what is his role.

8:56 How much force to fret a guitar string. That is, to push it down to the metal fret so you can pick a sound. This guy came up with a rough calculation. 0.3 to 0.5 pounds. I would assume on a standard gauge strings set. Cause if you can use a heavier gauge (one step thicker strings) for a better sound and to keep yourself in shape you need more than that.

I cannot agree with the results of the experiment either. When you look at the guitar neck you can easily see it's not flat (in cross section). Also the dumbell is curved in the opposite direction. So it will only make contact on one string only.

My rough guess and from my own experiences, on a heavy gauge strings you have to apply at least one pound. With one finger only. Also because you can never apply the exact amount needed, but always more just to make sure. Because you cannot measure and can't take chances in missing notes.

Not even talking a about "bending" notes. That is climbing half tone (with the great, out of this world continuous tone changing effect), one tone or more by pushing on the string towards the next one. That would be in the range of 10 pounds.

Where i'm getting at. Great guitarists during peaks of their solos on stage and records do up to 20 notes per seconds (it has been recorded more than that, in special competitions). Imagine that. Having to push one pound with one finger for each note, 20 times a second. Nobody would have thought, but it takes lots of physical strength. Sometimes i'm wondering how female guitarists like Orianthi are doing it with those thin arms. Whatever.

I wanted to come out with a reason why sometimes the strained faces during the solos. And BTW if i am sorry someone on this planet will eventually get old, that is Candy Dulfer.

10:20 I feel like i abused people with videos today. Hard to load too. But have to write this one before the day is over. There was this weird smell around and could not figure what it was. I went to look for poops but what i found was cakes of leaves, the size of small pizzas, brought by a freak spring wind next to east garages. I gathered about 5 laundry baskets of those. Ran out of breath because of the dust. But when i threw the last one, this time in the SW bin, i saw the bin was full (on a Monday) and last item on top was a children's mat, wet and smelling like urine, that was in the heat of the sun all day. Also the NE bin is full like usually on a Monday and stinks really bad.

Monday, January 9, 2023

January 9

5:16 Did Rolls Royce engine failure contribute to discontinuing of A380?

12:41 Woke up with nose congestion. Wanted to go outside to check but the person from upstairs was standing next to his car, staring at me. Checked with AIQ site, smoke index is 0. Went 15 minutes later, he was in the same position. Finally started to drizzle and he/she went inside and had a chance to look. There was a hole under the deck which i plugged, waiting for the smoke to subside. If there's not another one somewhere. Right in the middle of the picture where there's a little grass.

1:55 I noticed this camera does a good job with differentiating the soil from grass so i took a couple of pictures trying to show the mole devastation in the yard. Each and every patch has been plugged by me several times. There was a break since last spring when i aggressively plugged the holes, but in the last month they came back. Those next to foundation are not visible, there must have been at least one hundred that i plugged. I guess it's the legend, the smoke needs to come from the ground, so they put something with saltpeter that burns inside the ground.

Today i plugged about 10 more holes after the first two.

But i'm lethargic, numb, a bit high and dizzy from the smoke. Needless to say. Another completely ruined morning. Can't do nothing.

2:10 George Sim_ion. Mon semblable. Mon frère. Am spus că ce bine era dacă-l descopeream pe Păunescu acum 20 de ani, când trăia și mișuna peste tot în România. 2023-2003. Această achiziție, dacă există, e doar acoperire.

Credeam că nu e nevoie să explic că dacă Păunescu era, toți erau. Toți politicienii și toate figurile publice din România sunt unguri, adică asiatici. Bine actorii ăștia genetic sunt foarte puțin unguri și foarte mult europeni, pentru că ei au avut un program, o pepinieră. Am găsit în liste grupuri de 10 actori și mai mulți care sunt pe jumătate frați iar ei habar nu au. Foarte mulți din aceleași grupuri de vârstă seamănă prea bine între ei adică.

Tot ce vedeți că fac ei e o piesă de teatru. Live, continuu. Sunt în echipe. De exemplu în jurul lui Băsescu, care este scriitor (semi-retras acum), sunt o echipă, cu Udrea, familia lui, etc.. Firea actriță, Pandele, scriitor. Ponta și-a scris singur, dar mai recent lui Simion. Da, tipul de sus dacă ar fi mai alb și mai înalt ar semăna cu el care e probabil cel mai asiatic dintre toți (numai c...e se pozează pe site-uri de stock).

De ce au plagiat, de ce iau șpagă dacă sunt actori. Ca totul să pară credibil. Ca să dea tonul la haos și corupție.
Din Nepal, din estul Indiei iar acolo au venit din Australia. Oster Reich. Noongaria. Situația e mult mai nașpa decât vă puteți imagina. De fapt, imaginația se sperie și apare negația. "Nu se poate, nu cred, imposibil. Ce adică suntem toți proști și nu ne dăm seama?" (confirmarea în lanț a iluziei ca realitate în cazul psihozei în masă).

Eu am încercat. În rest, e treaba voastră, viitorul copiilor voștri.

7:57 Right. After i wrote about a possible sabotage of Airbus by Rolls Royce in favor of Boeing of Seattle, WaShinto. I'm not a fan of neither, only of the truth, amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas, cause i discovered, over and over again, that taking (irrational) sides in the end has its price.

But the main effect of the sabotage in plane crashes is the psychosis and bullying. Investigations take years, sometimes up to ten, and people fly in terror, thinking of every possibility, from aliens to Russians. 007. Hm.

8:40 Apropo de irațional. Am ajuns să îmi doresc mai mult să termine interminabilul drum expres Craiova-Pitești, whatever, decât autostrada Moldovei fiindcă cei de acolo au nevoie mai urgentă să se mai ia și ei cu lumea (dacă nu e deja prea târziu).

9:10 Zelensky, unica și cea mai sigură de informații despre război, autoritatea media supremă, incontestabilă, con-sfințită de însuși Biden. În realitate habar nu avem ce se întâmplă la câteva sute de km de graniță.

Chestia cu Soledar a apărut imediat după ce am pus video-ul cu catastrofa de la Smolensk, care s-a petrecut 100% din vina piloților (militari, de elită), deși cineva a speculat obiceiurile lor (de a opri altimetrul barometric din cauza sunetului enervant al alarmei) și a creat condițiile de ceață în acea zi, vizibilitate sub 400 de metri (sau zborul a fost programat astfel).

Unul din ei a fost înregistrat pe instrumentul de înregistrare (cutia neagră), după ce a conversat cu turnul în rusește, și numai el dintre piloți știa rusește, fiindcă au ales să aterizeze pe un aeroport militar, cel mai aproape de sit-ul de vizitat și a cerut condițiile meteo, spunând după celorlalți în poloneză: "Nu există condiții de aterizare").

Nu e paranormal, la fel ca și în cazul lui Geoană (deși numele lui induce puțin somnul națiunii). Există mai multe tipuri de tehnologii de modificat vremea, prima din timpurile noastre a fost legată de turnul Eiffel. Antena de prins nori de la Reno, am văzut-o personal în acțiune, după o ploiță ce a răcorit orașul într-o zi toridă de vară.

9:47 Ați privit vreodată un fluviu drept în ochi? Așa arată știrile de azi care vin, vin vin peste mine și nu se mai termină. Johnny Rotten de la Sex Pistols și Georgina Ro_driguez.

Dar și la propriu. Clădirea a fost cufundată în fum, kratom și nu kraken, ultima și cea mai virulentă viroză psihoză, am ieșit afară să acopăr găurile, la apartamentul 4 au mucegai în casă și când usucă rufele mașina de uscat trage "aerul" din apartament și îl pompează pe sub geam și siding (șindrile, cum să-l numesc). Este partea ce se pune decorativ peste panoul exterior de lemn în locuințele americane. Acum tot ce aveam pe mine și sufletul însuși îmi miroase a mucegai (rotten Johnny la propriu).

10:20 Da bine au absorbit (supt) firmele și persoanele prin granturi nerambursabile, banii au ajuns tot la EI. Nu se vede nimic în infrastructură iar oamenii sunt săraci. Numai Elena Udrea (o fostă ministră) a părăduit cel puțin 4 miliarde de euro.

10:46 das Hakenkreuz