Wednesday, February 15, 2023
February 15
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
February 14
1:22 Există fără îndoială metode de prezicere a a cutremurelor, după cum există metode de declanșare a lor, acolo unde există condiții. Nouă ni se servește aceeași placă nu știu, cam de când cutremurele au fost relatate în media. De o sută de ani. Nu există metode de prezicere. Metodele de declanșare țin de teoria conspirației. Nu există însă nici o teorie a neconspirației care măcar să le explice. Știința în acest caz ca și în multe altele (cancer, diabet, răceală), se preface ignorantă. Fulgerele se produc prin frecarea norilor iar cutremurele prin frecarea plăcilor tectonice.
Un lucru foarte simplu aș putea însă să lămuresc. Mai știe cineva ce sunt logaritmii, ceva ce am învățat în școala generală? Eu personal nu prea am în acest moment intuiția logaritmilor.
Unul din motivele pentru care totul este atât de confuz este că pentru măsurarea cutremurelor, se folosește o scară logaritmică în baza 10. Adică un cutremur de gradul 5 este de 10 ori mai intens decât unul de gradul 4, iar unul de 6 de zece ori mai intens decât unul de 5 etc., cu unul de 6 fiind de 100 de ori mai intens decât unul de 4. Este evident că nimeni nu înțelege scara aceasta, poate de aceea sunt astfel prezentate în media. Pentru confuzie, mister și teroare.
1:43 After complaining yesterday, all poops disappeared except for one type that first started to appear about 2 months ago or when i started to get really sick. After getting chills after eating, i went and found another one. Almost one inch diameter, bulky, yellow and fragmented, presented almost like eggs. It's coming from east of here. Must be a chronically ill big dog.
Needless to say. Why sick dogs are allowed to defecate on public space, making it, picking/no picking, a bio-hazard?
6:20 Angela's been working all week last week at the same board, one she had done before with no problems. Today after the first tests, the board failed. 4 tiny ICs were put upside down, either by changing of the packaging of the manufacturer or changing of the program by engineering, both problems being out of her control.
Her supervisor either quit or took a long live of absence since the beginning of that week, the engineer took several days off in the second part of the week, while many other people, including her trainer quite about a month ago.
Trouble is it's hard to fix (to replace) because those tiny parts are in a place surrounded by others.
Could it be it's all related to this post, done the Friday before?
Monday, February 13, 2023
February 13
11:00 Got lucky on Sunday. On a smoke smell, i found several dog poops. Came back inside to grab some bags, and i gathered a total of maybe 10 different ones. Some giant and soft, with diarrhea. Some marble like. Some that had already caught mold. This morning found again a yellow big fragmented one. Fresh this time. A couch that has been rained upon. More smoke coming from the ground tonight.
Tonight, for the first time in weeks, my belly (colon) pain, the so called colitis started to subside. Waiting for the alien bacteria to clear my body.
Also i think i discovered there is an exhaust leak inside the car. Could it be the reason for being lethargic and being so tired all the time. Exploring, but it's been too cold today outside.
Sunday i also took a glimpse into a very interesting movie. Though boring and a bit alien, with the author showing and unlikely affinity towards an animal so weird, got a benefit from it. I think i recognized the personality of the octopus character. Is the man/woman from upstairs. Though i don't get so see it a lot, just by the sounds it makes by moving around. A type of alien, liquid, unpredictable intelligence.
Saturday, February 11, 2023
February 12
Friday, February 10, 2023
February 10
5:20 Can't find much information about the energy being transmitted in a medium by a sawtooth waveform. Though it is obvious, on the right side or decreasing slope of the wave, the speed of the actuator and medium seem to be almost infinite. I mean, the whole motion of the actuator seem to happen in no time.
Ok so we are ignoring this. Not them, those who study earthquakes and acoustics on supercomputers.It is my intuition right now that says much more energy is being applied on the medium on the right slope of the waveform, which is transmitted in the environment. Sawtooth waveforms are rare in nature, but they can occur in the case of rotating tools that are broken or about to break. You can almost hear the "broken" sound ripping through your body. This is what's happening nowadays with the team that came to redo what they did last summer.
To me it translates as pain. A the end of the day, though they now moved further, i feel so much pain in my body i can't stand to do the dishes or anything.