Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 21

1951 Original low carb diet, Drinking man's diette.


1:03 E a treia sau a patra oară într-o lună când automatonul Zelenski preia ce spun eu despre ninja în SUA și o transferă în contextul Moldova. Războiul inutil din Ucraina s-a făcut și va fi menținut cu o complicitate clară între Zelenski și Putin, dar și Maia Sandu și toți ceilalți, cu singurul scop de a băga groaza în Europa de Est și în lume în general pentru a uita astfel de idei (că ninja ar ocupa cel puțin nord-vestul SUA).

1:20 Occidentul s-a pregătit pentru alt scenariu dar Rusia i-a luat-o înainte și l-a pus în aplicare. România cel puțin nu e pregătită să se apere pe sine, nu mai vorbim de Moldova, iar occidentului liberal și lui NATO îi tremură fundul în tip ce Biden face vizite secrete cu trenul la Kiev (cu garanții de securitate de la Moscova).

Toate astea sunt prea absurde fiindcă în nici una din țările respective nu e cineva la conducere din țările respective, inclusiv Putin, un judoka amărât din Ungaria (culmea de origine ucraineană) care a fost răpit și i s-a înscenat moartea de serviciile secrete din propria țară și Anglia și adus la produs la Moscova (sau într-un studio din Ungaria totuna), căruia au început în sfârșit să-i dea ceva tratament pentru Parkinson cauzat de prea multe izbituri de la judo. (Numai Kate Middleton încă face foame).

Ceea ce spune "Putin" că s-ar putea ca Rusia să dispară s-a întâmplat deja de mult, după Cernobâl, Elțin și Gorbaciov. Ca și în cazul Europei de Est și Vest a mai rămas doar fantoma ei.

Nu a fost nimeni și nu este nimeni pregătit cu nimic, toate declarațiile se scriu zilnic din condei în funcție de prostiile spuse sau făcute mai înainte. Europa, Europa de Est sunt niște deal-uri vechi și îngropate, miza mare acum e că ninja (noongarii, mongolii) vor să preia controlul în SUA.

10:00 Lukashenko.

9:35 (PM, 7:35 Ora României). Multă gălăgie în est pentru liniște în vestul sălbatic, unde împărații umblă liberi cu șurubul la ei. Biden de data asta a fost văzut de mii de oameni. Și eu am văzut astăzi sute de ninja, zona este complet depopulată de oamenii normali. Lumea nu mai e demult ce a fost. Se încearcă păstrarea vechilor imagini și stereotipuri în media, iar aici chiar pe stradă, dar se vede clar că ceva s-a schimbat profund.

Am scris despre încălcarea suveranității SUA prin prezența incognito a împăratului, au venit imediat cu ceva. Rezolvarea problemei transnistrene cu păstrarea suveranității teritoriale a Republicii Moldova, printr-un decret care nu a funcționat niciodată. Cum putea, scenariul a fost gândit după alegoria lupului, a caprei și a verzei. Un lup rătăcit de multe decenii între teritoriul moldovenesc și cel ucrainean.

Azi m-am gândit. Oare mai are Rusia altă armată, în afară de grupul Wagner?

Monday, February 20, 2023

February 20

5:00 No questions. Încă două știri fake, pentru îngănare. Era să lovesc un coiot la 100 kmh în timp ce eram orbit de o asemenea mașină, cu lumini modificate. Motivul e simplu, dacă mașina lovea coiotul nu pățea nimic. Majoritatea celorlalte știri sunt de asemenea fake.

12:55 Pe vremea lui Ceașcă cel vechi totuși vizitele de stat, fie în statele lui africane pe unde mai mergea cu Hedi a lui la vânătoare de pliznei pe milioane de dolari sau la Împăratul Japoniei (like it's 75, again, în fața căruia nu s-a înclinat), Regina Angliei sau chiar la Kim, erau anunțate cu săptămâni înainte. Știu fiindcă citeam ziarele în toaleta din fundul curții  unde am învățat chiar și un nume african. Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga.

Democrația de după 89 a adus cu ea un obicei diplomatic nou, curios. Vizitele de stat nu se mai anunțau decât în ziua respectivă.

O nouă recentă adăugare la recuzita democrației proaspete, mereu spontane, mereu surprinzătoare, este vizita de stat și de război care se anunță după (pentru prospețime maximă). La fel ca și în cazul vizitelor pe lună din anii 60/70 "Moscova a fost anunțată" "și nu a avut  nimic împotrivă" în afară de declarațiile belicoase despre Moldova din ultima săptămână, făcute știute nouă mai ales prin gura lui Zelensky însuși.

WSJ spune că vizita "de mare risc" "surpriză" "cu trenul" , deci Air Force One nu era necesar să fie văzut la Kiev, practic fără nici o protecție la un tir de Kalibr (apropo, ce s-a întâmplat, s-au terminat, la fel ca Javelin?) , a fost pregătită timp de luni de zile. Poate, fiindcă pe 21 februarie au fost exact 2 luni de la vizita lui Zelensky în SUA. O zi mai puțin și nu puteam vorbi decât de o lună și ceva. Luni de pregătire pentru o deplasare cu trenul din Polonia și înapoi, care normal, nu a fost văzută de nimeni, fiind secretă, dar cu garanții de la Moscova.

De unde știu că e fake și retro-made? Fiindcă a apărut exact să contreze ce am spus eu despre vizita tot așa incognito dar reală, profund ilegală și ofensatoare către suveranitatea SUA, a Împăratului Japoniei în Tualatin, Oregon ca în general tot războiul din Ucraina, la câteva sute de km de granița noastră, din care nu am văzut până acum decât 1%, în niște poze dubioase care în general este conceput pentru a acoperi cea mai mare și necunoscută și reală problemă adică ocupația Japoniei, de decenii, în vestul SUA.

Asta după ce nu le-a ieșit ieri faza cu coiotul, îndelung pregătită de ninja.

3:27 Nu mai are rost să spun. Apartamentul a fost umplut toată ziua cu fum, am probleme cu concentrarea, echilibrul și greață etc..

10:17 Is this guy one of the guys who was living in the white JBQ "floating van"?

Sunday, February 19, 2023

February 19

11:00 Didn't write about the deer yesterday and today came with a coyote. Last night after we went to Grocery Outlet at Lincoln City we again went to Roads End to drink a glass of wine. Ok after two glasses of wine and a guy came with a dog on a leash, too close to our car so i got pissed (there was a whole beach there) just started and left. After a few seconds, at the first "street" from the right, after the main parking lot, a deer came from the right. Didn't stop though it had the time which means something bigger was scarying it from the dark behind it. Hit the brakes, substantially, to avoid it and it passed safely through the headlights.

Tonight, i was half hour into my drive towards Spirit Mountain. A Jeep or other American red kinda old vehicle was pissing me off (i was telling Angela, what's the point of driving a 5 liter 20 old years vehicle that pisses everybody on the street with exhaust smoke, my truck is old but 2.2 liter and has a catalytic).

Then it slowed down and took a left. So i was left behind from the other red SUV in front of me and wasn't very willing to get closer since it also smelled like exhaust. On the opposite side, a number of cars (that just passed a Police car with flashing lights on the shoulder). First was a military style amphibious like off road vehicle, with lots of bright blinding lights.

I was doing 60 (100 kmh). Didn't see a thing while staring at the red SUV when Angela said: "look!" and i hit the brakes, on a hunch. Only to see the mature full size alpha male coyote passing back on the right side of the street, after being in front of that blinding vehicle and then mine, on a death trip that it survived. The moment i saw it with my subconscious mind must have hit the brakes real hard, but i only saw it when it was back in the safe zone already.

Angela  told me later that she first thought she saw a shadow passing from right to left, when she said that. We both saw it fully only after safely passing through our headlights back on the right.

Rolling thunders from upstairs at every phrase or re-editing. The man doesn't want to let me write these days. He's been up and running here since Tuesday afternoon.

iSAGE Construction. The Emperor Hikikomori

All of a sudden, after weeks of "inactivity" the man upstairs decided to do laundry, just ahead of me. Shaking the building a bit. In the same time a heavy vehicle with modified exhaust, like there are at least ten around our building was started on demand, shaking the walls "as needed".

Yesterday i discovered the clock on the wall next to window in the kitchen area was hanging on a screw that became loose. It was right before they came to "fix" the windows they replaced last summer that i replaced the battery for that clock and the screw was ok.

What happens is at vibration, dust from walls gets pumped into the breathing space here, now by that screw. Even right now when the upstairs washer is in a spin cycle it is possible that by that screw dust gets pumped in here by from inside the pulsating walls.

But i suspect there's more. The shape of the apartment is very similar to the one in Lake Oswego. That is for reusing the same supercomputer model for directing sharp dust, other things in different corners of the floor plan, as needed, when needed. Different frequencies make different walls vibrate and direct the dust. This way only one person may be affected inside the same space.

So i was thinking to use my air quality monitor i bought a few years ago online. As advertised, it is made by recycling a couple of sensors taken out of a SHARP air purifier. Actually a couple of laser diodes alright that illuminates dust that sparkles and can be counted, but it can be only accessed through a phone app. That i decided not to use anymore.

Was thinking. What a waste of resources. It is a piece of electronics that is competing with more expensive items. Proving we don't need those more expensive items. It does the same things, counts particles with two laser diodes.

But the only way you can use it is through an app that connects with bluetooth. Got bluetooth on laptop but don't have the app and i quit using the phone.

Not that i'm convinced those are useful anymore. I mean, it does count particles when there's smoke outside. Numbers that are comparable with those from any of the networks that monitor air quality. Obviously not the same, the values cannot be the same from one station to another, from one address to another. Comparable.

So when i was using it outside i was getting some readings, comparable with the networks. So what. Was that of any use to me at all? Are those at any use to anybody? I mean, i take the reading, then what?

Who knows. People owning the devices in large numbers could possibly discourage polluters? But we have a few networks of sensors both private and governmental that can be accessed online and get the same readings.

Yes i bought it because i knew about the indoor pollution with insulation dust, mold, other particles. I tried to get readings to see if i can prove anything but guess what. Insulation dust falling from walls due to its nature does not fly or stay suspended in the air. It is pretty heavy compared to other dusts of the same size.

You have to be right under the hole to breath it. Or the hole needs to be in the direction of an air flow, like from under door or a crack by a window. Vibration needs to be sustained. When the vibration stops, you won't get a reading. And that as i said it is being controlled.

As i said the sensors count flashes of dust within the path of a laser. It is all it does. Counts. Can't tell the difference between a flash from a piece of dead skin, ash from burning stuff like cigarettes or sharp silica. For that you would need much more sophisticated devices but i doubt they exist, work or can be calibrated and used meaningfully in our indoor environment.

In other words, we are back to the story with one crazy throwing a rock in a pond. Only trouble is they are not fools. This is a design element only fools can believe it escaped the construction engineers. Using brittle, irregular volcanic mineral insulation inside empty walls that vibrate like tents every time a heavy vehicle passes by. And BTW, all it takes is one hole of the size of a needle.

It is the same old technique of splitting perception. The majority of people does not design these buildings, they only use them. And the engineers (and architects) are long gone, if they existed, as being the same ghosts from Japan or Hungary. All the buildings have been designed long time ago, and the banks can only offer you variants. There are little or no discussions about it period.

Most people would think. There are too many those who use them, could not possibly be dangerous. How can a little dust falling from a crack or forgotten hole in a wall can harm me? How my neighbor having fun with his 5.7 liter hemi playing a bit the trumpet (ok, tuba) could harm me?

Didn't really want to write about all these. I'm just too tired of it. But i promised myself after thinking yesterday for hours. Got to let people know what's happening.

Don't know exactly how SAGE construction have been chosen by the management or the owner of the complex. I know it came after a post about the succession of ice ages i once wrote about. Ice Age. Sage. First they came and did a little siding work and lots of noise for several months. Then the next year, re-do some of it, painting, etc.. Then windows. Now they came after 6 months to re-do some of their own work on windows, on this building and the one across.

Last summer i noticed one of the guys of one of the SAGE subcontractor (BZ Construction i guess) that BTW all look like Japanese disguised in Mexicans, was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. Kinda making faces and fussing around, like a moody sun god would do.

So was earlier this month, this time J&S or J&L. Again right after me writing something about the emperor they didn't like, got a one week 24 hours notice of entry, but they came on the first day. Installed a noisy generator and a compressor at my door that stay for the whole week. One of them noticed there was a missing screw (from the latch of the window) they installed last summer. Missing from factory. How come they didn't see it back then.

Then the guy who looked like the emperor went and brought the screw, obviously taken from a different window somewhere. He came and showed it to me ceremoniously, "here is you screw". I did not watch them all the time. To them all it could have take was a few seconds to enlarge the hole for the clock screw, ft away. Think of the symbolism.

Clock, time, sun, screw.

Two more weeks of vibration that brought me to my knees. Coughing, at times phlegm, abdominal pain, nausea, dark urine. I did not check because i was positive i did not miss one single tiny hole in here. Until last night.

About a week after i fixed the newly created cracks at the sliding doors they just fixed. Then i examined carefully everything they've done. But i never thought they would touch something else, like the screw from the clock. But it was too tempting, due to symbolism.

In the same time, somehow the water got stolen from the p trap valve in the wall from the washer. Three days of exposure to sewer gas. Just did laundry, the water got siphoned, place filled with sewer smell.

I'm writing all theses with great effort and pain, hoping people would start to understand what is really happening in Portland, Oregon, and generally Western United States. Similar situations everywhere i been, like Washington, Nevada, etc.. Every single public person, every single news are fake and people have long gone and replaced with hikikomori from Japan and for occasions, actors from Hungary.

Friday, February 17, 2023

February 16

12:35 Rei_wa, one of many interpretations. Japanese, the most confusing language ever? Every syllable has a different meaning and/or spelling according to context, like the word wa (harmony, sum), but why choose a 19 century forgotten poetry word with at least too meanings to define the next era?