Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11

8:03 Starea națiunii Ungrovlahia. Simbolism deșănțat. Au adus Steaua cu bec înapoi în ghenă ca să suprapună crucea cu steaua lui Isis (aka Ishter, aka Onana, aka c...a Babilonului) peste imaginile prezentate de mine ieri cu scopul unor demonstrații științifice pe care le scot în afara percepției. Becali mulțumește lui Ciolacu, deci se vâră iar în politică.

Iohannis are amnezie, ar trebui să-i amintească cineva că Budăi a fost numit de el, ca toți ceilalți. Tot ce se presupune că s-a întâmplat în afacerea azilelor groazei și multe altele (toate) s-au întâmplat în timpul domniei sale echidistante. Însă toate acestea îl prind așa de bine... Mult circ, multă frământare a apei în piuă, nu putem aștepta de la ei nici măcar nimicul. Liniște. De fapt ce este lume-a decât nimicul în mișcare

11:25 Psihologie inversă. Ungaria este "țara" care furnizează actorii pentru toate guvernele lumii și UE.

11:43 Psihologie deviaționistă, au scos-o acum pe Carmen Electra de la murat și au băgat-o în cabina de machiaj.

9:25 The plants at our garden bed have been contaminated with aphids and funguses. Fighting really hard to keep them alive with almost daily spraying with Neem oil. Good thing i bough 80% concentrate and i dilute it like one spoon per one liter of water. For the same price for a bottle i can make 10 gallons. Neem oil is not toxic for humans and is even used for therapeutic purposes. Anti fungal, antibacterial.

Tonight when i started to spray 3 black women and one white older man with a dog came from an unexpected different direction than church's parking lot. I stopped spraying but the dog was barking like crazy until i put the spray bottle away. One of them has a bed and she's got only kale however her kale is not contaminated like ours and is not far away. Tall, thin, model type, looking of Caribbean descent.

When we left a car came unexpectedly from the other parking lot and crossed my way. Like never before and like this morning all of a sudden a lot of people on the streets were jogging in all directions. When i got close to home the guy with the black Chrysler who left a wheel next to stairs wall was parading in front of me through the whole complex.

10:44 Axl Rose acted as my supervisor at AVX Vancouver, WA for almost one year, between August 1999 and August 2000 under the mane Orville Oster. Situația cu bătrânii în SUA e similară.

11:32 Talking about Carole King from Sussex Village Apts., got one of these in the mail. And it's only $6.66! Isn't this what they call false advertising?

11:40 La Steaua. Phil Collins, the most successful talentless (boring depressing) singer.  

11:47 Nu se poate. Dacă Ucraina ar intra în NATO războiul s-ar termina instant iar războiul trebuie să dureze.

12:00 Electra

Monday, July 10, 2023

Electro Dynamic Theory of Everything or Single Void Disturbance Theory

An "electron" moving to a lower orbit creates in time as per the universal law of action/reaction a pulse of electric field which in turn creates and transfers all its energy and propagates to another one with a time (phase) difference, and those constantly recreate selves following the same law thus transferring energy to the next while advancing in time and space and the lag to each other is 1/4 of the period of the whole cycle of disturbance, until they reach again after four transfers the post initial stage (first void reaction) or in one period and this continue indefinitely.

The perceived direction of the reaction to each pulse is at 90 degrees again in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation because the reaction can only appear in a direction perpendicular and at 1/4 wavelength distance without interfering with its cause. Time and space are illusions created by the reaction to the initial manifestation of void. A random lowering of the orbit of an electron and its reactions occur in the space created by the initial manifestation.

There is no photon but just a singled out, orphaned, autonomous, quantum pulsating electric disturbance that maintains self while advancing, a contained bubble of constant energy that propagates on a straight line in vacuum constantly changing direction of pulse with 90 degrees each time on a plane perpendicular on the direction of propagation.

Total electric charge gets balanced in the transversal plane after one period but there will be a charge in the direction of propagation. The void provides a reaction to light quanta similar to that of elastic media to a wave of sound which appears due to inertia to mechanic motion. Due to net longitudinal charge there is a longitudinal electric field carried by the light quanta that may combine with the others and be responsible for the results of experiments that show light behaves like a wave.

Light quanta will live and travel indefinitely until they interact and cede their energy to a slow moving "particle" or a solid object.

In a radio antenna the emission will occur when the alternating electric current applied to the dipole stops before starts changing direction. The growing reacting bubble exists as a whole for as long as it is a reaction to the flow of current. When the flow of current stops, it will burst into quanta of fields repelling each other.

When an electron moves to a lower orbit it also creates an electric current similar to that in a dipole.

Electric fields cannot exist without a charge. When the virtual charge behind the field bubble bursts it will channel in all directions because of repelling of similar charges until each generated smaller quanta will start getting its own reaction.

Charge of electric field or energy of each generated quanta is given by the necessary time to obtain a reaction of the same size. Period of a complete cycle of transformation until it reaches initial direction or 1/frequency depends on the length of dipole or electron's trip.

Number of quanta emitted by a dipole is calculated by dividing the total charge generated by the alternating electric current given by the number of electrons in half period to the value of each quanta charge which depends only on frequency.

Moving mass of a "photon". Eventually all "photons" travelling throughout Universe will end colliding with atoms, triggering a photoelectric effect. When the electron is ejected from the atom it generates a momentum.

Also. An "electron" gets knocked out of orbit by a "photon", reverting the effect of a photon being created by an electron moving to a lower orbit.

However. In photon generation the electron does not come from the outer space. It only moves to a lower orbit. Which suggests the energy needed to emit a photon is not equal to the energy to knock out an electron by a photon which is not true.

The energy generated from moving an electron to a lower orbit can be greater than the one needed to emit a photon. There are proven cases where at least two photons has been emitted in one single electron move to a lower orbit and not talking about the photons that may be emitter inwards or towards the object that get absorbed right away.

There are cases in which a photon moving to a lower orbit fails to generate a photon but instead generate an electron/positron pair. During photoelectric effect the electron is completely knocked free of the atom with some extra moving energy. It may be because different types of atoms are involved for emission or absorption of photons.

But it all leads to one conclusion. There must me some leftovers when creating quanta of light, both in the case of electrons lowering orbit or resonant circuit emissions because the generating energy does not divide exactly to the emitted energy.  Frozen or stationary quanta and their reaction that in the end could be other "particles" that may be charged.

There are no particles. Everything is made of quanta of different levels of energy.

The electrons are excited by heat before they move to lower orbits. Emission of a photon cools down the atom so it may be a "local" anti-entropic process. But when the emitted photon hits another atom it heats it up again and en electron is lost.

Inertia is a reaction of void to change of speed or acceleration of static non moving or frozen quanta.

Gravity is the attraction between the numerous reorienting dipoles inside objects. Freedom for reorienting is small and the force is small for everyday objects.

Speed of light. In an empty Universe like the one before the Big Bang or the original Single Void Disturbance we cannot measure space because there is nothing to measure with. Then the Universe started to get filled with light. However light quanta do not move. They jump from one point in space to another instantly, the only delay is given by the transfer of charge in time from one point to another or time of reaction of void. Any other object that actually moves through space cannot match that speed.

Since light quanta does not move when it propagates it may be stationary to the primordial disturbance. That's why some say the speed of light is perceived as the same by any observer.

There are people who say the electric field lines start from a charged object and end at infinity for a positive charge and from infinity to the object for a negative charge. This is a very interesting enunciation.

Let's say we turn a switch on and let a small sphere of metal be charged through a wire from another one already charged negatively and shielded. How long it takes for the field lines arising from infinity to reach the sphere? By the definition, it should be instantaneous. Also by experiments. However we know from other experiments that the speed of light is finite.

But there is another consequence of the fact the electric field extends instantaneously to infinity. It also should extinguish instantaneously if the sphere is connected to the ground and loses charge. Same with magnetic, we cut current through the coil, the magnetic field collapses (after a transient phenomenon called self induction).

But in now classic relativity the EM wave accompanying a photon do not extinguish after cutting off the source.

BTW since photons can travel for billions of billions of years, will they.... leave or some already left our Universe which is "only" 26.7 billion years old?

It is said expanding quasi spherical EM field has two transversal, electric and magnetic components, which means the electric field is not parallel to the direction of propagation but perpendicular.

I really don't understand how a transversal field can be spherical (or how an electric field that may extend to infinity can be transversal).

Quasi spherical or spherically deformed closed lines alternating lobes (loops) they say, and if they expand with the speed of light, the fields should also loose intensity with the square of distance as the same lobes that "somehow" maintain selves occupy more and more space. Speed of "closing lines" in the same direction with advancement shown in the animation above on top or bottom of some alternating lobes at speeds greater than light, consistent with... The formulas and the other animation here suggest the waves accompanying a photon do not loose energy while they advance.

There is only one type of (dynamic) manifestation of void (disturbance), we call electric, but actually the only thing that can exist in void is will. All "particles" and light in the Universe come from a reaction of void to a primordial manifestation of will.

In everyday objects, a magnetic field is a closed electric field, confined in space or shaped by the way it was generated, either by moving of particles like electrons in a wire in a closed trajectory or by coils. A closed electric field will not interact with one one with single pole (charge) with open lines but will deflect a charged moving particle.

No need for big "particles" accelerators to figure what happened in the first seconds after the creation of Universe (time did not have sense anyways until the creation of the the planes of resonance). Stop making experiments based on false theories (particles) that may one day hurt everybody or simply throw us all in a parallel Universe if they didn't already.

July 10

6:10 Semantic equations that keep bugging me.



KGB = King of Great Britain = Caged Bird

Washington = Wa Shinto

6:44 Birthday of Nikola Tesla. But was he a real person? Negara Falls. EM resonance planes. Who invented radio?

7:20 Grace Slick, Cindy Dunster, first manager at Sussex where i lived for 14 years. Second manager was Crhistine and third Carole King.



Moonshine down on a copperline

8:59 Ok i'll try this one more time. My laptop has become very slow and now a whole entry disappeared. I wanted to add something and it was gone altogether so i just rebooted it.

9:03 Last night before 11 on 18 before Grand Ronde going east. In a remote wooded area with narrow shoulders and continuous double line no passing zone i was caught between two vehicles, one moving slow (45) and one pushing at a few ft from behind. I started to use the honk and honked continuously for 2 minutes and that didn't change. I finally saw an area with more space on the right shoulder and pulled right. After a few minutes i met with them again on a two lanes passing area, with the slow moving SUV now going fast, like 70 and not letting me pass it which i did anyways.

I refueled at Grand Ronde with regular gas. With this 2 tons 2018 Elantra, 2 liter 150 HP rated gasoline engine (still a bit underpowered), 107k miles, all stock, driving on a partly newly paved road on flat terrain, 38 psi front wheel pressure, no wind, 62 degrees F, constant speed except for a few stops (mostly red lights) and accelerations due to bullies, i made 49 mpg (4,8 litter/100 km) on a 45 miles (70 km) trip or until i reached Tualatin, when i veered and stopped at McDonalds.

(BTW i never realized how bad has McDonalds become, with small and few fries, bitter due to overused burnt oil, thin and barely cooked patties all for 10 bucks, especially when compared with cheaper casino burgers).

The only modifications at the car are an added oil catch can and doubled battery connectors which i cleaned recently with alcohol. Also recently replaced about 70% (two times half change) of the 6 speed automatic transmission fluid with new OEM fluid, and added about half quart (liter) of fresh synthetic oil in the engine due to a suspected leak.

10:10 O fantezie pentru acoperirea realității. Mircenarii.

2:05 Wheel in the sky. Enlightenment. Lumières.

Saddly this theoery could be almost right but something is missing. However in the past they misinterpreted buddhism so much more severely and that lead to our present of severely stumbling due to them mainly taxing (preying on) ignorance or perception that may even have been actively induced being the more advanced, like in a loop (hole).

5:12 Pour... Les... Roumains...

5:22 BTW i've been asked a question yesterday, if an electric car has a transmission, and though logically they should not have one, i remembered i saw it written so i googled today again. The answer is, well, they do and they do not have in the same time.

Actually what they have is a glorified reduction gear, to slow down the electric motor's rpm and increase torque, something that some (actually a lot) may call a one gear transmission that is used even for reverse, since you can reverse an electric motor's rotation by electronically changing polarity. That of course requires way less maintenance, if any.

9:55 Nu cade fiindcă trebuie să stea mult în știri să strice în continuare tot ce scriu eu pe aici.

11:32 De unde știa Eminescu toate astea în 1881? Poate din hRdaya sUtra.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

July 9

11:30 The aliens are so twisted is hard to explain how and what the're doing, and some people would probably get bored before i finish this entry anyways but i have to.

Last night i checked the level of oil on the car. Two weeks ago it was 0.5 on flat level which means is at half between higher and lower limit at the gauge. Man i wish i had an electric, got so tired with this oil thing. So last night i checked again on a hunch and it was like 0.3 (and zero on the spot here which is on a slope).

So i tried to figure why and checked again the oil filter and with only one hand and a 6 inch ratchet i could move it. Most likely it was a fine leak that wasn't showing in the parking spot but was spraying some on the exhaust, making the car stink.

So i tried with the torque wrench, found the spec, 11.6 ft-lb which is very low in the world of torque specs, the wrench was clicking before it stopped moving. Tightened it then tried to untight it and i could so i tightened it back again until it stopped moving easily and the torque was clicking. I estimated i put 15 though the wrench could be out of calibration. I think it was on 4th of July last summer when i vacuumed the oil from the engine but could not untighten the filter and had to put the new oil, go to Jiffy Lube etc. to have them remove the filter etc.. Ever since i have a tendency to undertight it but it usually gets harder to remove after a number of miles, not easier.

No i don't go to Jiffy Lube. Last time i was there the filter was 1/4 of a turn under.

Several things of course happened here, people start moving when i show at the car, but in the end i heard a noise and looked behind (from under car) and saw the couple i ran into a confrontation with, months ago when they came exactly when i was eating with the dog too close to the patio where i found a poop a day before. Then he argued that he is always picking which he did and left. Though i think i found them back in the day in the list of actors, now i can't. She looks like a red headed Hollywood actor, and he like her brother.

Today we were preparing for breakfast too, made some tee, they were delaying their presence in the back a lot and until i looked through the blinds when he just  bent to pick, the other way, showing me his butt, like he knew i was looking. I get mad when they do that because within hours i start heaving problems, like back pain, intestinal transition problems that in the end translates in anxiety, shortness of breath that sometimes is severe.

Last night when i saw the oil was low i remembered how a guy threatened me in the parking lot about a week ago and when i saw the news, i realized he looked like Trump's valet, who got arrested after. Last night or the night before i saw a woman in one of the casinos who looked like his new lawyer.

One of the people who paraded this morning when i was at the car was looking like Romanian tennis player Ana Bogdan, who climbed into a car that is making a terrible noise due to a broken catalytic converter.

Last night around 6 PM i was driving on Borland west bound downhill with the late afternoon sun behind when i saw a man in a car coming from the other way, right before the roundabout (a solar symbol with rays, rare in Oregon but lately very common in Wa Shinto) with the sun visor unfolded, with his head bent on a side trying to look under the sun visor, visibly bothered by light, whom i think was Viktor Orban. Soon after i ran into some accident ready situations, first at the roundabout, which i avoided.

12:20 Just remembered what i forgot to write. Last night i was in the car drinking of course and i heard on the local station 91.9 something really unsettling. They were describing a suspect of a robbery and assault that got away by not being a member of the tribal community of the Reservation because tribal authorities only have jurisdiction over their members. Which means he can't be prosecuted by Tribal Police and they weren't happy about.

But then by whom? Isn't that a bit of a jurisdiction vacuum or heaven for criminals? Could that explain what's happening in the casinos, with rigged machines that don't work randomly, with ninja made to look like Natives and Latinos and celebrities parading together and stalking and stuff?

Guess what. They are doing the same here in Tualatin and everywhere in the states of Washington, Oregon etc.. and nobody prosecutes them.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 8

10:13 Cred că nu e nevoie să amintesc că faptele descrise în aceste relatări, precum dopajul în sport sunt de asemenea și fapte penale iar Simona este un caz din sutele care au fost descrise în media.

Eu bănuiesc că sportivii semnează un angajament când intră în aceste asociații, "federații" transnaționale prin care se obligă să se supună regulilor lor interne însă când aceste cazuri ajung în media devin de notorietate pentru autoritățile din țările unde s-au petrecut iar acestea ar trebui să se sesizeze iar faptul că nu o fac are un impact enorm asupra publicului, creând și menținând o percepție a impunității în cazul celebrităților, persoane care sunt invidiate dar și copiate de mulți.

Faptul că autoritățile nu intervin este o sfidare la adresa actului de justiție din țările unde se presupune că s-au petrecut aceste fapte. Bineînțeles că dacă autoritățile ar interveni, s-ar aplica legile iar testele s-ar face în condiții mult mai riguroase în laboratoare acreditate de medicină legală. Federația nu poate avea din punct de vedere legal autoritatea de a administra aceste teste.

În Statele Unite legea este atât de drastică încât un tehnician de imagistică medicală de exemplu (ultrasunte, ultrasound) sau unul de laborator nu-ți poate comunica rezultatul testului (pe care ei de multe ori de fapt nu-l înțeleg) până nu este văzut de un medic care este singurul care are autoritatea legală de a-ți transmite aceste informații.

Lista cu substanțele interzise de către federație sau cum se numește conține sute de medicamente și substanțe și mie îmi este neclar cum la un simplu test, dintr-un singur eșantion se pot face simultan toate aceste teste. E posibil ca substanțele alese pentru test să fie alese aleatoriu, pentru că altfel testul ar fi foarte scump și eșantionul nu ar ajunge pentru toate substanțele, sau pe o bănuială și/sau turnătorie iar asta este de asemeni o sfidare a propriului regulament și o discriminare.

Problema în sine nu este foarte mare, când o comparăm cu alte probleme pe care le vedem în media dar devine foarte mare prin exemplul de neaplicare a legilor pe care îl arată publicului.

Bănuiesc că federația strânge bani de participare de la toți tenismenii-menele care se înscriu în turnee, pe care apoi îi distribuie câștigătorilor ceea ce seamănă foarte mult cu o schemă piramidală sau chiar cu o loterie.

De ce este nevoie de o federație internațională care iată sfidează legile din țările membre când în cazul sportivilor individuali aceștia și-ar putea aranja organiza singuri meciurile, ca în box?

Apropo de ce apare Ana Bogdan cu un câine și un copil mic în alee și pe iarbă în fața ferestrelor mele? și e puțin hiper (sau nervoasă)? Pe Simona Halep am văzut-o de vreo două ori, cu ani în urmă, odată în timpul unei plimbări pe stradă când se uita foarte nervoasa la mine și o dată cu o coafură gen sarmale ca o țoapă într-un cazino. Odată am văzut-o și pe Bianca la Three Rivers, e foarte șăgalnică, și mai era una care trecea în mare vitează dimineața cu câinele pe lângă clădire, cred că Sorana.

12:04 The (rising) Sun is shining on Wall St.

2:04 Ce este sepsis-ul domnilor.

2:06 The monster on the hill (Eagle Crest). Sper că Bănescu și CTP vorbesc despre sine și nu instanțiază false asocieri subliminal iraționale (ce intră întotdeauna mai ușor în capul audienței). Chiar oare cuvintele banc și bancă vin de la ban?

3:04 Something thtat bugs my tired mind today. Since in differential "equations" both DS and DT may approach zero but never reach it can they be considered asymptotic or their representation of the tangent to the curve asymptomatially tries to reach the real tangent? (Ce-i mai mică și mai mică).

4:13 Welcome to my miserable life. We're eating and they came. There's much light outside i'm sure they can't see anything but Angela heared the undercooked meatloaf (i was pretty drunk) in the pan and they came by smell. Like when i open the hood of the car there is this the false impression smells are being released. The hood of a car is 3/4 unsealed. Or when i used the hose to wet the dry grass in front of the door that is not reached by sprinklers etc..

But i'm sure there will be retaliation later on. Like last night at Chinook there were these two women that were wetting the machines in the direction we were moving with some very concentrated anti bacterial solution and i'm pretty sure they weren't working there though they were dressed in black though the cleaning people usually dress with t-shirts saying Cleaning Team.

As i result i got sick again (had a severe nausea from working at car under laundry vapor exhaust, retaliation for opening the hood, working on car with alcohol cleaning battery contacts) that was just concluding and that antibacterial stuff mutated whatever i had and it started over. Real sick, nausea, dizziness etc..

I took a total of maybe 10 charcoal caps and in the end i could make it home. Barely. But slept only four hours  because i forgot to take Zyrtec because of fine electrified dust still flying in the air.