Showing posts sorted by relevance for query epson. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query epson. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dapâi aceala-i gratis...!

În primăvara lui 97 lucram la Epson, Portland, ca asamblor de imprimante pe o linie cu mexicani, asiatici, arabi şi vecina mea de linie, o irlandeză de vreo 20 ani, Holly, frumoasă cât poate cineva să fie de frumoasă. De mă uitam la ea numai cu coada ochiului drept (era în dreapta, pe Michelle de la Ryles Center o ţin minte în coada ochiului stâng). (Normal, nevastă-mea lucra pe altă linie în spatele meu). În schimbul doi, în 8 ore, într-o noapte, am asamblat în 25 oameni 521 imprimante, cam dublu cât făceau celelalte linii, în tot atâta timp şi tot atâţia oameni şi cei de la Epson ne-au spus că a fost record mondial şi ne-au menţionat într-un pliant.

Holly odată m-a întrebat dacă ştiu ce este ura. M-am uitat blocat la ea şi nu am îneles atunci ce vroia. Era blondă, frumoasă, 20 ani şi avea un Ford mai mic, nou, albastru, şi nu prea înţelegeam ce ura ea în lumea asta. Altă dată mi-a spus că stă în apartament cu o româncă care şi-a pus diamante pe toţi dinţii. În altă zi m-a întrebat ce cred despre nazişti şi atunci am înţeles.

Îmi amintesc alte două chestii de acolo, ba nu, trei, un panou cu istoria firmelor de profil electronic din Portland, printre care Electronic Specialty, înfiinţată în 1946, că bucătăreasa a dispărut la un moment dat şi am auzit că a avut un accident (După aceea, în altă zi când săteam toţi din schimb în sala de mese şi aşteptam să intrăm în schimb, am auzit un buf, şi a fost un accident în intersecţie şi după aia au instalat semafor şi acolo pe strada ...Evergreen!) (îmi amintesc ce îmi spunea Mladin despre cum pun americanii semafoare, după trei accidente la o intersecţie) (îmi amintesc acum o ştire recentă asemănătoare).

Epson avea un fel de training de o săptămână înainte de a începe să lucrezi, timp în care erai plătit ca şi cum ai lucra. Eram într-o grupă cu nişte vietnamezi, ţin minte că la o oră a venit profesoara cu nişte baloane albe, mai mult lungi, ne-a pus să le umflăm fiecare şi ne-a învățat să ne frecăm pe păr cu ele după care se lipeau de perete. Am luat şi eu balonul meu acasă şi l-am lipit pe perete şi a stat şi s-a dezumflat, în fiecare zi era puţin mai jos şi când a căzut am mers la spital deci a stat luni de zile lipit pe perete).

La Epson era funny să lucrezi. Eram la postul 9. Puneam 4 şuruburi cu o şurubelniţă electrică ce atârna de sus pe un cablu cu arc şi alte 5 piese, din care una sau două roţi dinţate, în mai puţin de un minut. Era cea mai grea staţie. Pe alţii îi mai roteau de la o staţie la altă (pe toţi) dar nu şi pe mine. La roata aia dinţată din stânga era o şmecherie, dar cu mintea mea de inginer mecanic am descoperit un clic care nu se auzea dar îl simțeam ca şi confirmare că e pusă bine.

Şi venea supervizorul, Salvador Solorio cred, un mexican mult mai tânăr ca mine, brunet, cu nevastă-sa şi mai brunetă care era responsabilă cu calitatea aproape zilnic şi se uitau la mine câte 10 minute în şir cum pun piesele şi le verificau şi plecau îmbufnaţi. El stătea în dreapta mea, punea mâna pe banda rulantă ca să se "sprijine" şi între degetul mare şi arătătorul mânii drepte avea tatuată o zvastică, cam de 2 cm şi avea grijă să o văd când se sprijinea acolo aşa, la mişto, şi mai vorbea cu mine iar ea în stânga se uita în special la roata aia dinţată, punea mâna pe ea (eu lucram cu degetare de cauciu) şi o verifica de fiecare dată şi nu înţelegea cum o pun aşa repede şi nu greşesc.

Odată unul din portari, un tip ras în cap, m-a întrebat de unde sunt şi eu i-am zis că din România, şi m-a întrebat dacă România e ţara din care vin toţi ţiganii, iar eu i-am zis că nu, vin din Egipt, fiindcă gypsy în Engleză este o prescurtare de la Egyptian (tocmai văzusem o emisiune nu mai ştiu la Discovery sau History channel). (Un exemplu de pseudoetimologie).

Epson plătea parte sau totul nu-mi aduc aminte, până la 2000 pe an cred, cursuri. Deci am zis că ia să profit şi eu şi m-am înscris la un curs de AutoCad la PCC, 3 credite, şi am fost repartizat cred, la Sylvania Campus, (aproape de unde locuiesc acum într-o zonă unde văd tot timpul femei cu costum musulman pe stradă.) Aveam şi atunci probleme de congestie nazală şi mi se făcea tot timpul rău în timpul cursului şi nu ştiam de ce, apărea-dispărea, şi am luat notă maximă la toate testele. (Îmi amintesc ce mişto predau aici profesorii, era un profesor armean, dar cred că nu numai el preda aşa, tâmpit să fii şi tot înţelegi, nu cum a fost când eram la facultate în România). Dar cu o zi înainte de ultima zi au venit la noi la apartament şi au pus pe lângă copaci nişte lemn compostat şi mi s-a făcut rău şi nu m-am mai putut duce la verificarea finală. Cred că şi chestia aia a contribuit la îmbolnăvirea mea. Mi-a venit factura de la curs cred că după ce am plecat de la Epson aşa că am plătit-o eu cred, ceva puţin sub 300 dolari.

(Chestia cu congestia nazală a descoperit-o o asistentă la care mergeam prin 2006 cred, care avea cabinet şi lucra ca doctoriţă (nurse practitioner). Eu mergeam când mi se făcea rău la ea, de 2-3 ori pe săptămână. S-a uitat ea odată cu lupa în nas şi a văzut că am membrana aia dilatată şi mi-a dat un decongestant, problema e că pe el scria să nu-l foloseşti mai mult de 2-3 zile iar eu l-am folosit 2 ani la rând (altă poveste cum m-am lăsat de el).

După cinci luni de recorduri la Epson, într-o zi mă sună Veronica Mârţ din Salem atunci. Îmi spune că dacă tot am fost de atâtea ori pe Mount Hood, de ce să nu merge eu odată şi la Mt.St.Helens. Stăteam eu aşa şi mă gândeam chiar de ce şi deodată am simţit că am ceva în urechea dreaptă parcă. M-am dus la oglindă în baie şi am descoperit un dop de ceară (de fapt era păr îmbâcsit cu ceară până aproape la suprafaţă) în urechea dreaptă. Am rămas blocat, eu ascultam muzică tot timpul, îmi amintesc în jur de 10 Martie am fost la ziua lui Iulian Mârţ (la amândoi adică) la Salem şi aveau un boombox şi eu ştiam că el nu se pricepe la muzică şi cumpărasem eu un CD cu Tina Turner, Simply The Best, iar el avea o melodie din România cu fetele de la Căpâlna după care am dormit acolo. Mai era la el şi Nae Croitoru, fostul nostru coleg de la IMU Bacău, acum în Vancouver, CA. Deci am fost la o doctoriţă şi mi-a smuls chestia din ureche cu o pensetă, avea vreo 2 cm lungime, mi-a zis că o să mă doară puţin dar alternativa e să introducă apă caldă şi e mai naşpa. După aceea am început să nu pot dormi, am intrat într-o fază, după vreo câteva zile am lăsat job-ul, normal l-a lăsat şi nevastă-mea, că ea nu conducea, iar fără maşină pe aici e cam imposibil să faci un job la 20 km distanţă,  pe atunci nu ştiam ce se întâmplă, eram paranoic, conduceam noaptea aiurea pe străzi, mă temeam să merg acasă, să mănânc, să dorm şi să beau apă şi aveam toba de eşapament spartă şi îmi închipui că mă auzeau toţi prin Beaverton şi şi într-o seară aşa nedormit ne-am dus acasă la domnul Mladin.

Şi el cam râdea de mine şi mi-a zis o povestioară le la mine din Bucovina. Cum a fost el ”la Cârlibaba, unde se întâlneşte Bistriţa cu Bistriţa aurie” şi a stat la un ţăran care i-a luat cam mult pentru nişte cartofi fierţi după care i-a adus şi nişte unt. Când l-a întrebat domnul Mladin cât pentru unt, ţăranul i-a zis, cu un accent veritabil, bucovinesc: ”dapâi aceala-i gratis...!”

Povestea e mult mai lungă, cam după o săptămână fără somn, mâncare sau apă şi multe plimbări pe la urgenţe am fost internat în sfârşit la Pacific Gateway, un spital psihiatric specializat pentru dependenţii de droguri, acum cam înţeleg de ce, unde m-au reînvăţat ăia să dorm, cam în două săptămâni.

Îmi amintesc înainte de a merge la Gateway am fost şi pe la Emanuel în downtown Portland şi stăteam la urgenţe aşezat pe marginea patului şi dădeam să adorm, dar nu puteam din cauza durerilor de stomac, tresăream, mă trezeam, iar aţipeam, iar tresăream, iar mă trezeam. Deci m-au pus într-un taxi şi m-au trimis la Pacific Gateway. Nu perfuzie nu nimic. Total dezhidratat.

Spitalul a fost închis după un an, când într-o duminică asistentele rămase au chemat poliţia fiindcă nu ştiau ce să facă cu un bolnav mexican care le ameninţa cu un pix, şi au venit, şi l-au împuşcat doi poliţişti, un glonte în cap şi unul în inimă.

ŞI a fost dărâmat acu câţiva ani buni, prin 2007 cred şi un dezvoltator a făcut nişte case pe terenul acela. Singura clădire rămasă este asta unde erau birourile dar acum sunt alte cabinete medicale acolo.

Acolo s-au întâmplat multe, ţin minte noaptea nu puteam dormi şi mă uitam la copacii ăia de pe stradă, aveam aproape în fiecare zi alt vecin de cameră (erau două paturi) care sforăiau sau respirau cu zgomot, ceea ce mă antrena şi pe mine să respir normal şi adormeam; după vreo săptămână, mi-au dat o carte cu boli psihiatrice şi mi-au cerut (bine, la mişto) să-mi pun diagnosticul singur şi mi se părea că am toate bolile din carte şi ei râdeau de mine. Unul din simptome era că respiram foarte greu şi nu ştiam dar aveam o simplă congestie nazală, care a trecut, parţial, după câteva zile, ca efect secundar de la ranitidină, care mi-au dat-o pentru dureri de stomac, ranitidina avea un uşor efect antihistaminic.

Nu am să uit niciodată, pe un perete era o reproducere foarte mişto după una din serigrafiile lui Thomas McKnight, cu o piscină, un peşte, un trident, nişte ochelari subacvatici în formă de infint cu o ieşire şi oceanul, şi pe tablou era cu litere mari de o şcioapă, jos, numele firmei care l-a tipărit, CHALK AND VERMILLION, NY. LOL, numele lucrării este CRESCENT Bay! De câte ori vedeam combinaţia chalk and vermillion în mintea mea apărea altă combinaţie, choke viermele Ion, pentru că tot timpul simţeam că mă sufoc de la acea congestie nazală. (Pe marginea tabloului de mai jos nu scrie CHALK AND VERMILLION, fiindcă am impresia că e fotografia unei serigrafii din seria originală, nu reproducea firmei CHALK AND VERMILLION, NY.) La vreo două săptâmâni după ce am ieşti din spital l-am cunoscut pe Shawn Robert Parker.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

California, Crescent Bay

Kalama, Cowlitz, Kalapuya, Camas, Clackamas, Klamath. All ancient Native American toponyms on US west Coast with an indisputable link with the root Kala or Kali. That may come from the Sanskrit name Kali or from Australian aboriginal word kylie, the name for the tool known as boomerang.

Klamath river is home of the California most populous tribe Karuk. Karu in Sanskrit means among others artisan, but we also have Kalika and Chamunda, other names of goddess Kali. And Kauravas.

Some Karuk women wear a tattoo or make up that looks like a hanging tongue. In this picture the three young adults' appearance is Hungarian, who are a mix of Ancient Australia Noongars and North Eastern Indian Magars. The woman with face decoration looks Asian.
Some women wear a shells necklace that look like Kali little skulls necklace.
There are boomerang like stone tools at the Museum in Oregon City. Oldest known boomerang was found in Poland and was made of a mammoth tusk, but in India boomerangs were made of... iron.
Crescent is one of the attributes of Lord Shiva, as he is known also as god of time, with Moon being the oldest measure of time known to man. However Kali stepped on Shiva's chest and thus took this attribute from him. As the trident.

In 1997 while working at Epson i started to have breathing trouble, severe insomnia and in the end hallucinations. After several attempts at other hospitals, due to my insurance from Epson i was taken to a place called Pacific Gateway. I was so dehydrated that when i peed in a jar half of it precipitated as salts. They gave me to drink some water and asked for another sample. Finally they gave me a pill, got to sleep, eat and drink. But the biggest problem of them all. Could not fall asleep in the evening because i felt like chocking. Problem was given simply by a congested nose and me not being able to breath on my mouth because i forgot how to since i was in grade school and my teacher was punishing me if she was catching me breathing on my mouth.

After i got out of Pacific Gateway was better but still the same problem. Finally got better after working 4 months at Les Schwab in open air. Problem was caused by indoor pollution and me not breathing on my mouth when could not on my nose but could not figure that for the next 15 years. Pacific Gateway was specialized in treating drug addicts.

Pacific Gateway was closed @year 2000 and demolished after the doctors and nurses there called Police because they could not control a Mexican patient who was threatening them with a pen. So Police came and shot him once in head and once in chest. A similar situation happened in 2002-2003 at Woodland Park Hospital where i called 911 (112) from a payphone because i had difficulties breathing. In there, one of my doctors' name was Collier but my first doctor there was plainly Harrison Ford (together with his assistant, therapist Carrie Fisher). In January 13 2004 i went again to that hospital for one night and i was the only patient there. The hospital was closed in 2004 after doctors again called 911 to transfer a patient. It's been re-opened many years after, under a different name and ownership.

But there was this picture reproduction on the wall outside my room at Pacific Gateway of a serigraph by painter Thomas McNight. It was representing what i thought it was a mythical place called Crescent Bay, with a fish in a basket hit by a trident and still trying to breath next to a breathing apparatus in form of infinity sign, and on the picture lower it was written with big letters Chalk and Vermillion (an art reproduction firm) New York. Every time i was reading that and obviously feeling like chocking all the time, i thought of how the word Vermillion means in Romanian viermele (the worm) and the name Ion, my last name.
21 years after, can't remember how, i figured Crescent Bay existed and at first opportunity i went to California, South of LA, a 1000 miles drive to see it. In that day water was warm and people were bathing in the bay, and we went and grabbed some bathing suits and went into the water. I had a body wide infection starting from teeth, and as soon as i got in the water i started to shiver. Then i saw this guy who looked familiar (Angela was binge watching the movie those days on Netflix or something), asked him a question, went into a conversation and told him the purpose of me being there. Then he told me to go in the water.

In the bay there were even two scuba divers, like in the painting, and on shore, about where that pool should have been, a woman was reading a book. A group of what i thought then were Arabs, though could have been Indians were watching something carefully, maybe counting waves.

Angela was sitting there in the shallow water on her knees, some 30 ft away from the shore when a freak wave came and pushed her 30 ft towards the shore in one second, leaving her with some wounds that turned into scars on her knees from rubbing against the sand for all that distance.

There must have been a reason when they came here Europeans called them Indians.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Never looked so carefully at this list before. (Can't remember where i got the list from, must have been Employment Office by the time there still was one in Beaverton.) Some of the pages are printed partially and at an angle. But don't understand why the second job in 96, that where i made 674 dollars was through Olsten since i know for sure i worked at Electronic Specialty through Interim Personnel, on Chkalov drive in Vancouver, WA which later changed its name to Spherion. Corporations games, changing corporation names.

That might explain why they have been so nice to me when i worked at Infocus as an auditor, then a technician, through them again, in the fall of 96 where i quit so i can go and work at Epson for less money, but with my wife so she can work too cause she kept complaining for siting home alone for almost a year back then. In the end, the irony is now she is working and me not for so long.

LOL i remember at Blount why they made me quit. I was working on a milling machine sharpening star(triangle) shaped rotors for mowers. There was a fixture and i was just changing the part and starting the cycle. I didn't understand how many i was supposed to do, but after a few days everybody was kinda angry with me until after about a week i understood why... I was doing double the amount of the other two shifts combined LOL. Same thing happened a few years later at Laughlin through Express, until they ran out of parts and they fired me...  A Chinese woman called me a commie! Now i know it was all staged... Some of the coworkers, including my recruiter at Express were celebrities, the woman at Express (i first worked through them in early 96 at Credence) was looking a lot like Stevie Nicks...

LOL at Epson i was working on the world record line, doing frequently more than 500 printers per shift and my wife together with another Romanian, Dragoş Ţăvârlău, from Bucharest were both working on a similar line and doing less the 300..

In 98 i did not work for Softlink (although i've been told that the company was called Softlink before) but i knew the company name was Quadramed. Sir Frances Drake Blvd. In San Fancisco.

By the way, in autumn 97, after being laid off from Credence (Express) - Credence sold that part of the company, service for testers out of fabrication, to a startup in San Francisco, led by the brother of one of the Credence cofounders. I drove 700 miles in 13 hours in a car (white 89 Escort GT) that i bought from Insurance Auto Auction (during that job, summer 96) after being totaled and i fixed it myself, replacing the hood, radiator, a fender, the bumper and the mask. However, there was a problem with the body and every time i was accelerating, it was making a squeaking sound and pulling one way and when i was breaking, the other. And had a broken exhaust and made a terrible noise. My supervisor at Credence, Dino Gipaya from Hawaii was the nicest guy i met. Not like the other one i worked with at AVX. I fixed the exhaust one year after i bought it but in early 98 three months after i was laid off from Les Schwab and working at Credence we rolled over in a ditch (my wife was driving) at one mile near the Ocean and totaled it. Again. LOL.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mini eseu despre ţigani - completabil

Unele ipoteze, informații și idei personale despre originea țiganilor în România și Europa.

O ştire bizară de ieri despre un manelist  [toate știrile despre maneliști sunt bizare; când am scris prima dată această postare nu prea erau alt fel de maneliști, acum majoritatea topurilor in SUA sunt ocupate de ei] "sechestrat în Italia?" care mi-a confirmat nişte gânduri mai vechi. Bine am căutat acum şi am văzut că ştirea a fost creată aşa la repezeală, fiindcă întâmplarea e veche. Face parte din arsenalul curent al media, de a aduce în atenţie fapte, cuvinte, idei, atunci când au ei nevoie, nu când se întâmplă sau e logic să fim înştiinţaţi. (apropo de manele

Plecat în SUA din 95 nu credeam că voi mai atinge subiectul acesta vreodată. Dar în primăvara lui 96 un portar ras în cap de la Epson, unde lucram atunci (Epson Portland Incorporated) m-a întrebat dacă România e ţara de unde vin toţi ţiganii, rânjind binevoitor. Eu credeam că avea aşa o curiozitate ştiinţifică şi i-am răspuns şi eu la fel de zâmbitor dar puţin intrigat cu o replică luată dintr-o emisiune de la TV văzută, coincidental, recent relativ la acea conversaţie, unde am auzit că ţigan (gypsy) este un misnomer (bine nu ştiam pe atunci să vorbesc aşa în engleză) fiindcă europenii au confundat pe numiţii ţigani cu unii care ar fi venit din Egipt. Deci i-am returnat misnomerul, adică i-am zis că ţiganii vin din Egipt, aşa să văd cum reacţionează, la care zâmbetul i-a îngheţat pe faţă şi atunci mi-am dat seama că totuşi tipul vorbea serios, dar la mişto.

[Acum, după ce mai recent am văzut la ce niveluri de manipulări şi minciuni s-a ajuns în media, stau şi mă întreb, dacă bruneţii ajunși în Europa de Vest şi denumiţi de localnici gypsies, gitanos, gitans, etc., nu veneau cumva chiar din Egipt, fiind de fapt sclavi de diverse populaţii, ca nord-africană şi asiatică, fugind de otomani și de la mameluci. În 1517 Egiptul a fost ocupat de otomani în întregime. Înainte de ocupația otomană din 1517 Egiptul era stăpânit de mameluci, care erau tot musulmani, dar mai ciudați. Asta ar confirma şi faptul că ţiganii sunt denumiţi uneori în România, de către ţărani, mai ales în est şi faraoni, iar uneori chiar... mameluci! Deci s-ar putea ca până la urmă cuvântul gypsie să nu fie de loc misnomer.]

A doua fază, m-am dus odată pe o insulă pe fluviul Columbia, lângă localitatea Cascade Locks în Oregon, tot în perioada aceea, și în ziua aceea erau nişte corturi de mai multe feluri, un fel de reconstituire live de istorie, din care unele erau de pionieri, unele de indieni americani, şi lângă un cort a venit un tip îmbrăcat cumva de nerecunoscut, bine, pentru mine toate erau noi pe atunci, şi mi-a zis ceva gen: maite! la care eu m-am uitat la el lung, nu am ştiut ce să-i răspund, iar el mi-a făcut semn să plec.

Câţiva ani mai târziu, în jur de anul 2000, pe un canal al Dish Network (îmi luasem satelit digital, şi fiindcă nu m-a lăsat la început managera de la apartament să pun antena afară pe perete, o ţineam pe un scaun în bucătărie - aveam un sistem de aliniere fiindcă nu stătea acolo tot timpul şi trebuia să deschid geamul ca să prind semnal fiindcă nu trecea prin sticla aia izolantă de la geamuri gen termopane din aluminiu iar dacă porneam cuptorul cu microunde luat în 95 de la un magazin de mâna doua unde m-a dus Nelu Ciorbă dispărea semnalul) deci am prins un film despre ţigani produs printre alţii de Yul Brynner, care era un documentar istoric şi încerca să explice originea ţiganilor. Filmul s-a repetat de mai multe ori pe diverse canale şi până la urmă l-am "tras" pe casetă dar l-am dat cuiva (tot unui Iulian) care nu mi l-a mai dat înapoi. Deci în filmul acela am auzit prima dată teoria originii indiene (în mod ciudat, filmul acela mi-a deschis gustul pentru istorie, care iată, putea fi prezentată şi altfel). Dar astăzi nu mai sunt de acord cu tot ce spunea, cel puţin partea cronologică.

Deci filmul spunea că în urma uneia dintre invaziile asupra Indiei [], indienii au strâns o armată provenită din toate zonele Indiei (teorie argumentată în film de faptul că diversele dialecte ţigăneşti au cuvinte din toate părţile Indiei de azi) armată formată bineînţeles din casta războinică (vezi organizarea socială pe caste a Indiei

Din ce-mi mai amintesc din film; indienii pe atunci mergeau la război cu tot cu familii iar o parte din acea armată a fost tăiată în timpul războiului de restul şi au fost împinşi în afara teritoriului Indiei şi cu timpul au devenit sclavi în Imperiul Otoman (acesta a apărut însă în 1299). (Sau poate s-au deplasat mereu spre vest fiind mereu împinşi din urmă odată cu extinderea acestuia, ceea ce nu s-a spus în film sau poate s-a spus şi nu-mi amintesc). O bună parte din ei au ajuns în România (dar şi în alte ţări europene) începând în jur de acu' 700 ani unde au fost puşi să muncească pe moşiile care unele au fost probabil în stăpânirea directă a otomanilor. În plin ev mediu, când în general populaţiile ţărăneşti din toată Europa erau legate de glie, au trăit în diversele locuri relativ izolaţi, poate având contacte de căsătorii cu alte grupuri.

În acea perioadă într-adevăr părţi din India au căzut sub ocupaţie musulmană. Sub diferite forme şi asupra diverse teritorii, mai extinsă sau mai restrânsă, această ocupaţie a durat până la cucerirea Indiei de către britanici

[De menționat, pentru cine nu știe, că în India de azi 14.2% sută sau 172 milioane de indieni sunt musulmani].

Otomanii au folosit în tot imperiul şi sclavi provenind din Africa, care au fost întrebuinţaţi mai mult pentru armate de eunuci şi/sau ca sclavi sexuali (concubine în harem, care nu aveau urmaşi, copiii lor fiind omorâţi la naştere - spune istoria oficială). E posibil ca unii din acei sclavi africani s-au combinat cu cei indieni şi poate din alte zone ale Asiei înainte de a ajunge pe teritoriul de azi din România. E posibil să se fi adus în România grupuri compacte şi din alte populaţii. Dar asta nu explică prezenţa în România de azi de grupuri compacte, cu legături familiale, care şi-au păstrat ADN-ul pentru sute de ani.

La fel, posibil, după cum am spus cu câteva paragrafe mai sus, este ca sclavii să fi fugit progresiv din calea extinderii imperiul otoman, în toată perioada când acesta a fost suficient de aproape de România, asta explicând şi existenţa grupurilor familiale sau şatrelor, ei provenind de peste tot, unii chiar şi din India, iar ţiganii să fie de fapt o populaţie diversă, cu cel puţin două mari ramuri, cei din India şi cei din Egipt, şi asta ar explica şi numărul mare de dialecte, sau cine ştie, poate chiar limbi diferite de-a lungul Europei.

O altă ipoteză este că o parte din ei au fost pur și simplu comercializați de-a lungul și de-a latul imperiului otoman, venind din direcția continentală asiatică iar o altă parte chiar de creștinii din orașele cetate italiene, filiera egipteană, deci africano-asiatică, cei de origine indiană fiind aduși în Egipt de către mameluci care au avut pentru un timp simultan sultanate și în Egipt și în India.

Bine ei au fost eliberaţi la 22 decembrie 1855 de Divanul Obștesc din Principatul Moldovei şi în 1856 de domnitorul Barbu Știrbei în Principatul Românesc dar la fel ca şi eliberarea sclavilor din America, fără nici un plan pentru integrare. Astfel ei au ajuns o povară şi o responsabilitate veşnică pentru clasa mică şi mijlocie din populaţia majoritară.

Pe pagina despre ţigani din Wikipedia în română apare şi numele lui Neagu Djuvara, al cărui nume este legat de unele teorii bizare, controversiale şi care se contrazic reciproc asupra originii românilor (adică ori ţigani, ori cumani (negri)).

(Existenţa ţiganilor în România şi provenienţa lor posibilă parţială din India complică prin coincidenţă şi confuzie explicarea teoriei lingvistice conform căreia fondul lexical de bază al limbii române provine din sanscrita şi nu din latină şi/sau slavă, acestea fiind surse secundare.)

Apropo de ţări europene. Recent fost re-pompat în media un articol care conţinea adiacent şi informaţia conform căreia ţiganii au venit în Europa, prima dată în România, pe la nordul Mării Negre, în jur de anul 1000. M-am uitat acum într-un dicţionar etimologic francez unde ştiam că sunt menţionate datele la care apar cuvintele în limba franceză. Cuvântul ţigan, în forma cingane, este prima dată menţionat în sec XV

În alte menţiuni, de ex. în Wikipedia în limba franceză, se spunde direct că "les gens de voyage", care după cum am mai spus, "au fost confundaţi cu egiptenii", sau poate numai în vestul Europei, care europeni nu erau aşa de ignoranţi şi puteau să-şi dea seama, dacă veneau din Egipt (de fapt dintre țigani, chiar nu vorbea nici unul vreo limbă cunoscută, ca de ex araba, câte cuvinte îi trebuia ca să spună de unde vine), iar ţiganii de alte tipuri s-au oprit mai la est şi poate au venit din Siria (cu acea ocazie menţionată mai jos) sau poate chiar din teritoriul care în zilele noastre a devenit Afganistan [este clar pentru mine acum că europenii nu prea vor să spună ce și cum despre țigani, fiindcă poate ar dovedi o destul de recentă (500 de ani în urmă) implicație în comerțul și folosirea sclavilor]. Și nu m-ar mira așa de mult, fiindcă Spania a fost sub ocupație musulmană care treptat s-a redus spre sud dispărând în jur de 1500 D.H..

Două lucruri putem observa aici. Oamenii au călătorit. Fie că au scăpat din sclavie în timpul haosului care a urmat destrămării și ocupării Sultanatului Mameluc din Egipt, fie că au scăpat de/la otomani, sau aduși din Africa de musulmanii care au ocpuat fie că au scăpat de pe gliile boierilor români și au fugit pentru o viață mai ușoară în vest. Obișnuiți cu căruța cu coviltir ca singură casă, după câteva generații de fugă, au uitat efectiv de unde veneau și cine erau. Însă remarcabil este faptul că au supraviețuit împreună.

În orice caz. La fel ca negrii din America de Nord, care s-au amestecat mult cu alte populaţii, mai ales americani nativi, unde nu găseşti doi metiși care să fie de aceeaşi compoziţie genetică, şi în România, în afara celor care au rămas nomazi, restul s-au amestecat cu populaţia originară majoritară şi alţi imigranţi, creând o categorie care uneori este vag recognoscibilă prin trăsături fizice, uneori şi comportament şi am ajuns unde vroiam căci s-ar părea că unele forţe politice din România folosesc această confuzie şi promovează membri din această categorie, uneori vag ţigani, dar îm general mai mult vag asiatici, la nivelele superioare ale societăţii române, şi îi încurajează sau uneori forţează să adopte un comportament ostentativ ţigănesc, exagerat, totul completat cu facilitări şi know-how prin care ajung să "controleze" firme, bani, afaceri, partide, mişcări culturale (vezi manelismul) etc., contribuind şi făcând parte dintr-un plan pentru măcinarea societăţii româneşti şi nu numai.

Din acest plan face parte şi adoptarea în 1971 a termenului de rom, sau rrom sau poate chiar simultan şi schimbarea denumirii oficiale din Rumânia în România şi promovarea artificială a unei limbi şi culturi transnaţionale (romanes, romani) care de fapt nu prea există în realitate.

Unele forţe politice care au o acoperire mondială din ce în ce mai mare tind să folosească membri ai minorităților, promovaţi artificial în politică, entertainment şi controlaţi în scopul subminării culturii acestor minorităţi sau chiar a majorităţii din ţările respective. [Din aceștia, putem menționa aici Shriners, o ramură recentă a masoneriei, care are la bază... fun-ul].

Eu favorizam cumva ipoteza venirii prin Egipt, din motiv mai ales de nume, Gypsy/Gipsies, care are corespondent şi în franceză, unul din numele dat lor fiind Gitane (pentru femei și celebra marcă de țigări), care vine din spaniolă [pe o posibilă filieră spaniolă în timpul califatului Umayad, țigani și faraoni în România (în judeţul Bacău este o localitate care se numeşte chiar aşa, Fărăoani.)

"La palabra «gitano» procede de «egiptano», porque en el siglo XV se pensaba que los gitanos procedían de Egipto. "

Deci căutând argumente pentru această ipoteză am dat de ceva foarte interesant. Au existat simultan sultanate conduse de Mameluci şi în India, şi în Egipt. Între ele au existat probabil legături comerciale. Posibil de facilitat emigraţia din India către Egipt, (forţată sau economică).

Odată cu venirea otomanilor în Egipt, poate înainte, posibil ca acei ipotetici imigranţi indieni din Egipt au fugit în Europa. Ocuparea Egiptului de către turci s-a completat în 1517, dar e posibil ca aceasta să se fi întâmpla, gradual, mai devreme, în timpul dinastiei musulmane Burji, care a fost o perioadă de instabilitate în Egipt.

În limba română vorbită chiar există cuvântul mameluc, în DEX fiind dat ca neologism şi ca un cuvânt peiorativ (ultimul de pe listă) Dacă întrebi pe oricine din România ce înseamnă mameluc, nu va spune că un soldat din garda personală a sultanilor din Egipt, căci nici nu au auzit vreodată, ci toţi vor merge la ultima definiţie din acest link, iar cuvântul posibil să fi intrat în română din ţigănească şi nu din franceză, păstrându-se sensul negativ.

În orice caz. După ce am citit şi articolul din ultimul link, îmi devine din ce în ce mai clar că o parte a ţiganilor provin din sclavi, parțial de origine indiană, aduşi de mameluci din India în Egipt şi Siria pe drumul maritim al mirodeniilor, care l-au controlat timp de secole, care au fugit în jurul timpului războiului turco-mameluc în jurul anului 1500 când mamelucii au pierdut controlul Egiptului şi al Siriei în favoarea otomanilor şi s-au refugiat în diverse ţări din Europa. Este posibil ca cei care provin direct din Egipt au ajuns mai mult în vestul Europei iar cei din Siria, care era tot sub controlul mamelucilor din Egipt mai mult în est, explicând astfel diferenţele lingvistice şi dialectele ţigăneşti. Dar este posibil ca o parte din ei să fi venit în Europa şi mai devreme, din comerţul cu sclavi practicat de mameluci cu cele două state italiene, Genova şi Veneţia, sau ca fugari de la mameluci din moment ce există atestări, puţine, ale prezenţei ţiganilor începând din secolul 14 pe teritoriul de azi al României, dar şi mai târziu, aduşi de otomani.

Mă gândeam la perioada când mamelucii au fost "stăpâni" în Egipt. Elită. (De fapt de-a lungul istoriei lor, băieţii lor erau despărţiţi de mame şi crescuţi în barăci militare unde nu aveau loialitate faţă de alţii decât de-ai lor, deci practic tot ca sclavi, o practică ce aminteşte de... spartani!)

[Egiptul mameluc. Societate închisă, masculină, inițiatică. Înainte de 1500. Poate de aici se trag şi rădăcinile societăţilor secrete de tip masonic care tocmai pe atunci luau naştere în Europa, când Egiptul a fost cucerit de otomani, când probabil nu numai sclavii (viitorii ţigani), dar poate şi nişte mameluci bogaţi (cuvântul mameluc înseamnă sclav în arabă) au emigrat în Europa? Sau poate cruciaţii cu care aveau contacte sau comercianţii europeni au cules informaţii şi idei de la aceştia... Cu acces timp de secole la piramide și alte surse arheologice chiar mai virgine decât le-a găsti Napoleon și de ce nu poate chiar întregi biblioteci. Să nu uităm că francmasonii se reclamă în parte de la Egiptul antic, dar au și un gust pentru greci și spartani].

Am citit puţin în pagina din timpurile antice, de unde am înţeles că tocmai datorită sistemului de caste, dar şi culturii şi religiei, sclavia a fost redusă ca procentaj şi mult mai blândă sau poate chiar nici măcar nu poate fi considerată sclavie când o comparăm cu cea din ţările pre-europene, ca Grecia antică sau Roma.

Însă odată cu pătrunderea islamului în India, chestiile s-au schimbat şi aceasta poate dovedi că perioada cea mai probabilă pentru strămutarea pașnică a unor asemenea numere de populaţie care a făcut posibilă apariţia unei întregi naţiuni nomade care s-a menţinut mai bine de jumătate de mileniu în Europa a fost perioada sultanatului mameluc din Delhi. Mai mult decât atât, mamelucii înşişi fiind o naţiune de sclavi, probabil pentru ei era ceva obişnuit.

Bine persistenţa se mai explică şi datorită faptului că existau afinităţi culturale şi lingvistice cu europenii [vezi teoria lingivistică indo-europeană], iar pentru sclavii respectivi a fost o destinaţie la îndemână, odată scăpaţi, în vremuri tulburi, de război, de la captivii lor, fiindcă întoarcerea în ţara lor de origine, datorită pierderii memoriei originii lor şi datorită distanţei enorme.

Pentru că Europa şi India sunt înrudite (lingvistic şi genetic şi cultural) mai mult decât orice alte zone geografice de pe planetă la aceeaşi distanţă una de alta.

Mai sunt și alte ipoteze, similare. Sau poate toate sunt adevărate și originea țiganilor din Europa are o istorie complexă, ei venind în mai multe valuri și pe mai multe rute, din India, Africa și Asia.

"According to the Persian historian Firishta, after the Ghaznavid capture of Thanesar (c. 1014), "the army of Islam brought to Ghazna about 200,000 captives, and much wealth, so that the capital appeared like an Indian city, no soldier of the camp being without wealth, or without many slaves"

"Later in the 13th century, Balban's campaign in Ranthambore, reportedly defeated the Hindu army and yielded "captives beyond computation""

Friday, March 10, 2017


Here is a (broken) thread of emails between Oregon Board of Medical Licencing. Again it came to me i saw people dressed as doctors in doctors offices or hospitals who were not doctors. For some reason OBM first said no then changed their mind after i forwarded them an old email where they said yes. But that was several years ago when there was still some reason left in All Oregon.

I write this here today because i suddenly realized what might be the most important part of my problems. Health problems that is.

That spring after i got health insurance from Epson i went to see a doctor in Beaverton, in an office across the street from Key Bank. Dr.Piepgrass. I was attracted by the name for some reason when i was searching in the phone book. My complain was heartburn and shortness of breath. Dr.Piepgrass who was looking a lot like Tom Hanks though i didn't know at the time sent me for a barium exam. It was in the doctors' offices called the Commons, across the street from Target on Greenburg Blvd. in Beaverton.

There something really strange happened. A tall technician came and said something about hietal hernia. It was the first time i heard about. Then he strapped me to a rotating table and gave me to drink not barium but what he said it was flavored baking soda crystals mixed with water. According to him they were supposed to react with the acid in my stomach, create lots of carbon dioxide, inflate my stomach so he can see it better. After i drank that he turned me upside down with that table.

Weeks later i spoke on the phone with then my friend Veronica Mart, "the woman in Salem" as pastor John Day once said. (A pastor from Texas). The woman in Salem told me on the phone that if i already went to Mt.Hood i should go one day to Mt.St.Helens as well. Minutes later i had a feeling i do not hear well with my right ear. So i went in the bathroom, took a cotton swab and checked and i saw i had a wax plug covering completely my right year. I might had have it for years, from Romania. So i went to another doctor and she pulled it with some tweezers and came out relatively easy. (The guy upstairs drive me nuts, it's one AM and he keeps walking in the room, not going to bathroom, just between living and dining and back right away).

Immediately after i started feeling sick. Not able to sleep, in a few days i quit the work at Epson. Don't know how it lasted until i ended up in the hospital. More about here

The point is the procedure with the baking soda crystals and being turned upside down might had increased my hietal hernia. For those who don't know hietal hernia is enlargement of the diaphragm that among other things opens more easily the valve between esophagus and stomach and among other things lets Hydrochloric acid vapors from stomach into the esophagus and though some might get into the lungs, some might escape from your mouth, create a weird, sour smell for others but also create a conduit in the air that... electrostatically attracts positively charged dust, since persons are electrostatically charged negative. So it basically turns you into a dust vacuum. If there is statically positively charged dust in the air, it will selectively affect only you and no other people. Of course on long term the lungs are affected. Of course it gets worse when you get mad and stuff. Like some person in the apartment above you, using some thermal imaging device or some other method tracks you and walks on top of you getting you mad and also releasing dust from the ceiling. Also people next door hitting the ball to the wooden floor, a similar effect. Dust you attract gets into your lungs and stomac and depending what it is gives you all kinda of short and long term health problems. (More steps upstairs, fifteen minutes later). Nowadays i take antibiotics for about o month, and when i thought it was over, yesterday and the day before there was again lots of dust in the apartment and today i woke up with back pain and pain in the pancreas and bile area.

But the problem might have been created about one year earlier, during a visit to my then friend Julian Mart in Salem after the Electronic Specialty episode i wrote about here.

After several days of inhaling 1,1,1 Triclhoroethane aka methyl chloroform

That night i remember i was very euphoric, there was black ice on the freeway all the way from Portland to Salem but i did not want to miss Julian's invitation, they had over visiting them Cleo, a friend of them, who was looking like Estee Lauder and probably his husband George, the guy who was looking like Carlos Santana.

ON 15 it is Julian's birthday and Hungary's national day. For some reason i always thought Tom Hanks was half Hungarian, maybe because he looks so much like Tony Curtis who was Hungarian.

Julian Mart is here in a picture when he came back into the US via Poland after "being deported".

One more thing. In September 95 i lived for about a months at the Mart's in Dallas, Oregon. There i met Cleo for the first time. (It might not have been the first time, she might have been also "doamna Aramă, the mother of a High School class mate who was looking like Ronald Lauder). After Veronica yelled at me several but only while driving alone with me in her car i decided to move somewhere else to another Romanian guy (there are many other stories) in Portland. Suddenly one night i told them i was living. But just before that guy picked us up from there Julian insisted i saw the movie Forrest Gump from a tape he had.

And one more thing. When i was about eight years old my father bought a small transistor radio which had a headphone. Though it seems to me weird these days, i was allowed to play with that radio freely and i opened it and adjusted those ferite coils many times).

Joan Stieger <>
Date: Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 3:40 PM
Subject: RE: Picture of a licensee
To: "" <>
Cc: Josh Paul <>

Mr. Ion,
Your request for pictures of licensees was forwarded to me.  I have verified that pictures are public record and would be available for a fee.  That fee depends on what all you want.

In your email that you had sent Randy Day 4 years ago, Randy had let you know that the photographs that we have are usually passport size and quality.  We also received them when they applied for licensure.  Depending on when they were licensed, many years may have passed.  Also, the image that you would receive would be from a copy machine thus the quality would be further degraded.

Your original request from a couple of years ago had a list of 13 licensees that you were interested in.  Could you please confirm which doctors you want a picture of?

Once we have that list, we will need to request those files from archives in Salem.  That could take up to 6 weeks to receive them.  When the files are delivered to our office, we will gather the photographs, redacting any confidential portions of the record.  At this point, you can either personally inspect them or we can prepare them for copying.  This portion of the process will cost $20.00 each.  If you want us to make copies of the photos, there will be an additional charge of $5.20 each.  I have attached our request form for licensee file information along with the fee schedule.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Joan Stieger
Accounting Supervisor
Oregon Medical Board, Agency 847
1500 SW First Avenue, Suite 620
Portland, OR  97201-5847
Phone: 971-673-2690
Fax: 971-673-2670
Your opinion matters!  Did the OMB provide good customer service? cid:image002.png@01D214E6.2A6FCF90 cid:image004.png@01D214E6.2A6FCF90
Data Classification Level 2 - Limited
OUR MISSION: To protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregon citizens by regulating the practice of medicine in a manner that promotes access to quality care.
This e-mail is intended for the named recipient only and may not be read, copied, discussed, or distributed by anyone except the named recipient or the agent or employee of the named recipient upon the named recipient's directions.  The named recipient is responsible for the confidentiality of the message.  Please notify the sender should any part of the following document(s) fail to transmit correctly.  Please destroy incorrectly transmitted documents immediately.

From: George Ion []
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 11:27 AM
To: OMB Info <>
Subject: Picture of a licensee

Can i get from you pictures of licensees for a fee if it's public record?
George Ion
Tualatin, Oregon.

George Ion <>
Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 1:48 PM
Subject: Fwd: dr.Hannes Sigurtsson

Randy Day was not with OMB?

You don't offer this service anymore?

George Ion.

Pictures of licensees are not something that is available from the Oregon Medical Board.

Have a great day.

Joshua Paul
Public Information Specialist
Oregon Medical Board
1500 SW 1st Avenue Suite 620
Portland, OR  97201-5847
Phone: 971-673-2700

How are we doing? Please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey at  Your opinion matters!

Data Classification Level 2 - Limited

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Randy Day <> wrote:
The only photos we have are those submitted at the time of application. These are “passport” size and quality. Given the passage of time the usefulness of the photos is questionable.

To answer your question, these photographs are public record and are available for a fee. The average cost would be $25 to $50 depending whether we have then here or in the state archives. You should also be aware the image you would receive would be from a copy machine and not a duplicate photograph. As such, the quality would be further degraded.

Randy H. Day Complaint Resource Officer Oregon Medical Board 1500 SW First Ave. Suite 620 Portland, OR 97201
Phone - 971-673-2702 FAX - 971-673-2669
Data Classification Level 2 - Limited

This e-mail is intended for the named recipient only and may not be read, copied, discussed, or distributed by anyone except the named recipient or the agent or employee of the named recipient action upon the named recipient’s directions. The named recipient is responsible for the confidentiality of the message. Notify the sender should any part of the following document(s) fail to transmit correctly. Please  destroy incorrectly transmitted documents immediately.
OUR MISSION: To protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregonians by regulating the practice of medicine in a manner that promotes access to quality care.

From: George Ion []
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 8:16 PM
To: Randy Day
Subject: Re: dr.Hannes Sigurtsson

The main purpose of my email was about the need to properly identify doctors. The only way to to this is if you posted on your online database their pictures, lilke in social networks. If not, maybe they are avaiable for a fee?
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Randy Day <> wrote:
The information that you find on our web page is all that is available except for some older malpractice claims. To get a written report about a doctor, the cost is $10.00 for each physician. Again, all you will get from these reports is older malpractice claims, if any.

I have attached an information request form if you need it.

Randy H. Day
Complaint Resource Officer
Oregon Medical Board
1500 SW First Ave. Suite 620
Portland, OR 97201
Phone - 971-673-2702
FAX - 971-673-2669
Data Classification Level 2 - Limited

This e-mail is intended for the named recipient only and may not be read, copied, discussed, or distributed by anyone except the named recipient or the agent or employee of the named recipient action upon the named recipient’s directions. The named recipient is responsible for the confidentiality of the message. Notify the sender should any part of the following document(s) fail to transmit correctly. Please destroy incorrectly transmitted documents immediately.
OUR MISSION: To protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregonians by regulating the practice of medicine in a manner that promotes access to quality care.

From: George Ion []
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:51 PM
To: Randy Day
Subject: Fwd: dr.Hannes Sigurtsson

And most important, if you have a photo of dr.Sigurtsson on file and in general photos of all the doctors listed bellow.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Ion <>
Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: dr.Hannes Sigurtson
To: Randy Day <>

I apologize, for the last two i mistook names

Rana, Hiren Thakorbhai MD, MD14344
Rana, Vandana Hiren MD MD15791

In addition, there's one more
Douglas, Daniel Ray MD MD18403

Here'e the list updated
Bertani    Emily Danielle MD MD152933
Bindal    Vandana Niraj MD MD23239
Boboia    Dorina S MD MD14590
Collier    Jeanine Shannon-Allison MD MD21368
Douglas, Daniel Ray MD MD18403   
Erickson    Kenneth Reed MD MD13119
Eusterman    Joseph Huntimer MD MD06417
Gilligan    John French MD MD20074
Parent    Joseph Adrien Jr. MD MD08183
Patil    Ravindra Ramdas MD MD21026
Piepgrass    Sterling Robin MD MD12092
Rana    Hiren Thakorbhai MD    MD14344
Rana    Vandana Hiren MD MD15791   

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Ion <>
Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: dr.Hannes Sigurtson
To: Randy Day <>

Don't know if you noticed, on the attached document he printed his name with a t not d. Please send me any printed document related to him that you can send me for free or for a fee. I reattached the "court order" here. This would not be the first case of mistaken or stolen ID or doctors practicing without license or under fake ID in the State of Oregon. I remember of dr.Patil. By the way, the dr. who treated my wife after her surgery in 2004 at Providence was also named Patil.

Please send me the same printed documents, copies of license or any document i am entitled to ask for free or for a free for the following doctors.

Patil, Ravindra Ramdas MD MD21026
Boboia, Dorina S MD MD14590
Gilligan, John French MD MD20074
Bertani, Emily Danielle MD MD152933
Piepgrass, Sterling Robin MD MD12092
Parent, Joseph Adrien Jr. MD MD08183
Erickson, Kenneth Reed MD MD13119
Eusterman, Joseph Huntimer MD MD06417
Bindal, Vandana Niraj MD MD23239
Collier, Jeanine Shannon-Allison MD MD21368
Hiren, Vandana, Doctor's Express, Boones Ferry, Lake Oswego,
Hiren, Rana, ex-Woodland Park Hospital

The last two i cannot find right now in your database, although i could yesterday.

Gheorghe Ion
47 Eagle Crest dr#10
Lake Oswego, OR, 97035
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Randy Day <> wrote:
At the time of your treatment, Hannes Jon Sigurdur Sigurdsson, MD23721, was licensed to practice in Oregon. He has since returned to Iceland.

Randy H. Day
Complaint Resource Officer
Oregon Medical Board
1500 SW First Ave. Suite 620
Portland, OR 97201
Phone - 971-673-2702
FAX - 971-673-2669
Data Classification Level 2 - Limited

This e-mail is intended for the named recipient only and may not be read, copied, discussed, or distributed by anyone except the named recipient or the agent or employee of the named recipient action upon the named recipient’s directions. The named recipient is responsible for the confidentiality of the message. Notify the sender should any part of the following document(s) fail to transmit correctly. Please destroy incorrectly transmitted documents immediately.
OUR MISSION: To protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregonians by regulating the practice of medicine in a manner that promotes access to quality care.

From: OMB Info
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 8:11 AM
To: Randy Day
Subject: dr.Hannes Sigurtson

In September 2004 while i was in hospital at Providence St.Vincent in Barnes Rd, Portland, i have been treated by a dr.Sigurtson. I attach hear a court order signed by him with his name printed underneath the signature. He disappeared after issuing this document and was replaced by another doctor while i was still in there.

I have a suspicion he was not a real doctor, nor licensed to practice medicine in the State of Oregon. Please advise.

George Ion
47 Eagle Crest dr.#10
Lake Oswego, OR, 97035

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shawn Robert Parker

In January-June 1997 i worked at Epson Portland Incorporated assembling printers. I remembered one night on the line we did 521 printers in a 25 people team, an Epson world record. I remember the name of the supervisor, a Mexican guy. Her wife was a QA auditor and many times she was spending minutes next to me trying to figure out how i do it without making one mistake. I was at the station 4 i guess and i put 9 parts on the printer, including gears and 4 screws with an electric screwdriver. In June one day i became sick. I went home and started not to be able to sleep, eat or drink. At night i was driving my car around on the streets. I went several times to different ER rooms. After about a week or so i went to the Beaverton Police, told them some of the story. They called an ambulance that took me first to the Tuality Medical Center in Hilsboro, then to Emanuel in down town Portland and they called a cab and sent me to Pacific Gateway Hospital in Sellwood, the one who lost its license and closed after Police shot an out of control Mexican inside. It was a mental facility that treated both mental and drug related conditions. I never used drugs in my entire life. Here is my picture after being released from there
In front of what used to be Pacific Gateway Hospital,
Sellwood, OR, July 1997
(Prozac Head, can still click me!)

One of the symptoms was chocking. I only wish i knew back then where that was coming from. It was a simple nose congestion due to some allergies and was preventing me from sleeping. The other symptom was severe stomach pain. It lasted from 96 to 06. No doctor ever explained to me why but now i suspect i might be related to spine alignment because it went away after going to the chiropractor. But the pain was real and was alleviated by antacids or acid blockers that i took for many years constantly increasing the dosage.

Many weird things happened in the hospital maybe one day i will tell the stories. But let's concentrate now on something else. A couple of weeks after coming from the hospital one day i was walking on Hall Blvd and talking to my wife and thinking about going to a Romanian church. But then i changed my mind, crossed the street and went into BNC (Beaverton Church of the Nazarene). A church in the shape of an UFO.

I was well received in there. Like they were expecting me. They prayed for me laying hands on each other's shoulder.  I met pastor Dennis Swift and others.
Beaverton Church of the Nazarene
The next day a guy shows up at our door. He asked us, me and my wife if we wanted to go for a ride in a boat. I looked over his shoulder and there was a big boat in the parking lot hooked to an old green Ford SUV. He insisted a lot and then i said yes. In the car they were his three daughters. I remember only the name of the younger one, Trinity.
Shawn Robert Parker with "his girls", near Cannon Beach, OR,
summer 1997

He took us on the Willamette river that day. Accompanied by my usual stomach pain and thirsty all the time, i didn't drink anything in the morning and Shawn only had a few cans of soda i couldn't drink because of my stomach pain. Still on Prozac. I think we started in St.John area and went all the way to Willamette Falls and back. We stopped on a channel near an island. I think we ended the day back at the Nazarene church.

I had this 83 Fairmont sitting in the parking lot for almost a year. He came one day with a 20 dollar bill and asked mE to sell it to him. The manager at the apartment already told me several times to get rid of that car so i sold it to him.
My ex 83 Ford Fairmont, at Sussex Village Apts, Beaverton, Oregon, 1997
In April 98 i was working at Quadramed. I was teaching my wife how to drive. She took the computer test and had a permit. I think i spent hundreds of hours on the right seat on Nimbus St. in Beaverton teaching her. I remember at first she was terrified by the cars that were coming on the other side of the road from the opposite direction. But in spring 98 she was driving OK and she drove all the way from Portland to Tillamook, some 70 miles. Then from Tillamook to the beach near Tillamook bay there is a narrow winding road and i kinda pushed her because i was impatient to get there but she was tired and driving under speed limit and in a sharp left curve she went with the right wheels on the gravel near the road. I think we were in legal speed limit. Quickly and gently i grabed the wheel with my left hand and corrected in time. But she reacted too after, and over corrected. Unbelievable, we went to the... left, inside the curve, we missed the bay, the huge truck parked on the right on the gravel, the incoming car from the opposite direction, made an 180 degree turn and rolled in slow motion in a ditch full of ... mud, that was soft. It is very hard to describe in words the trajectory of the car.

It took me about a minute to figure out which way was up, untigthen her seat belt and roll the driver's door down cause mine was in mud and with the broken window while she was kicking me in the head with her legs. Finally she made it outside and i followed. The only thing that happened to us was me having some scratches on my right arm from the broken passenger window.

The guy with the truck parked outside the curve, kinda illegal i think, on the right, that was kinda like waiting for us in there, with the cell in his hand. Minutes later five cop cars showed but no ambulance. But we didn't need one either. One of the cops cited my wife for careless driving with 180 dollars. Then they called a towing truck and they put our car back on the wheels and i started the engine and it was working.

View Larger Map

Then guess what? Shawn Parker with the girls unexpectedly showed up in a green van with windows also old i haven't seen before or after coming from the beach. He insisted we went with him back to Portland, but i was too attached to that 89 Escort GT to leave it there with the towing guys and i drove with no problems all the way to Portland. (I was also paranoid about that being a recognition of my part we've been somewhat hurt in the accident which we weren't. 04/26/2014).

Did i mentioned the prayers at BNC that morning for each of our country? Dennis repeatedly asked and we both went to the altar, me accompanied by Ron Boger and my wife by his wife. Than we had lunch at Old Country Buffet in Beaverton and i also saw a bunch of people from the church in there. Then we decided to go to the Ocean. Those days we didn't need much to take that decision because we were still young and full of energy.

This post needs to be extended. I will dig into my records to put in more data and pictures.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

September 24

10:44 To those who tried to help me last night. It worked a little, thank you. But it's not a permanent fix. Still got a number of questions on the subject. I was determined to find a site that offers free fish eye transformations, i found one but i have to sign up and put a card number and it's free only three days. And then my motivation got softened and then nullified by the entities upstairs.

One thing is sure. This summer encounter had an intense positive effect on me especially during last few weeks. I started to communicate better on the blog, focus, to figure things at a much higher rate, even try to defend myself from the bully. It feels like i'm coming back to life after a long hibernation. In fact, i forgot i can feel that way. That's why i'm so afraid of loosing it.

Upstairs. Ever since i woke up it just sits in there in one place and do little squeaks. I don't know how to describe it but best would be it somehow it taps into my brain and do that every time a tiny emotion is being released. Or better said, when i have this urge to communicate with someone about those subjects. But why i also have the urge not to talk about. Like a little secret. Is my subconscious happy to at least  communicate with someone no matter how.

Their reaction is almost instantaneous and i tend to believe is not human. But they have to do it while humans are present otherwise it would be really weird.

Of course i get all kinda of emotional reactions in my mind when i read news. It is what triggers to write back. The more intense the reactions the more intense the squeaks. And if i go over a certain limit then it starts walking and marching etc. making sounds comparable with thunder or stronger, matching my emotions. 

In the end i get into a state of total dissatisfaction. Like if somebody would try and deny you a physiological urge.

Anybody can please tell me what is this?

Over the years i tried to guess. Shin shin shin gan, vibrational electric or primordial impulse form of telepathy turned into bullying that manifests only emotionally, name it. Or simply some type technologically assisted bullying. But why somebody can afford to do this as a permanent job (in this case, two persons of which one is here all the time) and most important. Who are these guys and why are doing this.

Punishment or suppression of using this atavism, this ancient form of communication that somehow got awakened in me through yoga during high school?

I remember this when it first happened, in January 1996 i ended up been awake, not eating or drinking water for a week and then in the ER at the hospital in Vancouver they put me in a bed next to a woman who gave birth. They brought me some food but no water and then in the psychiatric ward at the other end of the town they gave me an ativan with a little water and i slept 12 hours. I continued drinking too little water in the hospital. It took weeks to re hydrate time in which i was feeling like paralyzed.

All described above are clearly true crimes, torture is not affected by statutes of limitations, Hilary Clinton acting as attorney Janet Anderson, Chris Mathews acting as attorney James Mayhew, Christiane Amanpour acting as a police officer, ER doctor, dr.Augusto Pro_ano, Dan Costan, Nelu Ciorba, Vlaicu, John Mladin, others are all involved, they all saw me during the time i was not sleeping and also hallucinating.

The whole story repeated while i was working at Epson in 1997.

As for invasion of privacy, sleep deprivation as a form of torture, polluting, coercing, that are continuing to the present, are also crimes. Any low enforcement agency, can they read this?

11:23 They left as i was writing about them. That happened before. That functionality has been taken over by other less convenient ways from their part. Slamming doors in the parking lot. Slamming the garbage bin. Car alarms and beeps. Soon there will be modified exhausts, etc.. Short or longer bursts of water in pipes. Now feeling the tiny bathroom tub or something. Something that didn't happen in months.

Now all i have to do is go and explore my environment for pollutants.

11:32 First reaction to a reaction. Amidst everything that happened here this morning and all the stuff i got to read before i got pissed off, one thing got stuck in my brain that is annoyingly related to what i wrote a few days ago. A form of suppressing information through superseding. Yeah i know the term brutărie for bakery is a linguistic accident in Romania. Pretty much like grocery in English.

(And the fact that every person who learned several languages becomes involuntarily a linguist and every person who is permanently bullied becomes a psychologist.)

11:45 Now it's all quiet. It happens when i successfully turn the attention to them.

11:54 But when i opened the back sliding door first thing i saw was this 19 year old Japanese actress posing as a 13 years wearing shorts and flashing me in a model position in her balcony and then walking in the yard like on a catwalk.

12:04 Now i hear the first exhaust of the day. Many will follow. Yeah i just listened to it. Nothing came out in the recording, frequency is too low for these mics.

12:18 I opened the door again, i felt smoke smell and saw the familiar mound on the right of my patio while i also feel dog poop smell. Her balcony is on the right.

I intentionally raised the camera to catch the balcony where she shows (on the left). Yes i've been thinking many times of taking a picture of her but i usually don't as it could get very complicated. However one day day this guy came and threatened me. "If you take a picture of my little sister i will kill you!" he said. Yes she looks like her too. Then they both died and later they both got back to life.

i don't know the exact moment when my day started to turn into something else but i feel like it's already been screwed up and it's only noon. BTW, i think i can have a drink now though my stomach, esophagus, pancreas, whatever it's hurting down there they all beg to differ and are opting out.

Also there is one week of dark weather again. It Oregon when it rains clouds get very low and it gets this dark. 

1:25 I am not trying to seduce you Nicu Ceaușesu. Is that a sued leather jacket? I had one like that just before i started college. A rare item in those days in Romania in a store in Câmpulung, like waiting for me in the day i got payed and didn't even really liked it but it seemed the only choice. Had boots to mach.

That summer i worked at the factory across the street and bought a few things. Got my first Levis jeans but when i washed them first time in the dorm in college they turned purple. I payed a one month salary for those from a guy who worked on a ship or something. Either counterfeit or someone added something in the detergent.

All Asians look the same. In this video Sir Elton looked a bit like him.

3:15 When you start becoming a minority. Yesterday at Spirit Mountain. About 20% of the people there were whites. Rest, a mixture of South Americans and Asians. All bumping into me like not seeing me (felt like i was transparent). But who knows which were which.

There was a band and a quite good old guitarist. Got to know who they were as he seemed familiar like from a recent post. Bassist seemed Japanese.

3:24 And BTW. The last time we left with a positive balance from a casino was when i last time wrote something similar before we went. Keep forgetting on writing it before i go and we keep loosing.

4:33 BTW i think i just saw her in the yard. Double of nothing.

The cycle is starting over. They came back with thunders upstairs.

5:10 So it is true. I was in the process of ordering some essence on Amazon as the time required for the recipes measures in weeks.

6:05 Angela went to the stores and i fell asleep with the door unlocked. Anybody could have entered here. Woke up with shortness of breath due to thick smoke outside.

Went to take the garbage and saw two women furthering away on foot one looking like her from behind and the other one wearing a neon green jacket...

9:20 This entry disappeared so i'm gonna write it again with original time stamp (aprox). I had a feeling those women are still in the complex as i heard a weird sound upstairs in the dining area. Went outside to look and the blinds were on and two people were talking in a balcony next to our building (other than the one in the picture). Also Angela bought some natural juice from the store to mix with water, "drink instead of soda" șhe said. I mixed some with grain alcohol and water to make liquor.