Monday, March 2, 2020
Tires and Brakes
Around 10 AM today somebody knocked on the door and woke me up. It was FedEx with the tires i ordered about a week ago in the same time with the pads (got to check the the exact date).
I went at Angela's work, took the car and went to Tires Pros here in Tualatin, a shop where i've been 2 years ago for an alignment, when i met the owner, Ralph. This is when i left.
Ralph, the owner, looks like an engineer from Hyundai. When i first went there 2 years ago he looked at the car, knocked on the door that's been damaged, asked if i got a good deal on it then when i left he said something really interesting:"We are here to make sure you keep the car for as long as you want". He knew i will sooner or later find the problems and i will write about. Back then one of the problems was the ammonia smell in the exhaust. Due to the fact that these engines run so lean, to achieve better mileage, the temperature inside the engine is higher and the wear out of cast iron cylinder sleeves (aluminum block) is higher thus blow out gets higher, sooner than for other cars resulting in more oil vapor passing through PCV valves and condensing on the valves. Also because of less fuel, (injectors right before the valves) the valves do not get cleaned enough and start sticking, squishing the lifters and producing the (in)famous Hyundai tick. Also the high temperature creates more NOx that combines with hydrogen from water inside the catalytic, resulting in significant amounts of ammonia in the exhaust. So back then he drove after me in his Mercedes, really close behind, i was thinking, maybe he had an analyzer hid under the hood. I think somewhere where i went, maybe at Reno also, they took care of my catalytic also running something through the engine so it won't be "so good" anymore and do not produce so much ammonia anymore (can still smell some).
He came today also i and could talk to him before i left. I mainly told him the whole story with the problems i had. Briefly. At first did not recognize him cause he looked older (2 years included) and had sunglasses but i thought i recognized his voice and German accent. He dismissed all the problems.
I told the guy at the counter the story (could had been him, with a fresh beard), about tires and brakes, as i knew it at that moment. I told him i've been driving in that car for 30 thousand miles with the brakes in the rear stuck and he asked me if i wanted to do brakes too and i said no, done that myself. I asked him for wi-fi details and he said there should be an unsecured one. It was Tire Factory, but there was also one that said "Tire Pros" and that one was secured but they didn't give me the password. So i could not access the internet to look at the market or upload pictures with the tires or anything.
I had the feeling that we could not communicate well so i went in the back to talk to the mechanic also. He stroke me as too distinctive for a mechanic. I was briefly looking right now at pictures on a google search on "Mexican actors" for his face when i found something else. The face of the mechanic who did the alignment in the same shop 2 years ago.
Ok after some searches i think i found the guy but don't know his name yet. One on the left in this picture
He later confirmed i had bought the same tires as the ones on the car. For some reason i believed the tires on the car were installed the other way around, because of the pictures on Amazon, but he showed to me the writing saying "This side up".
There was a black guy working at a van with a diesel engine right outside the bays so it was probably covering much of the conversations, also making some smoke.
2 years ago i went to Les Schwab in Aloha to fix a flat that came with the car. They said they did, didn't give me any paperwork, they misspelled my name in the computer, whatever. I asked them to move the wheel from front to right rear. But that wheel lately had a valve leak and there was something inside, i don't know what that was making a noise when rotating the tire (first discovered a couple of days ago when i did brakes). Today i figured they just put the wheel in the water, didn't see a leak, gave it back to me the way it was though i told them it was fixed with a fix a flat type of can and the compressor that came with the car and needed a real fix.
To be continued here
Last thing. When i paid they said the cred card machine isn't working, counter guy called "the other store" and did the card by phone. I vaguely remember they've done the same thing two years ago when i paid for the alignment.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
August 18
Primele postări după ce mi-au deblocat contul și cred ultimele sunt adresele blogurilor mele. Oricum mă săturasem să postez pe fb tot ce postam pe bloguri. Cam în același timp, adică după, a apărut și știreaasta. (La un moment dat am văzut ceva, m-am repezit la fb și era să postez din nou dar mi-am amintit la timp).
Un singur lucru nu înțeleg. Are fb o listă cu talibanii și știe sigur că un cont oarecare este taliban?
12:00 Da bine dacă au omorât-o, cine a spus povestea mai departe? Talibanii? 6:55 Mda e puțin ciudat să postez aici față de fb, dar mă voi obișnui. Media de azi.
Subiecte la bacalaureat fotografiate nu cu telefonul. O știre de o gravitate mare. Tot viitorul României depinde de a ști noi toți ce s-a întâmplat dar fără făptaș bineînțeles. De altfel, se poate afla destul de ușor unde pe baza obiectelor de pe pereți, iar banca pe baza unghiurilor. S-a dorit scandal, dacă era vorba de ceva interes, a da subiectele la alții adică, nu se posta acolo. Deci fraudă iese din scenariu.
În realitate, douar aluzii. Am spus ieri că fotografiile făcute cu telefonul pe postările mele de blog se pot mări făcând clic. Pentru că celelalte poze, luate de pe site-uri, au link-ul cu postarea originală iar dacă faci clic te trimit acolo. Am mai spus în trecut, nu știu cum e un iPhone, dar mă uimește și pe mine calitatea pozelor făcute cu Moto e6 din cauza căruia am renunțat definitiv la alt tip de cameră. Întrebări. Cum putea candidatul să justifice faptul că a ridicat foile ca să le fotografieze (oare de ce, putea s-o facă pe bancă, nu). De asemenea, postarea este dublă, aluzie la asemănările mele. Dar cu altceva pe fiecare pagină. Se vede un vârf de cap, sunt alte elemente pe care în momentul acesta nu le înțeleg. Cine a făcut pozele, e ultimul lucru pe care îl doresc domniile lor. Domniile lor au vrut o știre emoțională cu aceste elemente și au creat-o. Cred că am găsit un nume fenomenului. Coincidențe "on demand". Pentru curățenia constantă a creierului dvs.. Bacalaureatul, o sursă constantă de "distrageri", pe acest subiect foarte urmărit se modulează tot felul de viruși mentali.
Aceeași chestie cu gemenii din Ploiești. Am vrut să spun dar pur și simplu nu am știut cum. Mă blochează... aș vrea să spun cinismul, dar e mult mai departe de cinism. Cred că nu s-a întâmplat nimic, e doar chestia cu asemănările mele. Chestia e că noi, inclusive eu, avem o componentă emoțională în gândire, la ei totul e la rece. De aceea mă gândesc mereu. O variație a speciei homo (sapiens).
Mă plângeam ieri de praf. Am strănutat când a pornit frigiderul. Au venit acum două zile pompierii cred și au deschis hidrantele "să vadă dacă merg". În realitate, au împrăștiat praful de lemn roșu pe asfalt. Praful, pus la mișto (se pun chips-uri, dar mult mai mari și din alt lemn, fără praf) este foarte iritant, câteodată mă gândesc de ce nu se plâng și alții. Nu se plâng și alții pentru că ei sunt aici doar o dată pe săptămână sau pe lună, pentru filmări. Ieri când am fost și am măturat au venit tot timpul și se băgatu în praful meu pe care îl scoteam cu mătura și un lighean. Așa că nu am avut de ales și m-am dus și măturat și zona aceea, timp de două ore. Mai era și pietriș pus în ianuarie după o ninsoare, după ce zăpada s-a topit și nu mai era nevoie. Acesta a fost măcinat de roți (chiar mă gândeam ieri la trasul pe roată), în mare parte a dispărut la intrare, dar pe măsură ce înaintezi în complex, unde circula mai multe mașini, este din ce în ce mai mult. Le-am luat pe amândouă în proporție de 95%. Bineînțeles că am înghițit mult mai mult praf decât îmi dădeau ei când treceau cu mașinile pe acolo iar acum mă simt foarte rău. 8:20 Imediat după decembrie 89, de-a lungul timpului, s-a vorbit în România despre manipulare. Uneori se arată spre o fază sau alta, dar nu prea a explicat nimeni cum se face. Iată cazurile de mai sus, în detaliu. Poate v-ați așteptat la altceva. E foarte simplu, în general se merge pe principiul alchimi "fire with fire". Iar dacă cineva se întreabă, unde sunt chestiile reale, de substanță din știri, răspunsul este. În România nu se mai întâmplă nimic de mult. Bac-ul, simulările mai salvează situația de vreo câteva ori pe an. Bianca Drăgușanu își mai pune câte un implant. Iohannis mai numește un guvern, un ministru. O nouă temă pentru acasă pentru mine. În timpul ăsta, cârtițele își fac treaba în Apuseni. 9:03 Fire with fire. Angela's got a flat. How many this year or in three years? I think the're implying that i did something when i swept close to those cars.
At a certain moment when i swept in front of the building where the yelling kids are, they opened the door and waved a phone at me, like saying, gotcha. They were some of those rolling fruits on the ground, when i touched one it might have rolled under a car.
The man upstairs did all the "normal" noises like when he goes to work, that to him are ten times louder that a normal person would do but then he went quiet, he didn't go. I got some trouble breathing after inhaling all the dust yesterday. I think somebody got in here in that time and they also might have thrown some extra dust under the fridge.
9:03 Talked to Angela on the phone, she's got a flat. How many this year or in three years since we got that car? Yesterday when i was sweeping in front of the building with the kids that yell all the time like somebody's eating them alive a girl around 12 opened the door and waved a a phone at me, like saying "Gotcha!". Kept asking myself what she meant until i forgot. I remember on the ground they were some rolling fruit and some could have gotten under a car. The row of cars on the left, 3 or 4 up beyond the gree SUV. Yesterday i was also mad at Angela, yelling at each other because of irritation from the same dust.
On July 19 they stole a wheel of my truck. In January, the catalytic convertor. It cost me 500 bucks to install one and then it went bad after a couple of hundred miles. I had one or two more flats with the Hyundai this year. Before we left for the last road trip somebody messed with the master cylinder of my truck (line open) then somehow locking the bleeders on the calipers.
Went to figure Hyundai's flat. Low pressure on right rear, the same as twice before. I took a rag and a tub of water and could not find the leak. I saw earlier a black Buick small SUV maneuvering fast and parking just around the corner of the garages. While i was wetting that tire a black guy (unusual here) looking like a rapper came i think out of that Buick to walk around.
Because. Last night after i cleaned the battery's connectors i went for a combined trip freeway/city of about 15-20 miles and did 39.6 mpg.
It was last night when i figured what was wrong with the car from the beginning. But too late and too lazy to go and take it apart again and take a picture. It looks like they didn't want to see me this weekend doing 40 mpg or more in my crazy trips to casinos
I believe when i took that AutoCad course back in 97 i knew, but now i don't know how it's called. I don't even know how to say it in Romanian, but that bolt below had a square head that slides into a place and a round shoulder. The way it sits there in that composite distribution box makes the connector bump into the composite. The box sliding rail and the shoulder of the bolt look at the same height, however the connector that goes on top is a bit bent from fabrication and touches the composite edges first. No matter how much you torque the nut on top and you can't torque too much because the whole distribution box hangs on battery terminal, the connector will hit those edges before the bolt's shoulder.
How they do it. You are worried about something, think at the options, they come with all sort of AI driven environmental noises, until they get you "dreaming". A state of mind were you just follow commands. In the meantime they brought in kids. Japanese, a boy (previous occupant of the "yelling" building and a girl, current).
The blowers. They did their usual Wednesday job. Only twice, at least here. Not much dust to raise, because i swept both areas close to hydrants. After 6 or after office got closed they raised there a gigantic cloud of dust, probably from a nearby hydrant. That could have been here.
However i still got it. Because yesterday i got exposed to dust, i didn't pay attention when most likely the guy from upstairs released some more from the balcony. Making me sick all day.
Somebody planted them or they just fell from a trailer. In the parking lot they were rocks about one inch that look sharp but in reality they break into an orange dust. So they kinda compensated (in term of looks) what i've done yesterday. I picked about half of them that did not disintegrate.
9:53 Wanted to go outside to check something, a little fuse that i forgot to put in the last time and i got no error on the dashboard. The fuse was there, however, the Japanese guy who got there a few seconds before me and parked on the red curb. There was, there is not one single time that i go outside maybe except when totally unpredictable and one of the wouldn't get there first, just to pretend i'm chasing them.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
A Flat Day
Didn't sleep enough last night. I was about to nap in the chair when a modified exhaust started. Bringing inside by means of vibration of the fragile building the well known smell of kallikrein from fresh mole holes.
I knew that if i feel the smell the apartment must be filled and already started to feel the effects, painless, carelles that BTW last to this moment so i just planned to go to do Angela's flat since i dreaded to do that anyways. Cause i knew something like the following is going to happen. So i got dressed and opened the door when i saw again one of Tualatin Police cadet (shop with a cop pictures) in a black sport suit with white iPhone wires passing at my door so i just slammed back mine thinking maybe he'll understand and take another shortcut in the future and especially not sync with me when i leave. Like he did so many times, like when i was working at the car, many other occasions i wrote about, but who can count everything.
The one on the left, whom i saw again many times around here, with a dog, i call the blue kid. Age adjusted and everything, i think they're child actors from Hungary.
Then i waited for him to clear the building and went outside to step on the holes before i left. There is at one of the other apartments, i think F2, an older guy, who used to own the purple broken exhaust 5 liter Dodge, owner of the catering business who drove me nuts for one and a year who resembles a dead Japanese opera singer (found him once, but lost it most likely in a g+ post). He also slammed the door of his car, twice.
Got at Angela's, swapped the cars, came back home, already a commotion in the parking lot. There was a guy custom cutting a carpet on the asphalt in front of a van full of rolled carpets and undercarpet cushions like wrapped mummies that was parked there with open doors to see those for hours. So i just waited for him to roll the carpet, take it in his back and went and put the spare and the flat tire in the back. For some idiotic reason i didn't check the pressure in the spare and i had troubles driving there and back here. I was curious last night to see if i can locate the hole and i did, and there was nothing, a pin like hole with a tiny slow growing bubble on top. However today when i pulled it i saw a nail like 1 cm next to it, bent, with no head, rusted, and said to myself, must had been wrong, there is a nail.
So i drove to Les Schwab, car was drifting a bit, due to low pressure in the spare, forgot to put my mask on and talked to a guy and showed him the nail. He said that i needed new tires though the tire which is a rear one of an identical type with the new ones in front doesn't have much smaller grooves (had to buy a couple of new tires from Amazon, same type, same brand, because i had an unfixable flat in front last year, and two forgotten labels between tires and rims that made the tires leak, had a total of 5 flats in almost three years on that car that i can remember and leaks on almost continuous basis). He told me to check in, i did, again without mask. Then after he fixed it he came back and told me it wasn't the nail, but a hole next to it. "The nail did not go through" he said "and i don't need to fix that hole. Was thinking, the hole i saw last night. I showed him the front tires that do not have the grooves much deeper than the rears, and he said those are the newer type. Whatever. He said he put 35 psi on it.
Went back home and put back the fixed tire and was curious and checked pressure and my dial gauge showed 31. I checked the spare too and gauge was showing 13. The cap on the wheel was missing also so i just went back, he gave me the cap, and asked him to check the spare. He inflated the spare back to 60 and then i gave him my gauge and the gauge was showing 50. I suspected for a while now that the gauge is wild. Must be the needle went off center, i'm gonna check. Cause i like it much better than those linear gauges. There was this big AirGas van covering the view when i did that. That AirGas van wandering around in the parking lot kinda following me that ended behind my car when i put back the spare and everything.
I drove back to Angela's. I felt like absent, a big high, a bit numb, driving back there, at a light stop got to race with a big wheeled one of those construction trucks, he finally let me win when the road narrowed.
In all the times i got really mad because the noise at Angela's car that did go away but not completely after the car wormed up real well. (Thinking in my sleepy head to rivet those two screws again with the vise grips, but when the car is really cold, like in the morning. But are the two tiny soft steel screws going to last if the aluminum in between expands with merciless force? What if the high nickel alloy (to bring expansion coefficient closer to aluminum lost it's mechanical strength in time because of the heat?), thinking, thinking, with my numbed brain, should i buy a new throttle, but can't find an aftermarket one with bronze butterfly and the ones that if found have the same tiny screws, the tiniest i saw when compared to other brands).
I went and parked Angela's car and took my truck when i saw a guy (young, slender, probably blue eyes) who was talking on speakerphone and in the same time pointing the phone at me, no matter in what direction he was walking. When i backed up he turned around keeping pointing the phone at me.
While driving back, still absent, still a bit high, after i climbed on the overpass, i saw at the end or in the downslope 2 Police SUVs and a motorcycle, with flashing lights, two cops with no masks, and just drove following the car in front of me, forgetting to look at the stop light while on cameras of those Police vehicles. (Kept thinking all day, in between other stuff, how many people neglected other medical problems thinking of COVID and s...t. Thinking at Biden's first deception, the fight on White Supremacists. You can't separate white supremacism from every day American life cause it's built on it cause it comes from freemasons. Their slogan is, make good men better, what happens to the rest of us. And having Kamala who in reality is blonde, green eyes, posing as a black is not going to trick me).
The level of detail these guys go at with their continuous deception is unbelievable. All based on predictability of my behaviour, they wait for me and adjust their actions, in a day like these, after an important post, while most likely leaking video, audio, whatever, to make me loose the points i made involuntarily with my last posts.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
January 12
They are very hard to capture on camera. First right under the left side of the window.
This image came blurry, i was anxious to finish to get back in line of sight (had the blinds open now, could see inside) and moved the phone. This one is right lower side of the picture. Further away but still within the laminar thermal flow on the surface of soil and towards the building (now wind whatsover).
She was right at the begining of the stairs on the left of the picture.
That has been there for weeks, i think it's retaliation because i took yesterday pictures on the streets and especially the bearded guy at the recyclables.
BTW, what's in that truck?
3:22 Today there was a choking smoke in the air. I thought it's only here around the building so i left for a walk but it lasted all the way until i reached the school on Borland. I knew about the shooting range nearby, but never heard anything like today. Semi automatic sequences, i think ten shots at half second interval, than 30 seconds silence, for about an hour. It was audible here, and one mile away basically all my 3 miles trip. When i crossed the alley next to stairs from 65th at the hospital, they were a number of cars that stopped trying to let me pass. But every time a person was falsely signaling me to pass, there was a car coming from the opposite direction. When i got back i saw 3 fighter jets flying above, rather quietly, at first one, then two others in close formation.
On August 19 i had again here in the parking lot a flat on the right rear. That tire was at the end of its life, and had the rim damaged (or so they showed me at les Schwab). There they couldn't find a similar tire in that day so they installed my spare. If i had that tire in the balcony, i would have used it and avoided the accident that happened 2 days later. The newly ordered tires arrived at my door the day after the accident. This was the guy who handled my tire that day at les Schwab.
Monday, June 26, 2023
June 26
I started to remember what i've done last night. Last passing area before Chevron on 26 when going west towards Mt Hood. There was this semi i was following for at least 15 minutes that was going uphill under speed limit though i think it was empty. Those guys even if the are well maintained, put a lot of carbon dioxide behind especially when going uphill, that usually makes me sleepy.
There were two more vehicles behind it. Those and myself started to pass the truck which went onto the right lane. However instead of slowing down it sped up like they usually do to maybe 65 or more. (Had 75 or when i last looked at speedometer while trying to pass it but was held by the other two).
I know when i started to pass my speed was about 65 with the shifter on automatic, at about 4500 rpm and probably in 4th gear. I don't know exactly why but the truck accelerated after those two guys ahead of me passed it and when passing area ended i was parallel with it and i continued to accelerate until i finally passed it too though it was ft behind me and flashing lights instead of slowing down and when i looked at the speedometer and i was doing 80, uphill.
I read on sites and forums last night that my car has a rpm soft limiter at 6000 rpm when you are in sequential mode, when it shifts gears down automatically (and you loose power when uphill of course) and one at 6500 when you are in automated mode, like i was, when it cuts power to the engine. If that had happened he would have hit me from behind for sure cause it was only ft behind me until i slowly accelerated to 90 and put some distance in between.
If i panicked when i saw it close behind and then flashing, and hit the gas pedal to the floor the car would have shifted back to 3rd, the rpm increasing maybe over 6500 at 90 and the engine would have stopped at that rpm.
How would a semi do 80 uphill, that is another question.
Have no idea what marks that truck had on it, but i'm sure it was caught on the cameras on the freeway and/or seen by other drivers. Or maybe he veered right towards Hood River before reaching the Government Camp area. It was all done intentionally, like so many times recently in all kind of situations, in cooperation with the two other drivers and these guys are criminals that should spend time behind bars.
Similar things happen to me in almost all my trips.
9:58 Saturday night after passing Newberg going east again i was going uphill at 65, passed one guy (a white SUV) that was slower in the right lane when i saw something crossing the street, from the left.
It would have taken too long to lift my foot from gas pedal and hit the breaks so i just veered left in the median lane trying to get behind it which i did, maybe except for its tail, don't know if the guy right and behind me hit it. Seconds later i realized by the white stripes on its back that imprinted on my retina that it was a skunk, the first time ever i saw one. It was pretty big, about the size of a raccoon, but faster.
I apologize for modifying the gear numbers so many times in this post, it was all based on guessing (can't see the gear you're in on the dashboard, only the letter D when in automatic).
12:00 This video shows 4500 rpm at 85 mph in 3rd but it's a different type of Elantra. However if you press on gas hard enough you can very easily downshift one ore two gears and reach 6500 when the the fuel to the engine is cut off. BTW this guy is crazy, he does 170 mph with a flat tire warning on the dashboard. I personally never went over 100 with any vehicle.
Only when i saw him very close behind i might have tried to accelerate but it was too late as it would have taken several seconds to shift from 6th to let's say 2nd and even in the 2nd gear could still go faster than 60 which i was going when he hit me (that Elantra was 1.8 engine but was rated at the same 150 hp).
One more thing. The cop called a towing company that refused to tow us for reason of distance (22 miles, wondering why the cop wouldn't tell them on the phone, when he called them, where to). Could one of those two towing guys i talked to while the cop was skillfully recording it audio and video to have been actually the driver of the truck who hit me, pretending he didn't run after all. So i actually i might have talked without knowing, with the
3:10 No i didn't. Only now i know what happened, a walk through the relatively clean air also cleared my mind. BTW when i left i poured some more vinegar in the old rusted dog feces contaminated pan under the new water heater and the child actors came and started to yell like swallowed whole by giant serpents. So they did when i passed the camp (the children camp in the park, less than one mile away from down town Tulatin and Martinazi street) they enact every summer.
The mods at the battery. In that day in August 2021 i had poured from days before some JB weld steel reinforced adhesive on top of the nuts of the connectors to prevent them from getting loose, not on the connectors themselves. In fact, during engine running the vehicle is powered by the alternator (and not the battery that acts only as a filter) of which connectors runs through a series of plates on the positive with the negative doubled directly on the body. There was adhesive on the nut of the plates too, but not on or between the contacting plates under.
In that night after the accident and pulling on a street nearby i was casually talking in front of the open hood to the second cop and the driver of the towing truck that refused towing, about those mods.
The current configuration has modifications too, only there is no adhesive involved but only a second system doubling the stock con_nec_tors, actually a redundancy with bypassing and an extra connection to the ground on the negative and again bypassing the stock connector to the plates on the positive, with bolts soldered on top of poles. It is true, i saw yesterday one of the battery poles was a little bent, i don't know why, there is no extra weight on it.
Besides i never had problems with it, on the opposite, it improved vehicle's operation by increasing driveability, mileage and decreasing vibration. I have digital a voltmeter inserted in one of the plugs. Never lost power in years of experimenting with those, then why in that day?
The taillights on every car are build to reflect light and they would have been very visible in the dark when lit with headlights from behind, even if i lost power which i didn't.
In fact on another recent occasion i used the horn as last defense against an attempt of being again hit from behind and the other driver fell back. Now i know why. Horn was showing i had electric power.
But if i accidentally (mis)maneuvered and hit the gas pedal to the floor and hit the 6500 rev limit in 1st gear uphill, it could have looked like i lost electric power. I'm wondering what would have happened if i was wounded in an accident near Mt.Hood, far away from any hospital and ambulance services.
August 23 was only 2 days away and in that day at Les Schwab in Lake Owego i was assisted by a Les Schwab employee that looked like a right wing minister from one of the numerous Iohannis governments, Dan Vilceanu. It is rumored Iohannis has ties with the extreme right in Romania. He told me the tire with the flat i had earlier that day before the accident was unfixable as per a previous defective installation (done at the same shop). He insisted he took the tire in the trunk, where i was hit in that night.
What happens is though they are doing symbolic gestures trying to take credit of what followed that night in front of their right wing audience while the others don't care.
I think it was on May 2020 when driving with the same car, the first day a casino ever opened (Little Creek) after pandemics closure, when i went over a wheel (whole wheel, not shredded tire) exactly in that area, in the middle of the lane. Thing is i did not panic and hit the brakes, the car would have lowered its front (nose dive) and hit it and it barely touched it with some part (cross member i think).
After, i pulled from freeway in the area where she was missing from (not knowing at the time) to check for damages under the car.
In that night at the casino i went to the car several times (to drink of course) and last time i sat in line behind a woman, not unattractive but looking vulnerable, thin and not tall, who kept telling everybody she lost her purse and kept getting out and back in line (for temperature checking) to get in, and she didn't know why. I saw her later in the casino talking with two cops, then why the search that kept going for days?
4:49 This 2019 Elantra is closer to mine. You can realize it's a decent car. As for style, Koreans have a sense for a an elegant minimalism, beating classical Japanese basic pragmatism though lately they all started to look the same.
I think the man was doing 110 on a German autobahn in 5th gear at 6500 rpm (minute 1:58) right before car automatically shifted to 6th. In the US you can see this road quality only on recently paved freeways. Never seen continuous or interrupted lines so straight though confusing at 3:00 due to construction work. Crooked lane lines get you tired, fast. Good thing they also keep you challenged (and alert).
This, at 4:00. They do this to me a lot, slower cars changing lanes when i'm about to pass them. Good thing they didn't do it when he was passing them going 120 mph (193 kmh). And a stinking classic that fills your cabin (and filter) with smoke for the next 5 minutes. I see they're universal.
5:00 Christmass 2019 and 2020. It always happens around anniversaries and holidays. Today was my birthday.
6:30 Never new what steemit was until today when i was searching for his face.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
December 31
4:20 One of the first pictures done with my new Kodak camera. f/3 0.038 4.9 mm ISO 400 WB Sunny. What do you know, it's a real (pocket) camera!
12:06 Here is the project i've been dreaming at for months and is the result of more than two years of thinking. It started when i bought the plug in USB adapter with digital voltmeter for the car. It was then when i started to understand how things work electrically.The initial reason i bought it was to be able to play music in the parking lot without having to search for a jump start (later i bought a jump starter the size of a book for 40 dollars which is very good and only after that i realized the battery was too old and bought a new battery just before that accident in August 2021).
Then i saw. It's not a 12 volts system as many people say. It's a 14.5 volts system. This is what the digital voltmeter shows all the time while the engine is running, at both cars i used it on. 12.5 is the voltage before starting the car. Similar to this one but now i regret mine it doesn't have two decimals. BTW it shows 14.8 in the pictures which on a car means battery doesn't get charged. It has to be 14.5 or less.
Most people think batteries are only good for starting the engine. But they also act in a way similar to a capacitor for filtering the pulsating DC that's coming out of the alternator diodes which again is 14.5 and not 12.5 as most people would think and for that is required very good contacts. If you don't have a smooth voltage, all your electric systems and most importantly fuel pomp will not work properly.
Second, i noticed that when i freshly tighten the battery's connector the voltage goes down like 0.1, which means better contact and charging the battery. I also noticed, less vibration at the engine, improved driveability by several points on a scale of 1 to 10 but most importantly, improved mileage by at least 10%. But the contacts wouldn't stay long that way. The connectors are spring like devices and the terminal is soft lead, and after a while that usually was one trip the lead would give in and the contact force would settle to a value that is not sufficient.
And me could not settle for less mpg since i knew it can get better by one simple thing. For two years i tried different methods of securing those contacts, including drilling horizontal, vertical holes and threading in the lead terminas, with the same results.
Right now it drives so nice i regret a lot i didn't do it earlier. But couldn't have, it required lots of thinking to get at this point. Soldered bolts on top of connector and on car's chassis to double the car's original connectors.
It's copper connectors enlarged to 10 mm holes (3/8 whatever) sandwiched between two serrated nuts tightened against each other on the 3/8 bolts with two wrenches (for avoiding apply rotating momentum on the soldered bolts). In the right it's a similar bolt soldered on car's chassis.
Battery is a (not so) cheap 100 dollars Walmart one because i didn't know how the soldering of the bolts on top of terminal will end. They have cheaper ones (59) but not in the store i go to.
It involved filing the outer hex surface of the bolt until removing the stamped 3D marks, filing some more using flux on the file or sandpaper to keep the oxygen out of the metal surface, using clean flux on a paper towel to remove the flux with filings, heating the bolt set on a side on a red hot stove's coil and applying solder, filing some more while hot by holding the bolt using long nose pliers on sand paper covered with flux sitting on a flat surface, wiping against a paper towel again soaked with flux again sitting on a flat surface, repeating until the entire hex surface of the bolt is covered with shiny solder, adding some more solder to make a small round melted drop, heating some more and applying.
Prepping the target area in the same way, with flux on a piece of coarse sandpaper, cleaning the filings with flux on a piece of paper towel, applying the heated bolt with long nose pliers and cooling immediately with water from a glass.
In the second picture you can see shiny slightly irregular protruding solder at the joint, under the bolt's hex end that is darkened by the heating with flux.
15-30 minutes project for a bolt if you have the tools and everything ready. But it's worth it. You can save 10% of gas money. Drive better, have better acceleration, save engine's life by eliminating vibration.
Materials. Connectors. A 3/8 drill bit to enlarge those. 3 bolts 3/8 by 1/16 one inch long from Lowes or Home Depot. 6 serrated nuts. Electronics solder. Flux. One medium size file and a few pieces of coarse (80) sandpaper. A few paper towels. A plastic glass for water.
The idea came to me after i saw the marine type batteries (for starting boats engines) that have both bolts and terminals. But i couldn't use one of those because they have the terminals the other way (plus on the right). But now that i searched for those to put a link i think i found one that could have worked.
Already thinking on how to improve it. One version would be soldering copper bands or wires directly to terminals and chassis (with no bolts) with a big soldering iron that i can heat on the stove again with keeping in place the original system just in case. Have to do it fast and cool the terminals within one second of starting soldering. On the plus i will need a short copper band with a hole at one end and solder it directly on the terminal.
And here is a crop of the original picture yes done with my new camera.
2:26 One of the reasons they won't give us a yearly report on budget spending is because the fiscal year like the water year starts on October 1st. My bad (that doesn't mean they couldn't, even itemize a bit).
I once wrote a post containing comparisons of charts for spending budget for several years. 5 years later, the spendings budget grew by more than 20%, deficit (borrowing, red) now is 1.37 trillion or 21% of the same budget.
There are two things i don't understand. Where it fits the recent "anti shot down" 1.7 bill (trill whatever).
Is it on top of the budget, part of, increase of deficit for next fiscal year, whatever. Same with the infrastructure bill of which i don't see nothing going on yet. Still digging but i doubt i will find it.
Got it. Temporary continuing resolutions, omnibus spending bill. As for the infrastructure bill, i don't know yet.
3:00 Figured that one also. 1.2 T for 8 years, melting somewhere in the annual budgets or in parallel, it doesn't matter, seems insignificant over the 7 T yearly budgets in both cases.
An average of roughly 3 billion per year per state. California is spending that amount a each year for high speed rail projects. Yeah i believe Oregon could build a much needed freeway to the beaches.
4:31 It looks like they never thought of that. There are other priorities.
5:08 There was a large amount of microwave radiation on the top level at the new parking at Chinook, between 10 to 20, and i moved the car in the other parking lot. Didn't look until i felt it though i heard the meter that beeps above 1 because i didn't believe it was much bigger than that. Much more than near the tower at Grocery Outlet.
The meter fully charged works for about 24 hours, i tried to measure something in the other room and i saw it shut down with 11% battery left (sometimes it shots at 20, i don't know why). The USB plug was half way pulled from the charger and not working, though yesterday it charged the meter completely. In the same time i started to feel something in the known places like i was recently exposed (within the last hour). And that did not come from our apartment.
6:06 Cute weregirls for the New Year celebrations on the streets of Romania.
7:23 The pain was quite intense, lasted for about 2 hours and now it's going away. Minutes earlier i said i wanted to go check at the car to see of the last nuts i added didn't get loose, like the first ones, they weren't however they waited for me outside with a scene, all they have to do is figure what i'm going to do next and wait for me in that point in space and time with something.
8:10 Iar văd o gură strâmbă și un nas pe partea de roșu a drapelului în mijloc, alta jos pe galben roșu, care pare să
În Tratatul de la Amsterdam, 1997, implementat în 1999, toate țările care erau membre UE au devenit automat și membre Schengen iar lista a fost inclusă într-un protocol parte din Tratat. În 2007 sau după aderarea României la UE în Protocolul de mai sus al Tratatului, care a devenit Protocolul 19 al Tratatului UE a fost adăugat în listă și numele României și a celorlalte două țări, Bulgaria și Croația.
9:20 Maria Bateria, o altfel de știre de anul nou. În legătură cu ce postez de mai multe zile despre bateria de mașină.
11:45 15 minute până la anul nou în Oregon. Am căutat sursa imaginii de mai sus și am văzut că este o imagine de stoc (site-uri unde fotografii își pun imagini la vânzare, nu știu de ce pentru că un drapel de țară este proprietatea statului respectiv). Toate imaginile cu steaguri care sunt în mod evident fotografii și nu photoshop sunt ok, cu excepția a încă două. În asta în care soarele bate din spate dintre nori dar steagul apare iluminat din partea opusă sau dinspre cameră, apare pe roșu jos ceva ca o tipă foarte tânără ce execută un dans sexy. Pe cealaltă, unde steagul este încrețit la partea albastră, pe galben apare o imagine greu de descris în cuvinte. Un șarpe care intră într-o peșteră?
2:26 There's hope for me in 2023. It's been maybe 20 years since i stopped hearing high frequencies with the right ear. How do i know. I check both ears by gently rubbing the same two dry fingers from right hand next to each of them. Yes i checked with frustration from time to time for all these years thinking on how my body betrayed me who i like listening to music so much. After a month of not using the cell phone today i started hearing those again. Not totally equal yet. It happened overnight cause a couple of days ago i still didn't hear them. Also pain in the fingers that i got so used to started to fade away. Balance problems are much smaller, almost gone.
Will my pancreas and colon heal as well?
Lucky to have right now an old cable modem with two Ethernet ports (and wi-fi) but i need one more port (i guess i could silence the wi-fi from its page, but not sure). Found a cable modem with no wi-fi on Amazon but it only has one Ethernet port (for a wi-fi router of course). Because people stopped using Ethernet long time ago.
So i guess i'll have to use one of these for the three devices i am moving on Ethernet and completely get rid of wi-fi with 60 dollars plus the cables and two adapters (another 50, the new TV has a port). Also stopped using the microwave except for absolutely necessary situations (5 meters distance for several minutes like a frozen dinner is still not enough, i can heat a burrito or a hot dog in a pan with a bit of water i guess). Maybe looking for a microwave with no stupid glass door (completely metal).
2:50 It never rains in Southern California.
Monday, October 16, 2023
October 16
(keep wondering what the tall guy has down under).
7:50 Altruism and egoism are inseparable. Every time one does something for the benefit of others expects or at least hopes something in return, it is like an investment.
8:25 Last Thursday someone filled the garbage bin across the alley with furniture right after they picked the garbage, and people put all the garbage bags on the ground. There are 3 more bins around which are usually empty, "people" prefer to use this one.
There are for a few weeks now 2 couch pillows on the balcony accros that are wet from rain, left after the "Latino" kids played outside. When it's sunny, they put them one on top of the other so they won't possibly dry.
There are three wheels of the Chrysler and one black BMW with four flat tires in the spot where the Chrysler with four flat tires used to be, possibly a semantic reaction to this.
I started the ozone but garbage and mold smell coming from outside is stronger and soon my eyes will hurt and won't be able to do more matches and i'm nauseated anyways.
I think someone from upstairs left for the airport at 7 and now the ride is back and started the work on the floor.
10:05 Yes i think it is possible.
5:15 Kaiser Permanente. BTW, the US is the sole country among top 11 civilized countries without universal health insurance. While private health insurances like Kaiser Permanente thrive in the US, you won't see them competing with state insurances in those countries. Wondering why.
How much a dr. visit cost in France, how many people are insured through state.
5:42 On a hunch today i started to search for a woman in the list with Japanese actors, couldn't find her yet but i ran into many other interesting things. BTW. Jucika, Pal Pusztai in 1957 communist Hungary.
Monday, March 13, 2023
March 12
When i had the accident August 22 i had a flat on the same wheel, discovered it here in the parking lot, replaced with it a spare, was going with "only" speed limit or 60 (96 kmh) on I5 because of that, some guy hit me intentionally from behind pretending i changed lane in front of him while going too slow. Then why he didn't stop making it a hit and run?
Tonight there was at least one guy who was driving strangely behind me and passed me inches away from my rear.
They were a couple of holes under front of the door i didn't plug and i realized i was under some influence when i changed the spare (couldn't figure how to properly use the jack, one hour after i left).
As i pulled that wheel, i saw it's got uneven wear. I knew i had 1.5 negative camber on the rears by design. But i didn't know it was supposed to wear the tires. I don't believe it's adjustable either. There are available on line non OEM kits to modify that angle.
6:17 Got the tire fixed.
6:34 Apropo de Gershwin, mi-am amintit o fază...
7:27 Copil fiind cândva în anul 73 sau 74 un profesor care a venit în locul nevestei care parcă era și ea suplinitoare a venit la o oră (oare aveam ore de muzică) cu un picup și un disc cu Simfonia a noua de Beethoven. Cea mai simplă și genială melodie din lume. Țin minte clasa din școala nouă, încălzită cu calorifer, totul era așa de promițător în România acelor ani. Mi se făcuse pielea găină și visam la viitor. Nu a fost să fie. În câțiva ani totul și toși au luat-o razna în România. Nu are rost să mai spun, toți știm ce a fost. Acum eu știu și maneverele din spate.
După ce am ascultat Simfonia a 9-a, țin minte că am auzit undeva de Sonata Lunii, ca nume dar nu am ascultat-o niciodată cred (deși probabil o auzisem poate la radio dar nu știam ce e). În liceu când la un moment dat am avut și bursă, puteam să-mi fi cumpărat un picup și discuri de muzică simfonică, dar nu m-a dus mintea chiar până acolo. Și mușcasem deja momeala rock-ului și a disco-ului iar discurile acelea nu existau (decât pentru unii).
Pun aici video-ul cu Sonata Lunii sperând să fac și eu un gest similar cu profesorul de atunci...
Beethoven, o muzică mult mai ușor de ascultat decât ar crede mulți. De fapt cu el începe cred muzica modernă așa cum o știm cu toții. La secunda 35 începe melodia care se cântă cu un singur deget (mic de la dreapta) în timp ce toate celelalte fac arpegii și acorduri după care arpegiile și acordurile încep să se transforme în melodie... Chiar, începutul e așa de ușor de cântat cred că aș putea... Poate mă enervez și-mi trag clapa MIDI jos din dulap... Oare e posibil să încerc să re-învăț note?
Ok la secunda 615 (10:15) vine o furtună cu nori repezi care trec peste lună (o cavalcadă în liniștea nopții?). Piesa nu mai e ușor de cântat de către începători. Acele suite crescătoare tumultuoase care le regăsim până la Gershwin. Un kung fu muzical, o evadare din clavecinul static al lui Vivaldi.
12:37 Stăteau acolo și mă așteptau... Nu știu ce mi-a venit. Nostalgia, care întodeauna crează probleme (aparigraha). Am căutat Sonata Lunii de Beethoven și primul rezultat care mi-a ieșit (bine al doilea, primul era cu tabloul lui Beethoven care nu făcea nimic) a fost un video de un pianist Rousseau care face efecte video pe albastru. Cu coada ochii am zărit și Clair de Lune de același pianist cu efecte pe roșu... Și nu m-am gândit și le-am postat. Judecați dvs.. După un timp m-am prins și am pus altceva în loc...
Saturday, April 17, 2021
My World Famous Broccoli Omelet
Wash thoroughly and chop a broccoli flower, chop a bit of onion and bell pepper. Add your favorite spices and a bit of water. Let it heat at high then move to medium low and boil that water for about five minutes with the lid on, careful not to run dry and burn the ingredients.
Friday, September 22, 2023
September 22
12:32 Ok no matter how lazy i feel after the posting marathon of the last few days, i got to write this to keep people updated with my side of the always new stories.
At @ 10 AM i left for probably the last walk of this summer. Facing one week of rain in the forecast. There is some smoke so i didn't grab the dumbbells because those makes me breath harder.
About a month ago noticed one of the tires of my truck went flat, slowly over the course of a week. Didn't feel like or actually didn't have the time to go somewhere the fix it so i just pumped it a bit with a foot pump. Actually a couple of times.
But after that, the next week it stopped deflating. What do i know. Miracles happen some times. Because this night i had a dream with a flat tire, this morning i thought to go check a couple of times but there was this woman talking on a phone for more than a half hour next to it so i just passed.
Left on the upper alley. After the usual Mexican wave, with people starting to animate as i pass their buildings, next to the street there was this brown UPS van flashing lights and beeping with no one next to it. As i passed it i saw a Police SUV passing on 65th and i started to have this bad feeling. I walked down left a bit where the button activated flashing yellow lights are because traffic was too intense to cross easily and then walked back up on the other side all the way to the stairs.
Only to see a brown skin guy looking like some of the gypsies in that picture with Tualatin Police next to Dutch Bros winged mill. Dressed completely in black, with i think a back pack and something that was looking like a thermos but 3 times bigger, like a three ft half 6 inch diameter black thermos, he was doing some stretching like moving with hands in the air. For a second i was tempted to pass him and continue on the road but i said, what the heck, and starting to climb the stairs.
I was at the middle of those when i saw two guys dressed in black climbing down towards me or that guy. For a second i thought they were cops but they were only Security Officers from Legacy hospital. I looked back down and the first guy was leaving with his giant thermos and the guys when they saw me went kinda dissapointed and turned around. On top of the stairs i saw two security vehicles from the hospital and one Police SUV. One more POLICE SUV was just coming.
I walked the usual way, actually i crossed on their side cause i didn't want to walk on the grass as i usually do, and soon enough one blue Security truck passed me and i saw his LPN, was starting with NUX.
Wasn't that hard, but i still have to put the links. And figured one more thing, i will post it after i put the links here.
13:00 And the market started to go down as i was writing the above. And it went a bit up when i looked.
Yeah. What came to mind. Can you see what this guy has on his belt?
3:54 Dinescu e uneori încă prea criptic pentru mine de cele mai multe ori nu știu dacă poeziile lui sunt lamentări sau mici triumfuri bine ascunse și mai ales nu cred că poezia e treabă de bărbat dar versurile astea acum le înțeleg. Normal că nu i-au alungat barbarii, i-au violat și alungat romanii adică proprii lor descendenți, după un tur de câteva mii de ani prin India, unde s-au amestecat în vest cu mongolii.
4:41 Chiar și de columnă se pare că și-au bătut joc, au pus draco lângă o cămașă de zale căreia pare că îi lipsește un cap pe care draco tocmai l-a mâncat.
Schița asta a fost făcută imediat după restaurarea din 1581 iar asta în 1758. Cine are răbdare poate să caute zona cu draco-ul, cea cu fețele de daci. Cred că a mai fost restaurată odată fiindcă în schița asta de la 1758 lipsesc niște părți.
Apropo am văzut că mulți români iau verbul screw din engleză în sensul de înșurubat, ceva ce este imediat speculat în știrile absolut fake. Cred că vorbitorii tineri de engleză nici nu mai știu sensul original al cuvântului care e folosit în 99% din cazuri doar în sens de... Sexual congress? Sounds about right.
5:23 Must immediately stop believing laundry myths.
7:32 There is little doubt some entity is sabotaging my posts. There was a link to the picture with the hutsul horse that i verified several times and now was gone so i just put the picture. I posted an entry earlier and now is gone.. Something similar happens almost daily.
8:25 Ok tot căutându-l pe draco am dat de site-ul ăsta (încărcarea durează). Dar eu cred că cel mai bun ar fi un video făcut de o dronă. Ar fi ceva aici dar nu chiar ce căutam eu.
10:08 Eu am impresia că ăștia vă afumă cu ceva, ca pe mine în apartament. La mine ce este peste 40 particule 2.5 microni se simte și deranjează, dar în mod normal când nu sunt focuri de vegetație văd valori de 10-20 deși stau între două autostrăzi la sud de o mare zonă urbană cu peste 2 milioane mașini înmatriculate. În România văd constant valori de peste 50 și întotdeauna 80 în unul sau mai multe locuri, valori ce pot proveni numai de la fum (sau în cazuri rare praf de Sahara).
Am și link în dreapta sus la blog (real time particle pollution) și cred că nu se uită nimeni. Altfel nu-mi pot explica știrile de grădiniță evident false și tot ce face guvernul și voi nu vă prindeți niciodată precum și amorțeala generală. Dinescu, unul din cei mai cinici și perverși scriitori din România și pentru că vorbește de daci la persoana a III-a. Deși cinismul LOR extrem, al tuturor în general, nu se poate măsura după standardele noastre.
10:25 Just went to figure where the poop smell was coming from. A huge amount of smoke was coming out of two closest holes to the building. After i plugged the second, the smoke remains at the level of the wildfire smoke. I finally figured why that woman was so busy talking on the phone next to my truck. Right in front of it there was a big one, probably from a huge dog, and i'im talking bigger than a German Shepard which i found the other day.
Woman because the women are not affected by the she dog magic. Yes i saw many times poops the shape of Nike swoosh. And yes they put it always where the wind blows from. Last graph here. It was at the left side of the building (garages) shown horizontally.
Half dried by the heat of the Sun today, still stinking, size like comming from a human though it was dog. Close to the edge of the enclosure so the guy could get real fast out of here.
When i was outside i was thinking. Why when there is thick smoke like this nobody's upstairs or walking around. Because they don't want to expose their own to the smoke, they got some ethics, what do you know. Children in the back today were only girls (out of ten i see recently there is only one buy and he is small). As soon as the smoke is gone, they landed upstairs, probably from the next apartment and from outside, through the attic.
10:50 Must be the smoke, i can't resist to post this one. F35s are so stealthy not even their owners know where they are... Ok mi-am amintit ceva. S-a întâmplat după ce am postat eu de AVX unde am lucrat în 99/00 care a fost deținut în totalitate de Kyocera.
11:05 A intrat sau numai l-a pupat?
11:07 Bob Menendez, Buzatu. Faza cu Buzatu a fost după ce am postat eu de Menendez, nu? A fost o știre să mai șteargă fazele cu aurul pe care le tot postez, acum una să șteargă faza cu Menendez. Ok nu găsesc unde am postat deși sunt sigură că am postat. Mi-a dispărut și aia?
11:16 Da dar nu cred că la sală unde pute a cauciuc de la benzile alea rulante și îți blochează respirația și nu mai intri în faza aerobică dominantă. Apropo m-am prins la o fază, particulatele ăia din aer pot să nu conțină nici un drog, dar vă diminuează respirația și primiți mai puțin oxigen la părțile superioare ale creierului responsabil cu gândirea, care nu mai este o prioritate pentru organism în asemenea cazuri și în general niciodată.
11:25 Iar sincronisme. Ceangăi, Changi. Shanghai.