Thursday, November 21, 2024
November 21st
5:45 La sfârșitul lunii ianuarie 2024 eram preocupat de forma fotonilor. Am demonstrat mai devreme că cele două câmpuri, electric și magnetic, au naturi complet diferite. Câmpul magnetic este bipolar și are formă toroidală cu linii de câmp închise.
Câmpul electric poate fi monopolar și are linii în forma razelor care pornesc de la un punct și se termină la infinit, fiind deschise. În cazul emisiei prin dipoli, câmpul electromagnetic are o formă foarte ciudată, de lobi în expansiune.
Dar cea mai ciudată consecință ale teoriilor actuale care prevede dualismul particulă-undă a luminii este că un câmp electromagnetic își pierde intensitatea cu pătratul distanței, iar fotonii călătoresc în linie dreaptă de la un capăt al Universului la celălalt fără să își piardă energia.
Asta duce la concluzia clară că electronul își creează propriul câmp electromagnetic pe măsură ce se deplasează. Da, o mulțime de electroni provenind de la o sursă quasi punctiformă pot crea fronturi de undă, ceea ce explică proprietățile optice ale luminii.
Știm cu toții că un foton este emis prin căderea unui electron pe un nivel energetic inferior. Această cădere poate fi asimilată cu un curent electric. Acest curent electric va da naștere unui câmp magnetic dar fiindcă acel curent este format dintr-un singur electron care n+ormal, se deplasează de pe o poziție pe alta, acel câmp magnetic nu va putea fi închis ceea ce sugerează că de fapt este tot un câmp electric.
Mai bine zis o particulă virtuală cu sarcină identică cu cea a electronului care o generează și care se deplasează pe o direcție perpendiculară cu traiectoria electronului care îl generează și la la o distanță de acesta, făcând un salt în spațiu.
Astfel, un foton este o succesiune de particule virtuale care se formează și se deplasează succesiv în spațiu, traiectoriile lor întrerupte putând fi imaginate pe direcție axială similar unui pătrat.
Pentru o reprezentare mai intuitivă am construit un fel de arbore care susține 4 particule virtuale închipuite din legături cu fermoar (zip ties) desfăcute (ceva ce am avut la îndemână). O particulă odată pornită în mișcare deja începe să creeze alta pe nivelul următor și fiindcă o poză nu era suficientă pentru a arăta traiectoriile în 3D am încărcat un video pe drive. Am postat teoria aici.
Azi am văzut două știri diferite care pretindeau că arată forma fotonilor. Una dintre ele este într-adevăr pătrată, și pare a avea diferite niveluri de iluminare pe cele 4 laturi.
Ce pot să spun sigur este că un foton nu se poate vedea sau măsura în nici un fel.
7:07 Oare de ce îmi trebuie atât de mult timp să mă prind la o fază? Îmbătrânesc? Ucrainenii au în prezent mai multe sisteme Patriot, (aveau cel puțin 6 în iulie), de ce nu au interceptat. Ca să mai creeze o știre-șoc?
2:00 PM ABC changed the title of a news on me. I put a link above under the gif at 4:05 with the title "Ukraine's military says Russian ICBM strikes Dnipro, a claim denied by Western official", they changed the title to "Ukraine says Russia hit it with ICBM, Zelenskyy says Putin is 'terrified'". Now i find that title i linked to at an affiliated site.
Though in the first paragraph they are saying "a U.S. official told ABC News that Russia launched "an experimental medium-range ballistic missile against Ukraine" near Dnipro." Doesn't look like the first paragraph matches the title either.
Of course there are nu rules and no guarantees in the world of news.
2:15 After i posted the above they now changed the first paragraph to "Russia launched a new intermediate-range ballistic missile on Thursday toward Dnipro in Ukraine".
2:30 ABC are not the only ones who travel back in time to change their titles. Was looking for a video on the history of my browser and found a title from Reuters saying ICBM. However, when i clicked on that, i found something else.
In fact, after you click on "else" above, you can check the URL in the address bar of the browser (on top, next to the reload button that looks like a recycle sign) and see the old title. That, after i said an ICBM should have been intercepted by one of Ukraine's Patriot systems.
I'm so sick and tired of this BS... Aren't you all?7:40 Because of that Timbaland video, i ran the other day into some representations of the Neanderthal. Some look like Africans, some like Asians, depending on who's making those. But i made up my mind. They look like Australians who had been geographically and genetically isolated for more than 40000 ye
Friday, November 8, 2024
Can't help here not to mention the popular Romanian snack. I was eating it in grade school. As popular and similar to Oreo in the US, a sandwich cookie wrapped by two. But why the name? Probably because it emerged during or right after Soviet occupation and named after Russian name Yevgeny (Евгений).
Or the city in Oregon. Also, Eugene being a Jewish name.
How i ran into Treman? I was searching for a definition of intelligence closest to my ideas. The ability to carry out abstract thinking.
To humans most natural way of thinking is abstract thinking. The ability to turn every day situations to abstract models or to fit them into existing ones and then to take decisions using those models. Some would say it may be an overhead, but is the easiest and definitely most efficient and it happens all the time.
At the base of abstract thinking are the abstract concepts we turn everyday objects into. More than that, abstract concepts are hierarchical, corresponding to real live hierarchization of objects which makes them easier to handle.
Drawbacks of abstract thinking. It has the real possibility of overlooking details when oversimplifying. It may be at the roots of objectification.
Wondering if it is not also at the roots of transference as in Freud's concept. If this is the case it means it can be applied to more areas than parenting or love.
One consequence of this theory is that we only love once in a lifetime. Each subsequent to "first" are just instantiations of the abstract concept (that may be improving or adjusting or simplifying over time).
And yes, personification or deification of concepts are certainly the base of ancient mythologies and polytheistic religions. By example it is said that Japan has 8 million kami of which the list of best known mentions...
Wrote this motivated by the persistent repeating of media practices of hijacking real ideas into theatrical scenes with the purpose of suppression of those ideas. Sabotaging communications. Substitution of persons as seen in my Similarities blog.
Of which the last notable scene is Iohannis turning his back to movie director Orban but they are ubiquitous in media in setups they make us think are news articles.
Maybe not the best example but close enough...
Thursday, October 17, 2024
October 17
Friday, October 4, 2024
October 4th
1:06 AM I did not know Sputnik means spouse or fellow traveler in Russian but i bet is not used in every day Russian in this way. It is most likely an artificial linguistic construction that nowadays is synonym with satellite. I did not know it had as root the word put which in Russian means path. Sanskrit pathika पथिक, the millennia old Indo-European connection.
With all these said i have to add it is almost an anagram of Putin. And nowadays it is used to name one of their main mews agencies and radio station.
I doubt those who choose it did not know the meaning in English. But not the regular Russians who never knew this until now... A very unhappy choice at least which means subconsciously antagonizing the Russians again and again and again... One more reason for the decades long cold war.
1:50 Talking about linguistics. The origin of name Gaga. One of the reasons i don't go to see doctors anymore. And who is behind her.
2:30 More semantics? Iron dome or Iran doom?
8:18 Seen on MSN (Microsoft Network) as a paid ad. I saw many ads in my life but nothing like this. Who's paying for this? What's next? Alien sex?
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
September 25
9:00 Al nostru, dintre noi, pentru noi. Sunt proprietar, deci exist. Băsescu a fost căpitan, deci a existat (însă poza pare făcută la mișto). Nu are nici o pensie după ce a jăcmănit și distrus, dar mai ales, a dat tonul la confuzie, scandaluri și corupție (a avut două referendumuri de demitere, care au rezultat în legea cea mai aiurea dată nouă vreodată de vreun Parlament, 341/2013).
10:05 Efortul național este bugetul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pe care cu onor îl conduce. 1,2 miliarde lei din care jumătate sunt salariile (cheltuieli de personal). 550 milioane împărțit la 12 (Numărul de luni din an) și la salariul mediu (8532) ne dă aproximativ numărul de angajați. Poliție, Jandarmi, mai știu eu ce. Par puțini, însă dacă ne gândim că nu fac nimic...
Da, pare mic, în comparație cu Ministerul Dezvoltării, care iar face chiar nimic, sau Transporturilor, care face foarte puțin. Pentru ce avem un Minister al Dezvoltării, fiindcă sună bine? Dar unde se duc banii alocați?
10:52 Nici măcar nu se mai obosește să păstreze aparențele. Primul Ministru nu numește (pe) Președintele Camerei Deputaților. El este votat în plen. Sau doar o altă încercare de a "localiza" toate aceste aparențe.
"Dăncilă" a fost Prim Ministru în perioada când România a avut (prin rotație) timp de 6 luni Președenția Consiliului European (ăla mic, de prim miniștri, a nu se confunda cu Consiliul UE, ăla mare, de președinți, care contra-votează legislația UE, da știu e ca la nebuni), un rol simbolic, perioadă în care însă nu am auzit să facă vreun efort pentru România ca de exemplu clarificarea apartenenței la Schengen unde România este membru din 2007 (dreapta sus, link-uri).
3:08 Just finished binge watching Obliterated (2003). Man what a fat s...t movie. A special team getting high after missing their objective, finishing their mission against all odds and all Russians in Vegas.
Besides the plain old anti-Russian propaganda whith a long tradition starting with James Bond and the psychosis with the bomb (nothing new, except for cursing all the time and almost advertising the use of drugs), there are a very few things i'd like to ad.
The Gremlin who haunts the Chinese guy. It is part of the list of keywords embedded in the brains of English speaking people around the world. It stands for Kremlin and is at the very basis of subconsciously antagonizing the Russians against all (English speaking) world and the other way around.
It looks, my friends like your brains have been programmed.
Moss_cow. Rush_ya. Bella_Russia. Si bear_ya. War_saw. Prague. Book, arrest, Loon_done, Pare_is.
Gore_bashev. Krush_chev. GRUss.
Ukraine (UK reign). Key_ev. , etc..
The Cyrillic alphabet.
Why antagonize the Russians in this centuries old world wide conspiracy? DIVIDE ET IMPERA. They needed an antagonist, like the clown for Batman, Lex Luther (law looter) for Superman, the liquid terminator for the mechanical one etc.. Otherwise it will be all boring and people will forget about and go about their business.
5:00 BTW do i detect a threat in this Hungarian
9:09 PM Everybody who took college level physics knows about relativistic mass. According to Einstein, mass of a particle changes with its speed and changes dramatically when the speed goes "relativistic", which means is comparable to the speed of light. So we assume here Einstein was right.
At the speed of light the mass of any particle except for the photon which may not be a particle after all becomes infinite. You can see the formula in this article.
We all know electrons usually revolve around an atom. However, when there are more than one electron, their trajectories and speeds become so complicated, due to interactions and collisions between them it is impossible to describe them in mathematical terms. The so called n-body situation.
At this point it is easier to describe their behavior in terms like clouds, where we can no longer know the speed or position of a certain electron.
Some of the electrons around an atom move at relativistic speeds. We know that is happening for gold, probably other heavy elements.
Electrons do have (resting) mass and when they move at relativistic speeds they will add their relativistic mass to the mass of atom.
Nobody has yet measured the number of neutrons in an atom. It is said, for heavier particles, the number of neutrons is higher than that of protons, needed to counteract the electrostatic repulsion with the strong force and that explains the difference in mass/proton (atomic number) ratio. We call isotopes the atoms with same number of protons and different number of neutrons.
So what will happen with the relativistic electrons when one atom decays into two others, assuming the atoms do not loose them (or capture others right away from the "environment"), when the temperature stabilizes? Will the sum of their relativistic mass be the same as of the initial atom?
I think not. Electric charges that mainly hold the electrons in orbit will be the same, but the orbitals will be lower.
So here could be the true cause of the so call mass defect, the basis for the (in)famous formula E=mc2.
There is no equivalence between energy and matter (whatever that is).
I believe it is from here we should start looking for the nature of mass. Unfortunately i cannot make the calculations to prove the mass defect is the difference between relativistic mass of all electrons before and after because of my very limited mathematical knowledge at this time. And it could be impossible because of how complicated would be the trajectories.
After gross estimates, this theory does not stand if the electrons of the 6 orbital (in gold) do not exceed 58% of the speed of light. But if that percentage comes from an average speed, and some could have 70% of the speed of light or more, due to collisions and accelerations in their complicated trajectory, even for limited amounts of times, things could change.
12:15 Yeah but... The electrons, especially for heavier elements do not move around the atom in a circular orbit, or at a constant speed or even radius like in Bohr' model, they are like zig-zagging in a mess mainly due to electrostatic repulsion forces and yes collisions (like in no one's model)... Here is an idea how it would look with 5 electrons but try to imagine 79 like in gold.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
May 9
1:30 AM
I hate to refer to an image that i know is not correct, but look for yourself and see the multitude of theories as what a magma plume is. But i do not have any drawing or illustrations making capability right now so i have to recycle whatever i can find and then refer to it as nearest...According to the charts i plotted using raw, real data, a seismic magma plume is dendritic, or has branches, like those represented under volcanos (lower image) but short of being volcanos. Temperature inside the branches varies from hot near the plume to colder near the end, and phase from liquid to solid. There is always some point on the branch that is at equilibrium on the phase diagram.
All that a branch needs is a trigger that can be a change of pressure that may be orders of magnitude smaller then the pressure inside that branch, but enough to trigger a wave of either crystallization or melting which happens with changes in volumes, in a very short time, generating the shockwaves we know as earthquakes.
But it can happen both ways, it can turn from liquid to solid like when Earth is squeezed around a diameter perpendicular to the direction of the Moon (compression), and when pressure decreases on the lobe, this can revert (decompression) creating replicas.
There should be of course a hysteresis which keeps the branch stable for a while, but also accumulates energy.
The differences in pressure in the high/low daily cycle that are accompanied by ocean tides are greatest with Moon at perigee (closest) and smallest with Moon at apogee.
11:15 Putin's next aim, Transnistria. But unlike Eastern Ukraine, the Russian minority there is only 29%. And unlike Eastern Ukraine, Transnistria has no border with Russia. Transnistria is internationally recognized as being Moldovan, however they have declared themselves independent.
Moldova has a 82% Romanian population. Historically, at times Moldova was part of Romania. Note that at the last census, only 7% of the people there declared themselves Romanian.
Actually Romania was created in 1859 by unification of Moldova and Valahia, and by that time part of Moldova was under Russian Empire.
There is absolutely no doubt Moldovan language is Romanian. I have been there shortly after 1990. Despite an accent, Romanians and Moldovans can talk to each other with no effort. All vocabulary and grammar are identical.
Problem is many were still speaking Russian, the language of the colonists during Russian Empire and Soviet Union and many were still shy to speak Romanian. The situation and my presence there was visibly awkward to the Russian speaking people.
Back then Russia was still seen by many Moldovan as the metropolis.
Before the fall of Soviet Empire many Romanians had antennas so they could watch Moldovan TV mostly because our TV program was only 2 hours a day, showing mostly Ceaușescu, without any other forms of entertainement (Russian and Moldovan TV was much more "liberal", compared to Romanian) and besides an accent, at the Moldovan TV they were speaking Romanian.
Putin, Zakharova is playing on Russian people's feelings who are considering Moldova, Transnistria part of Russia and gets on everybody's nerves.
But i suspect this prompt intervention has something to do with what i posted above, they (who control all countries, including Russia) want to get out of people's mind the images of dendritic ramification of magma under seismic areas by bringing the image of Transnistria into focus.
2:06 Could it be the loss of vitamin C synthesis played a key role in conscience development in humans, as closed loops in neural pathways, with increased stress as a main factor?
4:03 I've been searching ever since, though google sheets is impressive, it won't allow customization of tooltips, so one can see the date and magnitude while hovering mouse on each blue dot. Right now it only shows the two axes of the chart. Found some workarounds, working on.
Found something here but do not understand how it works. I am too immersed into earthquakes subject, Moon is still turning in my head, vitamin C is also on my mind, got to switch to IT mode. I'm taking a break.
4:55 Also can't flip the Y axis so i can put the plume in a more "natural" position.
Was it before the "pandemics"? Before the war in Ukraine? The President of Romania was Tuesday in Washington while i was working on it. Today Maria Zakharova threatened again neighboring Moldova, which is actually made of 82% Romanians.
Thinking of all the torture i've been enduring all these years which intensified starting last July. We all know who was involved. Hungary and Japan. Me being gassed in early 1996, turned into a vegetable. No more jobs after year 2000. One botched oral surgery in 2006. Angela taking all the heat all these years.
3 botched surgeries (forgotten wires), mutilation. Being smoked in Lake Oswego for 5 years. Radiation from the hacked laptop, phones. All the attempts to get us in an accident on freeways, several per each trip. The 2021 accident.
I had all these in my mind though i didn't know. I now remember each instance when they embedded the messages in my life before i came here. I was Dacians' messenger to the gods.
10:53 One clear example of a string of earthquakes begins with the yellow dot right under the 100 km line. 2005, 2006, 2007. It looks like at first the branch was filled with molten lava, which would go upwards (the chart is upside down), and then it started to freeze backwards. There are many like these in the whole chart. QED.
Friday, March 15, 2024
March 15
12:43 More Shivlings in Budapest where actors are really a great deal. Is this woman having what i call an... Asian European attitude and looks? Of course, the Easter egg!
8:48 Medvedev nu e rus, e șarpe schimbător (shapeshifter, maga, naga, mongol, nungar, ninja).
Roadele diplomației băsesciene. EI centrează, EI dau cu capul.
Sovieticii an naționalizat tot ce era proprietate privată în Rusia în 1918. Rusia a câștigat în Ucraina din 2022.
10:05 Estimp...
11:57 Shiva (ling) illusions?
A one gallon jug of milk with traces of milk in it rotting in the sun on top of a recycled bin, in wind's direction.
I met again in the park with the mysterious Russian guy and his wife. Actually i caught with them, i was walking really fast to erase from my mind and soul the images of open poop bags i saw earlier. I guess for doubling. Basically everything i said recently materialized today during my walk. And what i haven't yet. They were two brunet guys with moustaches. I will attempt to explain later. (BTW, if you click on one pic and enter slide show mode, make sure to read further after you close it). There is more after.
3:50 Can't finish right now. Just wanted to say that today i saw this guy together with this guy in the parking lot. Now i remember i saw this guy with a red cross on his t-shirt at Ilani with a big red cross and the inscription OFF DUTY.
Friday, January 12, 2024
January 12
11:08 Have no idea what is the etymology of the word свобода, the same in Russian and Ukrainian, however i know they are both Indo-European languages and this word reminds me of the last two words of Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra written in Sanskrit which i believe it the mother of most European and Indian languages.
11:37 Ca să nu regret mai târziu, așa cum regret că nu am scris chestia de mai sus acum câteva zile când mi-am dat seama prima dată, să mai spun o scurtă poveste. Pe care am mai spus-o dar în altă formă.
În anul I și II am avut o colegă cu looks de super star, de fapt semăna foarte bine cu Sandra, cântăreața lui Michael Crețu, dar avea o arsură pe gât care o desfigura puțin.
Însă abia zilele astea după ce am scris niște observații și am rememorat ce știam despre emisia spontană fotonică mi-am dat seama de niște chestii.
Pe colegă o chema Camelia Chelman și era din Bacău. Dacă scrii numele Chelman cu K, Kelman (da, știu la fel ca și Kelemen), toate consoanele formează KLMN adică numerotarea straturilor de energie ale electronilor care orbitează în jurul unui nucleu. În continuare, Camelia sugerează cocoașă deci o greutate sau o sarcină electrică poate?
Ea a picat examenul de mecanică teoretică din anul II bis, ceea ce însemna pentru ea terminarea facultății ceea ce sugerează că și căderea unui electron nu trebuie interpretată cuantic ci clasic? Și a căzut din tren înainte de a ajunge în Bacău (eu nu locuiam în Bacău în timpul acela, asta a fost după repartiție) după ce a picat examenul și a murit.
La începutul lui 81 cred m-am întâlnit cu ea la examenul de Studiul Metalelor în toamnă (eram în grupe diferite). L-am luat amândoi cu 5 (de pomană, eu am greșit chiar diagrama fier-carbon), știam că profesorul Alexandru nu pică în toamnă pe nimeni, ca de obicei când sunt foarte stresat, am luat-o pe jos la o plimbare foarte lungă și nu știu cum ne-am nimerit împreună, am mers pe jos din Tudor până în Copou (cât e, 5 km?) după care ne-am întors spre seară în centru și ea m-a dus să văd Carul cu Boi "care se uită la tine indiferent din ce direcție te uiți la tablou" (roțile lui Ezekiel?).
Mda, și traseul seamănă cu traiectoria unui electron care pică.
Căderea ei din tren a fost în 83? (locomotivă electrică, chiar, cât e forța gravitațională la distanțe foarte mici ca nucleu-orbită), an în care s-au scumpit băuturile iar România a început declinul economic ce a dus la căderea regimului 6 ani mai târziu în 89. Crețu, Kreuz, base, dance, oscillating perpendicular strings, de-light, M energy level, Sandra (particule, nisip, trecerea timpului)?
Inversarea timpului. E posibil să fie și alte mesaje în acest video, poate chiar notele, poate și în celelalte ale Enigma. Unicorn, primordial disturbance and its reaction that created the Universe, Nirvana (stingerea), etc..
Mai vedeți și voi eu sunt saturat cu multitudinea de chestii la care mă gândesc zilele astea.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
December 3
I think for that purpose it would have been much easier to simply cover a final hole in the outer layer as shown at the end of animation in the video.
My explanation is the pyramid was an earthquake triggering device. By adjusting the time between sliding stones the pyramid could "dial into" any frequency of any bubble of magma about the freeze not so deep under surface of whole Earth.
Simply by doing this they would terrify any people far and near. The reason the pyramid was built in the geographic center of the Earth. But it could have been done simply to calm the seismic activity during that time on Earth that was interfering with their activities since there might have not been any people to terrify.
Of course all that knowledge was not present on Earth on Stone Age. There could not have been even a stone age as the humans may have not existed before the aliens genetically modified the apes to make slaves.
Nor the aliens could have carried in the Eye of Horus the massive amounts of materials needed to do that. So they used what was available. "Primitive" concrete for the building two tone blocks (bricks). Limestone for cladding. Granite slabs for mechanisms. (Could have been a less energy intensive concrete that could be interesting to us).
And of course the permanent deviation of the Nile, creating the Sahara desert that used to be a lake, to create a nearby source of food for the genetically modified apes that built all these under "mind" control right in that geographic center of Earth.
Another major function of the pyramid would be this. And yes, it might have not worked anymore (for earthquakes) after building the second one. That was built so make it useless and covered in mystery, after 260 years. By that time all the magma bubbles' resources would have temporarily ended all the people on Earth would have been mentally enslaved, to this day.
Here is a Hungarian skull from the late Roman period.
Their main purpose: Mining the Earth. We are just a byproduct. Tools to accomplish just that.
4:15 But now when i look again at the video, i see what i haven't seen before because of the excitement (even right now i woke in smoke, had to go and cover another hole i could not see last night).
Under the sliding ramp there is a hollow canal ("the staircase") and those stones do not stop there but kinda fall into it. Could they have fallen in that "staircase" and continue their sliding in the opposite direction? But why the hollow canal continues in the opposite direction all the way to near the outer casing?
Have to rethink everything. Anyways the explanations in the video with such a nice animation are bogus though one thing is true. It is a masterpiece of engineering of which design could not have originated on Earth at that time. Unless if we are missing massive pieces of our history. Things we can read about in Mahabharata.
4:33 Yeah they knew this entry would follow. At Spirit Mountain last night i won 76 free games, in packs of 5, 10 or 15 one after another and won 330 dollars with a 60 cents bet. 76 is of course the number of planets including the Earth making the Galactic Confederation (after Hubbard, founder of Scientology) during the times of Galactic dictator Xenu. Name of the gas station i worked at during my last job, just before the botched dental surgery in July 2006.
Last night i drank like crazy (Austrian made vodka), woke up with reflux after late eating beans, got dehydrated and breathed with a congested nose and the belly full of gas pushed my heart up and now i got palpitations again. Good thing i made it to write here what i wanted to right after i left yesterday afternoon.
Less important things. Last night at the American Market in Grand Ronde they were a bunch of Indians (from India) and one of them was speaking on the phone a Sanskrit derived language if not Sanskrit itself, though pronouncing it with a heavy accent. I don't speak Sanskrit though i know a number of words.
There are hundreds of Sanskrit words in Romanian though we do not pronounce them in that corrupt way but in a different corrupt way due to thousands of year of different influences.
At the gas station, after i filled after we left for home, another guy repeated the scene (doubling).
It has been a long time since we didn't win anything a the end of the day.
10:45 Slept over all these ideas and this is what my subconscious came up with in the morning.
The falling slabs in that long shaft that was covered at the outer end only with the limestone clad that could have been easily removed or have an invisible to the naked eyes narrow hole in it would have created a great deal of static electricity by friction.
Could that have been sending much needed gold and/or iron for a starving technology on a planet with very low or finished resources? A crude, pure electrostatic, geometry based stone age particle accelerator?
If the long shaft would be charged positively during the falling of the slabs would confine into a vey narrow beam and repel anything that was injected inside towards an open end, like vaporized gold maybe, fast enough to break atmosphere and be sent hundreds of light years away. Something that nowadays is done with the ring at CERN. Would have been one fraction of a second a day.
Nevermind what i said earlier. They built the second pyramid 260 years later etc. because the first one lost alignment due to various changes in Earth's movement, like precession.
It took many thousands of years to the apes to come to technological age and build EM accelerators (after Napoleon opened the Pandora's box with instructions hidden somewhere inside one of the pyramids), ending with the one at CERN that never found anything for us. This time massive amounts of gold and iron would be send.
Somewhere on a planet near Bellatrix they probably have a huge net that catches just that.
Winter wonder, Russian superfood. Packed with vitamins, minerals and fibers, the beets are probably the subliminal model for Russians so called onion domes. Building blocks for a winter soup, Angela now adds the rest and assembles it.
Needless to say. For the whole time i was in the kitchen he was above making noises like he does, dragging chairs, all synched to my brainwaves. Giving me an anxiety attack with shortness of breath. At this level 20 years ago i would have gone to ER, ruining me financially which i did.
Catching breath at the computer (hardly), breathing with open mouth, getting ready to go at the car and add a drop more of ATF. Then we're good for a winter run to Indian Head (it's 55 degrees here right now).
1:24 Done. It involved removing 4 bolts (10 mm tool) and the whole air cleaning system. As soon as i got that one out, the parking lot was filled with ATF smell (not from my car, this one has no smell) even before i removed the filling cap (the one with the square 10 mm hole in it).
Which is more of an atavism or maybe installed to let air in when doing the service on their automated machines because as you can see in the picture, it can be hardly be removed to pour something in, because it bumps into some part, for a long time and also because of a stupid video on youtube for years i believed it could not be removed.
One drop from the funnel fell in there and was like last time, too lazy to pick it. The dirt seen is from the original peanuts, it remained even after i tried to clean it with contact cleaner.
2:12 I'm a demon, Lord!
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
November 22
8:00 Munchies. A snack brand that is built on a common English verb. To munch. Which is familiar for chew. Wanted to double check before posting and i wish i didn't cause i ran into a different trouble than the one i wanted to talk about. Depending on how you ask google, you may get different answers. (Will take some time for me to settle on this one as well).
Nevermind google changed (again) on me. That is while i was writing the above, the search result for "munch" changed. When i first searched for "munch", i got the result i now get with "munch slang".
Ok so i kinda lost momentum and inspiration however now that i already invested two paragraphs into it, i will finish it (also because i wanted many times to do it but i did not have a device ready as i opened most snack bags on the road somewhere).
Munchies by Frito Lay is a mix of several known type of snacks, featuring Doritos, pretzels, Cheetos and a few others. It comes in plain "Cheese fix" or hot spicy version as well. (Don't get too carried, there are only traces of cheese in those).
Doritos is by far the most popular snack in the US and it goes well with pretzels. Pretzels temper the spiciness of Doritos and Doritos bring more flavor to the bland pretzels. Cheetos in munchies don't feel so much like cheating (on your mouth) anymore.
As i said now i don't know how to put this in a more literary way so i will say it plainly.
You have to be real careful when you open a bag of any of these snacks. Ideally use some good sharp scissors. Otherwise the bag will tear very easily all the way to the bottom and every time i did that i asked myself if this is not yet another weird stupid marketing strategy. Cause it accelerates dramatically the munching of the snacks in the torn bag obviously for fear of not spilling them while those tasty little things are mostly empty calories.
8:32 Something i'm made for. A different kinda music that takes my breath away. Literally. Was i made for something else than eating and sleeping or the crazy little thing called love?
1:15 Little thing. Pește de post. Poate într-o zi vă veți da seama cum vă iau ăștia mințile. Cine poate să verifice la Murgeni, Vaslui că e adevărat ce spun ăștia.
1:60 Last night i did laundry and cooked the ham. There was much heat inside. i had to open the patio door. Litter dust came inside (that didn't happen in a long time). Because of it my face, my throat was burning. The doubling, after i complained about spilled litter in front of the building and the trail on the alley. As a result but also because of the noise upstairs Angela could not sleep and she came early from work.
At work they ask her again to train the deaf-mute on a product she didn't do much before (would have meant to follow the documentation and train) and she declined as she was too tired then finishing the work she started yesterday.
The big man, Steve was out in vacation and his replacement was Sergey, the white righteous Russian who treats Angela in similar ways. Together with the "Vietnamese" sisters. How many times i wrote on fb about the "sisters"?
The result. Another screwed up holiday like all holidays and weekends.
Like at all her and my jobs before. These are not jobs, but punishment squads. I would have quit 1000 times if i was her like i did before (i had a total of 23 jobs in the US). But she is a tough little woman.
All because a bunch of lunatics in the US (a few millions or more) think we are Zoia and Nicu Ceaușescu. To keep the loonies on the path started by "Pacepa".
More doubling. They came with the blowers. I measured once 70dB inside with an app on a phone. But will the collect the leaves?
3:27 Every time i get religious (i put a few recipes though i do not fast) they give me the horny dust.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Monday, September 11, 2023
September 11
12:41 Smile back at you, Pikachu. Never believed dogs can have facial expressions. However foxes... (Yeah i watched funny animals videos all day trying to forget my ongoing confusions).
12:45 They started a midnight walk upstairs. Or smoking, whatever. In response to some emotions of mine while remembering stuff while very relaxed. Getting mad that is.
9:21 The science didn't get quite there yet. I think i know the reason. There is this influential sect within the catholic church called "Dominican" and it could be all suppressed by them. They since the beginning, that is the end of the 13th century did weird things and inquisition is one of them. The name is a wordplay, and it could mean "dogs of god" in Latin. They might do some dog magic, as inherited from the Egyptian and than Roman gods.
Think what a weapon this would be. You casually come at your enemy's door with your dog and leave a poop and in that day he instead of going about his business goes crazy instead. Unsuspecting. Unrecognizable.
I know for sure that something in dog poop strongly influence me. Don't know if "regular" poops, healthy or sick dogs, or fed with special food, male, female, females in heat, pheromones, parasites bla bla, but when those are present around the building their smell, that i don't even perceive as smell at the beginning, really drives me wild. That's why every time i realize that i go around and pick and throw them in garbage. But it's usually too late to save the day and i end up exposing me even more to those by picking them.
It started after we got a small condo in Bacău and there was this boy who was "walking" his she dog around the building, several times a day, for years. Don't know if he was picking or not but most likely not cause i never saw him with bags and i don't even think they had bag like these in the late 80s in Romania. There must have been at any time dozens around that building.
Indoor litter boxes are a good source of contamination both with pathogens and invisible dust.
Some people may be more affected than others but there could also be other factors that may contribute.
It is my understanding those affect men more than women but there could be a similar trick that affects women as well like the old CRT computer monitors i was spending my whole days near. For about a year or so i also had a cat... Also smoke from my neighbor downstairs always made me feel good (No they were no drugs of any kind during those years in Romania)...
9:55 Ugh... And more ugh...
10:30 I think they started to smoke upstairs about a week ago. Cigarette smoke is now coming after i hear some softer squeaks than before. She who stays home is lighter i guess. A reason to wake up at night. The smoke this morning caused me heart palpitations by causing nasal congestion and me unconsciously trying too hard to breath on my nose.
10:52 I lost my glasses... Will try to write this paragraph without those... Another thing that has happened to me lately that makes me very irritated. I almost got into fights with people in casinos and stores... Last time and WinCo they brought at the check-stands this woman who looks like ex Van Damme's wife... Anyways.
I know where it's coming from. For a month now they moved the van with the Insulation logo on it so i know. Could it be a warning? A threat?
After they installed the AC in the bedroom window upstairs, after i asked here how could they withstand the temperatures of 90s or even 100s upstairs with the sun hitting the roof they installed a window AC upstairs they use mostly at night.
One of the worst things you could do in a building that has the walls but especially the attic full of loose mineral insulation. The vibration from the AC breaks some of that and the very irritant and possibly carcinogen dust flies around the building. I wrote many times in the past here and on fb about that and i think it also modifies behavior by making you more impulsive and ready to fight.
Mineral dust so small it doesn't get caught by a PM2.5 sensor but so sharp it can penetrate human cells.
And yes your body may react to it by putting more protective oils on your skin in which case showers can only make the irritation worse...
I looked at the weather forecast, there will be one more week of heat (90s in September?) followed by average temperatures and it looks like it's going to be on for at least one more month...
11:37 Negative ion generators may help as they charge the invisible dust negatively and make it fall to the floor but not sure exactly which one works and there is no way to tell.
And the pain. The diffuse whole body pain from the mineral dust makes you wanna use all kinda stuff that kills pain from alcohol to weed to prescription.
And i don't believe there is escape from it in the US. Unless you build yourself a house free of mineral insulation.
2:08 Terrifying how every time i touch the laptop the first time there is a march and some heavy stomps upstirs. Just came from Wallmart and WinCo and put some of the stuff away and rushed to the computer to write a very important thing.
Every time i see a sign i can't recognize my mind rushes to the nearest symbol i know. Because of my college background and all the formulas with Greek letters they fed up with in there when i see by example a capital A without the horizontal bar my mind goes to the Greek lambda and i read it as L. That could create lots of confusion in the (poor) minds of those who are constantly trying to read or guess my thoughts.
This is the case with KIA which is is written with a stylized A that actually figures a lambda. More than that nowadays the combination I + lambda also reads like a Russian I. No L in Russian is...
In plain English could be suggesting KIYV. KYIV Soul. It happened when i drove back from WinCo. I tried to pass that SOB on the right just to see his Asian face but i could not. His LPN started with PKC and i think that was a KIA Soul.
Then i remembered i was under the red line with the gas, and since i was at the nearest lane after the unsuccessful attempt to pass i pulled at the (expensive) Shell on the right and when i saw that ugly Asian attendant i asked to do it myself (As i said it will be years until Oregonian will give up gas attendants even if the law is now in force. Then i realized it was 9-11.
It happened Saturday night at Lucky Eagle. I was parked facing two identical grey KIA Soul. Two guys got out of one of them and started looking for differences and that created the pretext for one of the guys to come with his butt at my window and the other one to bend over to see something under the other one and that created lots of problems to me that night.
For weeks now the theme is Alexa and everywhere i go i see girls trying to emulate her appearance. There was one at the entrance of Walmart and i was with the cart full of groceries (forgot the bags in the truck) and she entered the store when i left that was looking almost like her.
When i finally got here found a spot next to the one level apartment where the 19 years old child looking Japanese actor supposedly lives, on a Thursday and one guy looking like the Arab ninja i talked about later (not him, i saw him in the casino Saturday night playing for hours at the same machine) was walking with a dog back and forth, like patrolling. Trying to prevent me from "feeding the cats?".
Also totally forgot abut the gray, drove both ways on the freeway near it.
5:18 I am so sick and tired of writing everything down here. I go driving around and repeat in my mind the phrases i have to write next.
However i have to write this on so hopefully it won't repeat. Cause it's not the first time with the same person there.
Things are like this. I have to buy water from Fred Meyer cause i can't find it anywhere else. Crystal Geyser cause it doesn't taste like plastic or mud. Canned chilis and hot dogs at WinCo because only there i can find my favorites. And sour bread and diary and most other stuff. Produce now got better at Walmart across the street (yes, Dartmouth). Today i lost my list at Walmart, forgot to get stuff at WinCo and still forgot some even after i went today twice in both stores.
There was only one bottle of water on the lowest shelf at Fred Meyer (Kroger) (and one at Walmart, coincidence), and that one was pushed deep inside the shelf (probably the reason it was still there). I would have had to crawl in four to get it. So i gave up. I bought some grapes on sale at 99 cents but they were on "electronic coupon".
I was also very distracted when i got to the self check stands because all the stuff that's happening to me these days and i put the damn grapes directly on the final scale. Usually the machine would have yelled at me but i can't remember hearing anything,
Would have figured after i found my card which i was searching for when she came, within seconds. Half my height, with her slanted eyes shining with hate. She took the grapes from the (final) scale and put it on the upper one i was supposed to put them before i searched for the card, without a word, while triumphing without giving me a chance to explain. They finally caught me though i was very careful these days knowing they tried before.
So i swallowed my pride and continued with entering Angela's phone number so i would get the price reduction but somehow, also because now i was mad, i ended paying the full price, which was more than double and this is the big problem with the local Kroger here. When you put in "the alternate ID" to benefit from the "digital coupons" you won't see the price reduction on the screen until you hit the pay now button.
Somehow today (again too many things on my mind) i did the card before that and didn't have a chance to re-enter the phone number if i put it wrong and the card got charged with the full price.
So i asked her again and she said, categorically, like the soup Nazi, no, you haven't used the digital coupon, showing it to me in the receipt.
Knowing they had this huge head-start with my first mistake, i just gave up but i let her keep the grapes. She probably needed the money to pay for her English classes.
One other hundred of similar scenes, more simple or more complex i can't even remember. I live on a stage, exactly like in Truman show, though unlike him, i'm not happy. And i can't drink anymore either because of the platelets.
50 de ani de când Dacia se produce în România. Dar departamentul de prese grele când a apărut prima dată? Înainte de 77?
Statistic vorbind. Când cauți ceva într-un noian de chestii (postări) întotdeauna sunt șanse mai mari să găsești altceva nu? Pentru că tu cauți o singură chestie, altceva sunt toate celelalte. Un post pe care l-am căutat de am înnebunit altă dată care demonstrează că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să se deplaseze din Vrancea în București.
Și mai sunt niște secunde bune până când se ajunge la intensitatea maximă și câteva până când începe să cadă câte ceva. Bine dacă ești la etajul 10 într-un bloc înalt nu prea contează dar dacă ești într-o clădire veche cu bulină ai putea să fugi.
7:37 Da bine în 1940 nu era nici o presă grea sau alte utilaje grele în România, poate doar tancuri de zeci de tone ce puteau fi mișcate simultan pe niște valuri de pământ pe un deal la frecvența de rezonanță a zonei seismice.
România a intrat în pactul tripartit (Axa) la 23 noiembrie 1940 la două săptămâni după cutremurul din 1940, la 2 luni după abdicarea forțată a lui Carol al II-lea și venirea la putere a legionarilor care acum au început să mă scârțâie tare pe tavan. Nu am spus practic nimic, e vorba doar de cronologia evenimentelor.
Cum se transmite o vibrație doar la masa care are o anumită frecvență dar nu și la celelalte. Se numește rezonanță. Fiecare zonă seismică de pe planetă are o anumită frecvență de rezonanță. Orice pe lumea asta este până la o anumită limită, elastic, inclusiv stratul de sub zona seismică respectivă. Motivul pentru care piramidele au fost construite exact în centrul geografic al suprafețelor uscate de pe pământ, pentru a ajunge oriunde.
Bineînțeles energia transmisă nu este cea totală a cutremurului, este mult mai mică, suficientă doar pentru a-l declanșa. Energia cutremurului este de altă natură (înghețare/dezghețare a magmei dintr-o bulă de magmă ajunsă aproape de suprafață cu schimbare bruscă a volumului).
Piramidele aveau mai multe funcții. Una din ele era producerea cutremurelor la distanță cu ajutorul marii galerii din piramida mare. Pe această galerie erau lăsate să alunece, poate pe un strat de apă, blocuri mari de granit la diferite intervale de timp (perioada frecvenței de rezonanță) pentru diferite zone seismice care se loveau mai apoi una de alta. Cine a descoperit primul secretele piramidelor, care pe atunci erau pe jumătate îngropate în nisip?
E posibil însă să fi fost folosite și pentru comunicații (pe alte frecvențe).
11:15 Kaly Yuga? OK i was curious about one thing and spent one hour and pasted one Wikipedia table into a spreasheet and drew a diagram and guess what i found out. The volcanic eruptions are getting more numerous. Could it be the dust drove people first exited so they came up with the industrial revolutions and then they got really mad and starting fighting each other or maybe it's just the lack of accurately recorded data?
11:27 There was no sun today, right now temp is 65 F (18 C), no need for AC, the two nearby are stopped but there is one on at the other end of the building and that is enough to create the cloud of dust. Also smells like dog poop, i saw one earlier but was wetted by the sprinklers, don't know if i can pick it up.
12:17 Nu știu, diferență mare de vârstă, vedeți și dvs. că eu m-am cam plictisit.