Wednesday, September 27, 2023

September 27

Wake me up... When September ends...

8:14 Demențial! Halucinant!

Dar trebuie să fii foarte foarte nesimțit ca să-ți mănânce bacteriile creierul și să nu știi. Fiindcă infecțiile bacteriene dau simptome ca febră și dureri de cap.

Altceva este cauza majoră pentru demență iar eu suspectez că e vorba de acești paraziți care-i luăm de la animalele de companie și care se închistează în creier și micșorează volumul acestuia. Însă nu putem aștepta nimic de la doctori care tratează (după normele existente) și nu cercetează iar studiile sunt plătite de cei interesați să fim mulți dar proști pentru a încălzi planeta.

În SUA dacă mergi la doctor și ceri un tratament neconvențional pentru momentul respectiv se uită doctorul la tine pe deasupra ochelarilor, chiar dacă peste câțiva ani trendul se schimbă și tratamentul respectiv este acceptat.

9:43 Nu există zi să nu apară în media oficială date preluate din dosarele procuraturii și care ar trebui să stea acolo până la finalizarea anchetei și a procesului judiciar.

9:48 Asta e mai mult decât o simplă neglijență, e o sperietură programată cu scopul manipulării (luarea minților de pe alte probleme) și care ar trebui cercetată ca atare.

11:30 It is not hypersenstivity it's life time dosage accumulation.

11:33 Shakia mooni. I call the one on the left the Sun and the one on the right the Moon. A coming job?

12:14 Now i know what this is.

12:58 Și strâmba. Vechea teorie că toți colonii romani s-au retras în secolul 3 odată cu retragerea admistrației Aureliene și au creat un vid care a fost umplut de maghiari în secolul 9 (și au venit (în)apoi în Transilvania ca șerb(ani) atrași de bogăția maghiară). Podul lui Constantin. Răzbunarea pentru ce am scris ieri în legătură cu asemănarea între limba maghiară și chineză.

1:37 O sursă de romanizare a populațiilor din teritoriului din România de azi după retragerea aureliană de care nu am știut până azi, în afară de o frază uitată dintr-o lecție de istorie. Dar mai cred că toți autorii confundă pe goți cu germanii. Goții au fost chinezi. Deși la un moment dat s-au amestecat. Nu, catedralele gotice nu au fost construite de goți. Au fost construite în stil... islamic.

Și bineînțeles că populația de la țară nu a fost niciodată similară cu cea de la orașe (gata cu țăranii) formată în general din perindători, rătăcitori ca în Transilvania unde romanii locuiau mai mult în orașe și dacii mai mult la țară. Cred că unii daci nu au părăosit niciodată satele lor, deși poate au fost diminuați în număr în timp ce diferiți invadatori au trecut. Goți, huni, maghiari, secui sunt cei care au rămas până în ziua de azi pentru că le-a plăcut peisajul.

Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa a păstrat ceva din numele vechii capitale Sarmizegetusa aflată la 30 km pentru că în zonă erau poate la fel de mulți daci ca și romani, pe care sperau să-i romanizeze.

8:49 For those who heard and/or the pilots and/or supporting technicians whatever at the base near Portland about half hour ago. Should not be worried, those F15s which were deployed about an hour ago were only sent to sniff my underwear with their highly sophisticated radars because i built this apron out of reflective aluminum coated polystyrene that i wear under my pants to heat up and alleviate the acute urinary infection due to the presence of highly specialized bacteria and/or magic in the air.

Did not know what else to do except going to ER or urgent care where they are also waiting for me with teams of actors, extras and on the fly script written with hardware and software AI.

8:00 Honestly i thought it was more. Amazing, they did a good job when designing those. On an operational field an F35 can do the job of up to 20 F16. Languishing?

10:07 The reason i make so many mistakes especially with the links and stuff are the people upstairs who intensify the noises when i try do do something like creating a link.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26

2:02 Unwell.

This man is trying to heal a system that is dead and buried. An injection to a wooden leg as we say in Romania.

Yes indeed the British unified the world and gave us the English.

Trying to imagine what would have been without it. Would we have all spoken the French that is so complicated it tires the brain before one can really finish a sentence or Esperanto cause i refuse to believe we would have turned to not so pretty grammatically and sometime lexically weird Sanskrit. Latin like in the early Habsburg Empire? I don't know.

English has a great quality. It is a very sexy language but honestly i would have preferred German cause it brings rigor and seriousness in a conversation and in a whole country.

There is no more British Empire, there has not been one for a long time. What we got instead is the Empire of the Sun(ak) and now are watching back at the karma line that brought all us here and we start to ask ourselves. For who did they work to unify the world?

Other than that i have never seen a more elevated attempt to step over what i write. A near perfect though a bit bitter and uselessly biased carefully written scholarly camouflaged article using all the keywords i used recently.

I am not trying to re-write history, i only try to establish long ignored basic truths so we can attempt to jump out of the pit and he is using nostalgia of the brits against themselves while stepping over me.

But why a "Cambridge fellow" would need to bring upfront an almost forgotten idol (a little god). A name that resonates (with mine) however the quoted phrase is plainly stupid. Wondering how many i would find if i start reading him. Nobody can control the past, especially the nostalgic, no matter how frustrating it might be, how big the name or how pretty the word sentences play; it's the laws of physics, universe and philosophy.

Rest it's all reverse and double and triple reverse psychology done mainly through the above association.

I have long pioneered the criticism of false local cultural and political revivalism for the benefit of the new (to us) Empire.

The true new live relentless and unbeatable global culture is tiktok.

10:05 Magic Expensive People

Statul nu a fost al nostru, nu este al nostru și nu va fi al nostru în vecii vecilor! Noi suntem Ungrovlahia, țara guvernată de navetiști unguri (maghiari whatever).

Dar cele 4 decenii de comunism marcat în principal prin secretism "de stat" au introdus în cultura românească o aversiune pentru  a ști despre tot ce înseamnă activitate financiară sau fiscală a statului. Nu este o pată pe creierul nostru. Totul a fost învăluit în mister timp de 40 sau 50 de ani cât a durat catastrofa așa zis comunistă, treburile la început păreau să meargă "bine" fără nici un fel de implicare a cetățenilor, până la un moment dat când Ceaușescu a devenit furios și s-a întrecut pe sine.

Toți lucrau practic la stat, multă lume s-a mutat la oraș iar cei "ajunși" și-au tras rudele după ei. Lipsa unui mecanism de dare de seamă și control a condus la vraiște. Toți își făceau servicii unii altora folosind resursele pe care le controlau.

Astăzi pur și simplu nu știm. Nu știm ce este Parlamentul, Guvernul și Bugetul. Nu a fost treaba noastră și a intrat în reflex să nu fie. Deceniile de lipsă de știri concrete și rapoarte false cu un singur politician pe televizor au dus la un reflex de aversiune.

Azi vedem că treburile nu merg deloc fără implicarea noastră. Însă pur și simplu nu știm de unde să apucăm această unealtă care ar trebui să fie statul.

Primii miniștri vin și pleacă și pozează până când obosesc în oameni folositori. De multe rezolvă probleme false sau chiar probleme pe care le creează ei înșiși doar pentru a se afla în treabă. După ce pleacă vin alții, timpul lor de inflorescență fiind de aproximativ un an. După ce se duc în general nu mai auzim de ei. Dar dacă nu știm ce fac și ce trebuie să facă, cum putem să verificăm ce fac sau ce au făcut? Nu există dări de seamă la sfârșit de an și mandat.

Aceste măsuri fiscale, reduceri de personal, se întâmplă în realitate? Se întâmplă de fapt altceva decât cheltuieli absolut necesare ca pensiile și salariile bugetarilor de rând ca profesorii, medicii, polițiștii care sunt sume importante dar ele reprezintă partea cea mai mică din buget. Unde se duc restul banilor?

De unde ar trebui să înceapă românii să-și controleze propriul stat, dacă nu au habar ce ar trebuie să facă?

Un loc bun ar fi Constituția și Bugetul. Există în Constituție unu articol care spune că nu poate exista nici o cheltuială bugetară (programată la început de an) fără să se precizeze sursa. Conform acestui articol nu ar trebui la 6 sau 8 luni să apară situații în care nu există bani la buget. Bugetul se proiectează și aprobă în Parlament la începutul anului. Nu e un timp prea lung. Dacă se respectă Constituția și se precizează sursele la început de an aceste situații nu pot apărea.

Ce surprize atât de mari pot să apară încât să existe programatele rectificări și iată așa zise măsuri fiscale, acoperiri ale găurilor și reduceri de personal, încălcând legile bugetului. Mai există și o lege a plafoanelor care stabilesc limitele acestor legi, care se dă de obicei în toamnă, mult înainte de apariția noului buget.

Pentru a alimenta confuzia apar tot ei și vorbesc despre găuri, împrumuturi de stat cu dedicație, pentru anumite scopuri, rectificări. Toate acestea nu ar trebui să existe, conform Constituției. Prin toate aceste discuții ei se acuză pe ei înșiși de încălcarea Constituției, a Legii Plafoanelor, a Legilor Bugetului.

De fapt cine știe dacă există cu adevărat. Găuri, rectificări. Există în schimb pe site-ul Ministerului de Finanțe și cel al al Camerei Deputaților fișiere cu Bugetul detaliat pe "ordonatori de credite" unde putem vedea ce cheltuieli are fiecare, care la unele ministere mari sunt enorme și inexplicabile. Link în dreapta sus.

Însă fără dări de seamă periodice toate sumele se topesc în liniște la sfârșit de an. E vorba de un total de peste o sută de miliarde de lei, care dispar. Toate conturile se reglează atunci și începe un nou an bugetar. De obicei apare și un guvern nou nouț cu un slogan croit pe problemele percepute de public în acel moment.

1:05 On a second thought. Would English be now a global language if it wasn't for the US and Hollywood?

1:47 Here is a Hungarian folk song that shows a link between Magyar and Chinese.

2:40 Please don't get me wrong. I love Brits and the English language. But their extraordinary skills as travelers and explorers and their attractive language have been manipulated into doing just this. Make in the end the world more controllable by THEM.

3:27 Tik Tok - ers. Relax. It's all been done before.

6:05 I went to deposit (sometimes a typo i just a typo) 20 dollars at the ATM near US Bank here in Tualatin because i went over the limit with 8 dollars when i went at WinCo. And didn't even get all the items, forgot some. A whole show at the check stands of course.

When i backed up there was this black Nissan partially seen in one of the pictures below that distracted me coming from my right when i was backing up. Then when i looked in the mirror i saw this blue car with dealer number backing in the same time with me but i stopped and avoided collision. No LPN on the blue car, WA LPN on the black. But i think her face is (barely) visible in one of the pictures. First image is with the balcony in the next building where the German Shepard lives and from where they were throwing blue doggy bags in the last week or so. There is a bin, sacks with empty soda cans that usually stink.

6:30 Of course both cars were gone when i got back here. Yes could have been expensive.

At the (US) Bank in downtown Tualatin, dejavu. I keep telling myself, first time when the branch is open when i get there i'm gonna open the door and say a few words in English to those guys like "fix the f...g ATMs!" But i never catch them open and i also keep forgetting (too many things going on my my life of course)

They were two Asian people at both ATMs and i waited like 10 minutes and then the woman on the right left with a big confident triumphal smile on her face and there was one one guy at the left who moved to the ATM on the right and i went on the left and again was not working, it just spit my money back like in the last few weeks or months when i wanted to deposit remainders from the casinos so we can actually be able to pay all the bills.

It has been years since one of those ATM haven't worked, usually the one on the left.

Earlier when i got back from WinCo with the groceries including candy, pretzels, munchies and soda, three kids passed behind the car when i was with the trunk open. Now they started to yell as the place is filling with smoke.

7:06 The white car with both guys upstairs pulled in the same time with me in a rare late afternoon appearance and i was mad enough to stop and attempt a good look at them and man did i ever see more lipstick on an Asian brown face, while he was hiding his under his hat's visor.

September 26

12:38 It is for the first time ever weather is presented like this (it started maybe a year ago). From the graphs we can realize the complexity of relationships between temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitations. Day night cycle of those, how temperature decreases at night in the first days with empty sky and then it goes up as the ground gets heated by the Sun during daytime.

I always use to say the job of meteorologists is derisory but i was wrong.

However they have now supercomputers that can model all these things and they usually only present the weather.

Within my universe, wind keeps on blowing from south. I went earlier, but given the rain and dark and the occasional smoking passerby i could not locate two of the poops though i smelled them.

Humidity outside right now is 99% and inside 69%, passing the recommended limit of 60%. I heard earlier a washer, yesterday they did it upstairs, the exhaust pipes that instead of going right through walls and outside are passed through walls and basement where they leak. Vapor condensates on the floor where insulation is fallen, and bulges the fiberboard on top.

Fiberboard is made with organic glue made of hides from slaughterhouses and i just found a piece outside rotting in the rain, breeding collagen eating bacteria and we both got bursitis, tendinitis and infections of the bladder due to those. God knows how long we are going to make it here.

12:56 Lately i got an unexpected opportunity to explore the wonderland of tiktok and man, it is not for the faint of heart. Women are now competing for points that may turn into cash and shake everything they got including huge eyelashes all seen through fish-eye lenses, but apparently most of the adults, even the internet savvy like me have no idea, it is a teens world and they are in hush mode because they like it.

It's like discovering a pile of candy hidden in a secret closet nobody knows about and they are up to their necks in it. Or passing through the mirror in the wonderland like Alice. But are they coming back soon?

Monday, September 25, 2023

Septemeber 25

8:20 Was looking at the world map and saw Nepal sitting at the crossroads between several cultural areas, also being isolated. An idea crossed my mind and did a search and what did i find.

A good percentage of the people there speak Sino-Tibetan languages while their eastern neighbors, the Bhutanese (name also coming from Buddha) all speak Sino-Tibetan.

Nepal is important because of Buddha of course but for other reasons. I tried to demonstrate over the years there is a Nepalese diaspora in Europe, and that is the Magyars of Hungary which nowadays is in process of changing name towards Magyarország together with the less known Szekelys of now Romania whom i identified as the clan of Buddha himself, but also a Migration to East Asia this time in a country with an  almost phonetically similar name.

Magyarország. A very interesting name that reflects the linguistic accumulations (agglutinations) in today's Hungarian (Magyar whatever). Root seem the name of Magars of Nepal (by the latest migration there) and the suffix seems... summerian.

That on top of classical or initial Hungarian, before Magar migration, which seems to be the noongar language of Australia, with names like Attila.

There are known claims of links between Magyar and Japanese but also between Magar and Magyar.

So it would be not in vain to try an attempt to a Chinese etymology for the name Magyar.

The reason behind all these. I woke up this morning with the first true relief for a series of mysterious illnesses lately linked to infections of different areas of the body that contain collagen or connective tissue while i constantly find pieces of bones on top of redwood mulch which is full of tannin in places where they could not be thrown randomly..

The reason was on top of using cutaneously administered antibiotics, was sleeping for the second night in my famous pod.

It is actually a sleeping bag made of the most reflective existent material, that is used for insulation in construction, it gently keeps your body temperature at night close to optimal or close to your mother's womb temperature at which all enzymes and processes are at optimal functioning. A whole body heated sleeping bag would not work as well because of overheating.

I hypothesized several times about the existence of ancient biological material manipulation that some may call magic, black magic, sorcery, witch_craft, name it. One of the ways this is done is by using bio-materials or tissue samples of the same composition as the target organs.

By throwing those on anti-bacterial surfaces close to target's home, they basically cultivate very resistant strains of bacteria that also specializes in feeding on those tissues. I keep constantly gathering pieces of bones, among other things from around the building 

Other goodies on top. She dog poops, pheromones, essential oils. Dominicani.

I don't expect of course they would understand all these things. However over millennia of isolation either in Nepal or Australia they might have learned these ways without knowing the processes behind.

9:06 Just remembered something. Angela keeps telling me the Vietnamese (Japanese, Chinese, hard to say) woman where she works during lunch breaks eats in front of her eggs that have actually turned into embryos with tiny bones and everything. Could that be also part of their magic, giving her some powers over influencing Angela. Bali, Balut.

The person upstairs that seems to guess my thoughts or emotions whatever and is constantly dancing on the floor upstairs, even while i write right now.

Magic of the number 4, so much present in today's and yesterday's media entertainment. Etc. etc..

I was talking with someone in Romania about 6 years ago and was telling her that no matter how high the science and technology have become (have some doubts about science though) the world is still run by undetectable magic. But it was mostly an intuition. In the meantime i gathered lots of proof.

(Really hope i'm not the only one who inventories allși  their tools and weapons).'
12:10 But it's alive when is boiled. Doga Cat?

12:17 Subliminal/subconscious gay deflection?

4:25 BTW i don't think it's a coincidence the Szekelys (Latin SiculorumSakya) settled next to the Land of Hutsuls, the descendants of Free Dacians or next to the birthplace of the whole Indo-European Civilization.

5:07 No sacrifice at all.

10:47 If they can do this to a whole city. I bet they can. There cannot be other explanation on how the Huns defeated the Romans.

11:21 Vederea proastă și alunecarea freudiană. Mă uitam la numele lati-fudi-harului scris cu litere mici și am văzut F în loc de B.

11:34 There was a strong wind earlier today. I went to look for pieces of garbage outside and i found behind the bushes a branch fallen from a tree about 20 ft long and i dragged it to the "no dumping area" where people who leave usually throw their furniture so it will bee seen and picked, otherwise could have stayed all winter there like some of the leaves last years. The black car belonging to the people upstairs is parked next to the garbage bin.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

September 24

10:44 To those who tried to help me last night. It worked a little, thank you. But it's not a permanent fix. Still got a number of questions on the subject. I was determined to find a site that offers free fish eye transformations, i found one but i have to sign up and put a card number and it's free only three days. And then my motivation got softened and then nullified by the entities upstairs.

One thing is sure. This summer encounter had an intense positive effect on me especially during last few weeks. I started to communicate better on the blog, focus, to figure things at a much higher rate, even try to defend myself from the bully. It feels like i'm coming back to life after a long hibernation. In fact, i forgot i can feel that way. That's why i'm so afraid of loosing it.

Upstairs. Ever since i woke up it just sits in there in one place and do little squeaks. I don't know how to describe it but best would be it somehow it taps into my brain and do that every time a tiny emotion is being released. Or better said, when i have this urge to communicate with someone about those subjects. But why i also have the urge not to talk about. Like a little secret. Is my subconscious happy to at least  communicate with someone no matter how.

Their reaction is almost instantaneous and i tend to believe is not human. But they have to do it while humans are present otherwise it would be really weird.

Of course i get all kinda of emotional reactions in my mind when i read news. It is what triggers to write back. The more intense the reactions the more intense the squeaks. And if i go over a certain limit then it starts walking and marching etc. making sounds comparable with thunder or stronger, matching my emotions. 

In the end i get into a state of total dissatisfaction. Like if somebody would try and deny you a physiological urge.

Anybody can please tell me what is this?

Over the years i tried to guess. Shin shin shin gan, vibrational electric or primordial impulse form of telepathy turned into bullying that manifests only emotionally, name it. Or simply some type technologically assisted bullying. But why somebody can afford to do this as a permanent job (in this case, two persons of which one is here all the time) and most important. Who are these guys and why are doing this.

Punishment or suppression of using this atavism, this ancient form of communication that somehow got awakened in me through yoga during high school?

I remember this when it first happened, in January 1996 i ended up been awake, not eating or drinking water for a week and then in the ER at the hospital in Vancouver they put me in a bed next to a woman who gave birth. They brought me some food but no water and then in the psychiatric ward at the other end of the town they gave me an ativan with a little water and i slept 12 hours. I continued drinking too little water in the hospital. It took weeks to re hydrate time in which i was feeling like paralyzed.

All described above are clearly true crimes, torture is not affected by statutes of limitations, Hilary Clinton acting as attorney Janet Anderson, Chris Mathews acting as attorney James Mayhew, Christiane Amanpour acting as a police officer, ER doctor, dr.Augusto Pro_ano, Dan Costan, Nelu Ciorba, Vlaicu, John Mladin, others are all involved, they all saw me during the time i was not sleeping and also hallucinating.

The whole story repeated while i was working at Epson in 1997.

As for invasion of privacy, sleep deprivation as a form of torture, polluting, coercing, that are continuing to the present, are also crimes. Any low enforcement agency, can they read this?

11:23 They left as i was writing about them. That happened before. That functionality has been taken over by other less convenient ways from their part. Slamming doors in the parking lot. Slamming the garbage bin. Car alarms and beeps. Soon there will be modified exhausts, etc.. Short or longer bursts of water in pipes. Now feeling the tiny bathroom tub or something. Something that didn't happen in months.

Now all i have to do is go and explore my environment for pollutants.

11:32 First reaction to a reaction. Amidst everything that happened here this morning and all the stuff i got to read before i got pissed off, one thing got stuck in my brain that is annoyingly related to what i wrote a few days ago. A form of suppressing information through superseding. Yeah i know the term brutărie for bakery is a linguistic accident in Romania. Pretty much like grocery in English.

(And the fact that every person who learned several languages becomes involuntarily a linguist and every person who is permanently bullied becomes a psychologist.)

11:45 Now it's all quiet. It happens when i successfully turn the attention to them.

11:54 But when i opened the back sliding door first thing i saw was this 19 year old Japanese actress posing as a 13 years wearing shorts and flashing me in a model position in her balcony and then walking in the yard like on a catwalk.

12:04 Now i hear the first exhaust of the day. Many will follow. Yeah i just listened to it. Nothing came out in the recording, frequency is too low for these mics.

12:18 I opened the door again, i felt smoke smell and saw the familiar mound on the right of my patio while i also feel dog poop smell. Her balcony is on the right.

I intentionally raised the camera to catch the balcony where she shows (on the left). Yes i've been thinking many times of taking a picture of her but i usually don't as it could get very complicated. However one day day this guy came and threatened me. "If you take a picture of my little sister i will kill you!" he said. Yes she looks like her too. Then they both died and later they both got back to life.

i don't know the exact moment when my day started to turn into something else but i feel like it's already been screwed up and it's only noon. BTW, i think i can have a drink now though my stomach, esophagus, pancreas, whatever it's hurting down there they all beg to differ and are opting out.

Also there is one week of dark weather again. It Oregon when it rains clouds get very low and it gets this dark. 

1:25 I am not trying to seduce you Nicu Ceaușesu. Is that a sued leather jacket? I had one like that just before i started college. A rare item in those days in Romania in a store in Câmpulung, like waiting for me in the day i got payed and didn't even really liked it but it seemed the only choice. Had boots to mach.

That summer i worked at the factory across the street and bought a few things. Got my first Levis jeans but when i washed them first time in the dorm in college they turned purple. I payed a one month salary for those from a guy who worked on a ship or something. Either counterfeit or someone added something in the detergent.

All Asians look the same. In this video Sir Elton looked a bit like him.

3:15 When you start becoming a minority. Yesterday at Spirit Mountain. About 20% of the people there were whites. Rest, a mixture of South Americans and Asians. All bumping into me like not seeing me (felt like i was transparent). But who knows which were which.

There was a band and a quite good old guitarist. Got to know who they were as he seemed familiar like from a recent post. Bassist seemed Japanese.

3:24 And BTW. The last time we left with a positive balance from a casino was when i last time wrote something similar before we went. Keep forgetting on writing it before i go and we keep loosing.

4:33 BTW i think i just saw her in the yard. Double of nothing.

The cycle is starting over. They came back with thunders upstairs.

5:10 So it is true. I was in the process of ordering some essence on Amazon as the time required for the recipes measures in weeks.

6:05 Angela went to the stores and i fell asleep with the door unlocked. Anybody could have entered here. Woke up with shortness of breath due to thick smoke outside.

Went to take the garbage and saw two women furthering away on foot one looking like her from behind and the other one wearing a neon green jacket...

9:20 This entry disappeared so i'm gonna write it again with original time stamp (aprox). I had a feeling those women are still in the complex as i heard a weird sound upstairs in the dining area. Went outside to look and the blinds were on and two people were talking in a balcony next to our building (other than the one in the picture). Also Angela bought some natural juice from the store to mix with water, "drink instead of soda" șhe said. I mixed some with grain alcohol and water to make liquor.