Monday, October 23, 2023

October 23

11:55 Why i stopped writing with no explanations. It is a form of protest, though to me writing was a form of protest. A protest on top of a protest.

Though i frequently listen music on car's radio during my trips (my fingers do not follow the same way my brain after a 5 days pause), i never realized or payed attention to Doja Cat's song Paint the Town Red (until i heard it on tiktok of course were else, thank you Alexa for this one too).

Maybe because it is has fewer profanities than others. However when i saw the video it was shocking and really underscored the conclusion i already made. The song is about me. And it's currently number one in 15 countries. A way of subliminally counteracting most of my themes of my standing protest.

Then in the same time i discovered yet another possible avatar of Seri Iwahori, other then the ones i already wrote about. And this one is threatening.  And didn't and still don't know how to describe it without triggering the underpromised retaliation.

But i broke ranks of my lone strike to write about only one thing. (Yeah i've been thinking if i had a chance to write about one more thing what would be the most important one to write about).

It is about yawning. Yeah i like to shock people hopefully drawing attention while exposing contradictions. Let me explain.

There are a number of "social quirks" that are contagious. To sympathetically synchronize behavior, some say. Yawning is so inducible you may yawn while reading this. Maybe the reason that long time yawning was considered impolite and unaccepted (semiconscious) behavior. But there are others less obvious. And more others nobody has ever written or spoke about it.

That is how i could explain the unconscious physiological changes that occur to me when i see a person usually with black pants and a considerable butt bowing backwards (the reverted usual social Japanese or Korean bow) at me while calculating or made aware (signaled) of the moment i look. Sometimes all the way to touching ground with hands. Under various pretexts, like grabbing dropped keys, things like that.

I still don't even realize something is happening and it took me a long time to make the link, and only because of the very high frequency they deliberately used it on me, thus making it statistically remarkable. 

Now i know the effects occur instantly with lowering of blood circulation in pelvic area and intestinal gas blockage and it manifests within minutes when pressure starts building up and propagate all the way to the diaphragm muscle that is also part of the breathing apparatus, with lowering of breathing capacity and twisting of the hard which is attached to through connective tissues and there goes your panic attack.

Diminished blood circulation (and intestinal absorption) starting with lower abdomen, pelvic area and legs, for a longer time may get you chronic constipation, weird, persistent, hard to cure urinary infections and possibly leg ulcerations. Other unknown effects.

And of course heart benefits at first of the lowering of blood circulation in some areas of the body and gets used to it making it "addictive" and when the condition lasted a long time and it reverts, you may go into partial heart failure. Easiest to diagnose. Coldness of hands and other extremities by closing blood circulation in non essential areas to compensate.

Also yoga poses done in public, or intimacy, and especially the lotus pose may have also weird, sometimes submissive effects on others. The rubbing fingers gesture.

An area modern western medicine never went to because they don't see any reason to. Spiritual, non contact martial arts, old magic, some would think but it's nothing but an (ancient) exploit of the so vulnerable human nature and physiology.

What scares me the most. It is most likely done also through mass media, during clips, movies and reading the news on TV and with any opportunity THEY through all kinda of poses and postures related to plain words can mass spread all kinda diseases and behaviors.

And BTW i already got one (type of panic attack) because all the time i was writing the above a dog was barking with crying accents and a big engine with small exhaust was revving in the vicinity).

Another one i wanted badly to write every day during my hiatus. Always thought they were saying come down or something... Or maybe they did and the lyrics are wrong. Rema? Rama? Roma?

10:15 About 12% of the Brits have supplemental private insurance, the rest go with NHS. Angela's insurance at Eaton cost the company 500 dollars and she also pays 150-200 her share on the payroll.

11:00 Metsubushi. I think it started after i came from my trip to Canyonville or after i moved the ozone generator in the bathroom (BTW i took it back, there is no more sewage smell coming from the floor space).

Now when i use the bathroom fan huge amounts of insulation dust are blown outside through cracks in the wall and some come back inside from under the door every time i use the fan. Upstairs noises stopped dramatically which means they are affected too. I think dust particles are too big to be quickly neutralized by the negative ions.

Or there is a big hole in a wall somewhere.

Or it's been like that for a long time but only now i feel it because of cessation of the smoke.

11:33 What do you know, they were two major holes in the walls i forgot about because of the smoke of course. As i said before, writing it down makes me remember. BTW, this is what i saw also during my walk on by today...
And the weird fog bank like cloud 20 miles inland (crazy jester followed me, found me in the fog, now you all can panic), and there was this guy looking familiar in a black Nissan that stood in my left blind spot in a passing area and tried to pass me when my lane ended and there was this woman with a dog at the next machine where Angela was playing and i was eating the remaining of the fries i didn't finish in the food court. 

Angela won a little to cover most of Saturday loses and we went to the bank to deposit it so she can pay the bills and next to her there was this Tesla driver with black shorts who dropped his receipt... Yes it works best with black shorts. But now that i know, i meditate a little and i'm fine.

11:58 Fortiter et recte. În premieră guvernul nu va mai face rectificarea bugetară. E greu să rectifici ceva ce nu știm exact cât e, cat a fost, cât a mai rămas.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 19

5:12 L-am găsit. Și? Tot ce vor face, la fel cum au mai făcut înainte, îl vor scoate din știri. Și? Am muncit o oră ca să fac postarea, fiindcă l-am găsit întâmplător în timp ce-l căutam pe Hamass ăla. Va face asta o diferență în imaginea de ansamblu (larger picture)? Vor învăța oamenii saltul de la particular la general pentru a descoperi regula, a o aplica pentru a vedea că toți sunt actori (unguri)?

Nu fiindcă oamenii nu sunt obișnuiți cu salturi din astea. Ei vor știri suculente cu un moșneag în aziluri, schiloade și fețe exotice, ca și cum nu ar avea destule. Nu le mai ajunge știrile false glamuroase fiindcă realitatea în care trăiesc ei este foarte foarte tristă.

5:42 Woke at 3 after 5 hours of sleep. I was fine for a while, did some searches (because i feel this is the most important thing i could do) when i felt a smoke like smell. Opened the back door and the smoke like smell was violently strong. Found a tiny hole i didn't plug with Quikrete the other day (now i'm out of it). I did my best to cover it with soil.

The smoke smell diminished gradually within half hour, but left a remnant of very strong soil smell, probably some mold that lives in the soil. Should i believe the initial smell that i perceived like smoke for so many years is actually a mold smell that comes from underground? Could this be one of the many masonic tricks?

One thing is sure, it is toxic and gives me a high, it changed my mood completely, made me instantly forget all my problems etc.. And i lived like this for many years.

Always reminding me of this dilemma. We are fragile when alone, but exposed to transmissible mass psychosis when in company of others.

6:20 Mă uitam tot așa prin știri și am zărit o bancnotă de 500 de lei cu fața lui Eminescu, ceva ce nu am văzut niciodată în realitate (ultima dată am fost în România în 2004). Mi se pare așa de ciudat și sado-masochist să vezi fața unui poet care a trăit și a murit sărac acum un secol și pe o bancnotă atât de mare.

6:50 Went to throw the garbage. Closest bin is full as i said since last Thursday with many bags on the ground. Went to the next closest one and there was a garage door open right next to the bin and when i passed by a guy came from around the corner, making it look like cutting my way towards his open garage.

7:30 What has he done now. Nevermind, it's just Q3 earning reports.


11:00 Right.

11:10 I'm loosing my mind just a little..

1:42 Zei peste zei. Covaci a cântat (yes i'm drunk).

3:08 The black BMW morphed into a tan van with a broken exhaust that tunders for more than 15 minutes now (still drunk and probably will be for the rest of the day).

3:10 Cel mai citit blog din România, românii ar trebui să știe ce înseamnă Zoso (deși nu știe exact nimeni, nici măcar Jimmy Page).

4:53 Angela came, she made a salad, we started to eat, 4 of them came in the back and yell like crazy. Had to put the blinds on, but hey are still there, yelling.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October 18

7:27 They decided it was time for me to wake up. Here's a dedication for them.

I had a neighbor in Bacău who looked exactly like Yoko Ono in this picture though she was supposed to be 25 or 30 or something. But i once said and can't find it right now is the Japanese woman narrator in this documentary about Yoshiwara is also her. Just like "Alexa" who in reality is 46 years old, is married to a musician (who was playing guitar in the live band at 7 feathers) and has 2 children.

8:35 Do you know what ozone smells like? The sparks inside the electric motor of the coffee grinder make ozone.

A while ago i bought an ozone/negative ion generator. But i wasn't careful, the generator is way too big for this apartment, is for industrial settings or maybe casinos, 4500 ft at maximum setting. Even at the lowest, is too much for the apartment. Yesterday i got really pissed off with the smells around here and let it on all day at the lowest but shut it down when around midnight.

When i woke up this morning it was still stinking in here like ozone. I think i ended the smoke smell by pouring Quikrete mixed with soil in the mole? holes next to basement. I started the bathroom fan and walked outside for a second and this time, and after being cleared out of other smells except ozone i realized outside it was smelling like sewage. I knew about that smell but never made the connection.

I know once i had the fan on and saw air flowing from a whole in the wall under sink. Which means there's a leak in the 4 inch flexible pipe at the bathroom fan. Leaks that when the fan is on pressurizes the walls and space between ceiling and floor, some 2 ft high empty space.

Once i stop the bathroom fan there's no more sewage smell outside. Which means the space between ceiling/upstairs floor, the walls, is filled with sewer gas. And when they step like this on the wooden floor, they actually pump it inside here. Instant. On demand.

So what i've done is i moved the ozone generator in the bathroom, set it on max and started the fan and now when i check outside there's less and less sewer smell.

I don't know exactly where the sewer gas is coming from. It could be only from that leak, that is when i start the fan after i use the bathroom. It could be from their toilet seat. I don't know but after almost 40 minutes of running the bathroom fan with the room saturated with ozone, the smell started to cleas outside.

While i was checking and opening the door several times, they did the trick with the morning sleeping kid. They brought a sleeping kid in a gray Toyota or Honda or something, stopped in the middle of the alley and started the lengthy and complicated procedure of unstrapping the kid and taking it in an apartment in building D that took like 5 minutes time in which i opened the door like 3 times.

I will repeat the procedure with the ozone and bathroom fan a couple of times to see if it clears the smell completely, if not it means there's another leak at the toilet seat.

10:10 Just called State Farm, they said the added Angela, the person i spoke with said the person i spoke yesterday is not there yet and he doesn't know why their email with the new card and policy didn't get to me yet.

11:43 Finally got a card in the email with both names on however my name is misspelled and can't go into my accounts cause the site is frozen.

1:09 Now i got two separate cards with only one name on each however it's my name on both, nothing for Angela.

1:33 Right. Farm equipment where all lead ends in food. Low flying small aircraft and helicopters.

2:20 I think i saw "Alexa" briefly in the park @12:30 with a 70 years old woman mask on her face, but i think it was moving too fast and alert to be that old and i think i recognized the shape of her body from behind. I had several encounters with her, first when i was sick with my hand and she had a jacket with a visible inscription saying UNWELL.

2:34 There is an open hole near the living wall, no smoke smell, but felt very sleepy when i went for the walk in the park. I squeezed a bit of Quikrete out of that bag but there's a couple of Comcast trucks. one in our spot one next to it, right near it and i feel shy of doing it in their presence. In the mean time more mole gas is coming here making me sick.

6:55 Ok i fixed the above, now they invaded that space and yelling. Whatever.

It's not that. The biggest problems is not Alexa. The biggest problem to me right now is if behind or before Alexa she was Ayesha Alexis Auciello, the woman from Los Angeles who started this new (sexual) revolution on TikTok and if she is also Seri Iwahori.

Alexa has many American culture samples or shall i say cultural staples included in her performances on all sites and to some degree she masters English. West Coast culture of course. So does Ayesha.

Which means that both must have lived on the wet coast US for at least 10 years though it is hard to say because in both cases it's all so obviously scripted and rehearsed and repeated and CGIed and made to look amateurish and stuff.

Second clue. Ayesha, Geisha. Rumored trans. Did you know first Geisha in Japan were men?

Third clue. Second name. Alexis.

Fourth. Stage name, Erotica.

Fifth. Location. Seri Iwahori and her husband Takuro own a house in Los Angeles.

Sixth. Seri's husband Takuro is a musician. He could be the man behind all the soundtracks of which some are indeed astoundingly good, some better (erotica, right) than today mainstream Dodge ya Cat and stuff. But what if...?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October 17

9:09 For a moment that actually lasted all morning i thought, after the Alexa episode ended, they are going to leave me alone. However that is simply not the case. Like a long time coincidence, all the time i was in the kitchen and out of direct sight through the big windows, the market went up. Though i have the microwave meter next to me when i use the laptop today i woke up again with pains in the same area where i kept it last night.

I am trying to use the PC but the lag is so great as i type it is almost inoperable. Windows. I plan to buy a cheap PC with no wi-fi and chrome on it but they are more expensive than Windows. And upstairs i hear noises like during a sumo wrestling match.

Reading the all fake news. People are living in a deep psychosis for such a long time and i am terrified cause i don't know who or what is going to drag them up of this. They believe in news and the world leaders are real.

9:32 Next to impossible, even the cheapest have built in wi-fi. Wondering if Amazon have some sort of customer service were you can ask them question like this.
Artificial intelligence? Neither Google or Amazon can answer a simple question like were can i buy a mini PC under 150 with no wi-fi on it. Wi-fi is now ubiquitous, we are trapped.

3:46 On August 31 i posted some pictures with sewer work. They started to replace the big line behind the complex starting with between these two buildings, across the alley, all the way to the street. It never crossed my mind as why.
In reality the line passes behind those buildings next to the wetland, google maps will only show the aproximate distance.
Yesterday there was some kinda mini flash flooding and there was a small river of water flowing through the alley. I filmed it but still didn't figure it out. I didn't catch it when it was the biggest, i misplaced my camera somewhere in the room, but it was twice as big. In the end, the water turned into mud and you can see the residue left for today in the next picture. But earlier before the flood i heard the city's cistern seweres working in the alley

What happens is all the sewer lines around the complex were clogged. Every year or several times a year they came with the cisterns and pumped the sewage from across the complex like they did yesterday. The river, the picture above show that some are still clogged. Could be the reason for my belly pains over the years, my constant nausea, the infection at my hand etc..

4:57 On October 5th i wrote. The day after tomorrow is 19 and Angela doesn't have insurance.

What happens is State Farm attract you with a low premium for a quote made online. Then the next day the agent contacts you with an email saying you have to review the quote. But when i tried at the main State Farm site the site said the quote is locked and i needed to call my local agent and then i got an email from him.

In my case it was Cedric Berry and he gave me a number and an email address. However when i called that number a woman answered and her name was Rachel Foster ( who is another agent. She even had Romanian as language of choice. However we spoke English and she said the quote was locked.

Then she said she needed 2 more minutes of my life in which i gave her the information she asked, she made a new quote with a slightly higher price and sent me the policies and the card without Angela on it.

Yesterday i sent them an email ( asking him to add Angela on the card and there was no reply. Again, today.

Then i called the same number i spoke with Rachel at. A woman who was not Rachel (forgot her name, i'm too mad) answered and started to ask about Angela's licence number and everything like she wanted to build a new policy. In the end i asked her if she does so that and she said she was going to send Angela's card right now and the new policy tomorrow and then i said something about this blog entry and she never sent me the card.

To this day i can see on MyAccount i made the payment but there are no "products" that is policies for me to see or modify.
5:36 Last insurance i had was with Progressive where i made the quote online and payed and din't have to interact with any agent. However they raised the premium from 600 to 900. I also made a quote with Geiko in the same time i made with SF and an agent emailed me.

6:45 Within the last hour or so a person came upstairs and makes heavy noises like dragging furniture across the room. This morning i opened the doors to air "intensively" and saw a guy with mainly the same look but thinner than the muscular one i saw the first time.

7:41 Done a number of quotes online until i got tired of it including one with Progressive. Best offer was 138 with collision and comprehensive for Hyundai, 96 without, Progressive which i had until now refused to give me a quote saying the theft rate for Hyundai got so high they can't insure them anymore.

Lately i was filling the holes next to building with soil from other mounds, the soil kept disappearing and ran out of mounds and i had this sack with Quikrete from a past attempt and used that one instead and plugged all holes with it and guess what. Today there is no smoke however we are both depressed and i actually started to think of my financial situation like i haven't done in years.

8:21 Nevermind smoke is back. Though in smaller amounts. Just enough. Harajuku

The kind i like to meet...

8:42 Naturally giddy...

10:15 (Won't u) Tell me if i'm coming on too strong...

Monday, October 16, 2023

October 16

1:00 Every day for us something new...

(keep wondering what the tall guy has down under).

7:50 Altruism and egoism are inseparable. Every time one does something for the benefit of others expects or at least hopes something in return, it is like an investment.

8:25 Last Thursday someone filled the garbage bin across the alley with furniture right after they picked the garbage, and people put all the garbage bags on the ground. There are 3 more bins around which are usually empty, "people" prefer to use this one.

There are for a few weeks now 2 couch pillows on the balcony accros that are wet from rain, left after the "Latino" kids played outside. When it's sunny, they put them one on top of the other so they won't possibly dry.

There are three wheels of the Chrysler and one black BMW with four flat tires in the spot where the Chrysler with four flat tires used to be, possibly a semantic reaction to this.

I started the ozone but garbage and mold smell coming from outside is stronger and soon my eyes will hurt and won't be able to do more matches and i'm nauseated anyways.

I think someone from upstairs left for the airport at 7 and now the ride is back and started the work on the floor.

10:05 Yes i think it is possible.

5:15 Kaiser Permanente. BTW, the US is the sole country among top 11 civilized countries without universal health insurance. While private health insurances like Kaiser Permanente thrive in the US, you won't see them competing with state insurances in those countries. Wondering why.

How much a dr. visit cost in France, how many people are insured through state.

5:42 On a hunch today i started to search for a woman in the list with Japanese actors, couldn't find her yet but i ran into many other interesting things. BTW. Jucika, Pal Pusztai in 1957 communist Hungary.