Showing posts sorted by relevance for query wheel. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query wheel. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Heidi and the Chipped Paint Wheel

I thought last week i made my appointment at Les Schwab for today, but i got a reminder in the mail on Monday for yesterday. Yesterday i just got the wheel, after that time of appointment, which i was expecting Tuesday evening.

As i said in fb, found the wheel at the door, around noon, i took the wheel to the truck, removed the spare, put it there to see if it fitted (can't trust those web sites, can you, was for a different year but the same part number) and it did, however some of the cheap paint remained on the thread of the bolts and the wheel got chipped on the edges, though not in the contact area, and the paint got chipped pretty bad on the edges (not  the rims) while i rolled it on asphalt.

So i went in there today with the wheel in my hands and tried to explained the hole thing to Heidi and in the end she asked me if i wanted a wheel or a tire.

How come in never thought of this, the Les Schwab places seems a bire haus, with rolling tires figuring kegs filled with compressed air.
So i asked her to get someone from the shop and after long ten minutes and asking her one more time here he came, the same nervous guy i talked to last time, i think he looks like a Hungarian singer, i saw him after in one of the searches, i'm sorry i didn't save his name. He reminds me of the nervous character cop from Pink Panther movies.

I explained to him that if the paint gets chipped in the contact area during the tire installation, it may leak, he kept saying that even if it does i won't see those, and; finally "he can't guarantee it's not going to leak".

At some point i thought of just buying the tire and installing it myself, but then i also had to buy the valve and install it, too much trouble. So i just took a chance and let it there cause i couldn't wait, may not find any parking space after 11 and don't want to park illegally at the Meridian Parking lot where they stole the wheel in the first place (though i added comprehensive, deductible 100 at my insurance).

Back home, i remembered the dog poos issue. So i grabbed a bag and a glove and went for those. They were two exactly in the same spot i saw them; yesterday, when i stuck a stick into the ground to find them. However last night there was this guy in the patio (he is always there in the afternoon and evenings) and he made me nervous and couldn't find those. The second time i went he was... eating.

So i went today, grabbed those, found some more, about 6 piles in total, and when i went in the area where i found most yesterday, in a space between some bushes and the end of the garages uphill, i thought i saw a nervous shadow passing on the other end of the bushes, coming on the alley from the other side of the garage, but couldn't see the shadow getting out. So i stepped back and aside and saw a woman suddenly yelling at her dog: "Common, go!" and leaving stepping very nervously showing a thin and well maintained body. Couldn't see her face well because sun was coming from her direction, kept looking at the large tattoo on her right elbow as she was farthering, she turned around, like she knew i was looking, i really hope it wasn't one from my recent posts but can't guarantee.

So i came back to wash my hands and write this and i saw market started to go back up around the moment of that encounter.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

70 miles, 3 Useless Hours in Traffic

Winter is over. Hottest day of the year so far. Got to spend two hours of a gorgeous weather in traffic. I would otherwise have stayed at home and didn't see it.

This afternoon i went again to the junkyard to try and get a spare wheel/tire. That is exchange the wrong one i got. Couldn't find the receipt (i keep all receipts for all the years i've been here). In there a bearded guy who look familiar let me in to try and find an different one. But for that i had to sign on a sheet of paper with many other signatures.

Couldn't find one in time. Tried to get back home before Angela got here (got a sign at the door, she ignores it). The guy at the counter dragged me into a long conversation when i left. Asked him if he could give me in store credit for the wheel, he said no without receipt. Got behind a slowing moving vehicle on long Sherwood st and got here right after she came. Could have stayed more at the junkyard and measure wheels. Though only when i left i figured how. Wheel diameter is not the biggest diameter you can measure but one inch smaller. Don't know why.

Inside the junkyard. Sexy models walking on alleys while guys where showing in the same ling of sight. I heard a woman yelling in a conversation on the phone or with someone else. "Money first!".

Earlier i spoke with a guy at Les Schwab i knew since 97. He was ambiguous about possibility of swapping the one i got, he said i got to talk to the supervisor, put me through but nobody came at the phone for several minutes so i just hanged up.

So after coming from junkyard i took Angela's car and just went there. Don't know, 20 miles or so. Took the long way on 26. Right when i wanted to get out of the complex, a young woman with a tan Volvo coming from right entered the alley unexpectedly, haven't seen her due to a complex traffic situation. Had to hit brakes to avoid her. Again the extra wide and long windshield pillar played a role. (Not my car in the picture, but similar).

Got there only to see he went home early. Talked to a young guy who ran to my trunk and grabbed one my grocery cardboard boxes (got two to avoid groceries rolling around the trunk) before i had a chance to pull myself the spare wheel to show it to him.

Said they cannot accept those, only if i wanted to buy a full size wheel which would cost me more than on Amazon.

Asked him if they where any red light cameras on 185 where i came from, he said probably not. Got into a long conversation with him about legality of red light cameras. BTW i think they are not legal since only cops can issue tickets, not out of state contractors. I noticed he was talking faster and faster until i could not catch up with him in conversation.

Came back home, i knew at that hour 217 was very slow and i tried 26 and I5. Haven't seen a map of the area in while, have never been on that route at rush hour in the last 10 years maybe, now i realize it was stupid, especially that it was so slow. The only place where it got faster was at the Terwilliger curves, most dangerous curves on I5, and after.

Last night i figured there might be too much oil in the catch can and at bumps and sudden maneuvers it can just splash in the intake pipe. I pulled 2 ounces of oil or more with a 5 dollar garden pump i got from Walmart for this purpose.

Car never drove this smoothly, either because of that or because i torqued the wheels correctly yesterday after the guys at Les Schwab in 217 and 99 missed to torque one nut per each wheel two days ago.

Monday, March 13, 2023

March 12

12:35 Today i wanted to go to Lincoln City. At about 2 PM, a few miles from Spirit Mountain or after about 45 miles drive a warning light came on. A flat tire. I stopped there, changed it with a spare. A piece of polycarbonate in the same wheel the last two flats occurred. Right rear. Because that wheel is the only one you cannot see from our door or window.

When i had the accident August 22 i had a flat on the same wheel, discovered it here in the parking lot, replaced with it a spare, was going with "only" speed limit or 60 (96 kmh) on I5 because of that, some guy hit me intentionally from behind pretending i changed lane in front of him while going too slow. Then why he didn't stop making it a hit and run?

Tonight there was at least one guy who was driving strangely behind me and passed me inches away from my rear.

They were a couple of holes under front of the door i didn't plug and i realized i was under some influence when i changed the spare (couldn't figure how to properly use the jack, one hour after i left).

As i pulled that wheel, i saw it's got uneven wear. I knew i had 1.5 negative camber on the rears by design. But i didn't know it was supposed to wear the tires. I don't believe it's adjustable either. There are available on line non OEM kits to modify that angle.

6:17 Got the tire fixed.

6:34 Apropo de Gershwin, mi-am amintit o fază...

7:27 Copil fiind cândva în anul 73 sau 74 un profesor care a venit în locul nevestei care parcă era și ea suplinitoare a venit la o oră (oare aveam ore de muzică) cu un picup și un disc cu Simfonia a noua de Beethoven. Cea mai simplă și genială melodie din lume. Țin minte clasa din școala nouă, încălzită cu calorifer, totul era așa de promițător în România acelor ani. Mi se făcuse pielea găină și visam la viitor. Nu a fost să fie. În câțiva ani totul și toși au luat-o razna în România. Nu are rost să mai spun, toți știm ce a fost. Acum eu știu și maneverele din spate.

După ce am ascultat Simfonia a 9-a, țin minte că am auzit undeva de Sonata Lunii, ca nume dar nu am ascultat-o niciodată cred (deși probabil o auzisem poate la radio dar nu știam ce e). În liceu când la un moment dat am avut și bursă, puteam să-mi fi cumpărat un picup și discuri de muzică simfonică, dar nu m-a dus mintea chiar până acolo. Și mușcasem deja momeala rock-ului și a disco-ului iar discurile acelea nu existau (decât pentru unii).

Pun aici video-ul cu Sonata Lunii sperând să fac și eu un gest similar cu profesorul de atunci...

Beethoven, o muzică mult mai ușor de ascultat decât ar crede mulți. De fapt cu el începe cred muzica modernă așa cum o știm cu toții. La secunda 35 începe melodia care se cântă cu un singur deget (mic de la dreapta) în timp ce toate celelalte fac arpegii și acorduri după care arpegiile și acordurile încep să se transforme în melodie... Chiar, începutul e așa de ușor de cântat cred că aș putea... Poate mă enervez și-mi trag clapa MIDI jos din dulap... Oare e posibil să încerc să re-învăț note?

Ok la secunda 615 (10:15) vine o furtună cu nori repezi care trec peste lună (o cavalcadă în liniștea nopții?). Piesa nu mai e ușor de cântat de către începători. Acele suite crescătoare tumultuoase care le regăsim până la Gershwin. Un kung fu muzical, o evadare din clavecinul static al lui Vivaldi.

12:37 Stăteau acolo și mă așteptau... Nu știu ce mi-a venit. Nostalgia, care întodeauna crează probleme (aparigraha). Am căutat Sonata Lunii de Beethoven și primul rezultat care mi-a ieșit (bine al doilea, primul era cu tabloul lui Beethoven care nu făcea nimic) a fost un video de un pianist Rousseau care face efecte video pe albastru. Cu coada ochii am zărit și Clair de Lune de același pianist cu efecte pe roșu... Și nu m-am gândit și le-am postat. Judecați dvs.. După un timp m-am prins și am pus altceva în loc...

Friday, October 15, 2021

October 15

12:47 Tonight i saw they were more items added on top of those but i just gave up taking pictures. Also tried to add the new Hyundai on my insurance policy on Progressive web site and ran into the same problem like last time. It will let you add coverage, play with it for an hour or whatever it but the policy won't change. It's good though cause you can add and remove items and see the price changes. Then a phone number pops up and you get to talk to one of their guys who would add it for you and even tell you verbally the new vehicle has been added but i believe changes will be reflected on your policy only after 5 days. In other words, only thing you can do online by yourself is to remove, not add coverage. I believe it's some sort of hidden, undeclared delay for their own protection like if someone wanted to add a vehicle after it was damaged, stolen etc. or even fraud. In the end he told me about renters' insurance, i wanted for a while now to switch it from Farmers to Progressive where i have my vehicles, cause they will give me a discount for vehicles if i have that on their policy, however they switched me to a third party which asks for more than i currently pay (10 dollars a month) and demand a checking account for monthly automatic drafts. Spent several hours both online and on the phone, talking to who knows whom, especially dollar amounts.

2:12 Today again i used the laptop briefly in the truck and now i got pains though less intense, in about the same areas, on upper side of legs, from knees, belly and all the way to chin and thyroid area. I found on google that laptops normally do emit toxic levels of em frequencies, but what if they are defective or hacked?

9:13 Just looked online, max power for 2.4 Ghz wi-fi is 100 mW or 0.1 Watts. Thinking. If you use it for ten minutes, you get the equivalent of 60 Watts used for one second, right? My current microwave oven works at the same 2.4 GHz and outputs 600 Watts. It's like holding your hand inside for .1 seconds, right?

3:04 It looks like i have no choice here but tell a part of the story with the car. Today i drove back to the shop to take some pictures of several things, to get the type of headlights, etc.. Last night i ordered a fender.

In the first day i saw the car, i drove it briefly and heard a grinding noise on the front right side especially when turning right. I raised the car on jack on a firm point next to the wheel belonging to the frame, far from plastic shields like i did so many times with the old Elantra and so many other cars. I put the car in neutral, turned the wheel and i saw the axle was also oscillating while rotating. Yesterday i went to Autozone and bought an aftermarket one and installed it myself and the noise was gone. But while doing this i saw the floor shield bumped up and raised. None of these two problems where mentioned on the site at the auction.

I really regret i didn't take pictures yesterday, like i always do. I was very tired in an unfamiliar place and there was this familiar smoke smell (like here at the apartment) that was making me high. The guys i spoke with today said some of their neighbors do drugs, especially the ones with many Halloween decorations and on occasions they also jumped the fence, boke windows for stealing batteries so they leave the cars open. Today when i took these pictures with a flash under the car there was this plane circling on very low altitude and i was nervous using the flash upwards so i took a video of the plane and it left when i uploaded it. But the pictures are few and didn't come exactly how i wanted, also again being dizzy from that smoke, but not like in other times. Middle click (mouse wheel) to zoom. Forklift imprints are seen in the shield on the upper side. I bet if you measure that print you will get the width of the forklift's arm.

Then there is this weird indentation on the right of the picture i just can't make sense. I didn't see much when i took the pictures. The smoke and very shiny sunlight prvented me from seeing on phone's screen.

9:29 "Thank You For the Music" Câteodată ăștia chiar pe știrile cele mai nașpa mă fac să zâmbesc... De data asta Orban (al nostru) a nimerit-o (în titlu, nu am citit tot articolul). Însă nu e de râs, cei sacrificați în realitate suntem noi toți, timpul nostru care se scurge la umbra marelui Atilla... Chiar, nu știu cum mai putem zâmbi, râde, merge de pe o zi pe alta.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Dharma Wheel of Nikola Tesla

I think Tesla might have had a good intuition interpreting the dharma wheel of Buddhism or star of Ishtar or contemporary Scientology cross (yes i believe our future lays in the mnemonics of the past religions) but it is not quite the way he did it.

Disregarding those formulas, and seeing this representation as a photon in transversal plane it could all be the pulsating cross quanta may create besides time and space, also gravity.

The words tryadha vyavasthita sarva buddha in the mantra translate literally "three expected for each light (color?)" corresponding to the three components in some ancient representations in the center of the wheel that could mean each proton is made of three quarks.


1:12 1/5/2024 version

It is not quite like that. I assumed the magnetic field line starts in the middle of nowhere and probably would have if the electron would have an initial vertical speed.

However its descending speed starts from zero and in the initial moment the single magnetic field line starts from near the electron and extends on a parable like curve in a plane perpendicular to the trajectory of the electron that contains the electron, if there are no other electrons to interfere with the electron's falling speed or trajectory. Then it's gonna be a more complicated curve.

During the constant speed phase it moves on a circle on a the same plane and the trajectory is helicoidal with a constant radius.

It seems the electron during acceleration phase is ceding its energy to the virtual field line. The only way this can happen is if the field line is the trajectory of a positive virtual charge that furthers from the electron by increasing the radius of that helix. During deceleration the electron looses speed and energy and the virtual charge gets back close to it. 

The trajectory as a whole seems like the shape of a 3D horse shoe  that is part of a helix with variable and constant radius or the edges of a propeller arm.

The virtual positive charge moving in a circuit that seems closed in a view in the direction of the fall, would create a negative virtual charge moving on a trajectory similar to that of the falling electron. For the accelerating and decelerating part of the cause the virtual charge would move at different angle both looking like an pharaoh's crook and flail with both constantly changing angles and propagating with each step?

Year is 2024 and i am shocked by the fact nobody looked into this until now. That is the shape of a single magnetic field line generated by a falling electron. They instead look in the cloud chamber of the LHC, the most complicated machine built on Earth. Unless if it's all a big coverup and they knew this from the beginning of quantum mechanics era.

Another ancient source that is less obvious. There are spirals in this Ancient Egypt amulet near other details (square, wings) that seem to represent right angles, half right angles in the context of an eye that might represent light and a bird that might represent gravity.

The tilak. Never knew it is called like that. And a 3D U shaped version on Amazon.

I think after a major world conflict people's knowledge broke into pieces. Like Sanskrit broke into many European and Indian languages, each keeping different words, the same happened with the advanced knowledge. People tried to pass it down to further generations that reverted to stone edge.

They knew they had to somehow preserve the important parts and painted those on the forehead of their children, or  built pharaoh's masks waiting for a revival which never took place. The pieces and symbols and stories became different religions as we know them and humans never reverted to the highly advanced civilization (Heaven for all) that was once here on Earth and it is possible the intruders who are probably the ones who built the pyramids survived as well without knowledge of their past.

But nowadays they are obviously way ahead of us.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 28

6:18 After taking Angela to work i went for a short walk in the park (to help eliminate some of the alcohol in my my sytem). In the dark parking lot there was something moving and waited until she came under light and i saw there was a woman with a dog. They were two cars i met on the street, and both at the stop sign, when they slow down. When i came back i picked a few items from the red chips, i know there is a dog poo somewhere but just can't find it within the leaves and inside is smelling like dog and mold.

6:38 Curious to see how Hungarian women look like, seen by one of their painters?

6:45 Searching for a face. Here's a preview. First walk upstairs. I feel nauseated by the dog smell. Did i tell i found last night another mat in the "no dumping" place and took it next to the garbage bin?

6:49 Ce mai fac politicienii când nu sunt în știri? Astăzi, Crin Antonescu. Altădată cap de afiș, președinte interimar pentru o lună în locul lui Băse, astăzi mai știe cineva de el? Tulcea, my (dog smelling) a...

8:05 He went once to the car before he left. A mixture of cigarette smoke and dust came in. Got to hose the stairs.

8:42 Hosed the stairs, lots of dust already got inside, contaminated the fridge. Used the rack and gathered the leaves in suspected areas. Found at least one piece of dog poo, as the leaves where smelling. More nausea. Threw away three 13 gallons sacks of wet leaves (about 50 pounds in total). Got to go in Hillsboro Auto Wrecking need to check with google maps first.

8:44 Divele și politicienii ce (se) mai pozează așa. Looks clear.

6:13 Good news. I was able to pick the wheel at Hillsboro Auto Wrecking. For that, i did a total of 78 miles, accompanied, as usually by all kinda crazy drivers, which made it much more difficult, though there was no wind and the truck was not drifting any more.

The wheel looked intact but it had some abrasions around the rim in the area of contact with the tire from removing the tire with a tool at a "slightly different" angle. I borrowed some fine 400 sandpaper from the shop and sanded those out, otherwise i think it could have leaked. Used a water hose and some toilet paper to clean the dust i made and any dirt inside as it could damage the valve.

Here next to the old one. I also used coarser sandpaper to remove the cutting edges of the damaged area (forget to take a picture before, still got some visible cracks) so the tire won't be damaged in the transfer process. At the tire shop i was watching the process of transferring the tire when a delivery van or something backed up in my direction (after an Asian woman came to watch as well her vehicle) but i got pulled out of the way by one of those (Russian) guys from the shop, that was conveniently located 2 buildings away from where my car is.

Good news. They will bring the car inside and start working at by the end of the week (as promised). I also was directed to move the car out of the puddle on a dry area.

Bad news. Crashed with hunger and instead of using google maps i just used google (keep forgetting) and it took me to a Carl's Jr about 10 miles away. The jack i used to lift the car had a "blocked" piston, and had to interrupt the work of the man to have it unblocked. After replacing the wheel (had the spare in its place) i took the borrowed tools inside, including the compressed air hose for the impact wrench. While doing so i touched with the dirty hose that was in the puddle a freshly clear coated car. It did not damage the paint but after wiping it out with a rag, it lost the "freshly painted" shine. I showed it to the man, he said that area will be buffed anyways because right on top of it they were drops of clear coat that "tricked" during the coating job, that need to be sanded and buffed out, which they did right after. I also saw a very small dent under the shiny coat some 2 feet to the right of that area.

The short 1 ft 1/2 inch wrench that i borrowed, with a pipe as extension to torque the lug nuts that yesterday was working, today it looked damaged, looks like the spring in the clicking mechanism was broken.

Just remembered something. I tried to torque the lug nuts on the right front (where i did the axle that BTW is again not fully torqued, didn't have the tool) with the same improvisation, wrench/pipe, the ones i torqued again with the only short wrench but they seemed over torqued. Need to check those again tomorrow, borrow a torque wrench from O'Reilly's.

Good news. I slept about one hour right before i wrote here, on top of the 5 last night. Bad news. Got awakened by the TV upstairs.

7:28 I thought alcohol in bread is the reason for this Jewish ritual. Alcohol in bread is bad news for recovering alcoholics. 200 gr of bread may contain up to 3.8 grams of alcohol or the equivalent of 1/3 of a liquor shot or 100 ml of light beer. How about children, drivers?

8:30 Las' că vine generalul Nicolae Ciucescu și pune armata pe ei. Cum care armată? Aia de mercenari profesioniști (ca a lui Mihai Viteazu) (or fi și ăia tot actori?).

9:19 This guy looks familiar. Pretty much like this one.

1015 Unknown Hungarian actress seen through the lens of one of their own photographers. What man? Is there a man in the picture as well? Can't see any man.
11:09 Since driving the car in the shop's lot seems to be a big issue, i just applied for a trip permit, effective seven days from now (November 4), though i don't know when the car is going to be ready.

11:38 Cu sau fără "guvern" în România, nici o diferență. Românii plătesc în continuare impozite pe salarii, TVA, taxă pe profit (cel mai mare act al guvernelor), iar bugetul (aceste taxe adunate plus ceva împrumuturi, în total 400 miliarde lei/anual) curge în continuare liniștit pe apa sâmbetei.

Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29

10:28 Just got home and had to move the truck because Saturday i found another warning ticket saying that it will be towed Tuesday.

In this complex we only have one designated parking spot. There are a number of visitors spots, about 15% of the total that people are competing over, to park their second car. However from time to time, if the car is parked for too long on a visitor spot, they will put a warning sticker on your car. My truck was on the same visitor spot since last Thursday, when i last used it, or for two days, however it was in that spot before Thursday as i could not find. Some people don't move their vehicles from visitors spots for weeks. Some just exchange spots with others also on visitor spots.

I write this because tonight the spot next to ours, belonging upstairs was empty (it was used by other people in the last few days) because nobody lives upstairs nowadays and i parked my truck there, for a few hours, or until 4:30 Tuesday morning. I used that spot in the past when that apartment upstairs was vacated and once i was told not to use it anymore.

The alternative is to move it at the Meridian parking lot at the street until morning when i can park it here after Angela leaves, but there i had a number of problems, including a stolen wheel and catalytic. So i have no emotions free alternative tonight.

Earlier. Yesterday and today i avoided a number of ready made accidents (highest on a 24 hours period so far). They all would have been my fault of course. But maybe the most interesting was in Florence Oregon. I came out of a street onto a boulevard. There was this gray older van possibly a VW but second generation (bigger, more solid, square at corners, maybe 80s) coming from the left, at least 300 ft away.

Until i accelerated to speed limit +10 it caught up with me, must have been speeding big time, as i saw it on the mirror only ft away, though the mirror was on night mode since earlier (a long story, somebody with an RV was annoying me when in a parking lot and turned not to see him anymore). In that moment i accelerated more and narrowly escaped. Would have been my fault (going too slow, getting in front of her).

At the intersection i was waiting for green (didn't make a right turn on red or couldn't because of traffic) and it caught up with me on the other lane and looked and guess who it was. It was the artist known as Lady Gaga though i didn't recognized her at first and gave her the finger in frustration and she tried to keep her cool and smile large at me as only she could, making a gesture with her hands claiming ignorance. "What?". I was telling Angela. No cop in his right mind would arrest Lady Gaga for trying to create an accident.

The combined crimes that describe what she did including conspiracy with others to commit those would total probably life in prison. However there is a possibility she was behind the wheel of a retrofitted self driving vehicle (the gesture with her hands above the wheel).

I now remember that yesterday when i left i got behind an SUV with a vine Oregon LP saying GAGAS.Also the car was messed with since i last drove it. All electrical connections to battery and alternator were weakened and contaminated. Had to tighten the battery connectors one by one, and stopped several times, and also cleaned the alternator connector with alcohol (did it only this morning) to make it work back at 44 mpg on a highway (without having to stop, a stop and/or idling would affect that).

Two weeks ago i took a picture of the left front brakes, and though i had at least two more mm or 20k miles to go until that angled part ends but today the plates look much more thinner, like i have to replace them right away. Amazing how far the original ceramic plate went (102kmiles). However last 30k were done by me mostly on highways (outside city) when brakes are not used as much per mile. No sound from the indicator. I'll see tomorrow.

Also, for months now, any vehicle that gets behind me comes too close. When i try to stop and let them pass and restart (that cost me on mpg), others come right away and do the same as they were organized (criminals).

We made a reservation a while ago at a hotel for the week June 11-27, Angela made a vacation request at the same time, however no response yet.

This morning Angela started the phone in the bathroom at the hotel in the same that i was with the meter in my hand next to the door trying to keep away from the oven while heating water for tea and noodles (that was much more leaky than others before). But i noticed the meter was not beeping or showing anything during startup of her phone, or one meter away.

I attributed that to the fact the tower was less than a quarter of mile away and phone was on lowest emitting setting.

I decided to use it myself (her phone not mine) to modify something on the blog on the post with... cell phones radiation (remembered about the polar lipid bylayer i once wrote in a post about). However when i started it (Angela stopped it as per our new rules) the beeper went crazy (never saw readings so high from a phone before, even from 3-4 meters away), probably got connected to another more distant tower and i had to refuge in the other corner of the room still getting high readings until startup and initial protocol with tower ended and then when i tried to approach it the emission power was still too high and i just shut it down.

The hotel room was reasonably clean except for the windows. There was a thick layer of pickled smoke algae on the outside. I think it happens only in building D. I tried to clean it but could only picked some of it. There was smoke coming from fires on the beach. A number of people on the beach but only in front of our room, and they all seemed Japanese. After eating and having a few drinks i fell asleep and woke up in an hour or so very sick, probably because of nose congestion. I almost could not walk to the casino to find Angela.

Gradually got better inside the casino where there was no smoke and after breathing on my mouth for an hour or so. Went to sleep at 2:30. In the morning the exaggerated, unexplained, most likely intentional noises from 5 surrounding rooms woke me a number of times. Could not sleep between 5:30 and 7:30 because my right eye was itching badly from cleaning the windows and because i was thinking of the polar lipid bylayer of my poor cells that have been exposed for so long. Slept maybe 6 hours in about 10 fragments. After that i drove for about 220 miles.

Won a little, for the first time maybe since Easter which confirms my theory. They set the machines loose on holidays.

12:25 Gaga, Giga (Hertz). It totally makes sense.

Friday, December 3, 2021

December 03

6:25 The amount of smoke during last days but especially yesterday here in the apartment was incredible. I worked at the car for several hours and every time i was coming back inside i smelled it. Don't know what it was, most likely kratom. When i finished i got back in here and i knew we will not be able to sleep with that smoke then i checked in a place i haven't checked in a long time. Under the siding next to bedroom floor. All the area alongside concrete foundation under bedroom window was caved. I stepped on it, it remained like a small ditch. My suspicion for a long time is people are passing by with their dogs and stick something self burning (containing an oxygen releasing chemical like saltpeter) in the ground. Due to thermal flow around the building, the smoke is getting under siding and inside walls.

One of the the stupid things i've done yesterday. I had the car's wheel inside, and i accidentally released it on the stairs. I tried to grab it but started moving towards my neighbor's car and hit the front bumper, perpendicularly (given the direction of the stairs). It wasn't going that fast and i wasn't expecting any damage, but when i looked closer i saw exactly in the impact point an abrasion, that was done earlier, because it had horizontal grooves most likely by hitting a curb. I don't want to speculate on how they actually programed my brain to do this, but i know how they did it and sadly it's not the first time. If it would have happen if i wasn't on that whatever it's coming from the ground. No i don't think it would but that was only a factor.
As for my car. One of the problems is i got a -2 degrees camber misalignment on left or where the car was hit in the last accident. The strut is bent and cracked. The right strut is cracked as well, but the cracks in both struts are due to fatigue, not shock during accident. So i first ordered two on the right, by mistake, on a site, which are arriving tomorrow, and the one on the left on Amazon that came two days ago. Monroe. They are for Elantra SE not SEL but on different sites i found they are compatible. On the site i ordered first two they are theoretically 77 dollars + shiping, on Hyundai OEM sites they are listed between 150 and 280, for different part numbers that are actully compatible. I would expect here in Portland at the dealers they will be around 400 a piece, all with no spring. But i suspect they have a design problem that makes them prone to cracking. Which brings me to my failure yesterday of transfering the spring on the left strut because i could not take the nut on top (after succesfully compressing the string with a tool i ordered) because i didn't have an impact wrench. So i just put the bent strut back before i came in and dealt with the smoke. Here in t his image you can see how the strut is bent. 6:44 But before i gave up i went to O'Reilly's, Home Depot and Lowes searching for a tool to hold on the weird looking metal part that's under the top nut on the strut. It's got two indentations which i assume you could get with a tool resembling a fan clutch tool or a tool for a flange. I found both of them but not the right size. Impact wrenches work with inertia of the strut rod instead, no need to counter torque on a stationary part while trying to get the stuck nut at over 100 ft lbs. I don't know if electric impact wrenches are as good as pneumatics, especially the ones i can afford which run for about 50 bucks on Amazon, but i think i'll order one. When i went and especially when i came back i realized i'm high (which i still am after at least 6 hours being smoke free now) and i saw on the alley two Police SUVs. As i could not find a spot, i went back with the truck at Meridian, and came back walking and when i passed the first Police car (closest to intersection, worried sick because my car was sitting there on jacks laid on a side) the engine started by itself and then it stopped several seconds later. I thought is for refreshing the battery for having all the computers in there running, but i also believe it was what made me let the wheel going down on the stairs by itself. It has all been predicted, so they also made the dent on the bumper of my neighbor's car in the exact spot where the wheel hit it.

I remember when i was in high school, i think it was during the fall of 77 one of my roommates, the one who looked like Travolta, told me that the brain can be programmed in such ways that they could make you open a book at a certain page.

7:38 The way it happens, is it increases concentration gradually and actually don't feel it. I just went outside, there was heavy smoke around the building, looked and stepped on soft areas in known spots, from alley's curb to the bushes, all around  the building, the smoke started to subside, got used to cleaner air, when i got back inside it was then when i realized how much it was.

1:22 Just figured how it all started. A few days ago i wrote about smoke from an unknown source flooding  the whole area on December 1st. Smelling like wildfire smoke. While i couldn't figure where it came from, the smoke persisted the next days by turning into a very local, around this building only smoke, but now i was too high to realize. Earlier. A Niagara like sound started through the pipes. Could it be a shower, a washer.  Didn't happen in a while. Which means they are using that so rarely (guy upstairs is not home).

8:10 I was quietly reading the news and making comments in my mind when i heard this commotion upstairs, right on top of me, other then the "normal" squeaks that accompany every my move and thought, for hours at a time. Trying to imagine what it was. Jumping from a chair or the coach on the floor of a short but muscular guy. Scaring the hell out of me. Followed by yells. What is the guy pretending he's doing? It must be this title i was looking at, thinking of clicking on it. The truth is he keeps me on being mad for hours at the time. Can this be categorized as some type of torture? I bet it does but there's nobody here except me and them. "I'm the only real one among the hundreds of thousands of demented actors".

11:44 How many wolves in a pack?

Monday, June 19, 2023

June 19

2:10 One more push for Angela's vacation. With four hours of sleep i decide to drive the 108x2 miles to Indian Head. 4 hours drive in total.

But before that i found the strength to put the torque wrench on that nut. Guess what. It was torqued over 27 (should be between 25 and 30) by me with a 6 inch ratchet the night before.

Given the low temperature i pumped a couple of more psi in each wheel. But nothing was going to prepare me for what was about to follow. Heavy rain when i left 205 towards Boring with a bit of hail. The car was literally held by the water on the streets. Gas mileage for the whole trip averaged 37.5 on the instant average indicator.

Got there only to see a multitude of scenes waiting for us. But after a few drinks i started to ignore those.

One example though. A not very big yellow dog, maybe stray, though kinda groomed, very smart was staring at the people entering the casino. Then it tried to prevent Angela from getting out but then moved when she asked him to. Then, very decided, not letting self influenced by the people around, walked with his head straight in the air not looking right or left, towards the gas station. I think it could have been a coydog.

Checked the exhaust nut one more time, the torque wrench clicked and the nut didn't move. Checked it one more time when we left the first time. Still there. Then in our way back we went to get gas from the station on top of the hill where that dog walked hours earlier. Cheapest around, as cheap as at the Spirit Mountain, 25 to 50 cents per gallon cheaper than other stations. Both unattended though at Spirit Mt the convenience store is open all night.

I knew for a long time all the nozzles at that station were broken. Some more than others. Which means the little metal stopper don't stay in place and you have to hold the nozzle squeezed with your hand to get gas. But was still feeling the little hydraulic shock in the end when gas level in the pipe was reaching the nozzle. 

Not this time. I was staring at the numbers of the screen and at past 7 gallons i heard with my trained musical ear the gurgling sound of normal filling turned into a higher pitch and more quiet hissing. Enough for me to turn my head and see gas flowing from the fuel port onto the car, wheel and on the ground. 1 second worth of it or about 0.1 gallons that made on the concrete a puddle of about 1x2 ft.

I spent next half hour trying to explain Angela why we shouldn't leave until it dries out. To prevent any car getting with a hot engine on top of that puddle and vaporize more of it. A car that might have had a broken exhaust or something else that may ignite it. Then i saw they were biggers stains from previous puddles under my puddle and at other pumps too.

Then we left and then we turned around, passed the station and spent half more hour in the casino, just to make sure.

Then we left the second time, at 12:42, didn't check the nut anymore and about 5 minutes later, i was still driving under speed limit, because i didn't feel like accelerating, especially uphill when i saw a coyote, this time real, walking from the opposite direction on the narrow shoulder next to my lane. Never seen an animal so scared in my life. The whole body was contorted like a fish in a sac following the head which was locking from a side at us. It was like he was fighting an invisible force that was pushing him towards the lane. I didn't do anything not to scare it further. So we passed each other with no other incident.

On top of Mt. Hood temperature was 33 degrees and rain turned to snow started to stick on the asphalt.

When we got in Sandy some 30 miles away from home i felt the smell of exhaust, Angela had a headache, i pulled next to the window of a convenience store and put the torqued wrench set at 27 on the nut and it moved like 1/8 of a turn before it clicked. On the other side of the window a tall  blond hairy guy dressed scantily was arranging stuff in the store. Me bent over the engine all the way to the back of it.

Soon enough the smell of exhaust was gone and we started to feel the smell of gas that poured 2 hours before on the car and left rear wheel.

Here is my fresh puddle on the left on top of the larger ones that cover the whole concrete area.

My puddle, almost dried, not long before we left.

5:40 Angela went to bed, sprinklers started, the kids got excited and started to yell.

Can't describe how many times in the last week they again tried to hit me from behind. Just the last one. Just before Staford exit here near Tualatin. There are about 10 miles with increased speed to 65 on 205, before joining I5. I was going 75 and a Christmas tree (that's how i call semis with many decorating lights on them) was closing in from behind. A couple of smaller vehicles maybe a van and an SUV were both blinding me in the side mirrors. I slowed down but still above speed limit thinking to let them pass an suddenly i saw the Christmass tree behind me and accelerated and then i took the exit (the shortcut).

Here is an example on how Washington State Patrol dealt with the accident 2 years ago. He was asking questions like he was suspecting of me  faking it to get insurance money.  Never started a hit and run investigation or examined the video from poles on the freeway. I wrote more about in other posts, back then i was not that careful in adding links between those, i can't find those right now, have other priorities, i wrote emails to them trying to get the videos from the cameras with no success. Then the kafkian maze of bureaucracy with the insurance, buying and fixing another totaled car (all i could afford) made me forget everything.

Weeks before, there was an accident here in the parking lot, with probably a demolition derby truck hitting two cars, one of them like mine. A warning? A threat?

Monday, March 2, 2020

Tires and Brakes

On April 4 2018 i bought at an online auction a 2013 Hyundai Elantra. I didn't know it has been in a wreck, was hit in right front, fender, door, washer reservoir, headlight were damaged, was partially fixed. Previous owner used the fix a flat kit that came with the car in lieu of spare to fix the right front tire that has been in flat. I went at Les Schwab in Aloha to fix the flat. They didn't give me any paperwork, they said it was free, and there is no record under my name in their computer (most likely they misspelled my name).

Around 10 AM today somebody knocked on the door and woke me up. It was FedEx with the tires i ordered about a week ago in the same time with the pads (got to check the the exact date).

I went at Angela's work, took the car and went to Tires Pros here in Tualatin, a shop where i've been 2 years ago for an alignment, when i met the owner, Ralph. This is when i left.

Ralph, the owner, looks like an engineer from Hyundai. When i first went there 2  years ago he looked at the car, knocked on the door that's been damaged, asked if i got a good deal on it then when i left he said something really interesting:"We are here to make sure you keep the car for as long as you want". He knew i will sooner or later find the problems and i will write about. Back then one of the problems was the ammonia smell in the exhaust. Due to the fact that these engines run so lean, to achieve better mileage, the temperature inside the engine is higher and the wear out of cast iron cylinder sleeves (aluminum block) is higher thus blow out gets higher, sooner than for other cars resulting in more oil vapor passing through PCV valves and condensing on the valves. Also because of less fuel, (injectors right before the valves) the valves do not get cleaned enough and start sticking, squishing the lifters and producing the (in)famous Hyundai tick. Also the high temperature creates more NOx that combines with hydrogen from water inside the catalytic, resulting in significant amounts of ammonia in the exhaust. So back then he drove after me in his Mercedes, really close behind, i was thinking, maybe he had an analyzer hid under the hood. I think somewhere where i went, maybe at Reno also, they took care of my catalytic also running something through the engine so it won't be "so good" anymore and do not produce so much ammonia anymore (can still smell some).

He came today also i and could talk to him before i left. I mainly told him the whole story with the problems i had. Briefly. At first did not recognize him cause he looked older (2 years included) and had sunglasses but i thought i recognized his voice and German accent. He dismissed all the problems.

I told the guy at the counter the story (could had been him, with a fresh beard), about tires and brakes, as i knew it at that moment. I told him i've been driving in that car for 30 thousand miles with the brakes in the rear stuck and he asked me if i wanted to do brakes too and i said no, done that myself. I asked him for wi-fi details and he said there should be an unsecured one. It was Tire Factory, but there was also one that said "Tire Pros" and that one was secured but they didn't give me the password. So i could not access the internet to look at the market or upload pictures with the tires or anything.

I had the feeling that we could not communicate well so i went in the back to talk to the mechanic also. He stroke me as too distinctive for a mechanic. I was briefly looking right now at pictures on a google search on "Mexican actors" for his face when i found something else. The face of the mechanic who did the alignment in the same shop 2 years ago.

Ok after some searches i think i found the guy but don't know his name yet. One on the left in this picture

He later confirmed i had bought the same tires as the ones on the car. For some reason i believed the tires on the car were installed the other way around, because of the pictures on Amazon, but he showed to me the writing saying "This side up".

There was a black guy working at a van with a diesel engine right outside the bays so it was probably covering much of the conversations, also making some smoke.

2 years ago i went to Les Schwab in Aloha to fix a flat that came with the car. They said they did, didn't give me any paperwork, they misspelled my name in the computer, whatever. I asked them to move the wheel from front to right rear. But that wheel lately had a valve leak and there was something inside, i don't know what that was making a noise when rotating the tire (first discovered a couple of days ago when i did brakes). Today i figured they just put the wheel in the water, didn't see a leak, gave it back to me the way it was though i told them it was fixed with a fix a flat type of can and the compressor that came with the car and needed a real fix.

To be continued here

Last thing. When i paid they said the cred card machine isn't working, counter guy called "the other store" and did the card by phone. I vaguely remember they've done the same thing two years ago when i paid for the alignment.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

October 2

6:16 Woke up at 3 AM after 6 hours of sleep. Thought i felt the smell of ozone coming from the Ionic Pro electrostatic filter, not anymore. Which means they were not "active" dog poos at the time, usually ozone smell is covered by that smell. I remember yesterday when i went to Copart, i drove for about half, been there in the lot for an hour, the nausea subsided, like when i go at Casinos. When i got back in the truck, i felt the smell.

Could not sleep, came at the computer to do some searches, smoke came in. Went and found a hole next to a gutter to the closest garages, plugged it with soil, smoke subsided. There are a couple of lights on building D that go off every time i get close.

At 4:45 went to take Angela to work, nobody on the streets Saturday at 5 AM except a jogger. When i got back and shut the engine and i looked briefly on the plug in voltmeter and first it showed 12.4 than 12.1. Which means battery isn't charging. I went and checked the connectors and they were both loose. Besides a possibility of not being able to start the car next time (got the jumpstarter, but not in the car), the problem is emissions. Without well connected battery to stabilize the voltage coming from alternator, voltage is fluctuating at sensors and everywhere and creates an emissions nightmare. For one second after i wrote here i felt like cursing in my mind, the adrenaline rush, and a car alarm beeped a couple of times in the parking lot, like every time when i do that. As i said, they got to maintain my reputation.

1:09 Got to run to pick Angela. Since i woke up this morning, until now when i shut the door but maybe after all "people" on a perceptible radius are evolving around me like that DJ and others around Bruce Willis in the 5th element when he was walking to take his seat at the theatre in that space station.Three pictures. One showing a Tualatin Fire engine, it was idling next to a Police SUV and an ambulance. The noise from those two vehicles cover the noise of a huge black F150 coming from behind with maybe 20 mph that almost run over me. I stopped to take a picture of the emergency vehicles and turned around when i saw that guy, too fast, to close. The very beautiful Hungarian woman a the wheel gave me an smile and then put an intrigued expression oh her face like... What do you want, sorry i didn't do it. Currently, kids playing dangerously on the stairs on building D. Got to go, start the truck and leave. Mouse wheel click to enlarge.
1:57 Went to pick Angela. At Boones Ferry i had to make a right turn on Avery. This is the second time in one month and a half when i saw a pedestrian in may way crossing Avery. Trouble is i only saw that young red headed woman one second before she climbed on the sidewalk because of the Sun coming from her direction. I was pretty far but still unsettling, after. Didn't have time to forget about when i saw a (red) squirrel that just cleared my path, 1/10 of a second before i could have hit it. (It is a doubling or ingannare for what i said in the previous paragraph. They wouldn't let any story of mine without some sort of addressing, if only for creating confusion). To me it all seems alien like and taken from Sci-Fi movies, because i see it first hand over and over and over. Picked Angela, came home and they were playing on the radio "or else forget about it" (Santana). Got here, i saw my car is leaking coolant big time. A hole in the top of the radiator that i patched with putty. Half gallon of coolant is missing from the huge reservoir, good thing is very diluted. Last time i did it, it lasted almost two years. Done it a couple of times lately, now it won't last even weeks. The kids playing dangerously on the stairs moved to next building (right of D). The space between rail bars is too big, they fit in between. I wanted to take off from here, but now i have to wait for the truck to cool so i can patch it again and then wait some more for the putty to cure.

Good news. My blood sugar is 190 and i'm not crashed yet. I only ate 10 grams of carbs today, i had some V8 juice, however i think it's something else. Both times when it went that low i had my Columbia sportswear rain coat which heats me pretty good for hours, especially while driving in the hot cabin.

Bad news. The car i wanted badly at Copart is damaged (47 k, 2 liter engine, 190 hp, 40 mpg in the city heavy built Hyundai Sonata). I looked really careful at the pictures i've done yesterday when i went the second time with Angela. Did i tell that the car was not on the "selling lot" they had to bring it when i asked for it. Hood is locked, can't see much, car has been hit only on the left headlight and fender and bent the hood. However pieces of debris or the bent hood touched the motor control unit, which besides being very expensive (2000 dollars), cary hundreds of amps, maybe thousands. Yesterday i could not start the car because the (conventional) battery (never knew hybrids use conventional batteries as well and probably a starter) which is drained is in the trunk and trunk opens only with the keys and the keys where tied to the steering wheel. It was minutes to 5 when we left, the Japanese guy with the forklift who jump started another car for us the other day came smiling, but i passed. Should i have stayed over 5 and jump started that car, it could have blown. After 5, when nobody was in the office. I could still buy the car if it doesn't go high at the auction, buy that module and replace it but who knows if anything else is bad, without starting it. And that, i won't anymore.
There is one thing i don't understand though. Why they put that module with those thick orange hundreds amps wires) way up front where it is among first things to be hit in case of accident (under the white reservoir (yes for cooling the module) on the right)?
(Just cursed in my mind, an alarm went off in the parking lot). 3:37 One after another, all combined in a continuous of fakerey. There is some food giveaway outside the complex, on the hill in the little park that is visible from my windows. The car was leaking for days and i planed to fix it today. The red headed woman earlier, kids with plates of food passing by me while i was working on it. Boomerang thrower has to anticipate the movement of their targets.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

An Accident Waiting to Happen

After 6 hours of sleep i came at the computer to check the value of my car and briefly read the news. The guy upstairs started the TV so loud i can be hear from the alley. After i started to type he came above and started to squeak the floor

The loud TV makes it hard to concentrate and remember things. Last night around midnight i was driving on I5 towards Portland near exit 2. I was doing 60 on cruise control in a 60 (96km/h) area mainly because i had on right rear wheel a spare.

Earlier in that day i had a flat and the Les Schwab guy showed me that the rim of the tire from the flat was damaged beyond repair "from the previous installation" (done in the same shop) and i ordered 2 new tires for rear, which are 100k (Michelin). This model of Hyundai do not come with a spare but with a pump and a can of glue you attach to it and i found a spare that size in the junkyard from a Ford.

Suddenly i saw in the center mirror a couple of headlights coming at high speed and since i didn't know exactly what i had in that instant on my right in the blind spot, though i knew they were 3-4 cars around me, i stayed on my lane and all i could do was tell Angela "hold, this guy is gonna hit us" and probably hit the gas pedal to smoothen the impact which occurred within 2-3 seconds after i saw it first. I got sped up, the man was slowed down, i looked in the right mirror and at my right and pulled on the shoulder.

The guy switched in the left lane, they were 4-5 cars all around him on the empty freeway and he accelerated and was gone. A white pickup probably a Ford with off-road wheels.
I stayed and thought for about 5 minutes, last drink i had was before 7 PM, and called 911. The operator kept asking me if i was injured, with that noise of the freeway i thought she said insured and kept saying yes, finally switched me to another operator who sent the State Patrol.

Minutes were passing. One guy with an old SUV stopped and asked if i needed help. Wind was blowing from his direction and exhaust started to choke me. Then he finally left and two Washington State Patrol SUVs came. While i was talking to the cop, a sports car with modified exhaust zoomed at high speed on the right lane or next to us. One minute later a Police car followed. The cop said i should pull somewhere else, i told him why couldn't we go on the exit that was just ahead, and then we agreed to him driving first, me following and the other Patrol SUV was coming from behind.

I was a little shocked, felt heat and a bit of pain in the back, jaws, now it's all gone, earlier and lately my shoulders are hurting, from inflammation in the esophagus from dust and bacterial infection that transmits in nearby tissues combined with some light exercise and work on car. Angela was a little shocked as well, she had a headache before it all started that didn't go away and only slept 3 hours. Kept talking about insurance and what to do with the car.

She was scheduled to work overtime today. Yeah i know we shouldn't have gone, there was a moment of indecision, but they were three days of litter dust (didn't happen or didn't happen at this scale for a long time) dust was still lingering after i fixed yesterday afternoon a few holes in the ceiling and i was curious about the last fix i've done at the car, with the adhesive on top of battery connector nuts which was holding, but in the meantime too much oil gathered in the intake, should try again to vacuum the intake etc. Lately i've been used to take a break from here and felt like it was the time.

We then won a few hands recovering most of what Angela lost and as usually she decided we should go home. Thinking. If someone wants to manipulate us with the machines, they can do it at their chosen time. I wasn't aware, in my mind, that she should have started Saturday at 4 AM so we left i don't know, 11:30 or something when we left.

When i came at the car i hit with my foot an orange lid from an saline enema bottle, like it's been used and left there, i have some of those at home, can't go without those, for a long time now, got some sort of sciatic paralysis of that area. Casually i bent and picked that thinking it might have come from my pocket when i grabbed the keys, then i thought it was impossible, never put those things in my pocket and then i regretted it and nervously tried to wipe it out with some toilet paper which i threw in a garbage can.

Like when we came, some weird maneuvers around us, with cars and people bullying us, and that was indeed more than usual, could have been a sign if i was capable to think. Few people realize how much exposure to this kind of dust, other pollutants can influence you, especially if moment is well chosen.

Car was still making the (lifter) noise at low speed and idling when i left, voltage at the cigarette lighter plug was 14.3, i guess my fix was holding, fuel mileage reading was better than average, 38.6 at the time of accident, round trip and driving in huge parking lot at Ilani included.

The cop stopped at 39 and H streets in Vancouver, not far from exit next to a property called G&G, in an area called Minehaha?! He gave me some paperwork to fill, car was driveable, but he said i should not drive since the car cannot take another hit like this, which might have been true, he said they got their contracting towing who might come faster than insurance (within 30 minutes in the contract), towing came soon but they said they won't go that far, which was only 22 miles though.

I had some anxiety, forced myself to breath (on mouth) and kept coughing. I told the cops, it was from the dust at the apartment in the last few days. But impact could have raised some dust in the car as well. Thing is, i kept coughing.

I called our insurance, and from the start menu, i could not call a towing unless i file the claim for the accident first. Which is incredible, they kept me with the claim half hour on the phone, right after the accident before they sent a towing (Progressive). They didn't give me a phone number to call to check status of the towing, like Farmers had and towing didn't call within next 10 minutes so i just decided to drive not knowing if they will ever call. When i got back on the freeway, the towing finally called.

Was doing 55 in the right lane, one more episode, a Ryder rental van again came from behind, threatening, i pulled on the shoulder. So the cop was right. Then another guy passed me on the empty freeway with LPN MTZ. "Mai târziu" means Later in Romania.

It's been a constant harassment by all drivers on the freeway no exception on my way back home at night from Vancouver in the past few years, with license numbers letter combinations closed to KGB, cisterns, trucks with logos, high speed passes on right, left lanes and sometimes simultaneously, but tonight was special.

So i kept looking in the mirror for trucks, cause i figured the courageous ninja wouldn't hit me with another car which was true. Because i stopped a couple of times, my total mileage on the dashboard was 37.6 when i exited. One more thing. Earlier that day the warning light for airbags came on. So those would not have worked probably in a rollover or something like that.

Cop never gave me a copy of his report, but now that i think, they can all pretend, including the driver who ran (that is a felony) that i was too slow and suddenly switched lanes drifting maybe, losing control of the car when he hit me which is not true, i was holding my lane pretty well. I know some would try to explain the accident by me driving slow, drifting maybe, and a guy speeding, maybe drunk, coming from behind. I will never forget those two headlights i saw in the mirror coming from behind straight at me.

All i can think is it was stupid, driving 40+40 miles on a spare on the freeway, after all that happened there in the past.

I think car is fixable, Angela says price of cars have gone up these days, it needs a trunk lid, a bumper and some frame straightening. Now waiting for insurance to call. Or should i go online to see what's under "my account".

Several highlights for this post. Myth maintaining. Their maneuvers with their numerous actors and extras on the scene everywhere i go tried to create and maintain the gay myth and the KGB myth. This week was special because Monday is August 23, the day when ex King Michael of Romania led a coup against Marshal Antonescu, while the soviets where about to occupy Romania, many, including some Romanians, Hungarians and Japanese seeing him as a traitor. Forgotten today by the majority, some say it shortened WWII with at least 6 months and contributed to defeating of Germany and Japan by an alliance led by US which included Soviet Union.

Michaels' next to Mud Bay in Tualatin. Think of George Michael. Michael Caina. And my insurance contact on the claim page is named Salinas.

Catalytic, wheel stolen recently, 2 flats on the same tire, two cars smashed in the parking lot at Meridian, one a white Elantra, what could have been next.

Just looked on Progressive site under my account. Claim has been received and that's all. Last night she said something about texts on the phone, none so far.

On October 26 2012 a similar accident occured. A small but heavy built Nissan Z hit me from behind trying to push me in traffic at a yield sign in Lake Oswego (Yes, Country club Rd).

Just took a picture of the damage of the car again on daylight. The reason it looks like this and not worse is i had one of the car's wide aluminum wheels, fully inflated in the spare's compartment. This car does not come with a spare hough it has the compartment for it. However i found one at the junkyard (for a Ford) that fitted both as size and distance between bolts. Right now i had that spare on the car (right rear) and the regular wheel in that space, because the guys at Les Schwab told me i had some damage on the rim of the tire. Now they played the scene of the mad drunk driver who hit me from behind because i was slow whatever. But i am sure the writers of this scene knew i had the wheel there which protected the fuel tank. Sometimes they use these psychological traps, to make everything more interesting. To make people who really wanted me dead last night ever more mad because of my "legendary luck".

Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 13

3:31 When i got back home about an hour ago i went and took some pictures and looked under the car. No oil leaks, however, there's plenty of dust mixed with oil on the back of the plastic engine shield that fell from the untigthen oil filter (as per Jiffy Lube). I believe it still flies and ends on the hot exhaust and stinks behind. I tried to clean it a bit but it's mission impossible, shield got ribs on the other side, unless if i remove the engine plastic shield and clean it. I'll try tomorrow.

Earlier. At Ilani Casino, i saw a number of celebrities of Japanese origin. Angela gave me 5 bucks with which i won 50 (all that i played) and then i almost sat on a chair next to Doja Cat. They got a self serve soda machine there, a pretty neat one with touch screen. However yesterday there was an attendant whom i think it was... I had to ask her... "Half sparkling water, half diet Pepsi, no ice..." Otherwise, then 10k capacity casino (an industrial hall full of slot machines) was full of fat, nervous ninja, acting Latinos or old Asians acting Asians.

Earlier. At Lucky Eagle, like at Ilani, we had no phone coverage. I just looked. Should have had. Right in the middle of the map where it says Chehalis. When we were about to live, they put a sign on the non-smokers restroom, so Angela had to go to the other. (I spent most of the time there trying to setup some sort of communication, which i succeeded, right before i left, with messenger over theri free wi-fi. However, it would work intermittently, as at Ilani).

I went to find her and passed through smoking area that was filled with all kinda smoke though, not only cigarette. Same in the parking lot. Or the heavy smoke inside was meant for us not to feel so much the one outside. In the car, our clothes were smelling heavily. At the traffic circle, we almost got hit by a truck with gigantic wheels speeding coming from left (previously unseen, coming out of nowhere). That would have insured not too much damage on his side (cold have left, like maybe in another hit and run). Later when i spoke about the smoke, at Seattle rock station would put the Clapton song, Cocaine. My mind started to clear only after i started to drive back home. Draw bridge was closed so i got to drive ten more miles, on 14 and 205.
Earlier. Had trouble with steering ever since i replaced shafts and struts (and before, because those were bad). To replace those, did not take apart or broken loose the big upper ball joint nut, only the three under. Actually tighten those a bit more. However, later i discovered they were loose. I tightened them to more than 50 lb ft several times (as required by specs). But especially yesterday. We went to the ATM near the US Bank branch in downtown Tualatin. On our way there i saw again the battery connector was intermittently loose (by the voltage at the lighter plug). I came back home and fixed that and had this idea and checked again the upper ball joint nuts. Right was loose again though i tightened it an hour before and only drove a couple of miles. When we left there were big wind on the hills on I5, until we passed Mt.Sylvania, literally pushing me off the lane, several times. But never had problems with both of them for the next 250 miles that i drove last night. I was commenting with Angela. As with the previous car, 10% worse mileage (by dashboard indicator) on the last portion of I5 before Oregon (more than 50 miles). Very rough road, with many bumps making the car jump all over and rough, noisy surface). It a big difference on 205 in Oregon when i finally realized there's nothing wrong anymore with the car.

12:30 Here today there's excessive dust, especially after i went outside to plug holes by stepping on those and they started several huge exhausts, shaking everything.

12:48 Last summer, a couple of weeks before the accident, i saw the owner of an old Ford truck with big wheels in the parking lot, symbolically buffing the brand plate of his Lord truck. While i was walking further, i saw this in the Meridian parking lot.

1:08 Just went outside to pick something at the car, the place is surrounded with heavy smoke, the same kind like yesterday in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle.
Went outside and tigthened the oil filter some more. Jan.31 after re-tightening
Smoke was gone but when i went to tighten the filter, i saw from under the car the legs of a tall guy, looking Japanese, posing Latin. Sorry to scare you, he said, with heavy Mexican accent. He didn't scare me but i raised kinda fast because he would have casually walked over my legs. 11:11. Got to re-tighten the battery connector at Chinook Winds, where Angela nearly made back her money she lost over the weekend. Managed to drive 20 miles south of Lincoln City on 101 along the Ocean and back. (Saw the stature of an angry whale, in Depoe Bay). Don't know why, as long as i leave that car out of my sight in a public place, things are happening to it.
When i left i saw in the alley a bottle of water mixed with hot sauce. I was complaining all day and yesterday of a burning sensation which i attributed to redwood dust. Just been and found it, flattened by cars. I was thinking. The wheel. And Angela made 100 bucks at "a wheel of fortune game", playing at 1 dollar.
On the road, was thinking. A number of years ago, maybe 8, i was speaking a lot with a couple of people from Romania. Don't want to go in all the details, but the guy who was from the northern part of Romania, near the border with Ukraine, was complaining to me that a lot of cars were passing next to the little village where his father lived. Since there are no big cities in the area, they were probably going in and out Ukraine. I don't really know how many Romanians have left Romania. All i see in the news are THEIR actors. Never real people. Oficial numbers are 5 millions or a quarter of the population. Today again all i saw on the road and in the casino are the same type of actors i always see. I once said, i don't know if i ever ever saw a real American. Or a real Romanian. I saw in the news plans to evacuate Kiev and stuff. But are they really any Ukrainian left in that country, or it's like Oregon, with hikikomori (ninja) for Hispanics and Hungarian actors for whites.

11:30 We hear every one and then that catholic Church are apologizing for this and that. But did they ever apologize for the people killed by this so called Crhistian Church using various methods, like breaking on the wheel, burning at the stake?