4:35 AM According to standard model the smallest known particle is the muon neutrino, with a mass of 0.17 eV. All the other masses are measured in either MeV (mega electron volts) or GeV (giga electron volts) which is million or billion times bigger. At this point i propose AEther is made of neutrinos. They have a tiny mass, millions of times smaller than next bigger particle, no charge and a 1/2 spin. Ideal candidate.
A stream of neutrino could stand for a magnetic field where their spins could be aligned.
When a high energy photon enters a stream of neutrinos, it will get knocked out in its components, an electron and a positron which are whirls rotating in opposite directions and will start circling in opposite directions when in vacuum and spiraling in the cloud chamber.
From what i saw, the positron is bigger than the electron resulted in pair production and that cold as well be caused by the spin of neutrinos.
Don't know yet if the photon is made of one or two hourglass shaped pair of particles in a cross pattern and if they oscillate, transferring AEther from one another but is the only way it could happen if they move on a direction perpendicular on the hourglasses axis because otherwise the photon will start spiraling. As for what makes them oscillate, could be fluid mechanics laws applied for frictionless AEther and it could appear as they are dynamically attracted by their own past selves.
9:47 Yeah should have avoided any exotic ideas like past selves, creating time, things like this. As i went to bed last night i finally got the idea, however was too tired to come back at the computer and write it down.
I don't believe anymore they oscillate or pulsate or anything. The Polish hologram seem to be accurate.
What is holding those four funnels together preventing them from growing to infinity is the pressure of the AEther, made of neutrinos. Which then could mean the AEther fills uniformly the whole known space. Photons cannot exist without it. This goes against the Big Bang theory.
So in a way the were right talking about luminiferous AEther. However i feel a bit nervous about countless neutrinos and muouns passing through my body all the time. But i believe other cosmic rays are doing more damage then those, giving me this terrible headache this morning.
Let's read one more time what the Bible says about Ezekiel's wheel.
Perpendicular Scalar Compression? Photons do not travel? This comes close to my first representation however those vectors are pulsating funnels and the "hologram" caught an image covering a whole period with all 4 funnels at their peak.
Two funnels in existence at any moment. The photon could be split into an electron and a positron when the funnels are equal enters the magnetic field. The positron gets bigger by accumulating more neutrinos that turn in opposite direction as whirl of opposite spin attract?
I don't see any negative spin in the standard model table though.
BTW the table is big and the number of particles we figured so far is small (Art is long and time is short).
4:55 A boundary condition may occur when AEther pressure meets whilrs, like in the case of photons. Here is a more complex or maybe hypothetic particle.
12:35 AM According to my most recent theory (of everything), electrons (or positrons for that matter) could not exist in vacuum (or anywhere) by themselves because they have to continuously absorb AEther, grow in size, split into smaller and slower ones which will have to cluster having their spins (and tiny magnetic poles) aligned in a circle making something very close to a smoke ring that rotates against self. Could this closed structure be a standalone particle that also sifts EAther? So it will have a magnetic field and mass though no spin or charge. Oops!
I would think the size of the donut depends of individual electrons' energy. Big or small?
1:20 CERN built the biggest and most expensive machine on Earth to find Higg's boson. Their idea is very simple. Since protons are the biggest charged available particles, by smashing them by accelerating and colliding them coming from two opposite directions many smaller particles will emerge from that collision. But i believe many that are not in there will be created by destroying the original ones.
2:35 I think i've nailed it. There are two types of whirls in the whole Universe and those are funnel like ones. One of positive and one of negative pressure. You can put several of these together and build any particle. They can be closed like the one in the picture above or open ended with a positive swirl allowing the venting of AEther absorbed by the first one creating a stream that enters and exits the particle called a magnetic line.
So yeah, i believe the guys who made all these interpretations possible deserve a Nobel prize. Look at that, the first ever picture (holograph whatever) of the smallest building blocks of the Universe!
3:17 Yeah i know the image obtained by those Polish guys resembles the German Iron Cross, first issued by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. But the design is much older, since 1191, year of the beginning of the Teutonic Order, some 25 years earlier than the of the Dominican Order. Too tired now, have to go to sleep.
Spirala energetică. Those four cars have lots of iron in them right?
11:41 Question. Do you think ninja can manipulate bio-photons through Kuji Kiri?
10:10 How about a closed string in the shape of infinity (the edges are only to visualize rotation). That one would not sift any outside EAther whatsoever. Would be a better candidate for Higg's Boson?
I believe best candidate would be a really tangled closed one which would not pump AEther in or from the outside world.
4:40 PM No doubt, the biggest progress in quantum physics since the enunciation of theory, performed with much effort and insight by Polish scientists. By repeating the collision of two photons with one of them changing phase for each collision, they extracted the information pertaining to the "unknown" (constant phase) photon but the rest is misinterpretations and false beliefs (Schrodinger).
I believe what we are seeing here on the left are four whirls, rotating perpendicular to the propagation axis each ceding its energy to opposite while fading, similar to an hourglass. Two opposite ones turning in different directions create the next ones.
Closest analogy i can think of is a differential with 4 conic wheels, left side of this image. However, the wheels have no teeth and the two axis are not intersecting, all moving forward due to an axial momentum from creation time (burping).
This idea is too new to me, have to think more if there are two or four axis, one for each swirl but strictly by the hologram, there should be two.
Any of the two own an old red Subaru with a backward curbed antenna ;)?
Don't want to state the obvious, but just for courtesy, i could have never had the motivation and made the interpretation without the "hologram" above.
Now that i think, Subaru are the first production cars with four wheel drive having that type of differential. No, i think i'm wrong, it's the Audi Quatro with the 4 circles like an Ezekiel wheel. Nevermind that too, Audi is on the 7s position on this list.
6:50 Yeah i don't have any vocal interface supercomputer to simulate the above. Until then, i found something. I wish this one was 3D and animated though.
10:15 BTW EAther - Eaton. Incredibly fast rotating whirls. That butterfly in Tokyo which again flapped its wings in Alaska and Oregon.
3:03 It is 89 degrees when i finished my walk. Never ending stories. The first thing i noticed when i opened the door where the traces left on the still uncured seal coating. Somebody with a big off road tires 4x4 came sometimes last night and did this.
Could have been the guy with the off road white Toyota with snorkel with LPN unreadable under the windshield that just left when i came. I think they were figuring two infinity signs.
3:07 My truck has smooth tires and is 2x4. It did not leave any traces where i parked this morning when i had to move it from the area they sealed today. The spot is trapezoidal, that is the reason it appears unaligned.
I came the other way as shown the 4x4 came in the picture above and never reached my spot, somebody miraculously moved and made a free spot before i got here. The spot on the right with the traces left intentionally visible (in a "spot crisis" when half of the complex is being sealed) i new in that moment it was a trick, like anything else.
There is painting flaking from my truck from a paint job done at Modern Auto more than 15 years ago. I hit a pole in hospital parking lot with the right rear fender when i drove there, sick. Hood was bent from pushing on it so many times. Left door from stealing my stereo. They knew they were going to let me park there and left some white paint on the new coating.
3:14 They did something similar when the painted the doors and the siding a few years ago. They intentionally left brown spots on the door, as they were working with trainees.
3:22 I got so mad i took the other way, or through the freshly sealed area. Most of it was dry but i ran into a wet area, and because of being so distracted i just thought it was wet with water or something on. Slipped but did not fall.
3:23 During my walk i was thinking. You cannot identifiy a body that is otherwise unrecognizable by a missing finger
I would say the whole story, with the fall of the plane, Putin's reaction, was invented to cover my post, but people would say again i'm on drugs. I was wrong again, don't see the reason for the cover. Unless that person is also involved in the same type of activity on tiktok or other sites, like many others. Even in Romania ex athletes became involved with porn and prostitution.
On the other hand, i would say the level of stress and distraction i'm under is equivalent to being on drugs, but i have my moments of lucidity, especially when i take pictures and write while everybody don't know what to believe(please pardon the Japanese accent).
Easiest explanation. "He's high on drugs" and rest are coincidences or ChatGPT which is a rudimentary form of artificial intelligence to explain to the naive what i'm writing.
Wagner of course stands for all the music videos i post. I know many people post online recipes and stuff, i fell into this fashion and posted some, but not all are in the situation i'm in and i only posted realistic recipes for people who don't now how to cook and that is the majority.
They started the never ending unprecedented Trump scandal (to cover Truman Show).
3:38 It's not only the temperature, it's the circulation of air. Temperature was 76 degrees and i was perspiring from head to toes. So i started the AC that circulates air like a fan.
More Kafka. Got Medicare and everybody knows, the only state insurance in the US, payed by payroll deductions comes without covering dental and prescriptions and others. There are other plans known Medicare Advantage that probably suck the money that otherwise would suffice for drugs and prescription from Medicare, and give those, for free.
Trick is you have to know and to enroll. If you don't enroll soon enough, you will have to pay later a lifetime monthly penalty to Medicare for... not having prescriptions covered.
So i got into one of those called Humana Plus Gold Diabetes bla bla hoping to get some insulin and they assigned me a doctor named... Nicholas Sweet. However he is not a doctor but a physician assistant and he says he did not a contract with Humana in more than a year. All doctors avoid Medicare and Medicare based plans because they slash bills to maybe a third or a quarter.
Trouble is i have to find an "in network" doctor to prove i got diabetes first (GNU). I used to go a lot to doctors when i had insurance through Angela's work but stopped doing so when i ran into Lady Gaga and her stethoscope in 2011. And of course when i went to the ER with flesh eating bacteria that was never diagnosed right.
Got an appointment tomorrow with the only doctor i could find available in the area after many calls, his name is Michael Jaczko (BillyJean) also ko or co suffix indicates Ukrainian origin like escu Romanian, ski Polish, etc..
The clinic is under a cell phone tower with (at times) high levels of radiation. Last and only time when i went for the paperwork i forgot to take my meter and got a dose that caused me 48 hours of pains.
3:56 It is incredible how few videos and other credible news come to us from Ukraine. Some would say is for protection of troupes and/or population. Being in Crimea, they put the video. But every time when i was complaining of lack of credible news from the war they started to shell cities at the border with Romania. And then they told us not to post videos or pictures of those for safety of Ukrainians.
7:30 9.3 Indian Ocean Earthquake Or Indonesia Earthquake of 2004 generated waves up to 51 meters high while 9.1 Japan Earthquake of 2011 only 40 meters. However that not explain how the tsunami generated by Indonesian Earthquake reached Somalia across the ocean at heights of 9.4 meters and the tsunami generated by the Japanese earthquake didn't.
8:00 Was nauseated all day long. Went and picked and threw in the garbage a couple of dog piles from the other end of the building. Just by smelling those from close, an hour later i got belly pains.
Ok so furniture came on July 22, this was recorded on 28 (warning, some offending language) but i'm sure there are other versions recorded in the past. It was a few days after they started to walk and stump. If this is addressed to me, it breaks several local laws. Also, everybody knows, Pikachu and al Pokemons were characters invented in Japan.
Designed in Japan, for American use (like cars) cause Pikachu in English means pick at you, wich means a character based on a kami that may be malevolent depending. Shinto religion does not have a clearly defined concept of good or bad.
11:30 It rains! (Very rare in Oregon in August). Very local, just a cell above I5. Don't know if it's bad or good for the asphalt seal coat or will delay curing. Hope it's going to help with the asphalt smell. Curiously enough, the rain is following the (low pressure) on top of freways. Just another example on how human activity may influence weather. Could THEY have done this to "cancel" the animations above?
No cause i saw the storm coming on satellite animation (got it on my start pages of my browser) before i posted those.
5:24 Aceeași aroganță sfidătoare cu care ne-au obișnuit de decenii. Au găsit o față necunoscută până acum, cea mai aproape de figura lui Nicu dintr-o poză (care nu seamănă cu toate celelalte) pentru a o supraimprima peste cea postată de mine. Prilejul. Discuția zilei.
Și scandalul cu pensiile speciale și cu taxele. În mod tradițional, hoții de stânga măresc taxele și impozitele iar aceștia abia ajunși la putere și-au început rolul.
Apropo nu vrea nimeni să se uite la buget. Am pus link-ul de atâta timp pe blog. Nimic. (Singura chestie e că dacă alegeți un minister din link, suma va apărea doar pe pagina a 2-a, prima sau a doua cifră dintr-un tabel, au știut ei cum să prezinte ca să facă pe omul obișnuit, necontabil, să renunțe să cerceteze).
Ministerul Dezvoltării (ce o fi aia, nu am văzut nici o dezvoltare până acum) are un buget astronomic pe anul ăsta de până la 94 miliarde de lei. 19 miliarde de euro. Ministerul Transporturilor. Până la 59 de miliarde sau 12 miliarde de euro. Să ne arate ce fac cu banii înainte de a ne cere alții. Sau mai bine nu. Vedem noi cu ochiul liber.
Agricultură, 28. Ăsta e cu subvențiile la fermieri (ca să avem mâncare ieftină LOL), dar chiar așa? 5 miliarde de euro? Alimentele nu vin gratuit din aceste subvenții, deși la suma repectivă așa ar trebui, le mai și plătim!
5:46 Am pus ieri două link-uri cu medicamente experimentale pentru cancer, cu rate de succes 100% dar va mai trece un secol sau un mileniu probabil până când FDA le va aproba. Posibile efecte secundare. Și ce. Chimioterapia cu medicamente aprobate de 50 de ani are efectele secundare cele mai devastatoare din toate medicamentele.
Și au venit ei cu o contră. Până mai ieri de Ozempic nu am auzit decât de bine. Acum, dintr-o dată, s-a scrântit. Și apropo. Dacă vomiți atât de mult, le mai iei? Și cum dreq poți să-ți pierzi dinții dacă vomiți?
6:46 AM PDT După ce am citit știrile și m-am enervat și m-am zbârlit puțin aici m-am dus să-mi încălzesc pizza de ieri seară și mă tot gândeam la ce am citit și am ajuns la concluzia că și faza asta probabil complet regizată pare o contra la ce am postat acum două zile, tot din frustrare.
Concluzie. Ăștia cu media lor super profesionistă vă îmbârligă mințile de nu mai știți ce e cu voi. Iar politicienii crează show-urile pe care media le exploatează în timp ce grosul banilor dvs. din taxe se scurg undeva, poate chiar pe apa sâmbetei.
La fel cum faraonii, rasa supărată, whatever în Egipt i-au dus cu preșul pe ăia să construiască niște munți în deșert, așa ne duc și pe noi acum ne iau mințile de pe o zi pe alta, de la un an la altul, cu te miri ce, ca să mai încălzim puțin planeta.
7:04 Sau cum banii de la buget pentru programul rabla se scurg de fapt la alianța Renault Nissan Metsubushi, alții.
9:22 Still have the old pan under the water heater that is contaminated (or got re-contaminated, i have reasons to believe they have been in here when i was not home) that stinks. So this morning after i ate i got nauseated and i lost the bottle with charcoal caps so i decided to go to Walmart to get some. At the first intersection a blond gypsy lady coming from the opposite direction almost ran into me, had to pull right to avoid.
At Walmart they had none on the shelf though the site said they had two. So i moved forward to Grocery Outlet in Tigard some 5 miles away. A nice day to drive on Hwy 99. Only trouble was i had to pass twice through two red light cameras. And on the streets they come in hordes and they lay all kinda traps and distractions for me and all traffic is loaded with symbolism and directed by AI so they can easily trap me in all kinda situations.
Going downhill in another intersection with no camera doing 45 i saw yellow and thought i can't stop safely but red came too fast and i think i saw red before or right when i entered the intersection.
When i was coming back there was this younger guy with a long blond pony tail under is German war helmet on his Harley who first distracted me with his noise from behind when a Japanese driver in a van got a bit into my lane and then he squeezed between me and that van and had to slow down to let him pass.
Right at the last camera he took his German war helmet off, shook his long hair, i looked for a second and now i can't remember how i passed through that light though i saw after cars before and after me. That was the elaborate retaliation for the red light with no camera.
Don't know how many accidents and lives they saved with those but i know they are illegal. In fact it was when i wrote that post that i realized many things could be illegal around here. I mean, what can be more illegal than having as the chief of State Police an actor from Hungary?
9:48 I added a bit of garlic in the pizza last night now they flooded this whole part of the complex with garlic.
2:00 Sleepy and nauseated, i gathered all my will and went for a walk. Not before i realized something. The pan under the water heater was stinking again, though it wasn't yesterday and i think i know the reason. Last night i felt for hours the very pungent alchol like deodorant of drying laundry. But it was probably not washed enough.
Maybe the washer is like mine was, with a slippery clutch. Then outside i found a black one, stepped upon. Was thinking to pick it up but then i remembered about the UPS van on the road. And i forgot to turn on the ozone on the ozone generator which i just did.
Literally stumbling for the first 2 miles. Then i got a bit better. At the park, a woman, tall, with yellow T-shirt and an attitude got in front of me. Could not or din't want to stop to let her go a bit further. About 100 ft behind her when i passed the alley next to the park's lot that is comming from Stone's Throw. A Police like car, Dodge, white, unmarked, with yellow LPNs and a couple of big antennas was coming from the alley, waiting for me to pass.
Then it took a right and passed me on the street. I had a chance to look at the passenger when they passed, the car was very low for a Police car and there was this good looking Asian woman on the passenger side. Didn't see a number or anything on it.
Further, at the red light at the intersection with 65. There was this red Mazda with a Japanese driver coming from Nyberg ready to make a left turn. The weird part about that intersection is light turns green for that left turn coming from Nyberg before the count down for the cross walk stops. Like 25 seconds before. But i learned my lessons from the past, looked at him (dejavu) and he didn't start until i was like 6 ft away from my sidewalk.
As i crossed the bridge near the complex the big "sexy" woman slowed down (she was moving always in the same direction where i was going) as two Japanese gypsies, one holding a pizza, passed me.
2:15 This article from the Oregonian is contradicting self. Read this and this paragraph.
2:34 More garlic smell coming from somewhere that made me hungry. As i was thinking to warm up some pizza, the Japanese child actors came to camp in the yard.
2:43 Adevărat conflict de interes! Își votează păstrarea propriilor pensii.
6:14 Doing some research on why cigarettes taste changed so dramatically since the 80s and so far i found some very interesting facts.
Kent believe this! Kent together with Marlboro and coffee which was not imported anymore were indeed used as payments especially to doctors (bribes, cause they were already payed, but poorly, by state, health care being officially free) but can't remember seeing it being sold in stores, except a few for tourists, in hard currency, rest was all smuggled.
But lately Marlboro started to be manufactured under license in Poland and lots of Polish tourists were bringing it and it was not so much different from the original one.
Westerners who read this will never understand how important this was.
I think if Ceaușescu allowed buying of a license for Kent or Marlboro or an equivalent and/or allowed the import of coffee, blue jeans, video players, he would have never been so much hated by Romanians. And he also exported all meat, cheese, butter, we had big processing factories and farms, but could not find anything in stores. Bread, vegetable oil and sugar were rationalized, all per reason of paying off external debts.
Many people were getting around with relatives who worked on state farms and had around their houses a few animals. In late 80s food also became means of payment and bribery.
The only things widely available was liquor and beer and poor quality wine. Cause the good one, you guessed it. All for export.
Local cigarettes were terrible also because they used very old recipes and poor packaging and now i see, low quality, cheap tobacco.
10:15 As time goes into the night i can confirm. There was an event yesterday, washing dog clothes or clothes contaminated with dog smell in a machine that is defective or broken like mine was. The smell from the dryer's vents under the windows blowing towards ground got into the walls. Walls were heated by the high temperature of the day, some of the smell got inside.
Nausea never stopped for me though i had an ozone generator that is turned to the maximum. Today i can't even feel the smell of ozone that yesterday was overwhelming. As i wrote this paragraph like all the others today the robot upstairs got very agitated. No normal person could have survived the smell upstairs.
11:35 Ceaușescu și nimeni nu putea să facă ce a făcut fără să câștige încrederea mereu naivilor naționaliști români din care mulți l-au ascultat inclusiv în perioada plății "datoriilor externe".
Noi am făcut foame și am fost umiliți 7 ani pentru "10 miliarde de dolari", fază din care nu ne-am mai revenit niciodată, 8 milioane lucrează acum în străinătate, anul acesta numai misteriosul minister al dezvoltării a avut la dispoziție 19 miliarde de euro, iar România a plătit prin Ministerul Finanțelor dobânzi de 5 și s-a împrumutat încă 5.
Și de ce Ecaterina când în limba română avem și Cătălina. Nu ar fi fost convingător.
Acum unii români care se cred naționaliști speră uitându-se la AUR și la George Simion. Treaba lor. Un lucru nu vor putea face. Nu vor putea spune că nu li s-a spus.
12:04 No taxation. I think it would be enough if they simply payedtaxes they owe.
12:24 Ok i think i figured why they pulled the now forgotten Boris Nemtsov off the shelf, and also Borisov. (Wouldn't go so far as Boris Eltsin, "who brought Putin to power"). So people would forget who started this war. UK Polish Ukrainian alliance, remember, giving Putin "reason" to commence, signed 3 or 5 days before the war started? (depending when you think it started, it actually started on or @ 2/22/2022).
(I knew a Mr.Bugan in Bacău in the first days of 1990, when i actively participated in the re-creation of PNL and the Bacău chapter of PNL). He fell in disgrace one day when i was walking with him on the street and some guy came and accused him of re-selling tickets to football matches in front of the stadium. Never though i will meet with this memory.
12:39 Big time mold smell coming from outside, got to go and pick the garbage from the red carpet.
1:27 Outside instead predominant was smoke. It was inside too but must have gotten used to. Picked numerous small food wraps, one bottle cap buried upside down in red mulch, two poops of which one fresh and one covered in white mold, put onion inside galleries and flattened numerous mole mounds, but almost missed the most important ones, under bedroom's window (actually where most smoke was, where Angela sleeps). Took me several trips outside to finish it all, in almost one hour.
1:33 Și nici să nu se așeze. Și să nu meargă la toaletă. Au roboței sau șerpi acolo care îi mușcă de... Nașpa s-a întâmplat deja.
2:08 Would have been so much better if he had punched P.Diddy
Or even better, Lizzo
10:17 They were a few parts of the dishwasher taken apart, the day before i brought my "new" car back here so i forgot about those. Also quit using it. Now i wanted to put them back together when i realized how bad they stink. Not the ones in the picture, which i washed, the two sheet metal covers at the bottom were drops of stuff during washing was leaked upon. They were taken apart, when i cleaned the mold on the wall behind the dishwasher because of the cold flexible pipe that was gathering condensation, touching the wall. They were sitting there in the washer/drier/water-heater closet. I can't believe how bad they were stinking. Put them in the bath tub, washed together with the plastic part of the lid that also stink, washed them with a soft brush and detergent. Forgotten since even before, since when the place was full of smoke all day and was high all the time. Could have been easily fixed but didn't know. It's so close to the stove's oven i always though that smell was coming from there. Of course got very mad and as usually the guy upstairs is doubling it by turning the TV real loud. Probably the worse source of smell here when smoke, mold and dog poop smells coming from outside are not present. And now i have to put it back together, do more organizing, vacuum, etc..
10:38 Războiul de după pandemie își atinge țintele. Toată lumea e îngrozită. Te mai poți gândi la conspirații? Ungaria, cu același stil de reverse psychology. Chiar m-am gândit de multe ori. Unde sunt supercomputerele unde Ungaria își ține toate fișelere, de la toți actorii, toate scenariile din fiecare țară? Sau totul e făcut așa din mers și improvizat local?
12:05 Hour of the dragon. There's got to be some kind of religious ritual. They bring in the moles, at the hour of the dragon or other auspicious times (ninja part). First thing of course they dig holes for air. Then they come and put in the burning pellets (Dominican part). Moles probably run away because of it. Then i go in and plug the holes. Then they wait for another auspicious time and restart. Could not be other than religious, no other category can be that infinitely stubborn to do this over and over again for so many years. It may be crazy but this is how the world is run and ruled nowadays.
12:26 And yes, i believe animists are closer to animals (and everything else) than to humans, which actually are despised because of their uncleanliness and sinful nature and struggle with karma.
Just finished putting together the dishwasher, but they were (long) times i thought i couldn't. No ordinary DIY-er without training and/or special tools would dare to put that thing together. Could it be on purpose, so you could never clean under the plastic and metal part of the lid, that get contaminated after only a few uses? There is no doubt in my mind, these things are designed to sicken and/or kill (slowly, over the years). My advice? Get rid of them and do not use. One day, 100 years from now, you will see them in a museum under the label "this things killed more Americans than... ice-cream?"
12:34 Moving around, trying to find a spot where i can eat my frozen heated meal but he follows me everywhere.
3:05 Went for a walk after 1:15, feeling very tired, tried to get some sleep but not sure if i did. Laying there like in a trance. Lost track of time, the guy upstairs finally left. Minutes ago i heard some yelling and there was a woman or girl with long hair or wig, painted red-orange, in the alley, facing the other way, handling a baby above head, making her cry, yell prolongedly, and she did that for minutes. When i went and opened the door she finally started to walk and i saw baby's face above that red hair, a blonde little girl and she did not looked amused like sometimes babies do when adults throw them in the air and stuff but terrified. Then they left towards the street and kept doing it for minutes. I heard before kids or babies yelling in the alley, saw them running, playing, having fun, but never like this.
Those two pieces of dirty stinking sheet metal from washer have been sitting next to the water heater and now that one stinks also.
5:06 Angela went to sleep, he came "home" and started the TV, loud.
6:38 "Working on the building like this!" (September 2015). Soon after i moved, handy-woman passed by in her electric chart and told me. (Though i learned later, maintenance persons are not supposed to interact with renters like this). What was i doing in that day and moment back in September 2015? Cleaning the basement vents that were clogged with leaves.
6:51 Low 60s was the maximum temp today. However, the ice-cream van is here and playing a song. Not the cucaracha today, huh hu.
The words have memory. One can understand history following the words throughout it. I think i'm not mistaking when i say a language includes during its evolution parts of the history of the people who spoke it.
I did once a search on the word Kaiser in the phone directory in the Portland area, where i live. There are hundreds, with (spelling) variations like Keiser / Kaizer / Keyser / Kyser / Kiser / Kizer / Kaiser and probably others. There is a city just north of Salem, the capital of Oregon, called Keizer. One of the first if not the first medical insurance company in the United States, still a major one today, is called Kaiser Permanente. And i told myself, there's got to be something about it. And i did a little research and i sent emails approximately more than a year ago to some of my friends with the results. Now i'm going to post them here together with more information.
There is a city in Israel called קֵיסָרְיָה.Pronounced Keisarya. Caesaria in English. Built by Greeks, renamed by Romans in honor of Caesar.
There was a country between the 618 AD and 1050 AD named Khazaria north of Caucusus Mountains, between Caspian and Black sea. (Where the word Caucasian is coming from, of course!)
click on the map to enlarge, best with middle click
There was a region in Russia and Soviet Union where Volga Germans lived where most of these people named Kaiser came from in Portland area. During Soviet Union it was called just that, Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On Volga river, of course, in the heart of what it was Khazaria, shown in the map above, some 600 years before. You can find the story of how they got there or how they got out of there in Wikipedia or in other sources.
Basically, Catherine the Great, a German princess, 6 month after she maried Peter III, also German, assassinated him and took the throne. In 1792 and 1793 she published manifestos inviting foreigners to come to Russia giving them land and many privileges. The settlers came mainly from Bavaria, Baden, Hesse, the Palatinate and the Rhineland, over the years 1763 to 1767. To make a long story short, in the end, starting about 150 years ago, they all came to the US.
click on the map to enlarge, best with middle click
There was Deutsches Kaiserreich and now there are the common words Keiserreich and Keiser in German.
There is the name Casimir in Polish and the name Cazan (that i know of) in Romanian.
I think the reader can get the idea by now. There's always google to help.
"Lenin's mother, Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (born Maria Alexandrovna Blank) (Russian: Мария Александровна Ульянова) (6 March [O.S. 22 February] 1835 — 25 July [O.S. 12 July] 1916)[1] was one of the six children of Alexandr Blank (born Israel Blank), and Anna Ivanovna Groschopf, the daughter of a German father, Johann Groschopf, and a Swedish mother, Anna Östedt."
Lenin was born in the town of Ulyanovsk, formerly Simbirsk, located on the Volga River.
However, the name Ulyanov may very well come from Ulus of Jochi, the name of the Golden Horde. Lenin by his father was one quarter tatar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horde
German, Tatar, Swedish, Jewish, watever, similar to the prince and princess or better said emperor and empress mentioned above, he had very little or no Russian blood in him.
In 1995, in Portland, Oregon, i met a Romanian gentleman named Ioan Mladin. He taught me his version of Socrate's paradox. He also told me that "they" (he never said who where they) want to build the communism @here. Back then i did not know what to believe and i forgot.
Cristian Ioanide, ex director of the publication Romanian Times in Portland died not long after he put in one of his editorials the information that a large number of the people in Oregon are descendants of Volga Germans. http://www.romaniantimes.org/ioanide.html. That's where and when i found out the first time and i had to tell it to a German Romanian American guy i know around here.
Couldn't find the article in the Romanian Times archive. I will keep searching for the article where he wrote that. He was a friend of mister Mladin and i also met him once. That night when he hit a pole in the courtyard of Sfânta Maria Romanian orthodox church in Portland with his Mercedes pressing on the accelerator instead of brakes after he left and we were all watching the Romanian movie Balada.
Here is the map that shows where most of the Volga Germans are settled in the United States
And let's not forget that the fiberboard that the floor in the apartment where i live and in the one beneath is made, which is the main source of formaldehyde that i had to breathe continuously was made by a a company named Kaizer or a variation of it. It's under the carpet right now and i really regret i didn't take a picture of the logo that was printed on one of the boards when i sealed it with self adhesive shelf liners.
If i hadn't have that continuous stomach pain for 10 years until 2006 and didn't know any of these i think i would be much happier.
Here is the one of 2000 US census map. But unfortunately, we don't see any Khazars here, only Germans.
click on the map to enlarge, best with middle click