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Showing posts sorted by date for query electron. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2024

Pyramids, Photons and Wormholes

If that on the left is the true image of a single photon obtained through interference, it could only match my description if viewed axially or on the direction of propagation but with a correction. The zip ties should be parables with the curvature towards the axis. (I will reshape the "apparatus" and take another video later today)

First of all it should give us an image and measurement of the way electrons decay from one orbit to another or shall i say one cloud to another since the string like parables are created by mirroring the fall of an electron. That could give us lots of insight on how electrons are actually moving around an atom.

Second, i think it's very easy to understand that nothing, not even light, moves with the speed of light since the photon is made of virtual particles or shall i anticipate and call them open strings that pop in space and end 1/4 of 1/v (where v is the frequency of that photon) again in space, in a position of another corner of the square seen above.

It seems very likely that those virtual particles have no other movement in space except themselves moving from one corner of the square to another and the light propagates through the continuous re-creation of those strings further in space, maybe like a square ladder with rungs of the shape of tilted parables.

This could count for the idea the speed of light is always the same, no matter the observer and the space being an infinity of grids, created by photons moving in all directions.

A photon has no mass whatsoever. What we measure as momentum of an electron could actually be due to interaction between the jumping open strings with matter.

And here comes the interesting part.

There is absolute vacuum (as zero K) at the center or tip of the parables or the axis of the photon as the space being too small to fit anything else.

A photon can be stretched following metal surfaces like those on a highly finished metal pyramid. By projecting light on one side of the pyramid perpendicular on the axis and the surface, the photons that are polarized on a near horizontal direction, or close to perpendicular to the pyramid axis will create strings that will start to coil in square like patterns around the pyramid, moving downwards and stretching the newly created "photon".

Here an idea on how the square move downwards alongside pyramid walls, seen from below (however, the square sides are fixed, not moving around like in the prior video, is all i could found).

This would create at the center of a square like cross section of that pyramid absolute vacuum. By multiplicating this process, through selecting the polarized and in phase photons from a rich natural source, like Sun in desert close to equator, there could be created a sizeable absolute vacuum (void) bubble in a point inside the pyramid. Something that can be done only at certain hours of the day different for each day.

When i say absolute vacuum, that means voided of anything or the primordial vacuum that existed in the Universe before the big bang. Where space and time have no meaning.

There should have been some vacuum (lack of air) in that bubble prior to that, that in the case of the Great Pyramid of Giza was created by rocks sliding on a sealed shaft.

By creating a similar bubble of the same frequency in a different corner or time of the Universe, those two bubbles will overlap, allowing the creation of a so called wormhole, both in time and space.

Vitrification of the walls of the "king chamber" inside the Great Pyramid may indicate that the interaction of the void bubble with whatever air molecules where left after vacuum pumping with the sliding rocks may have created plasma.

For some reason (alignment maybe) the pyramid had to be in the geographic center of dry land on Earth. It became useless after that changed and new pyramids have to be built. The newer were more advanced technologically and didn't have to be that big. This strongly suggest time travel, as described in Isaac Asimov novel, The End of Eternity.

The price for gold was healing of incurable diseases. Space suits, granite sarcophagus, face masks with probably oxygen bottles attached were needed to withstand that initial burst of plasma and the void for a few seconds. The sarcophagus was in one corner of the room, rest was filled with gold. Them returning healed was proof and motivation to bring more gold.

In our timeline, the pyramids have been abandoned and the newer generations, descendants of those who witnessed the events sadly started to mummify their bodies by wrapping in bandages, using gold masks, thinking they will be healed as well.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

November 21st

3:50 AM Von der Lies

5:45 La sfârșitul lunii ianuarie 2024 eram preocupat de forma fotonilor. Am demonstrat mai devreme că cele două câmpuri, electric și magnetic, au naturi complet diferite. Câmpul magnetic este bipolar și are formă toroidală cu linii de câmp închise.

Câmpul electric poate fi monopolar și are linii în forma razelor care pornesc de la un punct și se termină la infinit, fiind deschise. În cazul emisiei prin dipoli, câmpul electromagnetic are o formă foarte ciudată, de lobi în expansiune.

Dar cea mai ciudată consecință ale teoriilor actuale care prevede dualismul particulă-undă a luminii este că un câmp electromagnetic își pierde intensitatea cu pătratul distanței, iar fotonii călătoresc în linie dreaptă de la un capăt al Universului la celălalt fără să își piardă energia.

Asta duce la concluzia clară că electronul își creează propriul câmp electromagnetic pe măsură ce se deplasează. Da, o mulțime de electroni provenind de la o sursă quasi punctiformă pot crea fronturi de undă, ceea ce explică proprietățile optice ale luminii.

Știm cu toții că un foton este emis prin căderea unui electron pe un nivel energetic inferior. Această cădere poate fi asimilată cu un curent electric. Acest curent electric va da naștere unui câmp magnetic dar fiindcă acel curent este format dintr-un singur electron care n+ormal, se deplasează de pe o poziție pe alta, acel câmp magnetic nu va putea fi închis ceea ce sugerează că de fapt este tot un câmp electric.

Mai bine zis o particulă virtuală cu sarcină identică cu cea a electronului care o generează și care se deplasează pe o direcție perpendiculară cu traiectoria electronului care îl generează și la la o distanță de acesta, făcând un salt în spațiu.

Astfel, un foton este o succesiune de particule virtuale care se formează și se deplasează succesiv în spațiu, traiectoriile lor întrerupte putând fi imaginate pe direcție axială similar unui pătrat.

Pentru o reprezentare mai intuitivă am construit un fel de arbore care susține 4 particule virtuale închipuite din legături cu fermoar (zip ties) desfăcute (ceva ce am avut la îndemână). O particulă odată pornită în mișcare deja începe să creeze alta pe nivelul următor și fiindcă o poză nu era suficientă pentru a arăta traiectoriile în 3D am încărcat un video pe drive. Am postat teoria aici.

Azi am văzut două știri diferite care pretindeau că arată forma fotonilor. Una dintre ele este într-adevăr pătrată, și pare a avea diferite niveluri de iluminare pe cele 4 laturi.

Ce pot să spun sigur este că un foton nu se poate vedea sau măsura în nici un fel.

7:07 Oare de ce îmi trebuie atât de mult timp să mă prind la o fază? Îmbătrânesc? Ucrainenii au în prezent mai multe sisteme Patriot, (aveau cel puțin 6 în iulie), de ce nu au interceptat. Ca să mai creeze o știre-șoc?

2:00 PM ABC changed the title of a news on me. I put a link above under the gif at 4:05 with the title "Ukraine's military says Russian ICBM strikes Dnipro, a claim denied by Western official", they changed the title to "Ukraine says Russia hit it with ICBM, Zelenskyy says Putin is 'terrified'". Now i find that title i linked to at an affiliated site.

Though in the first paragraph they are saying "a U.S. official told ABC News that Russia launched "an experimental medium-range ballistic missile against Ukraine" near Dnipro." Doesn't look like the first paragraph matches the title either.

Of course there are nu rules and no guarantees in the world of news.

2:15 After i posted the above they now changed the first paragraph to "Russia launched a new intermediate-range ballistic missile on Thursday toward Dnipro in Ukraine".

2:30 ABC are not the only ones who travel back in time to change their titles. Was looking for a video on the history of my browser and found a title from Reuters saying ICBM. However, when i clicked on that, i found something else.

In fact, after you click on "else" above, you can check the URL in the address bar of the browser (on top, next to the reload button that looks like a recycle sign) and see the old title.  That, after i said an ICBM should have been intercepted by one of Ukraine's Patriot systems.

I'm so sick and tired of this BS... Aren't you all?
7:40 Because of that Timbaland video, i ran the other day into some representations of the Neanderthal. Some look like Africans, some like Asians, depending on who's making those. But i made up my mind. They look like Australians who had been geographically and genetically isolated for more than 40000 ye
ars. Down under, Naraka. The Orphans. No i don't believe in DNA theory.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25

2:23 AM Ăla din stânga (dpdv al privitorului) ofițerului cu mâna la gură sugerează Nicu Ceaușescu, iar cel din dreapta cu cască de protecție Cristi Borcea? (n.1970) Un lucru e sigur. Doar unii erau mineri, ca de exemplu ăia doi dintre ofițer și Nicu. Cei doi din dreapta. Miron Cozma.

9:00 Al nostru, dintre noi, pentru noi. Sunt proprietar, deci exist. Băsescu a fost căpitan, deci a existat (însă poza pare făcută la mișto). Nu are nici o pensie după ce a jăcmănit și distrus, dar mai ales, a dat tonul la confuzie, scandaluri și corupție (a avut două referendumuri de demitere, care au rezultat în legea cea mai aiurea dată nouă vreodată de vreun Parlament, 341/2013).

10:05 Efortul național este bugetul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pe care cu onor îl conduce. 1,2 miliarde lei din care jumătate sunt salariile (cheltuieli de personal). 550 milioane împărțit la 12 (Numărul de luni din an) și la salariul mediu (8532) ne dă aproximativ numărul de angajați. Poliție, Jandarmi, mai știu eu ce. Par puțini, însă dacă ne gândim că nu fac nimic...

Da, pare mic, în comparație cu Ministerul Dezvoltării, care iar face chiar nimic, sau Transporturilor, care face foarte puțin. Pentru ce avem un Minister al Dezvoltării, fiindcă sună bine? Dar unde se duc banii alocați?

Bugetele pe ministere sunt alocate de Parlament, prin lege, la fiecare început de an. Dreapta sus, link-uri permanente. Dar este evident că toate aceste sume enorme nu sunt folosite în România, ele se duc undeva, cel mai probabil în Ungaria, având în vedere că toți politicienii, miniștrii, par să fie actori unguri.

10:52 Nici măcar nu se mai obosește să păstreze aparențele. Primul Ministru nu numește (pe) Președintele Camerei Deputaților. El este votat în plen. Sau doar o altă încercare de a "localiza" toate aceste aparențe.

"Dăncilă" a fost Prim Ministru în perioada când România a avut (prin rotație) timp de 6 luni Președenția Consiliului European (ăla mic, de prim miniștri, a nu se confunda cu Consiliul UE, ăla mare, de președinți, care contra-votează legislația UE, da știu e ca la nebuni), un rol simbolic, perioadă în care însă nu am auzit să facă vreun efort pentru România ca de exemplu clarificarea apartenenței la Schengen unde România este membru din 2007 (dreapta sus, link-uri).

3:08 Just finished binge watching Obliterated (2003). Man what a fat s...t movie. A special team getting high after missing their objective, finishing their mission against all odds and all Russians in Vegas.

Besides the plain old anti-Russian propaganda whith a long tradition starting with James Bond and the psychosis with the bomb (nothing new, except for cursing all the time and almost advertising the use of drugs), there are a very few things i'd like to ad.

The Gremlin who haunts the Chinese guy. It is part of the list of keywords embedded in the brains of English speaking people around the world. It stands for Kremlin and is at the very basis of subconsciously antagonizing the Russians against all (English speaking) world and the other way around.

It looks, my friends like your brains have been programmed.

Moss_cow. Rush_ya. Bella_Russia. Si bear_ya. War_saw. Prague. Book, arrest, Loon_done, Pare_is.

Gore_bashev. Krush_chev. GRUss.


Ukraine (UK reign). Key_ev. , etc..

The Cyrillic alphabet.

Why antagonize the Russians in this centuries old world wide conspiracy? DIVIDE ET IMPERA. They needed an antagonist, like the clown for Batman, Lex Luther (law looter) for Superman, the liquid terminator for the mechanical one etc.. Otherwise it will be all boring and people will forget about and go about their business.

5:00 BTW do i detect a threat in this Hungarian super confident plain arrogant looking yelling singer's "hit" played endlessly at least on our local specialized station (Z100 Portland. Zenu. PDXenu).

9:09 PM Everybody who took college level physics knows about relativistic mass. According to Einstein, mass of a particle changes with its speed and changes dramatically when the speed goes "relativistic", which means is comparable to the speed of light. So we assume here Einstein was right.

At the speed of light the mass of any particle except for the photon which may not be a particle after all becomes infinite. You can see the formula in this article.

We all know electrons usually revolve around an atom. However, when there are more than one electron, their trajectories and speeds become so complicated, due to interactions and collisions between them it is impossible to describe them in mathematical terms. The so called n-body situation.

At this point it is easier to describe their behavior in terms like clouds, where we can no longer know the speed or position of a certain electron.

Some of the electrons around an atom move at relativistic speeds. We know that is happening for gold, probably other heavy elements.

Electrons do have (resting) mass and when they move at relativistic speeds they will add their relativistic mass to the mass of atom.

In the case of gold, some of the fastest moving electrons can have 1.2 times the resting mass.

Nobody has yet measured the number of neutrons in an atom. It is said, for heavier particles, the number of neutrons is higher than that of protons, needed to counteract the electrostatic repulsion with the strong force and that explains the difference in mass/proton (atomic number) ratio. We call isotopes the atoms with same number of protons and different number of neutrons.

So what will happen with the relativistic electrons when one atom decays into two others, assuming the atoms do not loose them (or capture others right away from the "environment"), when the temperature stabilizes? Will the sum of their relativistic mass be the same as of the initial atom?

I think not. Electric charges that mainly hold the electrons in orbit will be the same, but the orbitals will be lower.

So here could be the true cause of the so call mass defect, the basis for the (in)famous formula E=mc2.

There is no equivalence between energy and matter (whatever that is).

I believe it is from here we should start looking for the nature of mass. Unfortunately i cannot make the calculations to prove the mass defect is the difference between relativistic mass of all electrons before and after because of my very limited mathematical knowledge at this time. And it could be impossible because of how complicated would be the trajectories.

After gross estimates, this theory does not stand if the electrons of the 6 orbital (in gold) do not exceed 58% of the speed of light. But if that percentage comes from an average speed, and some could have 70% of the speed of light or more, due to collisions and accelerations in their complicated trajectory, even for limited amounts of times, things could change.

11:55 For the first time ever i did a google search (with a typo) and got an answer but i don't know where that answer came from. Clicked on the link next to it, nothing. When i corrected the typo, i did not get the same answer anymore and o believe this is due to AI, could not have happened before that. So yeah, google AI is (of) an amoeba too or worse.

12:15 Yeah but... The electrons, especially for heavier elements do not move around the atom in a circular orbit, or at a constant speed or even radius like in Bohr' model, they are like zig-zagging in a mess mainly due to electrostatic repulsion forces and yes collisions (like in no one's model)... Here is an idea how it would look with 5 electrons but try to imagine 79 like in gold.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

February 11

Shiva and fire. The hope diamond.

Yes i would believe the trajectory of the ball could represent an electron falling. However there is a new discussion arising. If the electron is moving on orbit at relativistic speeds, the speed of one level should be different than the at the other thus there will be a slight mass problem. Both at the emission and during the photo-electro effect.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January 24

6:22 I have been working a few hours at this project. It is a representation of what it might be the real propagation of light. When an electron moves to a lower orbit, like in the case of hydrogen, where we have a single electron, its trajectory is similar to this one.

Its movement represent a tiny electric current initially created of a single falling electron that in turn may cause a magnetic field made of a single line, at 90 degrees. However the magnetic field cannot close cause it is following the movement of the only electron that ends in a different position.

This proves this magnetic field is nothing but a reaction of the void to the electric one in fact is just another electric current, made of only one virtual negatively charged particle, and the cycle repeats, propagating in space.

Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15

5:30 I think i was right to believe the motion of an electron around a proton would look weird, because of the existence of 3 quarks forming the proton which obviously have a non-zero distance between them, of which 2 are positively charged. In mechanics there is a situation known as three body problem.

If they were only two positive quarks, the orbit would not be anything like a circle. In fact people have thought of that and there is a blog post that quotes another one and is showing the orbit of the Star Wars planet Tatooine that gravitates around 2 Suns. And no, it won't have anything like years, crop seasons, thinks like that.

And this is the case of an atom with only one proton. Think about bigger ones. How complicated would be to describe the orbit of 16 electrons (oxygen) by example that also repel each other when moving around 16 protons of which all are made of three quarks. A 64 body problem (not counting the neutrons)?

Ok so Bohr and even Heisenberg didn't know about quarks but they knew about protons. However in Bohr's atomic model the electrons all turn nicely around the nucleus like planets around a Sun of which masses are negligible (except for Jupiter) when compared to that of the Sun by means of gravity which is not polar like protons in an atom (and even those gravities influence heavily each other).

And one more thing. In heavier atoms electrons on lowest levels (of energy?) turn at speeds close to c and that according to Einstein can cause their mass (and energy) to increase dramatically. Could that stand for the (in)famous mass "defect" problem?

Thing is we are stuck in physics at a level not far from that of fuzzy math Heisenberg and confusing Einstein, at nearly 100 years since their theories and waste the time of the children in colleges with stupid inconsistent naïve theories.

And no, it is not a Jewish conspiracy. Einstein was not a Jew, or maybe he was, by the looks, but he was also made by an actor, like Tesla and all others. The conspiracy is much deeper than that and goes all the way to Ancient Egypt and their today continuators, the elite of Japan and the Sun God and their alliance with Hungarians who provide the European looking actors.

6:25 Statul abrupt. Una e să protestezi și să faci grevă ca profesorii care nu voiau să încheie mediile sau chiar ca cei din 10 august și alta e să blochezi capitala unei țări cu utilaje grele, ca într-un asediu. Se atentează la funcționarea ordinii de drept într-un stat iar eu nu cred că șoferii aceia sunt români.

7:10 PM Aplicați legile existente și nu lăsați o categorie dotată cu utilaje grele să terorizeze toată populația României acționnând ca și complicii lor. Câte încălcări de exemplu ale codului rutier au fost comise de așa zișii protestatari, prin blocarea șoselelor cu vehiculele lor private?

Saturday, January 13, 2024

January 13

12:37 I think i came up with the first law of Universal reaction. The force of the reaction is proportional with the square of the size of the disturbance.

4:24 Novak și fermierii.

7:00 How an antiquated election system in place since before media and super fast communications era favors big money and  pathological criminals or their designated opponents in their race towards US Presidency. Why not direct elections period like in most European countries?

According to the states' legislations (and this is a type of discrimination between citizens of  the same country), people vote early in a so called open or closed so called primary elections during which a single candidate is pushed to the top for the "final" elections when every citizen gets to choose between... two candidates only of which most don't want, even with Taylor Swift push for young voters. What (or who) to vote?

It is clear to anybody the Republican party is ceding early by pushing totally ineligible candidates, of which Trump is the most.

7:50 László Tőkés.

11:38 At this hour of the night i can't even begin to understand the formulas behind that trajectory, but i like to believe that if they would calculate that trajectory taking in the consideration only the electric asymmetry of the proton they would come with something similar. Also i don't know why the nucleus itself would not rotate a bit, thus the cloud. And it all seems symmetrical.

Needless to say. The movement of the electron creates an electric current following that trajectory and the electric current creates a weird shape magnetic field etc. of which the variable part caused by the curves would be compensated by self induction.

I would think that while the atom is not perturbed like by heat, it would stay like that forever. 

However if the whole thing starts to vibrate, like being heated, at some point the electron might first jump on a higher level and and then loose that orbit and i don't know what shape will have the lower orbit, but will still be symmetrical if stable and at least during the fall both stable shapes will be asymmetrical and the magnetic field created during the fall will be asymmetrical.

Or simply the orbit would be perturbed enough by vibration for that to happen, without the need of fall. Especially if the lower energy level is fully populated like they are, where would the poor electron go?

By law of conservation of energy, something has to compensate that asymmetry and that would be a virtual particle creating an orphan asymmetrical field away from its cause because the cause (the fall or vibration) ceases before of the accomplishing of self induction and that in turn would create another one and another one, figuring the wheel of Ezekiel and of course the motion of a virtual particle would create an unstable string each time.

So in the end it is an uncompensated asymmetrical jumping (with the speed of light) magnetic or electric field. Nothing travels at the speed of light, not even light.

Friday, January 12, 2024

January 12

11:08 Have no idea what is the etymology of the word свобода, the same in Russian and Ukrainian, however i know they are both Indo-European languages and this word reminds me of the last two words of Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra written in Sanskrit which i believe it the mother of most European and Indian languages.

11:37 Ca să nu regret mai târziu, așa cum regret că nu am scris chestia de mai sus acum câteva zile când mi-am dat seama prima dată, să mai spun o scurtă poveste. Pe care am mai spus-o dar în altă formă.

În anul I și II am avut o colegă cu looks de super star, de fapt semăna foarte bine cu Sandra, cântăreața lui Michael Crețu, dar avea o arsură pe gât care o desfigura puțin.

Însă abia zilele astea după ce am scris niște observații și am rememorat ce știam despre emisia spontană fotonică mi-am dat seama de niște chestii.

Pe colegă o chema Camelia Chelman și era din Bacău. Dacă scrii numele Chelman cu K, Kelman (da, știu la fel ca și Kelemen), toate consoanele formează KLMN adică numerotarea straturilor de energie ale electronilor care orbitează în jurul unui nucleu. În continuare, Camelia sugerează cocoașă deci o greutate sau o sarcină electrică poate?

Ea a picat examenul de mecanică teoretică din anul II bis, ceea ce însemna pentru ea terminarea facultății ceea ce sugerează că și căderea unui electron nu trebuie interpretată cuantic ci clasic? Și a căzut din tren înainte de a ajunge în Bacău (eu nu locuiam în Bacău în timpul acela, asta a fost după repartiție) după ce a picat examenul și a murit.

La începutul lui 81 cred m-am întâlnit cu ea la examenul de Studiul Metalelor în toamnă (eram în grupe diferite). L-am luat amândoi cu 5 (de pomană, eu am greșit chiar diagrama fier-carbon), știam că profesorul Alexandru nu pică în toamnă pe nimeni, ca de obicei când sunt foarte stresat, am luat-o pe jos la o plimbare foarte lungă și nu știu cum ne-am nimerit împreună, am mers pe jos din Tudor până în Copou (cât e, 5 km?) după care ne-am întors spre seară în centru și ea m-a dus să văd Carul cu Boi "care se uită la tine indiferent din ce direcție te uiți la tablou" (roțile lui Ezekiel?).

Mda, și traseul seamănă cu traiectoria unui electron care pică.

Căderea ei din tren a fost în 83? (locomotivă electrică, chiar, cât e forța gravitațională la distanțe foarte mici ca nucleu-orbită), an în care s-au scumpit băuturile iar România a început declinul economic ce a dus la căderea regimului 6 ani mai târziu în 89. Crețu, Kreuz, base, dance, oscillating perpendicular strings, de-light, M energy level, Sandra (particule, nisip, trecerea timpului)?

Inversarea timpului. E posibil să fie și alte mesaje în acest video, poate chiar notele, poate și în celelalte ale Enigma. Unicorn, primordial disturbance and its reaction that created the Universe, Nirvana (stingerea), etc..

Mai vedeți și voi eu sunt saturat cu multitudinea de chestii la care mă gândesc zilele astea.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

January 11

12:48 Could it be the 4 disks on the djed represent the four energy levels of orbiting electrons, the oval "head" of the Ankh the semi-closed eccentric magnetic or electric field line following the fall of an electron from highest orbit level, the Sun above representing the light (photon), etc..

2:15 I think i might have found something to work with in GeoGebra. Pharaoh's crook and flail? Earlier the image was available as google search result, it is now gone however in the meantime i downloaded the file it came from so i can do a screenshot (have to download it to see it). There are some interesting enunciations in the article too. "For the principle of conservation of energy to be hold true, it is necessary to add an extra term to the equation of motion as the radiation reaction force."

8:24 As for self induction of a single electron, it is very simple. Similar with self induction of a current made of many electrons eventually moving inside a conductor (self induction, the magnetic field created by a current generates back a current that opposes its cause).

However the problem gets more complicated and also more captivating when we consider a single accelerated electron moving in vacuum also on a curved trajectory which still fits the definition of an electric current. Then, we might have eccentric self induction and an electric momentum away from its cause which i call a virtual particle.

9:47 E=mc2 also means mass is energy. The photons which move at the speed of light only have mass in the sense they carry energy. However. Speed of light in glass is about 2/3 than in vacuum (BTW, way or infinitely outside of the scariest part of the Lorentz curve, or almost non-relativistic).

I understand the photons might be (instantly) slowed down when they enter glass. However. When light escapes glass it accelerates back to full c (c is always the same bla bla). Where do the slowed down photons get the extra energy to accelerate instantly back to c? (head scratching emoticon here).

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January 10

11:25 "Eu centrez, eu dau cu capul" (I center, i score). Here it goes :

I think i found a way to visualize the falling of an electron on a lower orbit, after i figure the equations. Probably the most overlooked phenomenon in history of science. For the accelerated phase, it should be a parabolic spiral. No need for supercomputers or anything. Except maybe if there was some AI software which you could verbally ask it to do so and spare all the work.

Why is it important? Well, a falling electron is (the smallest) electric current, right, which generates a magnetic field, right, which accompanies the emitted photon (or is the emitted photon).

Nevermind that. They just sent in a team (made of little "Mexicans") who started hammering to finish the walls of the fallen stairwell (about a month ago, remember). There will be between 1000 and 10000 hammerings today. Like in the days when the emperor was here, and did the windows. Or a few years earlier when they did the roofing for the whole complex, with an average of one nail a second for 6 months.

11:30 Was thinking earlier. If the religious thugs of Japan force their own people to work to death to partly finance their covert ninja type operations abroad, what will they do to others. Like what they are doing nowadays with Americans and they don't even know it.

4:00 Thoughts from my walk. If we were to calculate the trajectory of a falling electron we need to know first position and speed of the electron, which according to German physicist Werner von Braun Heisenberg it is not possible. I bet this is  the main reason they never adventured to do it.

So we must to get rid of this theory first, also with the help of deeper quantum mechanics, and that is the quarks i bet Heisenberg didn't know about.

Ok, Heisenberg published his uncertainty theory in 1927 and quarks were discovered in 1964 and he died in 1976 and he never corrected his theory. Why would had he, since he already won a Nobel prize in 1932 and was already the father of quantum mechanics?

For the most simple atom, hydrogen, with one single proton which is made of quarks we can see the proton has a spatial asymmetric dipole charge. More than that, to form the nucleus, the proton is paired with a neutron which has no electric charge at all, only mass which adds to the off center asymmetry.

Since both nuclei and electrons have mass, there is a tiny gravitational force between them though the electric force is prevalent.

So the normal circular trajectory of an electron around a nucleus, better said around the center of its electric charge is perturbed by the electric asymmetry of the proton and the position relative to its mass center.

There is also the issue with the mass of the electron. The electron has enough mass to move the atom around a bit, like Moon vs Earth. At those speeds, this thing will also contribute to instability of many possible orbits or "energy levels" and in the end their are only a few permitted or "quantified".

Since we now know quarks are made of strings that vibrate, i bet this model is too complicated for any mathematician and they came up with this uncertainty theory instead.

Though they have so many "idle" (they do not apply to anything) theorems in math no one single person on Earth can review them all in a single lifetime.

But nowadays we have giant supercomputers, let's feed them this model. However i bet they already did and only a few know the results.

I remember i once applied for a grant to pay to use a supercomputer to come up with a method of predicting earthquakes. Based of course on a different theory than tectonics plates theory. But applying for a grant is a complicated job in itself which i screwed and i bet they have one guy in every grants hogging team that to do just that.

BTW do they ever give Nobel prizes to guys who dismantle old theories that have been given Nobel prizes for? I believe they do, Bohr made substantial changes to the previous two models, Thompson and Rutherford who also received Nobel Prizes.

However big money don't need Nobel prizes (which come with one million each), all they need is a good working theory that will allow them to peek into tomorrow's market. One thousand times per second.

BTW is head scratching stimulating blood circulation inside brain?

530 Like i remember during that time when i opened an Ameritrade account and put in 2000 dollars from a credit card. At first it was working but after a few days it was like some big entity with big money was intervening and screwing the prices of my picks so i gave up. But i was there long enough to see they were every day 2 o 3 startups dying there.

They all seemed the same. Gathering a hundred or two hundred million capital, real or not, around a chemical formula for a new Alzheimer drug that never made it past a couple years of studies. But guess what. How many grants where they sucking besides the initial investment?

Big money, big schemes nobody looks at. Nobody cares cause it's government's money.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Dharma Wheel of Nikola Tesla

I think Tesla might have had a good intuition interpreting the dharma wheel of Buddhism or star of Ishtar or contemporary Scientology cross (yes i believe our future lays in the mnemonics of the past religions) but it is not quite the way he did it.

Disregarding those formulas, and seeing this representation as a photon in transversal plane it could all be the pulsating cross quanta may create besides time and space, also gravity.

The words tryadha vyavasthita sarva buddha in the mantra translate literally "three expected for each light (color?)" corresponding to the three components in some ancient representations in the center of the wheel that could mean each proton is made of three quarks.


1:12 1/5/2024 version

It is not quite like that. I assumed the magnetic field line starts in the middle of nowhere and probably would have if the electron would have an initial vertical speed.

However its descending speed starts from zero and in the initial moment the single magnetic field line starts from near the electron and extends on a parable like curve in a plane perpendicular to the trajectory of the electron that contains the electron, if there are no other electrons to interfere with the electron's falling speed or trajectory. Then it's gonna be a more complicated curve.

During the constant speed phase it moves on a circle on a the same plane and the trajectory is helicoidal with a constant radius.

It seems the electron during acceleration phase is ceding its energy to the virtual field line. The only way this can happen is if the field line is the trajectory of a positive virtual charge that furthers from the electron by increasing the radius of that helix. During deceleration the electron looses speed and energy and the virtual charge gets back close to it. 

The trajectory as a whole seems like the shape of a 3D horse shoe  that is part of a helix with variable and constant radius or the edges of a propeller arm.

The virtual positive charge moving in a circuit that seems closed in a view in the direction of the fall, would create a negative virtual charge moving on a trajectory similar to that of the falling electron. For the accelerating and decelerating part of the cause the virtual charge would move at different angle both looking like an pharaoh's crook and flail with both constantly changing angles and propagating with each step?

Year is 2024 and i am shocked by the fact nobody looked into this until now. That is the shape of a single magnetic field line generated by a falling electron. They instead look in the cloud chamber of the LHC, the most complicated machine built on Earth. Unless if it's all a big coverup and they knew this from the beginning of quantum mechanics era.

Another ancient source that is less obvious. There are spirals in this Ancient Egypt amulet near other details (square, wings) that seem to represent right angles, half right angles in the context of an eye that might represent light and a bird that might represent gravity.

The tilak. Never knew it is called like that. And a 3D U shaped version on Amazon.

I think after a major world conflict people's knowledge broke into pieces. Like Sanskrit broke into many European and Indian languages, each keeping different words, the same happened with the advanced knowledge. People tried to pass it down to further generations that reverted to stone edge.

They knew they had to somehow preserve the important parts and painted those on the forehead of their children, or  built pharaoh's masks waiting for a revival which never took place. The pieces and symbols and stories became different religions as we know them and humans never reverted to the highly advanced civilization (Heaven for all) that was once here on Earth and it is possible the intruders who are probably the ones who built the pyramids survived as well without knowledge of their past.

But nowadays they are obviously way ahead of us.

Monday, January 1, 2024

January 1st

2020 + 4 Temptation strong. Dualism. She's not the man...

The (always four) characters from the video above are undoubtedly taken from...

11:00 Is branching of the Universe the same as entropy?

As per action/reaction law, conscience was born with the first disturbance at the beginning of the Multiverse as a reaction to it and according to Leo Szilard, conscience opposes entropy. Heat pumps are the only known devices that do just that, but others could be imagined.

When an electron moves to a lower orbit it create an electric current or space/time disturbance that in turn creates a reaction in such a way it would not interfere with its cause, and the only way is at 90 degrees in space and time. That is probably the reason in many mythologies light is associated with conscience.

If that, the opposite could be imagined. False gods could nullify someone's conscience with bringing chaos, like noises or physical bullying which could take forms as unwanted sexual attraction from celebrities spread in society.

In Japanese mythology Amaterasu brother Susanoo brings chaos in the Universe and forces her to hide. In all religions there is a god of chaos. Egyptian mythology has Seth. In both mythologies the ruler is the sun god. It is not the first indications of Egyptian descendance of the Japanese which at this point should be obvious to any historian or even non historian.

The fact nobody acknowledges is due mainly to the fact they don't claim or even suppress this knowledge from main stream and this can tell a thing about their true intentions.

12:30 At this point i am tempted to say the perception of (tiny visible spectrum) of light built in our physical bodies as means of orientation through space is a mere coincidence with the true nature of it but i am not so sure, though they are separate things, it all could be some sort of closing or convergent loop.

3:40 Of course the 4 whatever the number great religions of the world starting with Judaism and ending with Scientology or masonry whatever all inherited some of the true knowledge however under the form of mnemonics and mysticism and rituals they continune to this day and will for a while.

Of them all Buddhism encoded best that lost knowledge but they themselves don't know what it is, most are interpreting the panca skanda as the five senses. Would it mad sense for the text to be embedded in the path of any Buddhist monk since the time the monks were just mourners of a lost world?

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Laws and Observations on Time Travel

By consequences of a new theory regarding the emission of photons and propagation of light, issued after observations of the current theory that seems impossible and of the design and existence of the many pyramids built in areas currently including in modern Egypt and Nubia (Sudan), time travel seems more than ever a real possibility and more than that, it seems it may already happened in our civilization's past and we may have been contaminated with knowledge from/of the future.

Though predicted by the current quantum and string theories, that possibility was so remote, nobody bothered to try and examine its consequences in our lives.


In macro or continuous or analogous world we have the following situation. We cannot make measurements of an electric circuit without interfering and thus changing the parameters.

In one of the most simple electric circuit, that can be a battery, a resistor and two conductors, by touching the ends of the circuit with the probes of a meter we will induce a change of the resistance of the circuit, by adding its own resistance (for functioning, the meter needing to divert a small but not negligible amount of electrons from the circuit), thus altering the results.

As principle, it may be inherited from quantum world, of which the macro world is made of, where we have the so called "observer effect", since the everyday macro world is made by a myriad but finite number of quanta.

Or the other way around, we could extrapolate the first experiment (two paragraphs above) in the quantum world, by limiting the number of electrons flowing through the two circuits (one original and one added by the meter) to a quantum scale.

Another very important idea, besides all fundamental forces are in fact one, derived from reading the Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Core Plan), is reality is being created by our minds.  

In the case of this classic quantum experiment the presence of an electron detector is changing the results. Some argue that it is not our consciousness that interferes with the result, but merely the detector.

However the detector was made by conscious beings with that purpose only and the probability of one being created by a random variation of reality is zero, and without the consciousness of the experimenter, even if there could be a variation of reality that could create it in an infinite time, the experiment is meaningless, or does not exist as such without the observer, but as a simple (un)recorded variation of reality.

The extra reality of the act of observation by a conscious being affects future reality of the Universe and possibly its creation since the beginning. Based on the decision taken after that measurement, the conscious beings as us may take an action that would change the future.

If two people witness the same experiment and they agree on the results and the action needed to be taken, in the hypothetical Multiverse there will be no two but only one future. (From this we also can conclude both society and human consciousness (mind) obey quantum laws).

From here we can come to the conclusion that the more people agree on an observation and upon the decision made by it, the more stable or strong the next Universe will be, thus the idea of convergence (of the Multiverse back into one) which seems to be again following the only universal law, that of action/reaction that created it in the first place.

In the case of time travel from the future (in need of resources), the travelers do not want the Universe they come from to be changed, so they have to take measures. One of them would be convincing all the conscious beings in the time of intended target that they and their occult leadership do not come from the future and the best way is to convince them they are super beings from the present, aka decision making gods and we shall surrender to them so they can make all the decisions for us based on fake or inexistent observations.

A Sun God seems a logical choice since it will ever be present in this form or a predictable one all the way to their time.

However since there are people among us who have doubts and try alternating way of thinking and start making their own decisions based on objective (repeatable, reproducible) observations, they decided to capture and institutionalize the trend, by adding extra false gods.

Those extra gods which are actually people invested with decision making power by the agreement of many have to be false and forgettable, totally diverting the reality of the observations and decision making in a way that would not affect their reality in the future.

So in the end, they came up with the idea of actors playing the role of leaders (decisions makers), which actors having absolutely no power and there is no real casual chain of events that can lead from the act of leadership done by travelers to the fake leaders.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


We have come a long way since the first enunciation of quantum theory. Some got used to it so much is like a second nature. But today many people discuss about on forums and they have opinions and sometimes find inconsistencies if not contradictions.

But what it is. In the subatomic world, all quantities are discrete values. It is, in a way, what digital is vs analog.

The reason for that is simple. The state of the Universe was 0 before the big bang and that was one single event.

However, properties of quantum world translates to the every day world and the enormous number of quantum properties put together to form everyday objects make them look continuous and analog. Like composing bits from an wav or mp3 file into an analog wave form which is audible and recognizable.

At the time, all these of course came from observations and not postulates. They determined the properties of quantum world through experiments of which first and most important is the photon-electron effect. One photon is needed to displace one electron from a metallic surface.

They concluded the entire quantum world is made of such discrete particles of which every single one of the same class has the same properties.

One electron has always the same mass and electric charge. One photon travels always with the speed of light and it can never be found resting, one proton has always the same mass and its electric charge will be always the opposite of that of an electron.

More than that, they interact with each other to form what we call matter. Protons and neutrons together form the nucleus of atoms which is orbited by a number of electrons. For each element and isotope of  the Mendeleev table we have the same number of protons and neutrons.

Because electrons cannot be split in smaller particles, they are called fundamental, together with several others while protons and neutrons are formed by smaller fundamental ones.

This discretization of matter goes all the way to molecules. Atoms combine to form molecules by sharing orbiting electrons. Molecules with the same formulas or structure have always the same properties.

However. It has been found that light which is made of photons has properties similar to those of waves in elastic media, like sounds or a wave created by a rock or in a lake, of which one is diffraction.

After much head scratching of the scientists, they came with a solution. Light is not photons or waves but a combination of those they call dualism wave particles of light. That, to satisfy all observations and experiments.

One discrete photon is always accompanied by an analogous wave front and they came with the idea of electro magnetic radiation or wave. And that's where the first confusion occurred.

EM waves let's say emitted by a radio station seem continuous and analog and have all properties of those.

However EM radiation coming from a single electron descending to a lower orbit, which is a short lived electric current, generates a magnetic field and it is said that magnetic field pulse in turn generates and electric one and so forth, hence the EM radiation seems discrete because the speed, the start end end position of the electron can be defined only in quantum world.

And first inconsistency. Since the current generated by that falling electron is a finite line, it generates a magnetic field like a rectangular permanent magnet would, in the shape of a pumpkin that would be near zero at poles or in the direction of the pole. However we expect something more like a cloud, the same way electrons orbit the atom.

Anyways it is not a circular or spherical wave like field we are used to from elastic media. Same goes for a dipole antenna for radio emissions.

Another one. Falling of an electron can create only one front wave. After that, the EM field is not sustained by anything from behind.

Again the velocity of the fallen electron is a quantum affair. Electrons reside in discrete cloud like positions on different levels of energy around the atom. Thus it cannot be established a speed in classical or non quantum terms for that falling electron from one cloud to another. Thus we can't know for how long the magnetic field lives.

Another one. Let's say the front of EM wave created by the pulse of falling of an electron spreads, though not like a sphere but like a pumpkin, continuously, in all directions (with the exception of poles). The photon can only go in one direction out of an infinity (or a few following the uncertainty principle).

After a while the intensity of the EM field decreases by a law similar to the square of distance, and will become insignificantly small while the photon can travel theoretically 11 billion years if it does not encounter any obstacles, (and depending on where it was emitted, can exceed the limits of the Universe and there will be no more dualism).

Another one. A number of photons emitted by a compact source are each created by its own electron so we cannot talk of a coherent analogous EM field but of a cloud of overlapping out of phase short lived fields.

From all the above observations one can realize the precarity of the whole EM theory as we know it today.

Without going into postulate mode yet, or without any changes to current theories, i want to make a first observation. The wave nature of light which is a bunch of photons coming from a single compact source like those used in experiments can be explained much easier if we could consider some sort of resonance between traveling photons emitted by falling electrons or a statistic grouping of in phase photons.

That is there will be always a number of photons in phase with each other, creating a virtual front wave.

But the front wave can only be electric, magnetic or both, and we'd have to accept the photons are carrying each its own pulsating field while the energy of the photon will always depend on its... (pulsating) frequency, field that of course is not spherical or pumpkin like and does not loose intensity and travels with the photon for 11 billion years.

Ok so here comes the postulate. In the same line of reasoning, we have to admit that the falling electron does not produce a quasi spherical magnetic field but transfer its energy to only one pulsating photon that is made of both magnetic and electric fields. Or better said, only electrical.

And that pulsating field can only be an infinite series of successive reactions of the void to the initial disturbance created by the falling electron, following the only universal law and that is action/reaction.

First reaction to the disturbance will occur in such a way it will not interfere with its source, and that is at 90 degrees in space and time to its cause. In turn, that first reaction will create the second, etc.. in an infinite cycle creating a cross traveling quantum we call photon.

However there is not a B wave but only E disturbances which pulses once transversal like in the animation below and then jumps 90 degrees ahead longitudinal and pulses again at 90 degrees transversal.

Though each transversal pulse is made at peak of two quarks that have mass, the total transversal (electric of course) momentum is zero while it's still photon, the pulse balances self after one cycle of four pulses as if those four pulses were emitted at once which makes us thinking if longitudinal time has any significance in its own reference frame.

I think the mass of the two quarks may come from the electron also falling into the gravitational field of the nucleus which is very weak when compared to the electric but it exists. (we cannot not dismiss any amount in quantum).

Even in this animation one starts to ask self if the fields are balanced. But we are talking here electric and magnetic line fields, not mechanical yoyos with inertia and stuff. Why should they be anchored at one end? And here another question for the EM theory. If one field causes the other, then why are they always in phase?

The representation does not apply to EM fields emitted by falling electrons because those can only exist for the time of the electron falling, that is one half period, and hence the first confusion. We don't have such things in nature (dipoles fed by oscillators).

The deducted appearance of the moving quanta would be a succession of lines at 90 degrees each in a succession of parallel planes that seen on the direction of propagation will look like a cross. The apparent rotation of the quantum is its spin.

Depending on the frequency, or the difference in levels of energy of the origin electron (or possible other sources) we will have light, microwaves, radio waves etc. or all the EM spectrum as we know it.

According to this theory, light can be bend when an electric field is applied in the direction of the quanta where is moving away with the help of a very high frequency high voltage stimulation (maybe not at every cycle) that may be created with the help of so called Helmholtz resonators or other type of very advanced "stone age" device inside pyramid or simply with the help of a very strong electrostatic field applied from very close when light generated at the top of they pyramidion moves down the gold faces.

Also light quanta could be accelerated or rushed from behind down the pyramidion by other in phase quanta.

Again using the hypothesis the pyramid is a indeed a photonic device capable of splitting light quanta created at the top in its four components. By doing this in a fast energetic successions it may bring anything contained inside or in a focused area to its frame reference and the time inside may slow, space dilate (According to Einstein time stops for anything that travels at the speed of light).

By bending light around pyramid light could be slowed down by the angle effect or accelerated by other quanta pushing from behind thus time can be reverted. But you need to revert time all the way to before that region of space was inside the expanding Universe to create a wormhole.

Or maybe they didn't want to. BTW, i was thinking yesterday, i don't see any restrictions to traveling into the future if you are about do die inside that pyramid anyway and never to come out. Or maybe if you abide a few simple rules. Or if you don't care about creating parallel universes and stuff.

We know this is possible in the microwave or even terahertz range with today's electronics. Did i mention vacuum creating mechanism for the Helmholtz resonator inside the pyramid?

All these and probably more were known of course to Ancient Egyptians, who build the pyramids to manipulate quanta, possibly others. By forcing the cross quanta down the slopes of a pyramid they split it into a square (in a way similar to opening a 4 blade iris) (final stabbing of Christ on the cross) using high voltage electricity and the shape of the gold pyramidion they could basically bend light, induce speeds much greater than light, stretch space, revert time, etc..

I know where they got their ideas for the string theory. But do they know what the strings are made of?

Ok i think i got it. When an electrons falls to a lower orbit and creates a photon (void reaction) that is too energetic, it can break down in two other particles, which are open strings too small to create their own void reactions and in turn start vibrating. Because the reaction to void is dynamic, the split creates two charged particles.

Here are (named only) a few ancient and modern symbols reminding of this model of Universe and demonstrating knowledge of it. I won't add the graphic symbols because in some countries are banned.

Square and compass.

In Ancient Chinese mythology there is a story of two half snake half human brother and sister, Fuxi and Nüwa, who supposedly rebuilt the Universe with a square and a compass. In this representation they look surrounded by strings made of rings. Their modern continuation seem to be the freemasons.


Toyota logo

Audi logo

Subaru logo

Also. The striking similarities of these fundamental scientific findings with major themes of the four main religions of the world, possible other religions, suggest these themes were popular in the past, possibly carrying symbolic informations about lost knowledge belonging to advanced ancient civilizations that ended in a global conflict conflict, possibly the one described in the oral epic story (that has been later written) Mahabharata.

Wild turkeys, split pyramid, pyramidion and a solar symbol (left) part of a museum across Indian Head Casino, last night, inside Warm Springs reservation, Oregon.