1:25 Dulce Bucovină... La fel ca în cazul desenelor din nisip ale călugărilor tibetani, în cazul ouălor din Bucovina după milenii a intervenit fantezia pictorilor... Dar unele motive sunt constante și de asemenea sugestive.
2:00 AM Just unpublished and will re-write entirely my Theory of Everything based on this statement.
A photon is made of 4 conic AEther whirls rotating in opposite directions next to each other on two axis perpendicular on each other and transversal to direction of movement, moving through space frictionless, in a way similar to a smoke ring.
The speed of a photon against the stationary AEther is limited to a fraction of the the peripheral rotation speed of the whirls which is limited by the centrifuge force.
2:25 În urma elucidării adevăratelor circumstanțe ale semnării de către Ciolacu a falsului tratat de la Budapesta (Ciolacu nu are calitatea constituțională de a semna tratate externe, asta este un atribut al Președintelui României, semnare urmată de ratificarea Parlamentului), ei au rescris din volei alegerile și au făcut loc acestui personaj, Georgescu (care printre altele imită numele meu).
El va lătra până la vară, comentând la mișto sau apărând în alegorii, menite să creeze confuzie asupra tot ce scriu eu sau în general tot ce se întâmplă, când se va sătura toată lumea și va fi retras probabil printr-o gafă irecuperabilă și pe veci memorabilă, ca multele din istoria post 89, pentru a face loc clovnilor (des)prăfuiți ai sistemului.
2:40 One question to which google did not know the answer. Could shock waves add energy to matter, creating excitation and a peak in spontaneous decay.
9:40 In this version of my theory mass could be created by the speed of aether. When only rotating, not moving linearly or at relativistic speeds, mass would appear stationary and constant. When moving, would follow the special relativity equation, suggesting there is some resistance of aether to movement of the whirls.
Or it could be aether has mass or only relativistic mass and the whirls create areas of depression, concentrating aether. The faster they move linearly, the more aether they absorb and their size and mass grows.
Again inertia could be explained by growth of mass at non-relativistic speed.
Photons would exist at a point of equilibrium between attraction of the four components due to low pressure, rotation speed and linear speed.
[I postponed the research in this direction for a few days needed to catch my breath, however i am forced to do it because some threat and punish me for this, can't really talk about (one revolution a day, wouldn't that be enough for them?)
So i did not have enough time to come with any proof of the above, other than "it must be that way" which is equivalent to the reasoning behind Special Relativity which is only an enunciation, a datum or a dogma with no explanations behind period.]
So the low pressure whirls would act like an aether vacuum, and then transferring its surplus to the high pressure one, in the case of light. In case of "ordinary matter" we only have low pressure whirls, cause antimatter or high pressure whirls is rare in this Universe.
Being made of matter and antimatter in the same time (the pair production is the proof) make light not absorb aether and thus moving faster than anything.
2:25 În urma elucidării adevăratelor circumstanțe ale semnării de către Ciolacu a falsului tratat de la Budapesta (Ciolacu nu are calitatea constituțională de a semna tratate externe, asta este un atribut al Președintelui României, semnare urmată de ratificarea Parlamentului), ei au rescris din volei alegerile și au făcut loc acestui personaj, Georgescu (care printre altele imită numele meu).
El va lătra până la vară, comentând la mișto sau apărând în alegorii, menite să creeze confuzie asupra tot ce scriu eu sau în general tot ce se întâmplă, când se va sătura toată lumea și va fi retras probabil printr-o gafă irecuperabilă și pe veci memorabilă, ca multele din istoria post 89, pentru a face loc clovnilor (des)prăfuiți ai sistemului.
2:40 One question to which google did not know the answer. Could shock waves add energy to matter, creating excitation and a peak in spontaneous decay.
9:40 In this version of my theory mass could be created by the speed of aether. When only rotating, not moving linearly or at relativistic speeds, mass would appear stationary and constant. When moving, would follow the special relativity equation, suggesting there is some resistance of aether to movement of the whirls.
Or it could be aether has mass or only relativistic mass and the whirls create areas of depression, concentrating aether. The faster they move linearly, the more aether they absorb and their size and mass grows.
Again inertia could be explained by growth of mass at non-relativistic speed.
Photons would exist at a point of equilibrium between attraction of the four components due to low pressure, rotation speed and linear speed.
[I postponed the research in this direction for a few days needed to catch my breath, however i am forced to do it because some threat and punish me for this, can't really talk about (one revolution a day, wouldn't that be enough for them?)
So i did not have enough time to come with any proof of the above, other than "it must be that way" which is equivalent to the reasoning behind Special Relativity which is only an enunciation, a datum or a dogma with no explanations behind period.]
So the low pressure whirls would act like an aether vacuum, and then transferring its surplus to the high pressure one, in the case of light. In case of "ordinary matter" we only have low pressure whirls, cause antimatter or high pressure whirls is rare in this Universe.
Being made of matter and antimatter in the same time (the pair production is the proof) make light not absorb aether and thus moving faster than anything.
Electrostatic force would be repelling of two whirls with opposite rotation direction and gravity attraction of all negative pressure whirls towards AEther.
11:54 Nu știu dacă
12:00 Așa cum am scris de mai multe ori, când scriu și eu ceva mai de Doamne-ajută, avioanele se ridică de la sol.