Tuesday, April 2, 2024
April 2nd
Thinking of all the links affected by google's change (thousands) that won't work anymore in my main blog (friends) that i will never be able to fix. But who's gonna read the old posts.
So i downloaded the similarities blog, edited it in Notepad with search/replace all, and imported it back.
It is where the surprises started. Blogger (google's free blogging platform i use) imported all modified posts and kept the old ones. I duplicated all the posts. Did it one more time. Then i tried to delete them all and import again. However it didn't work.
Then i tried to create a new blog by importing the theme which i also saved and then importing the modified posts. That didn't work either. Then google told me i exceeded the number of imports for the new blog, "try again later".
Then i tried to restore the blog by importing the unmodified version (first, before editing which i kept just in case) and that didn't work either.
Then i restored my deleted old blog (had the option for 90 days) and started to manually delete the duplicates, one by one, trying to keep the newly modified ones with search/replace. However the addresses of the duplicates are not the same anymore so all links in my other blogs won't work anymore if i go with those.
I have two options. Either to manually delete the duplicates and triplicates (a few thousands posts) and keep the old ones with the addresses and then go and manually do the necessary changes according to google's modifications to search on images, or keep the duplicates which have been modified (but not all work, some needing more manual adjustments).
But for now i will keep everything, the first 100 or so manually modified, with the old addresses, the duplicates and triplicates and go and try to get more sleep cause they started to make noise right after Angela left so i could sleep no more after that.
I think i'm up to go and modify manually all the posts (as i said, a few thousands) and then manually delete the duplicates and triplicates during my free time.
But for now the impact on the reader of all this roller coaster is minimal and most important i did not loose any content.
8:02 Eu nu înțeleg o chestie, dacă banii suplimentari se dau pe carduri care se reîncarcă în momente ca atunci când le scade rating-ul, de ce nu are fiecare pensionar un card cu care să-și scoată banii și care să fie reîncărcat cu pensia în fiecare lună. Astfel, ar ieși poșta din circuit, cu tot ce înseamnă asta (mărunțișul).
Gândiți-vă câtă pierdere de timp și energie pentru poștași, cu încălzirea planetei, ca să meargă în fiecare lună acasă la pensionar, să se așeze și să numere banii. Da bine cu opțiunea ca la acei care nu vor să meargă să rămână pe sistemul vechi cu poștașul.
9:55 So they tried to parr my post with US Ambassador to Romania being a (now disappeared from the scene) local politician with different ID with this event involving US Ambassador to NATO (as for why member states have ambassadors i have no clue).
I would go and search for her right away if i knew her age. Amazing how for second rank politicians, such as sheriffs, local chiefs of police, ambassadors etc. it is nearly impossible to figure their age, even though they have Wikipedia pages like this Julianne... Smith. Shadow Government?
Knowing the age limits the search to an area of about 5 years in the lists. Very few are outside this magic interval.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
June 15
9:23 Just looked on Google Maps. The newer West Wing of Peppermill Hotel in Reno is next to a busy street. Though residential, a lot of the utility vehicles pass through. Even a small car like ours can be heard from inside while passing, if you get a room with windows at that street. The noise was louder than at Comfort Inn Motel in Yreka which was next to high 5 (we booked first at Baymont by Windham, which was... under construction work, with debris on the hallways and even on the door knobs).
But it all differs. If they choose to send those at 6 AM like they did yesterday then there's no way you can sleep anymore. How the others did. I believe there was no one in the whole building that night except for us and the guy next door who did not come there to sleep.
Who are they. In this case, the mob that control all of Reno (I'll talk about later, here's an example). Why. Because of my bad review last time when i slept in the tower and all AC vents and pipes were clogged with dust and nazi gas room symbols on the walls. The reason i chose the newer West Wing.
But there's one more thing. They gave us a room that connected with another through an inner door. Actually there's two doors with a dead bolt on each side. That is if you lock yours there is no way someone could get inside. But i believe the guy in the other room had it opened on his side and at 5 AM he started coughing. I'll talk about later.
Also they gave us a notice saying they will start the next day at 9 a "seasonal window cleaning" and there will be some "minimal noise" between 5 and 9. So i realized i might not be able to get anymore sleep during the day or the following nights and days (we booked for 3 nights), especially with the smell in the air that continued in the morning and was keeping me not necessarily high but alert.
So i just checked out thinking (after two suspiciously bad nights) i could get closer to home with those 4 hours of sleep and took the Susanville route which is one hundred miles shorter with much less traffic. However i was able to drive all the way home which is also weird, probably again connected with the smell in the air in the whole city.
Yes i regret the more southern sun and the beauty of the outer architecture of the city and the noisy and flashy games and also the 1200 miles i drove for that nothing. But i'm also happy because right now i'm not on a hospital bed with hands and legs on pulleys. After all that happened on the road. About that, later.
Yeah i know. All hotel industry today is leading the losses on Wall Street. I guess they knew what i was about to write today.
BTW there is something up today and that is T-mobile. (smells like fried teen spirit). The corporation that together with the others kill people with their cell towers and subsidized give away phones. But people don't believe me, they believe in Dracula and Jekyl and Hyde and all the s... they they were Fed for a hundred years in media and before that who knows how which is good cause it keeps the market and the inflation high for them.
11:00 Finally figured. The reason the Peppermill hotel which is about 52 years old (built 71) is Italian themed, with Tuscany tower and Florence suites. There are also numerous statues and other decorations, the whole thing is pleasant to see and nice for a vacation however i could not understand this statue.
11:45 What law? What Police? Local Police belongs to the mayor. FBI?
1:07 Susanville, a small town east of Sierra Nevada Mountains, some 86 miles north of Reno. Some would say there is no life east of the Sierras and then Cascade Mountains at the North, but there is some, with cities like Reno, Susanville, Bend, Madras, Warm Springs which i all crossed yesterday. Susanville is a deep valley and if you want to go further North you have to climb some 1200 ft until you reach the high desert (Northern California, Southern Oregon) with elevations between 4000 and 7000 ft. I know cause i turned to the gps page that showed the altitude.
Close to the end of the steep climb north of Wilsonville on 139. Close to where the picture was taken from. Too bad that was a day with smoke and the camera on the google car is way up high and can't show exactly what happened. I was alone on the road and was following the rail and from the low height of the car i wasn't seeing the curve was continuing to the left.
Especially because from the right was coming a truck or SUV that distracted me. Or maybe it saved our lives. In the last tenth of a second i saw the continuous yellow line going left otherwise i would have jumped in the deep chasm ahead. I think they should put some of those arrows signaling a left curve there.
5:52 Last night before 10 i had 20 more miles to go and was really low on fuel. I was telling the attendant at the 76 gas station in Boring, i've done 450 miles (Susanville) with 11.3 gallons. Then i had this vision at the car's window with planet Venus and i told him that it looks really weird because it's currently on the third or waning phase. When you look at it you can't really see the shape and it feels like your eyes are blurred.
Then the other attendant came, a woman with a blazer with a 76 (planets) sign on the back and she pulled a phone and showed me an app that uses phone's positioning sensor and when the phone is pointed at a certain area of the sky it shows the stars and planets and stuff, named, etc.. She was red headed, tall and thin.
She came and showed me the phone with the app in my face and told me there should also be Mars in the vicinity of it and that was visible on the app, but not in the sky. I think she was right, i just could not see it cause i was tired and it wasn't dark enough (about one hour after sunset and city light pollution). In this video it is not shown the phase of Venus, only of the Moon which was not up at that hour, and also Mars which is one sixth the diameter of Venus which is similar in size with Earth.
I did not realize until later who she was. Last time i saw her was again at a gas station in Florence, Oregon.
Friday, July 20, 2012
From: "George Ion" <geion@verizon.net>
To: < international@cisv.org>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 22:20:17 -0700
Subject: Question
Gheorghe Ion
6810 SW Hall Blvd #16
Beaverton, OR, 97008
In 1972 when i was twelve I've been in a CISV camp in Kisdorf, near Hamburg, Germany, sent by the communist regime in Romania.
The exact location is Ulmenhof in Kisdorf, as shown below. It's probably a school now.
Seeing that picture triggered lots of memories.
I never quite understood why me, because there were many other eligibile (children of the communist elite), like the other three kids in the Romanian delegation. I never quite understood why an organization like yours would invite children from the communist countries, since the only ones that would benefit would be the children of the above elite, with few exceptions.
Not speaking any international language, except for a few french words made it tough for us, almost traumatizing. We weren't able to communicate with the other kids. I remember quite vividly Klauss, the director of the camp asking me severeal times in French: "Pourquoi tu es toujour si seul ?". That made me feel somewhat guilty.
I also have nice memories from there, like driving a car for the first time in my life (a Renault 4 owned or rented by Olaf from Sweden) and being saved from drowning in an Olympic size swimming pool. (I was a poor swimmer at that time.)
Also dancing for the first time in the dark in a "discoteque" with the chef's daughter, Suzanna (I don't know the exact spelling) organized by a couple of local german guys that were hanging around. I think one of them was the son of a prominent local CISV member.
I remember once Klauss filmed me with a nice camera with zoom I also played with and during projection, the film jammed and I saw my image catching fire on the screen.
I am asking your help in consolidating the memories of those days with the complete list of the sites visited and a list of the staff present in the camp with their qualifications.
As I said I didn't speak any English at the time. But from singing the camp's song every morning, i memorized the words and reconstructed the lyrics later on. Please confirm that this was the camp's song lyrics.
"Here in this village you may see
Children living happily
Swedes, Finns, Turks, Romanians
British, Germans, Canadians
Philippines, Italians too
We have many things to do
How am i alike to you"
Especially the last line doesn't sound quite right.
Many appreciations for your work,
Gheorghe Ion
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "George Ion" <geion@verizon.net>
To: <secretary.hh@de.cisv.org>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 06:36:38 -0700
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Question
I wasn't lucky contacting the global site. Please read the following thread and help me if you can.
George Ion
----- Original Message -----
From: Bertil Hron
To: geion@verizon.net
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Question
Dear Gheorghe,
Thank you very much for your e-mail. It is good to hear that, after so many years, you are still thinking of your CISV experience.
First of all, as regards names and addresses we are not able to give out personal details about participants. However, we recommend that your register on the CISV Friends website ( http://friends.cisv.org) and claim participation in your Village (V-1972-006), and in doing so, possibly make contact with other people who participated in your programme.
By registering on the CISV Friends website you will also receive regular links to CISV publications such as CISV News and the CISV Annual Review.
Secondly, I am afraid we do not have the specific information you are requesting as related to excursion destinations.
Thirdly, as for the lyrics you provided, these appear to have been specific to your programme. Sometimes in the different programmes the lyrics of the CISV song and other songs are adapted by the participants to fit their programme or as part of a performance for a public occasions such as Open Day.
The official lyrics of the CISV Song are these:
The CISV Song (Kathleen Milne/Bjarne Kirk)
Here in this village you may see
Children living happily
Different race and different land
Here we come to understand
One another’s point of view
Learning through the things we do
How alike am I to you
Here we live and eat and sleep
Talk and laugh and sometimes weep
Here we share our hopes and fears
Build a bridge across the years
Sow a seed and plant a tree
Beneath whose branches there may be
All the nations gathered free
That our children so may grow
In a world we did not know
Sharing all they have to give
Learning how to love and live
In our hands the future lies
Seize the moment ‘ere it flies
Stamp the present with an act
Dare to make our dream a fact
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
03/31/1972 Don't know if i wrote above about holding hands while singing the version of the song written first above. Stumbled across a picture today. At the end of the song we were turning around while still holding hands forming a circle eacg facing outside and only then we were breaking with hands throwing them towards ground.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Goodbye Windows
Then i had sort of a revelation, fueled by and developed in the waiting time. Since most of the employers nowadays let programmers chose whether to use Windows or Linux and some force you to use Linux, i realized. Linux is more productive in an office environment. You get more things done. Is that simple. I couldn't possibly write 277 posts in one year on my blog while pampering Windows and falling in a trance every time seeing the animation at boot time.
Then, i used a partitioning program, cleaned those partitions and installed Fedora as the second boot. Yes, Fedora 17, for the second time. I spoke before of the advantages. By doing so instead of plainly re-installing you can have a clean install and a very smooth transitioning. You can always choose the old one at boot time. You can share data while transitioning. You can pick only what you need from the mess left behind.
But this time for me it was just for experimenting. What i was anxious about is i could not imagine how you can have on a hard drive two / partitions, two /boot, two /home, etc. and not confuse the two OS.
Here's how it's done. At installation, (i used the live CD), the installer sees only the Linux partitions you just formatted on the free chosen space. The others belonging to the older installation are at that moment just some unmounted partitions on a hard drive. It will also find the other Fedora loader on the other boot partition and add it to the grub boot menu, with a slightly different name (and maybe a warning, i can't remember). After booting one of the two, each will see only its own partitions and the other's will be just unmounted devs with the option to mount them and transfer whatever data you need.
Actually, nothing to do but install the second instance of Fedora.
Actually, i never tried and chose the other, older Fedora from the boot menu. I just did now, after i wrote the first paragraphs, to make sure it works. What happens is because of some minor problem, instead of Fedora animated logo at boot time, i get to see the some messages scrolling while the boot happens. Boot time is the same, it's working the same. With file manager i'm seeing the newer partitions, with their corresponding sizes but not named, as unmounted. But i'm not going to try to fix that one, i don't need it anymore.
1/6/13 5:32 PM PDT. Just fixed the "minor" problem. Manually added the newest kernel entry from the older grub.cfg into the newer grub.cfg. Now i can boot them both with no problem. Two identical OSs on a same computer!
1/6/13 11:12 PM PDT. Thought maybe i should write what i think is exciting about this. Although i accidentally discovered the possibility while trying to learn partitioning with an XP installation disk long time ago, when i installed XP twice (LOL) by mistake and got a menu at boot time asking me which one to boot, i never thought of the advantages until a few month ago.
Any OS, including Fedora, although not nearly as much as Windows, degrades irreversibly in time. Although there are numerous softwares out there that claim that can restore your system as it was when you first installed it (bought it for the most people), the problem is too vast and complex to be solved like this.
Every time you install and un-install software, or work with sizable amounts of data, the hard disk gets fragmented, the registry file gets corrupted and remnants of the older softwares haunt your hard drive. When nowadays on an average computer you have hundreds of thousands of of files, it is very hard for any cleaning software to automatically undo the mess.
And then there's the updates. Every time you update a package, the newer files pile up in top of the others, often leaving your computer with several versions of the same packages, of course, the older ones being useless, but hard to remove due to the precision and the know how required to only delete the useless not the usable or the current version.
And then there's the internet temporary files. Every time you open a site, scores of files are being saved on your hard drive and depending on your browser's settings they are being rolled out like in a first in last out basis. If you don't use administrative measures like i am keeping all of them on a separate partition, they will populate every empty space of your hard drive contributing to the fragmentation.
And on a Windows computer with no separate partitions no matter how big the hard drive is, the mess is unimaginable.
And i am not pretending here to finish the list of problems that add to the cluttering of an OS in time.
That's why among administrators the concept of a clean install has been born. What that means? It means you save whatever data you need, wipe clean the hard drive and install it anew, then the programs and then try to restore everything you added up into a workable status by putting the data back little by little. But this is a very time consuming process, and although you will have a faster computer, you will never have it the same way as it was before you cleaned it.
(Actually that's what i believe cloud computing would be so successful, because it keeps your data away from your own messy computer.)
So why all this talk in this post? Because what i've stumbled upon could bring a totally new prospective into maintaining a computer.
Supposedly you or the manufacturer reserved some space for this purpose when first installing the OS. Supposedly you have all your data separated from the programs in a different partition or partitions (not absolutely necessary).
All you have to do is install for the second time your OS into the reserved space with the programs and try and pick the data from the other partition without deleting nothing on as needed basis while still keeping the option of booting the computer with the old system that might be slow but you are so familiar with. The transition will be much smoother and you can delete the old partition(s) when you feel you don't need them anymore or when you think you need that space for anything else including repeating the above cycle.
And above all, no emotions from the possibility of loosing data while totally and truly renewing your computer.
As an example, what i just did, i installed Fedora 17 and the updates and all the programs for the second times on some free space on the hard drive, creating some sort of a mirroring of the old system, then copied the username directory from the old installation /home into the new /home partition, and voila, all the familiar icons popped on the desktop, and i was ready to go in about 2 hours in total, and this while keeping the option of booting the old system. Everything was done mostly automatically by the Fedora installer (except choosing the free space and partition types and sizes, from the live CD, with only a one time manually editing of the grub.cfg file, as mentioned above.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
FAA Rules Violations
One day i got so mad after a conversation with FAA that i started making a collection of what i think are clear violations. However, this web site is not reliable. I saw planes flying much lower and closer than shown there. So i picked a date, May 1st and dragged that slider with the mouse and took screen shots until i got bored. I forgot about that little project but i saved a few screen shots. Here there are.
According to FAA, a plane cannot fly in urban "congested" areas below 1500 ft above ground level. Average elevation on the map below is 200 to 300 ft, and where i live, where the house is shown on the map in the last 4 pictures below there are about 750 ft.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
October 31
As i said many times before, T gondii increases dopamine, the "feel good" neurotransmitter. That keeps you going after infection, like feeling high and breathing through a congested nose until you completely crash, with shortness of breath, low oxygen level, etc..
The newest source could be this. Next door or wall neighbor, apt.2 got this huge fan in the window, a similar one on the other side of the building. The fan increases a bit the pressure inside, enough to push whatever is in the air inside into the (empty) walls and from there into our apartment, probably upstairs too. He's got a dog that goes alone in the yard and i picked droppings several times next to his patio. The mystery of the man upstairs not being here in the last weeks/months. After being back a few days (week before Halloween) he left early Saturday morning. All after staying here for days at at time, since he moved in the spring. The neighbor next door or wall has a dog and smokes. Cigarettes, possibly kratom, marijuana which with dog smell comes through the walls in here. I opened main door while i'm writing here and got nauseated.
11:28 Ok this is weird. Can't find the article where it says Zyrtec inhibits T gondii though i know for sure it does because i bought it right after i read. Instead i found (again) something about omeprazole (which i took for years) and a number of antipsychotic and antihistamine drugs which makes me think again, what if T gondii causes all these diseases, one of the first responses of your body to infection is to increase stomach acid and omeprazole actually kills or suppresses the parasite. Same with other "psychiatric" diseases, with mood swings being caused by proliferation of parasite after eating, etc..
Strangely enough, Scientology holds a similar belief, that "psychiatric" diseases are caused by... Tethans ("clustering" to human bodies), and antihistamine drugs help suppress those.
Could the current pandemic which is said to be caused by an invisible virus, actually be caused by rapidly mutating strains of T gondii (that cannot be suppressed by the immune system of people that are already old and sick)? It is said that a large percentage of human population is infected with the parasite, ignored by the doctors because of difficulty of diagnosis and not being an emergency because of so many people being positive and asymptomatic, however, what if newer more virulent strains take over?
That because to me it happened so many times, many years before COVID. I went to ER maybe up to 100 times in those years with shortness of breath (never got to the point when oxygen was low), and every time all they did was let me wait, while breathing the clean air inside, and in a few occasions when i stayed with "anxiety" or "panic" attacks and not sleeping for a week, they put me in psychiatric wards.
Știți ce ma atrage pe mine la păcănele? În primul rând, să mai ies de aici, să mai văd și să mai aud altceva. Uneori, Oceanul cel Magic, Mount Hood-ul maiestuos și deșertul misterios. Alte ori, doar râsete și chiuituri, poate artificiale. Un păhărel pe furiș în parcare.
Știu de mult că nu sunt jocuri de noroc. Au poate o cameră pentru fiecare 2-3 mașini cu care capturează și analizează fețele, mișcarea mâinilor. Ceva softuri apoi îți hotărăsc mâna următoare. Când nu ești atent să apeși butonul să oprești defilarea, îți bagă ceva. Când termini banii introduși, îți bagă o mână, două, să mai joci și să mai scoți bani din buzunar. La fel când te hotărăști să pleci de la o mașină. Din când în când (la ore și după algoritmuri prestabilite, când lumea începe să plece masiv) toate mașinile încep să meargă, poate vreo zece minute, ca să formeze adicții. Pe mine mă amuză să încerc să păcălesc aceste softuri, de cele mai multe ori nu reușesc. Sau chiar dacă reușesc o mână, îmi iau înapoi ce am câștigat, la următoarele zece, etc..
7:24 Yeah i know it feels really bad especially at the end of an "anxiety attack" complete with shortness of breath. It takes lots of courage, after you figure out, to wait to normalize while breathing with the open mouth until you forget about. In a sense, breathing through a congested nose for maybe half an hour at the end feels like holding breath for several minutes, but the sense of urgency is much more pronounced and prolonged, feels like your chest is going to get crushed or something. To me it happened so many times, i don't care anymore.
I never thought i had or don't know if, the variety of wine called Sauvignon blanc. One of the best wines i figure. Until last Sunday. (Coincidence with the shootings on the set by Alec Baldwin?). Today i told Angela to look and see if there isn't any at WinCo. (Took her there, went to pick her in an hour, did some stuff in between). She didn't know what i posted today, the only brand she could find was...
Monday, September 30, 2019
Fifor Affairs
On 10/18/18 i started a new blog. Because i knew i was onto something but my previous attempts were incomplete and some erroneous. Had no idea this was going to trigger a chain of events of whom i may remind a 20% market crash. For those who are not familiar with dimension of these things. Globalization has tied the markets in a lock so whenever market crashes in the US it crashes everywhere and the other way around. As per Wikipedia "In 2014 and 2015, global market capitalization was US$68 trillion and US$67 trillion, respectively" which means the losses where in the range of 10-15 trillion dollars in two months. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_capitalization
I think many were taken by surprise including myself. And then i realized what happens and started to follow the market because every time i was making a mistake then market was going back up. However some times it was going down on a mismatch because of an apparent resemblance that fooled me and then others. It was quite a ride. Until December 20.
In that day, smoke and dog poo was bothering me too much and went outside to look for dog poos. Back in the day they were abundant, like several piles a day. In that moment a guy dressed in a corporate black suite came and put a note on my door. It was one out of an unprecedented long string that continue to this day. I think the man was this guy. He had a goatee as far as i can remember but i know i was pretty high from the smoke surrounding the apartment.
That was unprecedented because they never asked before proof of renter's insurance except at lease time which was renewed in summer or about 6 months before.
December 20th was a Thursday and the first day before solstice. I believe date was chosen especially for that as auspicious on some traditions. Market went down really bad for one more day and than on 26 started to climb back up.
I believe it had something to do with me posting right after this episode about Bob Lumm my insurance agent whom i thought looked like Paul Allen (and Paul Allen died about a month earlier on October 15). But not sure yet. Or the fact that i posted online my proof of insurance. https://www.google.com/search?q=paul+alen+died
I think it was around December first when Fifor showed the first time here upstairs. I wasn't paying attention to all details the way i do now. Moved some of the stuff then left.
But i think it was after when i wrote i heard chiseling noises in the laundry closet area. (Can't find the post and this is the reason i'm trying to put all together in here). I think they did something for the litter dust to move in the floor from where it could come down here though wire passages for the plugs in the closet when doing laundry and the big laundry machine moving (vibrating) the thin walls and floors and pumping dust in the wall downstairs and from their through the plugs, in here.
I know for sure he came back with a woman on Christmas night and started doing laundry upstairs. The woman could have been Chris Jacobson but they were others figuring the same character of whom one day i think i recognized Monica Macovei, a Romanian member of the UE Parliament.
Back then they were two pipes broken in the basement. And they did so until the day they left, i think at the beginning of May. After a one month break, the new guys moved and started the same thing.
One thing is sure. They do laundry many times when i go there to cook, next to my closet, so i inhale that dust. And i do so most working days because Angela asks me so when she comes from work. About half of the times i go there and cook they start. In the floor plan it is not shown the wall between kitchen and bathroom in all its thickness (wall has been dubled inside the bathroom which was made smaller so no one can fit in the tub, other reasons). Washer and drier tower (W/D) is on right, water heater on left with space in the middle. Door has about one inch gap all around. There is no window at the kitchen and no fence at the patio. Probably was the original floor plan because it's quite unique in the complex. Also very similar to the floor plan of the apartment in Lake Oswego which is rare as coincidence.
I said it many times before. Litter dust is unhealthy. Through some procedure they turn glass into micro-porous granules that absorb liquids many time their volume. However those granules break very easily and tiny glass particles some submicronic are released when the cat dogs walk or run around the apartment.
But it's not only the long term effect. Think of million of tiny glass particles pouring on you through the plugs in the closet next to kitchen when you cook for one hour. Depending on the amount, it can irritate you on skin, making you literally mad. Fool thermal nerve termination on your skin and lower your temperature and metabolism. Dust from lungs eliminates in the digestive tract and can cause all kinda problems, including allergies to glucose (biggest molecule absorb in human intestine). The combination can lead to spikes in blood sugar imitating diabetes. Dust in your stomach and duodenum can get in the bile duct because of bile reflux and irritate bile, pancreas, liver. Combined with noises when you eat it can make you literally sick. I had a bad gal bladder infection last week which subsided. I think the ninja designed and promoted this for modern humans. Weaponized glass.
Along with many other products designed to kill you slowly. Then the other side of story. Dogs, cats, can get sick and infected with parasites like protozoa that can affect you in many ways and if the she dog is in heat it can have an uncontrolled and unknown Viagra like effect.
But prior to December 2018. I had a huge problem with the water heater. Previous occupants has used the pan as a litter box. All the insulation of the heater was contaminated with animal waste. I wrote about the steps i've been taken many times. Most are gone with g+. Saved one post on a blog but the pictures are gone.
Mihai Fifor is quite a curios character. Had this post on my matching list, i had some doubts, removed it and reposted it later and the next day he retired his candidacy from Romanian presidency.
"with a degree in Romanian and English", he resigned from his position as Minister of Defense in January 2018 "to concentrate on party internal affairs and election-preparatory actions." he is currently https://www.google.com/search?q=mihai+fifor+spokesperson+of+the+ruling+party+of+romania
Don't know exactly how many MIG 21 where in Romania in 89, maybe up to 200. I can read now in Wikipedia 110 of those have been modernized in Israel between 93 and 2002. Today only 24 of those are operational. In 1990 Soviet Union basically gave away two squadrons (24) of MIG 29 (equivalent of F15) to Romania, but they were left unused, then scraped and rumors said they were sold as parts to Poland which used them, as Germany did with those inherited from former Eastern Germany until recently. Romania has a very capable maintenance factory in Bacău where i lived until i moved here, could have had easily maintained those, but it was a political decision no to used those (to show good faith to west, i guess was their motivation).
Though NATO member since 2004, Romania had big troubles renewing her aviation fleet. Finally they signed a contract with Portugal which sold to Romania 9 F16 basically scraped and modernized before being sent to Romania. I heard 5 more are on their way.
After US market stabilized, in March Fifor made an anouncement that Romania is going to buy 36 more F16s.
As a defence Minister, în July 2018 Fifor declared
On August 1st 2018 the old man upstairs quit going to work. He stayed home tormenting me continuously for the next month or so then he moved out. October was the month were they remodeled upstairs. It was so noisy, most of the time could not stay home during daytime.
On february 21st this year Fifor declared
"And another plan of 36 F-16 aircraft for which we've requested the US to tell us is there is the possibility to buy them form there. For now, we wait for a response, because one doesn't go and purchase a F-16 from one day to the next," Minister Fifor told a press conference organised at the National Defence Ministry (MApN) headquarters."
However, as the market stabilized, probably all promises went away. Did Fifor negotiated with the US purchasing of those planes for allowing them to stop me with any means possible?
More discussion in media in April about purchasing of F35.
Can't figure exactly when those guys left. I know for sure the new ones came on July 11. From this point of view fb is really bad (at searching posts from the past when you write so many).
But i remember one day i went upstairs to talk to the guys. They were making so much noise the day before they make me so sick i though i was going to die. It was like a 12 hours running marathon. They told me they are leaving in 12 weeks.
...will continue...
Monday, January 14, 2013
Dracula And The Ninja Master
The possible inspiration for my novel would be the urban legends with a kernel of truth that circulate nowadays especially on the internet or the hidden, or dark side of the internet.
The whole action would take place somewhere on the eastern Pacific coast.
Jinichi Kawakami is one of the legends and possible inspirer for the main character of my novel.
The other one, of course, embodied by a poor immigrant from Romania who unknowingly acts as Dracula.
The ninja master having as advisers people from that part of the world that give him a continuous stream of information in the psychology of Romanians and locals, as themselves being immigrants in the area where the action takes place.
The ninja master has the advantage of local people helping him, hoping in promoting their ideas through a real time television show publicized in one of those dark areas of the internet mentioned above.
The ninja master and his allies built a whole apartment complex in an area controlled by them in a big city on the Pacific shore. They lure the Romanian guy into one of those buildings with a cheap rent and so the action begins.
But for the purpose of the show, they attributed the ownership of the buildings to Dracula who is un-measurable reach (although he appears as a poor Romanian immigrant) and uses the buildings to lure and rent the apartments to his future victims.
The ninja master occupies himself and controls several apartments in the same building where the Romanian lives. But the viewers, or as the French would say, les voyeurs, think the opposite. (In fact, almost in all situations, everything they think about this show is the opposite of truth, which almost always gives them much sensation). The apartment beneath where the Dracula lives is officially vacated. However, he sometimes hears somebody moving some heavy stuff around. I would later describe the possible purpose of this.
Using his specific training, ninja master dresses and disguises as different persons, men and women, mimicking some average locals living in that type of dwelling.
The building although it looks built in the late 70s has been built more recently using recycled materials from old buildings and old appliances. The ninja master participated himself with the design and actual building of the place, laying all kind of tricks, psychological traps, semi-toxic, addictive, materials and generally all kind of junk and as a retired engineer himself he designed especially the parts that deal with resonance, controlling the levels of ultrasound and infra-sound generated by different appliances, walls, plumbing, roof, etc. By moving heavy stuff (moves usually integrated with the script, so the viewers can applaud them as well) he changes resonance frequencies. In fact, Dracula is always puzzled by the fact that the bedroom's door frame changes shape from one day to another so one day he can easily close and open the door and the other day it gets stuck, unexplained by the change or lack of it in the humidity shown by the weather station)
Here's an example of daily routine. One moment the master leaves the building as a woman in well chosen moments, usually when the Romanian guy is in the kitchen and prepares his meals. Then leaves his car in a well camouflaged hole dug in a hill nearby and comes back five minutes later through a tunnel and leaves again as a different woman from a different apartment with a different car while the Romanian is watching the two persons leaving while eating his dinner and drinking a glass of cheap red wine.
Everybody watches the show on the internet but probably due to some "technical problems" it is not possible to see exactly the beans in his plate, but just some brownish red stuff.
(Usually at this point, a plane would fly above and use a telescope like camera, try to film through the windows what's in Dracula's plate. Dust from the walls is falling due to resonance of the walls with the noise of the plane's phased engines and Dracula ingests some, contributing to the later "lethal" flatulence.
The ninja master waits the moment and when that happens, he appears, starts to, depending of his current disguise, to look dizzy or almost faint, hurrying to his car or apartment. There he will burn some secret ninja stuff engulfing the whole place with protecting smoke that neutralizes Dracula's flatulence and gets Dracula dizzy at least for a while or until he gets an anxiety attack and forgets the whole episode until tomorrow when the master can restart the whole cycle
There are numerous variations on this. Like in the morning after Dracula eating beans, he opens the windows and the ninja master gets out of one of his apartments again as a woman and hurries to his car, unhurt.
The ninja master has on its side an army of extras lent by the greater non-local government that secretly took them from other parts of the world, that in agreement with the local government drive hundreds of cars an hour around the Dracula's place, sort of like circling the wagon in Western movies, with the only purpose of shaking the building and generating those low frequency vibrations i was talking about. The cars, just not to raise suspicions are used cars, bought by the government which spent a few billion dollars to buy them from the people through some sort of cash for junk program, that officially was supposed to bust new cars sales and increasing economy, in fact increasing only the import of cheap cars from master's masters. Some of the cars where fitted with self driving capabilities so they can perfectly time the entrance or the exit in or out of the scene and the engines' rpm. The extras think that are fighting terrorists and so their peace of mind and motivation is assured.
(Actually some of the locals got pissed-off several times and tried to protest initiating street protests name like un-occupy your city, but with not much conviction or success. Some of those protesters are also fake or provocateurs).
The purpose of those low frequencies is clear. To keep Dracula in a state of mind that prevent him from thinking and confusing him and minimize or completely annihilate his biting powers and/or earthquake generating power this newly engineered Dracula has and force him to feed on beans, bread and wine. (Or manipulating the poor Romanian immigrant and continuously literally brainwashing him by vibrating his brain). The other main purpose would be to create fibrillation in Dracula's heart. Not enough to kill him, although later that is clearly on the options' table, but just to raise viewers' hope that he might actually get a stroke (fibrillation is a major risk for stroke). But no, they wouldn't do that without a good reason. Since there are days when he is actually starting to crave his wine because they got him addicted to it, he continuously shakes his leg under the table like an addict. Their sensors pick the vibration and interpret it as yet another attempt to start an earthquake and then they have a reason to complete the cycle and start driving like crazy to create other, better, completely mechanical, engine vibrations.
By getting a stroke, he could have brain surgery, fulfill all the prophecies, have a change of mental status and go ahead and actually officially take over the world. By taking over the world, other prophecies could be fulfilled and maybe even the apocalypse could start, if not started yet, and that could end in viewers' benefit.
Some might even ask, how is that possible, how could some benefit from an apocalypse.
It is very simple. It is written that some would be saved after the apocalypse happens and have eternal life. The Saints. No argue about that.
So if you want to have eternal life, one option is to become a saint and wait for an apocalypse. Or become a saint when an apocalypse is imminent, (this would be a more convenient version). Or become a saint and if no apocalypse is in sight get actively involved into creating one, by letting, helping, hiring or forcing others to sin for you until one is started. In fact there are more versions but i think i shed enough light on the matter for those who never thought about it this way.
One easy way to start an apocalypse would be raising Dracula. The best case scenario (or script) for this show could be, of course, the resurrection and maintaining of the cult of Dracula in the minds and souls of contemporary people who lack entertainment, or are saturated by it. That kind of people that try to forget their own problems by immersing themselves in all kind of living art. Or maybe even ruining the world's economy by people staying and watching the show instead of doing anything else (and/or presenting the buildings as piles of junk with no value) and replacing it everywhere with communism.
For the purpose of the show there are semi-clandestine cameras installed all around but due to the declared "clandestinity" of the show, the local politicians and law enforcement agencies turning a blind eye but not being able to actually officially allow it to happen, "glitches" prevent from viewing parts of the living show, especially the ones that could prove boring and in the same time endangering the authenticity.
Did i mention thought reading devices and trough walls vision systems that the ninja master uses to supervise Dracula?
But then there are the real cameras that film everything and feed their stream into the supercomputers located in a different area of the planet which actually control and rewrite the show as it happens and all the characters have attached tiny earphones that tell them what to do or say. Sophisticated voice synthesizers and voice generators are used for those who don't speak well enough the local language.
Due to the fact that the Romanian guy has been on a similar show on a different location and not being able to understand what's going on for such a long time, he becomes neurotic, and had several nervous breakdowns that put him in the psychiatric wards several times in the past. That helps as well because the mood he is showing must be real.
On occasions, guest stars from Hollywood or other celebs are added to the show, either paid, bribed or blackmailed. Some of them are doing for promoting their religious believes and integrated into the show.
The whole show is integrated with the current political events end especially the economical crisis triggered by the real estate devaluation which they attribute to Dracula. The politicians from Romania as well are being bribed or blackmailed to turn a blind eye. They don't realize or don't care that by doing so they ruin the long term future of their country. Actually some of them participate in the show as drivers from the distance promoting in state jobs on higher levels in Romania only people with names ad Dragoş, Neculae, Nikol, Antonia, Beşescu with all the versions, Lividu, Live-u, Leave-u, etc. But there is also a possibility, in my projected novel of course, that Romania exists only as a fake country and that only for the purpose of the show. After 50 some years of the worst dictatorship the world ever saw, attributed, of course, to Dracula too, it has been taken over by a tribe of monguls, allies of master's masters that occupy all the government positions all carrying the names described above and officially in Dracula's service. Those about 10% who could not be brainwashed were forced to emigrate. The monguls can shape shift into international divas with infinite legs and attractions that pretend that are remotely controlled by Dracula as well. From time to time, visits of divas from Romania and everywhere are arranged, but the poor Romanian immigrant don't see any, they are directed to the adjacent apartments, controlled by the ninja. Need to tell what happens to them? They probably go to the higher ranks extras that double Dracula from time to time.
Actors and politicians and generally celebs are shuttled into the show from Hollywood or Europe using high speed, semi-classified, supersonic planes. That way they can pretend they never been there since it was not possible due to timing and distance.
Of course, the main attraction of the show is the question, "in the end, who's gone win, the ninja master or Dracula?"
I am writing this because i need help to get more information and documentation into this kind of possibilities to make my novel more credible and attractive.
And here's an idea about the theme song for the show:
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Incomming Call
A local call from a business, no way it could have been blocked. Or even if it has been blocked, it would have shown blocked or private. But this one was marked "incoming call".
So i went to CenturyLink site and found a form and filled it out. After all i'm paying 10 dollar a month just for the caller ID. This for the daily 1800 soliciting calls i'm getting and don't want to answer.
Can't remember what form. But i received a confirmation email from CenturyLink. I am saved. This one should show what i was complaining about. Oops... It doesn't say anything, just saying they received my email. And a statement about their goals.
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Qwest.Com Customer Support <Qwest.Support@centurylink.com> wrote:
Thank you for taking the time to contact CenturyLink by email. We have
received your message. It will be reviewed as soon as possible by a
member of our Customer Care team. Our specialists are available and
respond to requests Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM
and 6:00 PM Central Standard Time.
Our goal is to respond to all customer concerns within 24 hours.
Please note that emails sent after 6:00 CST or during weekend hours may
require additional response time.
If you need immediate assistance, click the link below to find our
customer service and repair telephone numbers. http://qwest.centurylink.com/
Again, thank you for contacting CenturyLink.
About two month ago, they cut my phone service for 24 hours, with no explanation. A CenturyLink van was here near the box, my wife saw it, then the phone was cut out. I spent one day calling them, bought a new phone, then finally another guy with a pickup marked CenturyLink came and it was fixed.
This is the way they deal with things around here. When you are trying to fix a problem (initial problem was inexplicable back pain in the morning, not in the evening), i got into a myriad of other problems. They create new problems so they cover the old ones. This is proof that i'm dealing with only one entity everywhere i go.
This ticket has a date of the future, see below date ticket created. The ticket was opened today, before this email was sent. Please check the date of the email.
George Ion
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 6:49 PM, CenturyLink <Online.Repair@centurylink.com
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Fedora 21 Before And After Installation
This customization is described here is down to command level for Fedora 21 XFCE live installation (a few commands are good only for AMD64). That is you can paste and execute the commands provided here in a terminal, but for that you need first to paste this whole post in a text file in a partition unaffected by installation (unformatted). Or print it. XFCE because i don't need an animated desktop and all the inconveniences (processor load) that come with it.
This whole new custom Fedora 21 installation as described here should not take more than 3 hours. That time is the only expense for a free and extremely performant and secure OS complete with free multimedia, internet and office software.
If i did it, everybody could.
Without customization and manual partitioning, it should take less than an hour and that is for the complete IT ignorant.
But Fedora live DVD is much more than an installation kit. Once you boot from that DVD as described above, you get a functioning operating system with which you can even get online and browse the web. To start the installation process, you have to double click the Install icon on the desktop.
Any of the steps described below are optional and independent of each other.
Fedora (F) 21 installer has been modified since F20. There is an option to keep the old partitioning. There is an option for LVM. (There are other more options as partitioning.)
Don't know about LVM. I chose standard partitioning to keep the old partitioning from F20 which is similar to this in the link below.
So in the first screen there is a partitioning option (i always forget after i am done with, can't save that screen). Left lower icon. I write here for those familiar with manual partitioning. After choosing that icon, i choose standard partitioning at top and select the manual partitioning button. Then i hit the Done button, that for some strange reason in this installer for F21 is at the upper left corner. Then i get to see the old Fedora installation with all its partitions that is hidden behind a drop menu. To grab a partition in the new installation all i have to do is click on it and rewrite the mounting point (/, /home, /tmp, etc.) and choose to format it or not.
These are the most critical moments. On an installation i always choose to keep the old /home and /var partitions unformatted. That is i don't make the mistake to check the format box near each. If i do so i would wipe out all my recent data and many settings, including desktop, browser, the last file i've been editing and all the others.
By keeping /home partition unformatted and creating when asked an non-privileged user name identical to the one in the old installation, there is very little work to be done for settings and after a clean install of a new version (or the same version), by keeping the /home and /var partitions unformatted, the desktop and the browser will look similar, bookmarks included, so the rest of your computer.
The non-privileged user is needed for doing everything on the computer except maintenance, for security reasons - if a non-privileged account is hacked, there is less they can do without the root password, pretty much like in Windows.
However, all commands (mostly with yum) described here are given in privileged a root terminal, that is a terminal after the command su has been issued and the root password introduced. (You can open a terminal in any directory found with the File Manager by right clicking and choosing Open terminal here). For the privileged (root) File Manager session, after issuing the su command in that terminal and introducing the root password, can type the command #thunar (that invokes the file manager, named like this in XFCE) and get into a privileged session with File Manager, that in turn can open (by clicking) privileged files for editing.
First thing that i do is i get rid of the annoying log-in for the non-privileged user at every boot (and the need to enter a 16 characters password each time, that number being my choice) by going in etc/lightdm/ and modifying and uncommenting two lines towards the end of the file lightdm.conf. By getting rid of the log-in and not needing to enter the password each time at boot time you don't compromise security except if somebody you don't trust has physical access to your computer.
After this, a graphical local install from a /var location (by double clicking on the rpm package in the the File Manager) of the yum plugin remove-with-leaves (among others, yes that's why i kept /var unformatted). If you don't have it saved for this purpose from the previous install, you may briefly go online by activating the network from the icon in the taskbar then install it by privileged terminal command
#yum install yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves
(yum is the name of the installation and removing program of choice in Fedora 21. The other one is rpm but more difficult to work with. yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves is a plugin that insures the removal of any useless (and potentially unsafe) packages that are linked only to the main packages removed so the cleanup is more complete).
Then i do this:
#yum remove claws-mail pidgin libpurple spice-vdagent sendmail pragha remmina tigervnc-server-minimal transmission liferea midori samba* openssh* --remove-leaves
By doing these two last steps i get rid of about 100 packages that i don't use, of which many are trying to connect to the internet on their own will. That is about 10% of the whole OS. Some of the packages on the list above are present only in Fedora 20 but the command will still work for the rest.
Then i copy the files iptables and ip6tables in etc/sysonfig from a location in /home which i kept from the F20 installation for this purpose. Later i will disable firewalld and install and enable iptables.
Then there is still a weird setting i will never understand. In etc/yum.conf there is a line keepcache=0. I modify it to 1 so all the rpm packages i ever download and install remain on my hard drive. However, lately this proved less and less useful. It was so while i was still installing it many times and tried to do the updates locally. It is possible by forcing yum to update locally.
#yum install iptables-services
#systemctl stop firewalld
#systemctl disable firewalld
#systemctl enable iptables
#systemctl start iptables
#yum update
Reboot to make sure everything works. Check iptables with
#iptables -S
About hosts file i wrote here http://georgesblogforfriends.blogspot.com/2013/04/hosts-file.html
About moving Chrome cache in RAM i wrote here https://www.facebook.com/george.ion.7505/posts/206431952892995
This is one setting that probably affects only my computer but i still write it
Go Chrome/Settings/Avanced and remove the check on Use hardware acceleration when available.
I create the files and paste in each
#yum install google-chrome-stable --nogpgcheck
#yum install google-earth-stable --nogpgcheck
For the more advanced user, here is the installation of the video drivers from Nvidia. This is critical as if you are not successful, your system will most like become useless and will need to be reinstalled and rely on the 30% slower, reverse engineered generic nouveau driver.
First, and the most important, you have to know exactly which of the drivers from nvidia you need, according to your video card. 340.xx, 304.xx, 173.14.xx, 96.43.xx or 71.86.xx This page will help you. http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html
To find out what video card you have you do
#lspci -v | less
Then you go to this page
And install the free and non-free repos necessary to download the drivers, under the title
Graphical Setup via Firefox web browser
Then, after
#yum list *nvidia*
you will choose which driver you need, depending on the kernel version and video card found in the Nvidia web page above.
to find out which kernel version you have you do
#yum kernel list
Then installation of the driver. I think for my system the command was
#yum install kmod-nvidia-304xx-3.17.4-301.fc21.x86_64.x86_64
Then i install the optional programs like
#yum install gthumb (basic pictures management and adjusting).
#yum install audacity (audio recorder)
#yum install vlc (a complete media player)
#yum install stellarium (planetarium software)
#yum install libreoffice (Office equivalent for Linux
#yum install lmms (trackers, sequencers and synthesizers)
Last few times i had a problem with google earth. A conflict with a file, had to rebuild the rpm first by installing rpmrebuild
#yum install rpmrebuild
# rpmrebuild -ep /home/geek/Downloads/google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
Scroll down and remove line: %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/usr/bin"
Save / exit the editor, with the command <ESC>:wq
After a while you will be asekd if to contine, should answer yes.
see rpmrebuild exiting saying something like: result: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/google-earth-stable-
Then go cd /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ and run #yum localinstall google-earth-stable-
Here is a version of the text file iptables that is needed in /etc/sysconfig for the iptables to work
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Sat Dec 27 23:21:37 2014
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 --dport 30000:65535 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 443 --dport 30000:65535 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 1935 --dport 30000:65535 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j LOG --log-prefix "[-P BLOCK] "
-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -j LOG --log-prefix "[-P BLOCK] "
-A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 20000:65535 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 30000:65535 --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 30000:65535 --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 30000:65535 --dport 1935 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -j LOG --log-prefix "[-P BLOCK] "
# Completed on Sat Dec 27 23:21:37 2014
Monday, February 28, 2022
February 28
12:48 Just went outside to put out some smoke from a hole, and after a few minutes smoke is on again. Earlier i picked and threw a fresh poop. Sunday Morning at 11 there was a slot tournament at the Chinook Winds Angela signed up weeks ago. Never been so early at a casino. Almost missed it, last few times i went in there on the last 10 miles or so a very slow vehicle that goes 10 mpg under speed limit slows down everybody or delay, for some reason, the arrival. I was somehow curious. A number of slot machines were reprogrammed with a game that involved touching the screen and play button as fast as possible for a few minutes. I was watching in disbelief a bunch of crazy people heating those machines that were actually moving around because of the force of hits. Angela didn't make it in the first three position or something and got a 40 dollars food coupon. Which we later used at their excellent buffet. However she lost a few hundreds today and yesterday. But eating that much and being exposed early to dog poop got me really really sick. Saved by charcoal and Zyrtec again. After the tournament i went to play poker and sat next to an older Japanese actor who under mask might have looked like a known character from news. When we left again almost got hit from behind by a speeding shuttle bus i think of the casino. But before backing up i stopped to arrange the steering wheel for a few seconds only to see it flying by my rear in the otherwise pretty deserted area of the parking lot.
Also a few month ago i think we all saw this news. November last year. They say initial launching speed is up to 6.5 times the speed of sound. Better and simpler and much cheaper than railguns.What puzzles me is why they don't turn it horizontally and use it as a weapon. Or they probably do and we just don't know it yet.
But if they don't have it, it means they are not serious about real weapons. I remember i saw minutes ago a patent a version of it that was throwing disks. Ru Ra oh la la! The image below represents death of Narakasura, ruler of all countries on Earth.
9:13 Up to start on a very bad day with intense squeaks and dust from above.
9:20 And i wonder... Warm spring like rain pouring.
10:42/8:42 Every inch. De-a lungul anilor, o echipă de negociatori sclipitori, condusă de dl Bogdan Aurescu a negociat la Haga (CIJ, Curtea Internațională de Justiție) Insula Șerpilor. Ce a obținut, nu am înțeles prea bine, se spune că ei (echipa) i-au convins pe UE că insula nu este locuibilă și totuși insula acum era locuită de grăniceri ucraineni. Un lucru este sigur, dacă insula revenea României, rușii nu erau acum acolo, pentru că ar fi fost teritoriu NATO.
11:20 Fear and Lure. East (or whatever's left of it, Russia) functions mostly by fear and west mostly by lure. Lure with Hollywood and glamour and illusion of wealth and freedom, fear with autocrats and strongmen and illusion of stability and honesty. Neither systems belong to people, but in the case of Russia is much easier to prove. Putin came to power by means of a series of coups.
Lure cost a lot more and it's contagious. East is about to be integrated in the west. The empire of lies lives everywhere. Not a very good time to live on planet Earth, i recon.
And then there's Japan. By looking at these apartments i realize where the style in US came from.
I was thinking about the centrifugal machine gun asking myself if it was/is doable and if it could be carried by infantry troops. Found a calculator page that gives you peripheral speed of a rotating disk. With a half meter diameter disk at 25000 rpm you could throw projectiles at twice the speed of sound (680 m/s). Nowadays they have small electric power blowers that work at 20000 rmp (and blow at speeds of over 200 mph).
It doesn't have to be very precise though with today's technology you could probably focus the spread of projectiles. Horizontally would be precise anyways. Machine guns in the past were used as spray weapons, not precision weapons like sniper riffles. Especially sub machine guns used in infantry that sway under recoil.
I think back then it could have been done and carried on two wheels carriages by one ore two men though lighter than a field machine gun.
9:15 Little known Hungarian writer Oliver Papp grew a goatee and lives a reclusive life in a green forest.
The reason why i didn't find him yet. I didn't look in the list of writers from Wikipedia lately because most people i looked for and found were in the Imdb list.
10:44 We all have seen Musk's reusable rockets landing vertically (the reason he wants to reuse the rockets are obvious, costs, unlike NASA, he represents a business, with shares and profit and losses). We all know one of the most important feature or characteristics of a fighter jet is Trust/Weight ratio. That is, how powerful is the engine or engines of a plane compared to its weight.
Easier to understand. When a plane has a T/W ratio greater than 1, it means the engine is more powerful than the weight of the plane, and if the pilot wanted, theoretically could climb vertically like a rocket (though in reality this doesn't happen a lot because it would be very fuel consuming and also very slow, also because at take off most planes even with most powerful engines have T/W ratio < 1 because of the fuel, weapons etc.).
I think everybody knows by now where i'm going to. Why not launch those like rockets, eliminating the need for an airfield (with less fuel or almost empty and refuel them in the air, immediately) (could also attach a couple of booster rockets and launch them ready). Could also launch like ten of them simultaneously. Also with today's avionics and computers, thrust vectoring, etc., i think one of those jets could also land back safely again like Musk's rocket. Then you won't need the huge and extremely expensive carriers, much smaller ships would do it (also could store the damn jets vertically). The reason they don't do it though? They are not dead serious about this one too, everything is fake.
11:44 Asta înseamnă declarație de război a României împotriva Rusiei. Are România aprobabarea NATO? (nu găsesc răspuns la această întrebare, poate o țară NATO să declare război fără să se consulte cu aliații?). Ungurii ne-o vor face, cu mâna grea a Rusiei. Ei refuză iar actorașii lor din România acceptă, iar Rusia nu va uita. Dacă ungurii refuză acum, vor sări ei să ne ia apărarea (în cadrul NATO) dacă ne va ataca Rusia pe chestia asta?
Un singur lucru nu înțeleg. Ca să ajungă acele arme în România, trebuie să tranziteze Ungaria nu? A, pe mare. Dar Ukraina încă are porturi la Marea Neagră.
Un lucru e sigur. Prin refuzul Ungariei (la solicitarea NATO?) se demonstrează deja că NATO nu este o alianță unitară (fiecare face cum vrea).
12:22/10:22 Și în NATO, la mâna a doua. Tratatul are o versiune în ungurește și una în albaneză dar nu are una în românește. Suntem sigur în NATO?
Tratatul care mă așteptam să fie cât o carte cu mai multe volume, este de o pagină (14 articolașe). Nu există nimic referitor la declarații de război ale unui membru către o țară ne-membră deși se spune că un atac asupra unui membru este considerat ca asupra întregului (Faimosul articol 5). Poate orice membru să tragă tot tratatul în război declarând război unei țări ne-membre?
Ca să nu mai vorbim de articolul 1 care spune că tratatul se angajează să negocieze și să aranjeze orice dispută prin mijloace pașnice. Dacă trimiți arme unei țări aflate în război, aceasta înseamnă escaladarea une dispute și practic declarație de război împotriva celeilalte. SUA o face pentru că e mare și e departe (la fel fără a se consulta cu aliații), dar noi ne putem permite, doar așa dintr-o simpatie apărută brusc pentru Ucraina și președintele ei erou? Normal că nu se evacuează, dacă s-ar evacua a doua zi Ucraina ar negocia cu Rusia și totul s-ar termina.