Monday, January 2, 2023

January 2

5:00 Ok deci cine spunea că Nehammer nu tratează cu românii ci doar cu bulgarii?

Lăsând gluma la o parte. Căutam pe imagini în lista cu actorii unguri în anul 61 și am dat de un regizor plecat de mult în Germania, care avea două poze, din care una cu ochelari, cu nasul diferit (mai rotund la vârf).  Prima poză și a treia aici. Dar pe lângă el pe același nume mi-a ieșit și un român (în orice caz concurează ca român la... aruncat săgeți (darts)) cu nume unguresc cu șase ani mai tânăr (ar fi 53) dacă nu are și ăla identitate falsă și e 56 sau doar cu trei mai tânăr decât Rumen, cu nas de rață așa cum căutam .

Tentația e prea mare și din cauza numelui. Rumen, iar Kadar inversat iese Radak. Ar fi o coincidență foarte rară totuși. Aștept reacții. De obicei când îl ghicesc pe câte unul, tot ce se întâmplă e că îl retrag din știri, pentru un timp. Dacă îl greșesc, îl bagă în viteză și mai tare.

5:55 Poate fiindcă nu mai e nevoie de un bau bau universal opozant izolat de restul lumii prin limbă, alfabet, propagandă, geografie, pentru că le-au venit de hac la tot restul lumii cu celularele, drogurile, sexul, pandemia, entertainment, s-au dat toți la cale?

6:00 Cam aiurea poza asta de stoc ca ilustrație la un articol probabil fake. Am văzut de multe ori dar numai în România. Cine ar mai pune așa ceva?

4:47 Believe me or not, it's a big relief i get to write here about my problems. Last one. The first bolt which i soldered about a week ago and i bragged about yesterday came out. I have to admit. The first time i tightened the nut again with two wrenches, i tightened only one nut against the hex end of the screw. Which bent the hex end and half hour later when i double checked it was already loose and probably the soft electronics solder came apart in the middle. I did tighten it again and  this time it lasted.

But when i tightened the one in the right, nut against nut, i did loose the left and did it the same so it was not tightened against the hex end of the bold no more. Actually a bit separated by it.

Yesterday i noticed the voltage went to 14.7 but when the car and battery heated up a little, it went down to 14.5 and i said it must be the battery 's resistance. But today when i started the car, engine was vibrating like crazy. We went in a couple of places to buy things and in the last one i tried and saw both right and left where completely loose, and the left (positive) lower nut was again tightened against the bolt. I tried to loosen it and the solder broke. Here is the picture of the breakage. One can see it was not cold solder joint but the solder actually broke. Probably in stages.

Now i plan to solder it again but only by prepping a little, the surfaces are already tinted, heating the bolt and applying with the battery in place. It's gonna be a 5 minutes job.

What else. I tried to avoid the freeway area with high signal and took Hall Blvd. However when i crossed the freeway, in other places, got it big time. Now what it hurts is the thyroid area. When we came back i took I5 and signal in the same area as yesterday was now moderate.

What else. Angela wanted to go to Red Wings shoes to buy shoes of course, they were three sales people inside, no customers. Next to a Taekwondo dojang in Beaverton. I waited in the car trying to figure what was the warning signal on the dashboard by looking at the window of the dojang and outside the car there was this black guy with some stuff on the sidewalk walking around, asking me for money. He was looking like the man/woman upstairs, in black face.

Next we went at NAPA across the street trying to troubleshoot the turn signal. I asked the guy for a meter, i checked the bulb, was showing something, not open so i left without buying a bulb. I think the guy whom i talked to was one of the last matches. When in the store i realized how hard was to concentrate because of the smoke at the apartment i was fighting all morning (by plugging the holes in the ground). In fact even right now i have trouble typing.

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