Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Friday, July 13, 2018
Under Jurisdiction Of
Magically something has turned into something else. Both fb and Google and that is not unexpected knowing who the owners are (not Zuckerberg, uh-ho, or Brin or whoever, the're just pretty faces, well, the prettiest still nerdy they could came up with) are plainly targeting me hijacking my searches and links to searches and make the results different. This is new never happened to me before.
I tried to put both on fb and g+ a link to a google search on therms "under jurisdiction of". The results today were varying.
Here on blogger (still Google) one can control the html part of the post so there is no way they can do it. This is what i was looking for:
What fb and google were putting in my post after parsing my link. They lost the closing quote mark, so they created a pretext to bring up a different definition, that is usually on the second place in the dictionaries and very little used in practice.
Operating together, what they did was creating a new issue over the one i was writing about. It is a very common Asian ninja undercover guerrilla tactic. You complain, they give you some more so your first complaint will fade by comparison with the second. I believe this could only come after a long tradition of bureaucracy which indeed reigned in one of the most bureaucratic states since times and that was Chinese Empire and subsequent Japanese one.
The complaint i had in mind before those attempts was about this part of the definition in Wikipedia. "Operating under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Justice, the FBI is also a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence."
(But actually the initial complaint i was thinking to write about on both networks was about the jurisdiction of the FBI in investigating the President of the United States of America. It started with Nixon. Now again with Mueller and Trump. So we go back deeper on several layers of complaints.)
Keeping in mind Montesquieu's "Principle of separation of powers in state" let's look again at the phrase from Wikipedia's definition for the FBI.
I believe they use the second less common definition of jurisdiction here because the're trying to cover the inconceivable concealed in the same phrase. FBI actually has double subordination. One to the Department of Justice and one to the Director of National Intelligence (a person or an institution, not sure from what i see in Wikipedia).
There is a phrase on the page of Department of Justice that says. "The department is headed by the United States Attorney General, who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate and is a member of the Cabinet."
But maybe we should start with the Cabinet. Cabinet of course is not the storage shelves with little doors everyone has in the kitchen. It is i think the most important part of the executive (branch of the government, according again to Montesquieu, but who is this French guy Montesquieu to tell us what and how a government should be).
It is if you prefer the ensemble of all Departments of the executive branch (of the 3 branches of the government) but actually it is what other countries call "government" that is again all the departments or ministries of the executive. In this wonderful diagram again put for public to use freely in Wikipedia we can follow the blue arrows. "Appoints and controls". In the United States, the Cabinet, that is Departments is controlled by the President. (BTW i didn't know the President controls the Supreme Court).

By 111Alleskönner - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, Link
As we can see in the list of Head of Deparments aka members of the Cabinet, the Justice Department does not have a secretary. It has an Attorney General. Whatever.
About Department of Justice. Department itself is not the whole of judicial power in this country. It is not even an umbrella for the whole of it. The real judicial power and embodiment of that part of Montesquieu type of state lays to the courts which are not subordinated to the Department of Justice.
Department of Justice is actually an umbrella only for several state agencies "The Department of Justice administers several federal law enforcement agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The department is responsible for investigating instances of financial fraud, representing the United States government in legal matters (such as in cases before the Supreme Court), and running the federal prison system.[3][4] The department is also responsible for reviewing the conduct of local law enforcement as directed by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994." These agencies are all prosecuting bodies so we can see Justice Department more like a prosecuting body than a defense attorney or the whole branch of the power of Judicial.
However. The head of the Justice Department aka Attorney General, according to its definition in Wikipedia is "is the chief lawyer of the United States government."
Who is head of United States Government? And especially why every state institution is called differently in the US then in any other country?
Parliament in Europe is Congress in the US, Govern in Europe is Cabinet in the US, etc.
I believe part of it was to break free with the British system so Parliament from the beginning was called Congress and Government was called Cabinet which in Britain is only a number of select ministers. Ministers where called secretaries and ministries became departments. Historically states where British colonies, they probably could not agree in the beginning to simply unite them in a country so US became a federation. This way they didn't have to change anything in the state's governments. The function of governor was kept including the name. Since United states is made of ...states, they could not use the name state describing the federal state institutions state so they became US government. Which is really confusing for foreigners.
However. Compared to leaders of other countries the US President has enormous powers basically controlling all the three branches of US government by cumulating the function of a head of state with that of head or leader of the Cabinet. He can block any law by not signing it. Congress can overturn his veto only with a 2/3 majority, however that is hard to achieve. He can dismiss any member of the Cabinet including the Attorney General. He nominates the judges for the Supreme Court.
I tried to put both on fb and g+ a link to a google search on therms "under jurisdiction of". The results today were varying.
Here on blogger (still Google) one can control the html part of the post so there is no way they can do it. This is what i was looking for:
What fb and google were putting in my post after parsing my link. They lost the closing quote mark, so they created a pretext to bring up a different definition, that is usually on the second place in the dictionaries and very little used in practice.
Operating together, what they did was creating a new issue over the one i was writing about. It is a very common Asian ninja undercover guerrilla tactic. You complain, they give you some more so your first complaint will fade by comparison with the second. I believe this could only come after a long tradition of bureaucracy which indeed reigned in one of the most bureaucratic states since times and that was Chinese Empire and subsequent Japanese one.
The complaint i had in mind before those attempts was about this part of the definition in Wikipedia. "Operating under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Justice, the FBI is also a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence."
(But actually the initial complaint i was thinking to write about on both networks was about the jurisdiction of the FBI in investigating the President of the United States of America. It started with Nixon. Now again with Mueller and Trump. So we go back deeper on several layers of complaints.)
Keeping in mind Montesquieu's "Principle of separation of powers in state" let's look again at the phrase from Wikipedia's definition for the FBI.
I believe they use the second less common definition of jurisdiction here because the're trying to cover the inconceivable concealed in the same phrase. FBI actually has double subordination. One to the Department of Justice and one to the Director of National Intelligence (a person or an institution, not sure from what i see in Wikipedia).
There is a phrase on the page of Department of Justice that says. "The department is headed by the United States Attorney General, who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate and is a member of the Cabinet."
But maybe we should start with the Cabinet. Cabinet of course is not the storage shelves with little doors everyone has in the kitchen. It is i think the most important part of the executive (branch of the government, according again to Montesquieu, but who is this French guy Montesquieu to tell us what and how a government should be).
It is if you prefer the ensemble of all Departments of the executive branch (of the 3 branches of the government) but actually it is what other countries call "government" that is again all the departments or ministries of the executive. In this wonderful diagram again put for public to use freely in Wikipedia we can follow the blue arrows. "Appoints and controls". In the United States, the Cabinet, that is Departments is controlled by the President. (BTW i didn't know the President controls the Supreme Court).
By 111Alleskönner - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, Link
As we can see in the list of Head of Deparments aka members of the Cabinet, the Justice Department does not have a secretary. It has an Attorney General. Whatever.
About Department of Justice. Department itself is not the whole of judicial power in this country. It is not even an umbrella for the whole of it. The real judicial power and embodiment of that part of Montesquieu type of state lays to the courts which are not subordinated to the Department of Justice.
Department of Justice is actually an umbrella only for several state agencies "The Department of Justice administers several federal law enforcement agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The department is responsible for investigating instances of financial fraud, representing the United States government in legal matters (such as in cases before the Supreme Court), and running the federal prison system.[3][4] The department is also responsible for reviewing the conduct of local law enforcement as directed by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994." These agencies are all prosecuting bodies so we can see Justice Department more like a prosecuting body than a defense attorney or the whole branch of the power of Judicial.
However. The head of the Justice Department aka Attorney General, according to its definition in Wikipedia is "is the chief lawyer of the United States government."
Who is head of United States Government? And especially why every state institution is called differently in the US then in any other country?
Parliament in Europe is Congress in the US, Govern in Europe is Cabinet in the US, etc.
I believe part of it was to break free with the British system so Parliament from the beginning was called Congress and Government was called Cabinet which in Britain is only a number of select ministers. Ministers where called secretaries and ministries became departments. Historically states where British colonies, they probably could not agree in the beginning to simply unite them in a country so US became a federation. This way they didn't have to change anything in the state's governments. The function of governor was kept including the name. Since United states is made of ...states, they could not use the name state describing the federal state institutions state so they became US government. Which is really confusing for foreigners.
However. Compared to leaders of other countries the US President has enormous powers basically controlling all the three branches of US government by cumulating the function of a head of state with that of head or leader of the Cabinet. He can block any law by not signing it. Congress can overturn his veto only with a 2/3 majority, however that is hard to achieve. He can dismiss any member of the Cabinet including the Attorney General. He nominates the judges for the Supreme Court.
Monday, July 9, 2018
X-Ray Vision in Ancient Egypt?
X-rays are not only what we know from medical procedures. They are a natural phenomenon. Sun produces vast amounts of them though are luckily mostly absorbed by atmosphere. Other natural phenomena like intense friction create x-rays.
I once wrote about, can't find it now anymore. Where should i start. Maybe with the latest trend in creating X-Ray machines powerful enough to take medical images based on... Scotch tape.
Anybody who ever peeled a sticky tape in the dark knows there is glowing at the separation area. If you never noticed just look at this video. But fewer people know that X-rays are also produced in the same time. 3M by example is trying to create cheap X-ray generators capable of medical imaging based on this principle.
If this could be done in Ancient Egypt. There was no scotch tape back then but there was enough tape like material. Proof is the... mummies that are wrapped in bandages. At each layer of bandages the future mummy was painted with resin based glue. Imagine trying to peel a bandage that was soaked with resin glue that was cured. Same effect as peeling scotch tape?
However i believe the source for practical purposes could be other. Intense friction is what creates X-rays when peeling scotch tape. Simply using squeaky shoes were layers of leather in the soles rub on each other could possibly also generate X-rays (the heavier the person, the greater the pressure, the more intense the friction). Also a squeaky floor. So it's simple to prove there could have been X-rays generated at will in Ancient Egypt, like in any time, created with available sources. Question is of course could they have possibly been used for meaningful purposes.
There are materials that fluoresce under X-ray. Some of them were used in the old X-ray machines (during modern times of course). An X-ray source lamp was placed on one side of one's body and a screen made of fluorescent materials was placed on the other. The procedure had to be done in complete dark in order for the examiner to see the weak image on that screen.
There could be also natural or even biological substances that fluoresce under X-ray we don't know about.
One more information before attempting to suggest a conclusion. Until relatively recently (and wondering why) it was believed it was impossible to build lenses which can focus X-rays. However it has been proved that X-rays can be focused through optics with lens with very low radius ("thick" like for advanced myopia) done with materials that do not absorb X-ray, which usually are found at the beginning of the Mendeleev table. Of course, wavelength of the x-ray dictating the radius of the lens, with softer requiring larger lens. But how about terahertz, which is in between visible and x-ray?
Beryl is a naturally occurring mineral made of aluminum, beryllium, oxygen etc.. that might be suitable for such purposes. Red beryl is a very rare form of beryl of which an artificial variety was also produced in the Soviet Union and then Russia quite easy, by growing crystals in a solution with all necessary minerals dissolved at relatively high temperature (300-600 C) reproducing natural growing conditions.
Emerald is related to beryl but has different impurities hence the color green.
Don't know about beryl but Egyptians had emerald mines.
About making lenses out of beryl and emerald. Nero is known to have had an emerald eyepiece though for optical purposes (visible light correcting lens). So the technology existed at least during his time.
And the question. Could they've been used for focusing R-rays on one's retina.
Now that we've got all the pieces together, let's ask ourselves if these masonic googles claimed to be used only for ritual purposes could be indeed of ancient inspiration and recreated during and after industrial revolution. Could they be used for simply having what the Sci-Fi writers called X-ray vision (could they have been inspired from somewhere).
Human retina of course is not fluorescing in X-rays. But there could be fluorescent substances, natural, tolerated by the human body that once ingested concentrate in the retina, making it possible.
Imagine what would be the strategic advantage of a secret society that can see through the thinner walls of American homes and know what people are doing.
If they were used as they claim for blindfolding during rituals, why the distance to the eye and why the oval shape of the black cover suggesting they once encased thick, low radius lenses?

I once wrote about, can't find it now anymore. Where should i start. Maybe with the latest trend in creating X-Ray machines powerful enough to take medical images based on... Scotch tape.
Anybody who ever peeled a sticky tape in the dark knows there is glowing at the separation area. If you never noticed just look at this video. But fewer people know that X-rays are also produced in the same time. 3M by example is trying to create cheap X-ray generators capable of medical imaging based on this principle.
If this could be done in Ancient Egypt. There was no scotch tape back then but there was enough tape like material. Proof is the... mummies that are wrapped in bandages. At each layer of bandages the future mummy was painted with resin based glue. Imagine trying to peel a bandage that was soaked with resin glue that was cured. Same effect as peeling scotch tape?
However i believe the source for practical purposes could be other. Intense friction is what creates X-rays when peeling scotch tape. Simply using squeaky shoes were layers of leather in the soles rub on each other could possibly also generate X-rays (the heavier the person, the greater the pressure, the more intense the friction). Also a squeaky floor. So it's simple to prove there could have been X-rays generated at will in Ancient Egypt, like in any time, created with available sources. Question is of course could they have possibly been used for meaningful purposes.
There are materials that fluoresce under X-ray. Some of them were used in the old X-ray machines (during modern times of course). An X-ray source lamp was placed on one side of one's body and a screen made of fluorescent materials was placed on the other. The procedure had to be done in complete dark in order for the examiner to see the weak image on that screen.
There could be also natural or even biological substances that fluoresce under X-ray we don't know about.
One more information before attempting to suggest a conclusion. Until relatively recently (and wondering why) it was believed it was impossible to build lenses which can focus X-rays. However it has been proved that X-rays can be focused through optics with lens with very low radius ("thick" like for advanced myopia) done with materials that do not absorb X-ray, which usually are found at the beginning of the Mendeleev table. Of course, wavelength of the x-ray dictating the radius of the lens, with softer requiring larger lens. But how about terahertz, which is in between visible and x-ray?
Beryl is a naturally occurring mineral made of aluminum, beryllium, oxygen etc.. that might be suitable for such purposes. Red beryl is a very rare form of beryl of which an artificial variety was also produced in the Soviet Union and then Russia quite easy, by growing crystals in a solution with all necessary minerals dissolved at relatively high temperature (300-600 C) reproducing natural growing conditions.
Emerald is related to beryl but has different impurities hence the color green.
Don't know about beryl but Egyptians had emerald mines.
About making lenses out of beryl and emerald. Nero is known to have had an emerald eyepiece though for optical purposes (visible light correcting lens). So the technology existed at least during his time.
And the question. Could they've been used for focusing R-rays on one's retina.
Now that we've got all the pieces together, let's ask ourselves if these masonic googles claimed to be used only for ritual purposes could be indeed of ancient inspiration and recreated during and after industrial revolution. Could they be used for simply having what the Sci-Fi writers called X-ray vision (could they have been inspired from somewhere).
Human retina of course is not fluorescing in X-rays. But there could be fluorescent substances, natural, tolerated by the human body that once ingested concentrate in the retina, making it possible.
Imagine what would be the strategic advantage of a secret society that can see through the thinner walls of American homes and know what people are doing.
If they were used as they claim for blindfolding during rituals, why the distance to the eye and why the oval shape of the black cover suggesting they once encased thick, low radius lenses?