Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 31

10:55 Angela and i escaped yesterday to Lincoln City. However, by the time i got there i was really sick because breathing through a congested nose because of smoke because of numerous small or "controlled" wildfires along the route. I realized i got contaminated real bad with T gondii from sick dog poo i picked when i gathered the leaves and/or probably from another source. The trick with almond butter and grapefruit juice didn't work anymore, got just too much in my system already. Then i remembered the trick with Zyrtec, as Zyrtec being studied as best possible treatment for toxoplasmosis, and that probably saved me from going to a hospital, after taking three 10 mg doses. Trouble is, by killing the parasite, Zyrtec makes you feel really low and sleepy. Feels like need to sleep for days. In those moments, some caffeine and even alcohol may help.

As i said many times before, T gondii increases dopamine, the "feel good" neurotransmitter. That keeps you going after infection, like feeling high and breathing through a congested nose until you completely crash, with shortness of breath, low oxygen level, etc..

The newest source could be this. Next door or wall neighbor, apt.2 got this huge fan in the window, a similar one on the other side of the building. The fan increases a bit the pressure inside, enough to push whatever is in the air inside into the (empty) walls and from there into our apartment, probably upstairs too. He's got a dog that goes alone in the yard and i picked droppings several times next to his patio. The mystery of the man upstairs not being here in the last weeks/months. After being back a few days (week before Halloween) he left early Saturday morning. All after staying here for days at at time, since he moved in the spring. The neighbor next door or wall has a dog and smokes. Cigarettes, possibly kratom,  marijuana which with dog smell comes through the walls in here. I opened main door while i'm writing here and got nauseated.
11:28 Ok this is weird. Can't find the article where it says Zyrtec inhibits T gondii though i know for sure it does because i bought it right after i read. Instead i found (again) something about omeprazole (which i took for years) and a number of antipsychotic and antihistamine drugs which makes me think again, what if T gondii causes all these diseases, one of the first responses of your body to infection is to increase stomach acid and omeprazole actually kills or suppresses the parasite. Same with other "psychiatric" diseases, with mood swings being caused by proliferation of parasite after eating, etc..

Strangely enough, Scientology holds a similar belief, that "psychiatric" diseases are caused by... Tethans ("clustering" to human bodies), and antihistamine drugs help suppress those.

12:45 Why from dogs and not from cats (which would be directly from source). For fulfilling the prophecy of St.Dominic's mother? Who made all the fires along Hwy 99 and 18 last night?

Could the current pandemic which is said to be caused by an invisible virus, actually be caused by rapidly mutating strains of T gondii (that cannot be suppressed by the immune system of people that are already old and sick)? It is said that a large percentage of human population is infected with the parasite, ignored by the doctors because of difficulty of diagnosis and not being an emergency because of so many people being positive and asymptomatic, however, what if newer more virulent strains take over?

Could this explain the anecdotal reports which say COVID can be treated with anti-parasitic drugs, some antibiotics? Anybody other than me ever tried antihistamines, omeprazole, combined with calmly breathing on mouth,  maybe getting oxygen for a few hours until your body can breath without difficulty again?

That because to me it happened so many times, many years before COVID. I went to ER maybe up to 100 times in those years with shortness of breath (never got to the point when oxygen was low), and every time all they did was let me wait, while breathing the clean air inside, and in a few occasions when i stayed with "anxiety" or "panic" attacks and not sleeping for a week, they put me in psychiatric wards.

4:29/2:29 Șansele matematice ale guvernului Ciucă.

Știți ce ma atrage pe mine la păcănele? În primul rând, să mai ies de aici, să mai văd și să mai aud altceva. Uneori, Oceanul cel Magic, Mount Hood-ul maiestuos și deșertul misterios. Alte ori, doar râsete și chiuituri, poate artificiale. Un păhărel pe furiș în parcare.

Știu de mult că nu sunt jocuri de noroc. Au poate o cameră pentru fiecare 2-3 mașini cu care capturează și analizează fețele, mișcarea mâinilor. Ceva softuri apoi îți hotărăsc mâna următoare. Când nu ești atent să apeși butonul să oprești defilarea, îți bagă ceva. Când termini banii introduși, îți bagă o mână, două, să mai joci și să mai scoți bani din buzunar. La fel când te hotărăști să pleci de la o mașină. Din când în când (la ore și după algoritmuri prestabilite, când lumea începe să plece masiv) toate mașinile încep să meargă, poate vreo zece minute, ca să formeze adicții. Pe mine mă amuză să încerc să păcălesc aceste softuri, de cele mai multe ori nu reușesc. Sau chiar dacă reușesc o mână, îmi iau înapoi ce am câștigat, la următoarele zece, etc..

7:24 Yeah i know it feels really bad especially at the end of an "anxiety attack" complete with shortness of breath. It takes lots of courage, after you figure out, to wait to normalize while breathing with the open mouth until you forget about. In a sense, breathing through a congested nose for maybe half an hour at the end feels like holding breath for several minutes, but the sense of urgency is much more pronounced and prolonged, feels like your chest is going to get crushed or something. To me it happened so many times, i don't care anymore.

I never thought i had or don't know if, the variety of wine called Sauvignon blanc. One of the best wines i figure. Until last Sunday. (Coincidence with the shootings on the set by Alec Baldwin?). Today i told Angela to look and see if there isn't any at WinCo. (Took her there, went to pick her in an hour, did some stuff in between). She didn't know what i posted today, the only brand she could find was...

Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Walk in the Neighborhood

October 30

5:28 Came from a walk in the park cut short by smoke. Earlier. When returning from Eaton, being entrained by the rush on the way there (only had 5 minutes to take Angela), on empty streets, i "rushed" a yellow light i think at Boones Ferry though now i had enough time (fridge had started, blew some dust in the air, made me sneeze, put a wet towel behind the fridge) and guess what. The car that triggered the sensor for a green light request was... a Police car. One fraction of a second after i entered the intersection (i think it was Boones Ferry) the light turned red. Could still smell like alcohol after 4 and a half hours of sleep? This could have easily turn into something else, given the context.

5:43 Last night i was intrigued by a video similar to this one.

I woke up early, maybe by the guy upstairs who could have left just before that, came at the computer, remembered what i've done last night and started to search. I told Angela, if i went to a body shop to fix that dent on the truck, it would have cost hundreds of dollars, with the 50 dollar kit and half hour i fixed it myself (pending painting it with the spray can, cause the cheap paint i used before in that area came out pulled by the glue before the dent came out). So i searched some more and found a cheaper version of the same kit as in the video, at Walmart (arriving 15) and on ebay for 30 bucks, arriving at least one week earlier. If it works as in the video and the car is not done by then, then i can fix my car anywhere, without needing the glue gun (and a power source) and without needing to wait a couple minutes for the hot glue to set every pull.

I think the man also mentioned Cola Fria, that is an European (German) brand. Man, i think this is the greatest invention in car body work since flubber.

6:10 First smoke smell today. I don't know what it its, could be untreated tobacco, could be kratom. Got to go check for holes under siding.

And of course the subtle manipulation (ingannare). One of the 85 vehicle Joe Biden's motorcade in Rome was hit by a Romanian driver. How do we know that guy was Romanian. No name, no face. In Rome, President Joe Biden met with Italian President Mata-rrella.

6:59 Went outside to check for new moles galleries, again saw the light on and the huge fan in the window at the apartment next to hours, running day and night, no matter the temperature outside. There is a similar one at the same apartment in the window on the other side of the building. If those fans blow inwards, they can create pressure in the empty walls, enough to push whatever stuff in ours. If they blow outwards, they create low pressure in the walls which makes it easy for anything outside to get inside ours. This happened a lot at the apartment in Lake Oswego. People with huge fan in windows can indeed manipulate the airflow in other apartments.

10:20 Slept a lot, no more smoke today. Just found out the great news, he started to work on my car. From now on, it will be days.

10:37 No, there is some smoke i think i got used to. Goto go for a walk, will tell when i'm back.

Friday, October 29, 2021

October 29

9:14 I wrapped a plied wet towel around vacuum hose to make for the diameter and applied it on the dryer's vent while he was drying upstairs. Though the flow increased a lot when vacuum was on, it went back down when i removed it which leads me to the conclusion that he simply never cleaned the dryer's filter, which explains why after a month since he moved, the drying process started to last longer and longer. The vacuum sucked the flap which came out of its place (don't really understand how, don't think there was enough force, unless if it was already out of one of the two retainers). Went to put the flap back but turned around to grab a mirror (the vent is covered by some sort of rain cover and can't see unless you bend down really low) when a car came at high speed and stopped in the spot right next to the vent, but i was already inside when he came. A gray Honda with a guy i saw around here before, looking Japanese, dressed in a red hoodie pulled over his head inside the car. He left in about 5 minutes and i went to put back the flap.

5:14 Last night i applied online for a trip permit for the car however it could not be done online sooner than 4 days, so it starts on Tuesday. When i went to pick the mail they were a variety of different shows going on, really crowded, one that caught my eye was a vehicle with a trip permit. Only because i was thinking i could have that one in the mail already? Or because i wish one? Both? I mean, it would not be impossible, if they ship it automatically right away, but i guess the reason for the 7 days delay is the mail.

Picked from the locker the two dent pulling kits. Though i canceled them, Amazon shiped them. Today i decided to keep them just in case they don't start on my car real soon, and that is before i get the trip permit. With the kits, i could easily pull the dents here. I mean, i apply a pad with hot glue and use the handle to pull it. No noise, no nothing. In the end, i could go in a parking lot and paint the side of the car with spray cans like i did with the Nissan. Use some clear coat this time, to make it last. Trouble is, there is peeled paint on the hood, which looks replaced from the first accident, and need to paint that one as well.

7:43 About 15 minutes ago. Was anxious about trying the dent pulling kit and went to try it on a dent on my old truck. Hot glue smells real nice like pine resin. Some guy with a diesel engine came and started maneuvering in the empty spot next to mine (guy upstairs left at 9:30 and came at 7:30 in the evening). Then another car came and started to honk at the first one though it was obvious he was about to leave. I went real loud. WTF? Then it turned the car that just came was the guy upstairs. I took my tools, including  the glue gun inside. He is now upset? Not even squeaking? How can he manage one time not to squeak while he does it all the other times?

8:12 Pulled the dent out, in about half hour with the 48 dollars kit. Dent was smooth, about  5-7 mm deep on a 10x10 cm area. From pressing my hand when closing the hood? Doesn't need anything else before painting (maybe sanding the edges of the old paint), the edges of the paint that i applied myself a while ago from a can went first, primer is still there). Tricks. You have to apply the hot glue on the dent, not on the pad and then apply the pad real quick. You have to let it cool for at least one minute. Don't need to clean the pad, can go layer after layer, glue sticks to previous layer on the pad which accelerates the process dramatically. BTW. Can't clean it with alcohol from the pad as they say, from the car it just pops if you pull that handle real hard. I don't think it's much slower than "classical method" with welded sticks and a slide hammer, but a lot less messy (no need to clip the metal sticks and sand the area). I think it would have worked in an area with original paint, without damaging it, if it wasn't already damaged.

8:35 Still no squeaks from upstairs, just some real loud cursing in Sanish. OK, a bit of squeaks and he started the drier.

10:39 Spuneam că România poate funcționa la fel de bine cu sau fără guverne. Au venit să mă contrazică, aruncând în joc o nouă linie de metrou, de 5,4 km, decizie la nivel de secretar de stat. 

Analizând sumele și comparând cu alții nu pot decât să mă mir de costul lucrării. La ei, 40 milioane euro pe km, la noi 2900/5 milioane euro împărțit la 5,4 adică 107. Oricum, cele 2.9 miliarde lei, după cum spune și articolul, nu sunt în totalitate din bugetul de stat care totalizează 400 miliarde lei pe an sau 32 miliarde numai la Ministerul Transporturilor, etc.. Poate cineva să spună ce se întâmplă cu cele 32 miliarde de lei, bugetul pe un an al Ministerului Transporturilor?

Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 28

6:18 After taking Angela to work i went for a short walk in the park (to help eliminate some of the alcohol in my my sytem). In the dark parking lot there was something moving and waited until she came under light and i saw there was a woman with a dog. They were two cars i met on the street, and both at the stop sign, when they slow down. When i came back i picked a few items from the red chips, i know there is a dog poo somewhere but just can't find it within the leaves and inside is smelling like dog and mold.

6:38 Curious to see how Hungarian women look like, seen by one of their painters?

6:45 Searching for a face. Here's a preview. First walk upstairs. I feel nauseated by the dog smell. Did i tell i found last night another mat in the "no dumping" place and took it next to the garbage bin?

6:49 Ce mai fac politicienii când nu sunt în știri? Astăzi, Crin Antonescu. Altădată cap de afiș, președinte interimar pentru o lună în locul lui Băse, astăzi mai știe cineva de el? Tulcea, my (dog smelling) a...

8:05 He went once to the car before he left. A mixture of cigarette smoke and dust came in. Got to hose the stairs.

8:42 Hosed the stairs, lots of dust already got inside, contaminated the fridge. Used the rack and gathered the leaves in suspected areas. Found at least one piece of dog poo, as the leaves where smelling. More nausea. Threw away three 13 gallons sacks of wet leaves (about 50 pounds in total). Got to go in Hillsboro Auto Wrecking need to check with google maps first.

8:44 Divele și politicienii ce (se) mai pozează așa. Looks clear.

6:13 Good news. I was able to pick the wheel at Hillsboro Auto Wrecking. For that, i did a total of 78 miles, accompanied, as usually by all kinda crazy drivers, which made it much more difficult, though there was no wind and the truck was not drifting any more.

The wheel looked intact but it had some abrasions around the rim in the area of contact with the tire from removing the tire with a tool at a "slightly different" angle. I borrowed some fine 400 sandpaper from the shop and sanded those out, otherwise i think it could have leaked. Used a water hose and some toilet paper to clean the dust i made and any dirt inside as it could damage the valve.

Here next to the old one. I also used coarser sandpaper to remove the cutting edges of the damaged area (forget to take a picture before, still got some visible cracks) so the tire won't be damaged in the transfer process. At the tire shop i was watching the process of transferring the tire when a delivery van or something backed up in my direction (after an Asian woman came to watch as well her vehicle) but i got pulled out of the way by one of those (Russian) guys from the shop, that was conveniently located 2 buildings away from where my car is.

Good news. They will bring the car inside and start working at by the end of the week (as promised). I also was directed to move the car out of the puddle on a dry area.

Bad news. Crashed with hunger and instead of using google maps i just used google (keep forgetting) and it took me to a Carl's Jr about 10 miles away. The jack i used to lift the car had a "blocked" piston, and had to interrupt the work of the man to have it unblocked. After replacing the wheel (had the spare in its place) i took the borrowed tools inside, including the compressed air hose for the impact wrench. While doing so i touched with the dirty hose that was in the puddle a freshly clear coated car. It did not damage the paint but after wiping it out with a rag, it lost the "freshly painted" shine. I showed it to the man, he said that area will be buffed anyways because right on top of it they were drops of clear coat that "tricked" during the coating job, that need to be sanded and buffed out, which they did right after. I also saw a very small dent under the shiny coat some 2 feet to the right of that area.

The short 1 ft 1/2 inch wrench that i borrowed, with a pipe as extension to torque the lug nuts that yesterday was working, today it looked damaged, looks like the spring in the clicking mechanism was broken.

Just remembered something. I tried to torque the lug nuts on the right front (where i did the axle that BTW is again not fully torqued, didn't have the tool) with the same improvisation, wrench/pipe, the ones i torqued again with the only short wrench but they seemed over torqued. Need to check those again tomorrow, borrow a torque wrench from O'Reilly's.

Good news. I slept about one hour right before i wrote here, on top of the 5 last night. Bad news. Got awakened by the TV upstairs.

7:28 I thought alcohol in bread is the reason for this Jewish ritual. Alcohol in bread is bad news for recovering alcoholics. 200 gr of bread may contain up to 3.8 grams of alcohol or the equivalent of 1/3 of a liquor shot or 100 ml of light beer. How about children, drivers?

8:30 Las' că vine generalul Nicolae Ciucescu și pune armata pe ei. Cum care armată? Aia de mercenari profesioniști (ca a lui Mihai Viteazu) (or fi și ăia tot actori?).

9:19 This guy looks familiar. Pretty much like this one.

1015 Unknown Hungarian actress seen through the lens of one of their own photographers. What man? Is there a man in the picture as well? Can't see any man.
11:09 Since driving the car in the shop's lot seems to be a big issue, i just applied for a trip permit, effective seven days from now (November 4), though i don't know when the car is going to be ready.

11:38 Cu sau fără "guvern" în România, nici o diferență. Românii plătesc în continuare impozite pe salarii, TVA, taxă pe profit (cel mai mare act al guvernelor), iar bugetul (aceste taxe adunate plus ceva împrumuturi, în total 400 miliarde lei/anual) curge în continuare liniștit pe apa sâmbetei.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

October 27

5:35 After i came from Eaton, i noticed everything smelling like fresh mold in here. I looked outside from the door, didn't see anything, took a walk, i found one empty beer can in a place nobody would throw one, and an energy drink empty can under a bush. My eyes then fell on the window upstairs, i saw the man fully dressed, at 5 AM, though he doesn't go anywhere. He even started a few squeaks when i got back inside.

2:12 Got a damaged alloy wheel on my "new" Elantra. After investigating, this is what i found out. 150-175 to fix it, 319 a new OEM one, 134 aftermarket, 159 remanufactured and 100 used from junkyard. I think a good used is my best option, as fixing, remanufactured or aftermarket may be potentially dangerous. Need to drive all the way to Hillsboro Auto Wrecking, some 25 miles.

7:48 Abbas the II of Egypt. Last ottoman ruler of post Mamluck Egypt.

8:47 Got to steal (in) your heart away...

10:53 I pursued and she withdrew,...

11:32 Mijloace militare...

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

October 26

5:10 Angela is doing overtime today, she went at 5. When i got back, though i didn't make any noise, he awoke and started the drier...

7:40 Back with a vengeance, keeping me awake since 5, second load of laundry, ignoring the fact the dryer is broken, doubled by a walking robot with a feedback on my brain, squeaking and stomping.

7:53 BTW Have you seen the latest from Boston Dynamics?

9:58 I thought it was condensation water in his dryer's exhaust pipe and tried to insert a piece of PCV tubing attached to a pump (i had it to vacuum the oil from old Elantra's manifold) through the vent, however i didn't pull any water. I remember the problem with his drier started in spring, not in winter. Most likely it's clogged with lint and there's nothing i can do about (or maybe vacuum it with a vacuum hose). I remember, after a couple of weeks i fixed  those pipes, like shown in the post linked, they came with some rotary tools and cleaned the pipes. By the end i was done i saw a "woman" climbing stairs in building D who from behind looked like the handy "woman".

10:55 She looks like a woman i see sometimes smoking on the alley here.

Monday, October 25, 2021

October 25

12:01 Is this guy again Tom Cruise? Raising his visible hand for balance because he's got something heavy in the other?
On my way to Lincoln City i stopped to get gas at Spirit Mountain. Mileeage was 23, after i found what i found loose and fixed again the battery connectors. A few miles after, i had this paranoya about not closing the gas cap, so i stopped to check but guess what. On the left side, there was this fire like ten others i encountered before, filling the whole road from Tualatin to the beaches with smoke on almost all 80 miles trip. I lowered the window and grabbed the phone to take a picture, but this angry guy, together with another one not caught in the picture carryin a chain saw started to walk towards me and when he crossed the road i gave him the finger (for polluting) and then i took off.
Here are some other pictures i took on the beach today, during a large storm.
4:39 In California, when it rains, it pours...

Picture from Depoe Bay, Oregon.
6:43 The guy upstairs is back and doing laundry at 6 AM... 6:45 Walking, smoking, editing, influencing what i'm thinking, what ninja did best in the last 1000 years...

7:23 Was thinking. The man upstairs maybe "was in rehab" or something and now "he relapsed". Right now there is so much smoke in here i opened all windows and it's still too much. Maybe he's pumping smoke in the basement with the drier. Leaving in the park and coming back later when he's done with drying, but "the drier doesn't work" and he will keep doing this all day...

7:57 Smoke was off for a while and it came back though i have three filters on in the living and both windows open.

8:18 During the peak of the smoke, it was quiet upstairs. Now it started to squeek again. Outside now it smells like garden smoke so i shut all windows and put a mask on and now trying to get more sleep.

11:32 Was flooded with his laundry vapor and woke up after half hour of sleep. Got a bitter taste in my mouth, probably from the smoke that was coming actually from a hole near the living wall outside (under the siding). Have to drive 20 miles to take a complete set of pictures under the car.

11:36/9:36 Ultima dată când România a avut prim ministru general (mareșal, whatever, altul decât interimatul lui Ciucă 7-23 decembrie 2020) a fost pe timpul lui Antonescu. Cine nu cunoaște istoria, riscă să o repete. A și a mai fost unul, dar nu prim ministru ci președinte. Timp de 24 de ani.

2:09 Here at the apartment there was so much smoke today even the squirels got high and lost their fear to humans... 

6:51 I believe kids outside are yelling because they're high from smoke... Can barely breath in here. Interestingly, when there's smoke, there's no walking upstairs and when there isn't, there's squeaks.

6:57 It rained in California ok, but not nearly enough. Average yearly rainfall in California is 21 inches, in some places this storm alone brought half of it. But let's hope, the rain season is only at its beginning.

9:11 Went outside and stepped on the numerous soft areas and the smoke subsided.

10:31 Just figured something. The 600 pounds rated fishing magnet that i just bought hoping is going to help me fix the dents in the car is dangerous.

10:40 Noi în anul 2000...

Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 24

1:00/3:00 Singurul motiv pentru care l-au băgat pe ăsta în știri (deja vu de atâtea ori) este că aduce cu primul nostru înotător nominalizat. Niște pixeli care spală alți pixeli, asta e. Însă... nu cumva... Otoniel, Ionel?...

1:07/3:07 Dacia a parcurs un drum lung până aici, dar în final au făcut-o prea bună și nu mai ajunge și la români.

3:13 Buzzers kinda work, moles don't come too much near the building, however, i see small areas with wet soil and when i step on those the smoke (or mold smell) inside subsides. There is at least one new dog poo, i can smell it. This stuff is evolutionary, is so powerful that it stinks even when it rains like right now.

3:17 Someone is definitely upstairs, though stuff in the car at that spot has not been touched yet...

3:28 Analysis of drive axle tells failure didn't happen very long ago. It was the little the car was driven by me and by the towing guy, at most one quart of a mile that created a small abrasion that has no depth, from the axle that was wobling and hitting something. 3:55/5:55 Situația cu profesorii mei din liceu e probabil generalizată în România și nu numai, în mediul universitar probabil toți din vârfuri sunt din ăștia, doctori, ingineri, profesori, decani etc.. Asta ar explica stagnarea, de decenii, din toate domeniile.

4:10 Just remembered something, Angela found in the mail today the missing bill from a credit card, the one that was supposed to be paid before 10th of this month. She figured this one in time, did not miss the payment, she's planning on following those more closely. Most likely, a doubling of the delayed delivery with FedEx (ingannare).

Saturday, October 23, 2021

October 23

8:43 Got four hours of sleep, can't sleep anymore. Had this wet towel on top of the filter last night that was absorbing some of the fine particulates that got in here yesterday, but after it dried out, it actually started to put those back in the air and i woke up with this feeling of "dry air".

After staying inside for days waiting for deliveries and doing whatever at the computer and breathing air polluted with all kinda stuff, from near and far, last night i was happy i could go out for a few hours so we just drove to Spirit Mountain. In there, the same as usual, people getting in my way or popping out of nowhere when passing other people. Had one of their famous hot dogs, one sip of coffee, lost about 40 dollars and then went outside to get one more drink in the car.

When i stepped out, there was this blond woman, looking more like the one in the right in the link, about 30 feet ahead of me who turned around and started to yell at the casino. "I'm not going to give you any more money, b..."! but she was actually facing me. She continued doing that as i was getting too close to comfort to her and then i told her, cause now she was yelling in my face, "who are you calling b..." and she said "the casino" and i told her "the casino is an inanimate object, you're making it look like you're yelling at me", and then i tried to pull the phone to record what she was saying, and the guy next to her, who was looking exactly like the guy in this article said "you're not going to actually hit a girl, are you?" and i said "no, i'm just going to record her" and then i tried to bring the recording app and when i did she stopped calling me a b..., but then started to walk around me, like a satellite, but did not say much any more and then i broke free of those two and got into the truck. BTW the truck's got again a loose bolt on the control arm at driver's side and drifts on the road.

I remember vaguely this is not the first time when get to interact with people who just died in the news...

8:52 FedEx is crazy, Troutdale is like 27.5 miles away from Tualatin.

9:21 Wow never seen air moving so fast across the Pacific... Jet stream speed there must be something like 300 mph...

9:29/7:29 Bugetul (bugetele) pe anul acesta devenit lege în ianuarie este "croit" pe programul de guvernare al guvernului din acel moment (cine le mai ține minte, guvernul). Orice modificare la acel program de guvernare înseamnă modificarea bugetului, care însă este lege, care nu se respectă oricum niciodată... La ce bun un nou program de guvernare care posibil contrazice legea care oricum nu se respectă niciodată la fel cum nici un program de guvernare nu a fost respectat vreodată...? A și legea plafoanelor...

11:14/9:14 Ungurul care-l "joacă" pe generalul Ciucă este un înotător, a câștigat numeroase medalii la olimpiade pentru infirmi, paralympics cum le spune (chiar acum mi-a picat o fisă, însuși cuvântul olimpiadă, olympics în engleză conține rădăcina limp, scrisă puțin altfel dar pronunțată similar, care înseamnă a șchiopăta), unde se califică fiindcă are paralizie cerebrală. Omul este foarte inteligent, vorbește engleza ca unul care s-a născut sau a trăit mult timp într-o țară unde se vorbește această limbă. Însă dacă vă uitați cu atenție, veți vedea că are probleme de echilibru, de coordonare a mișcărilor, mai ales în timp ce vorbește.

3:26 Never had a chance to completely inspect the car after i bought it. Though still very tired, after worrying for about a week about what else it could be, today i finally went (and grabbed the parts that finally came, both with FedEx, after much complaining to customer service) and was determined to take pictures for most part underneath and outside though the car was in a puddle of water, no matter the distractions (like last time, the plane that was circling above with determination until i shot some video and uploaded it).

This is what i found. The fuel tank is possibly damaged. Possibly leaking gas already, but not enough to drip on the puddle underneath (gasoline is visible on water). I don't know yet how that is called, the suspension rail in the rear (rear axle). By the freshness of indentations in the axle, it seems that all damage was done with forklift after the auction. Still thinking if to keep the car and sue IAA or put it back in auction. I started the engine and saw no check engine lights (i didn't know about the possible gas leak until i got back home and saw the pictures done with the phone on the computer).

7:16 Anybody needs a job? FedEx (and everybody) is hiring.

7:24 Surprise! After missing for a month or so, the guy upstairs is back... (or so i heard for a minute or two).

Friday, October 22, 2021

October 22

3:46 I wanted to take a brake from posting but it looks like i have no choice and post one more. After delaying delivery from Tuesday to Friday, Fed X did not bring my fender yet. Around 1 PM i heard a FedEx truck in the ally, i went and opened the door, the driver was just leaving though he had trouble starting. Scheduled delivery this morning was 10 to 3, right now is by the end of the day. I bet the driver "could not find my apartment number". Here are the images with the dents of my "new" car. I found the fender locally, after i ordered it online and delivery date has changed, but it's more expensive, will have to return the one that's coming, it's red and he said we won't start working at my car until next week anyways.

Thought it rained and still rains throughout Oregon (rain season started) there was a pungent "wildfire" smoke all day, google says air quality is 35, the private site i'm usually looking at says 44, but here it feels way above 50.  But this reality has been much augmented by cigarette filters in the mulch, at least one dog poo, fresh mole galeries and smoking nearby. Had a very interesting day, with a hangover amplified to the max by environment, the the point of fibrillation, palpitations and near fainting.

Yesterday when they brought the headlight (Apparently Amazon is better controlled with deliveries), the Japanese looking driver, like never before, knocked at my door and asked for last  name. For that reason i stayed in here all day just not to miss it so i got to breath all that jazz.
4:17 Read the local news in search for clues for current pollution, many most of them are obviously (to me) invented, fake or chosen by their symbolism which however sometimes collides with reality; apparently, it takes opacity to recycle glass. But why not measure ppm, particulates (AQ Index) at or near source?

5:57 Really don't understand, why Monday?
6:10 Just spoke with a FedEx customer rep, (an actor's voice) and she said they cannot make a delivery tomorrow (a normal delivery day for FedEx) because they're having a "glitch" with the "system". When i asked if i could schedule a pickup she said  there is a restriction from the vendor on that. I knew about that and i tried to talk two days ago with the vendor ( and he (phone answering person) seemed totally untrained, he couldn't do or answer anything without asking somebody else and in the end i gave up.

7:27 Up until recently blogger (google) was keeping the name of the uploaded picture, on top of which was adding some of its own weird random stuff (characters). In my blog's case, that uploaded picture's name containded (for at least the last 6+ months) information about cropping (total height, distance from top) that could have been used by anybdoy who wanted to reproduce what i did. Not anymore. Now it totally changes the name of the cropped uploaded picture with a long string of random letters, so the result cannot be reproduced easely. To cause doubt?

Thursday, October 21, 2021

October 21

12:19 Is it just me or the visit of US Defense Secretary in Romania yesterday is the reason the President of Romania is nominating today a general as Prime Minister?

12:57 (One of the) stories of my life. Today, me unknowingly interacting with all kinda actors that do Romanian politicians that end up in high positions.

1:00 For a long time now Romania like everything is trying to build a fleet in the neighboring... Black Sea. However Ciucă begs to differ.

1:08 Good old Matt.

6:37/4:37 "L-am desemnat Prim Ministru pe..." A câta oară a rostit Klaus Iohannis fraza asta?

6:55/4:55 Veniți la mine cu "propunerea impusă... și cu aceasta merge PNL la Cotroceni".

iConsult: "Nicolae Ciucă is the proposition imposed to the liberals by Klaus Iohannis and with that proposition PNL (National Liberal Party) goes to the consultations (with Klaus Iohannis)".

1:30 AQI in Tualatin shows 7, the feel outside is 70. Garbage trucks just finished thundering but still caught 1 out of 4 bins when i got back here early, because of smoke. But rain will be here soon, to wash away the smoke.

Came home after i went to several places that i knew to inquire about dents' pulling electromagnets and other car related things. It seems nobody knows of those (magnets). When i got back the building was surrounded with smoke (feels around 70) and smoke was even thicker inside (don't know how that is possible). My clothes smell like smoke. All kinda "kids" real close, some in places with mole holes, can't go to step on those. Also radar again shows a big storm above, we're right in the middle of it, here it's just not raining. Got the headlight for the car, waiting for the fender tomorrow.

6:58/4:58 Se caută actori responsabili cu distrugerea poporului român.

9:04 FB?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 20

12:35 FB? Did i say my father was a beekeeper?

6:13 Though a storm swept last night though whole Oregon, Northern California, air quality index is now 128.

6:24 Ingannare. Am spus că ar fi posibil să "tragi" adânciturile din tablă la mașini după accidente medii și ușoare cu magneți foarte puternici. Chiar mi-am comandat unul ieri care are teoretic (în condiții ideale, lipit de tablă iar tabla dreaptă) 300 kgf. Sunt electromagneți care pot ridica chiar și tone, de la 1000 de dolari în sus. De ce nu se folosesc din ăia la atelierele de tinichigerie.

După cum spuneam, metode de manipulare aproape imposibil de recunoscut, asocieri ascunse în titluri.

Chestia e că doar ei știu rezultatele la alegeri, morții de COVID și numărul de vaccinați. Și unde se duc banii din buget. Statul sunt ei.

6:55 Ok. S-ar părea că nu am căutat destul. Echipamentul pare scump, dar se amortizează cred după câteva mașini. Însă unii spun în comentarii că acel câmp magnetic, similar cu cel de la un RMN ar fi periculos pentru cel care operează dispozitivul, ce pare improvizat tot așa dintr-un electromagnet de ridicat ceva într-un mediu industrial.

8:47 Searching for Colin Powell, ran into something else... This guy looks familiar...

9:00 Interesant. Da știu. link-ul de mai sus cu Austin contrazice teoria mea. Nu cred. O ramură a lor a ajuns în Japonia iar în timpuri mai recente s-au regăsit și au început o cooperare.
On 11 this month i bought a car at an auction. It was an overnight decision as i did not have time to buy membership at that auction and i asked a guy that was recently introduced to me to buy it for me. He used several tricks of which he asked me to sign the receipts that he should have signed, tried to retain the title. In the first day i saw the car, it had a recently broken drive axle, on the other side where the accident was. After i fixed that one, the next day i saw new damage underneath the car ("forklift damage from the auction" he said), that i haven't seen before. He then threatened that new problems may occur while the car is in the shop waiting for parts of which delivery have mysteriously delayed for days  by FedEx. He looks a bit like the guy in the link above. Car have been insured "comprehensive" effective 16 per phone conversation, and the declarations i just printed started on 19, because that was the end/beginning of the billing cycle.

I added his picture on a post the day i realized it might have been him. Then Romania's President nominated another guy (also ex Prime Minister) with no chances (whatever, Ciucă doesn't have either), for the people to forget and for me to give up, which i didn't.

To me is of very little importance who is the Prime Minister of Romania. In the last 30 years they have been an average of one per year, and they all did the same. What i care is i don't want to be involved in any ways in that.

11:52 I believe also because of my latest posts the government COVID statistics in Romania got to the roof, Romania suddenly became nr.1 country in the world as number of sick and deceased, while everywhere else in Europe the situation is totally different. They claimed it happened because of lack of vaccinations, blaming selves, though Romania started early with much greater numbers of vaccine doses than other countries. In fact, lately they gave up saying how many doses have been bought, how many have been used, with numerous threats and disaster predictions from doctors/actors and politicians/actors. There are pictures with sick people on the hallways of hospitals, however, when they are not young determined actors, they look very frail, which brings the suspicious that old sick old people who otherwise would have been left to die, as the medical system in Romania is one of the most corrupt and inhumane, are put on oxygen and kept alive a number of days so they can be counted as COVID deaths. Also in the early days of COVID everybody was talking about ventilators and/or the lack of them, in all countries, nowadays they are only talking about "beds with oxygen".

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 19

12:07/10:07 Concentratoare de oxigen care filtrează oxigenul direct din aer.

6:32/4:23 Cineva își mai amintește de raportările false din timpul lui Ceaușescu, din care cauză am făcut toți foame?

9:22 I don't know if i ever expected a package that badly, a fender for my car. So i went to shipper's web site and there is an option there, to pick up at their location and i figured it could be faster that way. However, that option does not work, not even after calling FedEx as instructed, the FedEx rep said the option has been disabled by shipper "for security reasons". Then why the button on shipper's site is active? I also checked the site,, figure, there is no phone number to call.

5:00 Someone is hammering inside a garage while Angela tries to get some sleep. 5:01 Și o chestie. De ce la începutul "pandemiei", când tulplinile erau blânde era necesar ventilator, intubare, comă indusă iar acum auzim doar de paturi (ATI) cu oxigen.

Monday, October 18, 2021

October 18

A large chunk of this post, that i wrote earlier today got deleted. I don't know how, i will try to re-write it.

I think i said about the magnets that finally got here after being delayed one day (other items, like the fender for the "new" Hyundai got delayed by several days, "because of unprece_dented (popular?) demand").

Magnets are rated 30 pounds, however in reality they don't even hold 5. False advertisement? I got a stronger one i bought at Homo Depot years ago that i think is the one rated at 100 pounds on Amazon but even that one is not strong enough for what i needed and that is pull dents on my new car, cause i don't really like the current method, that reminds too much of Covoodoo. These DIY electro-magnets when applied 1.5 Volts hold 50 pounds. How about when applied 12 volts? 120? Could they possible pull a dent? Thing is, they can create 500 or even 5000 pounds at close contact, however dents are not of regular shape, could use some electromagnetic fluid (grease mixed with iron filings) to fill the distance at start. Still re-searching.

Then i saw the news, in my beloved Romania. Dan Barna "shot (shout) an allusion to their political allies", USR, saying they are like the 300 spartans that stood the king of Xerxes and perished without a chance but still fought to the end. I thought it was an allusion to all of us.  An invitation to give up.

But it's the opposite cause it's them who are the minority. The slightly different species that evolved separately for tens of thousands of years in Australia. They are specialized in manipulation, in ways european modern thinking (or even classical) cannot understand due to lack of tools (concepts)(wondering who are all the philosophers and scientists of our days). They got to control everything in the last hundreds of years. It all started before the creation of states, as states being easier (more efficient) to control as whole entities. Then i said the majority, normal Hungarians, who have mostly European genes probably look at all these and being perplexed like everybody else.

Then i saw the pictures with Valentin Ceaușescu i wrote later about (lower, i write these lines on top or in place of what i lost, after) that triggered the need to re-do a post about Nicolae Ceaușescu (amintiri din câmpul cu mătrăgună) which required yet another hour of my life, bring forth the old post with Elena Ceaușescu. I said the actress,  Hedi Lammar who did her was a case of both a beautiful and smart woman, with an attitude and mind of her own, born in Austria, who disappeared from Hollywood  by the time Elena Ceaușescu appeared in Romania as wife of the dictator.  Then i rhetorically asked myself, why (re)do this old post since they were no results whatsoever for what i've done so far, and it all means wasting my time and everybody's. Then somehow everything i wrote to this point or my work for half day got deleted from the post, wasting way more time.

(I can't believe how primitive and time consuming are the tools i work with. Blogger is a very old platform, they have drive now that saves every version of a spreadsheet you work on, but here, nothing, and if you delete by mistake the version you're working on you delete everything. Same with matches, i crop on my computer dozens of versions with the most basic tool and i see the alignment only after i assemble the two images on a blog post, in dozens of iterations which requires hours of work).

End of deleted part (or what i can remember).
125 KGP Jack_son Painting and Remodeling

Do i have to tell this story too. Back in early 90s my father calls (i was working as a programmer back then, doing accounting and salaries) me saying he wants to expand his shop (furniture) into a factory with the help of Gerard, a guy from Australia and another one from France (forgot his name) and Fântănă, a guy from Bucharest (he was born in those places, a relative of his wife). A place near Fălticeni, Suceava county. Foresta SRL i guess was the proposed name. I think they even started, buying to my father a few used machines which he installed in a building he made from a sort of concrete he invented, made of wood chips and cement. So i went in there and one night i sat at a table with Fântână, the guy from France and his wife and while my father was pouring his own type of brandy made of grapes residue from wine and sugar, i got drunk and talked nonsense in French all night with the two guys, of which of course my father didn't understand a thing.

Can't remember the outcome of the evening, but a few months later i spent a whole week in Măgurele, near Bucharest, trying to figure the accounting of that firm when their computer was not busy with that guy's son playing Spice. The firm had one branch in Bucharest that was doing car alarms, by the design and using the equipment (a wave soldering machine) brought by the guy from Australia and also selling phones brought as junk from Telecom Australia. One good thing was the man took me one day in his Mercedes to the Seismology Institute where i saw the same (working) seismometers i see nowadays in the pictures with Mărmureanu. The business (at least my father's part) did not go anywhere, my father had a few employees using those machines, but he had no marketing skills and by the time i visited him in 2004 he was only doing beekeeping, also cashing a check from being retired and the shop was empty.

I looked in the news today and after all the "training" i got by doing matches, i had a flash-back and recognized this guy as being Fântână.

6:01 Got my answer from Progressive. First she said she is not the person i was looking for, however she advised about California privacy laws while the totals of the estimates is published on IAA web site anyways. What i believe is since i am the current owner i am entitled to any record created since the existence of the vehicle.
6:27 Just opened an "automated" email with an "unsubscribe" button from Progressive that came earlier which contains "files related to your claim #21-9013463", however that claim is closed. After a warning that says that if you don't agree with it you should not use it (a bit of recurrence don't you think) "the files" basically try to say that everything is related to that claim and everything else related to everything on their web site and their associates, including emails and estimates from shops is copyrighted material. Since they never sent it to me while the claim was opened or maybe they did and i didn't pay attention (which was about one month time period) i feel like this is a threat, at least as timing about what i just posted above and generally harassment, and worse than that, bullying. The email screenshots taken from my computer i published are not related to my past claim but the car i just bought. I also wanted to publish the repair estimate for my old Hyundai Elantra (how did they know i will and came to threaten), as i did with the amounts they paid first and after they further damaged the car om the shop, and gave me no choice to retain it. I also believe they choose the name Nicholas Sprague (who in reality is that guy from Jeopardy, Buzzy). They can't possibly have adjusters that speak like that guy. I know who i am and my name is not Nicholas or Nicolae or Nicu or anything that starts with N. Note the estimate was done September 1st or ten days after the accident.
My name is not Jeorge either.
Estimate done by Artistic Auto Body on Hunziger Street in tigard. Note the price for both outer quarter panels (area above rear wheels which are not bumpers) that where very little damaged and could have been easily repaired, a total of over 5000 for parts and work.

Here is the picture with the car 4 days after the accident (August 24) or when Nicholas agreed and paid for the car to be towed at Artistic Auto Body. I don't have a picture (was quite upset those days) from the left side, but it was in a similar shape. Also the rear windshield was intact.

On Friday September 3rd or right after they issued the estimate, i went to Artistic Auto Body to pick the car. However, the car was in a bad shape, with engine knocking, broken rear windshield and sitting on a side, like with damaged suspension, foil and tape around the rear end. As i drove the car that night from the accident scene home 20 miles, no problems (except a truck tried to hit me again and i pulled right), i planned to drive it to a shop, but now it was impossible. In that night, Nicholas sent me another email offering 1,700 more for the car and 300 more for hit and run which he refused until that time. Unfortunately i forgot to upload that picture and now i can't find it. However, it is not much different from the picture of the car at IAA site except for the suspension part. Note that they added a value to the car, 6,244, but not repair cost which according to Artistic in the link above is 14,543. They will probably sell the car for over 3,000 in auction. Which means that Progressive ends up paying 3,000 for a total loss of a car that is worth over 6,000, instead of fixing it which would have been about the same in an honest shop. What do you want, it's a business for profit, not a charity.
11:47 Imunizare prin infecție, echivalentă sau mai bună ca vaccinarea.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

October 17

4:18 Gábor Csapó, Andrei Țăruș

9:27 Air quality index here has passed 100 and it's really bad inside and can't find anything in the news as why.

9:28 CovoodooLumea se vaccinează.

10:36 On AQI site air quality switched from above 100 to moderate. I went earlier outside. Smoke imitating wildfire smoke was only between buildings. If i went 10 meters away in front of the balcony there was no smoke. They were a few fresh mole galeries and holes. I stepped on those and smoke started  to disappear. What can i say. Minutes ago i heard a huge exhaust noise. Every time that happens, new smoke and holes appear. Got to go check.

10:54 Now the smoke switched to the areas it wasn't before and there is none between building. Apparently someone passes with a dog and a stick and pushes something into the ground. To cover everything the woman at the balcony at Apt 4 started to smoke while talking very loud on the phone in Spanish.

11:08 Unprecedented demand

11:52 Has Carla's dreams, with their masks, anticipated "COVID". Is Carla's dreams a blackface act. Some of the motifs on their faces remind me of Australian Aboriginal art. All of the above or worse

6:43 Ok so let me explain why i posted the image above ("exposing my friends"). When i came from the walk on the beach i was pretty mad at those guys of course because of the smoke. So i pointed the phone's camera onto them when they guy with whatever invisible face bent over and showed me his butt in a perfect masonic square position. So i would have missed the message altogether of which i had no idea until later and after i turned back (the reason the cliff is visible) to take the second set of pictures (of course for reason of not being able to upload the ones whith his butt). It was only then when he stood in vertical position showing me his face which of course i couldn't see becaues of the distance, and having those pixels somehow stuck in my subconscious memory until they popped out (trigger by whatever, the motivation of the games). It is my belief he his 100% one of them and 30% posing as one of you guys. The story of my life, they would many times give up some just to gain more, in this case me loosing credibility and potential help, they probably predicted already with their supercomputers or superintelligence that after going through my intense visual memories of the previous day i would have figured it out by myself.

7:05 Nevermind, i only believed he turned his back on me, however, i still could not see his face from that distance, subconscious or not. So if i didn't turn around from that cliff to take other pictures i couldn't have seen it. But he still showed it to me. Maybe i was wrong and did expose him. But i uploaded the picture within one minute like i do lately with all of them, without knowing. Yeah i know, much fewer people watch those on drive, but those who retaliate certainly do.

Anyways, anybody believe they should finally do something to defend selves and their own, other than following all these in disbelief? (Can't... hold... much... longeeeeeeer...!).
9:28/7:28 România are o întreagă clasă politică, de bogați și de vedete formată din actori și scriitori unguri. Chiar și regizori.

9:57 Have you checked your dishwasher lately? When i came yesterday from Spirit Mountain i put some food in bowls and started to eat and noticed this weird smell of the bowl. (I didn't notice it before because i'm used to all the smells in the apartment). Today i finally decided to take those two screws from the grill off and what did i see.

I used the dishwasher for the last few months because it saves me time, and the grill was cleaned by me before that. Yes i cook and use dishes a lot. So what you see in the pictures is a few months of normal usage with available "top brands" detergents (by example lately i found a cheap laundry detergent at WinCo that works on laundry of course better than the expensive brands). It was much worse when i first cleaned it. I also tried to clean the edges of the lid and two pieces of rubber (stoppers) came out again exposing more slime ( didn't know of those before). There is more in a cavity under the bottom of the lid, unseen in the picture. Put the grill, the rubber pieces inside and started a washing cycle to see if they get cleaned. I even asked google.
11:01 Ingannare. Krautrock. Whatever that is. Dog food? I don't believe it.

11:48 Igor Dodon

I found my (dream) car Friday, auction was Monday. Could have bought membership at IAA for 200 dollars,i hesitated to do the days before, thinking i could find one at Copart where membership was only 60 dollars, however there was not enough time, so i called this guy who's got a dealer's authorization and was referred to me recently and never met before, to bid for me.
12:48 Don't know why but i done it before. Before i go to bed, relax, scroll down on my blog with faces and reminisce.

Can't possibly remember every face i put on the blog, i have over 1000 and i do daily searches on hundreds of faces. But when i saw this guy it suddenly hit me like i saw him recently.

Got 6000 from Progressive and the rest of the money including dealer's fees up to 7400 so far were paid with money from credit cards.

Now i'm wondering how legal is the title above and what i'm gonna do and what the're gonna do (how the're gonna "punish" me) besides the damage they already done to my car at least twice.

Probably as legal as anything in this country.

Got so mad, i dressed up and went for a walk. When i got back, a few Japanese guys crawled from their holes and started to manifest, like spitting behind my back and coughing very loud.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

October 16

11:46 HotNews: Cele 16 paturi cu oxigen care stăteau nefolosite în plină pandemie la Spitalul Colțea vor găzdui pacienți începând de sâmbătă după-amiază după ce șeful DSU Raed Arafat a semnat ordinul de operaţionalizare imediată a acestor paturi, relatează

”Începând cu data de 16.10.2021, conducerea Spitalului Clinic Colentina, respectiv a Spitalului Clinic Colţea iau măsuri pentru operaţionalizarea imediată a paturilor de terapie intensivă sau cu oxigen cuprinse în propunerea de modificare a structurii transmisă către DSP Bucureşti, primii pacienţi urmând fi primiţi în cursul acestei după-amiezi, de la nivelul UPU din Bucureşti”, se arată în ordinul semnat de Raed Arafat, ”având în vedere situaţia existentă la nivelul UPU Bucureşti,..."

12:46 State of Oregon, biggest drug dealer of them all?

1:07 Why is alcohol always served in plastic glasses in all the bars that i've been?

1:11 They lowered the price for brandy at Spirit Mountain casino and i didn't know. Two double brandy (70 ml each) last night was 18 bucks, used to be 24. Just bought a 1700 ml bottle of Cruzan rum (about the same quality and price in liquor store as the brandy) for 24.96 (retail price, bars most likely get it at a wholesale price). I asked the "smooth operator" at the liquor store if there is a limit on the amount i can buy and she said no. Last night at the bar in non-smoking area at Spirit Mountain i had to call Angela who was at the other end of the casino, some 5 minutes away, so i can buy a drink for her too.

1:24 I didn't hose after the regular Wednesday metsubushi. For that reason i can't sleep more than 5 hours and also am very irritable, when combined with coffee i go nuts.

1:25 Pama-Nyungan. Yes the other bar at Spirit Mountain is called North Face. (A coincidence of name with the clothes brand). Is the North Face logo featuring a finger?