Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 30

1:45 "B...h i said what i said..."  "My illness don't come with no remedy "...

2:31 All of a sudden my computer became very slow and unresponsive.

9:54 Știți bancul cu puiul de dac? Într-o zi merge nea Nicu prin Ardeal și vede un copilaș și îl ia în brațe și-l întreabă. (Știți bancul? Nu?) Îl întreabă (cu intonație): "Cum te cheamă pui de dac?" La care copilașul răspunde: "Je ne recule (recoil) que pour mieux sauter!"

10:53 I was again late when they lifted the bin in the air. The bin was still in the air but he said he does not have time for me to go and pick the stuff. He said: "I don't have time, there's a lot of s...t under there then he put the bin down". Republic Services, Truck 1235.

BTW the green exterminator pickup is here again. Eradicon. WA LPN C34129W. Though the driver didn't look as Arian (skinhead) as the one i saw several times before.

12:21 Ăștia mută ca la șah. Am spus eu ceva de Attila, a venit Attilaprecizeze.

Sper că voi prinde și eu ziua când cei responsabili de genocidul inimaginabil comis in Europa în secolul trecut și prezent for fi scoși de la putere. Însă logic vorbind. M-am gândit de o mie de ori și am ajuns mereu la concluzia că asta nu se poat întâmpla în toate țările pentru că EI sunt băgați la comandă în toate țările, decât dacă...

12:35 Send me an Angel. From the land of the rising Sun (morning star whatever).

12:55 There goes... nothing.


7:35 Is he the new permanent guy upstairs? Last night i saw a guy climbing and thought it was him but he looked more like a Japanese MMA fighter.

12:35 It was supposed to rain today, that would have put out the mysterious fires that create this smoke but no, the rain evaporated before it got here.

1:44  The girl at the liquor store didn't know what i wanted when i said one fifth. In the US you don't ask for a 750 ml bottle but you ask for a one fifth which is one gallon (4 quarts, or approximately 4 liters) in ml divided by 5. They knew i was going to ask that way. The woman that was with her immediately speculated and repeated after me, one fifteen. The scene was ready.

You buy gasoline, milk, water, etc. only by gallons etc.. Speed is m/h. Fuel consumption is mpg (miles per gallon).

Same when you go to buy a tool. You ask for a three eight which is 3/8 of an inch, or approximately 9.5 mm etc. that sometimes works for a 10 (mm). They did that to me for a long time until i realized they were pretending i was asking for 3 8 years olds, audio only.

Mai este și sistemul imperial (British). Yeah i know it takes some time to get used to it. Is 28 years enough?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 29

5:31 Angela went to work, i am awake, upstairs they were squeaking ever since and stopped when i uploaded a file with the sound.

Memele zilei din media oficială românească.

Buletinul lui Cerecheș.

What it is gas.

ATMOS, Atman.

5:35 Miniștrii din România, mereu surprinși de ce se întâmplă în ministerele pe care le conduc.

12:37 Răsturnare de situație. Nu mai e Holanda, acum e iar Osterreich. Iar unul din ei este chiar el. Nu se va supune la vot? Votul este trecut pe ordinea de zi. Singura chestie e că e împreună cu Bulgaria iar România ar trebui să opună veto-ul la ordinea de zi pe chestia asta asta și pe orice problemă până nu se aplică Tratatul de Aderare care spune imediat hă hăăă taman din 2005! Se numește negociere.

Asta o poate face (e împuternicit de Iohannis) doar o singură persoană și anume surprinsul onoratul Cătălin Predoiu. Fără să dea cu ecusonul în masă, rugăm doar votul (veto-ul, whatever)!

Apropo Băsescu, ceilalți europarlamentari, ce dr.Dre fac ei acolo pe lumea cealaltă? De ce nu mai sună Băsescu televiziunile la miezul nopții să ne explice?

3:08 Went to WinCo. Upstairs it's a dance festival. When i left a guy or two speaking Spanish dressed in an uniform climbed upstairs and started to stomp and  yell in Spanish with the open door. As i said many times before, their main tool is synchronization. I hope they didn't get in here. One reason could have been me clean installing Windows yesterday on the new computer.

At WinCo one tall guy who i think is a Hungarian politician (tall, blue eyes, moustache) with a small kid who was everywhere around the conveyers. The man kept telling the kid in English not to touch (the stuff on the conveyers) but at a certain time the kid said something in Hungarian. I know because it started with the word mind pronounced meend. I think by the way he was looking he was referring at both conveyers.

Now i hear a power tool upstairs.

I know from lifetime numerous experienced It is best to avoid any contact with Hungarians. The moment they speak they will threat you sometimes with only one word said by a kid. Sometimes it can be just bullying and sometimes it can be real. And then you'd have to comply with their demands.

3:33 Now they came to blow leaves from the alley and parking lot in front of the building where i shall pick them again. Nevermind, they finally decided to take the leaves out of here. (Picture taken through the window).

Daily progress in fixing the stairs. I think the "structural" part of the work is done and the stairs ca already be used. I remember about a week ago there in the morning there was a black truck with some red trims all around. It showed in the street right after that moment when i had to literally run for my life at the 7-11 intersection.

4:47 But who are the frustrated monkey that lost its head?

Penguins or rats?

5:12 If air quality index is 61 right now and i don't feel anything and was 117 earlier and didn't feel much, how bad was last night around the building? It felt like 500.

7:14 I think after i figured who are the occupants upstairs they left and "sublet" the apartment to other, very aggressive persons. One of them is a massive woman with big butt and legs and the other is a thin guy both looking Latinos. Apparently they don't have any idea what they are doing here. They are constantly walking, especially the big woman and never talking to each other so they can't be recognized by their voices.

At first they were walking along the long wall of the living. I found cracks between ceiling and wall in there. Now they moved their walks in other corners of the apartment. They awoke Angela. Did i mention they use the same car with Washington LPN CJS4869 and furniture has never been replaced?

Went outside and again there is smoke above 200 though the index at the nearest monitor is 60.

7:42 All i want for Christmas...

8:28 Nebunia continuă. De mai mulți ani. Mandatul (nu e scris în articol) este din 2017 și e bineînțels numai de palmares. De lăsat l-au lăsat să-și facă treaba în continuare. Repet, dacă e adevărat.

8:30 I think i just saw the new guy from upstairs. Though i think is saw a guy like him in the balcony of the apartment with the German Shepard. Anyways, something in this direction.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

November 28

7:48 O ipoteză "șoc" pentru cine bate pas de defilare chiar acum în apartamentul de sus. De aia nu a fost aici până ieri (luni) la ora 2 PM ora locală. Au scăpat porumbelul. Nici o chestie. A mai fost și Fifor pe aici. De când m-a trezit și până acum mi-a dat în cap suficient praf ca să mi se facă greață. Tortura nu se prescrie în SUA. Într-o zi va rămâne totuși fără pașaport și imunitate diplomatică.

8:07 Deja vu. E o diferență între prince și arestat.

8:25 Am fost la fereastră să mă uit ce mașină e aici, o femeie  japoneză pe care nu am mai văzut-o de vreun an, pitică de vreo 30 de ani și un metru și ceva înălțime stătea pregătită și a plecat de la scara vecină voioasă "la școală". Bine că nu am deschis ușa, să fac o poză cu scara dărâmată, ziua pe lumină.

9:09 Două persoane din care o tipă solidă și un tip, amândoi asiatici, totuși mai înalți, au coborât scările. S-a mai auzit puțin zgomot, după care zgomotul a încetat.

9:13 N-am știut! 35000 membri? Dacă a fost considerat periculos în 2016, de ce avea case în Franța? Au depus mărturie în fața Libération? A făcut un an pentru viol? Care au fost condițiile? Să nu plece din țară era una din ele? Nu știu, mie mi se pare că autoritățile din România și Franța îi creează într-adins toate condițiile ca el să poată continua să facă România de kk maka. Sau a fost totul inventat acum?

Narcis Tarcău, cel care a reprezentat India la Congresul Yoga de la Rishikesh din anul 2000,  "locotenentul" lui Bivolaru, fiul directoarei PTTR din Bacău (pe vremea ailaltă) a fost vecin de birou cu mine la IMU până in 1990 când am plecat la CPL. Membru al Atelierului de Proiectare Electrice la IMU, nu făcea altceva decât să joace jocuri pe un Sinclair toată ziua. Împreună cu Mitică, un tip care semăna perfect cu Mick Jagger.

Eugen Mârț, mâna stângă a lui Bivolaru, lucra la IPEP peste drum. Însă colegul meu de birou, Iulian Mârț, care locuia în Salem, Oregon (nu Massachusetts unde erau vrăjitoarele) împreună cu soția și cei doi copii, când am venit eu în SUA în August 1995 și lucra la firma Yamamoto în Hilsboro (acum închisă).

Am stat la el în Dallas (Oregon) o lună. Și el yoghin, dar nu cu MISA, este cu 10 cm mai înalt decât Bivolaru, deși semăna foarte bine cu el. Soția lui Veronica lucra și ea la o firmă  japoneză, WaferTech, în Salem. După care s-au mutat la Seattle, cam după anul 2000.

Am avut o postare de blog cu poze ale lui în Seattle 2007 dar se pare că am șters postarea definitiv, într-un moment când am crezut și eu că era chiar el, Bivolaru, mai am pozele pe un hard drive undeva într-un sertar. A nu am găsit postarea și pozele.

11:54 A existat mandat de căutare internațională pe numele lui emis de Finlanda din 2017 și totuși el s-a putut "ascunde" unde, în Paris, timp de 6 ani. (De ce credeam eu că e în închisoare?) Dacă e adevărată toată povestea.

12:53 Mai este o săptămână până la meeting-ul JHA (JAI) din 4-5 decembrie. Deși votul pentru aprobarea verificării condițiilor este în agendă (link mai jos în pagină), se zvonește acum că Olanda se opune aprobării verificării pentru Bulgaria, iar în agendă votul este într-adevăr programat împreună, ceea ce este un abuz ce șochează bunul simț. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări diferite, fiecare cu votul ei în Consiliu.

Însă agenda este provizorie, ea necesită votarea de către Consiliu la începutul meeting-ului. LOL îmi amintesc cum era în România la ședințele de partid (am devenit membru chiar înainte de 90, am prins una-două ședințe), tot așa, se vota ordinea de zi chiar la început. Chiar glumeam pe chestia aia, care a rămas în picioare și acum. "Cine e pentru, cine e împotrivă, să se abțină".

BTW România poate opune veto-ul din cauza abordării împreună cu Bulgaria și atunci se va duce dr.dre meeting-ul, Consiliul și UE în general.

1:50 She did laundry before she left. Her drier vent is under my wall and window. I think it could be only detergent from laundry that has not been rinsed enough. The symptoms (which i felt before many times but never made a connection) are tightness of skin around eyes, neck ankles and calves.

8:00 Can't turn off sound notifications in Windows 10 no matter how many hours i waste trying to find  the setting. Went outside to take the garbage, there is a chocking smoke around the building. Upstairs is quiet but they dry a third load of laundry.

Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27

1:15 Just came from outside. Stupid Windows changed the time i took the picture (that came out blurry, not posting quality i'm used to) to last accessed time so i don't know when i went, maybe 11:30. To pick the rotting leaves.

After the wind shifted from that direction, when we got back tonight the smell in here was unbearable even with ozone generator at a higher setting for hours. After two days ago i picked the ones in the back, i thought i was happily done but today i had to tackle the ones in front. First i grabbed the ones around the hydrant where it stinks like used oil from the leaky Chrysler. I now believe it was meant to cover all the other smells including rotting leaves.

Then i tried next to it and the more i went towards the end of the building the more i picked. They were dried at the surface but wet and stinky under. Stinkier than in the back i thing because wind is blowing more from that direction. I lost count of how many laundry baskets but again i think more than twenty. So i went and picked and picked for almost two hours.

BTW the laundry basket is way stinkier now than after i picked those in the back. Though i washed it. It smells like a swamp.

When i thought i was finally done i glimpsed some more under the laundry vents. So i went there with the basket and when i grabbed a pile with my right hand to push them into the basket (they were 2 ft tall there) what did i touch. The rat bait box. Right under the vent.

And it was warm to the touch. Somebody's been drying laundry all the time i was outside but i went first in other areas and did not inhaled much except at the end.

Being heated by the vapor every time they were doing laundry and most likely releasing bait vapor that i was breathing. And it's been like that for at least six months. God knows if they were refreshing the bait or not but i saw the guys with the green pickup (forgot the name) several different times, last time recently maybe a month ago.

No it's been more than 6 months ago. It's been more than one year ago cause i remember when they first installed them i picked like 6 rats from the back rotting in the hot summer Sun. Nevermind it was in  September. Not long after i complained about seeing rats entering under the other building.

Wondering. But i think i now i know what possessed me i did not recognize the problem with the vents washing those boxes. I was under the influence of smoke coming from mole holes.

The were literally gassing us here since September 2022. Mostly me cause i stay here all the time. Maybe the reasons my hands are nowadays shaky and have palpitations.

The reason the woman at 4 was staying in the balcony talking on the phone for hours, probably while and after drying laundry.

2:09 Wandering. If an inhaled toxin that went into your bloodstream passes through intestinal wall into the intestine. Cause if so, taking activated charcoal could be helpful, by removing the toxin at intestines' level thus attracting more from the blood stream through osmosis/reverse osmosis whatever. BTW could this work for kidney failure? It all depends if activated charcoal can absorb urea or uric acid and of course if those pass the intestinal wall inside the intestine. Yes it can!

2:35 I think it works a little. Feeling better after half hour i took 2400 mg (two 1200 mg capsules) of those. Was  thinking the give Angela some but she fell back asleep until i grabbed one and some water. BTW when i opened bedrooms' window was smelling badly like mold from before and even after i picked the leaves cause the ground is wet and full of it.

Air in the living is much cleaner because of the ozone and the activated carbon filter so i let the door open and can hear her snoring lightly. Don't know what to do, she is supposed to wake up at 4:30 to go to work. What if i wake her and then she cannot fall back asleep? But i was outside and exposed a lot to the "laundry" vapor and inside there is the carbon filter i just replaced the elements and bedroom is less exposed to that stuff being on the other side of the building.

Yeah i'm much better 45 minutes after i took those. I gave her one then she fell back asleep. But i figured something else. The capsules i bought on  Amazon are not created equal. I mean some of them have twice the amount inside than others. Which indicates cheating.

Never saw capsules of something half full except for all charcoal i ever bought. Walmart charcoal capsules are half full but they are 300 something mg. Grocery Outlet capsules are 600 (if i did not switch them in my mind) but have the same degree of fulness (when gently squeezed with two fingers). Of these, only a few are full, most are more than half empty. And the charcoal does not seem so black.

BTW i bought from Amazon spark plugs for Elantra. OEM bla bla. 66 bucks for 4 seemed a good deal. They are packed in the same type of cardboard all Hyundai parts are and have the Hyunda/Kia logos in the ceramic part and cardboard box. However they have so many irregularities in shape and color i'm thinking or returning them.

3:25 Ok the pink discoloration seem to come from the laser welding of iridium tips. Cause it does look like laser welding. However the hook electrode is not aligned with the center one. And i'm afraid to bend it cause i may break the welding. But isn't that iridium layer shorting it? Could there be some are selling parts scrapped by Hyundai?

3:33 Yeah very interesting. They are not squeaking upstairs when/after she dries laundry.

4:57 Ok i woke up this morning after about 5 hours of sleep, really groggy. Though i haven't been drinking much last night and none last two days. They have not come back upstairs until 2 PM. I would think this is what it took for the stuff to clear the walls. But when they came they came with a vengeance.

I say they but i think there's really only one person. Haven't hear so much squeaking or stomping in a long time. While i was trying to figure the exact location of the incident Saturday night. Here's what i did.

I figured the event must have taken place @11:13 since the clock showed 11:11 but the clock was 2-3 minutes slow. I separated data from the gpx file downloaded from the GPS between 11:09 and 11:16 and loaded it into a spreadsheet. Since i was driving North South and had latitudes for every second, i plotted a chart with differences between two adjacent latitudes which gave me the speed in degrees of latitude per second.

There are several spikes in the graph but i think the first is the one. It looks like i slowed down a bit, (never under 70 as i remember), probably because of denser fog or a hill. I know i was on cruise control most of the time, close to 75. Then something made me accelerate, and shutting the cruise control before i slowed down. Then i saw it in the mirror, started to accelerate, at one time i hesitated when Angela started to yell at me not seeing what i was seeing in the mirror, then accelerated again until break out.

And then the other business with the tan car in my blind spot matching speed that exited at first exit after changing mind, twice.

It all happened between Grand Mound and Centralia at 11:09 + 180 seconds that is 11:12 or 36 minutes into the trip. First some event made me shut the cruise control and also accelerate. I think the loss of speed prior to that was due to a sudden increase in elevation without cruse control.

I think the moment was chosen because of a downslope that helped the big vehicle with only one headlight accelerate. The graph shows a period of 7 minutes.

Upstairs. After they squeezed everything they could from the space between mirror and ceiling, they left.

6:15 Last night at Spirit Mountain. I was at one of the entrances (the one closest to the highway) drinking a can of soda i brought from the car and started to talk to a short blond guy dressed funny (something i haven't done in long time). While i was talking to him the woman from Apt.4, though with blue eyes came from inside and stood next to him like they were together, and was staring at me, looking worried and she didn't say a word and they left one minute later.

7:25 About an our ago maybe later i heard a noise like a trailer hitting a bump. I was not worried cause they do it all the time here. But about half hour ago i started to here a noise like a towing truck was picking a car and after i wrote the entry above i said i better look and see. And what did i see. A guy with a truck backed up "not seeing" a smaller Dodge SUV was already parked in that spot.

It pushed the SUV into a pillar of the stairwell of the building and dislodged the stairs. Now the persons at the second floor there are being rescued by firefighters. Could this have anything to do with people gathering two days ago in the evening and watching in that direction. Maybe there was a fight within a couple. The woman with the Dodge is an Asian and i think the guy with the truck looks Latino.

7:40 Just opened the door again and saw a fat woman very excited hugging a firefighter.

8:00 Firefighters left, a towing truck came, two Police SUVs are on the scene, the truck that pushed the Dodge SUV is gone, the Dodge SUV itself is still riding the curb but slid one spot to the left (in the first picture) while was trying to get over the curve by its own power. People that supposedly came out of that building i haven't seen before, like the woman who was hugging the firefighter.

Inside the smell is almost unbearable. After i removed the leaves, the really bad stuff that was under is now stinking even after one (short, late November) sunny day with UV and stuff. I can barely breath after i had the ozone on for the whole day. Upstairs is like a continuous never ending waltz.

10:15 Ok. The soot coming from those Diesel engines calmed the stench from the ground that was under the rotting wet leaves for a month or more.

10:36 Realitatea paralelă. Apropo Dumitru Dragomir și el a încercat la rândul lui să dea cu SUV-ul peste mine (eram în truck parcă) la intersecția de la 7-11 din colț. Prin octombrie 2019, poate.

10:50 Just figured. The Nestle decaf instant coffee i bought last time at WinCo may contain an unusual amount of roasted grain like barley maybe.

11:08 Jurnalism pe cale de apariție. În sfârșit o deplasare a președintelui anunțată în media înainte de a se întâmpla.

Voiam și eu ca tot omul să citesc ceva funny înainte de a mă culca și peste ce dau în Cațavencii. (Da mi-am amintit fiindcă fraza cu jurnalismul le aparține). Cerneala simpatică. Gazul de sub casa scării. Așa-mi trebuie dacă le fur idei (meseria nu se învață, se fură, așa îmi spunea taică-meu întotdeauna).

Apropo conduceam, sâmbătă seara pe I5 spre nord și când am trecut podul acela înalt peste Columbia cu 4 benzi pe sens ce văd în punctul cel mai înalt. Un dulăpior îngust dar înalt care avusese sticlă (sau cristal) de jur împrejur care sticlă acum era spartă și împrăștiată pe porțiunea îngustă de lângă banda din stânga.

Dar de ce în picioare? Ca să se vadă mai bine? Kristallnacht? După multe faze nereușite, erau să ne căsăpească la venire, faza de mai sus.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

November 26

1:07 They always tax us severely at Spirit Mountain, which is closest. The reason. To drive more, especially on freeways. Where things can happen.Tonight we went to Little Creek which now i realize how small it actually is. Many things happened in there showing the occupants were not casual but all actors and extras. Nobody was in a good mood tonight there. So we went to Red Winds. Ok when i left i saw a helicopter flying above in that very remote area.

As soon as i got inside i saw at a machine a guy who looked like Klaus Iohannis, the President of Romania who just finished a long unannounced trip in several African countries and i think he said he was headed for 2 more days in Dubai at a climate conference.

With a wig showing maybe 4 inches more of (gray) hair and maybe a little makeup addition at the nose.

Yeah i know. He only came to take the credit for what followed. His wig would have been edited out on post processing. Since that didn't happen he can always pretend he wasn't there and they will start posting pictures with Napoleon again.

Then it went uneventful. In all three Casinos we went this holiday and weekend more than half of the people were plain Asians. Not acting Latinos or anything.

We made our money back but didn't know where to stop and then lost 200 bucks in total.

Just before we left i went to the restroom and they were two more guys visible, maybe more in the cubicles. One of them was making a weird rhythmic noise like panting but slowly.

When coming back at 105 miles left to go, 11:10 i was driving in the speed lane at close to 80 in a 70 limit. A very tall black van or RV started to approach from behind.

With only one headlight in the fog was hard to appreciate the distance looking in the mirror in night position, however it had visible parking lights so when it came too close i started to accelerate and it started to accelerate and i started to honk until i reached close to 100 maybe and then he started to fall behind.

Temperature was 32 degrees, i saw frost when i left, i was afraid to drive at that speed and tried to go on lane right out of his way. However there was a tan car in my blind spot that was matching with my speed. So i accelerated again until i cleared that one, switched lanes, he slowed down a bit, i also slowed down and he started to pass me from the right on an exit lane.

But right before the exit lane was separating and after he passed me he changed his mind and wanted to go back in my lane, on a collision course. So i went back in the lane with the black RV which in the meantime has passed me and then the tan car switched again into the exit lane crossing two continues lines and exited in the last moment.

For a while i tried to follow the big RV, it had Washington or California LP with 7 small letters, unlike Oregon ones with 6. But he now was doing more than 15 over the speed limit that changed from 70 to 60 and Angela would not let me match the speed and i fell behind and the guy disappeared in the fog and probably exited at first exit.

About 40-50 miles and less than an hour later, i met with again some debris on the road, maybe a board 2 inches tall but it was in the middle of the lane.

At least one more similar thing happened later but can't remember right now, maybe tomorrow. Ok i had to go to a restroom and i went to a rest area and got confused in the dark. First i went to cars area, but did not recognize it, went to trucks and then back to cars.

A ok i remember. When i left the rest area a truck with many red lights on it in the right lane distracted me while i passed a car that was parked on the side of the ramp though there was plenty of spots in the parking. I was telling Angela, that level of synchronization can happen only if that truck with guided with AI.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

November 25

11:15 She thinks...

11:28 She devil... Seinfeld, a show about self deprecation (of Jews) distributed by Sony Entertainment...


1:07 They always tax us severely at Spirit Mountain, which is closest. The reason. To drive more, especially on freeways. Where things can happen.

Tonight we went to Little Creek which now i realize how small it actually is. Many things happened in there showing the occupants were not casual but all actors and extras. I saw a woman who was clearly a famous model, though i could not see her face. Nobody was in a good mood tonight there. So we went to Red Winds. Ok when i left i saw a helicopter flying above in that very remote area.

As soon as i got inside i saw at a machine a guy who looked like Klaus Iohannis, the President of Romania who just finished a long unannounced trip in several African countries and i think he said he was headed for 2 more days in Dubai at a climate conference.

With a wig showing maybe 4 more inches of (gray) hair and maybe a little makeup addition at the nose.

Yeah i know. He only came to take the credit for what followed. His wig would have been edited out on post processing. Since that didn't happen he can always pretend he wasn't there and they will start posting pictures with Napoleon again. I don't care if they will show a hi-res group pictures with all the world leaders. They are all actors.

Then it went uneventful. Except a couple of Asian guys, a man and a woman bent like bowing to the ground this time facing me, picking a coin from the floor. In all three Casinos we went this holiday and weekend more than half of the people were plain Asians. Not acting Latinos or anything.

We made our money back but didn't know where to stop and then lost 200 bucks in total.

Just before we left i went to the restroom and they were two more guys visible, maybe more in the cubicles. One of them was making a weird rhythmic noise like panting but slowly.

When coming back, at 105 miles left to go, 11:10 i was driving in the speed lane at close to 80 in a 70 limit. A very tall black van or RV started to approach from behind.

With only one headlight in the fog was hard to appreciate the distance looking in the mirror in night position, however it had visible parking lights so when it came too close i started to accelerate and it started to accelerate and i started to honk until i reached close to 100 maybe and then he started to fall behind.

Temperature was 32 degrees, i saw frost when i left, i was afraid to drive at that speed and tried to go on lane right out of his way. However there was a tan car in my blind spot that was matching my speed. So i accelerated again, he accelerated the same, until i cleared that one, switched lanes, he slowed down a bit, i also slowed down and he started to pass me from the right on an exit lane.

But right before the exit lane was separating and after he passed me he changed his mind and wanted to go back in my lane, on a collision course. So i went back in the lane with the black RV which in the meantime has passed me and then the tan car switched again into the exit lane crossing two continues lines and exited in the very last moment.

For a while i tried to follow the big RV, it had Washington or California LP with 7 small letters, unlike Oregon ones with 6. But he now was doing more than 15 over the speed limit that changed from 70 to 60 and Angela would not let me match the speed and i fell behind and the guy disappeared in the fog and probably exited at first exit.

About 40-50 miles and less than an hour later, i met with again some debris on the road, maybe a board 2 inches tall but it was in the middle of the lane.

At least one more similar thing happened later but can't remember right now, maybe tomorrow. Ok i had to go to a restroom and i went to a rest area and got confused in the dark. First i went to cars area, but did not recognize it, went to trucks and then back to cars.

A ok i remember. When i left the rest area a truck bigger than any pickup but smaller than a semi, with nothing on it but many red lights it in the right lane distracted me while i passed a car that was parked on the side of the ramp though there was plenty of spots in the parking. I was telling Angela, that level of synchronization can happen only if that truck with guided with AI.

Friday, November 24, 2023

November 24

10:05 Don't know if i can include the cyclicity of the seasons (given by the Earth's rotation around the Sun) in an explanation about Amaterasu's myth but November 23 is close enough to the winter solstice, at December 21 when daylight time starts to increase again.

But by reading the above linked article i figured other important things.

In the myth, the birth of music and shamanic dance is attributed to the temporary missing of the goddess, when daylight disappeared. In contemporary music, there are numerous examples of songs speaking of that, and comes to mind the verses "she got down but she never got tight/she's gonna make it through the night" from Blinded by the Light by Manfred Man.

Music and dance are now so ubiquitous in media and we never take the time to stop and think. How was life before the century of the lights? When it all started? The Renaissance? One thing we don't recognize. The shamanism of dance and music that surrounds our lives nowadays. And we all seem to ignore the source.

Modern music seems to have taken these days the role of a (shamanic) teacher, instructing us all the time (against the old order) with words repeating obsessively over and over. Having in mind another influential song by Pink Floyd.

Calculated deception and use of force for our good. Taking matters into own hands. Extrajudicial justice. Devine trickery. The Book of  Ninja (Bansenshukai) is full of it. But also comes to mind Maya, the world of illusions or mother of Buddha, which is part of Buddhism. Could it be the reason of the happy marriage in Japan between Buddhism and Shintoism, which seems to be a term linguistically derived from "Hinduism".

Own cave. Could this be the (Devine) model for Hikikomori? There are millions of young Japanese people who retreated in their own room, some for years. They also call it "social withdrawing". Though i suspect some of them are secretly enrolled in ninja training and Japan not having more hikikomori as percentage of the total population than any country.

I did that once. Been in the apartment for months if not one or two years, never going out. Angela had to go alone to buy groceries. In a year or two my body started to atrophy. Gained more and more weight.

One day it snowed a lot (like it happens once or twice a year in Oregon). I mean, one foot of snow and i ran out of cigarettes' and Angela could not drive to 7-11 with the Nissan.

I went outside, i was high all the time during that time though not realizing. I tried to put chains on the rear wheels of the truck, the chain on one wheel got entangled, i broke the truck. So i had to walk the half mile to 7-11. But after walking for like 5 minutes in the snow i realized i cannot walk no more. Me who when i was young i was walking 30 km or more in one day on the trails in the mountains surrounding the city i was born and lived until 14 or during vacations until 18.

In that evening i went outside to take pictures with the snow, again, the same difficulty moving around the complex.

So it cannot be. Those people will atrophy and not be able to do anything anymore in a year or so. I mean, some of them could be real, like in any country, and others using this as an opportunity.

But it has gotten out of control. For decades after the appearance of radio and television people accepted those as carrying new, unheard of before forms of speech and entertainement. More and more allusive, then with more and more sexual content, to the point one simply cannot listen to them anymore. How many curse words in a song by Doja Cat?

They for as long as i can remember used a lot a type of figurative speech when the singer speaks at first person actually casting attributes to another together with obsessively, bullying appellative "baby" that nowadays has turn into "b...h" and "ho" (Doja Cat, Doechii) in extraordinarily offensive songs.

Paint the Town Red has been on tops since release, with of course the help of all DJs in the world cause actually i and probably many others don't find that song so appealing to be played like 20 times a day on a hip-hop local station. Actually i ignored it for a long time though i was listening to it while driving and it came to my attention by chance.

Will people ever start to realize this is not western culture anymore but pieces of Amaterasu's mirror that shattered and covered the whole world?

They own most everything in the US. Though the graphs shows other countries "as well", their are present with finances in those countries as well. .7 trillions direct investment in US in 2021, must have been one trillion in 2023. It's all the money American pay for cars and other goods. Now they are pushing their singers disguised as Latinos and/or Blacks with their media networks in our ears.

11:42 Bullied by Republic Services.

I was writing the above when the thunder of the garbage truck started. I ran to the bin to pull the old garbage sacks from under only to see the bin being set again on top of those. And BTW there is a new one but fortunately was not covered yet.

I tried to talk to the driver and he said "why don't we do this next week" and i told him "i don't know if i can be that fast or even present" and then i asked him kindly "if he could do us all a favor and pull those two bags next week from under the bin (when he lifts it)" and he said "i should talk to the management and have the maintenance team be there to do that".

Then i told him i cannot tell the management what to do (i actually don't believe this is my job) and then he said "i see were you're coming from" and shut the cabin's door and now i feel guilt for even asking him that.

Wondering. Is there any procedure he has to follow or just continue to put the bin over old rotting garbage sacks.

12:08 I was driving yesterday to Grande Ronde on 18 around 5 PM. I think it was just before McMinville on the variant when i saw some flashing lights in the mirror. I was planning to pull as soon as those get closer, however they got closer much sooner than expected. It was dark enough not to see  the outer margin of the shoulder or the beginning of the ditch so like many times before, about one ft of my car remained in the lane.

Right in that fraction of a second i saw 3 State Police cars literally flying by. I think they had more than 100 mph. First one was far enough but second almost shaved my car. I haven't seen those again and haven't seen anything further down the road and i know State Police only have jurisdiction on freeways, or outside cities and towns.

12:22 Before that. Yesterday afternoon i added two more hundred milliliters of ATF in my car. I went for a test drive and yes, that was the case. I was low in ATF and the car was now shifting much better.

But it was like that since i got the car. I remember i saw on the plastic panel under the transmission and engine a pink gel. Is this what ATF turns into after a while?  Though there was no leak, then and later.

Obviously had to bend over to do that. But there was no one behind me.

Soon after i did that went to take the garbage and saw yet another trail of litter dust coming from the same place and going to the bin. I immediately went and grabbed the broom but several cars already passed over, milling those beads. I swept what i could, however i inhaled some of the dust. It was this choice. Let it there and slowly inhaling the dust over several days or sweep it and only inhale some once.

However it was not without consequences. Hours later i started to have weird daydreams, almost hallucinations when i was trying to sleep in the car. (Then i tried to drink from a broken plastic glass and spilled the drink on me. Then i had to rain inside with my pants wet because i had an urge to go out).

Thing is we were both under influence of that dust, for about a week. Angela was really mad these days.

12:32 Yesterday i first drove to Lincoln City. I was planning to hang around while Angela plays there. But i came 5 minutes earlier to the meeting point where i was supposed to pick her at 7:15. Tried to call but like last time her phone (we turned both phones on for a short time) wouldn't work inside  the casino. 2 minutes after, or at 7:12 a Security SUV came by. I was at the very edge of their property and not sure if inside or out.

However i was on the outer side of the street that supposedly is the border. The Security SUV entered the parking lot of the building of the Commission across the street and then left. However i left too and i could finally talk to her as she got out. She had to climb about 100 ft to the place i was cause i did not want to take a chance. Last time i talked to those guys they said i would be arrested if i come again on their property.

Question. Why there are not signs showing that your are on a private property, gates of fences? Is 4th street a public or a private road? How can i find out?

3:02 Ok i found something. I don't believe 4th St. is included in any of the properties. It is a bunch of properties belonging to the Confederation but i don't believe it is even a reservation. Unless the whole Lincoln City is.

But they don't need to be a reservation. Anywhere they act, the tribes are not taxed. Further research. What is the legal definition of a tribe, and how many members are left in Lincoln City and surrounding areas.

4:38 When the came today to empty the bins mold and bacteria from bins spread into the leaves. Because the leaves, in some areas up to 18 inches deep or tall or whatever are wet under. Some have tiny bubbles of bacterial growth.

That's why i found myself out of breath especially after Angela went to Walmart. Cause our digestive enzymes combined spread with opening of the esophagus/stomach or lower esophageal sphincter (the so called hiatal hernia) fight better the spores in the air.

Here came this matured tall guy with a goatee and two dogs (after children yelling like possessed by a mischievous kami) and chose to stop to get a better view of me from behind exactly when i was about to bend to fill a laundry basket. That would be basis for a later retaliation bending over which synced with some other stuff like noises, will make me sick for a half day.

6:33 Yeah i'm almost done with the leaves. I almost filled a whole bin. Yes the bin that sits on top of bags with old garbage, in a position where not many people throw their garbage on (it never gets filled, not even half of it). But the leaves are very loose, if enough people throw garbage over they will give in and pack. No evil done. BTW the person who used to throw blue doggy bags next to the bin now turned to pink.

John 14:6 "I am the truth" vs IN VINO VERITAS. Can a sinner tell the truth, on occasions? Do you have to be a martyr to give a good advise?

In Shintoism and Hinduism "there are no absolutes" like good and evil, each kami or devi is a mixture of them just like humans. Kali (the demon god, the fierce mother, the fury of Durga, the feminine counterpart of Shiva) kills (destroys) all evil doers etc. She was born enraged and even rebelled against her husband, Shiva.

8:10 PM. 817 DEU is the LPN of a GM black SUV that was parked next to the bin tonight. I saw that before but  never made the link. I longtime suspected the old man who dresses like a clown or homeless (suggesting modesty) is some religious figure from Romania.

After i caught my breath and wrote a bit in here i went to finish. They were two big piles that i squeezed in three laundry baskets and i grabbed a round piece of wood the size of a basketball bat to make more room in the bin.

A very thick smoke and the woman at 4 talks again in the balcony.

While i was trying to pack the leaves with the big stick a blond guy who lives with the old man came and threw provocatively from a distance 3 improvised doggy bags and one of them almost landed on my head, one next to the bin, saying something and then he left. BTW some people threw a few bags and now the bin smells like dog poop.

So bad it got into my clothes together in the parking lot.

All these happened after picking leaves for 2 hours with no one around and then spending one hour inside. Which means they were all celebrating their holiday which now i'm sure they believe in and had to call them over. Sorry guys for disrupting.

8:22 Here is a typical example of bending over. In an empty parking lot during a holiday, this woman stopped at a stop sign, got out of the car in a place she was not supposed to, even though there was no traffic, went on the right side and did something for at least a minutes so i had the time and opportunity.

From that distance it is also less offensive to viewers. The stress was provided within a minute by a cop who was patrolling the area, stopping at every shop. Yeah i was at the Mud Bay next to Michaels.

9:18 Mi-am zis eu mie însumi. Cu prima ocazie când gătesc orez fac o poză. Cel mai simplu lucru de gătit. 2 căni și jumătate apă, una cu vârf orez. După ce fierbe apa, pun orezul, amestec o singură dată, dau la foarte mic, pun capacul și urmăresc să bolborosească nu prea tare după care pun timer-ul la 12 minute când opresc aragazul și îl mai las să stea să tragă toată apa dacă mai are.

Se poate adăuga și lapte, zahăr, la sfârșit, când e fiert.

Total timp de lucru, 5 minute, timp total, 20. Da știu capacul e de la altceva, puțin mai mare, are mânerul rupt dar așa cu ele cum le vedeți am făcut eu mult orez.

10:38 I knew the smoke outside does not come from a wildfire, by the smell. It took many hours for the smoke to get here, 13 miles away in the wind's direction.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

November 23

3:22 Nu există toxiinfecție alimentară dar și alte intoxicații din care care să nu scapi cu câteva capsule de cărbune medicinal (activat), mai ales în faza inițială când omul e conștient și cooperativ.

Un gram de carbune poate absorbi până la 200 de grame de toxine, fiindcă este foarte poros în interior iar moleculele de toxine, care de obicei sunt mari, dar și bacteriile sunt prinse ca într-o capcană și apoi eliminate cu prima ocazie.

Nu se recomandă consumul regulat fiindcă absoarbe și nutrienți precum vitaminele, dar mai puțin molecule mici ca glucoza, alcoolul, minerale, etc..

De fapt sunt încă discuții despre modul cum funcționează și ce absoarbe, nici specialiștii nu știu foarte sigur, însă sigur funcționează pentru asemenea urgențe.

Oricine trebuie să aibă așa ceva în casă în trusa de prim ajutor. Se administrează în caz de greață cu amețeli și/sau vărsături, până la venirea salvării însă de obicei simptomele trec în 5-10 minute.

12:22 Thanksgiving. Wa Shinto.

2:33 God is an (Arian) woman.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

November 22

8:00 Munchies. A snack brand that is built on a common English verb. To munch. Which is familiar for chew. Wanted to double check before posting and i wish i didn't cause i ran into a different trouble than the one i wanted to talk about. Depending on how you ask google, you may get different answers. (Will take some time for me to settle on this one as well).

Nevermind google changed (again) on me. That is while i was writing the above, the search result for "munch" changed. When i first searched for "munch", i got the result i now get with "munch slang".

Ok so i kinda lost momentum and inspiration however now that i already invested two paragraphs into it, i will finish it (also because i wanted many times to do it but i did not have a device ready as i opened most snack bags on the road somewhere).

Munchies by Frito Lay is a mix of several known type of snacks, featuring Doritos, pretzels, Cheetos and a few others. It comes in plain "Cheese fix" or hot spicy version as well. (Don't get too carried, there are only traces of cheese in those).

Doritos is by far the most popular snack in the US and it goes well with pretzels. Pretzels temper the spiciness of Doritos and Doritos bring more flavor to the bland pretzels. Cheetos in munchies don't feel so much like cheating (on your mouth) anymore.

As i said now i don't know how to put this in a more literary way so i will say it plainly.

You have to be real careful when you open a bag of any of these snacks. Ideally use some good sharp scissors. Otherwise the bag will tear very easily all the way to the bottom and every time i did that i asked myself if this is not yet another weird stupid marketing strategy. Cause it accelerates dramatically the munching of the snacks in the torn bag obviously for fear of not spilling them while those tasty little things are mostly empty calories.

8:32 Something i'm made for. A different kinda music that takes my breath away. Literally. Was i made for something else than eating and sleeping or the crazy little thing called love?

1:15 Little thing. Pește de post. Poate într-o zi vă veți da seama cum vă iau ăștia mințile. Cine poate să verifice la Murgeni, Vaslui că e adevărat ce spun ăștia.

1:60 Last night i did laundry and cooked the ham. There was much heat inside. i had to open the patio door. Litter dust came inside (that didn't happen in a long time). Because of it my face, my throat was burning. The doubling, after i complained about spilled litter in front of the building and the trail on the alley. As a result but also because of the noise upstairs Angela could not sleep and she came early from work.

At work they ask her again to train the deaf-mute on a product she didn't do much before (would have meant to follow the documentation and train) and she declined as she was too tired then finishing the work she started yesterday.

The big man, Steve was out in vacation and his replacement was Sergey, the white righteous Russian who treats Angela in similar ways. Together with the "Vietnamese" sisters. How many times i wrote on fb about the "sisters"?

The result. Another screwed up holiday like all holidays and weekends.

Like at all her and my jobs before. These are not jobs, but punishment squads. I would have quit 1000 times if i was her like i did before (i had a total of 23 jobs in the US). But she is a tough little woman.

All because a bunch of lunatics in the US (a few millions or more) think we are Zoia and Nicu Ceaușescu. To keep the loonies on the path started by "Pacepa".

More doubling. They came with the blowers. I measured once 70dB inside with an app on a phone. But will the collect the leaves?

3:27 Every time i get religious (i put a few recipes though i do not fast) they give me the horny dust.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 21

6:50 Awake since 4:30 when Angela left. Cigarette smoke coming in waves from somewhere made me sneeze and got mad and instantly they started to squeak upstairs. They do that automatically every time i get emotional which makes me think again at free Scientology audit.

7:20 "Save your tears" (for any day) sounds plain stupid. How come i did not realize that earlier?

1:00 Lena Kobor + CGI + optical distorsions = Alexa Crush. Semantic clue: Alexa, lena.

4:00 It was David himself who at 80 with a white goatee did a fast walk and talk on the speaker phone or maybe even video. I was wondering what they gave him to be able to do that.

I myself had trouble breathing in the smoke outside. Especially after the bend over episode yesterday when a woman with black pants bent and that gave me palpitations all morning. More people bent in my way tonight. I noticed every time there's also a loud sound present. (Later editing: Tonight it was a beep from something in the store).

Got at the same intersection and a dark grey pickup, most likely a Toyota, and this time i got a number, 840 LZQ (back to lazy queer theme) drove by an Asian came on a collision course but as i turned my head this time he slowed and let me pass. Considering buying something neon reflecting something to put over my clothes when i go for walks.

5:40 Just got back from Fred Meyer. State Farm keeps sending me emails telling to download an app on my phone otherwise i would loose a 10% discount. Today they said it was the last chance. So i tried but my phone would not work on mobile data.

I turned all wi-fi on routers off in January and forgot how to turn them back on. I could have tried but i remember it was not easy and then i had to turn them back off, was afraid not to miss something, so i figured it would take less time if i go to Fred Meyer to do it on their wi-fi which i did and installed the app on both phones.

When i finished on mine they said they will send me "beacons" for both vehicles. I guess some devices to track every of my move. However, i don't know how it's gonna work cause i don't use the phone.

I could not finish on both phones because i did not have Angela's driver's license to scan so i came back home. When i left at the door there was a woman rather tall, with a weird dark monochrome makeup (like ready for video processing) on her face, grey sweat pants featuring exaggerated bottom, speaking Romanian waving at her husband who was behind me. He was shorter than me with a growing grey beard. Then she spoke English. I stopped and let him pass and leave together. 

Got back home and guess what. Now the phones work on mobile data.

I noticed face, hands, belly, everything hurts less then last time i used the phone. Could this be i'm healing?

6:43 Proof the (broken) sac with litter dust came from the other entrance of this building. BTW the trail still stinks. Can't be the old woman's. The old woman's dog is too small. A dog that size in this building has only the woman at 4.

Varza mea la fiert. Se pot vedea ingredientele puse separat. Varză, țelină, morcov, ceapă. Ele fierb sub capac în aburul generat de acel cm de apă pus inițial și ce mai lasă varza și celelalte. Le amestec doar la urmă, împreună cu condimentele (din lene bineînțeles). Alături fierbe un șold de porc afumat cu os care l-a luat Angela de la WinCo ieri pe un cupon dat de Eaton pentru Thanksgiving (șuncă sau curcan la alegere). Mai în spate nu e nimic, e doar o folie uitată pe acolo.

10 Apt.4 inhabitant. Hiroko (no last name). Closest i could find, in the small world of ninja public celebs in Japan. No she doesn't look so cute without makeup and/or without a smile. "The last ninja in Japan". "What it takes to be a ninja".

Monday, November 20, 2023

Orez cu mazăre

Rețetă de orez cu mazăre de post.

Mie mi-au trebuit mulți ani pentru a învăța să gătesc banalul orez (prin încercări și rateuri, repet, internetul nu era ce este azi) și am ajuns la un rezultat pe măsură. Motivația a fost bineînțeles perfecțiunea orezului gătit în restaurantele asiatice. Sunt multe metode de a găti orezul, aceasta mie mi se pare cea mai simplă.

Se folosește o oală mică de un litru din oțel cu fund gros și capac de sticlă. Nu am încercat cu altceva dar cred că e posibil. Capacul de sticlă păstrează mai multă căldură în interior (sticla este termoizolantă) deci necesită o mai puțină încălzire a fundului oalei și prin el se poate urmări cum fierbe, fiind transparent.

2 măsuri și jumătate de apă plată, una de orez. Se fierbe apa până dă în clocot și se adaugă orezul amestecând. Se dă focul la cea mai mică setare posibilă și se așteaptă să se oprească din clocotit mestecând din când în când. Se pune capacul și se reglează temperatura până când apa bolborosește abia vizibil și se pune timer-ul la 12 minute, după care se oprește și se mai lasă până se mai răcește iar orezul absoarbe toată apa, dacă mai este.

Se servește preferabil cu sos de soia (care este (foarte) sărat), după gust, de aceea eu nu pun sare la fiert.

Se poate păstra în frigider acoperit cu un capac 2-3 zile și se încălzește la microunde (stați la 2-3 metri distanță de cuptor când funcționează).

Eu prefer un tip de orez cu bobul rotund care se numește pearl (nu arborio care are bobul și mai mare dar nu are nici un gust). Angela preferă Jasmine care este aromat. Orezul brun, brown rice, este delicios, crocant și mai nutritiv dar ca regulă necesită timp dublu de fiert.

O pungă de mazăre congelată de la supermarket. Se pune într-o tigaie de făcut sosuri preferabil placată cu ceramică necolorată, cu capac, cu puțină apă și se dă la setarea maximă. După câteva minute, se reduce treptat focul pe măsură ce mazărea se dezgheață apoi se ajustează la o temperatură joasă spre medie. Atenție să nu rămâneți fără apă. Se înclină puțin tigaia pentru a urmări nivelul apei.

Capacul menține aburul în tigaie, care mai întâi dezgheață și apoi fierbe mazărea.

Este gata în aproximativ 15-20 minute de la început, sau când mazărea se încrețește sau până când devine comestibilă deci se poate găti în paralel cu orezul. Se pregătește separat ceapă prăjită cu sos de roșii (ca celebrul bulion dar mai subțire), condimente etc. sau se adaugă spre sfârșit ceapă tăiată ca pentru saute, puțin sos de roșii și condimente.

Pentru amestecat se folosește o paletă de nylon tare.

Orezul se mai poate servi cu legume congelate care se gătesc în mod similar ca mazărea mai sus dar fără alte adaosuri. Poate doar margarină la sfârșit, dar atenție, nu toată margarina este de post, citiți eticheta.

Merge bine și cu ciuperci, dar ciuperci nu am mai făcut de mult, am uitat să le fac și oricum le făceam cu smântână. Mare chestie. Speli bine ciupercile, le tai în forma preferată și le fierbi cu puțină apă în tigaie, adaugi niște ulei (în zilele cu dezlegare), ceapă și faci un sos din două linguri de făină.

A mi-am amintit. Merge bine și cu varză, combinația are aproape același gust ca și sarmalele. Varza se poate găti și fără ulei (am învățat asta când am uitat să adaug ulei). Jumătate de inch sau un cm jumate de apă pe fundul oalei cu fund de 1 cm, se adaugă toate ingredientele, începând cu varza tăiată fin și terminând cu ardei tăiați mărunt, ceapa, morcovul și sosul de roșii. La fel, capacul formează aburi în oală iar vaza și celelalte ingrediente fierb de fapt în aburi.

Curry, oregano, boia de ardei, piper, gata în 25 minute cu capac la foc mic, mestecați din când în când. Cu paleta de nylon.

O mâncare mai sățioasă de post este cartofii prăjiți însă necesită ulei dar se pot face la aburi dacă aveți mașină din aia de fiert în aburi. Se taie cartofii cu o chestie din aia de tăiat cartofi, se presară condimente, se amestecă și se pun la aburi cel puțin 25 minute.

Apropo eu și cartofii îi fierb cu capac într-un cm de apă. Cu puțină grijă, apa se va termina exact la sfârșitul fiertului. Marea majoritate fierb de fapt în aburi. Astfel, nu veți mai avea nimic de aruncat. Au un gust mai bun, asemănător cu cartofii copți.

Nu știu nici o rețetă cu brânză de soia (tofu) însă știu că are multă proteină, necesară în post, magneziu (adăugat sub formă de clorură pentru coagulare), cauză din care este laxativă și se poate tăia în cubulețe și adăuga la o supă de sfeclă sau ciorbă în general.

Iarna puteți folosi cuptorul oricât de mult fiindcă încălzește locuința la prețul gazului sau electricității, încălzirea principală pe termostat lucrând mai puțin. Dacă nu cumva aveți pompă de căldură care este mult mai eficientă decât o simplă rezistență electrică, (adică peste 250%, încălcând puțin legile termodinamicii).

Apropo. Strict vorbind, halvaua are resturi de ulei deci nu poate fi de post în afară de zilele cu dezlegare, la fel ca și orice produs de soia (sos, tofu), nuci și semințe care toate pot fi un bun înlocuitor de carne, sau chiar porumbul din una din rețetele de mai sus, care toate conțin, teoretic, ulei.

November 20

12:45 After all these i get the feel he is not in Africa after al... Anybody knows when he's coming back?

I remember from newspapers at the time that even Ceuașescu was announcing his state visits to Mobutu weeks in advance...

I mean, it is all staged to appear that way. That is most people think he's in Africa, the smarter ones think he's in the US chasing me and he is actually taking yet another vacation meditating at his country house in Hungary.

1:07 Got to end a confusion here. În engleză la comandă la restaurant sau pe site-uri online se zice order. Același cuvânt se folosește și pentru comenzi militare.

11:45 Just came back from my walk. I don't know if i am awake or asleep. There is a bag similar to the one under the bin on the hills with the spilled  content of a dog litter box next to the alley bin. A garbage truck came to pick "selectively" the full bins, but they didn't pick this one though it's almost full.

Can't find right now the previous posts with the 7-11 intersection. Again i was coming from Nyberg lane trying to cross 65. At green (actually white from my point of view) i started to cross. A Mercedes coming from 65 stopped kinda short and scared me, providing a solid distraction. When i passed the middle, the light turned from white to red count down and green for a left turn for the traffic coming from Nyberg into 65 or in the same direction i was going.

To this day i don't understand how these lights work. Am i actually crossing on red?

I saw in peripheral view a black pickup with a black trailer coming from Nyberg lane towards me, turned my head completely but this time he pretended he didn't see me to the end and accelerated heavily so to run was the only option. After he barely missed me he slowed down to "apologize" and i ran to his tinted window to take a good look at the driver. All i can say is he reminded me of the guy upstairs.

There is a city surveillance camera on one of the poles of that intersection.

Earlier an Alexa meme with a big nose followed me for about one mile during my walk, providing "motivation" for the action above.

12:15 Put a glove on and went to throw in the bin the broken bag with liter dust sitting next to it. The dust was mixed with numerous dog poops and turned into a mud on the asphalt as it's been rained upon.

Trying to figure when it rained last time in Tualatin. Most likely the main reason i have been so nauseated in the last few days. Most likely coming from Apt.4, the same with the stinking Chrysler. Cause they rarely come with the dog outside.

Litter boxes should be made illegal, at least in apartments. It is dangerous to live with so many poops inside an apartment or small house, even if dried and covered in deodorant, also for the neighbors in a building like this. People should understand that pets especially big dogs are not toys to live with in a tiny apartment. People should be prosecuted for throwing garbage outside bins cause those are biohazards.

I turned on the radio on Z100 Portland and they were playing a (local) top and i again got to listen that monster Doja Cat, actually Miss Universe Japan 2014 (semantic clues: Keiko - cat, Tsuji - doja). What can i say. THEY control financially all radio stations and Billboard and everything. Now they are playing that horrible low low low song which is actually about m...n like so many others.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

November 19

5:14 I was at Little Creek fast food. After driving two hours in heavy rain with freeway grooves full of water. Man those freeways (I5, local 101) is in bad shape. I must have hit at least ten big puddles with water and skidded every time.

One semi with a logo "LEGEND" on it passed me on the right doing more than 75 when i hit one of those. Like always about 20 minutes before getting there a pickup gave me unburnt fuel type of exhaust. When i exited, a guy with lights off almost hit me from the right. The filter smelled hours after.

So i took a few drink in the parking lot and went inside. After about one hour i got hungry as i knew i would because of those drinks and entered the small fast food area and sat on the only empty table.

At next table they were a couple of old guys drunk or high talking very loudly and doing a live conversation with one of those guys' wife or girlfriend, talking a high English (like an Irish or a Scotsman would) there are, supposedly, a lot in the area).

One the reasons i still go there (they are fun to listen to and look contagiously happy). I am positive they caught me in the stream several times , the way they were waving that phone around. So i pulled my camera and phone from my pocket and set it on the table.

Especially because i saw across the tables area a girl that resembled a girl from a story in Romanian news. To me she looks more than 13 years old. Most actors (on the right side of my matches) are up to 4 years older than characters.

At a certain moment one of them asked the woman on the phone to show them her bee bee and she raised her t-shirt showing her belly.

When i ordered i talked to a girl that hours later i figured she looked like Alexa. She was speaking very softly so i had to turn my ear and get closer. I was a bit... buzzed. Because of that i apparently ordered one extra serving of fries.

Then she gave me a number. I went a bit to the gaming area and then returned with the number in my hand and put it on the table. Now i remember i saw earlier a bunch of cops and some were dressed civilian, with badges some hidden under loose clothes.

So the only table i found was in a corner next to the two disturbingly loud old guys. Right when i was about to take a picture of that girl the woman resembling London Breed (or a disguised cop) came and brought me the food. She was acting like a security person asking me if i took a bunch of pictures in the area and i said no, but those two guys are live streaming.

She asked me if i wanted her to talk to them. But she didn't need any permission to ask me if i took any pictures. But all i said was "all i want right now is my food" and then she left. Soon Angela came and we saw a table in the other corner and moved to get away from the crazy filming guys.

But as we crossed a bunch of cops came and took a short haired blond woman sitting at a table as we went by, rather tall, with jeans and a visible belly, to the restroom and then i never saw her again. Then we went to Red Winds, Angela made her money back and a little extra, and then she fell asleep in the car as we came back. No more rain, thou they were some puddles left (man, is that an interstate freeway).

At a certain time i barely avoided a rock or a piece of concrete, white, about 3x10 inches while i was doing 80 (70 limit+10) on a wet pavement.

I think the real Alexa drove or was in a self driving car and caught with me right before 405 and then she went into that direction, and that was about an hour ago. The car in front of me slowed and i slowed and then i saw in the mirror that car approaching kinda uncomfortably close from behind and then passed me on the right and left to 405.

My new PC. Though it was working when we left, the screen now goes blank after i input the pin. So i stay busy and don't write here about what happened? And especially don't search for a match for London Breed.

Cause i know who Alexa is. She is the 16 years old  daughter of Hungarian singer, now deceased, Janos Kobor, the most famous rock singer of Hungary who in turn looks very much like David Gilmour from Pink Floyd. So he is not actually dead.

Yeah i know she looks thin in the pictures linked above. This video is since November 2022. Which means she was under 16 when she uploaded videos on all major porn sites. But that was after his father "died" in 2021. To the better man of Hungary, remember Oswigo.

But who is the guy sitting next to her. He reminds me of one of the initial kids since we moved here now grown up, who dresses in black and recently threatened me.

6:01 Apparently i was able to fix the PC by resetting BIOS to default because i saw it was written on the back of the box how to open it (it has been many years since i messed with a BIOS, and forgot). But how it got messed up, we shut it down when we left. I think it has a wake on LAN option and was connected to the router via ethernet and the router to the internet. Got to see if i can disable that one from again BIOS.

12:15 Last night i slept four hours and a half and was awakened by smoke. Went to check, made a few steps towards my truck and there was no more smoke, came back and apparently only this building is surrounded by it. The crazy woman ninja at apt.9 living with the guy with stinking Chrylser was in the balcony talking yelling on the phone again.

Though there are no fireplaces or anything. Could not find Wake on LAN function in BIOS so i wrote an email to support. I am so tired and ready to sleep but this smoke is keeping me awake.

4:25 Now that i slept i started to believe that one of the "two crazy filming men" was David Gilmour himself with bit of hair on his face. Too bad they are allowed to film while i an not allowed to take pictures of them. BTW now it smells like gasoline in here again.

4:53 Got one more 5 minutes job at the car, two small Japanese children came and one was symbolically rodeo riding the yellow hydrant.

11:20 Just figured something. When i ordered the food she left her fingerprints on my card. Should i have hit that white rock on the street and spun out of control...

BTW i remember three more episodes on my way back from a Washington Casino. One, the accident itself. One, that day when they first open a casino after pandemics. A woman was declared disappeared from Minnehaha area, Vancouver, WA, the same were the accident happened.

She appeared at the casino and was standing in line next to me after i went for a drink at the car. She kept telling she was confused, lost her purse, keep going outside and then back inline. For a while i was tempted to talk to her. Inside, cops i think "found her". Yeah i think she looked a bit like petite Pat Benatar.

When i got back, there was this semi, in about the same area, on the shoulder of the freeway which was absolutely empty of vehicles. It had red lights all around it (it was close to Christmas) and it distracted me long enough until i saw a wheel right in front of my car, i was probably doing limit + 10 and was too late to do anything.

Not a tire. A whole damn wheel lying horizontally in the middle of the lane and i passed over it and it touched something beneath the car but no damage was done. Good think i didn't hit the breaks, would have lowered the front of the car and then...

The short "Mexican" driver was talking on the phone next to the semi being part of the distraction. I would have probably been able to go around it if i kept my eyes on the road. He should have tried to pick it first. That's what i would have done.

The security incident with the senator. The skidding on a frosted bridge while blinded by flashing Police cars. Etc. Etc..