Thursday, June 30, 2022

June 30

12:50 The reason i was not sobering up after i drank today and slept through the evening was a hole in the ground near the siding at the next apartment. Just a hole, no mound around it. Big enough for the smoke to get here, both through the siding and directly. When i finally felt the smoke, i went outside, poured some borax in it and covered it with soil from a mole mound pretty far away. While searching for the hole, soil, i smelled dog poop but could not find any. Curiously enough, today i thought of how the moles have given up since i pour borax (close to the walls, of course, there are enough further away). I briefly saw some kids, a girl, most likely Japanese, dressed summarily at the entrance of the building across when i looked the door. I looked at the bottles and when i came back i looked again. The bottles were not in the same position which means somebody has gotten inside and out while Angela is sleeping. And upstairs i heard again, after many weeks, a dog running.

1:10 A mall with 1000 people inside, 19 dead and 100 wounded? I only see a few people running around, one person on a stretcher, no cars in the parking lot, one ambulance and one guy with bandages on his head. This can't go on like this, there's got to be some sort of protection for the public from such lies that may lead to serious consequences.

9:54 S-a încheiat președenția Franței, fără nici un efort. Macron a fost foarte ocupat vorbind cu Putin la telefon. Poate intrăm în Schengen odată cu Ucraina.

10:05 Partea din față aduce într-adevăr cu Porsche iar partea din spate aduce cu Citroen DS19 sau cu Tatra 87 (cea mai avansată mașină până spre anii 60) sacrificând puțin look-ul pentru aerodinamică deci consum (Perșu, Porsche?). Hyundai a fost prima firmă care a încercat depus toate eforturile să construiască mașini ieftine cu un consum mic care să aibă formă de mașină și să nu semene cu niște bucăți de săpun rotunde pe la colțuri, ca cele japoneze de până atunci și s-a inspirat de la mărci precum Maserati și Lamborghini, aducând puțină bucurie în ochii posesorilor atunci când și le văd parcate.

1:40 Din păcate și astăzi bursa mi-a dat dreptate după ce s-au lămurit minciunile de dimineață. Dacă totul e pe un edificiu fals și se arată aceasta, ce credeți că se va întâmpla cu acel edificiu? Am plecat în plimbarea mea pentru că aici înnebuneam (fum, mucegai, zgomote) dar abia mă țineam pe picioare, pentru că am băut ieri prea mult (parcă-mi amintesc, vin, bere, coniac, vin, bere, coniac) fiindcă m-am cam săturat de toate. La colț un tip de vreo 20 de ani îmbrăcat în negru a executat niște gesturi obscene care m-au enervat atât de tare încât mi-am revenit, brusc.

Dar la sfârșit. După aproape 5 km cu gantere de 7 pounds (3.5 kg) în fiecare mână și fum în aer eram puțin obosit și visător. Am apăsat butonul (aici pietonii sunt rari) la semafor, s-a făcut verde (adică alb) la prima ocazie și am trecut (trecerea din dreapta). Din spate, adică din nord (de la Naiba), virând stânga a venit un SUV sau van alb cu număr FYD (For Your Death) pe direcție de întâlnire cum mine, călcând legea (nu trebuia să treacă dacă era pieton pe trecere). Pe trotuar o adolescentă brunețică cu coadă împletită la spate, imitație japoneză sau poate chiar americană nativă (indiancă) se uita undeva în spatele meu dar eu mai întorceam oricum capul încă o dată (mult înainte de a deveni șofer, adică timp de 35 de ani, am fost pieton) la care tipa de la volan sau AI-ul care conducea acel vehicul a virat pe banda din mijloc, pe sens invers unde din "fericirea" (de simulare AI) nu era nici o mașină, aia cu săgeată la stânga și m-a ocolit. Tipa (șoferița) zâmbea ușurată deci nu avea nici o treabă, mașina era self driven sau pe remote control.

Anni Frid? Baba Nela? Bjorn. (Baba Nela îi spunea Nuți (șefa de oficiu de la cepele) lui Nela, o operatoare, aba acum m-am prins de ce). Întrebarea e dacă era și Carmen Dan și eu cred că era, fiindcă numele Carmen sugerează muzică, iar împreună Carmen Dan aduce a Madonna (Men Dan, Ma Donna).

Vă rog să nu încercați să mă faceți să înțeleg toate chestiile astea cu asemănările, deși încerc să le pun într-o singură categorie, care se numește Cabala, cuvânt pe care când îl pomenesc îmi îngheață sângele în vine.
5:40 It's much easier to concentrate when doing face searches while laying on the couch with the laptop still in the tray. The man upstairs must be high on something and keep yelling while watching TV. Just before i tried to switch from one side to another (got tired laying on left side) a girl maybe 12 passed twice in front of the glass door, ft away. Nevermind, i'm moving the chromebook back where it was in the tray at the desk. Had to power it down and back up in the new configuration to load the drivers, and that was enough to create in my lap pain that lasted for an hour or so.

8:08 Today i found an app that shows you the cell phone towers on a map and the one you are connected to. A great idea, Beta means still in development, thus buggy. Could not find an app to simply measure the total amount of wi-fi signal in the air, the ones i found only measure one network at the time, and it's supposed to be under 100 something, and i got like 20 with an average of 50 that together make 1000, however i found my old microwave detector made of a diode and a meter, totally passive, and it shows nothing though it moves the needle when i put it next to my cell phone and make a call or next to the oven and start it, about the same.

12:00 Culeg cu stupoare "știrile" în ton cu ultimele mele postări.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 29

9:19 Once a prince, always a prince. Da bine dar cum își beea cafeaua? A ok m-am prins. Își ridica puțin masca într-un colț. O echipă puternică, mandat din 2020. Ok m-am prins iar. COVID-ul (Corona Virus ID) a fost inventat doar pentru a-și acoperi el fața. Dacă nu era COVID-ul îl prindeau din prima.

9:58 Shania. Normal că a deraiat trenul, pe șine era iarbă. Nu vă e rușine să vedeți astfel de poze în Romania anului de grație 2022, cu 32 de ani de la Ceaușescu, 18 ani de NATO și 15 de UE la spate? Și care-i chestia cu Z-ul acela de pe locomativă?

(Read the news, trying to put together a few paragraphs, a helicopter is circling. Can't shoot video, my phone is completely discharged, just plugged it in).

10:12 La summit-ul NATO, Zelensky e superstar pe ecran mare.

10:22 Man, i feel like a woman! Simple ManDoja Cat.
10:26 Naționalismul așa cum îl vedem e iluzia unora mai răsăriți care își deleagă cele mai bune speranțe intenții în mâna dracului.

2:09 Turning my chromebook into a PC with a hub (the gray stick on the floor). All tamed with a cooking tray.

2:45 Mulțumim Rusiei că a renunțat la atitudinea neproductivă de a nu prezenta punctul ei de vedere (her side of the story). Aș dori cu acest prilej să exprim opinia că Rusia ar trebui să considere renunțarea la alfabetul chirilic pentru o mai bună circulație a informațiilor și o scădere a nivelului de izolare față de restul lumii.

5:00 Eram în România și lucram într-un birou înghesuit cu mulți alții înainte de a primi "spațiu" pentru grupa SPAC (Sisteme de Proiectare Asistată de Calculator, după cum am botezat-o), într-un vestiar evacuat.

Într-un an după ce am venit din concediu de la mare, eram epuizat, iar colegii, teoretic toți copii de nomenclaturiști (directori, ingineri, etc..), care știau chestii de vacanță, mi-au zis, din simpatie: Gigi, vrei să te odihnești? Mergi în concediu la munte, nu la mare.

Mulți ani după, am găsit și explicația acelui sfat, o explicație foarte simplă (pe care sunt convins că ei nu o știau). La mare stai în nisip iar vântul ridică din nisip un praf foarte fin de siliciu (care de fapt e tot nisip dar măcinat foarte fin) pe care îl respiri. Acel praf invizibil te irită ușor și îți dă acea senzație de exictație specifică vacanțelor la mare.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

June 28

2:17 I woke up at 1 AM with digestive pains. Today i installed the AC and forgot to clean the screens from dust and the AC blows (and aspires) through the sliding door screen and i've been breathing the irritant dust (redwood, granite from the screen which of course ends up in stomach when it clears the lungs). I stayed awake for two hours and i had no smoke problems at all. It looks like they have an algorithm, as soon as i started to post, the room filled with cigarette smoke from my neighbor who smokes on the patio of Apt. Nr.2.

I am very satisfied with my Samsung Chromebook. It charges in one hour, lasts up to ten. It is very fast, it loads Chrome browser in one second, plays videos seamlessly, no lag when typing, etc.. However i was complaining of pains in my legs and belly especially after i went at Indian Head casino where they have a very strong wi-fi that can be used from the parking lot. And the signal has to be strong both ways since the laptop sends requests or the text you are typing etc. back to the router.

After my PC went out (power supply) and i didn't want to fix it, i bought a USB hub that allows me to use the chromebook as a PC, by connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse to it. I was keeping it under desk at my left foot and it is there where i started to have burning pains. Then, i started to have pains in different spots of my legs, belly, etc..

Today i was tuning my guitar with an online in browser tuner from a site and i accidentally put the laptop of top of the guitar and i noticed a weird sound in the amplifier. Yes i know the amplifier cannot amplify those frequencies but sub-harmonics and modulations. Then i tried with the phone but the sound was much less. For now i found a tray (the kind for baking turkeys in the oven) and i use it like that. Thing is the wi-fi which basically uses microwaves at a frequency close to microwave ovens, has automatic settings depending on the distance and if the thing gets hacked the setting can stay permanent at highest. I don't know exactly how much power a wi-fi is supposed to use or what is the hardware limitation though i suspect is specific to brands and manufacturers. Most sites say 100 mW but some go as high as 6 watts. We can fairly assume the emitter in the phone is punctiform.

However the limitations imposed for leaks at microwave ovens go much lower than that. Does that make any sense to anybody who reads this?

4:22 Black face. Still don't know who Frank Farian is. Ran into this picture where i suspect the 4 of them all have fake noses. Until now i only now who Bobby Farrell was, i had an idea about Marcia Barrett (first, left), but there is only one picture. As for color.

5:00 Yeah man. Much better with the tray! Pain in legs is fading, there is still some in the hands, maybe face.

8:08 Bobby. Că nu ieste alta şi mai bună, şi mai eficientă metodă de sucit mințile în toată viiaţa omului decât simbolismul ascuns cu legături peste timp și spațiu.


11:21 Metsubushi. Today after i washed the building with a hose i crashed, due to lack of irritating dust. Sleepy, lethargic. After i reposted the video with the barrels, some crazy with a modified exhaust drove around the building at 11:15 PM until enough mineral fiber dust probably from the attic came inside through open windows.

Earlier i saw the guy with the huge van he parks for years on a compact spot that has INSULATION written on with red letters causally stopping at mailboxes.

11:48 He started back on when i started to type. Ran outside to see who it is, an ambulance siren went off on deserted streets, i think it's the guy with a dark silver Audi with tinted windows who parks at the end of the lower alley. I was ready to write about a very difficult subject, the news with 50 Mexicans dead in a hot truck. This can't be happening, for of a number of reasons, one of them, nobody is that stupid, and i think they could have done something to get out. It's part of the same type of mass killings, when we can't see in the news images with blood on the streets or dead bodies which means it only happens in the media. It looks similar with the recent Ukrainian mall bombing and many other news brought to us by CNN or Fox from Ukraine. Now the guy upstairs started the TV very loud which cancels my thoughts, yelled in Spanish etc., cause i always think of the new paragraph when i write one. Ok i remembered. The reason this popped in the news right now is because of me saying the West Coast of the US is basically occupied by Japanese disguised in Mexicans who by my estimates are in the millions while Mexico itself is kept in a state of terror with the so called drug wars so they can't say nothing (and nobody cares in the US like about Ukraine which is well presented in media).

Monday, June 27, 2022

A Trip to Reno

June 27

1:07 Just came inside after searching for the source of the dung smell. Didn't find anything. Today i intentionally left all windows open at 100 degrees to both dry any trace of water from the carpet (not that there was any left) and also "cook the smells" or let the heat deal with whatever bacteria left behind by washing. The result is it's 81 degrees inside at 1 AM while outside is 75.

I got gas at Grande Ronde (the cheapest) but when i got home i realized i forgot to put the cap on. I called them immediately to ask if i didn't pull the nozzle too, and they first said it doesn't matter, the nozzle are designed so they come apart when pulled hard, preventing someone to drag the hole pump, and when i asked him to look, he went out and then said "nothing out of the ordinary" and then i remembered i had the option to print a receipt which means i put the nozzle back. No receipt came out though.

Two distractions and me being tired (haven't been drinking in several hours) lead to forgetting to put the cap. Some guy dressed in leather on a motorcycle with no muffler started his bike exactly when my pump stopped. The guy on the other side at the other pump coughed loudly and then i looked down and i saw i was standing on a pile of absorbent material, the kind i hate most. Micro-porous calcined silica. So i took of my shoes and put them in a bag and drove barefoot. There is always one of those piles at one pump at that station but tonight i forgot to look. Yes Frank Farian and Boney M where on my mind too (i think it was him, not Jon Andreson i saw tonight at McDonalds),

Tonight i am happy that in Oregon they have attendants at gas stations, with me being distracted and until recently involuntarily high all the time, i would have certainly done it. Drag the nozzle.

In McMinville i caught up with the guy stuntman on the motorcycle, when he did something that made have lead to an accident. He suddenly slowed down while buttoning the screens on his left handle or horn of his motorcycle or whatever is called. But it was the other cars in front of him that slowed down too though not as much. 4 or 5. They always to this. They act in gangs. First one slows and you can't possibly blame him in case of accident, also because he's not going be there anymore. Good thing my low beam is adjusted a bit low and i saw him when he entered the spot, approaching fast into the light. I was telling Angela. Should have been a car, you could realize the distance by the space between lights that appears bigger as you approach it. Also it was the first time in years when i saw a motorcycle on that route at that hour. Then i got mad, i passed him on the right together with several other cars that were going under speed limit, and i sped up, more than usual, following a fast vehicle. He caught up with me half hour later, in the city, right in time for the cameras in down town Tualatin, when he approached from behind and going parallel with my car, but on the right, on the other side where the gas door is, for the show. I didn't like him being on my blind spot so i accelerated and he went on I5.

It's not like the old cars. The newer have some anti-siphoning device (a lid with a spring and the nozzle stays 99% closed and it doesn't smell much expect for the gas that you just poured and is still drying. Just remembered something, i drove by some guy dressed in black, athletic, walking on the right side of the road with something in a bag that could have been an analyzer or gas sampling device but can't remember if it was before or after fill-up.

BTW i want to share something. Since i have this habit of always reading the instant average mpg (average fuel consumption since last reset) i realized something. Tonight right until the stop light at the overpass here on I5 i had a reading of 48 mpg since last fill-up in Grande Ronde. But they were times when on the same route (road quality, elevation difference) i had 40. Most difference is given by tire pressure which i also read constantly. Tonight it was 39 psi at an average of 70 F, but when i did 40 mpg it was 35 psi at 50 F. 20% fuel consumption difference given by 4 psi difference tire pressure and rain.

And yes the cap was hanging next to gas opening and when he approached me on the radio they were playing Keep Me Hanging On with Kim Wilde.

8:08 Bobby

Saturday, June 25, 2022

June 25

1:00 Washing the carpet yesterday was a success. Water came out dirtier than expected. I think. One of the two resolution i made in Reno. The other one, changing oil, was a disaster, due to filter being stuck. I poured the new oil with the old filter and then i went to Jiffy Lube and the unstuck the old filter and put the new one, after. As a result oil is brown already, etc.. Also a fire alarm was triggered in the next building by kids playing around and i finished everything in a hurry without double checking.

The "sole" of the wet vacuum is clear and you can see instantly which areas are dirty and which are not by the color of water aspired through it. In dirtier areas i did it over and over until water came clean. In areas "unwalked" water was cleaner but also kinda white, milk like color.

It's not that i don't dry vacuum. I did 3 times this year but i had two holes by the in wall heaters. Also walking upstairs may dislodge paint from the ceiling. 

I  bought the vacuum at Best Buy i think 2 years ago with 180 dollars. I compared the price with the cost of a steam vacuuming. First couple of times it was awkward especially having to constantly feel the reservoir with water heated at 140 degrees. But yesterday i just poured hot water from the sink. I also insisted a lot without pressing the spray button, with vacuuming only, and as a result, the carpet was dry in a few hours, maybe faster than with steam. I think this type of vacuum is vital for American homes.

But it's hard work. 3 or 4 hours of hard labor for about 500 sqft. Also i did it with bare feet and i think my body absorbed some detergent through the skin of my feet and felt kinda sick for the rest of the day.

Friday, June 24, 2022

June 24

5:26 Laptop powered off by itself while on charger with 94% battery while editing last paragraph which i kept on yesterday's post. Awake since 2:40 AM with 6 hours of sleep. Last night i ran into some news about CCR. Not this CCR. I had no idea they sold more albums than Beatles in 69-71 or before breakup, but remembered the first waiter at Stix restaurant, who looked like their drummer, though without beard or mustache. Talking and moving very slowly possibly with an ascites belly.

In 97 at my Les Schwab job there was a guy looking in his early 30s named Jason who started to jump for joy every time they were playing Looking out my back door on then Portland Oldies on a boombox in the shop who looked like Fogerty himself though he would have been 52 at that time. The guy on the Harley with goggles at Castella gas station? Born on the Bayou? Also in Hungary Csaba Ötvös  is the husband of Csilla Ötvös.

7:19 Keep thinking. Can't remember exactly but i think yesterday after all that driving i could have gotten confused and tried to extra tighten the filter instead of unscrewing it. Especially because of vertical position of the filter and doing it blindly with the car not raised. After i tried a lot with a 6 inch ratchet i grabbed the torque wrench and i it was then when they started the alarm.

7:48 Minutes after i mentioned CCR. (Constitutional Court of Romania).

9:02 Went back to Jiffy Lube where i've been last night and got to speak to the guy who did the filter last night though he seemed younger. Huge noise from the carwash and a dog barking on the other side of the fence prevented a meaningful conversation but basically what he said was he has to remove the valve cover to see and that would be hours of labor at 120/an hour. In the meantime i went to Fred Meyer to buy some Crystal Geyzer spring water and there in the parking lot i opened the oil cap and looked and i saw what i thought it was a bubble in the oil. No drive or turn i make is unexploited, meet with again barrel like objects on the freeway and a van that said Xeno or Xenx clear, which are Scientology terms.
9:21 There was also a guy at Jiffy Lube who reminded me of David Copperfield.

12:06 I've been thinking. I tried to unscrew the filter the right way. Somebody else overtigthened it.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

June 23

6:53 Yesterday for the first time i saw a group of men that seem not be actors but real local people. They were so different than what i saw until today. However they were well integrated in the show.

Got at Canyonville after about 9 hours on the road, 8 driving, @500 miles from Reno. Needless to say. I was really tired. We went inside and put together 30 dollars in rewards and points and bought some burgers at the Stix restaurant. First one make waiter came who again seemed real. He took the order but in about 10 minutes he came with a younger woman saying he is going to lunch brake saying she is replacing him. While waiting there i showed Angela what Styx means in Greek Mythology and put the phone on the table, after. When she finally brought the food i realized i didn't have my partials so i ran to the car. On my way there i realized i don't have the phone. An utility truck made some noise while arriving and a number of what i thought they were real local men passed talking aloud. Went inside, ate and Angela got me 5 bucks to play which shortly became 41. Soon i realized i don't have the phone. Ran back at the restaurant, at the car, could not find it. At the car, a white Cadillac with big speakers parked next to it which is unusual etc.. Went for the third or fourth time with Angela and found the phone on the driver's seat. This time and SUV with 4 people in it was making again a big noise. They left as we did and met with them at first crosswalk but insisted they will pass first. I didn't want to see next to them, like having a party with someone.

Soon after i went in the car, moved it close and fell asleep. I slept until Angela came and said she again won 300 dollars playing at a 10c machine which she thought it was 1c. When i started the car, i saw a blue flash in front of the car at the left side. Saw again a warning on dashboard. This time it was left low beam.

I tried to remove the bulb which was difficult, when a guy came at the next car and asked if i needed help. I told him about the bulb. Slightly drunk, he told me to go to the truck stop across the freeway. "They got bulbs" he said.

Finally left. Driving at 3-4 seconds behind the last of a line of vehicles. After a few minutes i asked Angela to pass me that decaf she took from the Casino. In that moment i think i raised my foot from gas pedal for half second to grab the coffee (don't like to accelerate when i do things in the car) and i saw a rabbit coming from left, where the bulb was missing (still plenty of light from the other one) and passing in big leaps in front of the car. Should i have not slowed down, by accident, i would have hit it at 65 mph. Don't know what could have happened, but certainly would have been a mess in front of my car. But if you hit it with a wheel, i think you could skid and loose control. Thinking at the symbolisms, rabbit, truck stop, phone lost and then found, etc..

12:20 Mount Shasta. Oregon

12:40 Back home. Predominant smell is mold, second, sewage. Left an UV light on the living all night. Woke up and came at the laptop. Squeaking brought in mineral sulfur smell. TV on. Wondering if he's been here the whole time. Thinking of the hundreds of weird potentially dangerous interactions on my way here. Most happened when i was approaching a semi about to pass it. From behind that truck a car or another truck, waiting there, was changing lanes and started to pass, right when i was about to do the same. Must have been hundreds of them. One guy with a trailer with two gigantic barrel like objects, could have been 10 ft in diameter, came all the way from near Reno to here. I saw it passing from the parking lot at Burger King in Canyounville. I saw some faces. They were either old Americans or Japanese, the kind with duck face and mustache.

12:51 It all started with a postcard with an offer for cheap rooms at Peppermill hotel. 30 dollars a night for a queen, from Monday to Friday they said. I called last week to make reservations but on the phone she said that if i wanted "guaranteed nonsmokers" was going to be 60. Plus tax, resort charges and surcharges. They gave as a room next to elevators, ice machine and service room (which means noises early in the morning) with dusty AC ducts and the total cost was 230 for two nights. Room was ok, bigger than our apartment, everything was clean, but there was a dust smell coming from the AC and no windows to open. This is what i saw when i looked through that grill. I think this is unacceptable, even from a guy like me who lives in a dumpster. I looked through some videos and it looks like the ducts have been cleaned but i believe the design is fatally flawed and in a few years or so you will have the same dusty ducts. In this video even after cleaning the ducts they don't look like something you want to breath air from.

1:36 On 6:20 2022 after 3 PM i luckily found this gas station called Cisco. Was not supposed to run out of gas and the mileage calculated after fill up was 34 mpg, the worst i ever done on freeways only. For comparison when i came back, at the last fill up was 38 (6 liter per 100 km). I think the big difference is due to tire pressure that is driven by heat. At night in Southern Oregon i had 36 psi in front tires, and in California and Nevada at 100 degrees Faren-heit i had 40.

There at Cisco on 80 i put in 12 gallons, the most ever. Unlike Oregon, in California all stations are self service. I put the card in and got no option for credit card. The card then was stuck in the machine. I tried all options including cancel in the keypad. Went inside and this guy came, pressed the Cancel button and took the card. He told me to start pumping and took the card inside bla bla i wrote this before. No i didn't  watch CNN or any TV news in decades. Except when Angela has the TV on in the bedroom which BTW broke (got a vertical band on the screen) and i pass by. Of course i wouldn't have known if i didn't see his face today in the news.

2:54 Bengal, a place where Swastika still has its original meaning. Sweet.

5:25 I was trying to change the oil. Got Mobile 1 full synthetic at Walmart. Pulled it all out with a pump. Could not remove the filter though (when i put it in the tool caved and jumped one flute though i did not apply neither the recommended torque or full 3/4 of a turn after meeting resistance). Some kids came and triggered a fire alarm in the next building. I just put the new oil in with the the old filter. I went to a place nearby and they helped me with the filter and the bulb. (Removed the filter which was above the top level of the oil in the pan and put the new one in with a good tool which is at the same price i bought my piece of junk).

They also didn't want to charge me for the bulb or for replacing the filter.
While driving out of the complex the firefighters came in. Couldn't help but notice how smooth the engine was running with the new oil in.

To me, oil change was always traumatizing, that's why i try to do it by myself. However the tool caved in after only one use when it worked. Or two cause first time i tightened the filter put in by some shop and was leaking, then i successfully removed that filter and put in a new one.

Went to put some borax in some new mole holes. Big time mold smell coming from basement. While i was plugging those holes a kid was talking what i thought it was obscenities.

Next building seem deserted to me but sometimes people appear at the balconies or like tonight for a show. Every time i come home after a long and potentially dangerous drive they are putting up a fiesta.

8:04 Angela is at WinCo and i choke here with BBQ smoke, however i will not close the windows cause then i'm going to choke with mold and sewage.

8:24 Trouble. I checked the oil jug and the aluminum seal on top if missing. When that alarm ran i hurried and opened the jug and broke the seal with my thumb but made a hole in it, did not remove it like in the picture. (This is the first time when i see  an oil jug. Actually it is not recommended to brake it like this cause you may create pieces. with a seal like this so it was a surprise to me). It was still there when i put the lid back on. No way it went inside the engine or break completely, it was strongly attached to the top and the proof is the glued part is still there. If such a big seal would go in there in one piece probably won't even pass through the valve cover hole and i would have seen it also.

Let the almost empty jug in the door and ran at Jiffy Lube to do something about the stuck filter while Angela was moving around the apartment. Someone must have gotten hold of it and break it all and take it when she went in the bedroom or bathroom. They were many people around, mostly kids, with the alarm and stuff.

After, i took some pictures with the borescope camera under the valve cover. So far no sign of anything (thinking they might want to insert it there pretending it was me). One thing that could happen is if pieces of the aluminum seal get in there could break apart in the moving parts like valve stems and cams and get stuck in the oil... ducts (like they said about Hyundai in one of their big recalls) where debris from manufacturing clogged those and prevented oil from moving causing in same cases catastrophic failure with seizing of the engine. Or simply move around and cover one the ducts. If this happens at high speed, it may result in accident.

Invitation to Reno with cheap hotel room, gasoline missing, brake light bulb, low beam bulb, rabbit crossing the freeway at 3 AM, 1000 crazy drivers, phone lost and found, fire alarm triggered by kids and now this. It can't be happening like this.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

June 22

9:30 Highlight of the day. I will not be today at Rolling Hills in Tualatin, to witness the blowing of the parking lot and mowing of the lawn with 200 mph blowers and 100 dB mowers. Lowlight. I got awakened by a bathroom fan after almost 6 hours of sleep (or what i like to believe) and then kept that way by desperate housekeepers left and right though there are 2 and a half hours till check in hours in what i thought was a soundproof room. I was wrong when i said that the hotel is new. Just read in Wikipedia. 1971. Wondering if they ever cleaned the AC ducts. However that is not the biggest problem here. When i went to restroom today i noticed this picture on the wall next to the throne. Ironic isn't it.

Considering i checked in at an automated kiosk.

In the first night after we checked into the rooms Angela won like 300 dollars which made us worry free and in the mood to play.

Yesterday at Atlantis. After the shock with the transformer at Eldorado, i was in a bad mood. Had some brandy but that didn't help. Went to Atlantis (wanted to do the tour of casinos), Eldorado was my choice, wanted to have a Cuba Libre in there like i did last year, but got pissed off instead by the "line of sight" game, which means everywhere i sat, immediately one came and sat so i can see her/him while playing, so after some misadventures got at Atlants. By far bigger than Eldorado and smaller than Peppermil, it was full of smoke. The big buffet was attracting people and there were many kids and even babies in the casino that at times made me (like Peppermill last night) choke with smoke. Forgot the decaf soluble at home and bought some caffeinated at Grocery Outlet (they didn't have decaf). For one more time out of 100 i got the confirmation that i'm not supposed to drink caffeinated coffee.

Or maybe it was something else. I was playing my 20 dollars at a poker game and it wasn't that bad (i was holding on) when a Japanese woman with a N95 type of mask sat next to me (one free place in between where she put her handbag). (Got to interact in total with up to 100 Japanese people, everywhere). I started to feel more and more tired, had some pain in the legs and finally decided to go in the car to take a nap.

Got outside, two planes took of going at a 30 degrees angle with big noise at the airport nearby. I was walking on a street thinking it was a parking lot but luckily didn't get hit by any car. Finally got on a sidewalk but at first stop light when i pressed the button, i saw there was this black woman with two kids ft behind me. A Police SUV waiting at the light. I crossed and met with another black woman with kids and another Police car. Made it to the car. Stinking badly like dog poop. Started the AC, tried to take a nap in the stinking car but couldn't. Up until 9 PM i was "crashed". That is i wanted to sleep badly. Went back to Peppermill, Angela went to the floor and me in the room, but was afraid to sleep because i knew i was sure i will wake up with severe apnea because of all that smoke. Finally after 9 got better but Angela got pissed from me being sick and unreasonable probably from sitting again next to a Japanese woman with mask and a big bag. Went to GSR and back to Peppermill. All evening i could not decide if it was me stinking like dog poop and sewage or the casinos, in areas where there was not thick smoke. Finally convinced Angela to go to the room to get some sleep before we leave tomorrow (check out time at 12 or one hour from now). The worst experience so far with road trips and casinos an probably my last time here. No matter how many postcards with cheap hotel offers they will send to me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

June 21

June 21. Summer solstice. Longest day of the year. Official beginning of summer. Woke up after midnight after 4 hours of sleep (i decided to count those hours for yesterday and make 8 in total), turned the AC off and Angela wanted to go "a little" on the floor downstairs then she fell back alseep and i wanted to go and search something to eat and go on the floor and woke her up.

First time i really warmed up in the car and had to briefly use the AC but that was close to Reno. At 1 AM my blood sugar is really low, close to normal (and my feet almost white again). Or it has something to do again with the environment in the apartment. Two days ago at Seven Feathers for some reason i was craving burgers and ate 3 and a half double cheeseburgers at the Burger King nearby (All that beef must have done it ?).

This room is bigger than our apartment with bathroom bigger than our bedroom and a restroom of its own with door. Brand new carpet, i think room has been recently refurbished, it doesn't smell like anything expect ourselves.

An acute weird feeling of missing time fuel. This car does constantly 42 on the freeway (on dashboard) but there was only one occasion where i parked after i filled in only one place (Little Creek, Washington) and the mileage at the pump was 40 (miles divided per gallons). Rest of the time is 35. Yesterday the only place where it could have happened was at Win River in Redding. Where i only spent about one hour and tried to sleep in the car and in the end went after Angela inside but she came at the car in the same time. It was a ten minutes window of opportunity. For someone to siphon a gallon or two of my gas. Not for the gas but for the mileage. The guy in the red t-shirt in the car next to me was smoking all the time and the smoke came inside. Now that i looked at the news thought his face was familiar.

Second thing after getting rid of T-mobile when i get back home would be washing the carpet with my wet vacuum, like i did last year, twice. But that is not going to help much. If they leave only one poop at the door the place is going to be contaminated again in 24 hours. The stuff is ...evolutionary. 

Mary Travis


9:37 Reno. Mother and child waiting on hotel hallway. Summer solstice, heating up in car etc.. KalamaPolution. Stefania Moldovan. Abject failure. Severely severed donuts.

3:51 Templars

Went at Eldoraro on the small floor. In the parking lot some were pressure washing, blocking lower floors, had to climb higher, had trouble finding a spot and when i did i found one next to a big transformer, probably a 6kV right close to the building (probably breaking some codes). First i thought it was an abandoned wooden pole, but when i got out of the car i saw what it was and moved the car into the next spot. Inside a bunch of older people were practicing line of site game, everywhere i was sitting or standing there was someone right in my front. We were constantly loosing and finally left. Went to the liquor store across the street from the hotel to buy some brandy. The seller now was the same guy who was acting as a customer and almost got into a fight with last year. He had to come and unlock the brandy for me but at the counter was waiting a black woman so sad she was looking like she sold her baby. Climbed with the elevator on the North entrance, walked on the long hallway. AC was off for the most part which means the hotel is mostly empty.

St. Hubertus. It was a trap, saw it today on a Nevada type of LP in a place where i went to buy food and remembered that i posted about years ago but for a different reason. (Hubertus name starts with Hu and the stag is in the main legend about the creation of Hungarian state). Whoever posted that clip knew. 

8:40 Relaxed, smiling, maybe Ukrainian speaking guys were waiting for me at the hotel North entrance. Not the aggressive type. But who knows. While driving back here (got really sick at Atlantis, almost agonizing there, that place indeed smells bad) something came to mind. Straight from hRdaya sUtra. Then i looked into a dictionary and found more. Yeah i know, everybody thought, including myself that is a Spanish word (The song, for God's sake). But where that word came from in Spanish because the Spanish word for birth is nacimento.

Arizona too cause it's got the root aria or arya which we all know what it means in Sanskrit. Could be Arya sama or something like this.

Monday, June 20, 2022

June 20

Last night we left Seven Feathers Casino in Canyonville Oregon at 2 AM. I said to Angela i will try to drive as much as i can to get closer to Reno and stop somewhere. That somewhere turned out to be Ashland still in Oregon i guess. First i looked at a Holiday Inn, but scared by the shape of the ACs at the windows. Best Western was sold out. There was an Ashland Hills accross the street but there was a VIP bus iddling its engine in the parking lot and usually where there's such a but there's also a VIP or more. So i passed and stopped in the first rest area and tried to sleep there. Slept 4 hours in the car and wokeup in a big noise from a van. Biggest trouble falling asleep was from the smoke from Casino coming out of our clothes (Second night with only 4 hours, first was at the apartment after i came in contact with an irritating substance that created pains all over my body). Tried to move the car and saw a warning light on the dashboard. It was the left rear brake signal, in plain English. I didn't know that car was that smart. I took it part. It was oxide in bulb's terminal, bulb was in a good shape.

The car was stinking like dog s... big time. Drove the most part of the 500 miles from Canyonville to here with windows a bit lowered but still. BTW this Elantra handles much better than the old one at high speed. (Angela just made some noodles soup and that one stinks also because they absorbed the smell from the apartment. Grabbed the last poop from outside the door just before i left)

All the way from there to here a number of big trucks and SUV approached at high speed from behind and had to pull literally out of the way. For a while Angela drove and it happened to her too once. She got to save my life this way also.

Angela wanted to make a stop at Win River Casino in Redding which we did. While driving on 20 close to 49 gas yellow warning light came on. I didn't know i was so low on gas. Was lucky enough to make it to the first Chevron on 80. But there, trouble. The pump grabbed my card and had to go inside. The man (i think Iranian) came outside, pressed the clear button and then the machine released my card. But i done that myself earlier and it didn't work. He then grabbed my card t and asked me how much gas i wanted. Fill i said, but he kept asking how much and i know the car has a capacity of 13 gallons and i said @12 and took it inside and said to start pumping which i did. T'hen i went inside and he showed me my card on the counter in hard to reach place and had to extend my hand under the plastic protective window to grab it. Then i gave it to him and i payed for... 12 gallons. When i asked him, he said it was a fill-up which the needle was showing it. When i calculated the mileage, it was 34. Never made with this car so low on highways only. But i figured i was on top of the mountains and mileage would have recovered while going down.

A traffic jam on 80 right after and i followed Google Maps and Google maps sent me in a loop and got back exactly where i exited, in the same jam, only one hour later.

For the whole trip our phones were crazy. First think i'm doing when i get back to Portland is i get rid of Hello Mobile by T Mobile (25 dollars a month). Will try now with Mint (15 dollars a month)

I knew from past experiences. When getting close to Reno the craziness begins. This time with too many cars tailgating. Too many cars touching the line between lanes. A guy in a huge truck waiting on the "dead space" between lanes then and then exiting suddenly just when i wanted to exit at exit... 32 in Reno. Had to go on shoulder to avoid it. On Moana and... Virginia avenues. a Panske van was following.

At hotel. Didn't want to park on the main multi-floor parking. Last time when i did so i got to step in some silica absorbent material in the only spot i could find. So i parked in front of the casino (Peppermill). But there is a long way from that parking to the hotel check in. Got there and they were one hour long lines. But they were these machines where you could check in for yourself. Which i did however from the 30 dollars mail offer i started with for a queen now i got without knowing until i got in in a 2 king.

Hotel here has an Italian theme and towers are named Toscany, Milan, etc.. Got my mistake in the Milan tower were a woman with a kid was waiting for her husband in front of her room. Being both so tired, i was sitting in a chair by the elvator, Angela asked her and she of course didn't have a clue. But she still wanted to see the receipt. And the she said she doesn't have a clue. While i was watching the scene, on both screens at hallway entrance scenes with food were unfolding. But what's on the receipt? Nothing except the room number which we finally found in an area of the hotel with rooms for conferences and stuff (VIP i guess). Dialed 0 on the phone and tried to ask the woman then and she passed me to the check in which was busier than usual. Now i'm way too tired with all that driving and no sleeeping so i'm just going to wait to see the final invoice.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

June 19

12 :34 My vision is now blurred. I'm glad the day ended and didn't have to write this next to the very important things i just posted. I accidentally left at the door outside the pump i used last time to siphon the oil out of the engine that in the end i gave up doing today. It smells like mercaptan (marker additive) in oil. It's just the smell, ppm, nothing else. He came home just before i finished the thing with Kabbalah. The place filled with smoke, but i didn't realize until i finished, He punished me for the smell, could have done it earlier, he didn't do it until i said bad things about kabbalah which BTW is not part of Judaism in any way. Went and put that aside (in a sealed bucket where i keep it) and plugged a few ashmole holes and the smokes started to subside. Before that was stinking (better said stinging) because of hot sauce put by someone in a glass outside, which i threw in garbage, but probably there's more somewhere. So in a way the smoke absorbed the aerosols in the air.

7:30 Coincidențele deviaționiste (ca să nu le numesc reacțiile) zile. Pe Maia. Bine asta se făcea ușor. Deconstrucție, sticlă de plastic cu sos picant, fum (MAFIA). Faza din video-ul cu Ososul M. El dansa în fața a 3 femei, care privite din față ar fi apărut ca una singură cu mai multe mâini. Alianța separată britanico-polono-ucraineană (scrisoare antedatată?). CabalaLinga/Yoni. Etc. etc.. Practic jumătate din știri sunt așa, din ce pot eu să-mi dau seama. În rest nimic din ce-i important. A faza cu Nicușor și 3 zero care până la urmă vor fi 2 ca pe vremea lui Firea. Să stau calm după ce ăștia îmi macină tot ce scriu precum și creierii tuturor celor care îi urmăresc? (cauză din  care practic nu mai ai cu cine să stai de vorbă).

7:46 Chitara electrică Fender, un linga/yoni și un trident? Oare când se va plictisi lumea să tot repete istoria religiilor sexuale?

Curios lucru, zeii din noua generație din India (Kali, Shiva) care-i urmează pe Vishnu, Rama, Krishna au o natură sexuală, la fel cum Innana (Isis) în Sumer i-a luat locul lui  Dumuzid. Titanomahia. Iahva/IIsus-Maria Magdalena (și femeia cu menstruație continuuă care s-a vindecat după ce l-a atins pe IIsus). Buda filozoful. Chestia e așa. Lumea după ce-i merge bine un timp, caută și plăcerile și războiul, nu numai supraviețuirea în divin. Eros și Tanatos, cum ar spune Freud.

Romanii de exemplu au fost altfel. Ei în pragmatismul lor  (goana după aur) n-au avut timp prea mult și au împrumutat de la alții și doar le-au schimbat puțin numele. Isis-Venus, etc.. Oare numele lui Bachus să vină de la Dachus? Mai mișto de daci. Cred că Zamolxis era un zeu al zemei adică al vinului.

Ce e nașpa e atunci când încep să se amestece. Shiva/Kali și Buda au venit în Europa și s-au transformat în mai multe, ca de exemplu Neptun, Saturn, Dominicani, Cabala, etc.. Titanii au reînviat în Scientologie pe fond budist. Zei diferiți din timpi diferiți cu proprietăți croite pe alte societăți se bat cap în cap alandala totul grefat pe saltul tehnologic urmat de deschiderea cutiei Pandorei care este piramidele. Vai de capetele noastre.

11:52 Faza cu Titi Pasnicu. În facultate erau profesori și profesori dar sunt convins că dacă un profesor știe ce predă și o face cu convingere, studentul prinde 90% de la curs. Așa cu a fost cazul lui Merticaru, Dumnezeu să-l ierte. Deși majoritatea cursului erau formule și desene. La examen mi s-a părut curios că o tipă, soția unui coleg, s-a așezat aproape de mine. Tipa a copiat de la A la Z și la urmă n-am avut răbdare și m-am uitat la ea la o formulă lungă, la care tipa avea un semn diferit față de ce știam eu. Deci am pus semnul ca la ea, bineînțeles a avut greșit în fițuică și am luat 9 deși puteam să fi și picat fiindcă am avut aceeași greșeală ca și vecina.

Titi Pasnicu, bâtă. Mi-au spus unii că era student de 7, nu se știe cum a ajuns profesor. Vorbea parcă de pe altă lume, nu înțelegeam mai nimic. Și vine el la seminar cu o idee, să dăm un fel de mini-examene la fiecare seminar din 1-2 cursuri. Dacă luam notă de trecere, subiectul se scădea din examen, din ce-ți pica pe bilet. La primul nu am făcut nimic, dar am văzut că toți și-au scos cursurile pe sub bancă și copiau iar el nu zicea nimic. M-am gândit, poate vrea să ne ajute, astfel forțându-ne să trecem prin materie. Deci la al doilea seminar de tipul ăsta mi-am scos și eu cursul, la care un coleg, unul Dăscălescu, i-a făcut un semn discret iar el a venit direct la mine iar acela a fost începutul unui lung coșmar, din care mai visam din când în când, până acum vreo 10 ani.

Sunt motive să cred că a fost singurul profesor real din toată facultatea, cel puțin din anii mici.

12:30 A dog poo not far from door, insuring our clothes are going to stink during all "vacation".