Monday, February 28, 2022

February 28

12:48 Just went outside to put out some smoke from a hole, and after a few minutes smoke is on again. Earlier i picked and threw a fresh poop. Sunday Morning at 11 there was a slot tournament at the Chinook Winds Angela signed up weeks ago. Never been so early at a casino. Almost missed it, last few times i went in there on the last 10 miles or so a very slow vehicle that goes 10 mpg under speed limit slows down everybody or delay, for some reason, the arrival. I was somehow curious. A number of slot machines were reprogrammed with a game that involved touching the screen and play button as fast as possible for a few minutes. I was watching in disbelief a bunch of crazy people heating those machines that were actually moving around because of the force of hits. Angela didn't make it in the first three position or something and got a 40 dollars food coupon. Which we later used at their excellent buffet. However she lost a few hundreds today and yesterday. But eating that much and being exposed early to dog poop got me really really sick. Saved by charcoal and Zyrtec again. After the tournament i went to play poker and sat next to an older Japanese actor who under mask might have looked like a known character from news. When we left again almost got hit from behind by a speeding shuttle bus i think of the casino. But before backing up i stopped to arrange the steering wheel for a few seconds only to see it flying by my rear in the otherwise pretty deserted area of the parking lot.

Also a few month ago i think we all saw this news. November last year. They say initial launching speed is up to 6.5 times the speed of sound. Better and simpler and much cheaper than railguns.What puzzles me is why they don't turn it horizontally and use it as a weapon. Or they probably do and we just don't know it yet. But if they don't have it, it means they are not serious about real weapons. I remember i saw minutes ago a patent a version of it that was throwing disks. Ru Ra oh la la! The image below represents death of Narakasura, ruler of all countries on Earth.

1:52 I go outside, plug one hole, 10 minutes later another shows. Some in areas where there could not be moles since there is no grass for the worms to feed.

9:13 Up to start on a very bad day with intense squeaks and dust from above.

9:20 And i wonder... Warm spring like rain pouring.

10:42/8:42 Every inch. De-a lungul anilor, o echipă de negociatori sclipitori, condusă de dl Bogdan Aurescu a negociat la Haga (CIJ, Curtea Internațională de Justiție) Insula Șerpilor.  Ce a obținut, nu am înțeles prea bine, se spune că ei (echipa) i-au convins pe UE că insula nu este locuibilă și totuși insula acum era locuită de grăniceri ucraineni. Un lucru este sigur, dacă insula revenea României, rușii nu erau acum acolo, pentru că ar fi fost teritoriu NATO.

While i was writing the lines above two men left the apartment upstairs. One of Slavic (Ukrainian or Russian or whatever appearance) with a neon vest, apparently from a cable or internet firm and the man himself, after one morning of hell, with squeaks and power tools.  Last days in the casinos. Besides being delayed, with vehicles going under speed limits, up to 15 minutes every time i was approaching Lincoln  City (probably to give them time to prepare, evacuate the normal people from the Casino, bring in the circus), most people where chosen and dressed to look Ukrainian while some of them in military camouflage closing. Yesterday towards the end they actually started to behave aggressively towards me. I saw a Hungarian tall woman with a bad spine problem and i think it was a threat. Late at night, on almost deserted parking lot. Due to a variation of habits, i stopped while backing up from my spot to re-set the steering wheel only to see in disbelief one of the casino's shuttle zooming at high speed behind me. I'm not sure what is the speed limit on 4th but i'm sure that shuttle was going over 30. This is the car that was going 45 in 55 areas leading the long line of cars approaching Lincoln City on hwy 18 yesterday.

11:20 Fear and Lure. East (or whatever's left of it, Russia) functions mostly by fear and west mostly by lure. Lure with Hollywood and glamour and illusion of wealth and freedom, fear with autocrats and strongmen and illusion of stability and honesty. Neither systems belong to people, but in the case of Russia is much easier to prove. Putin came to power by means of a series of coups.

Lure cost a lot more and it's contagious. East is about to be integrated in the west. The empire of lies lives everywhere. Not a very good time to live on planet Earth, i recon.

And then there's Japan. By looking at these apartments i realize where the style in US came from.

3:36 This one's from Captain Michael O (de la Regimentul 2 Prăștieri).

I was thinking about the centrifugal machine gun asking myself if it was/is doable and if it could be carried by infantry troops. Found a calculator page that gives you peripheral speed of a rotating disk. With a half meter diameter disk at 25000 rpm you could throw projectiles at twice the speed of sound (680 m/s). Nowadays they have small electric power blowers that work at 20000 rmp (and blow at speeds of over 200 mph).

It doesn't have to be very precise though with today's technology you could probably focus the spread of projectiles. Horizontally would be precise anyways. Machine guns in the past were used as spray weapons, not precision weapons like sniper riffles. Especially sub machine guns used in infantry that sway under recoil.

I think back then it could have been done and carried on two wheels carriages by one ore two men though lighter than a field machine gun.

But think of the advantages. Would have had to carry a little gasoline to power it. Very cheap cast iron balls would have been best for ammo but i think if you ran out of those you could have used sorted granite pebbles (like in gravel). Could have attached a powered device to crack and sort rocks gathered from trenches. You could have raised the disk out of a trench and spray hell on the enemy. No noise (could put a muffler on the small piston engine, but nothing like a machine gun). No flames at the muzzle to be seen. Very low visibility of the disk in use watched sideways (horizontally). Wars, including WWI would have been totally different. Much shorter, less miserable for the general population. Less technological countries, armies would have been much more effective.

9:15 Little known Hungarian writer Oliver Papp grew a goatee and lives a reclusive life in a green forest.

The reason why i didn't find him yet. I didn't look in the list of writers from Wikipedia lately because most people i looked for and found were in the Imdb list.

10:44 We all have seen Musk's reusable rockets landing vertically (the reason he wants to reuse the rockets are obvious, costs, unlike NASA, he represents a business, with shares and profit and losses). We all know one of the most important feature or characteristics of a fighter jet is Trust/Weight ratio. That is, how powerful is the engine or engines of a plane compared to its weight.

Easier to understand. When a plane has a T/W ratio greater than 1, it means the engine is more powerful than the weight of the plane, and if the pilot wanted, theoretically could climb vertically like a rocket (though in reality this doesn't happen a lot because it would be very fuel consuming and also very slow, also because at take off most planes even with most powerful engines have T/W ratio < 1 because of the fuel, weapons etc.).

I think everybody knows by now where i'm going to. Why not launch those like rockets, eliminating the need for an airfield (with less fuel or almost empty and refuel them in the air, immediately) (could also attach a couple of booster rockets and launch them ready). Could also launch like ten of them simultaneously. Also with today's avionics and computers, thrust vectoring, etc., i think one of those jets could also land back safely again like Musk's rocket. Then you won't need the huge and extremely expensive carriers, much smaller ships would do it (also could store the damn jets vertically). The reason they don't do it though? They are not dead serious about this one too, everything is fake.

11:44 Asta înseamnă declarație de război a României împotriva Rusiei. Are România aprobabarea NATO? (nu găsesc răspuns la această întrebare, poate o țară NATO să declare război fără să se consulte cu aliații?). Ungurii ne-o vor face, cu mâna grea a Rusiei. Ei refuză iar actorașii lor din România acceptă, iar Rusia nu va uita. Dacă ungurii refuză acum, vor sări ei să ne ia apărarea (în cadrul NATO) dacă ne va ataca Rusia pe chestia asta?

Un singur lucru nu înțeleg. Ca să ajungă acele arme în România, trebuie să tranziteze Ungaria nu? A, pe mare. Dar Ukraina încă are porturi la Marea Neagră.

Un lucru e sigur. Prin refuzul Ungariei (la solicitarea NATO?) se demonstrează deja că NATO nu este o alianță unitară (fiecare face cum vrea).

12:22/10:22 Și în NATO, la mâna a doua. Tratatul are o versiune în ungurește și una în albaneză dar nu are una în românește. Suntem sigur în NATO?

Tratatul care mă așteptam să fie cât o carte cu mai multe volume, este de o pagină (14 articolașe). Nu există nimic referitor la declarații de război ale unui membru către o țară ne-membră deși se spune că un atac asupra unui membru este considerat ca asupra întregului (Faimosul articol 5). Poate orice membru să tragă tot tratatul în război declarând război unei țări ne-membre?

Ca să nu mai vorbim de articolul 1 care spune că tratatul se angajează să negocieze și să aranjeze orice dispută prin mijloace pașnice. Dacă trimiți arme unei țări aflate în război, aceasta înseamnă escaladarea une dispute și practic declarație de război împotriva celeilalte. SUA o face pentru că e mare și e departe (la fel fără a se consulta cu aliații), dar noi ne putem permite, doar așa dintr-o simpatie apărută brusc pentru Ucraina și președintele ei erou? Normal că nu se evacuează, dacă s-ar evacua a doua zi Ucraina ar negocia cu Rusia și totul s-ar termina.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 27

8:59/6:59 Nu a fost distrus. A fost mutat undeva pentru a fi umplut cu 600 de tone de azotat sau ceva mai puternic și a fi pregătit pentru a fi detonat, pentru a simula o explozie nucleară, cam cât de mare poate fi una instalată pe o rachetă mai mică, și ar de cîteva ori mai mică decât cea de la Hiroshima, care a fost de 15000 de tone de TNT. Bineînțeles se pot cupla mai multe în formație pentru a simula o explozie mai mare de 600 tone.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Color Code

 At least in Germany, there is a clear association between color green and Nazis. Nazis incorporated the early 1920's the conservationist movement in Germany. Today many seem to believe the Greens (sixth party as size in Germany, now at government in an alliance with Social Democrats) have Nazi roots. The other color associated with Nazi (except for black and red) is brown. Towards the end of his life Hitler became vegetarian and before 38 Hitler was allowing liver dumplings in his otherwise vegetarian diet.

I'm saying all these because i had an idea this morning and put Zelenski's name in Google Translate. Or better said i translated  the English word green into Ukrainian and Russian. I believe Zelenski is a chosen name and he is a Hungarian actor as Putin and all the others in all countries. So this is the reason Putin said "denazification".

Also, all painters know. If you mix yellow and blue pigments you get green while if you mix yellow and blue light you get white. Aryan people have all blue eyes and yellow hair while green is the color of spring given by magnesium, at the center of every chlorophyll molecule.

The links of course are symbolic or subliminal meant only to create strong feelings among both Ukrainians and Russians. I believe 20th century and even 21 where/are still run by symbolism that is able to stir strongest emotions. Leader of Nazis in Romania during WWII was Cornel (another Nazi symbol name) Zelea Codreanu (of the forest, green), and the name of a known white extremist (now in jail in Romania) is Mazăre (peas).

I once translated a poem by Ana Blandiana (Susan Sarandon) into English and now i see the deep meaning of the poem. It reduces us to green. Also now that i think. The first four letters of her name, Blandiana (supposedly coming from the place she was born) suggest the French word blanc (white).

Hitler was also (said to be) sweaty and had flatulence. Could this be symbolically linked to labor camps and gas chambers.

I think symbolism when applied to one isolated person won't do much (on a social scale). But when applied, subconsciously, to one large group, like a whole country or race they will start to look at each other and see they all feel the same. And here you get the "do you feel what i feel syndrome". And then they all start running, hysterically, to the lake.

3:03 Clean is green. Or blue. Whatever. Green eyes, yellow head.
3:09 Da capirci niente poi. SteinMeier?

February 26

9:30 Daily magic. One can of beer or soda on top of a bush across the red carpet from wind's direction. Everything in here smelled like mold or yeast. Got awakened by the guy upstairs after 4 hours of sleep.

1:30 And if you don't believe what i'm saying, beware. Lorde has already cracked the code for you.

Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25

We went to Spirit Mountain casino, got drunk in the car which was parked next to hotel and walked to the convenience store to buy some Munchies. When i got there i realized i forgot a credit card in the car. Then i drank some more and fell asleep in the car, with engine started (it was cold). I woke up around midnight when we left. Unlike last time, all cars coming from opposite direction used high beams.

2:38 I slept all day yesterday and then about 3 hours in the parking lot and i'm not sleepy. I just posted images with Dresden, bombed to ruins. Could this had been the cause?

11:45 Last night we came home around 1. Angela was hoping of 3-4 hours of sleep but by 3 was obvious we could not sleep. I went outside, found 2 fresh dog droppings, one near the door, there was heavy smoke inside and outside the building. Angela finally agreed to move a filter to bedroom which cleared the air in about an hour. She went in and out of sleep dozens of times, sometimes for seconds only.

I was thinking. Was it better if we stayed home in smoke?  

At a couple of times somebody made a big noise letting water to flow in the bathtub. As i tried to record, the noise stopped just before i could press the record button. Also they guy upstairs awakened us at least a couple of times. As i was much more rested (slept all day yesterday, in smoke) did stay awake till the clock alarm went off at 5 AM. (slept all day yesterday). Then i slept till 10 no problems. She did not want to call in sick because her yearly review is close. This has happened one million times in 27 years since we leave here. Teams of coordinated people were always around us and tortured us and that is the reason we could not buy a house. They have a much tighter grip on us in an apartment building especially the way that are built in the US. Also people come and go at the other apartments and stories can be imagined.

Just went and picked another pair of dog poops, in a different place, but again from wind's direction. Three pairs in the last 24 hours, always in the most favorable position, that is from where the wind blows. Usually when i go and pick those, there's nobody around. Maybe because they evacuate the building(s) when they do smoke, dog poop, etc.. A year and half ago i had a confrontation with the "veteran"  that is the Hungarian actor who poses as a veteran around here (haven't seen him in a year or so). With a wife (could be Rosie O'Donnell) and daughter, the teenager who never ages (actually a woman in her 30s with a child's body). Together ("father and daughter" in this video. He said they come here near our door (by that time, they got real close) because it's the choosing of their dogs. "The dogs want to come here". It's a nice area with sprinklers where grass grows year around. I saw the sprinklers on two or three days ago, with temperatures near freezing. And when there's grass, there's worms who picked the dead grass leaves. And where there's worms, there's moles.

And today i started to suspect it's true. The dogs sense us as enemy here and they pick the best most favorable place to drop their weapons or hunting tools. It must be they pick the attitude of their owners when they pass by. If figured this because today and yesterday 6 different dogs chose the same place, three times. Could this be the reason their owners believe their dogs are magic.

8:19 Finally figured my car had an AGM (absorbed glass mat) type battery. But after i installed the Exide battery i bought at Home Depot for 119 that is not AGM. How did i find out? After i read on a forum and saw on the older OEM battery it is written the word AGM. Also figured fabrication year. 2017.

For AGM, fiber glass sheets between the electrodes of each cell "wicks" the electrolyte around the plates "as needed". The electrolyte is not flowing around the battery but is being kept in those sheets. Advantages: it works in a "deep charge" mode, which means it supplies power all the way down to 20% charging capacity (like cell phones go to near 0%) instead of 50%, like the classical batteries. Sustain more charging cycles, up to 1300 as opposed to 500 the classical. Charge up to 5 times faster which also mean they draw more current from alternator during that time. Needed especially if your car has a start-stop mode, which means engine stops when car stops to a standstill and you still have the foot on the brake.

I was wondering, why the batteries i found on Amazon for my car were twice the price. However, they say that Exide Sprinter batteries (their "basic batteries") (one of the first brands in the world, that started as Tudor, more than 100 years ago) feature another new technology, LifeGrid (electrodes made of Calcium-Lead alloy), which also mean they are sealed (maintenance free) and last longer then classic flooded batteries.

And of course spent the rest of the time to figure if the battery i just put on is compatible since OEM is AGM. I found out that some cars can even have the computer reprogrammed if you do so. Not sure about Hyundai though. Mine is not start-stop, does not have extra electronics around. It will take longer for the battery to charge but the current will be smaller. I think i'll go with it.

I also figured that indeed newer vehicles do have a smart charging system. It has three stages. The lowest voltage you may see on your digital lighter plug in voltmeter should be 13 volts though (float stage), and not 12.5 as i was seeing at times with the old battery (though AGM, acid started to flow through the damaged by me terminal though they say AGM shouldn't leak if punctured or something and corroding the connector after only one trip). Battery was also 5 years old.

However, i still see a problem with the smart charging systems. When the alternator is not charging, or it's in the "float" phase, when battery fully charged, voltage at the fuel pump is the same as at the battery, or down to 13 volts, which is 10% lower than 14.5. So i now think it's better with non AGM batteries, if the battery charges slower, the voltage stay longer at 14.5 and the fuel pump sprays better for longer periods of times. Also sparks at spark plugs. There is only one single fix for this (for as long as we will still used these combustion engine dinosaurs). Voltage regulator at the fuel pump. And that is not easy to be done, for reasons of reliability ans safety of course. But i think you could design a safe fail one (it fails, a relay reroutes directly to alternator).

I would have never ever figured all these things if i didn't buy a cigarette lighter plug in phone charger with a digital voltmeter on it. Reason i bought it? I had to too many jump starts while in parking lots listening to radio in the car and wanted to see the voltage at the battery. The one i got was advertised as having an audible alarm at 12 volts but it didn't. So i did get more jump starts and then i bought a jump starter. And then i finally wised up and bought a new battery. Then i started to realize the car was running better when the voltage was 14.5 for longer periods of time. In the old car i also installed the same type of battery i bought at Home Depot, and after that, the voltage was staying 14.5 most of times but then i didn't know why (until today). Just before the accident of course. Could had have something to do with it? Me running the car better on a non AGM battery, exposing an ignored problem that just got worse by introducing those?

Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24

After Angela left, the place started to fill with smoke. I went outside and stepped on the frozen but bulged ground. Found several holes half inch diameter, several inches deep. Tried to air, but smoke went out only partially, it will take some time until it gets cleared by filters. Unless if they don't come back and push some more burning pellets in the ground.

7:38 I think i saw the guy passing! Blinds were off in the living and i saw one middle age male Japanese guy looking like on million others, round, brown face, black hair and a winter jacket, walking parallel with the long wall of the living room. I went and saw a few holes, also the ground starting to bulge, stepped on those, don't know if i can stop it.

8:00 The guy upstairs left right after i posted  this. They will start a war (a few fireworks in Ukraine so far) just to cover everything.

1:25 I ignored the smoke and went to sleep. When i woke up i realized this is not a nightmare. Putin invaded Ukraine. There is only one small question that bothers me ever since a few hours after "invasion". 44 million people in Ukraine, must be there 20 million cell phones, and though the majority of people was away from where the bombs fell, a small percentage, let's say 1% of the population must have got in the crossfire or pass by and witnessed something, bu chance. 1% of 20 millions is 200k. 200k people with phones must have been close enough to some war scene. Of these, most probably chickened out and hid or ran or something but 1% of those, let's say 2000 must have dared and shoot video from around a concrete wall and take pictures or something and share them and we by know should have seen thousands of videos and images of war. However all we see in media is a few images and those are very not convincing. Why are they not convincing? Do you wanna see how a city looked after being bombed in a real war?

And of course i got a theory on this. None of these happened. Could have been pyrotechnics in areas not so close to cities, even maybe in airports. Some of the airfields and airports should be destroyed, shouldn't they. (But the're talking already about retaking the Kiev airport). And that's all. Everything else is staged by journalists and the governments of those two countries and the great conspiracy of the world. I see now news saying Ukraine recaptured the main airport in Kiev. Could the Russians have been so crazy they sent a few paratroopers or whatever they sent to hold an airport deep in the "enemy" territory.

Everybody knows what Trump said yesterday and today. At the begging to some it seemed a smart move. Seize the territories where Russians are majority. This way Putin would have done a favor to Ukrainians themselves and to everybody. Without a few million Russians in the east, their troubles with Russian minority and bid for NATO would have been much easier. With some territorial loss which might not even be theirs,  historically.

Putin was wrong. It was not Lenin who created Ukraine. It was the end of the Soviet Union. While Ukraine was still in the Soviet Union, it was just a province or just a "Republic" of the Union (USSR or Hunion of Soviet Socialist Republics). It became a sovereign country after the dissolution of USSR which started, let's be honest, with Chernobyl (i also heard stories, from the beginning of the internet, that Chernobyl reactor was empty at that time and the meltdown didn't really happened). And Gorbachev.

Then Putin went nuts and bombed the "Ukraine's infrastructure" (still need to see some proof). Should have stayed defensive in those two territories, some people of the world, like Trump and like him probably a whole bunch of Republicans, others, would have respected him. If they were already under attack by government forces in separatist regions, he should have waited and provide some proof (however the good people of Russia don't need to show any proof when they're right). But the attack needed to happen on or around 2/22/2022. For attaining maximum paranoia of the world, and that is a Great Conspiracy business. To keep the world under terror.

However, the reaction of the world is mostly illogical, as we are used to. With weeks of paranoia in the news, when rumors of invasion rolled from one day to another, now that it happened, everybody is going after their business. Market went up 3% from its lowest (NASDAQ 6%) today when Biden announced US will not get involved. Why, are they scared of the hyper-sonic missile? Then why the market went up? Just because now they believe Putin won't use them? There are weapons, like particle weapons, reasonably cheap, (invented by Nikola Tesla), mostly defensive, much stronger than those or any missiles, but nobody even wants to talk about. Why? Because they are not so scary, at least during peace times.

I remember how the war in Iraq started. The allies bombed first all airfields and airports with missiles and Saddam could not raise one single plane. Did Putin wanted to take his revenge, copying and pasting that type of strategy used on that Soviet Union's former ally? That seem childish. Or maybe he wanted to show the world how that felt back then to Iraqis? But why did they occupy Kuwait in the first place? To show the world its own foolish addiction to cheap oil?

Soviet Union and its allies, as well as US didn't win any war after WWII. Both retired inconclusively from Afghanistan. US left Iraq in chaos, allowing ISIS to be created in the process, which was reused in Syria. Korea ended divided. Never heard anybody saying US have won in Vietnam though we see Vietnam made clothing in stores. Syria, a great human tragedy. All they did was fight in each of those wars for many years, loosing who knows how many people. Inconclusively.

And now Ukraine seem to be bouncing back after most of its military infrastructure "was destroyed"? Has Putin shied off when he saw the sanctions and/or the reaction of the world and his own people? Didn't he know precisely all these would happen? Could he be so short sighted? He must have had something in his head if he gathered all that wealth and came to leadership in one of the great countries of the world?

My opinion? my opinion is they are staging the beginning of the end of Russia as we know it and mostly as we don't know it (no there is not Britney Spears of Kim Kardashian or even Oprah over there), if Ukraine starts to "bounce back" from the first strike as we already began to see, while having Europeans shaking their pants off in the process. Or at least a few serious steps back. Puting her back even further away from the civilized world before chewing her in.

4:30 Just went and added on solid brass connector and hooked the old one to it. Though i added one more contact, it is very solid, with two threads holding it. Brass on copper. The critical is the lead on brass one i just added. It has a bigger bolt and nut and much more connection power than the feeble copper one i just moved downstream. This battery is leaking, at least vapor, and the old connector, now just hanging there, was covered with a thin layer of oxide. Tomorrow i get the positive connector which is very similar (in shape) with the current feeble copper one, and i will put it in together with the new battery, the existing one is 5 years old. You can see in this picture the old connector hanging there unused, hooked at the end to the new one.

While doing so. Two or three helicopters passed. 3 kids as tall as i passed by, Japanese, as tall as me, one of them had a Walmart thick plastic bag and was making thunderous sounds by wrinkling it. Though heading towards building, one of them took the other way around the car, "surrounding it". Then 2 F15 fully armed with rockets and bombs flew by. Then the guy with the rice business (he's now having a newer van, with a firm name on it "Bags Inc.") started the van and let the smell of exhaust chase me away.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February 23

9:47 I don't know how much it's been since he was gone. More than a month, with the car in the parking lot. Last night he came back and today he awakened me with squeaks and now he left with the car. Last time when i talked to him, maybe in November, the day when i was vacuuming the dog food from car's heater core housing, he said he found a job in North Portland and he will move.

11:25/9:25 Dacă e CNN, e o mare minciună sau o invenție. Am scris ieri despre mineri în groapa de gunoi a imensului număr de medicamente existente care nu ajută la nimic, în timp ce bolile care macină lumea sunt nediagnosticate sau chiar nerecunoscute, și au venit ei cu o invenție, cu ceva, să facă lumea să uite.

12:06 Jet stream pushing polar air down the entire west coast. Could this be the last winter spell?

12:06 You know the reason superglue got such a bad reputation? The numerous cheap imitation brands. Try the original Scotch superglue. I glued with it broken dentures and used them for one year, after. Basically the same ingredient, it hardens slower, i think it's got an inhibitor that slows down the polymerization allowing longer polymer chains to develop. Cleaning the mating surfaces with concentrated alcohol is also very important.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Off Label Medications

If you looked into daily lists of biggest NASDAQ loosers provided by platforms like Marketwatch dot com or even yahoo finance you will see ever day mostly pharmaceutical companies that succumbed after a year or two or three of great expectations. Little pharmas with weird names created usually with one purpose only, around one patent, for developing one drug with an even weirder name or one method of therapy or both, with known or unknown promising CEOs that gather capital that ranges into the hundreds of millions (each), that is spent mostly for the creation of facilities, offices and labs. And then after one year or two, the news come. The clinical trial phase "did not show signs of intolerable side effects", "one out of three patients went into remission" etc. and then those companies become yellow bricks in the road paved with good intentions.

I was hopping for a nicer name for the vast category of existing medicines that are potential candidates for treating different diseases that those intended. This article instead has a longer, even harder to conceptualize name. Would cross disease medications sound better for you?

I remember long time ago when internet was much younger and thinner and new data was not already superseding older one, in so many directions, i ran into an article that was stating that antidepressant drugs were discovered by chance, by giving antihistamines to patients before surgery and noticing the sedation effect. When i did the search for that article today, i found that antidepressants and other psycho drugs were discovered by chance by administering anti TBC drugs. Whatever.

It is said that so called first generation of anti-histamines indeed had sedating effects, but starting with cetirizine (Zyrtec), loratadine (Claritin), the sedation effect was supposedly dismissed, which i think is not true, because in both me and Angela Zyrtec has a strong sedation effect that lasts for days. At least until like in the case of antidepressants "your body gets used to".

Lately i was concerned with T gondii (toxoplasmosis) parasite. When talking about this infection agent everybody agrees with to several things. Most overlooked, endemic, "vast majority of cases are subclinical", treatment was abandoned decades ago mostly because is almost asymptomatic in most infected but also because of side effects (toxicity) of "classic" or recommended treatment available then and still now.

Coming from our pets, cats and dogs which are actually domesticated prey animals, that are adapted to live with it as symbiont, infecting the older and immune compromised prey during the so called "marking of the territory", inducing behavioral modification of prey, making it happier and much easier to catch, but also, by example, from beef, where it may be destroyed by a proper cooking.

Why and how the most overlooked parasite modifies the behavior of the infected. By releasing dopamine, the reward chemical, one of the most crucial neurotransmitters that some of the anti-psycho medication go for. (Who would go searching for medical help during the initial phase and also the medium term telling the doctor: Doctor, this morning i felt too good for no reason just because my dog leaked my face!).

To cut it short. Some miners of the vast landfill of existing, some forgotten medicines, identified a number of "compounds" that are good candidates for non-toxic treatment of T gondii (not indigo, bad google). Wondering how many others are still out there. But is it a coincidence the fact  that some are anti-depressant and some anti-histamine?

Could it be that T gondii, the insidious, feel (extraordinarily) good parasite, may be responsible for a much greater array of diseases, some of them mental, and those compounds used for their original, intended, known purposes actually kill or suppress the "subclinical" parasite which is the root cause of those most chronic diseases?

February 22

Boris Johnson sanctions oligarch Gennady Timchenko. Cause Joe Biden could not sanction oli_garch Oleg Deripaska.

Caught in a vise-grip between west and east, all controlled by the same entity, possible of alien origin (i don't believe humans can do this to other humans), with Russians not minding being the bad guys and westerners not minding thinking being the good the whole world has no other choice but sit and watch and hold breath.

Monday, February 21, 2022

February 21

10:45 Today, stock market, federal agencies, some companies (Not Eaton where Angela works today overtime) are closed because of George Washington's birthday.

11:43 Got awakened (can't write "woke up" anymore, that word has been confiscated) at 9:30 by a very pungent smell, reminding roasting hot peepers. (Over the night electricity was cut briefly, stopping one of the filters). Went in the back and stepped on numerous holes, cracks and bulges in the ground, then got away. As i came from walking, a super hungry kitten (with a collar) looking like a panda with white spots under the eyes (one night i saw a Dalmatian looking like a panda in Lincoln City at the Grocery Outlet), was following me on the alley. Didn't want to deal with it so i turned around, the cat was still following. Turned around one more time, the cat saw somebody else and went to him.

As i finished the last match, a girl ran around the building, passing my windows, yelling like crazy. "Oh my God! Oh my God" (the doubling). BTW do you know what kinda god George Washington became? A Shinto god! A Shinto god now painted on the highest point inside the Capitol dome. That's why i call him. White Shinto.

And this is why i came to believe that most of the time, most people don't really know what they're doing.

3:25 Forgotten countries, unknown (to most of us) history. Ruthenians, Rus, Kyiv, Galicia. Western Slavs (or Russians) are those descendants of vikings who never came under Golden Horde rule.

I had no idea that legendary Moldovan king Stephen the Great who ruled Moldova for almost 50 years and fought and won numerous battles against Ottoman Turks contributed to the history of Ukraine (whatever that is today).

4:24 Again the linguistic argument. In this map Kraków is shown not being part of Poland. There is a city in Austria called Graz. Croatia. Bel_Grade. U-kraine. Debrecen in eastern Hungary. All these suggesting a Slavic continuum against the idea of separate Western and Southern Slavs. Interrupted by what? Maybe by Romans, not by Dacians, who where there thousands of years BC. Then Romans ceded Pannonia (most of today's Hungary) to Attila, for the sparing of Rome.
11:02 Was that effective against spying? If it happened (i am not convinced by the scarce pictures i've seen) they probably sacrificed the poor and clueless like they do in today's Japan, to manufacture cars to continue to indebt US. 24,000 that were left outside would have sufficed to report back to Japan everything that was happening in the US.

11:53 Ok i lost last entry, will try to write it again. Just found an fb post since 2013 where for the first time i hypothesized the possibility of actors acting as politicians. Next list on blog is since December 2014 and has many mistakes. But i think there was another list in 2013 on g+. In 2016 i got a pretty good list, and i started the blog with matches in fall 2018, with many mistakes though, and a brief 20% market crash first occurred. But after a series of maneuvers putting me in a very bad light, market recovered in January 2019.

Today i got really mad when i saw the synchronization of what i wrote about the godhood of George Washington and Putin's two decrees. Wondering if they weren't pushing for it. Yesterday in the parking lot at Chinook i almost got into a fight with a couple of guys, one of them cursed of Christ, which made me remember today of George Washington apotheosis while the other, who wasn't speaking English, came out of a car, shirtless.

Peaceful Ukraine separation from the Soviet Union occurred more than 30 years ago. People living in between 2 worlds, with those in western Ukraine having less income than those in the east. 2014. Eromaidan. Unrest starting in the east.

Then the circus with Yanukovich and his golden toilets. I remember i wrote and spoke again before 2014 to many people about the huge amounts of gold taken by Romans from Dacia, about 200 tons per year for 162 years, gold that vanished on imported goods (tens of thousands of tons of gold).

Was it then when they started to use dog poop? I remembered i was gathering pounds of poop from around the building in Lake Oswego and from here, and nowadays they are burning it in the ground.

The accident on August 21 last year. My computer breaking down a few days ago.

And now after a month of market being low, On George Washington birthday Putin remembers of the Russians in eastern Ukraine.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

February 20

1:28 My first match done entirely on the new setup (Chromebook with my old keyboard, mouse and monitor). Pixlr for cropping. Please be patient, i'm on a learning curve. Again.

2:40 It's all coming together now (it started to make sense). How come i haven't seen this before? I'm too busy i guess.

2:46/12:46 Da bine da modela mamzela mimoza aia din planul secund cine-i?
7:13 Got awakened by the pungent smell. Went outside and found numerous cracks and bulges in the ground, some under door and walls. Being sleepy and groggy, could not find them the first time. Every time i came inside and closed the door, as the direction of the flow at the surface shifted, more smoke was coming, after a brief pause.

12:41 Took half Zyrtec and slept till now.

repetitio est mater studiorum. They are taking turns at saying this for weeks now on Ukraine.

11:30 Why FCC will let her be?

Will perfect our chemistry. Today, about saltpeter.

The name Peter is the root of the word. Closest to alchemists' philosopher stone. Once used to preserve meat, was rumored to cut sexual urges. Though it didn't exist in Japan when first "edition" of Basenshukai was released (1976) with the purpose to bring in more disciples, it is found in many "fire tools" recipes in the book.

I would not be surprised if Dominicans (the influential catholic sect) would believe it has "divine" properties pretty much like the "hounds of the Lord", oftenly portrayed as Dalmatians with a torch in their mouths. After all, Dominican Inquisition burnt their "heretics" at the stake. ( Could it be the Olympic torch relay is inspired by the hounds running with a torch in their mouth?).

No i wouldn't have bothered to write this at this hour of the night, after driving 80 miles and feeling ready to sleep if it wasn't about me or my life in the last decades. It is about this morning, when the place filled again with an irritating smell that believe it or not, comes from the ground. "It will set the Earth on fire" says St.Dominic's mother dream. And they literally believe that. In order to achieve this, they however need some material things. Among those, saltpeter.

A nitrate of potassium or other metals like calcium, etc., it is an unstable mineral that can be used as fertilizer or as main ingredient in old type (black) gunpowder. The most interesting property of saltpeter is it burns by itself, no oxygen needed. Actually, not by itself, it provides oxygen for other things to burn. Because it has oxygen in its unstable molecule. And yes, they did it again, to complete the cycle. Got to go outside to step on cracks, mounds and holes in the ground, to seal them for at least a few hours. When the smoke subsides, the moles come back, crack the ground again to air their galleries and they can start over.

Why would they do this? For religious reasons of course. To make someone act weird, under this precise type of influence described in the prophecy (St.Dominic mother's dream) so it may contribute to starting of the phenomena described in the last Book of the Bible and thus pave the way for the second coming of Christ.

Think about. If Dominicans believe the hounds (Dalmatians) are holy, that means everything in them is holy, including excrement. Which excrement may be mixed with saltpeter, another magic substance, an inhibitor maybe, set on fire and stuck in the ground (moles galleries, other magic animals that may inspire the freemasons), just like in the prophecy. When burnt, excrement may release aerosols that contain unburnt material that may still contain bacteria and protozoa or whatever lives in that dog's intestines. Small amounts that may travel from underground in somebody's house or apartment and infect everybody inside. Infections with T Gondii may have also very weird effects on people, because the parasite releases dopamine (the reward chemical) and interferes with a person's cognitive cycle, feeding back their belief (of those who do that) that dogs are magic.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

February 19

2:02 This is my first post with the new setup. I bought on Amazon a hub that plugs into one of the USB C ports in my Samsung Chromebook 4 and offers 3 USB and one HDMI port. All i had to do is reboot the computer, hook the mouse, keyboard and monitor to the hub and it worked without any other fuss. I am a bit disappointed though because i payed 19 dollars for the hub itself at Amazon and 19 dollars for the HDMI cable at Best Buy across the street (i though i had one, i was to anxious to buy one online and wait till tomorrow to see if it works). I could probably cut the price in half but have to make two returns and it's not worth the trouble. Better view, no more artifacts on screen due to poor old VGA connector, but still have to figure a number of things. Yes you can do it with any laptop that has an USB C port (and of course HDMI, when you don't need any adapter), and probably even with a phone. (Great idea, should try see if can use my phone as a desktop computer, cause it has way more procession power than this chromebook).

2:19 Earlier. I woke up after about 5 hours of sleep because of the pungent smell. My battery connector main screw got stripped last night, i put another one, but the voltage now varies between 12.3 and 14.7 and i measured and this is what's coming from alternator. Could it be the alternator detects low current and stops charging. The truth is i couldn't figure it out and still don't believe in the so called smart charging. When i left for Best Buy i noticed this bulge by the curb next to alley. What they do, is they let the moles do their job and then pierce the soil with some tool and insert something burning in the ground. The mole leaves, temporarily, and the smoke comes out for hours. And nobody knows where from. Smoke composition changes from one day to another, today, last few days brought much irritation, but also have the animal dung component.

4:23 Just figured why i have problems with the battery. Last time i worked at i got frustrated by the noise and acting in the parking lot, and involuntarily (without thinking) hammered the negative terminal. These batteries are supposedly sealed, but i think they do leak at least some vapors of acid and coat the terminal and connector with a fine invisible layer of oxide that after a while break or change the parameters of contact. Alternator will charge, but up to a limit when will stop charging probably due to detecting low current and all electrical systems on the car will work intermittently between 12.5 volts and 14.5, with most dramatic effect on fuel pump, also with some flickering at that critical point. By hammering also by overthinking it i made the leak and the oxide apparent on screws and contacts. I looked at the battery, it looks original, which means 5 years, i am rushing to buy a new one, most likely a generic one. But in the mean time i asked google a question i always wanted to. Why can't use lithium batteries instead of lead on regular (non electric) cars.

Buddha wiser. Last night i was staring at the empty beer can on the dashboard listening to the sound of ocean interrupted only by the many decibels of each vehicle that started and idled profoundly, for minutes, and suddenly had a moment of enlightenment.
9:29 Where are the times when media in the US also played a tiny bit of educational role? Nowadays it seem they rush to pave the way to hell so others could follow. This isn't cold war anymore, it's as hot as it can be, if we judge Ukraine being on the side of the west. This is a real war that started in 2014, where 14k people died already. Not talking about the Yugoslav Wars with Croatians being the good guys and Serbians the bad which happened just because Croatia and parts of Serbia were in the ex Australo-Hungarian Empire (Yugoslavia was multinational, but the Empire wasn't).

11:00 Yeah but how do we know that was real?

11:48 Virginia Giuffre reacts.

Friday, February 18, 2022

February 18

6:26 Angela went to work after four and a half hours of sleep (over the years i wrote about some of the many mishaps that happen on constant basis at her job here). Part of it was because i went to check the car after i remembered she said she heard a noise, one time only, like the radiator's fan was hitting something, and i lost a tube with adhesive and thought it might have entered the fan's housing. It was midnight, i went outside, two of the kids who almost grew up in the last 6 years since we're here were behind the car talking. So i waited for them to leave, went to look in the radiator and they came back and started to talk, one of them near hour door.

There was no adhesive tube in there but a... dead mouse or mole or something, decomposing, which i tried to remove with a wire or something but couldn't. Leaving behind the car a trail of smell of a dead animal.

After she left the place filled with an irritating smell that made me sneeze and i went outside a couple of times and find some minor bulges and/or collapsed areas, it looks like the smell is maybe subsiding.

6:41 I know it sounds absurd, but everything i post seem to have an echo in the large universe. Just posted pictures with areas in between building, with grass missing and they came with this. And the evacuations of civilians? By Ukrainian official census,  there are up 10 million Russians in Ukraine, most of them concentrated in Eastern area. How many can they evacuate with a few or a lot of buses?

7:01 Lately i said a lot about living in a simulated reality, maybe the forgotten projects like Living Earth Simulator that have already started to be implemented. I know it because of things that happen around here, on a "small" scale, like the two kids behind the car at midnight. Everything i do is received with actions of their part creating a whole that if observed from outside looks totally different. All i see around me is actors that are part of a show, while the real people have gone, a long time, maybe all dead in "Asian wars", and today they came with this.

I said a while ago, i have a suspicion that nuclear weapons do not exist, they are one of the biggest hoaxes meant to create an infinite fear from population, which then will obey the Great Hunic conspiracy. Nuclear weapons are said to be small enough to be fitted in a cruise missile or even under the belly of a fighter jet, why would they need "strategic bombers" of this size (yeah i know the symbolism of the guy sitting on the ladder) if not to fill them with "conventional" explosives, fly them remotely in close formation and simulate, if necessary, a few no-clear attacks? Half thickness of lead in the case of high energy radiation is about 5 mm, of steel about 10 mm, how big should be the "shell" of a nuclear weapon to pose no threat for those pilots or electronics of the plane just by flying them?

How long the steel shell or carcass of the bomb will keep its steel microcrystalline structure integrity before it gets damaged from radiation of the "core" highly radioactive materials like plutonium? How about the effects of radiation on the "neighboring atoms" of the core itself?

It it said some of the bombs are made with a plutonium core, which has a half life of about 45 years, making it highly radioactive. Half life means about half of the plutonium turns to americium, a material of different atomic number, thus, density, which means the "core" will not stand in one piece but once enough of the material, let's say 10% turns to americium, will turn (in about 5 years) to a dust while the steel shall most likely become brittle and crack from radiation damage before that.

Bombs of course should have some sort of detonation mechanism made of course of known materials like steel and conventional explosives, how would those keep integrity over a few years while exposed to that amount of radiation?

One of the form of plutonium decay emits electrically charged alpha particles, which is helium, "that cannot penetrate not even a sheet of paper" (than how it can escape the solid core). But will that helium create pressure inside the core of a bomb making it unstable? (if plutonium has a half life of 45 years, with one helium atom released for each plutonium atom decayed, that means that in about 10% of that time or 5 years there will be enough helium inside that core that will create enough pressure to blow it apart, with most of it being trapped between plutonium molecules or crystals or whatever.

It looks like fear stopped us until now from thinking of all these... side phenomena accompanied by even putting together and handling a large enough mass of artificially concentrated radioactive materials which i think it's simply not possible.

While in faculty i had a teacher that was speaking to us of all these things. I once tried to call him, more ten years ago and i was told he disappeared, without a trace, without a body ever being found.

I dismissed immediately all he told me, thinking he was crazy or provoking or something, and it took me some 40 years to came to the same conclusions, so i think, people reading these would probably go through the same mental processes, after we've been told for 80 or 100 years the same lies, over and over.

12:47 As for thermonuclear or H bombs. "Based on tritium, which again has a life time of 12 years and is a form o hydrogen, thousands of times the size of Hiroshima bomb". Those can be simulated with short cutting the ionosphere to the Earth, using gigantic antennas, like that of Tesla or Eiffel Tower etc. (see Tunguska phenomenon, which was a demonstration that started to change the world, followed by WWI and Bolshevik revolution). But again, they can be used only once in a while, because the ionosphere needs weeks or months. I believe one of the functions of the Great Pyramid was just that.

I think Russians really lost their strategic position in the world after the fire at Ostankino tower, 3 months after Putin came to office in the year... 2000.

9:14 (Lincoln City) How did they know?

9:41 Am văzut pe telefon, din mașină, mai multe știri similară cu cea de mai sus care se pare că interferă cu ce am scris. Și pentru că nu am internet pe telefon care să poată fi transmis la laptop (tethering) acum, am intrat în cazino, în zona de fast food și am căutat acele știri. Gălăgia, agitația, m-au făcut să uit multe din acelea, dar am găsit altele. Un exemplu. Am scris mai devreme despre un profesor de facultate care nega existența armelor nucleare și care a dispărut fără urmă, iar ei au venit imediat cu ceva. Mi se pare mie sau tipa care a scris nu stăpânește bine limba română?

10:04 The ninja somehow repeated the performance of spreading this time inside the casino of some sort of smoke (coming from outside when doors were opening) that made me sneeze a lot. Though i have a mask on my face. I remembered another thing i wanted to write down. We stopped at Spirit Mountain to get gas and some hot dogs. That were paid with "rewards". At the gas station, a truck with cisterns was filling the underground tanks with gas. By the brand Carson. It happens a lot when i mention the name Andy Carson.

10:11 700.000 oameni împărțit la 40 pe autobuz înseamnă 17.500 de curse de autobuz. Cred că se poate întâmpla într-o perioadă între 3 (200 de curse pe zi) și 6 luni. Vor pleca doar așa, cu o sacoșă de rafie? Există în întreaga Federație Rusă atâtea locuri la hotel?

11:39 I published my first list with actors probably after this post, in 2013. Most likely on g+ cause i can't find it on fb. I think this movie, Time Goes By triggered this whole process. Crazy with nostalgia, every time i was seeing an episode i was thinking of that Romanian politician. I didn't find him or abandoned searching for him, in favor of much bigger fishes. In the mean time my list grew and grew, i kept rectifying errors from the past, etc., extended searches to other countries, including Russia.

Here is a list since 2016, with not so many errors. I was doing it by ear and didn't have any method.

But now when i saw the synchronization with my post about godhood of George Washington and Putin's last actions of recognizing the two separatist regions and entering in Ukraine i started to get worried and mad. Cause all my effort will be linked to his actions. Cause what i wrote and the matches i posted are so much more important than his actions.

Ukraine separated peacefully from Soviet Union in 1990 and problems with Russians on the east side started in 2014, or after i posted the first lists. 8 more years, a pandemic and now they are linking this with my activity. By synchronization, which is so important.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

February 17

12:53 Still chasing the flickering voltage. Drilled a hole in the battery's terminal and put a screw. Always wanted to to this. Ever wondered. Why didn't they do it a long time ago. Why the battery terminals are round and not square (rectangular, cubic, whatever) with a hole in the middle so you can tighten them decently with a flat connector?

If this doesn't fix it, i was thinking, maybe the chassis connection to negative, cause every time i tighten the connector, i move that thick cable a bit around. In a hard to reach place, only one 5 mm screw and they didn't even remove the paint.

I always see better when i take pictures and watch them on the computer, now i see i haven't put a washer on the left side. Just figured why they made the clamp at an angle, so you don't bump with your tool on the fuse box when you want to replace battery, which is a very bad idea.

When i got the car from the auction, had to replace the left headlight. Fond an aftermarket one (nowadays with my searching exprience on car parts i could probably find an OEM one at the same price). Trouble is at this car the inner parking ligths are combied with turn signals, the OEM has a two way bulb, and the one i bought is only one. So i have on the right two parking lights left and right of headlights and on the left only one with the inner missing. Tonight i tried to do some external wiring to bring volgate to the inner parking light however. The OEM socket i tried to put in there that can hold a two way bulb is not compatible with non OEM headlight, doesn't work at all. So i realized should add two external wires and possibly the ground also. So i just downgraded the right one, with some electrical tape on one terminal of the bulb, so now i don't have inner parking light anymore, only outer and it's symmetrical.

Also re-tighten the nuts on ball joints with my new tools (extra long set, 6 pieces, metric, with 44 bucks on Amazon). These three projects took me way more than it should have because of smoke. Smoke inside, from a hole right on the other side of the "wall" where my computer is. Smoke outside, all the time. People moving around me making it look like something else. Basically i was wasted all the time, kept "loosing tools", forgetting what i wanted to do, things like that. People always getting away when i step out, and planes and noisy cars jut before i leave, so it looks like i'm hiding when they come.

7:10 First i could read the article. Then Financial Times asked for a subscription. Mainly the article has been quoting some experts from Ukraine, questioning the constitutionality of dissolving the Parliament, months before scheduled elections. More on that from Euronews
9:01 I tried to move the desk further away from "the wall" where smoke is coming from under and when i plugged in the computer in a different outlet the power supply flashed the fuse at me. Yes i spilled a glass with some wine from last night on it when moving but it did not reach the computer or keyboard or anything. Angela's W10 computer is very slow though much newer. I was running a version of Linux on mine which was 13 years old.

9:33 Did i just commented about snap elections? After pulling the lead off the power supply too, i went back outside and blew with the reverted vacuum the dust that it was full. But this time they were ready with a couple of kids that i know here at the window where Angela's computer is.

10:04 Ok i dusted for the last time that piece of equipment and soldered a piece of thin copper wire on top of fuse and it blew on my again. That thing is done. I will never ever again buy any device with a fan in it (that accumulates dust that is).

7:20 Posting from Chromebook 4 with the old keyboard hooked to it. Tomorrow i'll get some sort of hub that will also connect the mouse and the old monitor (USBC to HDMI). One thing i noticed, it's faster than my old computer, with no lag on typing.

I knew there was going to be  some trouble when i went in the bedroom this morning after Angela left. Since Angela can't tolerate the noise and airflow from a filter, even at lowest level, it was smelling like dirty socks. Marijuana, i figured. So i called her when she got there and she seemed ok, but i didn't tell her about the smell, cause i told her one million times and she doesn't believe me.

Soon after, the lead, Steve Eaton (coincidence with the name of the company) who does the scheduling, kinda jumped the turns and put Angela to do again too soon after last time the physically hardest job (boxes, or inverters) which involves unpacking, packing and lifting 20 pounds items for hundreds of times a day. She told him that she could only do it for 4 hours today, and then she was under the impression he went to HR and the supervisor (paranoia due to all kinda smokes we inhaled yesterday, it took me a long time to understand the mechanism, but that won't probably prevent me for quitting again a job at first trouble when under influence, if i could get one right now) who doesn't get involved too much, let Steve do most of his jobs, and he knew and escalated. So it turns on us. Angela got mad and went to the supervisor and complained about everything she could remember, including the fact she works there for 6 years and gets one dollar more than the temps. In the end she told him she can't lift that much (62 years old) because of back pain, hernia surgery (because she had to have too more surgeries after open heart to have 4 forgotten wires removed), and she said she will talk to the doctor when she goes for the appointment on March 1st (that was scheduled since last year) and the supervisor said, let us know. But now it's not like yesterday. That combined with the computer breaking down will slow me down me a little. I was even thinking today. To what good it serves all i do. Cause if people believe me, the market will start to go down and i will get in all sorts of problems. Cause i live in their simulation, but one or more levels deeper than everybody else. Though i can make some decisions, they have enough leverage on me to stop me if they wanted and now they want it.

One thing that gets both of us mad is the car. In pretty bad shape, misfiring (better said, severe engine imbalance and noises when we got it), we were happy when during the weekend, i would re-tighten the battery connectors before living and like magic the car would start to work so fine you wouldn't even hear the engine, and with mileages constantly above 40 on freeways. So i figured, probably low voltage at the fuel pump which leads to dripping of injectors, not washing the valves that become sticky (due to oil coming from intake from condensation of PCV gases). 

I said it many times before, during the 70s they figured a way to recirculate blow by gasses that pressurize the engine back in the intake, but with a side effect. Blow by gasses contain oil mist that condensates in the intake, a problem that becomes much more serious with the newer design with intakes underneath the engine head and in front of the engine where they get cooled.

I myself never quite understood for a long time why some gas sellers advertise their gas as engine cleaning. But this is the reasons. In gasoline injected cars injectors are upstream valves and the gas sprayed by those clean the valves, especially if it has good additives in. But the injectors themselves are sometimes affected by the oil from blow by, especially if the voltage at the fuel pump is not alternator voltage (14.5 for this car) but battery voltage (@12.5), which sometimes happens when the contact at the battery connectors is not perfect and battery is near full. One of the last things i've done at the other car was removing the paint under the ground (chassis) connector and saw that made a difference. At the old car though i had a catch can that would reduce the amount of oil that condensates in the intake, by "catching" it in a can. I was actually getting ready to install one on this car also (got the can from Amazon) but i didn't, because the car was running so fine after each re-tightening of the negative connector. The problem of dirty valve is much more serious at GDI (Gasoline Direct Injected) where the injectors are inside the cylinder, thus downstream valves.

But last night after i finished drilling the hole and tightened the connector again (with again 14.5 volts at the lighter plug measured with a digital charger) i remembered about the chassis connector. So i removed the adhesive i put on top of the screw (mostly to see that it doesn't get loose), took it apart (which involved removing the battery, the computer), cleaning those etc.. They were 4 ground connectors, and when i removed the (self tapping screws) i brought at the surface dirt from the other side, so i had to clean everything and torque those again. Can't tell how i felt every time i was using the little spray bottle with alcohol and young boys where dispatched to pass near me. But i remember when one of the passed and went to the grass area, where the moles are, i felt smoke, and went and took pictures of what appeared to be holes in the ground made with special shoes.

9:00 Found and ordered on ebay a ball joint from the car, OEM with... 15 dollars, however the shipping was 17. Box damaged (like many shipments with parts lately) and i think the main upper nut was missing. Two others where though enough to realize they are they type "toplock" that is the diameter of the thread is smaller at the top of the nut, to prevent from un-tightening. Those nuts are not to be reused of course and had to remove and reinstall some of those several times when i did struts and shafts.

Also got the box with 6 extra long wrenches, and i used one of them to tighten the same nuts on the car. If freshly tightened, the car is driving perfectly, so that was the problem. Got to order some of those, was thinking returning the ball joint, however, i will probably pay for the shipping and loose some more money, cause the part itself is only 15 dollars.

Had to remove some of those nuts several times when i did struts and shafts.

9:32 Today when i went outside at the car i saw again this guy. Dressed very poorly, looking of Ukrainian origin, with possible Ukrainian name, a Romanian orthodox bishop from the county where i am in Romania which borders with Ukraine, he went to the mail boxes and then searching something in some cardboard boxes and then he left (maybe he got those delivered, i didn't see). For a moment i was tempted to go and see what he was doing there.

Was thinking earlier of Angela's job. I remembered mines. Always with actors. In 1998 at Quadramed the supervisor manager was Andy Carson. Cameron Diaz, his secretary. Receptionist was one of those women from SNL. After that, at AVX, Axle Rose. Always living with fear  terror of loosing a job and everything, not caring to much who hour colleagues were (not that i knew) or Angela's are right now. I think i identified at least 3 of them until now. One left. One is the Japanese actress who acted as Pamela in Dallas movie, also as Transportation Secretary. The other one a Hungarian actor, forgot his name.  Him maybe? A bit of smoke through walls at home would make us happy, a bit more, mad. They were times when i thought Steve was this guy.

10:50 Angela now remembers she also told the supervisor (don't know the name, i know the previous one looked like Brad Pitt and Steve was doing the scheduling that is assigning daily tasks for all team members during all three in the past 6 years, none of them did much) that she was never trained to do the easy jobs, and Steve (with latest example, today) assigns to others tasks that she already done the day before. What she didn't tell was Steve was/is assigning easiness tasks for himself, with lots of overtimes and high pay of course.

Angela's main competitors there are relatives (the two "Chinese" sisters, girlfriend and boyfriend etc..