Sunday, July 29, 2012


Grafice cu prezenţa din datele publicate până acum:           






"Populaţia stabilă a României este de 19 milioane de persoane, potrivit rezultatelor provizorii de la Recensământul Populaţiei şi Locuinţelor, făcute publice de Institutul Naţional de Statistică (INS), în scădere cu 2,5 milioane de persoane faţă de recensământul din 2002.

Dintre aceştia, 18,34 de milioane de oameni erau prezenţi în ţară la momentul recensământului iar 658.000 de persoane erau temporar plecate. Plecaţi pe perioadă îndelungată sunt oficial 910.000 de români, în vreme ce 300.000 de conaţionali erau doar temporar prezenţi."

"The stable population of Romania is about 19 million persons, according the the temporary results of the census done by Institutul Naţional de Statistică (INS) (in 2011), less 2.5 million persons since the 2002 census.

Of these, 18.34 millions where in the country during census and .68 where abroad. Officially on long term there are  .91 million Romanians abroad while .3 where temporary present."

Oops. Deci Institulul Naţional de Statistică nu a publicat pe site rezultatele finale ale recensămânului. Deci luăm de bună ce spune Jurnalul Naţional. Deci dacă sunt în ţară 18,37 milioane de români şi 0,658 plecaţi de unde 18.292.514 români cu drept de vot?

Să zicem că populaţia este egal repartizată pe vărste între 0 şi 70 ani, până la 18 ani sunt 25% deci din 19 milioane adică 4.75. Nu înţeleg.

Oops. Institutul National de Statistică did not publicized on its site the final results of the 2011 census. If we believe what Jurnalul National says, there are in Romania 18.37 million citizen and 0.658 million abroad, where do we take from 18.29 million with right to vote?

Let's say the population is equally divided on groups of ages between 0 and 70, then between 0 and 18 there are 70/18*19.3=4.75. I don't understand.

"Ministrul Administraţiei şi Internelor, Ioan Rus, a anunţat, marţi, că numărul total al cetăţenilor cu drept de vot este de 18.292.514"

"The Minister of Interior, Ioan Rus anounced tuesday that the total number of citizens with right to vote is  18.292.514" 

Hai să zicem că a scăzut natalitatea şi de fapt între 0 şi 18 ani nu sunt 4,75 milioane ci doar jumătate, adică 2,375 milioane şi tot un iese. Cum zic ei ar însemna ca între 0 şi 18 ani sunt doar  18,37 + 0,658 - 18,29 adică 19,02 - 18,29 adică 0.73 milioane de cetăţeni români între 0 şi 18 ani ceea ce ar însemna că în ultimii 18 ani în Romania s-au născut şi din aceştia au supravieţuit numai 0,73 milioane. Dar dacă ţinem cont de faptul că populaţia României a scăzut în ultimii 18 ani cu 3 milioane şi jumătate iar mortalitatea a fost cam aceeaşi rezultă că natalitatea a scăzut doar la o treime. Asta ar însemna că sunt cam 1,25 milioane de români între vârsta 0 şi 18 şi nu 0,73 ce ar însemna o reducere a natalităţii de 7 ori.

Căci natalitatea este cam egală cu mortalitatea la o ţară care în ultimii zeci de ani înainte de 1994 a avut o populaţie relativ constantă. Deci într-o perioadă de 18 ani un sfert din populaţia României, adică aprox 5 milioane, se schimbă. Dar dacă a scăzut numai cu 3,5 milioane, înseamnă că s-au mai născut 1,25.

Acum încep să înţeleg de ce nu s-a publicat pe site-ul de mai sus rezultatele finale ale recensământului.

Nu sunt statistician de meserie dar oricine poate înţelege că grupa de vărsta 0-18 are rata mortalităţii cea mai mică din toate grupele de vârstă. Nu se poate compara de ex cu grupa de vârsta 52-70. Logic. Deci probabil mai mult de un sfert din populaţia unei ţări cu o evoluţie demografică normală este cuprinsă în această vârstă.

Dar hai să punem problema altfel. În Wikipedia rata natalităţii României este la poziţia 180 din 221 cu 10 naşteri la 1000 locuitori în fiecare an. Asta înseamnă 10.000 naşteri la un milion şi 190.000 naşteri la 19 milioane, deci în 18 ani s-au născut 3.420.000 români, cazul cel mai defavorabil. (rata natalităţii precum şi populaţia a fost şi mai mare în această perioadă). Fără drept de vot. Dar acum îmi veni în minte altă întrebare, de ce a scăzut atât de mult populaţia României, un răspuns ar fi sunt mai mulţi plecaţi în străinătate decât sunt declaraţi în recensământ, sau o catastrofă demografică fără precedent, de care cei care au guvernat în ultimii ani nu pot să nu spună că nu sunt responsabili.

Let's say that birth rate decreased and in fact there are not 4,75 millions between 0 and 18 but only half, that is 2.375. According to the Minister of Interior, it would mean that between the age of 0 and 18 there are 18.37 + 0.65 - 18.29 that is 19,28 - 18.29 = 0.738 million citizens between the ages of 0 and 18, that is a reduction of birth rate way too big in the last 18 years compared to the year 1994. But the population of Romania decreased in the last 18 years with 3.5 millions and if the death rate stayed about the same that would mean that birth rate only decreased with one third that would mean there are about  1.25 million Romanians between the age of 0 and 18. not 0.73.

And that is because in Romania the birth rate was about equal with death rate in the last decades.

They were 22,760,449 Romanians in Romania in 1992,  the closest number i could find in Wikipedia It is reasonable to assume using the decrease rate calculated from that table that in 1994 they where about 22.5 millions.

But let's put this in a different way. In Wikipedia Romania is on position 180 of 221 with 10 births per 1000 inhabitants every year. That means 10,000 births to 1 million and 190.000 at 19 millions, thus in 18 years have been born 3.420.000 Romanian, worst case scenario (Population was more than 19 million and birth rate was bigger than 10). Without right to vote.

Added 07-30-12 12:54 PDT from

Friday, July 27, 2012

"Pour... Les... Roumains..."

I swear this one was the first that came when i did a google search/videos on terms Cliff Hanger... I think my computer might have been bewitched... It's too tempting, i'm gone post it... Anyways how long am i supposed to keep playing villain @here?

God the times when i was watching Cliff Hanger on Cartoon Network... Were they from another life? Must have been cause now i can't even afford cable... Or have a job...

Common Subliminal Words in English

Or Parallel Paradigmatic Reality

Toyota - toy
Cube - cute
Camry - my car
CRV - crave
kenmore - can more
Ford - dorf
Motors - storm
Michelob - ?
Alb right - ?
Rom ney ?

Sorry this is the only picture with a major i could find searching with google for keywords English Major... Ok just realized, that is not an uniform... But is the closest thing i could find...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Still Have

Mihai Eminescu - 1883

Still have a single sigh:
In silence of the night
I beg to let me die
Near sea at the low tide;
And let my sleep be calm
And forests be nearby,
On stretched waters' balm
I'll have the clearest sky
I don’t need any flags,
Don’t want a coffin rich,
Just plait for me a rug
From the trees’ youngest branches.

And no one needs to weep
Or show the smallest grief,
Just let the autumn speak
With wet and falling leaves.
And while with noise sway
The springs among the cliffs,
The Moon will slip away
On the long tops of firs.
The cowbells pierce near sea
The colder evening wind,
My holy linden tree
Above will start to swing.

As i won’t wander off
Since then for evermore,
My memories, with love
Will snow on me galore
The Morning-Evening Stars
As then will be my friends,
Through branches of the firs
Would smile at me again.
Will moan with all the hurts
The ocean’s coarse caress...
As i will become dirt
In my last loneliness.

Friday, July 20, 2012


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "George Ion" <>
To: <>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 22:20:17 -0700
Subject: Question
Gheorghe Ion
6810 SW Hall Blvd #16
Beaverton, OR, 97008


In 1972 when i was twelve I've been in a CISV camp in Kisdorf, near Hamburg, Germany, sent by the communist regime in Romania.

The exact location is Ulmenhof in Kisdorf, as shown below. It's probably a school now.

Seeing that picture triggered lots of memories.

I never quite understood why me, because there were many other eligibile (children of the communist elite), like the other three kids in the Romanian delegation. I never quite understood why an organization like yours would invite children from the communist countries, since the only ones that would benefit would be the children of the above elite, with few exceptions.

Not speaking any international language, except for a few french words made it tough for us, almost traumatizing. We weren't able to communicate with the other kids. I remember quite vividly Klauss, the director of the camp asking me severeal times in French: "Pourquoi tu es toujour si seul ?". That made me feel somewhat guilty.

I also have nice memories from there, like driving a car for the first time in my life (a Renault 4 owned or rented by Olaf from Sweden) and being saved from drowning in an Olympic size swimming pool. (I was a poor swimmer at that time.)

Also dancing for the first time in the dark in a "discoteque" with the chef's daughter, Suzanna (I don't know the exact spelling) organized by a couple of local german guys that were hanging around. I think one of them was the son of a prominent local CISV member.

I remember once Klauss filmed me with a nice camera with zoom I also played with and during projection, the film jammed and I saw my image catching fire on the screen.

I am asking your help in consolidating the memories of those days with the complete list of the sites visited and a list of the staff present in the camp with their qualifications.

As I said I didn't speak any English at the time. But from singing the camp's song every morning, i memorized the words and reconstructed the lyrics later on. Please confirm that this was the camp's song lyrics.

"Here in this village you may see
Children living happily
Swedes, Finns, Turks, Romanians
British, Germans, Canadians
Philippines, Italians too
We have many things to do
How am i alike to you"

Especially the last line doesn't sound quite right.

Many appreciations for your work,

Gheorghe Ion

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "George Ion" <>
To: <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 06:36:38 -0700
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Question

I wasn't lucky contacting the global site. Please read the following thread and help me if you can.

George Ion

----- Original Message -----
From: Bertil Hron
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Question

Dear Gheorghe,

Thank you very much for your e-mail. It is good to hear that, after so many years, you are still thinking of your CISV experience.

First of all, as regards names and addresses we are not able to give out personal details about participants. However, we recommend that your register on the CISV Friends website ( and claim participation in your Village (V-1972-006), and in doing so, possibly make contact with other people who participated in your programme.

By registering on the CISV Friends website you will also receive regular links to CISV publications such as CISV News and the CISV Annual Review.

Secondly, I am afraid we do not have the specific information you are requesting as related to excursion destinations.

Thirdly, as for the lyrics you provided, these appear to have been specific to your programme. Sometimes in the different programmes the lyrics of the CISV song and other songs are adapted by the participants to fit their programme or as part of a performance for a public occasions such as Open Day.

The official lyrics of the CISV Song are these:

The CISV Song (Kathleen Milne/Bjarne Kirk)

Here in this village you may see
Children living happily
Different race and different land
Here we come to understand
One another’s point of view
Learning through the things we do
How alike am I to you

Here we live and eat and sleep
Talk and laugh and sometimes weep
Here we share our hopes and fears
Build a bridge across the years
Sow a seed and plant a tree
Beneath whose branches there may be
All the nations gathered free

That our children so may grow
In a world we did not know
Sharing all they have to give
Learning how to love and live
In our hands the future lies
Seize the moment ‘ere it flies
Stamp the present with an act
Dare to make our dream a fact


Tuesday, 7 October 2008

03/31/1972 Don't know if i wrote above about holding hands while singing the version of the song written first above. Stumbled across a picture today. At the end of the song we were turning around while still holding hands forming a circle eacg facing outside and only then we were breaking with hands throwing them towards ground.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Disco. Sau cum se distrau bunicii. Cineva care mergea la discoteci pe vremea aia îşi mai aminteşte di ai es si o? N-am avut idee ce înseamnă, înţelegeam unele cuvinte, celelalte le completam din imaginaţie. Iată că unele din melodii au supravieţuit, în memoria noastră şi pe youtube. Dacă nu le-aţi auzit demult, poftim aici:

Şi încă câteva aici:


Poate au mai încercat şi alţii să lămurească provenienţa acestui cuvânt în română. Adevărul e că în ultimul timp cultura română e pe pause, lumea e avidă de cea internaţională care e pe fast forward şi ca de obicei, românii sunt flămânzi după cuvinte noi, care sunt cu atât mai mişto cu cât mai exotice şi misterioase.

Dar vine o vreme când orice mister se luminează. Ca de exemplu acum vă voi lămuri originea cuvântului cocălar, care nu e atât de naşpa pe cât pare la prima vedere. Din ce am găsit eu vine din italiană, de la verbul accoccolarsi. Un cuvânt destul de frumos în italiană, (ce cuvinte nu sună frumos în italiană) care poate să însemne şi confortul la care ajungi după un timp de muncă şi şedere într-o ţară nu atât de străină. Dar cu cât mă gândesc mai mult cu atât îmi amintesc de italieni care după ce am văzut eu în ultimii ani, toţi îmi par acum nişte accoccolati, oameni care se uită de două ori în fiecare direcţie când trec strada, şi odată după aia în gând, nu le place să rişte nimic şi în general sunt foarte calculaţi.

Vroaim de mult să scriu de chestia asta, nu am apucat, dar ieri am văzut video-ul Madonnei

LOOOOOL Ce spuneam, "Allacciati la cintura, stronzetta!" (Nu ştiam că Louise Ciccone chiar are un simţ al umorului, per se!) Thank you, Madonna, for the heads up!

Şi poate nu m-aş fi gândit vreodată la toate acestea dacă nu aş avea în minte verbul a (se) corcoli sau cocoloşi, folosit uneori familial în diferite regiuni din România.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Web Log vs Blog

Cred că m-am prins de ce aşa de puţină lume din România îmi citeşte blogul. În România e mare confuzie. Hai s-o micşorăm împreună. De exemplu cuvântul blog. Ce înseamnă el? E prescurtarea de la web log după cum cuvântul cam e prescurtarea de la web cam(era) (cameră de net) fiindcă în engleză nu-i aşa totul e pe dos. Nu ştiu românii au prins cam greşit cuvântul web şi l-au transformat în ceva care imediat te duce în alte locuri şi la alte privelişti. Nu dragilor web înseamnă de obicei pânză de păianjen şi a intrat în una din cele mai faimoase combinaţii de cuvinte care este world wide web, www, (câteodată simplu web, în ţări unde se voberşte engleza, care sunt mari amatori de prescurtări, spre deosebire de români care sunt mari amatori de redundanţă în comunicare, fiecare cu avantajele şi dezavantajele specifice), net-ul de la noi, pânza de păianjen a întregii lumi, reţeaua universală, internetul, www, adică ce se pune în faţă la orice adresă de internet (la mişto bineînţeles fiindcă nu are nici un rol funcţional :), poate doar să deosebească internetul nostru normal de alte interneturi, dar sunt şi excepţii unde nu se pune www, ca de exemplu chiar blogul acesta :D). Web nu e un cuvânt murdar. Iar log înseamnă jurnal. Web log, (web_log) blog înseamnă acelaşi lucru, adică jurnal pe net. Citiţi-mi blogul în linişte şi daţi-l mai departe fără frică.

Ghici ghicitoarea mea

Sau cum ne-au obişnuit recentele guvernări şi prietenii lor din media, să ne entertain-eze. Combinat cu obişnuitele poveşti de adormit copii ei ne introduc o nouă formă de interacţiune democratică, ghicitoarea. Cine e Albă ca Zăpada, cum a muşcat ea prea devreme din măr şi mai recent noua ghicitoare cu numărul 3 din 12 de la speed dial. Or fi şi elemente de şmecherie mentală de tip jedi, nu ştiu nu mă pricep la numerologie. Dar ce pot să spun sigur. Multă lume foloseşte speed dial iar eu de exemplu la 3 pe mobil am numărul de acasă, unde sun uneori şi las pe answering numere şi descrieri de maşini şi situaţii unde efectiv era să fiu lovit sau aşteptat în unghiul mort în trafic, ca să am ca referinţă în caz de. Dar dacă ascultă şi alţii ca de exemplu fratele mai mare, cel mai mic, tata, mama, bunica, verii, nepoţii şi în general toată familia, de asta nu pot să fiu sigur...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Neon Tiger

When i posted this the first time i had to pull it right away because of the tragedy with the ferry in Assam. Who would think anything ever happens in Assam? Probably the authors of the song didn't either.

Anyways. In the hope that there is left at least one single person in Romania that understands what's happening. In response to the latest coincidence in my life that occurred ten minutes ago.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Idioţi sau manipulare?

Până când vom inghiţi toate aceste idioţenii din presa română care aduc atât de mult cu o manipulare crasă, care promovează prostia şi au ca scop tâmpirea românilor, în special a tineretului

Nesemnat, Mediafax

Cum să traduci lovitură de forţă cu lovitură de stat? De aia nu au pus animalele titlul original in franceză...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fuel Pump Relay

Lately or maybe for a long time i had problems with my fuel pump relay, a really strange problem, i had different voltages on the coil circuit, every time i was measuring. Recently, at times it wasn't starting at all. Sometimes probably it was flickering on the pump circuit while driving. This might explain the sudden decrease in fuel economy after 2004 when i came back from Romania. I went to all of the mechanics i knew and they all told me: Just drive the damn car, George! It will cost you more to fix it than the difference you pay for the extra gas!

But now it started not to start any more. After taking apart in one whole day most of the connectors of the electric circuits, i figured the problem comes directly from the computer, and i understood now why it does not stop the fuel pump after 2 seconds. Then i connected the relay coil directly to the ignition bypassing the computer and voilà! fixed the problem. I still don't have fuel pump interruption after two seconds but who cares. I didn't have that since i bought it. Another interesting phenomenon though: After i did the above described short cut, the computer suddenly started to output the right voltage for the relay when measured without the modification! And that happened while i was near the car, nobody had access to it, from one minute to another, the only explanation could be someone has control over it from a distance.

Since the relay if it was flickering on the pump circuit because of the low voltage probably was flickering at higher rpms when vibration was present, and now DEQ only tests the cars at idle and for my year and type, 1998 Chevy S10, it not even tests it any more, just downloads the diagnostic data from the computer. I think those big dynos from the basement of DEQ testing floor from the good old days had their own good use.

In The Army

1987. IMU Bacău, now World Machinery Works LOL. I went to a 10 hour video maraton, "videourile", for wich i paid i can't remember, what, it was 70 lei divided by five families? In somebody's apartment. In one of the breaks between movies they played a version of the song In The Army Now with British band Status Quo, the one with running soldiers. I was familiar somehow with the band since i was myself in a band that did our own cover of Hot Dogs, from Cătălin's memory, with mumbled words :D, when i was in the first second year in college. Recently i heard the real song. Kinda rock and roll country.

I got really obsessed with In The Army Now after seeing that video, i think it was one of the first music videos i ever seen don't know why or maybe i got an idea now, i think i should write about. It was probably the smoke coming from the bathroom pipes enclosure, because my downstairs neighbour was smoking, at least for the recognizable part, cigarettes, and then i was getting euphoric, and i used to think by some magic property gained by doing "yoga" in high school. Pretty much like here before it stopped today @8PM at least for now after i threw some water in the gutters. I recorded the song at the "Recording studio" at the street front of Bacău performing theatre building, they just "happened" to have the album, on one cassette all over on both sides so i can play it continuously. Since i had this Russian cassette player at work for our Sinclair cloned computers with which we were pioneering at IMU in Computer Aided Design, i was playing that song continuously, for what, a month or two? Now i remembered what broke that cycle, but i will rather not say. My colleagues were bending their noses of course but didn't stop me. That's when i made my first gears optimizing program in Sinclair Basic, the one that got a very bad review in a big meeting from the production chief engineerş. That program would have been ok even by today's standards.

And all this happened before we got our PDP-11 clone. Then i made another version of that program, in the BASIC that came with the RSX-11 operating system.  And many other programs in Fortran77 and even Macro assembler (i learned Macro from the course notes and questions towards my ex-colleague and subordinate that spent 3 months in Bucharest at ICI or CC-MIEt (now i have some doubts)) until 89 when i switched to accounting and payroll in different programming languages like Fortran77, dBase and FOXBASE.

I had no idea why the word Quo was in there in the band's name. Maybe it was just subliminal. Maybe the're all gay (Watch the gesture with the guitar at the beginning of this live version). I don't care i just went crazy for the song, that's all.

It was all subconscious. Any wise ass can tell me why? Cause now i know...

By the way i still like the song...