Thoughts on eve of New Year 2020.
We've seen in the year that passed that more taboos (read conventions or for the English speaker, rules) have been broken. Diplomacy, separation of powers, powers in the state invented by Montesquieu) were being sacrificed simply for creating noise for combating new ideas. More people are raised without even the knowledge of past social structure, if it ever existed, other than in the imagination of some.
Practicing religions like Christanism has gone long time ago, maybe after Bush II and 911.
Politically correctness have become a slogan of the lost. Heads of state are used to prove we actually live in an delusional anarchy. Can't even say that since i recon, anarchy means more a chaotic manifestation of raw power which to me at least it has proven non-existent. Large masses are without power, without direction, lost in hedonism and adoration of magicians.
I've been browsing recently the TV series Babylon 5. A Sci-Fi series riddled with politics. There are many lessons in there to be learned but again the young are raised without even being thought the basics of what we knew as sociology, politics.
However many of those lessons are naive as our social live has been since better documented in modern times. In a way, we live in a sort of reality that surpasses the scenery of that show. Most important, this year we only saw the tip of the iceberg.
Honestely, i don't know what forces are manifesting, but to me they seem out of this world, by all the concepts mentioned above.
But it may be only the nothingness described in Buddha's hRdaya sUtra that's manifesting. As this Universe was born from a grain of nothingness and came to this impossible to perceive complexity, so may be the philosophy behind the scenes, seeded millennia ago by this most important Buddhist mantra.
One more thought about diabetes and cancer that is linked to the above.
Don't know where it starts but i think it starts with the adoration of idols, things that personifies our deepest desires. Since we cannot reproduce the high given by the complicity of reflection of our sins we get addicted to those and then start either imitating them or deluding ourselves thinking we find those traits in people surrounding us. Nobody can do what those magicians are doing. They are wired this way. They have a society of their own. In the scientific/technological way, they are like the Minbari in the movie, most advanced in the Alliance. But they might have accumulated all that knowledge from others. In the social way, we don't know how they interact among selves. But it is most likely most of the traits are inherited and kept within and thought since early age. To them, hypnotizing the rest of us may be a skill rooted in their collective subconscious. Maybe they are those who were called in Mahabharata "the snakes". But they also may be just a tool of others. Others like Buddha, the extreme bully, who reduced all to nothing in order to re-create a better world. It is the most extreme form of the death/re-creation myth in from all religions.
After you've been touched by your sin accepted by their mirror, you can never reproduce that high. And that's when you start using pain to get it back. Because pain mixed with pleasure is what you feel when you are bullied by beauty by the priests and priestess of Ishtar. You are being crushed with glamour. You loose all your self respect and senses and become, like "Linda Ronstadt" said, a desperado searching for more, something your body cannot obtain anymore. You start turning your face to strange. (There is one country on Earth that has the capital named Buda and God, Ishten.)
Then, to get that, you start to tolerate and ignore pain that may come from pollutants from environment. Your body starting with parts, like lower part, lowers metabolism as a response to inflammation caused by those. Most enzymes and myriad of bio-chemical mechanisms in your body function optimally in a certain range of temperature.
It may be you are lowering metabolism by holding breath. Lowering oxygen triggers high stress that is usually involved with attaining high levels of pleasure.
Lack of oxygen in tissues, lowering of temperature and metabolism, ignoring or killing pain is the key in both diabetes and cancer. In a way, it is the high given by this mix pain/pleasure sought for that's killing you in the end. "These things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow". Or like the Bible says. Wage of sin is death.
Too prove that the song is part of the conspiracy, like many or maybe all others. At the end, there's a rainbow, which is only a reflection, refraction and dispersion of light. Twisted if you like.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Friday, December 27, 2019
A Trip to Canyonville
I knew this was going to happen. I forgot to look at the sign at the door two days ago.
Last night when we came back from Canyonville (200 miles south of Portland) at about 5 AM i heard a large dog walking upstairs. No car in the spot. Then i slept until 4 PM.
I've been reading stuff on the internet for the last hours. Now it's seven. At one time i heard knocking upstairs like hitting a nail in the wall.
Then i went to do some cooking in the kitchen and i started to feel the pain in the area with the vocal chords. Some coarsening on low register. I knew. There was a new hole behind the fridge.
(For the last few days i've been sleeping in the bedroom and after being gone for one more night i finally started to have the "diabetes thirst). But today after i got exposed to that dust the thirst sensation is gone. Because that dust contains dog feces bacteria, it will kill your appetite for water)
Pulled the fridge and found the holes, at the joint between cabinet and wall. Where i already put some foam (years ago) and a new line of silicon caulking (a week ago). Found two holes, one major, and covered it again with silicon.
All the time i've been thinking about what happened yesterday. People bullying me on the road (basically everybody, mostly driving very close behind me than passing on the right exactly when i was thinking to pull out of their way, blinding me with high beams on the mirror, other maneuvers). I looked at their faces several times before dark fell and i saw mostly Japanese guys. Even one with a dark American style goatee. Some whites putting a face show. I saw a guy looking at the sky as he wasn't driving. Perfect coordination between multiple vehicles making me thing they are guided by AI, some maybe self driving.
When we left Portland a traffic slowdown and we ended behind a yellow bus CT (i believe China Tour) while the traffic was slowdown from the other direction so they can take a look.
(I don't know what is happening, it did happen several time in the past, while writing here on fb at about this length of the post there is so much lag, it type three new words before one shows so i'm moving on the blog).
Several miles before Rice Hills exit a guy in a huge black Cadillac (i assume by the shape of the tail lights figuring two parenthesis or horns) came at 10 ft behind me blinding me with his high beams on the mirrors. Then he continued doing the same thing to others as i slowed down and remained behind the group.
About 2 miles before Rice Hills i was doing 80 in a 65 area (130 kmh, like everybody else) with low beam, no car in front of me for a quarter mile, an obelisk of hay (square bale) resting layed several feet on the left side of my lane. A reflex made me pull right as it showed in my low beam and if there was any delay in my maneuver i would have hit it. Several miles after i met with a on old small red pickup with a trailer with more of those bales with an yellow LPN starting with 53).
Finally made it to Canyonville. I pulled at the gas station. A show in there two. The next logic pump had a receipt left in it. 260 miles, 8.1 gallons, freeway only. (about a week ago i fixed a vacuum leak, a loose screw by the catch can). Going to Canyonville is going a bit uphill. When trying to leave, a Japanese woman blocked me and trying to stay here as long as i could to insinuate i was buying gas twice.
Nice decoration and sinister exhaust noises in the parking lot at 7 Feathers. At every intersection people bullying. There was lots of smoke in the parking lot.
I played mostly poker for several hours (learned the rules for Jacks and Better, it's the easiest). According to the card, i cycled about 500 dollars and spent only 50. At 50 cents a hand, that is about 1000 hands. I lost constantly, with only 2 or 3 high hands (four of a kind).
But the show in there. Whites only, country music on the speakers. Tall, no, giants, walking as they didn't see me (had to avoid getting in everybody's path). Moving fast, energetic, as they should being from the country side. At one time i thought i saw a woman who remembered me of Carrie Underwood. She looked upset, no, sad, than she sat at the machine where i though Angela was. So when i ran out of money and went to Angela, she was there in here place. She did that several times.
Just about when we left, there he was. Alex da Kid, with a whole team, smiling at me. He then got in my line of sight as i was near Angela trying to convince her to leave. Then he walked in front of us as we were searching for a restroom before we left (the single ones in non-smoking areas where both closed, there was a security guy watching them).
Then i left. Last night i learned a very important lesson. With instant average fuel consumption display on, i realized that on rain, the consumption between 70 and 80 raises by almost 15%. So it's best to drive at up to 70 on rain. It must be the energy used you raise the cloud of water behind with your tires. On dry condition, with that car which has a drag coefficient of .31, there is no difference in consumption between 40 and 90.
But i didn't know that, i was getting under 32, so i pulled to the next rest area to check tire pressure. However, they were the other way around. 36-38 in front, 34-32 in rear at 35 F. I let them last time at 34 front, 32 rear at same temperature. Over inflation in rain condition (they were places with 32 degrees outside, so black ice could have developed) may lead to skidding so i put them back to where they were. I know tires can deflate by themselves, but how in the world can they inflate?
In the rest area, a huge engine idling, masking the hissing sound of me deflating a bit. Then i had a deja vu. I think i did that again last time when i came from there.
More stuff on the road. At the hill next to Mercedes dealership in Wilsonville a guy in an older car, maybe a square Volvo, with taillights dimmed by dirt slowed down going uphill and i saw it in the last moment and avoided it, etc..
Last night when we came back from Canyonville (200 miles south of Portland) at about 5 AM i heard a large dog walking upstairs. No car in the spot. Then i slept until 4 PM.
I've been reading stuff on the internet for the last hours. Now it's seven. At one time i heard knocking upstairs like hitting a nail in the wall.
Then i went to do some cooking in the kitchen and i started to feel the pain in the area with the vocal chords. Some coarsening on low register. I knew. There was a new hole behind the fridge.
(For the last few days i've been sleeping in the bedroom and after being gone for one more night i finally started to have the "diabetes thirst). But today after i got exposed to that dust the thirst sensation is gone. Because that dust contains dog feces bacteria, it will kill your appetite for water)
Pulled the fridge and found the holes, at the joint between cabinet and wall. Where i already put some foam (years ago) and a new line of silicon caulking (a week ago). Found two holes, one major, and covered it again with silicon.
All the time i've been thinking about what happened yesterday. People bullying me on the road (basically everybody, mostly driving very close behind me than passing on the right exactly when i was thinking to pull out of their way, blinding me with high beams on the mirror, other maneuvers). I looked at their faces several times before dark fell and i saw mostly Japanese guys. Even one with a dark American style goatee. Some whites putting a face show. I saw a guy looking at the sky as he wasn't driving. Perfect coordination between multiple vehicles making me thing they are guided by AI, some maybe self driving.
When we left Portland a traffic slowdown and we ended behind a yellow bus CT (i believe China Tour) while the traffic was slowdown from the other direction so they can take a look.
(I don't know what is happening, it did happen several time in the past, while writing here on fb at about this length of the post there is so much lag, it type three new words before one shows so i'm moving on the blog).
Several miles before Rice Hills exit a guy in a huge black Cadillac (i assume by the shape of the tail lights figuring two parenthesis or horns) came at 10 ft behind me blinding me with his high beams on the mirrors. Then he continued doing the same thing to others as i slowed down and remained behind the group.
About 2 miles before Rice Hills i was doing 80 in a 65 area (130 kmh, like everybody else) with low beam, no car in front of me for a quarter mile, an obelisk of hay (square bale) resting layed several feet on the left side of my lane. A reflex made me pull right as it showed in my low beam and if there was any delay in my maneuver i would have hit it. Several miles after i met with a on old small red pickup with a trailer with more of those bales with an yellow LPN starting with 53).
Finally made it to Canyonville. I pulled at the gas station. A show in there two. The next logic pump had a receipt left in it. 260 miles, 8.1 gallons, freeway only. (about a week ago i fixed a vacuum leak, a loose screw by the catch can). Going to Canyonville is going a bit uphill. When trying to leave, a Japanese woman blocked me and trying to stay here as long as i could to insinuate i was buying gas twice.
Nice decoration and sinister exhaust noises in the parking lot at 7 Feathers. At every intersection people bullying. There was lots of smoke in the parking lot.
I played mostly poker for several hours (learned the rules for Jacks and Better, it's the easiest). According to the card, i cycled about 500 dollars and spent only 50. At 50 cents a hand, that is about 1000 hands. I lost constantly, with only 2 or 3 high hands (four of a kind).
But the show in there. Whites only, country music on the speakers. Tall, no, giants, walking as they didn't see me (had to avoid getting in everybody's path). Moving fast, energetic, as they should being from the country side. At one time i thought i saw a woman who remembered me of Carrie Underwood. She looked upset, no, sad, than she sat at the machine where i though Angela was. So when i ran out of money and went to Angela, she was there in here place. She did that several times.
Just about when we left, there he was. Alex da Kid, with a whole team, smiling at me. He then got in my line of sight as i was near Angela trying to convince her to leave. Then he walked in front of us as we were searching for a restroom before we left (the single ones in non-smoking areas where both closed, there was a security guy watching them).
Then i left. Last night i learned a very important lesson. With instant average fuel consumption display on, i realized that on rain, the consumption between 70 and 80 raises by almost 15%. So it's best to drive at up to 70 on rain. It must be the energy used you raise the cloud of water behind with your tires. On dry condition, with that car which has a drag coefficient of .31, there is no difference in consumption between 40 and 90.
But i didn't know that, i was getting under 32, so i pulled to the next rest area to check tire pressure. However, they were the other way around. 36-38 in front, 34-32 in rear at 35 F. I let them last time at 34 front, 32 rear at same temperature. Over inflation in rain condition (they were places with 32 degrees outside, so black ice could have developed) may lead to skidding so i put them back to where they were. I know tires can deflate by themselves, but how in the world can they inflate?
In the rest area, a huge engine idling, masking the hissing sound of me deflating a bit. Then i had a deja vu. I think i did that again last time when i came from there.
More stuff on the road. At the hill next to Mercedes dealership in Wilsonville a guy in an older car, maybe a square Volvo, with taillights dimmed by dirt slowed down going uphill and i saw it in the last moment and avoided it, etc..
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
One Eyed Wanderer
Quite sexy. The woman on the right.
I have never known this expression, "One eyed wanderer", until i listened to Elton John's song. Can you feel the love. Today i started to reason. Isis is the goddess of love, sex and war. What interests me now is her son, Horus. There are Egyptian amulets and papyri that represent Wadjet in the form of the eye of Horus.
We all know the importance of Norse gods in our lives. After all, in English they gave us the names of some of the days of the week. Odin for Wednesday, Thor for Thursday, Freya for Friday. The others, Sunday (day of Sun), Monday (day of Moon), Saturday (from Saturn) i guess come from the Romans. In French the name for Friday is venerdi. Freya and Venere are both godesses of love. Venus is Romanized Isis (note here the Roman name Lucifer for the sometimes horny godess Isis, horned Vikings). Wednesday is mercredi, mercoledi in Italian, obviously from wandering Mercury, Thursday is jeudi or jovedi from Jupiter of course (also a thunderous god) and mardi, martedi is for Mars. Wondering where samedi came from, cause i know about sabbato).
What else do we got. Pyramids. There are pyramids in Sweden or so they say.
Thor with a long cap, goatee and an ank like instrument.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Klingon mythology, what else. Ancient Greeks had their mythology. Ancient Romans had their mythology, though derived from Greek one. There is Norse mythology and there is Christian mythology. But what is mythology? Collection of stories of a people, says Google. Klingon mythology is, however a collection of stories within a story, like a frame within a frame as someone recently said. Is it real? I don't know, to me Ancient Greeks are pretty similar to aliens cause i don't think i relate to them in any ways. Except for the story of Titans which might be related (as name only) to Teton Mountains Range in the US which are close to Yellowstone, or one of the biggest volcanoes in the world. It's not really much from there to thetans and another contemporary space type mythology that includes volcanoes. Scientology.
So what are Klingons? The name. Klingon could be o substitute for Clean gone, like Kenmore is for Can more. Or Kent Clark is for Can, klar. Should i say subliminal? Yes, if most people who read this never figured it out. Cause subliminal stands for everything meaningful that is beyond normal perception. In other words you see it, you hear it but not perceive it as such, though your vast subconscious does. Charactonyms (names of characters) are also chosen to express main features of characters. Are they subliminal? Yes, if most people who hear about can't figure it out by themselves. Stage names, chosen names in second life or avatar names, the same.
Because of much writing i started to think in lines like the ones i'm writing here. All day in the kitchen, at the car, cleaning, cooking and fixing kept repeating these lines in my mind. One brings another and they come nice and fast to me but too bad i can't record them and they fly away superseded by my real small problems i can't exist without. But i'm sure i will see lines in the news tomorrow that were part of my lines in my mind today. Distorted. That is if i can't write them all down today.
"You were thinking too fast, Gigi!"
Let me explain this first. In countries like Romania, Italy, Gigi is a male's name. No way a woman could have this name. It is familiar for George. In Italy for Luigi. In Britain, France and US is a woman's name though rare in real life.
This is what Dan Costan, with a big grin on his face, told me after he sent me to gas chamber.
Obviously, they didn't want to kill me but only my mind. I was a vegetable 10 years after and ten more struggling to figure who i am. For what purpose thinking too fast? Of course for the purpose of thought guessing.
So what it Sto-vo-kor? Did you figure it out yet? Let me write it differently. Stovo-kor. Rings a bell?
To me it's obvious it represents hearth. I can't imagine other heaven for people living in the far North, like Inuit, Eskimo, Ainu, Sámi. Don't really know their mythology. These extreme Nordics are mostly animists, with little conceptualization other than every object and phenomenon is in fact a spirit. Don't know if any of them has a (concept of) heaven, but if so it must be a place with a big hearth. Stove oh core!
Ok but what this has to do with everything and why is a subject strong enough to tempt me sacrifice my time and little comfort tonight to write a blog post.
Lately like anybody in serious trouble i'm struggling to learn again to trust my subconscious. (After i reprimanded it for years for thinking it got me in trouble). Or intuition, the same. One day my intuition came at me and told me. You know what? Klingons of the New Generation of course do look like samurai per cause of forehead and behavior (Romulans like Romans, Ferengi of course, Jews ha ha, with their own code what else?). Today my curiosity was also strong enough to send me do a search. And what did i find.
"Obviously for the Romulans we had Romans, and we've had different cultures modeled on those of ancient Earth, but I tried to think of what the Klingon society would be like. The Japanese came to mind, so basically that's what it was, with the Sacred Emperor, the Warlord and so on".
And it's not only that. Klingons have a code of honor like samurai do. All they do is fight. Even their heaven is a fiery place of combat. But what else did i find. "Sto'Vo'Kor [a spelling variant] is similar to Valhalla of Earth's Viking culture."
So now we go into a possible deeper connection. But that will follow tomorrow. But let me make first a note here about
Ok and since i left at Klingons, let me make another little note here. Work (a Freudian slip, wanted to write Worf of course) was raised by Russian adoptive parents who tried and succeeded to re-create unaltered an environment with his original culture just for the purpose of raising him properly (what would do a strong alien with two hearts and many of his bodily functions redundant for greater chance in survival in battle then fight heroically?). Ainu, the most far eastern Nordic people, are shared by both Russia and northern Japan.
I wouldn't have kept my promise but tried to sleep and couldn't. Must be the traditional Romanian garlic sauce i ate with fish tonight. Or the weird smoke from outside. Or the mold from walls and stove. Something on this line that sickened me slowly but surely for decades. I saw and episode of Babylon 5 in which a Vorlon projected and image of an angel in the mind of G'Kar who took psychedelic dust in order to become telepathic and scan the mind of ...Londo. And the poor narn took the bait thinking he was seeing God or something and spared the life of the two Centauri who conquered his world. But all these is another mythology, that of Babylon 5, the recurrent future return of the "oldest civilization on Earth". And here is the vision that came to mind. Sorry i could not find a better resolution.

However i found yesterday another picture that also corresponds to my vision and that has satisfactory resolution.

Sweden do not have Eskimo or Inuit like the two women above. They have Sami also known as Laplander. A brief search showed no connection to the 3 above other that being able to live in the harsh conditions of far North. Inuit and Eskimo of North America used to live in igloos.

While Sami of the Lapland of Northern Sweden, Norway and even Russia enjoyed a better climate.

Apparently could not find any connection let's say between Sami and the Inuit. Except for one of my experience. Sammamish City in the State of Washington. Still hypotethical cause there's only this linguistic argument to prove it. Found something else though:
"The designation Inuit (adopted by ethnologists at the Washington International Conference) groups together several Arctic populations spread between 56°N and 76°N, from eastern Siberia as far as the east coast of Greenland, a territory that totals 15 000 km of coastline. From the linguistic point of view, the Inuit are classified into two groups:..." Transcontinental.
Twin Peaks is a title everybody remembers but most (at the time me included) never realy understood the movie which is a collection of thoughts and images that somehow fits the American culture at that moment but also heavily loaded with hidden messages. Another modern mythical place though the falls in the film and all other locations are real and not far from Sammamish City.
Is the the background of regular Oregon Licence Plates inspired from the movie? Most likely though few people even Oregonians ever payed attention. Ins't that the definition of hidden message or subliminal? Are they suggesting two Sami tents?

But i never knew until right now that Twin Peaks is a real place in... Oregon, some 60 miles South East from Portland.

Where am i getting at? Not far from conclusion.
Living isolated in the long dark arctic winters. Possibly in a crammed and isolated igloo with your wife, kids, dogs, supplies, yeasts, mold and bacteria. Not seeing daylight for 6 months though arctic night is not that dark because the Sun is never far below under horizon. But still. One can only imagine the type of relations that develop. You hear every breath, you feel every smell. A number of survival skill should develop and that may include some sort of intuitive but deep psychology. First instinctive, then conceptualizing into spirits, a manipulation of the spirits can develop for surviving reasons. Thought guessing and to my guess, a form semi-conscious telepathy based on vibration communication, common between all vertebrates.
Why could all these might have conceptualized into a spirit world. Most likely, for mnemonic purposes.
Then a few days ago i read about co-marriage in the Inuit culture which actually prompted me to write this post. It's clearly a necessity. Because of extreme isolation, for lack of socialization, you have to do this from time to time for the reason of sanity. You cannot spend time with the same person, in the dark, so many months without going crazy and without any information/cultural exchange with anybody else. Also for reason of "diversifying" your immune system and gene pool. Other reasons that may be economic as they guess those who wrote about it.
Shamans get involved. It is said co-wives are chosen from another village. It is said that extraordinary, unknown to our Mediterranean dominant culture bonds can form between the 4 involved in such relationships. But side effects and discoveries may have occurred and that could had been turned into forms of magic practiced to this day. As successful as they are completely unknown to the rest of us.
In the end, in a way, i think it is not much different that most married people in our civilized world do occasionally though is (was) institutionalized and socially acceptable.
Could those magic practices have been further "rationalized" in modern times, included maybe in Shinto, Freemasonry, ninjutsu. Could they be at the root of person substitution, other occult practices we (don't realy) see today.
To this day nobody could answer me one question. Is that a swastika in the middle of the "flag of Portland"?
So what are Klingons? The name. Klingon could be o substitute for Clean gone, like Kenmore is for Can more. Or Kent Clark is for Can, klar. Should i say subliminal? Yes, if most people who read this never figured it out. Cause subliminal stands for everything meaningful that is beyond normal perception. In other words you see it, you hear it but not perceive it as such, though your vast subconscious does. Charactonyms (names of characters) are also chosen to express main features of characters. Are they subliminal? Yes, if most people who hear about can't figure it out by themselves. Stage names, chosen names in second life or avatar names, the same.
Because of much writing i started to think in lines like the ones i'm writing here. All day in the kitchen, at the car, cleaning, cooking and fixing kept repeating these lines in my mind. One brings another and they come nice and fast to me but too bad i can't record them and they fly away superseded by my real small problems i can't exist without. But i'm sure i will see lines in the news tomorrow that were part of my lines in my mind today. Distorted. That is if i can't write them all down today.
"You were thinking too fast, Gigi!"
Let me explain this first. In countries like Romania, Italy, Gigi is a male's name. No way a woman could have this name. It is familiar for George. In Italy for Luigi. In Britain, France and US is a woman's name though rare in real life.
This is what Dan Costan, with a big grin on his face, told me after he sent me to gas chamber.
Obviously, they didn't want to kill me but only my mind. I was a vegetable 10 years after and ten more struggling to figure who i am. For what purpose thinking too fast? Of course for the purpose of thought guessing.
So what it Sto-vo-kor? Did you figure it out yet? Let me write it differently. Stovo-kor. Rings a bell?
To me it's obvious it represents hearth. I can't imagine other heaven for people living in the far North, like Inuit, Eskimo, Ainu, Sámi. Don't really know their mythology. These extreme Nordics are mostly animists, with little conceptualization other than every object and phenomenon is in fact a spirit. Don't know if any of them has a (concept of) heaven, but if so it must be a place with a big hearth. Stove oh core!
Ok but what this has to do with everything and why is a subject strong enough to tempt me sacrifice my time and little comfort tonight to write a blog post.
Lately like anybody in serious trouble i'm struggling to learn again to trust my subconscious. (After i reprimanded it for years for thinking it got me in trouble). Or intuition, the same. One day my intuition came at me and told me. You know what? Klingons of the New Generation of course do look like samurai per cause of forehead and behavior (Romulans like Romans, Ferengi of course, Jews ha ha, with their own code what else?). Today my curiosity was also strong enough to send me do a search. And what did i find.
"Obviously for the Romulans we had Romans, and we've had different cultures modeled on those of ancient Earth, but I tried to think of what the Klingon society would be like. The Japanese came to mind, so basically that's what it was, with the Sacred Emperor, the Warlord and so on".
And it's not only that. Klingons have a code of honor like samurai do. All they do is fight. Even their heaven is a fiery place of combat. But what else did i find. "Sto'Vo'Kor [a spelling variant] is similar to Valhalla of Earth's Viking culture."
So now we go into a possible deeper connection. But that will follow tomorrow. But let me make first a note here about
Ok and since i left at Klingons, let me make another little note here. Work (a Freudian slip, wanted to write Worf of course) was raised by Russian adoptive parents who tried and succeeded to re-create unaltered an environment with his original culture just for the purpose of raising him properly (what would do a strong alien with two hearts and many of his bodily functions redundant for greater chance in survival in battle then fight heroically?). Ainu, the most far eastern Nordic people, are shared by both Russia and northern Japan.
I wouldn't have kept my promise but tried to sleep and couldn't. Must be the traditional Romanian garlic sauce i ate with fish tonight. Or the weird smoke from outside. Or the mold from walls and stove. Something on this line that sickened me slowly but surely for decades. I saw and episode of Babylon 5 in which a Vorlon projected and image of an angel in the mind of G'Kar who took psychedelic dust in order to become telepathic and scan the mind of ...Londo. And the poor narn took the bait thinking he was seeing God or something and spared the life of the two Centauri who conquered his world. But all these is another mythology, that of Babylon 5, the recurrent future return of the "oldest civilization on Earth". And here is the vision that came to mind. Sorry i could not find a better resolution.

However i found yesterday another picture that also corresponds to my vision and that has satisfactory resolution.

Sweden do not have Eskimo or Inuit like the two women above. They have Sami also known as Laplander. A brief search showed no connection to the 3 above other that being able to live in the harsh conditions of far North. Inuit and Eskimo of North America used to live in igloos.

While Sami of the Lapland of Northern Sweden, Norway and even Russia enjoyed a better climate.

Apparently could not find any connection let's say between Sami and the Inuit. Except for one of my experience. Sammamish City in the State of Washington. Still hypotethical cause there's only this linguistic argument to prove it. Found something else though:
"The designation Inuit (adopted by ethnologists at the Washington International Conference) groups together several Arctic populations spread between 56°N and 76°N, from eastern Siberia as far as the east coast of Greenland, a territory that totals 15 000 km of coastline. From the linguistic point of view, the Inuit are classified into two groups:..." Transcontinental.
Twin Peaks is a title everybody remembers but most (at the time me included) never realy understood the movie which is a collection of thoughts and images that somehow fits the American culture at that moment but also heavily loaded with hidden messages. Another modern mythical place though the falls in the film and all other locations are real and not far from Sammamish City.

Is the the background of regular Oregon Licence Plates inspired from the movie? Most likely though few people even Oregonians ever payed attention. Ins't that the definition of hidden message or subliminal? Are they suggesting two Sami tents?

But i never knew until right now that Twin Peaks is a real place in... Oregon, some 60 miles South East from Portland.

Where am i getting at? Not far from conclusion.
Living isolated in the long dark arctic winters. Possibly in a crammed and isolated igloo with your wife, kids, dogs, supplies, yeasts, mold and bacteria. Not seeing daylight for 6 months though arctic night is not that dark because the Sun is never far below under horizon. But still. One can only imagine the type of relations that develop. You hear every breath, you feel every smell. A number of survival skill should develop and that may include some sort of intuitive but deep psychology. First instinctive, then conceptualizing into spirits, a manipulation of the spirits can develop for surviving reasons. Thought guessing and to my guess, a form semi-conscious telepathy based on vibration communication, common between all vertebrates.
Why could all these might have conceptualized into a spirit world. Most likely, for mnemonic purposes.
Then a few days ago i read about co-marriage in the Inuit culture which actually prompted me to write this post. It's clearly a necessity. Because of extreme isolation, for lack of socialization, you have to do this from time to time for the reason of sanity. You cannot spend time with the same person, in the dark, so many months without going crazy and without any information/cultural exchange with anybody else. Also for reason of "diversifying" your immune system and gene pool. Other reasons that may be economic as they guess those who wrote about it.
Shamans get involved. It is said co-wives are chosen from another village. It is said that extraordinary, unknown to our Mediterranean dominant culture bonds can form between the 4 involved in such relationships. But side effects and discoveries may have occurred and that could had been turned into forms of magic practiced to this day. As successful as they are completely unknown to the rest of us.
In the end, in a way, i think it is not much different that most married people in our civilized world do occasionally though is (was) institutionalized and socially acceptable.
Could those magic practices have been further "rationalized" in modern times, included maybe in Shinto, Freemasonry, ninjutsu. Could they be at the root of person substitution, other occult practices we (don't realy) see today.
To this day nobody could answer me one question. Is that a swastika in the middle of the "flag of Portland"?

Monday, December 9, 2019
Ion Iliescu (1930) sau György Illés (1914 - 2006)?
Faimosul regizor maghiar György Illés în 89 ar fi avut nu 59 ci 75 de ani (faceți clic pe orice poză care urmează pentru rezoluție maximă, navigați cu roata mouse-ului).
România Liberă, 02.04.2018. Priviți mâna lui Iliescu (1930) de pe masă și veți vedea pete maro, comparați-o cu cea a lui Petre Roman (1946). Iliescu poartă ochelari de soare ca să nu i se vadă cearcănele maro de om bătrân vizibile în poza următoare.

Interviu cu o stafie? Există înregistrare video sau măcar audio?

O fotografie cu Iliescu publicată în Adevărul în 2010. Dar cine știe cât de veche este poza. Eu cred că Iliescu nu a mai apărut în public de vreo 20 de ani.

Există o asemănare fizică izbitoare între cei doi.

Iliescu și Illés în cele mai recente fotografii găsite de mine. Poza cu Iliescu pare făcută în Parlament, max 2008, iar în dreapta nu mult înainte de moartea regizorului, 2006. Illés ar fi avut astăzi 110 ani.
România Liberă, 02.04.2018. Priviți mâna lui Iliescu (1930) de pe masă și veți vedea pete maro, comparați-o cu cea a lui Petre Roman (1946). Iliescu poartă ochelari de soare ca să nu i se vadă cearcănele maro de om bătrân vizibile în poza următoare.

Interviu cu o stafie? Există înregistrare video sau măcar audio?

O fotografie cu Iliescu publicată în Adevărul în 2010. Dar cine știe cât de veche este poza. Eu cred că Iliescu nu a mai apărut în public de vreo 20 de ani.

Există o asemănare fizică izbitoare între cei doi.

Iliescu și Illés în cele mai recente fotografii găsite de mine. Poza cu Iliescu pare făcută în Parlament, max 2008, iar în dreapta nu mult înainte de moartea regizorului, 2006. Illés ar fi avut astăzi 110 ani.

Saturday, December 7, 2019
Recursul în casație
Temă pentru acasă de weekend de la Dragnea, un cadavru politic care iată reînvie pe scena cu mulți actori a politicii noastre.
Știu că nu suntem juriști dar am votat Constituția și trebuie s-o apărăm. Articol cu articol.
Am repetat de multe ori, DNA și DIICOT, pe lângă faptul că au fost create prin OUG ceea ce contravine articolului 115 alineatul (6) "Ordonanţele de urgenţă nu pot fi adoptate în domeniul legilor constituţionale, nu pot afecta regimul instituţiilor fundamentale ale statului", ele sunt niște aberații juridice totale, fiindcă instrumentează cazuri direct la ICCJ.
Și pentru că știm că sistemul juridic românesc a fost copiat după cel francez, ceea ce este foarte bine, mergem direct la sursă. (De ce mi se pare engleza mai clară decât franceza? Poate cuvintele sunt mai scurte, frazele mai scurte, gramatica mai lejeră (adjectivele nu se acordă). Ori poate frazele, cuvintele de împrumut, s-au erodat în era comunistă prin înglobarea lor în limba de lemn). Deci voi deschide pagina de Wikipedia în limba franceză a Curții de Casație.
"the supreme court of appeal". Nu știu, toate sunt bune la început când sunt create și vedem în istoria că în general rolul unei instituții la începutul creării ei se potrivește cu denumirea. Însă, după cum ar spune Iliescu, urmând prin meandrele concretului, aceste chestii în timp se ajustează, capătă noi sinergii. Etimologia cuvântului cassation provine de la casser, a sparge, deci a încheia o cauză, care pornește de jos, de la o curte oarecare și ajunge prin apeluri succesive, la curtea de casație.
Cu toate astea
"Le parquet général de la Cour de cassation se distingue des autres parquets en ce qu’il n’est pas hiérarchisé, ni en charge de l’action publique."
Mais seulement "« rend des avis dans l’intérêt de la loi et du bien commun. Il éclaire la cour sur la portée de la décision à intervenir ».
Deci. Au și ei parchet general pe lângă curtea de casație dar unul singur care nu instrumentează ci "avizează" în cazurile de revizuire (cassation) sau cum se știe în termeni juridici, apel. Revizuirea unui caz este complet diferită de judecare, unde se aduc martori și probe. La revizuire se umblă numai la hârtiile create în instanțele inferioare.
DNA și DIICOT însă au fost create după sistemul american. FBI, ATF, Homeland Security whatever însă acolo există un sistem de curți federale unde acestea își duc cazurile (cred, căci după ce am văzut la sediul FBI din Portland mă îndoiesc că o fac în mod real). DNA și DIICOT au și filiale județene însă ICCJ nu.
Faptul că o instituție, un parchet își pune numele de anti-corupție nu înseamnă că acea instituție va rezolva în mod sigur problema corupției ci poate fi o umbrelă politică pe un sistem juridic paralel care în mod paradoxal, scapă, deturnează, nu pedepsesc pe cei din marile cazuri de corupție. Problema corupției, mai recent, începe să dispară însă prin integrarea actorilor publici într-un sistem totalitar, corporatist unde nici măcar corupția obișnuită sau de casă nu își mai are rostul.
Știu că nu suntem juriști dar am votat Constituția și trebuie s-o apărăm. Articol cu articol.
Am repetat de multe ori, DNA și DIICOT, pe lângă faptul că au fost create prin OUG ceea ce contravine articolului 115 alineatul (6) "Ordonanţele de urgenţă nu pot fi adoptate în domeniul legilor constituţionale, nu pot afecta regimul instituţiilor fundamentale ale statului", ele sunt niște aberații juridice totale, fiindcă instrumentează cazuri direct la ICCJ.
Și pentru că știm că sistemul juridic românesc a fost copiat după cel francez, ceea ce este foarte bine, mergem direct la sursă. (De ce mi se pare engleza mai clară decât franceza? Poate cuvintele sunt mai scurte, frazele mai scurte, gramatica mai lejeră (adjectivele nu se acordă). Ori poate frazele, cuvintele de împrumut, s-au erodat în era comunistă prin înglobarea lor în limba de lemn). Deci voi deschide pagina de Wikipedia în limba franceză a Curții de Casație.
"the supreme court of appeal". Nu știu, toate sunt bune la început când sunt create și vedem în istoria că în general rolul unei instituții la începutul creării ei se potrivește cu denumirea. Însă, după cum ar spune Iliescu, urmând prin meandrele concretului, aceste chestii în timp se ajustează, capătă noi sinergii. Etimologia cuvântului cassation provine de la casser, a sparge, deci a încheia o cauză, care pornește de jos, de la o curte oarecare și ajunge prin apeluri succesive, la curtea de casație.
Cu toate astea
"Le parquet général de la Cour de cassation se distingue des autres parquets en ce qu’il n’est pas hiérarchisé, ni en charge de l’action publique."
Mais seulement "« rend des avis dans l’intérêt de la loi et du bien commun. Il éclaire la cour sur la portée de la décision à intervenir ».
Deci. Au și ei parchet general pe lângă curtea de casație dar unul singur care nu instrumentează ci "avizează" în cazurile de revizuire (cassation) sau cum se știe în termeni juridici, apel. Revizuirea unui caz este complet diferită de judecare, unde se aduc martori și probe. La revizuire se umblă numai la hârtiile create în instanțele inferioare.
DNA și DIICOT însă au fost create după sistemul american. FBI, ATF, Homeland Security whatever însă acolo există un sistem de curți federale unde acestea își duc cazurile (cred, căci după ce am văzut la sediul FBI din Portland mă îndoiesc că o fac în mod real). DNA și DIICOT au și filiale județene însă ICCJ nu.
Faptul că o instituție, un parchet își pune numele de anti-corupție nu înseamnă că acea instituție va rezolva în mod sigur problema corupției ci poate fi o umbrelă politică pe un sistem juridic paralel care în mod paradoxal, scapă, deturnează, nu pedepsesc pe cei din marile cazuri de corupție. Problema corupției, mai recent, începe să dispară însă prin integrarea actorilor publici într-un sistem totalitar, corporatist unde nici măcar corupția obișnuită sau de casă nu își mai are rostul.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019
90 de ani
De media. O scurtă întrebare lui google și răspunsul a venit, cam așa cum îl așteptam. 90 de ani, de la apariția radio-ului, 60 de ani de la apariția TV (și cam tot atâția de la inventarea computerelor, astăzi acestea fiind prezente în aproape orice device smart (ceasuri, telefoane, televizoare etc.).
how old is the media
About 10,080,000,000 results (0.75 seconds)
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These traditional media differ from the New Media of the Internet, which might be thought of as electronic because we access them from our computers. However, they are new in the sense that the old medium of radio broadcasting has been around for 90 years and television has been popular for 60 years.
M-au întristat foarte mult știrile despre analfabeții funcționali. Nu pot să cred. Ar trebui să văd video-uri cu elevii dintr-o clasă puși să citească și apoi să redea prin cuvintele lor ce au citit. Nu cred. Pur și simplu nu cred. Cred mai degrabă că e o nouă manevră, tot a celor ce au inventat media, pentru tâmpire recurentă. Adică. Vezi aceste cifre și devii demotivat spre a te autoperfecționa și în loc să te apropii de cei alfabeți, te apropii de cei analfabeți spunând "ce rost are dacă lumea e plină de tâmpiți care se descurcă". (Și mi-a venit aici prin asociere o altă chestie în minte. Firma care deține google se numește... Alphabet, iar cei doi fondatori au demisionat... ieri, în plin scandal cu analfabetismul denumit funcțional în România).
Mai e o posibilitate. Să nu fie o simplă problemă de citire. De fapt nimic nu e simplu la școală. Avem oră de limba română. Lecțiile sunt pe texte normal. Dar majoritatea acasă și pe stradă vorbesc o limbă diferită de cea standard din materialele didactice. Și asta voi încerca să explic mai jos căci se pare că am fost sabotați tocmai în acest aspect fiindcă eu cred că toți scriitorii români nu au fost români ci impostori iar textele sunt pline de capcane cognitive scrise într-o limbă pretențioasă de savanți împuțiți.
Mârlanii asiatici a căror logică scurtă, consecvențialistă sau pragmatică ar spune unii (Machiavelli) nu a reușit să cuprindă civilizația vestică (de fapt post romană) ci doar s-o imite, iar prin meticulozitatea și persistența lor au introdus până la urmă atâția viruși prin cultura pe care au controlat-o și o controlează încât generațiile noi sunt absolut fără direcție. Căci nu se poate găsi nici o direcție în literatura lor falsă. Câte probleme apoi în viață. Din cauza textelor virusate. Virus, de la vi-rus.
Un exemplu aici. Un vers din Scrisoarea a V-a de "Eminescu".
"Şi că sufletul ţi-l pierde fără de nici un folos?"
Singurul loc de care să-mi amintesc acum din istoria literaturii unde cineva și-a vândut sufletul cu vreun folos este în Faust de Goethe. Dar și acea piesă de teatru este virusată pentru că deși Faust a semnat un pact cu diavolul și și-a vândut sufletul în schimbul fericirii temporare pe pământ și a cauzat moartea Margaretei și a mamei sale, Faust ajunge totuși în rai.
O altă întrebare.
how many romanian users on fb
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There were 10 150 000 Facebook users in Romania in December 2018, which accounted for 52.3% of its entire population. The slight majority of them were women - 50.3%. People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (2 700 000).
Deci. Nu este posibil să ai un cont fb dacă ești analfabet funcțional. Cei mai mulți utilizatori fb sunt în grupul tinerilor. De fapt în răspuns era și un grafic pe vârste.

Mda, minunile sau minciunile media (Și aici îmi vine în minte iar chestia cu umblatul la limba română. Sunt prea multe cuvinte care par nelalocul lor sau inventate. Cel mai recent exemplu, paw din engleză, pa, cu clasicul fac, dar și scriu - screw. Cândva am avut o listă, dar nu am avut timp să mă ocup și de ea).
Sunt mai mulți utilizatori fb în grupul de vârste 18-25 (cca. 4 milioane, decât populație în grupul 15-24, cca 2 milioane). Bine, poate multe conturi sunt părăsite, deși nu știu dacă sunt numărate și acelea.

Întrebarea pe care am avut-o în minte la începutul acestei postări era însă. A ajutat media la dezvoltarea inteligenței celorlalți pe această planetă? Când spun celorlalți mă gândesc bineînțeles la restul lumii, nu la elita care a creat-o și care se pare că este localizată la un grup restrâns de populație în centrul Europei, adică Ungaria. Pentru mine nu mai este nici un dubiu că Ungaria este țara cea mai avansată din lume. Toți savanții care au inventat ceva important în secolul 20 vin din Ungaria.
Este foarte greu să vin cu cifre în această direcție. Am găsit pe o pagină 15 laureați Nobel de origine maghiară în SUA. Dar restul până la 100% sunt de fapt tot unguri cu identități americane.
Pur și simplu nu-și fac reclamă. Pentru că scopurile lor sunt altele.
Nici la ei acasă nu se arată. Deși au un nivel de trai și infrastructură satisfăcătoare, nu-și pot permite să se arate mult deasupra vecinilor, căci lumea s-ar prinde. Populația de rând trăiește oficial, doar puțin mai bine decât populația românească. Dar nimeni nu știe despre programele lor sociale, despre câți euro iau familiile pentru un copil. Și nu am auzit până acum de milioane de unguri plecați la muncă în străinătate.
This lucky family is going to get ten million Forints, or nearly 32,000 euros to make a third child, and as a reward unlocking their personal dream.
Compared to the Hungarian average income level of 800 euros per month this ‘baby bonus’ seems generous. But there is a catch. Only families planning to buy a new flat or to build a house qualify.
32 mii de euro pentru al treilea copil, cu condiția să demonstrezi intenția să-ți faci o casă.
Mai e aspectul pe care l-am abordat eu în urmă cu un an. Până acum am găsit peste 700 de politicieni și celebrități, inclusiv șefii de stat din cele mai importante țări europene, ca fiind de fapt "interpretați" sau "jucați" de actori sau chiar scriitori maghiari, inclusiv Einstein, Hitler, Stalin, etc..

Pentru ca asta să fie posibil, ei și-au selectat și pregătit un număr imens de actori și scriitori. Numărul de scriitori unguri născuți între 1739 și 1994 este de 1896 iar numărul de actori și actrițe este similar. Prin comparație, în România, o țară cu oficial dublul populației Ungariei numărul de actori și scriitori este cred de 10 ori mai mic. Dar și aceia, majoritatea. dacă nu toți, sunt tot de-ai lor, cu altă identitate. Inclusiv cel mai mare pot român, Eminescu.

Nu știu de unde să încep. Cu preistoria, istoria sau istoria recentă. Îmi vine în minte acum o întrebare pentru google. Cine a inventat televizorul. Căci radio-ul, știm. Deși în istorie este scris Marconi, a fost de fapt Tesla. Nicola Tesla, născut în Croația, fosta Iugoslavie, pe atunci Austro-Ungaria.
După cum spuneam, am construit în aproximativ un an o listă de peste 700 de nume și fețe. Am avut însă încercări și în anii precedenți. Mari probleme din cauza mediului unde locuiam și unde locuiesc, construit special și controlat de ei și aliații lor japonezi. Nu e ca și cum ai locui într-un centru de creație sau chiar locuință decentă cu liniște asigurată. Reparații nesfârșite, zgomote mai ales dimineața, locuință insalubră din design și cu multe defecte de execuție, vecini gălăgioși. Până recent căutam doar în listele de actori. Nu mi-am putut închipui că de fapt sunt și scriitori trimiși la produs în alte țări.
Bine mai e și ipoteza că i-au trimis să-i civilizeze pe ceilalți. Apostolat budist într-o lume ignorantă.
Dar cum poate fi civilizatoare știrea de ieri cu Melania Trump goală, "scăpată" tocmai de Casa Albă? Scandalul necontenit cu Trump și Rusia. Practic s-a construit un personaj negativ, Trump și i s-au inventat legături cu Rusia, obsesia lor de mult timp. În fiecare zi apare o știre nouă în legătură cu legăturile lui Trump cu Rusia. Mai recent, ultima strategie anti-Brexit include și un presupus amestec al rușilor în Brexit și referendum. Nici o dovadă în tot ceea ce spun ei, dar dacă aceste lucruri sunt repetate de decenii (înaintea lui Trump au fost alții, nu are rost să deschid acel capitol de istorie), Rusia, China fiind bau-baul cu care îi ține pe americani într-un fel de psihoză veșnică. Deci repet. Cum poate fi civilizatoare această propagandă care în cel mai bun caz îi ține în priză dar în cel mai rău, crează războaie, după cum am văzut.
Mai e o ipoteză. Prin originea lor asiatică, ungurii s-au simțit mai familiari față de japonezi și au deschis un număr de legături cu ei, iar în final s-au trezit controlați complet de aceștia.
Dar poate fi și invers. Ungurii, cu știința lor, cel mai probabil moștenită din antichitate sau poate găsită undeva ascunsă în Egipt, pe teritoriul Daciei sau în fosta Iugoslavie (civilizația Vinca) îi controlează pe toți dar îi folosesc pe japonezi din cauza meticulozității, eficienței și persistenței acestora.
Deci pomenindu-l pe Tesla, mi-am amintit că nu l-am verificat în lista de scriitori și poeți și iată ce am găsit.

A și o chestie. Din punct de vedere strict antropologic, din numărul imens de fețe pe care le-am văzut, eu cred că poporul ungar, maghiar whatever are în nucleu rămășițele civilizației Vinca, cu adausuri sumeriene (turce), maghiare (mercenarii magari din Nepal care apărau drumul mătăsii), cu adăugiri masive inclusiv din România (sau fosta Dacie) iar mai recent, în ultimele secole, Serbia, Germania, Rusia. (Din blogul meu de asemănări vedem un număr impresionant de personaje care vorbesc nativ românește).
Dar mult înainte de inventarea televizorului (încă nu știu cui i se atribuie, nu am căutat) un episod din istoria radio-ului. Cunoscut în istorie ca și primul caz de manipulare masivă prin media.
În seara zilei de 8 octombrie 1938, de Haloween, o stație de radio a difuzat un meci de fotbal (bineînțeles, prin comentator). Majoritatea americanilor care au ascultat acel meci a schimbat, după, canalul pe stația unde Orson Welles, " marele actor și viitor regizor" a difuzat o adaptare gen teatru radiofonic a romanului SF Războiul lumilor, de H.G.Wells. Avem aici și niște coincidențe de nume, iar Orson bineînțeles, amintește de Rusia. Adaptarea radio a ieșit din limitele cărții și a fost prezentată ca un șir de buletine de știri care păreau reale pentru cei care nu au auzit începutul, care într-adevăr a anunțat că urmează o piesă de teatru. A fost, spun unii, dezmint alții, o panică generală în SUA fiindcă majoritatea celor care ascultatu au crezut că într-adevăr au invadat marțienii. A doua zi marele actor și viitor regizor și-a cerut scuze, mai recent toată partea cu panica a fost dezmințită de unele publicații, eu am citit cu ani în urmă că au fost sute de sinucideri, accidente și alte urgii dar acele relatări au dispărut. Ceea ce putem să ne imaginăm este că mulți au fost traumatizați și că tot episodul a fost de fapt o pregătire psihologică pentru războiul ce avea să înceapă peste un an.

va urma
how old is the media
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These traditional media differ from the New Media of the Internet, which might be thought of as electronic because we access them from our computers. However, they are new in the sense that the old medium of radio broadcasting has been around for 90 years and television has been popular for 60 years.
M-au întristat foarte mult știrile despre analfabeții funcționali. Nu pot să cred. Ar trebui să văd video-uri cu elevii dintr-o clasă puși să citească și apoi să redea prin cuvintele lor ce au citit. Nu cred. Pur și simplu nu cred. Cred mai degrabă că e o nouă manevră, tot a celor ce au inventat media, pentru tâmpire recurentă. Adică. Vezi aceste cifre și devii demotivat spre a te autoperfecționa și în loc să te apropii de cei alfabeți, te apropii de cei analfabeți spunând "ce rost are dacă lumea e plină de tâmpiți care se descurcă". (Și mi-a venit aici prin asociere o altă chestie în minte. Firma care deține google se numește... Alphabet, iar cei doi fondatori au demisionat... ieri, în plin scandal cu analfabetismul denumit funcțional în România).
Mai e o posibilitate. Să nu fie o simplă problemă de citire. De fapt nimic nu e simplu la școală. Avem oră de limba română. Lecțiile sunt pe texte normal. Dar majoritatea acasă și pe stradă vorbesc o limbă diferită de cea standard din materialele didactice. Și asta voi încerca să explic mai jos căci se pare că am fost sabotați tocmai în acest aspect fiindcă eu cred că toți scriitorii români nu au fost români ci impostori iar textele sunt pline de capcane cognitive scrise într-o limbă pretențioasă de savanți împuțiți.
Mârlanii asiatici a căror logică scurtă, consecvențialistă sau pragmatică ar spune unii (Machiavelli) nu a reușit să cuprindă civilizația vestică (de fapt post romană) ci doar s-o imite, iar prin meticulozitatea și persistența lor au introdus până la urmă atâția viruși prin cultura pe care au controlat-o și o controlează încât generațiile noi sunt absolut fără direcție. Căci nu se poate găsi nici o direcție în literatura lor falsă. Câte probleme apoi în viață. Din cauza textelor virusate. Virus, de la vi-rus.
Un exemplu aici. Un vers din Scrisoarea a V-a de "Eminescu".
"Şi că sufletul ţi-l pierde fără de nici un folos?"
Singurul loc de care să-mi amintesc acum din istoria literaturii unde cineva și-a vândut sufletul cu vreun folos este în Faust de Goethe. Dar și acea piesă de teatru este virusată pentru că deși Faust a semnat un pact cu diavolul și și-a vândut sufletul în schimbul fericirii temporare pe pământ și a cauzat moartea Margaretei și a mamei sale, Faust ajunge totuși în rai.
O altă întrebare.
how many romanian users on fb
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There were 10 150 000 Facebook users in Romania in December 2018, which accounted for 52.3% of its entire population. The slight majority of them were women - 50.3%. People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (2 700 000).
Deci. Nu este posibil să ai un cont fb dacă ești analfabet funcțional. Cei mai mulți utilizatori fb sunt în grupul tinerilor. De fapt în răspuns era și un grafic pe vârste.

Mda, minunile sau minciunile media (Și aici îmi vine în minte iar chestia cu umblatul la limba română. Sunt prea multe cuvinte care par nelalocul lor sau inventate. Cel mai recent exemplu, paw din engleză, pa, cu clasicul fac, dar și scriu - screw. Cândva am avut o listă, dar nu am avut timp să mă ocup și de ea).
Sunt mai mulți utilizatori fb în grupul de vârste 18-25 (cca. 4 milioane, decât populație în grupul 15-24, cca 2 milioane). Bine, poate multe conturi sunt părăsite, deși nu știu dacă sunt numărate și acelea.

Întrebarea pe care am avut-o în minte la începutul acestei postări era însă. A ajutat media la dezvoltarea inteligenței celorlalți pe această planetă? Când spun celorlalți mă gândesc bineînțeles la restul lumii, nu la elita care a creat-o și care se pare că este localizată la un grup restrâns de populație în centrul Europei, adică Ungaria. Pentru mine nu mai este nici un dubiu că Ungaria este țara cea mai avansată din lume. Toți savanții care au inventat ceva important în secolul 20 vin din Ungaria.
Este foarte greu să vin cu cifre în această direcție. Am găsit pe o pagină 15 laureați Nobel de origine maghiară în SUA. Dar restul până la 100% sunt de fapt tot unguri cu identități americane.
Pur și simplu nu-și fac reclamă. Pentru că scopurile lor sunt altele.
Nici la ei acasă nu se arată. Deși au un nivel de trai și infrastructură satisfăcătoare, nu-și pot permite să se arate mult deasupra vecinilor, căci lumea s-ar prinde. Populația de rând trăiește oficial, doar puțin mai bine decât populația românească. Dar nimeni nu știe despre programele lor sociale, despre câți euro iau familiile pentru un copil. Și nu am auzit până acum de milioane de unguri plecați la muncă în străinătate.
This lucky family is going to get ten million Forints, or nearly 32,000 euros to make a third child, and as a reward unlocking their personal dream.
Compared to the Hungarian average income level of 800 euros per month this ‘baby bonus’ seems generous. But there is a catch. Only families planning to buy a new flat or to build a house qualify.
32 mii de euro pentru al treilea copil, cu condiția să demonstrezi intenția să-ți faci o casă.
Mai e aspectul pe care l-am abordat eu în urmă cu un an. Până acum am găsit peste 700 de politicieni și celebrități, inclusiv șefii de stat din cele mai importante țări europene, ca fiind de fapt "interpretați" sau "jucați" de actori sau chiar scriitori maghiari, inclusiv Einstein, Hitler, Stalin, etc..

Pentru ca asta să fie posibil, ei și-au selectat și pregătit un număr imens de actori și scriitori. Numărul de scriitori unguri născuți între 1739 și 1994 este de 1896 iar numărul de actori și actrițe este similar. Prin comparație, în România, o țară cu oficial dublul populației Ungariei numărul de actori și scriitori este cred de 10 ori mai mic. Dar și aceia, majoritatea. dacă nu toți, sunt tot de-ai lor, cu altă identitate. Inclusiv cel mai mare pot român, Eminescu.

Nu știu de unde să încep. Cu preistoria, istoria sau istoria recentă. Îmi vine în minte acum o întrebare pentru google. Cine a inventat televizorul. Căci radio-ul, știm. Deși în istorie este scris Marconi, a fost de fapt Tesla. Nicola Tesla, născut în Croația, fosta Iugoslavie, pe atunci Austro-Ungaria.
După cum spuneam, am construit în aproximativ un an o listă de peste 700 de nume și fețe. Am avut însă încercări și în anii precedenți. Mari probleme din cauza mediului unde locuiam și unde locuiesc, construit special și controlat de ei și aliații lor japonezi. Nu e ca și cum ai locui într-un centru de creație sau chiar locuință decentă cu liniște asigurată. Reparații nesfârșite, zgomote mai ales dimineața, locuință insalubră din design și cu multe defecte de execuție, vecini gălăgioși. Până recent căutam doar în listele de actori. Nu mi-am putut închipui că de fapt sunt și scriitori trimiși la produs în alte țări.
Bine mai e și ipoteza că i-au trimis să-i civilizeze pe ceilalți. Apostolat budist într-o lume ignorantă.
Dar cum poate fi civilizatoare știrea de ieri cu Melania Trump goală, "scăpată" tocmai de Casa Albă? Scandalul necontenit cu Trump și Rusia. Practic s-a construit un personaj negativ, Trump și i s-au inventat legături cu Rusia, obsesia lor de mult timp. În fiecare zi apare o știre nouă în legătură cu legăturile lui Trump cu Rusia. Mai recent, ultima strategie anti-Brexit include și un presupus amestec al rușilor în Brexit și referendum. Nici o dovadă în tot ceea ce spun ei, dar dacă aceste lucruri sunt repetate de decenii (înaintea lui Trump au fost alții, nu are rost să deschid acel capitol de istorie), Rusia, China fiind bau-baul cu care îi ține pe americani într-un fel de psihoză veșnică. Deci repet. Cum poate fi civilizatoare această propagandă care în cel mai bun caz îi ține în priză dar în cel mai rău, crează războaie, după cum am văzut.
Mai e o ipoteză. Prin originea lor asiatică, ungurii s-au simțit mai familiari față de japonezi și au deschis un număr de legături cu ei, iar în final s-au trezit controlați complet de aceștia.
Dar poate fi și invers. Ungurii, cu știința lor, cel mai probabil moștenită din antichitate sau poate găsită undeva ascunsă în Egipt, pe teritoriul Daciei sau în fosta Iugoslavie (civilizația Vinca) îi controlează pe toți dar îi folosesc pe japonezi din cauza meticulozității, eficienței și persistenței acestora.
Deci pomenindu-l pe Tesla, mi-am amintit că nu l-am verificat în lista de scriitori și poeți și iată ce am găsit.

A și o chestie. Din punct de vedere strict antropologic, din numărul imens de fețe pe care le-am văzut, eu cred că poporul ungar, maghiar whatever are în nucleu rămășițele civilizației Vinca, cu adausuri sumeriene (turce), maghiare (mercenarii magari din Nepal care apărau drumul mătăsii), cu adăugiri masive inclusiv din România (sau fosta Dacie) iar mai recent, în ultimele secole, Serbia, Germania, Rusia. (Din blogul meu de asemănări vedem un număr impresionant de personaje care vorbesc nativ românește).
Dar mult înainte de inventarea televizorului (încă nu știu cui i se atribuie, nu am căutat) un episod din istoria radio-ului. Cunoscut în istorie ca și primul caz de manipulare masivă prin media.
În seara zilei de 8 octombrie 1938, de Haloween, o stație de radio a difuzat un meci de fotbal (bineînțeles, prin comentator). Majoritatea americanilor care au ascultat acel meci a schimbat, după, canalul pe stația unde Orson Welles, " marele actor și viitor regizor" a difuzat o adaptare gen teatru radiofonic a romanului SF Războiul lumilor, de H.G.Wells. Avem aici și niște coincidențe de nume, iar Orson bineînțeles, amintește de Rusia. Adaptarea radio a ieșit din limitele cărții și a fost prezentată ca un șir de buletine de știri care păreau reale pentru cei care nu au auzit începutul, care într-adevăr a anunțat că urmează o piesă de teatru. A fost, spun unii, dezmint alții, o panică generală în SUA fiindcă majoritatea celor care ascultatu au crezut că într-adevăr au invadat marțienii. A doua zi marele actor și viitor regizor și-a cerut scuze, mai recent toată partea cu panica a fost dezmințită de unele publicații, eu am citit cu ani în urmă că au fost sute de sinucideri, accidente și alte urgii dar acele relatări au dispărut. Ceea ce putem să ne imaginăm este că mulți au fost traumatizați și că tot episodul a fost de fapt o pregătire psihologică pentru războiul ce avea să înceapă peste un an.

va urma
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Skeletons and the Rule of Law
Woke up this morning thinking. The world is a hierarchy of persons, not an abstract group of anonymous people people governed by laws.
Sometimes though the guys higher on the hierarchy use laws from their position to oppress others. In other words, they choose when and if to enforce laws.
Last night after 7 when driving towards Spirit Mountain, i used car's visor to obstruct view from the opposite lane. There are too many people, maybe 75% driving with modified headlights (low beams up to 5 times more intense than others) and/or "forgetting" to turn high beam off. So with that visor lowered and tilted on a side i don't see the other lane, no big deal. I see only the right lane with one eye only. Much better then being completely blinded or close eyes when those monsters come around. Some, when i flash them, turn on the high beam, "to show me that was the low beam" but there is not much difference. Then when they pass i move my head in a different position so i can see the whole road. However. When i was close to my destination (accidents happen mostly at the beginning and end of trips) in the last big curve towards left, when road narrows to one lane, when i could not see much ahead because of the visor, i had a feeling something was about to happen. So i moved my head to see further, despite the blinding lights from a long row of cars coming from the other way only to see a guy who choose to break from the raw, drive a bit on my lane towards us of course then take a left on a side road. I hit the brakes hard enough for Angela to jump move from her sit (with the belt on of course) to avoid a head on crash.
Sometimes though the guys higher on the hierarchy use laws from their position to oppress others. In other words, they choose when and if to enforce laws.
Last night after 7 when driving towards Spirit Mountain, i used car's visor to obstruct view from the opposite lane. There are too many people, maybe 75% driving with modified headlights (low beams up to 5 times more intense than others) and/or "forgetting" to turn high beam off. So with that visor lowered and tilted on a side i don't see the other lane, no big deal. I see only the right lane with one eye only. Much better then being completely blinded or close eyes when those monsters come around. Some, when i flash them, turn on the high beam, "to show me that was the low beam" but there is not much difference. Then when they pass i move my head in a different position so i can see the whole road. However. When i was close to my destination (accidents happen mostly at the beginning and end of trips) in the last big curve towards left, when road narrows to one lane, when i could not see much ahead because of the visor, i had a feeling something was about to happen. So i moved my head to see further, despite the blinding lights from a long row of cars coming from the other way only to see a guy who choose to break from the raw, drive a bit on my lane towards us of course then take a left on a side road. I hit the brakes hard enough for Angela to jump move from her sit (with the belt on of course) to avoid a head on crash.
At around 1:30 when we came back, after loosing another 200 bucks, or when i was about to get better and deflate (simply from extracting myself from the influence of many people performing a ritual) a State Patrol Car merged i think at Sheridan right behind us. Angela was driving cause i was sick when we left (about to faint). In the cabin we had an open bottle of Tequila from which we didn't drink for about 5-6 hours. I was too sick to put it in the trunk when we left and we were in a hurry.
How did i get sick. As i said, 2 days ago i washed again the fridge under and a white residue came in the blue basin i used to rinse my rag. Yesterday the fridge was smelling like a yeast. Just washed the pan again and there was still some white residue left on it. So i figure yesterday i got contaminated with that yeast and was full of gas. When i got at Spirit Mountain around 8 PM i saw a guy again bending to pick something from the floor and i think i saw a piece of his butt, but i'm not sure. He remained like that for half minute or so. Don't know exactly how it's done, i think they choose the moment somehow. Like when i was relaxing after the drive and thinking what do do next. Then i went and played poker at 50 cents a hand for a long time (the return is high, around 99% and if you play by the book you can play an hour with 20 bucks, that is if you don't win a big hand to fulfill the return and then you can play indefinitely). But that poker machine was under an AC vent and because of the cold outside, maybe to save money, the temperature was way under 70. A whole bunch of people started to pass by that machine, going wherever. Could that had contributed to me bloating to the point i could not breath and my heart did not have room to expand and fill with blood (the "make it stop" syndrome).
Many things happened in there. As we, i, were moving from one machine to another, there were people turning to watch the back of those who couldn't see us. Some people where just sitting on chairs, watching others' back. In places, people were coming from around a corner and squeezing between us and a whole bunch of people who couldn't see us when passing by. In other words, protecting each other's back. But everything seem harmonized, like the movement of those people was coordinated by AI, like on a giant chess table. At some point Angela was playing next to a... blind guy, with a white dog. Still trying to figure what a blind guy can do in a casino with slot machines. He was with someone though, maybe she was playing for him.
Finally when we left i saw a guy flashing a black T-shirt with two white skeletons on it. One of the skeleton grabbed and removed the spine of the other and was yelling: I got your back!
Angela does not have much experience anymore in driving at high speed (she drives for years only at work on known routes, she got better later though) and at night. So i set the cruise control for her at a bit under 55 and so we went. All she had to do was turning on and off the high beam, the only problem she was not used to. The two widely separated lights from that Police Dodge behind us (cops' cars are wider than most others, for stability). Waiting for Angela to make the slightest mistake (like maybe touching the lines or speeding).
At some point, like usually in the last few years, a guy came from the opposite direction with high beams on and didn't turn it off. But the cop didn't care, he was at constant speed behind us. At another moment, the cop fell behind, maybe a quart of a mile when Angela forgot (did it but very close) to turn her high beam on. Finally at McMinville where the variant starts or after following us 11 miles he went the other way and my (blood) pressure started to get again back to normal.
Beside thinking, i woke up this morning with a back pain and paralysis like feeling which started to go away after i washed again the pan of the fridge. I put an electric pad on the backrest of the chair, trying to reverse the cold i caught at my spine from that AC vent.
As i was finishing this, somebody started to walk upstairs, flush toilet, etc.. though there is no car in the spot at F6. Figure. I'm writing about skeletons. Double or nothing.
And yes, 32 is the number of vertebrae in our spine or teeth in our mouth.

How did i get sick. As i said, 2 days ago i washed again the fridge under and a white residue came in the blue basin i used to rinse my rag. Yesterday the fridge was smelling like a yeast. Just washed the pan again and there was still some white residue left on it. So i figure yesterday i got contaminated with that yeast and was full of gas. When i got at Spirit Mountain around 8 PM i saw a guy again bending to pick something from the floor and i think i saw a piece of his butt, but i'm not sure. He remained like that for half minute or so. Don't know exactly how it's done, i think they choose the moment somehow. Like when i was relaxing after the drive and thinking what do do next. Then i went and played poker at 50 cents a hand for a long time (the return is high, around 99% and if you play by the book you can play an hour with 20 bucks, that is if you don't win a big hand to fulfill the return and then you can play indefinitely). But that poker machine was under an AC vent and because of the cold outside, maybe to save money, the temperature was way under 70. A whole bunch of people started to pass by that machine, going wherever. Could that had contributed to me bloating to the point i could not breath and my heart did not have room to expand and fill with blood (the "make it stop" syndrome).
Many things happened in there. As we, i, were moving from one machine to another, there were people turning to watch the back of those who couldn't see us. Some people where just sitting on chairs, watching others' back. In places, people were coming from around a corner and squeezing between us and a whole bunch of people who couldn't see us when passing by. In other words, protecting each other's back. But everything seem harmonized, like the movement of those people was coordinated by AI, like on a giant chess table. At some point Angela was playing next to a... blind guy, with a white dog. Still trying to figure what a blind guy can do in a casino with slot machines. He was with someone though, maybe she was playing for him.
Finally when we left i saw a guy flashing a black T-shirt with two white skeletons on it. One of the skeleton grabbed and removed the spine of the other and was yelling: I got your back!
Angela does not have much experience anymore in driving at high speed (she drives for years only at work on known routes, she got better later though) and at night. So i set the cruise control for her at a bit under 55 and so we went. All she had to do was turning on and off the high beam, the only problem she was not used to. The two widely separated lights from that Police Dodge behind us (cops' cars are wider than most others, for stability). Waiting for Angela to make the slightest mistake (like maybe touching the lines or speeding).
At some point, like usually in the last few years, a guy came from the opposite direction with high beams on and didn't turn it off. But the cop didn't care, he was at constant speed behind us. At another moment, the cop fell behind, maybe a quart of a mile when Angela forgot (did it but very close) to turn her high beam on. Finally at McMinville where the variant starts or after following us 11 miles he went the other way and my (blood) pressure started to get again back to normal.
Beside thinking, i woke up this morning with a back pain and paralysis like feeling which started to go away after i washed again the pan of the fridge. I put an electric pad on the backrest of the chair, trying to reverse the cold i caught at my spine from that AC vent.
As i was finishing this, somebody started to walk upstairs, flush toilet, etc.. though there is no car in the spot at F6. Figure. I'm writing about skeletons. Double or nothing.
And yes, 32 is the number of vertebrae in our spine or teeth in our mouth.