They had many gods. The name of their oldest of the newer generation, Dumuzid or god of shepherds, bears a strange resemblance with the Romanian name for God, or Dumnezeu. Dumuzid was married to Inanna/Ishtar who became Isis in Egypt and Rome, goddess of love, sex, politics and war.
There is a list in Wikipedia. But that list is not complete. There are many other sources on the web with lists and family trees of gods in Mesopotamia.
Also could the word onanism from the Bible be symbolically derived from the name Inanna, the older (Sumerian) name of Ishtar (Akkadian). As we all know, the followers of Ishtar had to go once a year and have paid sex with one of the priestesses in temples or with any of the other women who had to the same.
"Herodotus, a Greek historian, wrote that every Babylonian woman had to attend the temple of Ishtar/Inanna and agree to sex with any male that asked her. Once she performed this ritual, the male visitor gave her money to donate to the temple. Scholars have called this sacred prostitution"
Yesterday i found out, from that list, that Yahweh was a guest god in Mesopotamia. Who returned to Israel (Samaria) with his people. And a representation of Him. Also yesterday i found a wonderful modern representation of the Goddess on a commemorative plaque for two Hungarian scientists who BTW are so many, as their actors.
I have always been intrigued as why in today's Hungarian the word for God is Isten (pronounced Ishten). One can here the pronunciation clicking the little speaker icon in Google Translate.
There are also dictionaries on the web showing many resemblances of modern Hungarian with Sumerian.

For comparison, the most known ancient representation of Inanna. The clay tablets were mass produced using negative cylinders, an early form of Playboy? Does she have in the left hand some sort of ankh, as those known in Egypt or maybe in Ancient Australia? It also reminds me of another naked goddess of sex and war that sits on a demon.

A picture of a Hungarian musician named Eszter Balint
And here is one of the genealogic trees of Mesopotamian gods.

But why was i interested in this list? Because i once had a glimpse into it and i thought i recognized unmodified modern very common Hungarian names in it.
Some of them are. (List to be completed).
Bela from Bel of Babylon, "Bel", meaning "lord", who was a syncretization of Marduk, Enlil, and the dying god Dumuzid [god of shepherds]. (Dumnezeu is the name for God in Romanian. Older than Bel?). Also Balint, Balasz.
Birtalan - Birtum, an obscure minor god, the husband of the goddess Nungal
Emesz - Emesh is a farmer deity in the Sumerian poem Enlil Chooses the Farmer-God
Eniko - Enki god of water, knowledge (gestú), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (nudimmud)
Eszter (a very common woman's name in Hungary) of course we have a few deities, like Ishtar etc..
Gergely said for Gregory but linguistically could come from... Gilgamesh?
Geszti - Geshtinanna is the ancient Sumerian goddess of agriculture, fertility, and dream interpretation
Also Geza, a very common name in Hungary reminds of the city of pyramids but this time in Egypt.
Gyula - Gula (God of healers, interestingly there is also a city in southern Hungary at the border with Romania, also many Hungarians of Romanian origin are named so).
Isten (pronounced Ishten, name for Christian God in Hungarian) - Ishtar.
Kiss (pronounced kish) - Kish was an ancient tell (hill city) of Sumer in Mesopotamia. Also, Kishar the female principle, mother of Anu (Earth Mother Goddess). (Yes, as in Anunnaki).
Kinga - Kingu, guardian of the table of destiny
Lakatos - Lahamu, first-born daughter of Tiamat. (Also goddess Lakshmi, consort of Vishnu in Hinduism, via Buddhist Magars)
Magyarország is the name of Hungary in their native language. Hursag means lord in Sumerian. I think the name is a synthesis with a name of a people from a later migration to Hungary @year 900, that of Magars from Nepal (mercenaries of the silk road).
Orsolya - Girsu.
Further reading.
Kiss (pronounced kish) - Kish was an ancient tell (hill city) of Sumer in Mesopotamia. Also, Kishar the female principle, mother of Anu (Earth Mother Goddess). (Yes, as in Anunnaki).
Kinga - Kingu, guardian of the table of destiny
Lakatos - Lahamu, first-born daughter of Tiamat. (Also goddess Lakshmi, consort of Vishnu in Hinduism, via Buddhist Magars)
Magyarország is the name of Hungary in their native language. Hursag means lord in Sumerian. I think the name is a synthesis with a name of a people from a later migration to Hungary @year 900, that of Magars from Nepal (mercenaries of the silk road).
Orsolya - Girsu.
Further reading.