On 10/18/18 i started a new blog. Because i knew i was onto something but my previous attempts were incomplete and some erroneous. Had no idea this was going to trigger a chain of events of whom i may remind a 20% market crash. For those who are not familiar with dimension of these things. Globalization has tied the markets in a lock so whenever market crashes in the US it crashes everywhere and the other way around. As per Wikipedia "In 2014 and 2015, global market capitalization was US$68 trillion and US$67 trillion, respectively" which means the losses where in the range of 10-15 trillion dollars in two months.
I think many were taken by surprise including myself. And then i realized what happens and started to follow the market because every time i was making a mistake then market was going back up. However some times it was going down on a mismatch because of an apparent resemblance that fooled me and then others. It was quite a ride. Until December 20.

In that day, smoke and dog poo was bothering me too much and went outside to look for dog poos. Back in the day they were abundant, like several piles a day. In that moment a guy dressed in a corporate black suite came and put a note on my door. It was one out of an unprecedented long string that continue to this day. I think the man was this guy. He had a goatee as far as i can remember but i know i was pretty high from the smoke surrounding the apartment.
That was unprecedented because they never asked before proof of renter's insurance except at lease time which was renewed in summer or about 6 months before.
December 20th was a Thursday and the first day before solstice. I believe date was chosen especially for that as auspicious on some traditions. Market went down really bad for one more day and than on 26 started to climb back up.
I believe it had something to do with me posting right after this episode about Bob Lumm my insurance agent whom i thought looked like Paul Allen (and Paul Allen died about a month earlier on October 15). But not sure yet. Or the fact that i posted online my proof of insurance.
I think it was around December first when Fifor showed the first time here upstairs. I wasn't paying attention to all details the way i do now. Moved some of the stuff then left.
But i think it was after when i wrote i heard chiseling noises in the laundry closet area. (Can't find the post and this is the reason i'm trying to put all together in here). I think they did something for the litter dust to move in the floor from where it could come down here though wire passages for the plugs in the closet when doing laundry and the big laundry machine moving (vibrating) the thin walls and floors and pumping dust in the wall downstairs and from their through the plugs, in here.
I know for sure he came back with a woman on Christmas night and started doing laundry upstairs. The woman could have been Chris Jacobson but they were others figuring the same character of whom one day i think i recognized Monica Macovei, a Romanian member of the UE Parliament.

Back then they were two pipes broken in the basement. And they did so until the day they left, i think at the beginning of May. After a one month break, the new guys moved and started the same thing.
One thing is sure. They do laundry many times when i go there to cook, next to my closet, so i inhale that dust. And i do so most working days because Angela asks me so when she comes from work. About half of the times i go there and cook they start. In the floor plan it is not shown the wall between kitchen and bathroom in all its thickness (wall has been dubled inside the bathroom which was made smaller so no one can fit in the tub, other reasons). Washer and drier tower (W/D) is on right, water heater on left with space in the middle. Door has about one inch gap all around. There is no window at the kitchen and no fence at the patio. Probably was the original floor plan because it's quite unique in the complex. Also very similar to the floor plan of the apartment in Lake Oswego which is rare as coincidence.

I said it many times before. Litter dust is unhealthy. Through some procedure they turn glass into micro-porous granules that absorb liquids many time their volume. However those granules break very easily and tiny glass particles some submicronic are released when the cat dogs walk or run around the apartment.
But it's not only the long term effect. Think of million of tiny glass particles pouring on you through the plugs in the closet next to kitchen when you cook for one hour. Depending on the amount, it can irritate you on skin, making you literally mad. Fool thermal nerve termination on your skin and lower your temperature and metabolism. Dust from lungs eliminates in the digestive tract and can cause all kinda problems, including allergies to glucose (biggest molecule absorb in human intestine). The combination can lead to spikes in blood sugar imitating diabetes. Dust in your stomach and duodenum can get in the bile duct because of bile reflux and irritate bile, pancreas, liver. Combined with noises when you eat it can make you literally sick. I had a bad gal bladder infection last week which subsided. I think the ninja designed and promoted this for modern humans. Weaponized glass.
Along with many other products designed to kill you slowly. Then the other side of story. Dogs, cats, can get sick and infected with parasites like protozoa that can affect you in many ways and if the she dog is in heat it can have an uncontrolled and unknown Viagra like effect.
But prior to December 2018. I had a huge problem with the water heater. Previous occupants has used the pan as a litter box. All the insulation of the heater was contaminated with animal waste. I wrote about the steps i've been taken many times. Most are gone with g+. Saved one post on a blog but the pictures are gone.
Mihai Fifor is quite a curios character. Had this post on my matching list, i had some doubts, removed it and reposted it later and the next day he retired his candidacy from Romanian presidency.
"with a degree in Romanian and English", he resigned from his position as Minister of Defense in January 2018 "to concentrate on party internal affairs and election-preparatory actions." he is currently
Don't know exactly how many MIG 21 where in Romania in 89, maybe up to 200. I can read now in Wikipedia 110 of those have been modernized in Israel between 93 and 2002. Today only 24 of those are operational. In 1990 Soviet Union basically gave away two squadrons (24) of MIG 29 (equivalent of F15) to Romania, but they were left unused, then scraped and rumors said they were sold as parts to Poland which used them, as Germany did with those inherited from former Eastern Germany until recently. Romania has a very capable maintenance factory in Bacău where i lived until i moved here, could have had easily maintained those, but it was a political decision no to used those (to show good faith to west, i guess was their motivation).
Though NATO member since 2004, Romania had big troubles renewing her aviation fleet. Finally they signed a contract with Portugal which sold to Romania 9 F16 basically scraped and modernized before being sent to Romania. I heard 5 more are on their way.
After US market stabilized, in March Fifor made an anouncement that Romania is going to buy 36 more F16s.
As a defence Minister, în July 2018 Fifor declared
On August 1st 2018 the old man upstairs quit going to work. He stayed home tormenting me continuously for the next month or so then he moved out. October was the month were they remodeled upstairs. It was so noisy, most of the time could not stay home during daytime.
On february 21st this year Fifor declared
"And another plan of 36 F-16 aircraft for which we've requested the US to tell us is there is the possibility to buy them form there. For now, we wait for a response, because one doesn't go and purchase a F-16 from one day to the next," Minister Fifor told a press conference organised at the National Defence Ministry (MApN) headquarters."
However, as the market stabilized, probably all promises went away. Did Fifor negotiated with the US purchasing of those planes for allowing them to stop me with any means possible?
More discussion in media in April about purchasing of F35.

Can't figure exactly when those guys left. I know for sure the new ones came on July 11. From this point of view fb is really bad (at searching posts from the past when you write so many).
But i remember one day i went upstairs to talk to the guys. They were making so much noise the day before they make me so sick i though i was going to die. It was like a 12 hours running marathon. They told me they are leaving in 12 weeks.
...will continue...