It is/was only in this area of the complex. Either they swept or there was more traffic and got turned into dust and washed away. Here is a picture of the gravel i took on 03/10/2021 at 04:39:10 PM, maybe one-two months after they put it in that snow day (after snow was mostly melted).
In the meantime, much of it has turned into rock dust, some went down the drain, some got blown by the lot blowers with the power didgeridoos on Wednesdays.
But it was what i saw yesterday what decided to go out and try to sweep it.
(Look at the dust coming out of that van). It was working nice with the dustpan only because it had a rubber tip. I went inside to search for a stick to attach to it and went back outside and it was broken. Typical ninja. Then i had to bend down even more to push the dust mixed with gravel. Sweeping and pushing, for one hour and a half. Though i had a mask, i assume i've been breathing a lot, because i saw dust in the headlights of the passing cars. But it didn't affect me as much as it did some invisible dust that came inside this morning.
First, Brian Asawa. The guy who from time to time shows next entrance. He has a car, a van (seen in the video above) and a rice business. He came at once not much after i started, opened the back doors of the van and the trunk of the car and started to move sacks of rice from car to van. I once saw him with the van going to the hospital. He probably supplies the hospital with rice? Had to stop because of the dust, he wouldn't leave.

Then i went inside and posted on fb. Then i went back and continued sweeping.
I was thinking to myself. God or nature made a very very big mistake when they created ninja.
A tall athletic Spanish guy came silently walking and didn't see him. Planes flying very low. Sirens at midnight when the streets are empty. Lots of air horns on the freeway.
But in the end. I was almost done, i made two last piles (out of about 10-15 in total) in front of the recycle bins, had about two more to sweep when they came. A couple, she, a very sexy bodied Latina, he, most likely Japanese and started so sort empty cans in the trunk of their car. I think it was light blue but don't know the brand. Then he came to throw something in the bins. This picture is from today showing the unfinished pile next to the bottle.

I was waiting like that for about 10 minutes between the garbage bin and recycle and and they wouldn't go. The bin was smelling, but like garbage, not like sulfur stuff in the air. Then he bent inside the car for about 5 minutes and came out with a baby which they took inside. Then they came back and i decided to pick those two piles no matter what and leave. Then she came and threw an empty 2 gallons bottle on a recycle bin that was full and the bottle fell on my last pile that i didn't sweep so well. In this picture in the midle is shown an amount of gravel that has settled in a lower area of the road. This is how it's all been on the whole 150 ft area that i swept.

Anyways, i couldn't finish.
Then i came back inside, took a shower and went to take pictures of the amount i threw in the bin. A tall Latino guy with a hat like a security guy speaking on the phone on the speaker phone like on a walkie talkie. Then i got mad and went and grabbed the car to see where he was going.
He went in a huge dark newer truck with LPN DEU with no marks and left. A gray german shepherd was following the truck. Then they stopped at the office trying to catch the dog. Apparently they lost the dog. Or simulating chasing me.
The amount of gravel i swept and threw in the garbage which i estimate to at least 150 pounds.
It was only today during daytime that the amount of gravel in the bin was obvious, but i'm really relutctant to go and take one more picture. This one's from last night. And BTW google messed up this blogger platform i'm just giving up on trying to fix the resolution on slideshow.