Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 19

6:20 PM Somebody please tell Napoleon Trump. It always takes two to tango.

It looks like Trump is shockingly reverting many decades of US policy in (Eastern) Europe. (But at home he can't do nothing because of judges who block his executive orders).

7:37 A venit la timp o "știre" despre Hikikomori de România.

8:50 Și unde crapă.

11:05 Am citit știrile și am terminat cartea și am avut parte de o revelație. Tot ce apare azi în știri pare scris de Nicolae Paul Mihail, într-o pauză de creație.

De fapt pregătisem o scurtă recenzie și așteptam un prilej să o aducă în față. Cartea ce a fost scrisă în 1972 are o bogăție de informații despre vest, dintr-un punct de vedere foarte avansat, totul, deși în mare parte exact, fiind prezentat la mișto știind că noi nu avem cum să verificăm, fără internet sau pe cine să întrebăm ("în vremurile bune de odinioară" (ultima frază din carte), la 14 ani).

Pe măsură ce mă apropiam de sfârșit am început să-mi amintesc chiar fraze întregi (am recitit cartea atunci de vreo zece ori fiindcă nu mă puteam opri din râs, deși nu înțelegeam chiar totul). Câte fraze și atitudini am copiat din carte, spunându-le la alții ca să impresionez? Culmea că nu eram singurul, i-am surprins și pe alții.

Nu știu alții cum sunt dar cartea asta m-a definit mai mult decât grădinița, școala generală, liceul și facultatea, toate luate la un loc. Bine omul (care a scris printre altele scenariul pentru Mărgelatu) a murit acum câțiva ani așa că nu mai avem cum să îl întrebăm de ce și cum.

Dar avem Academie pe bune, atâția profesioniști, o avem pe Ana Blandiana, Gabriel Liiceanu și Cărtărescu, nu iese nimeni să ne explice ce a fost cu cartea aia? Nu știu dacă eu cel de acum merită asta, dar eu cel de atunci, cu mult mai puține păcate care au fost mult amplificate datorită acelei cărți, da.

Nu-l putem întreba nici măcar pe Fănuș Neagu, care a scris și el una asemănătoare, în 1976.

Cel mai probabil omul a folosit un număr de cărți de aventuri scrise în engleză sau italiană sau mă rog ce mai știa el și a făcut o salată de sancrasas verde. Cu o notă fantastică la sfârșit, vindecările inițial puse pe seama drojdiei lui Papastratos (și multe alte referiri la efectele benefice ale alcoolului) care de fapt veneau de la potirul cu rol de clopot de la intrarea în cârciumă. ascuns în văzul tuturor, ca scrisoarea lui Poe.

Mare parte din prima parte cartea este un vârtej (ca o wigoomba, ceva ce spre deosebire de bighină iar nu am putut găsi in dicționarul niciunei limbi) foarte intricat, cu multe personaje, ala Shogun, și începeai să te simți transportat într-un film străin de gen, mai ales faza de la început cu moartea lui Leopold, supus austriac, traficant de diamante, pe numele lui adevărat Giuseppe Spaghetti ce deținea în plin comunism, o vilă pe litoral cu 2 servitori.

Ce încă nu puteai vedea pe atunci într-un film străin de gen era forfoteala gen 70s swingers.

Foarte târziu, la sfârșit, vine dezlegarea care le-a pus din nou în lumină favorabilă pe bucureștencele alea de institut, (în mintea mea toate, mai ales Țoancă mică, străluceau într-o lumina favorabilă încă de la început), deși cu una din ele nu se putea fiindcă a fost văzută pe fereastră cum a sărit din patul lui Raminagrobis, marele și genialul cunoscător al sufletului omenesc, și-a intrat sub el, ceva ce nu putea fi parte din misiunea dată de Inspector care și el s-a făcut de kk atunci când l-a arestat degeaba pe persoana I-a.

Johnson Nix aka Ionescu Nicolae aka Pepsi, născut într-o mașină de curse, studiat judo (și karate) în copilărie cu niște japonezi autentici, trapezist la circ, vorbind toate limbile mapamondului, omul șarpe care mergea cu pași elastici și nu dormea decât odată într-o săptămână, din ce îmi amintesc eu acum, având un Trabant cu motor Ford V8 de 5 litri care făcea 250 de kmh, ca Țiriac pe autostradă.

Care aduce cumva o explicație în mintea consumatorului de propagandă comunistă pentru cum a trecut cenzura, ceva ce nu ține dacă analizezi bine acum. Deci a fost o subversiune organizată, cu acceptul securității.

După cum au fost vizionările de video-uri pe vocea sexy-delicată a lu' Irina din 80s, unde lumea bună iar se cam amestecau între ei, vrăjiți de băutură și comediile sexy alb negru și grăuncioase care îți aprindeau imaginația fiindcă cu greu puteai să ghicești ceva ca un fund de muiere pe ecranul mic alb negru din capătul celălalt al sufrageriei comuniste plină de fum pe care așa de mult aș vrea s-o am din nou.

Nu știu, încă stau și mă gândesc dacă să ridic cartea pe contul meu de google drive și să pun un link ca să o poată citi oricine, o am de la Scribd cu un cont de încercare de 30 de zile, dar trebuie să pui un număr de card și să ai grijă să ștergi contul până se împlinesc acele zile.

Cred că ar merge un film după carte ceva cu Florin Piersic de atunci.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

February 18

6:20 There is a lot of confusion and contradictory information about the submerged city of Dwarka (Dvaraka as described in Mahabharata).

Official sources say 3500 years old, others, much older. All agree is a submerged state or mega city at a depth of around 120 ft next to modern day city of Dwarka and is about 8 km wide in one direction, built on a number of islands and was feeding from trade between Arabia and India and most agree it was the city of Krishna, as described in the mentioned epic poem.

In Mahabharata is said the city was submerged some 36 years after the death of Krishna as a last act of the war described in the poem.

We know from Europe's deadliest earthquake of the coast of Portugal in 1775 or the one in 2011 Japan what an earthquake can do and what can do not. It can level but not submerge a city. Also a tsunami comes and goes and does leave the city under water.

Some speculate aliens and/or advanced weapons or energy weapons were involved in the Mahabharata war. What kinda weapon could have caused this? Given the delay, could they have deviated a comet and brought it to Earth or blow parts of the ice caps causing the ocean levels to rise?

Many agree that if all these were true, we would have to completely re-write the history books. If we had the time.

2:00 PM Like lion in Zion.

Latino revivalism revenge. DOGE is not Musk but a federal agency as well and that was its purpose. She could have abolished it as well and then we all could all see the US President has the same less internal powers then a district judge. She also looks a bit like the woman with an "Russian accent" who gave me the insulin at Walmart today (i have requested a refill online yesterday).

Yeah, i know, DOGE is an overhead. You (Trump) create a department (with the name of a crypto or a dog, could have been simply DOE) to oversee all the others that are also under your command? (The same as Corpul de control al Guvernului in Romania).

What. Giving up playing victims while having defense for free? Defense for what cause they control the whole world including Kim and Putin.

In Japanese the term shinobi was used before ninja, it means the same thing. This is their first manual, written after 1600 (probably for recruitment purposes) when they took control of Japan. I am pretty positive they are followers of Shiva. The book is a skeleton with near zero strategic information in it. The real ninja knowledge is passed orally or through family scrolls.

3:20 I could swear when i first saw this news 2 hours ago i read the judge blocked DOGE, now it's the opposite?

Monday, February 17, 2025

February 17

12:05 PM How is that for yet another weird coincidence? BTW it was supposed to rain, but no, and they came with a tree grinding machine, in the area smoke was coming from yesterday making a terrible sound. I wanted to go for a walk anyways, haven't been in a very long time.

12:20 Never mind got an email from the office a few days ago saying they are going to work through the summer at the Las Casitas (used to be Stoneridge) park. They started today with cutting of the trees. Here's a view from my windows.

11:40 Over turned.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

February 16

1:17 Now i understand what the letter Z from Melania dress means... Could be an overturned N from Nicu NATO...

 2:17 It would have been a direct energy weapon...

1:20 Emanuel Macron

1:30 Ieri am mai găsit un tip (tot așa, poet, anarhist, născut în 57) care ar putea să fie Iohannis. Numai două poze există pe tot net-ul.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

February 15

1:22 AM Just saw on Netflix the beginning of a series called Ancient Apocalypse. The author, journalist Graham Hancock pushes a theory about a catastrophic event that happened approximately 12500 years ago that wiped an earlier civilization from the face of Earth which was accompanied by floods that submerged among others a number of cities around the world.

This theory coincides with legends present in most cultures of Earth, starting with the Hebrew Bible.

Here are some arguments in favor of this theory i bet the author himself forgot to mention (though i did not see all movies from the series).

The image represents a sphere with the total amount of water present on Earth including icecaps, compared to the diameter of Earth and Moon. One can see only a small fraction of that water is needed to raise the ocean levels by let's say 100 meters. Imagine a sphere with a volume of 2.5% of that seen near the Earth or Moon in the picture below.

So i believe it is perfectly possible that a comet of up to 50 km diameter made of mostly ice, or a group of icy comets, coming at a small speed relative to Earth or parallel with Earth would fall and melt, causing not so much impact damage but a generalized flood.

If that comet that was like any comet a loose collection of ice and some rocks broke in the atmosphere (not much gravity at the size of comets) or even before reaching the Earth by gravity gradients of Earth, Sun and Moon, those pieces would have melt and evaporated causing non stop rain for a weeks or months on the whole planet.

It could have been seen long time before it hit the Earth and pieces of it started to fall early causing incessant rain way before the main impact, prompting maybe some to build boats or move to higher ground?

Yes, the clouds would have covered the Earth for a long time and could have started a small ice age (a couple of millennia maybe) which may have brought what they call an evolutionary boatneck, with much inbreeding and shortening of the life span of many species including man.

In support of a non-violent impact are the standing structures present today dated before that hypothetical cataclysm both under and above today's water level.

I personally believe in the theory of cataclysmic flood 10000 years BC also because i have been told so some 50 years ago at a time there was no internet and no books available in Romania on the subject and because of what i have discovered recently about the real function of pyramids.

The city of Dwarka on the west coast of India, where Krishna (as known from Mahabharata) a was living is now at 36 m under see level and is believed is 9500 years old and was sunk as a result of a great flood.

Also in the beginning of the movie a very important information is mentioned, unrelated. Under every major pyramid, no matter where is located, there is a spring, or some water source, with the examples of Cholula, Gunung Padang and Giza.

After my discovery, i started to believe that pyramids all over the world are portals or wormhole generators, in the same way is presented in the movie Stargate Atlantis though with different technical details like not having dialing devices or rings, the portal being inside the pyramid and being opened by solar power only once daily for a minute or less in one "direction" or "destination" only.

The purpose for these portals is transportation of goods and/or persons to other solar systems. During that minute when the rays coming from diametral opposite sides of the Sun run parallel with the walls of the pyramid a wormhole opens in a room inside. That portal in that moment corresponds to another portal that is created at the other side of the wormhole.

Don't know yet if the wormhole is directed by means of the shafts existing inside the pyramid or it is only the synchronization that allows connection to the other end.

It could have been different (types or designs of) pyramids on Earth were connected to different places or solar systems serviced by different types of aliens.

But the idea that water besides gold could be the bulk of the transported goods came to me earlier today and was confirmed by what i saw in the movie about the existence of water sources underneath the pyramids.

So in a way the civilization present on Earth before the great flood was involved in this type of trade or supply, and by example the configuration of the three largest pyramids on Giza plateau indicate the direction or the other end of the wormhole. 

Don't know if it was intended or not, but the great flood mentioned in the Bible disrupted this type of trade.

It is possible that aliens from different competing races where present on Earth to man those devices built with Stone Age technology but much more advanced science because not much technology could be carried by their rather small ships.

After the flood, it was all destroyed and the civilization had to restart from zero or from what was preserved, as the author of the movie mentioned, but i believe the flood was our chance, otherwise the "civilization" would have remained at that level.

Pieces of that technology and science that were transmitted sometimes written (Bible), sometimes orally, started to become the source of inspiration for the current civilization that is truly native to Earth.

Then it came the Napoleonic conquest of the Egypt and first exploration of those pyramids, followed by a big jump in technology (first and second industrial revolution) and then the supposed 1953 crash of an alien ship in Nevada, where around it was built what today is now known as Area 51, where it is said an alien lived and helped the Earthers with reverse engineering whatever was in that ship, and that fed to this day the microchip industry and other advancements.

However, those who figured it out kept it for themselves, and intentionally directing official science thought in schools to dead ends or simply let it following its own parallel course.

But it could have been a trap we fell into. Nobody can deny the advantages of today's internet and less of space technology and satellites but it became apparent things got out of control when US started to delegate the exploitation of space and internet to private entities.

3:35 Câteva exemple din multele știri concepute doar pentru spălarea a ce postez eu.

Touching hyperboloids

  Tezaurul dacic furat, căutat cu detectoarele de metale de polițiștii olandezi. Motivul pentru care Olanda nu mai vrea să colaboreze cu România |

1:13 PM Before i forget. For those who wonder how a planet could be moved from one place of the galaxy to another, here's another clue from the MIB movie. "The galaxy is in Orion's belt". With multiple meanings. It could be the baddest aliens or the rulers of the galaxy reside there. It could be things can literally be shrunk at that scale and moved through a wormhole.

There was a whole galaxy inside that jewel at that cat's neck.
