Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 16

11:00 I just sat at the computer, was looking in disbelief at the face of an important Romanian judge, about to receive an important function, thinking it must by Japanese, but the picture is the worse resolution i ever seen on the internet.

4:21 I'm sure nobody understands what i will try to say. Every time i go outside randomly, nothing happens, for the first 5-10 minutes. But if there's something like Angela coming from work and me needing to do some "announced" small projects at the car, they start pouring. Last, as i went to the trunk (can't find a tool) a woman from the building D entrance came smiling with a baby. Earlier, there was another woman, starting a car, when i went at the trunk, earlier, the white van instead of going straight to entrance of complex, made a detour, passing again the car when i was around it etc. etc. etc.. While i was drilling a hole through the negative battery terminal (yes it came to that) a small jet passed above, etc..

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 15

5:48 Constant, același tip de răspuns. Au organizat acest eveniment, această știre, pentru a dubla pe postările mele recente care conțineau mai multe referințe la dharmachakra. Acel pachet a fost văzut doar de câțiva membri ai poliției din Londra

5:51 I have to tighten the battery negative connector every time me or Angela go for a trip. If i don't, the voltage will drop to battery voltage and will start to flickr  between battery voltage and alternator voltage (2 volts difference, 12.6, 14.6), giving false signals to many sensors and systems, putting out bad emissions, especially when the catalyst is cold. If i tighten that, the effect is not immediate. But today i will fix that forever when i'm gonna get the new electric screwdriver that i'm gonna use like a drilling machine to drill a hole through the lead connector and put a screw.

Yesterday when Angela came from work, the car was in the low voltage state, with fuel pump working with 2 volts less, not washing the valves, also not spraying uniformly. The night before was working fine. After 2 or 4 miles working like this (two trips to work) car was vibrating, making a noise, etc.. So this morning i woke up and tighten that one again thinking that at least one trip to work will be ok. However, they dispatched some guy from the opposite entrance (building D) who went right after Angela, in an older car, suggesting there are some sensors or people sniffing in the complex he was trying to confuse. Yesterday all day there was the biggest amount of smoke here ever. I was dizzy and groggy all day until i went to bed.

1:55/11:55 Își mai amintește cineva comedia aceea franceză cu un bandit care avea creierul atât de greu încât îi pica scăfârlia într-o parte când se stresa și trebuia s-o susțină?

Yes i had a few more drinks after avoiding a few more accidents waiting for me in the streets when i went to buy beer and wine. Kink FM was kind enough to play a song that i heard so many times before. Crhis Isaak always sounded so washed up to me until tonight, when for some reason, i was listening more carefully to the virtuosity of crying guitars and to the lyrics of course. Strumming away with his fingers the story of my life. No that there was a single chance for me to have a normal life.

Ok just remembered. Before that. A guitar classic like passage that reminded me of a Romanian band that was so away of its time, they dismembered for being disregarded by official DJs. I don't care if all of the above are Hungarian born from genetic material stolen during abductions from selected men and women in all countries, i want to forget for a while, i'm too old to assimilate all this information and reconsider all my life.

The map. Subliminally superseding what i posted yesterday. But why in the world the map of Ukraine looks so much like that of US? How much planning and how far back it goes?
11:05 The war. The fear. Rolling the rumors every day one day further. If there's gonna be (another) one, would be the first time in the last 1000 years that we will know in real time who's fault is and what was and the reason. The reason of course is, like the pandemic, to forget so they can accomplish their business undisturbed, to the end.

12:15/2:15 Numai ce am spus. Poluare cu simboluri, referitor la un poster (sau cum să-l numesc, împănat cu scârboșenii), și au venit ei cu ceva. Nu bate vântul? (sky won't snow and sun won't shine). Nu vă mirați. Există supercomputere care modelează vremea pe tot pământul, și destui fluturi la Tokio gata să bată din aripi, la nevoie. Never? Ever ever ever ever?

2:04 Sun must go on. Was i posting a clip from Le Cerveau, with a jealous, paranoid, psychopath brother?

Monday, February 14, 2022

February 14

Bineînțeles, în tot ghiveciul, mult circ, dharmachakra (roata lui Horia) și steaua cu 8 colțuri ori steaua lui Becali. Cândva, mult timp în urmă, am spus că poluarea cu simboluri e la fel de nașpa ca orice altă poluare sau mai rău.
3:00 If Ukraine enters NATO, there will be a few 10-20 million Russians in NATO, right?

Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 13

3:31 When i got back home about an hour ago i went and took some pictures and looked under the car. No oil leaks, however, there's plenty of dust mixed with oil on the back of the plastic engine shield that fell from the untigthen oil filter (as per Jiffy Lube). I believe it still flies and ends on the hot exhaust and stinks behind. I tried to clean it a bit but it's mission impossible, shield got ribs on the other side, unless if i remove the engine plastic shield and clean it. I'll try tomorrow.

Earlier. At Ilani Casino, i saw a number of celebrities of Japanese origin. Angela gave me 5 bucks with which i won 50 (all that i played) and then i almost sat on a chair next to Doja Cat. They got a self serve soda machine there, a pretty neat one with touch screen. However yesterday there was an attendant whom i think it was... I had to ask her... "Half sparkling water, half diet Pepsi, no ice..." Otherwise, then 10k capacity casino (an industrial hall full of slot machines) was full of fat, nervous ninja, acting Latinos or old Asians acting Asians.

Earlier. At Lucky Eagle, like at Ilani, we had no phone coverage. I just looked. Should have had. Right in the middle of the map where it says Chehalis. When we were about to live, they put a sign on the non-smokers restroom, so Angela had to go to the other. (I spent most of the time there trying to setup some sort of communication, which i succeeded, right before i left, with messenger over theri free wi-fi. However, it would work intermittently, as at Ilani).

I went to find her and passed through smoking area that was filled with all kinda smoke though, not only cigarette. Same in the parking lot. Or the heavy smoke inside was meant for us not to feel so much the one outside. In the car, our clothes were smelling heavily. At the traffic circle, we almost got hit by a truck with gigantic wheels speeding coming from left (previously unseen, coming out of nowhere). That would have insured not too much damage on his side (cold have left, like maybe in another hit and run). Later when i spoke about the smoke, at Seattle rock station would put the Clapton song, Cocaine. My mind started to clear only after i started to drive back home. Draw bridge was closed so i got to drive ten more miles, on 14 and 205.
Earlier. Had trouble with steering ever since i replaced shafts and struts (and before, because those were bad). To replace those, did not take apart or broken loose the big upper ball joint nut, only the three under. Actually tighten those a bit more. However, later i discovered they were loose. I tightened them to more than 50 lb ft several times (as required by specs). But especially yesterday. We went to the ATM near the US Bank branch in downtown Tualatin. On our way there i saw again the battery connector was intermittently loose (by the voltage at the lighter plug). I came back home and fixed that and had this idea and checked again the upper ball joint nuts. Right was loose again though i tightened it an hour before and only drove a couple of miles. When we left there were big wind on the hills on I5, until we passed Mt.Sylvania, literally pushing me off the lane, several times. But never had problems with both of them for the next 250 miles that i drove last night. I was commenting with Angela. As with the previous car, 10% worse mileage (by dashboard indicator) on the last portion of I5 before Oregon (more than 50 miles). Very rough road, with many bumps making the car jump all over and rough, noisy surface). It a big difference on 205 in Oregon when i finally realized there's nothing wrong anymore with the car.

12:30 Here today there's excessive dust, especially after i went outside to plug holes by stepping on those and they started several huge exhausts, shaking everything.

12:48 Last summer, a couple of weeks before the accident, i saw the owner of an old Ford truck with big wheels in the parking lot, symbolically buffing the brand plate of his Lord truck. While i was walking further, i saw this in the Meridian parking lot.

1:08 Just went outside to pick something at the car, the place is surrounded with heavy smoke, the same kind like yesterday in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle.
Went outside and tigthened the oil filter some more. Jan.31 after re-tightening
Smoke was gone but when i went to tighten the filter, i saw from under the car the legs of a tall guy, looking Japanese, posing Latin. Sorry to scare you, he said, with heavy Mexican accent. He didn't scare me but i raised kinda fast because he would have casually walked over my legs. 11:11. Got to re-tighten the battery connector at Chinook Winds, where Angela nearly made back her money she lost over the weekend. Managed to drive 20 miles south of Lincoln City on 101 along the Ocean and back. (Saw the stature of an angry whale, in Depoe Bay). Don't know why, as long as i leave that car out of my sight in a public place, things are happening to it.
When i left i saw in the alley a bottle of water mixed with hot sauce. I was complaining all day and yesterday of a burning sensation which i attributed to redwood dust. Just been and found it, flattened by cars. I was thinking. The wheel. And Angela made 100 bucks at "a wheel of fortune game", playing at 1 dollar.
On the road, was thinking. A number of years ago, maybe 8, i was speaking a lot with a couple of people from Romania. Don't want to go in all the details, but the guy who was from the northern part of Romania, near the border with Ukraine, was complaining to me that a lot of cars were passing next to the little village where his father lived. Since there are no big cities in the area, they were probably going in and out Ukraine. I don't really know how many Romanians have left Romania. All i see in the news are THEIR actors. Never real people. Oficial numbers are 5 millions or a quarter of the population. Today again all i saw on the road and in the casino are the same type of actors i always see. I once said, i don't know if i ever ever saw a real American. Or a real Romanian. I saw in the news plans to evacuate Kiev and stuff. But are they really any Ukrainian left in that country, or it's like Oregon, with hikikomori (ninja) for Hispanics and Hungarian actors for whites.

11:30 We hear every one and then that catholic Church are apologizing for this and that. But did they ever apologize for the people killed by this so called Crhistian Church using various methods, like breaking on the wheel, burning at the stake?

Friday, February 11, 2022

February 11

12:03 When talking about Nazca, people are usually talking about the lines (huge images drawn on Earth that can only be seen from a plane, those could be welcoming messages or praises made by scared locals towards those who were flying above them). Tonight i saw a bit of a documentary on Prime. Why flatten a mountaintop so precisely horizontally (minus the erosion, in thousands of years) if not for a runway? Isolated, thus protected from the primitive savages

2:27 Another quick step on the ladder of illusions. And you now what? It only took one google search. For the curious and the intrigued.

11:11 Climate change is real.

12:03/10:03 Trupe în Kursk. Kursk este la 100 km de granița cu Ucraina, însă nu înțeleg ce este în poză. În partea de sus pare că se mișcă un vehicul mic, de gen Jeep. În poza de la Rechitsa sunt 200 de camioane.

2:32 Today, i've been treated again with smoke. All mounds were popped up. Nauseated, got better after i walked half mile but still under influence. An airliner flying under 5000 ft, in the hospital area. Littly thin ladies of all sorts in the parking lots. Hospital security vehicle circling around, meeting with me many times. At the school on Borland, little children always outside, yelling like h... In the park, i was sitting on a bench and one little thin lady came and turned her back on me, watching the pond. I went and stood near the pond, like 30 ft away from her on the other side of the bush waiting for her to leave, and then she left and went behind the bench i was sitting earlier and turned again her back on me now watching the river. Two young women, one dressed all in black spandex, came from around the bush and a her dog started to bark at me real loud and the woman kept yelling: No, no, no! (at the dog).

Wind started to blow, the air quality index was 45 earlier, now is 15, but the apartment was still smoky inside.
11:46 I don't believe this is democracy on either side. These guys go and talk for hours and we can't know what they're talking.