Strategically. How come they were not invaded. In the beggining, if surrounded by desert, it was hard for troops of that day and age to get there. I mean you could but you would had have to bring more supplies in weight than troops, just to cross desert. And if you didin't conquer anything real fast you cannot even retread where you came from if you run out of water and supplies. I don't know, i'm just reasoning. Trying to figure the reason for stability need to build and advanced civilization.
Then as they grew they started using irrigation and increasing more the cultivated surface, also build their army and possibly using of accidentally discovered stone age high tech for defensing purposes and keeping in check their own people.
Abydos, place of Ra. Probably Abaddon from Bible. After hundreds or thousands of years of stability people start building. And thinking. Small at first, bigger and bigger. The pictures of those buildings. Stylish. Rational. Proportionate. Real architectural skills. Looking at the pictures on the walls. Breeding a different race maybe (Or of a different race than the people who usually inhabit that part of the Earth).
At the beginning probably driven by the need of shade and thermal comfort, they started to carve big stones and put them on top of others and make building with big walls. But then they must have noted weird psychological and physiological effects. The stones rubbing together due to expansion-contraction due to day/night temperature differences in desert would create infrasound, pretty much like a car's engine when it's cooling down but in the area of inaudible frequencies. Next to the stones they will start to feel weird and start to believe on Ra, the Sun god since this was happening only in the presence of the Sun. The humble expansion/contraction phenomenon, geometry and physics bring the weird things up. In time, the stones start eroding each other, and dust gathers in between until they get so straight the whole weight is distributed on the whole surface. Though the dust created might start to lubricate them and ease tension. (Could this be the cause that after a while they didn't work anymore thus the decline from the peak of their greatness, while people turning to a different god. Should have stick with small ones and build them more often?).
"During the day, the temperature rises to 40⁰C (104⁰F) across the face of the outer casing, then at night cools to 3⁰C (37⁰F) because of the lack of cover and exposure to the prevailing winds. This gives an average daily temperature fluctuation of 37⁰C (67⁰F).
Limestone has a coefficient of thermal expansion of 8×10–⁶, proportional to the change of temperature and to the original dimensions. Applying this yields (8×10–⁶) x (37⁰C) x (100m) = 30mm (1¼ inches) of movement per 100-meter (328-foot) run in all directions"
That is a few dozens of cm for the whole height of Great Pyramid.
But i think this author neglected something. The stones at surface will heat more that then air's temperature, because they catch directly IR from the Sun. Same at night, due to thermal emission with no reflection in the clouds they will loose heat and cool more than the air. Condensation may occur towards morning leading maybe to water flowing in between stones.
Could it be the first pyramids were built only for water catching purposes as this author thinks.
We know that in the beginning the Great Pyramid had a layer of mortar on top of the stones, possibly sealing the condensation water outside the structure. Now that it's gone, water will get in and together with the dust will lubricate the first layers of stone, making accumulation of tension impossible.
While the surfaces heat up, the middle will keep more constant in temperature. (In the middle the pyramid it's 68 degrees constantly throughout the year, that is if it's not being used and i think now it's pretty much done, having dust between stones, see explanations below) Only the first stones next to the surface will heat and cool considerably.
Also during day time the Sun's heat is unevenly distributed on all surfaces with one side heated more than others at any time. There must be a moment, by Sunset, when they all start contracting at about the same rhythm at surface after which will start loosing heat. (Hotel California).
At pyramid level, during daytime there will be more heat at the top. Simply because at bottom there is more room or volume for the heat to sink in. Also convection of the air heated at the surface.
Are pyramids nothing but primitive coolers for the rulers? Seems to me a more rational explanation than the current one, as being giant tombs. However. The 5 rows of beams of granite on top of King's chamber seem not to have any logical purpose, cause they don't hold nothing. If we hypothesise the pyramid was just a cool place for the pharaoh.
"with a typical difference of only 0.1 to 0.5 degrees Celsius between adjacent stones"
That is enough though to make stones move relative to each other especially close to surfaces of the most recently heated side to ease tension.
This will not happen let's say if you pave the side of a hill with several layers of stones of the same size and shape as those of the pyramids. It's the rigidity of the whole system that creates the tension created by the expanding/contracting stones at surface.
But the stones will move only if there's enough tension between them and then of course randomly, possibly triggering cascade effects, when after one stone moves, many will follow. Usually starting from top cause the stones on top are the most heated.
How about when releasing a block of granite down the gallery fitted or not with a reversed ladder, making the whole thing vibrate like described here.
The thermal tension accumulated between the stones one the side heated most recently would be released triggered by a shock wave, in a less than random fashion, always starting from top, getting amplified cause the number of stones involved is getting bigger and bigger (due to pyramidal shape of course), possibly creating some sound and very intense infra-sound.
And here's an explanation for the uneven beams not holding anything on top of King's chamber, they could be sort of a map, that through resonance, steer or direct the shock wave received from the granite block hitting the end of that gallery without the use of reverted ladder, depending on the position of the three granite blocks next to the chamber that would trigger on the heated side a sort of a zig-zagging domino like tension relieving tiny motions between blocks, maybe figuring the shape of a lighting bolt.
And now comes in mind the images seen depicting ^Meru in Indian cosmology.
In this one we can see each continent corresponding roughly to one side of the pyramid and the five rows of beams and also the clouds above which in this case could be only side effects but also part of the scenario because the infrasound would also protect it from intruders etc.. (If the pyramid would not be used for remote action it could still be used at the end of the day for immediate defense purposes).
Let's say they were attacked. The simply waited for all the attackers to get close enough and trigger the release of a granite block down the gallery using the reverted ladder which would trigger a cascading effect within the mound of blocks already pre-tensioned thermally. The intensity of the sound would probably incapacitate anybody on a radius of let's say... several miles or so.
Or could the infrasound be focused on more distant places. Yes, i think by phase-arraying two or three of these things...

What is phase arraying. I once played with desmos to show how it works. There are several emitters of the same frequency of sound (for ultrasound devices), EM waves (for radars) with possibility of changing electronically the phase simultaneously, creating a steerable beam. By having one more pyramid at side that would start the vibration through resonance in phase with the first one you could create a beam perpendicular on a line between the two pyramids.
Now imagine this. They'd have some guys on top watching the horizon for as much a human can see. Suddenly they spot something moving. A lost caravan. A military convoy. Directing towards the huge structure. Maybe they light a light, maybe not necessary. When close enough, they would release a granite block down the gallery using the bumpy ladder, triggering the cascading effect in the heated blocks at the surface while them all taking cover. Infrasound waves would knock them all down. When waking up, they would probably find themselves in a different social status that they were before. Exactly like in the Hotel California song which probably true meaning is this scenario.
Intense infrasound would create pressure waves that would condensate the humidity in the desert air if humidity/pressure conditions are right. Pretty much like it happens in some summer days above busy freeways.
Also. Back to phase array demonstration on desmos linked above. You can phase array with only two infrasound emitters, in our case the two great pyramids. The beam won't be so precise, maybe that's the reason for the third pyramid, i don't know. But look at this:
As shown in the drawing above the heading of the line between the two great ones is some 46.6 degrees. I used Google Earth and drew a line perpendicular on the line between the tips of the two big pyramids by adding 270 degrees, that is a perpendicular to the left or a line with a 316 degrees heading passing through the Great Pyramid, and it passes right through were the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria aka Pharos was, at about 100 miles distance.
And another scenario. An (un)wanted ship comes into the little harbor, attracted by the lighthouse. Maybe on storm time. They shoot the block of granite down the gallery and the second pyramid vibrates too in phase through resonance and both generate a directed infrasound beam, maybe reflected from stratosphere. Everybody on ship get sick or pass out. The official explanation would be the ship was lost during the storm, right? While everybody on board when they wake up again get to change their social status and the merchandise ends into the warehouses of the Pharaoh of whose name the name of the lighthouse was given - Pharos. Quite a good investment, considering the pyramids were most likely built with captured slaves. And most important. None of their troops will be endangered in the process.
Forget about the Ptolemaic Kingdom. That lighthouse was probably rebuild on top of an older one.
Also. If i would prolong that 216 degree line, i would get within 3 degrees of Rome, etc..
Here is the beginning of a separate research. If the weight of a stone rubbing other is pretty big, at surface, the first molecules in contact with each other on relative motion will heat up so much will vaporize and instantly condensate back, possibly to a plasma (sparks), with loss of entropy and possibly time distortion. (As hypothesized in here another scenario. An (un)wanted ship comes into the little harbor, attracted by the lighthouse. Maybe on storm time. They shoot the block of granite down the gallery and the second pyramid vibrates too in phase through resonance and both generate a directed infrasound beam, maybe reflected from stratosphere. Everybody on ship get sick or pass out. The official explanation would be the ship was lost during the storm, right? While everybody on board when they wake up again get to change their social status and the merchandise ends into the warehouses of the Pharaoh of whose name the name of the lighthouse was given - Pharos. Quite a good investment, considering the pyramids were most likely built with captured slaves. And most important. None of their troops will be endangered in the process.
Forget about the Ptolemaic Kingdom. That lighthouse was probably rebuild on top of an older one.
Also. If i would prolong that 216 degree line, i would get within 3 degrees of Rome, etc..
About flint. "Flint is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz,[1][2]categorized as a variety of chert. It occurs chiefly as nodules and masses in sedimentary rocks, such as chalks and limestones."
About triboluminescence. "Triboluminescence is an optical phenomenon in which light is generated through the breaking of chemical bonds in a material when it is pulled apart, ripped, scratched, crushed, or rubbed (see tribology). The phenomenon is not fully understood, but appears to be caused by the separation and reunification of electrical charges." (Separation//reunification of electrical charges occur during vaporization/condensation as well, see the below picture where water molecules in motion are shown as asymmetric dipolar charges tied to each other in a crystal like structure). (couldd be the explanation of stars on ceiling in some chambers of pyramids).
Could it be those zillion of successive sparks or plasma inside the filnt pieces of blocks of limestone, created by the mechanical shockwave of the descending domino like tiny motion but involving huge masses create in turn an ever amplified, from one stone to another, one layer to another gravity wave. Vaporization-condensation cycles and sparks within closed volumes may have some possible anti-entropic time reversing and gravitational effects.
Could this be modulated with entangled photons coming from the Northern Shaft and/or directed by a shock wave started by the sliding granite down the gallery and steered by re-emission by those irregular shape 80 tons each "relief beams" on top of King's chamber. A gravity wave injected in the ground at an angle of the side of the pyramid with horizontal and directed to a precise location on Earth, possibly triggering an earthquake if conditions there are present.
The Ank shown always in the hand of a ruller, could be simply a trigger ad the end of a rope.
Cobra, seen here as embeded part of a structure, expands the sides of its necks, suggesting expanding pyramid under sun's heat
Many types of structures all around world could also have these relative motion of stones put on top of each other, especially after sunny days. Parallel evolution, synchronism?
However. In my mind at least there is the possibility this thing was built to help create more stable living conditions on Earth. Daily triggering smaller earthquakes on different continents in order to ease tensions. Most likely the second pyramid and the phase arraying was the work of a different entity that was more after accumulating goods for themselves than helping populate Planet Earth. Or maybe just for sustaining a maintenance team.
Why would anybody want to populate Earth with billions of humans and eventually teach them to burn fossil fuel? Just to heat it up of course. So water would go into space and get onto different planets, of course, the outer ones, cause that's the direction solar wind blows to.
In any case, we at least have parallel intriguing and revealing social phenomena. Are these type of songs remnants or nostalgia from millennia ago, exponents of living Sun worshiping cults, simply coded SOS signals for the most aware within our world or societies, or maybe subliminal submitting mass messages. All of the above.
Question. Is this "Romanian" singer the same person as Cindy Lauper? (yes, she speaks Italian and maybe French so it actually wouldn't have been impossible to her). This song, called The Orange, also seem to be very inspired of a Sun worshiping cult.
What happens if you extract Debbie from Deborah?
Could one of the message of this song be people are sick of the official version of science were are taught in school. Sun dance or Sand dance? Also listen at 2:58.
Prophecising, warning or bragging. Whatever.