Showing posts with label earthquakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earthquakes. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

Tesla and Bosnian Pyramids.

Since, at least for myself, i have established in my mind that the rulers of Egypt were Northern Europeans (here is Thor with an Ank like artifact, Thor, Horus), i came back to the subject of relatively recently discovered Pyramids of Bosnia. First, we should note the proximity with the place of birth of Nikola Tesla, the greatest inventor of our known recent civilization which accelerated the use and production of electricity. There are other inventions of his including several about transmitting power and information wirelessly around those being lots of confusion and other inventions, some hidden. Some even claimed he discovered forms of free energy and geo-weapons.

Here are a couple of screenshots from free Google Earth. The first shows a birds-eye view of the one of the so called pyramids.
By looking at the today's geometry of the formation we may note it is possible than underneath the vegetation and soil we may distinguish the northern and eastern faces of a pyramid while the other two may have been eroded or even quarried. We can notice the cardinal directions' (north, east, south, and west) orientation similar to the pyramids of Giza of the two distinguishable sides or faces, that of east and north.

Within the second screenshot there is a measurement again done on Google Earth of the distance between the so called pyramids and the birthplace of today's civilization's game changer Nikola Tesla.

Before trying to hypothesize in directions never heard before even by the fiercest conspiracy theorists and starting to build speculations let's bring all the informations we can find of course on the web to satisfy the stipulation to the known reality regarding the subject.

At that time both Croatia and Hungary were in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Thus it makes sense Tesla studied in Austria and worked in Budapest.

"In 1875, Tesla enrolled at Austrian Polytechnic in Graz, Austria, on a Military Frontier scholarship."

"In 1881, Tesla moved to Budapest, Hungary, to work under Tivadar Puskás at a telegraph company, the Budapest Telephone Exchange." There he might have perfected the first known electronic amplifier.

Many of Tesla's inventions are based on the principle of resonance. Radio, which was first patented by Marconi (decades later the patent was reversed to Tesla) uses this principle. Two distant oscillating circuits, an emitter and a receiver can transmit wirelessly information carried by tiny amounts of energy from one to the other if they are at resonance or build with the exact same parameters. A modern transistor or IC (integrated circuit) radio, which was perfected starting with the 50s uses a series of transistor to amplify the very week signal of a coil resonating with the emitter so the signal can be heard in a small speaker or headphone.

Above is the simplest possible radio, something i played with when i was a kid at children's club, that can work without a battery that is it completely relies on the small amount of energy transmitted by the emitter in every direction (BTW, today's radio station power is in the tens of thousands of kW at the antenna). A coil and capacitor put in parallel (connected at both ends) with each other and in series (connected at each end) with the ground and antenna provides the entire circuit. The totally passive resonating circuit is called an LC oscillator, that is made of a coil wich delays the current of a voltage applied to exchanges periodically energy with the capacitor, which anticipates the current applied to it. But for that periodic exchange or energy to happen it needs some energy from a source of power and that is radiant EM energy received by the antenna. A diode extracts the useful information which is modulated on top of the oscillating EM wave at the emitter. The variable electric field emitted by the huge FM and AM antennas on top of hills can do it. But the circuit would work or receive signal that or tiny amounts of power only at resonance, that is when its own oscillating frequency coincides with the frequency of the emitter and that can be done by tuning it either by adding or removing windings to the coil at time of building making it a fixed frequency tuned oscillator or by the use of a tuning variable capacitor instead of the fixed one in the schematics above which allows us to catch multiple stations each of a different frequency. It is more complicated than i can explain here, there are lots of sites who do just that but the point is it will draw energy from a distant emitter when tuned at the same frequency, energy that is modulated with a signal that carries useful information.

Above is a working real life batteryless AM radio build exactly by the schematics shown above, with 4 electronic components, all passive and without any amplifier. Energy received by the antenna in the resonating circuit directly from the huge power emitters is enough to power a small headphone.

Only low levels of power can be transmitted wirelessly by radio stations. Here is an experiment done by an MIT team of students and teachers that actually duplicate some of Tesla's experiments since about a century before transmitting relatively high power levels enough to power a bulb. In the same fashion Tesla did a hundred or so years ago. These guys actually stand between the emitting and receiving coils which demonstrates even better what i'm talking about: The power is transmitted only between the two coils that resonate with each other.

What this has to do with the possible link between Tesla and Bosnian Pyramids?

Still have to bring in some more information for the purpose of this post before drawing any conclusion.

Bellow there is is an animation of an oscillating spring. If put in vacuum it could move forever if it wasn't for the intra-crystalline friction (between tiny grains or crystal of the metal). (I believe a single crystal pure quarts oscillating only mechanically in vacuum can oscillate forever, but never thought of this until now; let's put it aside for another time).

Like in any analogy, we are tempted to ask selves. Could this mechanical oscillator exchange energy with another one through the same resonance phenomenon used for transmitting electric wireless energy?

The answer is it could and it happens all the time. Tough as suggested in the animation the spring on top is linked to a stand of infinite mass and infinite rigidity that does not oscillate and does not steal any energy from the spring, that is not possible in reality. In reality the spring can be attached only to a stand which in itself has its own finite mass, elasticity and it contributes to the slowing down and ultimately stopping of the oscillation. But also to transmitting the oscillation at a distance.

What will happen though if we put another spring attached to the same stand? After a while the other spring will start to oscillate a little, depending on the size and stability of the stand, on a frequency that is a combination of its own and of the initial one. Or its own modulated with the one of the other one. As it draws more more energy through the stand from the first one it will start to oscillate more while the first start to slow down. In the end the energy will equalize in both until there is no energy to transmit from one to another, before they will stop altogether due to again internal friction and friction with the air if not in vacuum.

The closest example i can find on the web about transmitting energy between two oscillating springs at resonance

Now let's imagine a multitude of springs, not hanging but standing on a mat (of springs as well) with the weights on top and among them only two of the same parameters or own oscillating frequency.

Only the two with the same oscillating frequency will exchange energy in a similar fashion with the experiment in the video above.

Now for the conclusion all we have to do is replace again in our mind the mat with the surface of the Earth and the springs with mountains also made of rocks both the ground and the mountain being elastic and having weight with each mountain having its own oscillating frequency.

What happens with other mountains if through some means we can actually make a mountain jump up and down (of course, having only tiny but perceivable non-zero oscillations).

If there is within a relative let's say a few hundred km a mountain with the same parameters, the two will exchange oscillations.

But what happens if one of the mountains is actually a pyramid that has tunnels inside were some (people) can release balls, of different sizes and having slight eccentricity or even round balls in tunnels that have bumps? The energy of the ball that results from its height after being raised through some means or even manufactured on top of the pyramid will gradually transfer to the pyramid making it oscillate. All mountains within a certain radius having that particular frequency will start oscillate. (Misterious round spheres made of stone can be found all over the world)

It is very unlikely in real geography there will be in the distance in any direction two mountains of the same oscillating frequency. If well chosen, the ball and/or the tunnel, only one will oscillate.

That in itself will be nothing because the ball could not possibly have enough energy to create a distant earthquake, though maybe a tiny, though non-zero one. But if the distant targeted mountain sits on a seismic area which has built some energy since the last earthquake and the moment is chosen on a certain alignment Earth-Sun-Moon which can ad or maximize that energy what will happen?

There are both tunnels and balls found inside and nearby the Bosnian pyramids.

One more thing. The Bosnian pyramids are located within a few miles from Sarajevo, the place where WWI, of which end we just celebrated on 11/11, started in 1914.
and here is a picture with an alley with garages at Rolling Hills apartments. If you drive  up the alley too close from garages, you will oscillate a bit inside the car.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Machu Picchu Mysteries

Today i took a look into the historical, geographical and geological phenomenon known to us as Machu Picchu in Peru. Below is a 3D picture of the place from Google Earth. It is on a saddle like formation in the middle of a circular valley of the river... Urubamba surrounded by higher mountains, not far from Cusco or Cuzco, capital of the ancient Inka Empire that collapsed shortly before or @ the arrival of conquistadors from Spain, sometime around 1500.
From the first sight one could start thinking it is some sort of retreat or place of retirement for rulers in case or after a war and siege or occupation of the capital. In the video linked below there are also shown terraces that might be use for gardening that could provide some limited supplies for a number of people. Besides dwellings and terraces there are a few structures suggesting the place being strengthen for siege.

However there is something particular that distinguishes the site from the surrounding mountains. Northwestern side is so steep it is or could have been barren from vegetation for a height that exceeds many times the ideal height for defense purposes.

At present are two ways of access; one of them is an exhausting hiking trail and the other a recent road for modern vehicles.

Provided enemy troops in ancient times could get close enough to start climbing they would be exhausted at the end of the trail and easy to overcome by a much less numerous force. But what good would do in an invasion to conquer a place populated by 1000 people in the top of a mountain that cannot possibly do much to reverse the occupying of the nearby capital.

So that must have not been the purpose of the place.

From the beginning i've been lucky enough to find this video where it is shown a very interesting geological particularity. The area looking like a geological saddle where the ancient city is located is isolated geologically and mechanically from the rest of that structure by two... faults, and the appearance of it suggest a homogenous, solid, contiguous structure in the shape of a human front tooth that is capable of moving or oscillating separately from the surrounding mountains.

For some reason, ancients always left behind clues about their doings though not so obvious for the tired occasional hikers or even conventionally thinking guides or even geologists.

There is in the middle of the so called Temple of Condor, in the middle of the city within a closed place used officially to sacrifice lamas, and that would have been normal during any celebration or party, a stone structure also resembling a human front tooth.

What could all these mean. This area or section in the shape of a tooth in the geological saddle like structure, barren at one side is susceptible to being heated by the Sun in sunny afternoons (i hope again i'm not mistaken and is facing west). This most likely had been the cause for the geological fractures shown in the video, and also diurnal or Sun heat induced instability. If they could figure, by chance, that if somebody throwing a rock down inside a cave a the end of such a day could trigger a local earthquake, they could start and scary people in the valleys and blackmail them, triggering a sort of social avalanche surrounding and fed by fascination that could stay at the origin of building or exploiting an empire.

Don't know how deep this cave or tunnel in the picture linked below is, could it be deep enough to throw a stone ball through it? By choosing the shape, maybe of an egg and size of the rock could they possibly chose the frequency of vibration and seismic area where they would want to trigger one.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Khufu, nu Cheops

Din momentul am văzut fotografii cu această statuie, am fost intrigat de aparența de asiatic a faraonului Khufu, cel căruia i se atribuie prima piramidă care este cunoscută nouă și ca piramidă a lui Cheops care este de fapt numele dat de greci lui Khufu.

De asemenea și unii din olmecii care au construit piramidele din America de Sud par asiatici sau poate din insulele din Pacificul de Vest.

Am dat însă și o căutare greșită pe numele Kufu și google mi-a returnat normal ceva de genul Kung Fu. Deci și numele pare.

Numele complet al lui Khufu era de fapt

Khnum Khufu ("protected by Khnum").

Deci Khufu înseamnă de fapt protected. Kung Fu poate fi interpretat ca și o artă marțială folosită în primul rând pentru protecție. Undeva am văzut pe o tăbliță egipteană doi care păreau că se antrenau sau luptau conform cu ce știm noi că e stilul artelor marțiale orientale. Nu o mai găsesc însă am găsit azi altceva. (Mi se pare normal ca pe atunci să fi luptat așa pentru că oricum oasele sunt mult mai tari decât bețele, iar altceva nu aveau).

Ok dar în această idee ce ar putea să însemne Khnum. Înapoi tot la google și tot ce mi-a dat mai apropiat a fost nunchaku. Dar îmi veni în ajutor flashback-ul. Am văzut pe roțile alea de la păcănele la jocul Cleopatra și la Comoara Faraonului și altele la cazino niște simboluri ciudate și nu am știut niciodată ce sunt. Astăzi însă am aflat. Se numesc flail și sunt niște unelte agricole care pot fi folosite și ca arme (mai ales în epoca de piatră și... lemn). Au fost folosite în diferite țări printre care și... Marea Britanie!

Iată aici o imagine cu un flail (îmblăciu, după, un substantiv românesc ce pare a avea legătură lingvistică cu verbul umbla) după cum se găsește în Wikipedia. Îmblăciul se folosea pentru a scutura grâul prin batere.
Știm însă din istorie că multe din uneltele agricole au fost folosite și ca arme. Îmblăciul probabil a fost scurtat pentru a putea fi ascuns sub haine și în Japonia a devenit nunchacku. Una din formele de scriere, pronunție și trancsriere la ei este num-chaku.

Numele egiptean pentru flail (îmblaciu) este nekhakha

Kha-khau în egipteana veche îneamnă appearing like. Khnum este numele undei deități timpurii în cultura egipteană, protectorul lui Khufu, care are un cap de taur cu două coarne unul în prelungirea altuia. Khnum kha kha poate însemna appearing like Knhum, darcă ne gândim la un nunchaku extins. Poate nekhakha este un cuvânt mai nou în egipteană și a evoluat din Knum kha-khau, care a dat nun sau numchaku în japoneză. Nu pot să nu remarc asemănarea fonetică și de înțeles dintre kha și adverbul românesc ca.

Am mai petrecut încă o oră sau mai multe pentru a căuta mai multe argumente pentru a demonstra că faraonul Khufu era de fapt asiatic și am dat peste o nouă posibilă teorie. O legătură puternică încre civilizația antică egipteană și cea chineză, în afară de numele și înfățișarea acestui faraon care a construit cea mai mare piramidă în Egipt.

Următorul argument pe această linie este de că Egiptenii antici au consumat orez. Este posibil ca revărsările regulate ale Nilului dar și irigațiile să fi furnizat un mediu bun pentru creșterea orezului, mai ales în apropiere de albie. (Pe alte site-uri am găsit că egiptenii foloseau grâul mai mult pentru... bere). De asemenea ciocul acestui egiptean l-am văzut la mulți chinezi în filmele mai vechi.

Deci până la urmă am dat direct o căutare pentru această legătură și ce am găsit. Invers de cum credam eu, unii spun că civilizația chineză se trage din Egipt.

În acest caz dragonul chinezesc poate nu era decât o amintire a crocodilului egpitean...

Mai departe. Cu toții am auzit de qi. Dacă nu, ne ajută Wikipedia.

"Qi literally translates as "breath", "air" or "gas", and figuratively as "material energy", "life force" or "energy flow".In traditional Chinese culture, qì or ch'i ( qì, also known as khí in Vietnamese culture, gi in Korean culture, ki in Japanese culture) is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living thing."

"kA has been variously translated as soul, life-force, will etc. but no single western concept is anything like it." Nici un concept din vest, dar poate unul din est?

Momentul posibil când au migrat unii din egipteni în China? Probabil imediat după marele război descris în Mahabharata, care a avut loc după unii istorici indieni imediat după construirea piramidei lui Khufu (acum 4600 de ani)... La Kurukshetra, în nordul indiei, unde au participat milioane de combatanți. Poate că după ce au pierdut războiul li s-a tăiat retragerea și s-au deplasat spre est așezându-se undeva în vestul Chinei de azi. Sau poate numele locului care s-a păstrat până azi are legătură cu numele acestui faraon...

Scrierea. Până acum am găsit foarte puțin, dar destul de interesant. În primul rând habar nu aveam cum s-au născut caracterele chinezești, care sunt pictograme sau ideograme. Iată aici un exemplu citat în Quora dintr-un autor care a urmărit cu totul altceva și compară un hieroglif egiptean, cel pentru rugăciune cu un caracter chinezesc și imaginea actului de rugăciune din care provin amândouă. Răspunsul din Quora sugerează însă paralelism independent.

"In written language, a logogram or logograph is a written character that represents a word or phrase. Chinese characters and Japanese kanji are logograms; some Egyptian hieroglyphs and some graphemes in cuneiform script are also logograms."

Nu am găsit încă nici o comparație sau orice alt studiu care să indice o evoluție a kanji din hieroglifele egiptene. Iată o ilustrare a evoluției în timp caracterelor japoneze și chinezești kanji timp de... 4000 de ani sau de la origine.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Moise și fuga din Egipt

Dacă. Moise nu l-a convins pe faraon să le dea drumul lui și evreilor cu interpretarea unor vise. Moise, care era evreu sau parțial evreu abandonat la naștere de o sclavă a fost crescut ca egiptean (fiind găsit de o egipteană într-un coș plutind pe Nil), a ajuns mare în funcție și a aflat oarece secrete ale faraonilor, ca de exemplu ce erau piramidele și la ce foloseau. Probabil evreii l-au convins pe Moise să treacă de partea lor și au trimis niște oameni prin lume care dacă nu aflau că ai lor au fost eliberați erau pregătiți să le divulge. La plecare, în acel chivot al legământului probabil asta era, niște documente, papirusuri, care să-i protejeze de faraon și urmașii lui pentru totdeauna și să trăiască undeva la intersecția unor drumuri comerciale fără a munci, și asta este într-adevăr o tendință a sclavilor eliberați, adică nu mai vor să muncească (oare de ce LOL).

Dar până la urmă acele secrete au ajuns la romani și astfel au cucerit Egiptul iar probabil egiptenii au emigrat undeva în Asia sau Europa poate începând din 1000 Î.Hr. sau poate chiar s-au răspândit și au ajuns și prin America de Sud, etc. să trăiască pe spinarea altora folosind știința lor. Evreii au avut până la urmă și ei aceeași soartă după ocuparea lor de către romani.

De atunci se războiesc oriunde ar fi în lume și cred că de aceea evreii sunt persecutați peste tot de urmași ai vechilor egipteni care au ajuns între timp să conducă și să treacă la transformarea definitivă a lumii în lumea lor.

Iată câteva date istorice obținute din citate din răspunsuri la întrebări simple puse lui Google care nu contrazic această idee.

Robert Schoch has noted that the rocks are swept with strong currents. Kimura first estimated that the monument must be at least 10,000 years old (8,000 BCE), dating it to a period when it would have been above water.

Aihole inscriptions give the date of Kurukshetra war around 3102 BCE. K. Sadananda, based on translation work, states that the Kurukshetra War started on 22 November 3067 BCE. B. N. Achar used planetarium software to argue that the Mahabharata War took place in 3067 BCE.

Archaeologists believe Egypt's large pyramids are the work of the Old Kingdom society that rose to prominence in the Nile Valley after 3000 B.C. Historical analysis tells us that the Egyptians built the Giza Pyramids in a span of 85 years between 2589 and 2504 BC.

Mayan pyramids. The Maya are a people of southern Mexico and northern Central America (Guatemala, Belize, western Honduras, and El Salvador) with some 3,000 years of history. Archaeological evidence shows the Maya started to build ceremonial architecture approximately 3,000 years ago.

If this is true, then the oppressive pharaoh noted in Exodus (1:2–2:23) was Seti I (reigned 1318–04), and the pharaoh during the Exodus was Ramses II (c. 1304–c. 1237). In short, Moses was probably born in the late 14th century bce.

Mesoamerican peoples built pyramids from around 1000 B.C. up until the time of the Spanish conquest in the early16th century. The earliest known pyramid stands at La Venta in Tabasco, Mexico. Built by the Olmecs, the first major Mesoamerican civilization, it dates to between 1000 B.C.and 400 B.C.

The history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of the Roman Empire (27 BC – AD 476). ... The Roman general Pompey in his eastern campaign established the Roman province of Syria in 64 BC and conquered Jerusalem in 63 BC.

Egypt: From Ptolemaic and Roman Rule to the Arab Conquest (333 BC - 646 AD) Ptolemaic Egypt began when a follower of Alexander the Great Ptolemy I Soter declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt in 305 BC and ended with the death of Queen Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Vecinii noștri maiașii

Am scris ceva pe g+ ieri despre posibilitatea ca decalarea calendarului care a început în 1582 cu papa Gregorius (din care cauză se numește Gregorian), a ajuns și la noi în 1918 și încă nu s-a terminat unele biserici ortodoxe încă mergând pe cel iulian, care datează mă rog de la împăratul Iulian, să fie datorată vizitei lui Columb și a celor care l-au urmat în America, unde cei din partea tropicală, adică cea mai bună de locuit sau America Centrală din care maiașii aveau un calendar mult mai precis.

Din cauza unei erori sistematice, vorba unui ministru al învățământului, calendarul Iulian, care a fost revoluționar pe vremea lui, a pierdut cu timpul, mai precis în 1500 de ani alinierea cu datele evenimentelor astronomice ca solstițiile și echinocțiile. (Apropo, zodiile sunt calculate pe baza calendarului Iulian și sunt toate greșite, adică decalate cu vreo 13 zile, eu de exemplu până am aflat de acesta, datorită aplicației Stellarium, credeam că sunt rac dar de fapt sunt geamăn etc.) (Nu am cuvinte să laud această aplicație făcută de un francez folosind o bază de date a unui proiect mai vechi, uriaș care cuprinde traiectoriile a 600 de mii de stele și alte corpuri cerești).

Deci s-au dus oamenii în America, au stat de vorbă cu maiașii, aztecii, alții și și-au dat calendarul 12 zile înapoi. Mare chestie. Ce or mai fi vorbit cu ei sau ce au vorbit romanii cu dacii după 106 numai arhivele Vaticanului, partea lipsă, poate ști. Și unii oameni de știință nenumiți care stau în spatele actorilor ce ne-au prezentat nouă marile descoperiri științifice din prima jumătate a secolului trecut.

De ce or fi avut nevoie o societate sclavagistă bazată pe agricultură în epoca de piatră de o asemenea precizie suficientă pentru anticiparea fazelor lunii, poate vom mai afla. În primul rând pentru aflarea momentului optim al semănatului.

Lumea de azi nu înțelege ce problemă era pe atunci să știi exact data. Fără ceasuri și comunicații. Normal puteai să pui pe unul să țină un răboj. Dar dacă se îmbolnăvea sau pur și simplu pierdea o zi. Chiar doi sau trei.

Aveau încă de pe atunci la dispoziție mai multe alte metode din care observarea solstițiilor și echinocțiilor prin măsurarea înălțimii sau unghiului maxim al soarelui. Posibil de folosit în zonele unde ai zilnic soare. Altă metodă, mult mai ușoară, era observația fazelor lunii. Ziua când luna devine cea mai iluminată sau ziua când devine cea mai subțire. Dar pentru asta aveai nevoie de un calendar lunar, care este altul în fiecare an. Pentru că într-un an luna nu este nouă sau plină de 12 ori ci de 12.37 ori. Deci îți trebuia un calendar precis pe mulți ani și pur și simplu bifai acolo când era lună plină sau nouă și știai data. (Calendarul lunar maiaș a fost calculat pentru mai mult de 2000 de ani înainte!)

Dacă le combinai pe cele două aveai un calendar destul de precis. Romanii începând cu vremea împăratului Iulian credeau că anul are 365 de zile. Și au numărat așa mereu timp de 1582 de ani până când, 80 de ani după călătoria lui Columb l-au dat înainte cu 12 zile. Pentru că în realitate anul are aproximativ 365,25 zile. De atunci, adică de la papa Gregorius noi introducem la fiecare 4 ani un an de 366 de zile sau o zi în plus în calendar.

(O altă observație, calendarul maiaș are un ciclu de 52 de ani, amintește de perioada jubileului evreilor biblici de 49 sau 50 de ani, nu se știe precis).

Deci. Ce vroiam de fapt să spun după această introducere. Căutam ieri site-uri despre calendarul lunar maiaș și alte chestii din Egipt și după am plecat undeva și am văzut pe stradă o față care părea familiară din memoria mea imediată din căutările Google. O față lungă cu o figură foarte exotică, chiar mi-am zis, ăsta seamănă cu un egiptean antic. Dar nu, omul era sud-american și de fapt avea o față de zeu maiaș căci l-am recunoscut într-una din imaginile care a apărut adiacent la o căutare google. Chiar m-am întreabat, e posibil să fie o înrudire între ei?

Până acum de câte ori am văzut aceste fețe am crezut totdeauna că era vorba de stilizări, artă, etc.. Nu credeam câtuși de puțin că era vorba de un realism primitiv zic eu, așa cum sunt (erau) ele în realiate. De ce spun asta.

Uitați-vă puțin la fețele astea lungi și vă rog să-mi spuneți dacă nu vi se par familiare. Zece puncte pentru cei care se gândesc la aceeași persoană la care mă gândesc eu acum.
Ok și din față
O altă întrebare de zece puncte. De ce au unii zei maiași țăcălii?
(De ce seamănă tipul de mai sus cu Decebal ăla făcut într-un munte, asta e o întrebare de zero puncte. Fiindcă e făcut la mișto iar autorul și modelul era unul din ei. Ha ha ha).
Actorul maghiar Janos Bata
Alți zei maiași însă seamănă perfect cu... samuraii.
Sau chiar cu...
Premierul României Mihai Tudose
Și de ce nu, cu...
Viktor Orban, Președintele Ungariei
Zeii maiașilor nu prea semănau însă cu populația locală.

Și încă o chestie. De ce semănau maiașii cu romanii la port?

Ok hai să lăsăm deoparte și acest subiect de antropologie intuitivă și să aducem încă o informație în memoria imediată.

Au găsit ăștia în Bosnia niște piramide uriașe, mai mari ca alea de la Geza, acoperite de pământ adus de vânt și vegetație zic ei, după mii de ani de la ultima folosire. Par a fi piramide în trepte care seamănă mult cu cele maiașe.

Tot așa pe lângă piramide au găsit și niște mingiuci de piatră (granit zic eu, căci altfel nu mai dăinuiau până în zilele noastre) unele de până la câteva tone. Nu știu dacă sunt zece sau mai multe dar știu la ce cred eu că foloseau. Pentru "popice subacvatic. "Dai cu popicul, cade bila", adică exact invers ca la popicele normale."

Bine glumesc, poate nu chiar subacvatic, poate doar subteran. Adică într-o anumită zi cu soare din calendar (distanța maximă-minimă la lună, alte alinieri), seara când scade presiunea atmsoferică datorită convecției (după o zi care încălzește suprafața pământului) pe lună plină sau nouă dai drumul la o bilă într-o galerie cu hopuri sau la o bilă excentrică (oul lui Columb, nu ale lui "Năstase") într-o galerie fără hopuri din interiorul piramidei și la 300 de km mai la nord, sud, etc. se darma toate colibele de lut (vălătucele). După care trimiți la ei o delegație care să le spună așa: Băi. Dumnezeul nostru s-a supărat pe voi și are nevoie de 1000 de sclavi, 1000 de saci de aur, 10000 de saci de grâu (mă rog, porumb, după continent) cu tot cu căruțele respective, etc..

Sincer să fiu cred că acesta a fost liantul imperiilor primitive. Sumer. Egipt. Maia. Inka. Etc.. Totdeauna m-am gândit. Roma de exemplu. Veneau barbarii într-un colț din imperiu. Împăratul afla peste o lună, până strângeau armată, până se duceau, etc.. Cum puteau exista imperii fără comunicații adik. Bine dar romanii nu aveau piramide, veți spune. Nu aveau, dar Antoniu de exemplu avea pile la Cleopatra care a și murit de dorul lui.

Și încă una după care promit, concluziile.

M-am uitat dăunăzi în Wikipedia la istoria nu știu cui. A sârbilor din Ungaria. Cică la 1700-1800 jumătate din populația Ungariei sau mă rog ce era atunci erau sârbi. Dar dacă te uiți la istoria sârbilor din Serbia ia uitați ce am găsiți! O figură din neolitic. O fi vorba tot de realism primitiv? O fi contemporană cu piramidele din Bosnia?
Actorul maghiar Gábor Reviczky
Actorul maghiar Zoltán Benkóczy
Cum formau oamenii (sau mă rog, alienii) numărul de telefon pentru o convorbire de lungă distanță. Păi fiecare zonă geologică are frecvența ei de rezonanță proprie, din motive de materiale și geometrie. Prin încercări au găsit bile de dimensiunea și forma respectivă. Poate le aveau chiar și pe grade.

Energie de vibrație mecanică sau electrică se poate transmite eficient la distanță prin unde mecanice, gravitaționale și electromagnetice, numai datorită rezonanței. Când bila de dimensiunile necesare era lăsată să cadă pe galeria respectivă, numai o singură zonă seismică intra în rezonanță.

Conform teoriei plăcilor tectonice, care spune că în timp se acumulează tensiuni în zonele seismice, dar și a celei de schimbare de fază în magmă care spune că în timp se ating condiții de echilibru pre-seismice pentru o schimbare de fază și volum explozivă, este nevoie de timp pentru a se atinge momentul optim pentru declanșare iar datele statistice ne spun că mai e nevoie și de distanță optimă Lună Pământ, Pământ-Soare, aliniere Soare-Lună-Pământ precum și o scădere bruscă de presiune atmosferică. Când echilibrul este atins, nu e nevoie de mult ca să se declanșeze un cutremur.

Dacă știau care era situația unei zone pre-seismică, astea sunt speculații mai mari. Poate știau, căci vedem pe unele bancnote piramide cu un ochi despre care se spune că era atotștiutor. Poate aveau și device-uri pentru feed back cine știe. Cine știe cine erau ei de fapt dacă îi găsim în trecut cu aceleași figuri în diferite locuri pe planetă.

Deci când credeau ei că o zonă seismică e coaptă, puteau sau nu să o facă. Cutremurele oricum aveau să se declanșeze în mod natural la vremea lor, tot ce făceau ei era să schimbe data și pentru știința lor să ceară plată de la ignoranți.

Bine azi nu mai umblă ei cu bile și piramide. Un ciocan hidraulic undeva sub un munte compact controlat de un supercomputer cu senzori de feed back în diferite zone seismice până la câteva sute de km ar fi cam suficient.

"Buildings in seismic zones are often constructed to take into account the oscillating frequencies of expected ground motion. In addition, engineers designing objects having engines must ensure that the mechanical resonant frequencies of the component parts do not match driving vibrational frequencies of the motors or other strongly oscillating parts."

Cred că și invers este adevărat. Când construiești uzine grele care au echipamente mari în mișcare în zone seismice sau în apropiere trebuie să ții cont de frecvența proprie de oscilație a zonei seismice ca acele echipamente să nu intre în rezonanță cu aceasta. Apropiere poate să însemne și sute de km.

De asemenea în România sunt câteva hidrocentrale care au galerii subterane unde apa este accelerată prin cădere. De fapt toate hidrocentralele vibrează într-un fel sau în altul, mai ales când apa este trecută pe lângă baraj și turbine (deversată). Au fost ele toate calculate la vibrații pentru diferite debite în așa fel încât să nu intre în rezonanță cu zona seismică Vrancea? S-ar afla dacă s-ar urmări urmări din documente manevrele centralelor la ora când au avut loc cutremure, dacă sunt coincidențe.

De asemenea și termocentralele dar și alte uzine, ca de exemplu cele care au mașini mari de ambutisare pot produce vibrații de asemenea amploare. Totul e frecvența. Dacă se coordonează zece prese care să lovească simultan și într-un anumit ritm, e posibil.

Astăzi orice telefon inteligent are accelerometru, cred că ar trebui instalat unul pe lângă fiecare obiectiv capabil de asemenea chestii unde vecinii simt vibrații și urmărit.

De fapt până și un tren poate trece prin Buzău cu o anumită viteză pe o anumită porțiune mai denivelată la o anumită oră și dată și gata cutremuriciul.

Frecevența de declanșare probabil este aceeași ca și a cutremurului propriu zis în epicentru deci se poate afla ușor din înregistrările seismice din zonă.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


"Cholula (Nahuatl: Cholōllān) (Spanish (help·info)) was an important city of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, dating back to at least the 2nd century BCE, with settlement as a village going back at least some thousand years earlier. The site of Cholula is just west of the modern city of Puebla and served as a trading outpost. Its immense pyramid is the largest such structure in the Americas, and the largest pyramid structure by volume in the world."

(Click on first image than keep on clicking to see it in 3D).
If i draw a line from the top of the pyramid aligned with the main "alley" or at an angle of 296 degree i found the whole city of Cholua is aligned at that angle. If i prolong it i get right in the middle of Mexico city, with some of the streets also aligned to that angle.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ra's Abydos

I'm surprised by my own ignorance about these things. Upper, Lower Egypt. Upper Egypt under the symbol of an Eagle and Lower of a snake. All happening along Nile, a river with cyclical flooding. Food in there is almost free. In the heat of Northern Africa, all you have to do is plough lightly and put seeds in October and crop the grains 6 months later.

Strategically. How come they were not invaded. In the beggining, if surrounded by desert, it was hard for troops of that day and age to get there. I mean you could but you would had have to bring more supplies in weight than troops, just to cross desert. And if you didin't conquer anything real fast you cannot even retread where you came from if you run out of water and supplies. I don't know, i'm just reasoning. Trying to figure the reason for stability need to build and advanced civilization.

Then as they grew they started using irrigation and increasing more the cultivated surface, also build their army and possibly using of accidentally discovered stone age high tech for defensing purposes and keeping in check their own people.

Abydos, place of Ra. Probably Abaddon from Bible. After hundreds or thousands of years of stability people start building. And thinking. Small at first, bigger and bigger. The pictures of those buildings. Stylish. Rational. Proportionate. Real architectural skills. Looking at the pictures on the walls. Breeding a different race maybe (Or of a different race than the people who usually inhabit that part of the Earth).

At the beginning probably driven by the need of shade and thermal comfort, they started to carve big stones and put them on top of others and make building with big walls. But then they must have noted weird psychological and physiological effects. The stones rubbing together due to expansion-contraction due to day/night temperature differences in desert would create infrasound, pretty much like a car's engine when it's cooling down but in the area of inaudible frequencies. Next to the stones they will start to feel weird and start to believe on Ra, the Sun god since this was happening only in the presence of the Sun. The humble expansion/contraction phenomenon, geometry and physics bring the weird things up. In time, the stones start eroding each other, and dust gathers in between until they get so straight the whole weight is distributed on the whole surface. Though the dust created might start to lubricate them and ease tension. (Could this be the cause that after a while they didn't work anymore thus the decline from the peak of their greatness, while people turning to a different god. Should have stick with small ones and build them more often?).

"During the day, the temperature rises to 40⁰C (104⁰F) across the face of the outer casing, then at night cools to 3⁰C (37⁰F) because of the lack of cover and exposure to the prevailing winds. This gives an average daily temperature fluctuation of 37⁰C (67⁰F).
Limestone has a coefficient of thermal expansion of 8×10–⁶, proportional to the change of temperature and to the original dimensions. Applying this yields (8×10–⁶) x (37⁰C) x (100m) = 30mm (1¼ inches) of movement per 100-meter (328-foot) run in all directions"

That is a few dozens of cm for the whole height of Great Pyramid.

But i think this author neglected something. The stones at surface will heat more that then air's temperature, because they catch directly IR from the Sun. Same at night, due to thermal emission with no reflection in the clouds they will loose heat and cool more than the air. Condensation may occur towards morning leading maybe to water flowing in between stones.

Could it be the first pyramids were built only for water catching purposes as this author thinks.

We know that in the beginning the Great Pyramid had a layer of mortar on top of the stones, possibly sealing the condensation water outside the structure. Now that it's gone, water will get in and together with the dust will lubricate the first layers of stone, making accumulation of tension impossible.

While the surfaces heat up, the middle will keep more constant in temperature. (In the middle the pyramid it's 68 degrees constantly throughout the year, that is if it's not being used and i think now it's pretty much done, having dust between stones, see explanations below) Only the first stones next to the surface will heat and cool considerably.

Also during day time the Sun's heat is unevenly distributed on all surfaces with one side heated more than others at any time. There must be a moment, by Sunset, when they all start contracting at about the same rhythm at surface after which will start loosing heat. (Hotel California).

At pyramid level, during daytime there will be more heat at the top. Simply because at bottom there is more room or volume for the heat to sink in. Also convection of the air heated at the surface.

Are pyramids nothing but primitive coolers for the rulers? Seems to me a more rational explanation than the current one, as being giant tombs. However. The 5 rows of beams of granite on top of King's chamber seem not to have any logical purpose, cause they don't hold nothing. If we hypothesise the pyramid was just a cool place for the pharaoh.

"with a typical difference of only 0.1 to 0.5 degrees Celsius between adjacent stones"

That is enough though to make stones move relative to each other especially close to surfaces of the most recently heated side to ease tension.

This will not happen let's say if you pave the side of a hill with several layers of stones of the same size and shape as those of the pyramids. It's the rigidity of the whole system that creates the tension created by the expanding/contracting stones at surface.

But the stones will move only if there's enough tension between them and then of course randomly, possibly triggering cascade effects, when after one stone moves, many will follow. Usually starting from top cause the stones on top are the most heated.

How about when releasing a block of granite down the gallery fitted or not with a reversed ladder, making the whole thing vibrate like described here.

The thermal tension accumulated between the stones one the side heated most recently would be released triggered by a shock wave, in a less than random fashion, always starting from top, getting amplified cause the number of stones involved is getting bigger and bigger (due to pyramidal shape of course), possibly creating some sound and very intense infra-sound.

And here's an explanation for the uneven beams not holding anything on top of King's chamber, they could be sort of a map, that through resonance, steer or direct the shock wave received from the granite block hitting the end of that gallery without the use of reverted ladder, depending on the position of the three granite blocks next to the chamber that would trigger on the heated side a sort of a zig-zagging domino like tension relieving tiny motions between blocks, maybe figuring the shape of a lighting bolt.

And now comes in mind the images seen depicting ^Meru in Indian cosmology.

In this one we can see each continent corresponding roughly to one side of the pyramid and the five rows of beams and also the clouds above which in this case could be only side effects but also part of the scenario because the infrasound would also protect it from intruders etc.. (If the pyramid would not be used for remote action it could still be used at the end of the day for immediate defense purposes).
Let's say they were attacked. The simply waited for all the attackers to get close enough and trigger the release of a granite block down the gallery using the reverted ladder which would trigger a cascading effect within the mound of blocks already pre-tensioned thermally. The intensity of the sound would probably incapacitate anybody on a radius of let's say... several miles or so.

Or could the infrasound be focused on more distant places. Yes, i think by phase-arraying two or three of these things...

What is phase arraying. I once played with desmos to show how it works. There are several emitters of the same frequency of sound (for ultrasound devices), EM waves (for radars) with possibility of changing electronically the phase simultaneously, creating a steerable beam. By having one more pyramid at side that would start the vibration through resonance in phase with the first one you could create a beam perpendicular on a line between the two pyramids.

Now imagine this. They'd have some guys on top watching the horizon for as much a human can see. Suddenly they spot something moving. A lost caravan. A military convoy. Directing towards the huge structure. Maybe they light a light, maybe not necessary. When close enough, they would release a granite block down the gallery using the bumpy ladder, triggering the cascading effect in the heated blocks at the surface while them all taking cover. Infrasound waves would knock them all down. When waking up, they would probably find themselves in a different social status that they were before. Exactly like in the Hotel California song which probably true meaning is this scenario.

Intense infrasound would create pressure waves that would condensate the humidity in the desert air if humidity/pressure conditions are right. Pretty much like it happens in some summer days above busy freeways.
Also. Back to phase array demonstration on desmos linked above. You can phase array with only two infrasound emitters, in our case the two great pyramids. The beam won't be so precise, maybe that's the reason for the third pyramid, i don't know. But look at this:
As shown in the drawing above the heading of the line between the two great ones is some 46.6 degrees. I used Google Earth and drew a line perpendicular on the line between the tips of the two big pyramids by adding 270 degrees, that is a perpendicular to the left or a line with a 316 degrees heading passing through the Great Pyramid, and it passes right through were the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria aka Pharos was, at about 100 miles distance.

And another scenario. An (un)wanted ship comes into the little harbor, attracted by the lighthouse. Maybe on storm time. They shoot the block of granite down the gallery and the second pyramid vibrates too in phase through resonance and both generate a directed infrasound beam, maybe reflected from stratosphere. Everybody on ship get sick or pass out. The official explanation would be the ship was lost during the storm, right? While everybody on board when they wake up again get to change their social status and the merchandise ends into the warehouses of the Pharaoh of whose name the name of the lighthouse was given - Pharos. Quite a good investment, considering the pyramids were most likely built with captured slaves. And most important. None of their troops will be endangered in the process.

Forget about the Ptolemaic Kingdom. That lighthouse was probably rebuild on top of an older one.

Also. If i would prolong that 216 degree line, i would get within 3 degrees of Rome, etc..

Here is the beginning of a separate research. If the weight of a stone rubbing other is pretty big, at surface, the first molecules in contact with each other on relative motion will heat up so much will vaporize and instantly condensate back, possibly to a plasma (sparks), with loss of entropy and possibly time distortion. (As hypothesized in here

About flint. "Flint is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz,[1][2]categorized as a variety of chert. It occurs chiefly as nodules and masses in sedimentary rocks, such as chalks and limestones."
About triboluminescence. "Triboluminescence is an optical phenomenon in which light is generated through the breaking of chemical bonds in a material when it is pulled apart, ripped, scratched, crushed, or rubbed (see tribology). The phenomenon is not fully understood, but appears to be caused by the separation and reunification of electrical charges." (Separation//reunification of electrical charges occur during vaporization/condensation as well, see the below picture where water molecules in motion are shown as asymmetric dipolar charges tied to each other in a crystal like structure). (couldd be the explanation of stars on ceiling in some chambers of pyramids).

Could it be those zillion of successive sparks or plasma inside the filnt pieces of blocks of limestone, created by the mechanical shockwave of the descending domino like tiny motion but involving huge masses create in turn an ever amplified, from one stone to another, one layer to another gravity wave. Vaporization-condensation cycles and sparks within closed volumes may have some possible anti-entropic time reversing and gravitational effects.

Could this be modulated with entangled photons coming from the Northern Shaft and/or directed by a shock wave started by the sliding granite down the gallery and steered by re-emission by those irregular shape 80 tons each "relief beams" on top of King's chamber. A gravity wave injected in the ground at an angle of the side of the pyramid with horizontal and directed to a precise location on Earth, possibly triggering an earthquake if conditions there are present.

The Ank shown always in the hand of a ruller, could be simply a trigger ad the end of a rope.
Cobra, seen here as embeded part of a structure, expands the sides of its necks, suggesting expanding pyramid under sun's heat

Many types of structures all around world could also have these relative motion of stones put on top of each other, especially after sunny days. Parallel evolution, synchronism?

However. In my mind at least there is the possibility this thing was built to help create more stable living conditions on Earth. Daily triggering smaller earthquakes on different continents in order to ease tensions. Most likely the second pyramid and the phase arraying was the work of a different entity that was more after accumulating goods for themselves than helping populate Planet Earth. Or maybe just for sustaining a maintenance team.

Why would anybody want to populate Earth with billions of humans and eventually teach them to burn fossil fuel? Just to heat it up of course. So water would go into space and get onto different planets, of course, the outer ones, cause that's the direction solar wind blows to.

In any case, we at least have parallel intriguing and revealing social phenomena. Are these type of songs remnants or nostalgia from millennia ago, exponents of living Sun worshiping cults, simply coded SOS signals for the most aware within our world or societies, or maybe subliminal submitting mass messages. All of the above.

Question. Is this "Romanian" singer the same person as Cindy Lauper? (yes, she speaks Italian and maybe French so it actually wouldn't have been impossible to her). This song, called The Orange, also seem to be very inspired of a Sun worshiping cult.

What happens if you extract Debbie from Deborah?

Could one of the message of this song be people are sick of the official version of science were are taught in school. Sun dance or Sand dance? Also listen at 2:58.

Prophecising, warning or bragging. Whatever.