Ok i spent too much tonight to find that fb post where i posted the original Hungarian lyrics to this song.
(Yes i believe Ilona Bencze is the same person as Barbra Streissand and i try to learn some basic Hungarian using this song's lyrics.)
Éjfél, sûrû csend ül a járdán,
Mire gondol a vén Hold, hogy csak mosolyog rám?
Lomha szél fú, rõt avar fut a lábam elé,
Tépett ág jajong a fán.
Holdfény, derûs emléket ébreszt,
Újra éled a régmúlt, minden gyönyörûség.
Boldog órák, az ifjúságom szép idején,
Gyertek hozzám vissza még!
Halvány lámpa villog felém,
Még áldott árnyék rejt el.
Szúrós zaj kél, összerezzen a csend,
Ha rám tör majd a reggel.
Hajnal, ne tarts tükröt a vénnek,
Ha csak emlék az élet, talán szép marad még!
Tán e kék éj, a holdvilág még ifjúnak lát,
Úgy, mint egykor, réges-rég
Füstben barnult új nap kél
A korhadt, pállott széllel
Kihunyt lámpát gúnyol az ömlõ fényár,
Ha elkullog az éjjel
Nézz rám, kicsit érints meg némán,
Maradj még szelíd emlék,
Színes hajdani nyár
Érj csak hozzám, és feléled a boldog idõ
Jaj, a hajnal pirkad már!
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Friday, December 28, 2018
Catch Can II
Continuation to https://georgesblogforfriends.blogspot.com/2018/12/catch-can.html
Break time could be blogging time. Got the catch can in the mail at an Amazon locker. They sent me the code in the email, Angela picked for me from the locker at a convenience store.
As i was expecting at that price and level of complexity, many small problems with it. "Blue irregularities" on the inside. Aluminum shavings (removed, not seen in picture). Missing o-ring at the dipstick, vacuum leak (as i read on some reviews).
Two pairs of connectors. 3/8, with very small holes inside and an am even smaller passage, about half that diameter. 5/8, with huge holes inside, had no hose to connect to.
I tried to enlarge the 3/8 with a 7 mm drill bit on my hex ended screwdriver. However the hole started to go out of alignment with the initial one. Finally drill bit locked.
So i ran to Home Depot but there only plumbing connectors which are tapered. One of them almost fit. I could had put it in with Teflon. However the guy who was selling it looked very grumpy and discouraged me from doing it. Maybe he wanted me back on the road for more show.
Was really sick from some smoke here in the apartment coming from the backyard earlier. Shortness of brath, wakness, fainting like feeling.
However i tried to go to a machine shop and have them drill the small connectors on a small lathe. The owner was in vacation, there was a trainee who didn't know how to use the lathe.
Came back home. Out of frustration i tried and pushed a 3/8 vacuum line on the 5/8 connector. With a little grease, i did it (after all, it's rubber). Wondering if it's not gonna break. However, i don't think it even needs a clamp. Can't take it out no matter how hard i try, needs to be cut. (Right on the picture).

On the car originally there was a hose two size ended, 3/8 at the PCV valve side and i didn't know the other that goes into the composite intake. So i went outside to measure it. It was coming out hard (probably no more oil in there, the plastic catch can i already installed has something like half ounce of milky emulsion (oil and moisture but i wonder if it works during summer, now oil and moisture condensates easier on the cooler walls of the can) but i don't like it totally because of the relatively small connectors.
I needed a long nose pliers for the clamp and when i tried i saw there was some metal filings on the tip of the pliers. I cleaned it, i didn't see any on the clamp, i pulled the clamp, the hose, measured the connector, it was 9/16 or 15 mm. Then i remembered where the metal filings where from on the clamp, from me building a metal catch can out of a paint can, but cannot believe they were so many (basically the tip of the pliers where covered by it).
Again during the whole time of the procedure i was still under the influence of that smoke in the morning.
Anyways. I am really paranoid about getting stuff in there, this time i was lucky because i went to measure that connector first an was during daytime and there was still enough light outside for me to see the fillings on the pliers.
Then i went at NAPA and got a 5/8 which is for water heater and they say it's not oil resistant. However i don't expect oil to get past this catch can again.
But ever since and the main reason i'm writing this post is i realized why is so bad to have oil in the intake (besides burning on the valves and make them stick and have hydraulic lifters squeeze oil through and make the oil foamy and the risk of bending valves).
Any contaminant that can make its way in there, be it through the filter, past it (last time i changed oil at Jiffy Lube i found mine on the truck not fully closed in the box from a previous oil change at again Jiffy Lube in Salem, or basically air getting past it, and filter perfectly clean after months) ends up in the unwanted oil coating the intake on the inside. Those particles slowly but surely will travel through the intake all the way to valves. There they can get on the aluminum valve seat and if are hard particles they can get embedded into the aluminum valve seat contributing to the wearing out of the engine. Also when i got the car, before i removed most oil from previous trickling through PCV system, i found oil on the spark plugs to the point one of them came loose, damaging the seat, prompting me to resurface the seats with a special tool i designed myself. So dust or contaminants basically do not fly through the intake, through the valves, burn or pass the cylinder through exhaust valves, but stick on the intake, valves and ultimately cylinder walls contributing to wearing out of the engine.
So in a way unwanted oil getting in the engine through PCV system acts as a magnet for dust and contributes to the wearing out of the engine after the initial break in when blow-by gasses start to pass the cylinder, pressurize the engine and open more the PCV valve, and finally spitting oil through it.
Not talking about contaminating the intake gasket (In 2015 i realized i had a vacuum leak at the truck and on Halloween's eve the guys at Meineke in Tigard found a twisted gasket probably from that reason.
Got an open window because i'm drying laundry and it's hot in here. I think smoke from outside is building up in here and i start to get sick again.
This is the final result, the next day. Again, apartment surrounded by smoke. I noticed some holes next to the building's foundation built and plugged them. Also in the grass in front of the car where i was working they were some small holes like finger diameter i don't know from what animal, maybe big earthworms. After i covered all of those the smoke disappeared. Starting to clear now. Went for a test drive. Bigger hoses and connectors made a world of difference in power. Blow by basses from the now a bit worned out engine (50k) vent better through those. Now i'm curious to see if the new can with bigger hoses and flow actually catches more oil than first one made of plastic seen above. BTW, i found a drop of oil in the intake connector, which means that one was escaping a bit.
Thinking about what a pressurized crankcase does to gaskets. Oil pan gasket. If oil blows by the gasket due to pressure inside and made it's ways to the bolts, then you're in for a permanent oil leak. Hopefully this didn't happen yet. This car has one more valve for this reason. In case PCV valve gets blocked, it opens and lets the gasses go into the air duct before the throttle.
Break time could be blogging time. Got the catch can in the mail at an Amazon locker. They sent me the code in the email, Angela picked for me from the locker at a convenience store.
As i was expecting at that price and level of complexity, many small problems with it. "Blue irregularities" on the inside. Aluminum shavings (removed, not seen in picture). Missing o-ring at the dipstick, vacuum leak (as i read on some reviews).
Two pairs of connectors. 3/8, with very small holes inside and an am even smaller passage, about half that diameter. 5/8, with huge holes inside, had no hose to connect to.
I tried to enlarge the 3/8 with a 7 mm drill bit on my hex ended screwdriver. However the hole started to go out of alignment with the initial one. Finally drill bit locked.
So i ran to Home Depot but there only plumbing connectors which are tapered. One of them almost fit. I could had put it in with Teflon. However the guy who was selling it looked very grumpy and discouraged me from doing it. Maybe he wanted me back on the road for more show.
Was really sick from some smoke here in the apartment coming from the backyard earlier. Shortness of brath, wakness, fainting like feeling.
However i tried to go to a machine shop and have them drill the small connectors on a small lathe. The owner was in vacation, there was a trainee who didn't know how to use the lathe.
Came back home. Out of frustration i tried and pushed a 3/8 vacuum line on the 5/8 connector. With a little grease, i did it (after all, it's rubber). Wondering if it's not gonna break. However, i don't think it even needs a clamp. Can't take it out no matter how hard i try, needs to be cut. (Right on the picture).
On the car originally there was a hose two size ended, 3/8 at the PCV valve side and i didn't know the other that goes into the composite intake. So i went outside to measure it. It was coming out hard (probably no more oil in there, the plastic catch can i already installed has something like half ounce of milky emulsion (oil and moisture but i wonder if it works during summer, now oil and moisture condensates easier on the cooler walls of the can) but i don't like it totally because of the relatively small connectors.
I needed a long nose pliers for the clamp and when i tried i saw there was some metal filings on the tip of the pliers. I cleaned it, i didn't see any on the clamp, i pulled the clamp, the hose, measured the connector, it was 9/16 or 15 mm. Then i remembered where the metal filings where from on the clamp, from me building a metal catch can out of a paint can, but cannot believe they were so many (basically the tip of the pliers where covered by it).
Again during the whole time of the procedure i was still under the influence of that smoke in the morning.
Anyways. I am really paranoid about getting stuff in there, this time i was lucky because i went to measure that connector first an was during daytime and there was still enough light outside for me to see the fillings on the pliers.
Then i went at NAPA and got a 5/8 which is for water heater and they say it's not oil resistant. However i don't expect oil to get past this catch can again.
But ever since and the main reason i'm writing this post is i realized why is so bad to have oil in the intake (besides burning on the valves and make them stick and have hydraulic lifters squeeze oil through and make the oil foamy and the risk of bending valves).
Any contaminant that can make its way in there, be it through the filter, past it (last time i changed oil at Jiffy Lube i found mine on the truck not fully closed in the box from a previous oil change at again Jiffy Lube in Salem, or basically air getting past it, and filter perfectly clean after months) ends up in the unwanted oil coating the intake on the inside. Those particles slowly but surely will travel through the intake all the way to valves. There they can get on the aluminum valve seat and if are hard particles they can get embedded into the aluminum valve seat contributing to the wearing out of the engine. Also when i got the car, before i removed most oil from previous trickling through PCV system, i found oil on the spark plugs to the point one of them came loose, damaging the seat, prompting me to resurface the seats with a special tool i designed myself. So dust or contaminants basically do not fly through the intake, through the valves, burn or pass the cylinder through exhaust valves, but stick on the intake, valves and ultimately cylinder walls contributing to wearing out of the engine.
So in a way unwanted oil getting in the engine through PCV system acts as a magnet for dust and contributes to the wearing out of the engine after the initial break in when blow-by gasses start to pass the cylinder, pressurize the engine and open more the PCV valve, and finally spitting oil through it.
Not talking about contaminating the intake gasket (In 2015 i realized i had a vacuum leak at the truck and on Halloween's eve the guys at Meineke in Tigard found a twisted gasket probably from that reason.
Got an open window because i'm drying laundry and it's hot in here. I think smoke from outside is building up in here and i start to get sick again.
This is the final result, the next day. Again, apartment surrounded by smoke. I noticed some holes next to the building's foundation built and plugged them. Also in the grass in front of the car where i was working they were some small holes like finger diameter i don't know from what animal, maybe big earthworms. After i covered all of those the smoke disappeared. Starting to clear now. Went for a test drive. Bigger hoses and connectors made a world of difference in power. Blow by basses from the now a bit worned out engine (50k) vent better through those. Now i'm curious to see if the new can with bigger hoses and flow actually catches more oil than first one made of plastic seen above. BTW, i found a drop of oil in the intake connector, which means that one was escaping a bit.
Thinking about what a pressurized crankcase does to gaskets. Oil pan gasket. If oil blows by the gasket due to pressure inside and made it's ways to the bolts, then you're in for a permanent oil leak. Hopefully this didn't happen yet. This car has one more valve for this reason. In case PCV valve gets blocked, it opens and lets the gasses go into the air duct before the throttle.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018
May The Qi Be With You. Always
"From myself
and from the others
i extract the square root
and i realize it is only water,
water in a state of thought,
water with soul and whirls,
water, in an incurable
chemical formula."
Păunescu, Radical, Păunescu - Wilder
A Chinese radical is a graphical component of a Chinese character under which the character is traditionally listed in a Chinese dictionary. This component is often a semantic indicator, though in some cases the original semantic connection has become obscure, owing to changes in character meaning over time. Wikipedia
Here is Chinese radical 84

Chinese radical water -shui

Chinese character Chi (Qi)

And wind - feng (simplified)

Feng shui in different Asian languages

“Chi [Qi] is simply an ancient term used to describe what cannot be seen by the naked eye, such as sound waves, odor molecules, bacteria, heat waves, and others that were not scientifically known in ancient times.”
"Feng shui identifies the odor from the restroom and trash as a negative form of Qi because they have the ability to adversely affect our health. Imagine if you live in conditions where you are surrounded by these repugnant smell. How would you feel? How would you react mentally and physically? When stench or foul smell gets to me, my body reacts by giving me the urge to vomit.
Imagine this: how would your sleep quality be if the toilet is right next to your bed?"
Why do we need school, why do we need science. To be able to predict. How things work. What others will do, how we need to react do and how can we use prediction to get advantages. Over others of course. But there are many things not thought in schools. One of them is feng shui. On reason of not being scientific.
If it can, using pseudo laws, to predict to a certain degree future behavior of systems, a pseudoscience is better than nothing or ignorance in a certain aspect of reality. And if those aspects are in human social relations (read competitiveness) area it will definitely give a certain advantage to the user over the complete ignorant.
Now scientifically. Anything vibrates. Any structure has a certain or a whole bunch of resonance frequencies. That is it will vibrate, when energized, like when being hit, on certain preferred frequencies.
There are numerous recent researches on how sound can move things. Levitation on sound waves, name it.
It is obvious that inside a building vibration can move air around. If the shape of the home is "inauspicious", that is its own built-in vibration modes that will allow moving your air around at resonance, which can be triggered, especially in light constructions (made of hollow, wood frame walls closed with panels) by starting with wind, vehicles hitting bumps all the way to slammed door in your parking lot, air from the dirty places of your home can travel all the way to you.
Ancient people if not scientifically, knew about through feeling the effects and had at least some sort of approach to this problem.
Humans (in the evolutionary hypothesis) are quite complete, well built, adaptive beings, but there are some limits. It takes several minutes for a person to adapt at a certain smell and chemical, microbiological makeup of the surrounding air. If we are to imagine some social entity chooses to mess with someone and has the means to, all it takes is to rotate the environment parameters by altering the feng shui using shock waves. That is mixing your smells inside your dwelling fast enough for you not to have the time to adapt. That means brain has to quit or suspend some higher level activities to work on the adaptation processes. That may knock out your higher level thinking processes for minutes, or if repeated, for hours or the rest of the day.
But this is just an example. Besides moving air around at resonance sound itself is part of the environment and can set you off in different aspects also discussed intensely on the web.
It is amazing how the floor plan of this apartment is similar to the last one in Lake Oswego (except for the wall between kitchen and bathroom, which here is one ft thick, though not shown in the floor plan).
It was French philosopher René Descartes (Cartesian was his other, Latin chosen name). But now, if i take a closer look at him...
and from the others
i extract the square root
and i realize it is only water,
water in a state of thought,
water with soul and whirls,
water, in an incurable
chemical formula."
Păunescu, Radical, Păunescu - Wilder
A Chinese radical is a graphical component of a Chinese character under which the character is traditionally listed in a Chinese dictionary. This component is often a semantic indicator, though in some cases the original semantic connection has become obscure, owing to changes in character meaning over time. Wikipedia
Here is Chinese radical 84

Chinese radical water -shui

Chinese character Chi (Qi)

And wind - feng (simplified)

Feng shui in different Asian languages

“Chi [Qi] is simply an ancient term used to describe what cannot be seen by the naked eye, such as sound waves, odor molecules, bacteria, heat waves, and others that were not scientifically known in ancient times.”
"Feng shui identifies the odor from the restroom and trash as a negative form of Qi because they have the ability to adversely affect our health. Imagine if you live in conditions where you are surrounded by these repugnant smell. How would you feel? How would you react mentally and physically? When stench or foul smell gets to me, my body reacts by giving me the urge to vomit.
Imagine this: how would your sleep quality be if the toilet is right next to your bed?"
Why do we need school, why do we need science. To be able to predict. How things work. What others will do, how we need to react do and how can we use prediction to get advantages. Over others of course. But there are many things not thought in schools. One of them is feng shui. On reason of not being scientific.
If it can, using pseudo laws, to predict to a certain degree future behavior of systems, a pseudoscience is better than nothing or ignorance in a certain aspect of reality. And if those aspects are in human social relations (read competitiveness) area it will definitely give a certain advantage to the user over the complete ignorant.
Now scientifically. Anything vibrates. Any structure has a certain or a whole bunch of resonance frequencies. That is it will vibrate, when energized, like when being hit, on certain preferred frequencies.
There are numerous recent researches on how sound can move things. Levitation on sound waves, name it.
It is obvious that inside a building vibration can move air around. If the shape of the home is "inauspicious", that is its own built-in vibration modes that will allow moving your air around at resonance, which can be triggered, especially in light constructions (made of hollow, wood frame walls closed with panels) by starting with wind, vehicles hitting bumps all the way to slammed door in your parking lot, air from the dirty places of your home can travel all the way to you.
Ancient people if not scientifically, knew about through feeling the effects and had at least some sort of approach to this problem.
But this is just an example. Besides moving air around at resonance sound itself is part of the environment and can set you off in different aspects also discussed intensely on the web.

It is amazing how the floor plan of this apartment is similar to the last one in Lake Oswego (except for the wall between kitchen and bathroom, which here is one ft thick, though not shown in the floor plan).
It was French philosopher René Descartes (Cartesian was his other, Latin chosen name). But now, if i take a closer look at him...

Monday, December 10, 2018
Catch Can
Due to normal wearing of cars' engines after several tens of thousands miles hot gases from cylinder start to escape by the ring of the pistons inside the engine or on the other side of the pistons. Since the engine is closed by seals and gaskets, pressure starts to build up. Depending on how much the engine is worn, more ore less gas have to be released in order to obtain maximum efficiency. Also. Exhaust gases may have water and gasoline in them. Water would emulsify the oil and gasoline would thin it.
However those are exhaust gases and unburned fuel, you can't simply let them escape in the air. Most manufacturers choose an option design called PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation). It's a very simple idea. When pressure builds up (certain rpms and engine output) a valve opens (PCV valve) and lets those gases back into the intake manifold. The parameters of the process are more complicated, cause manifold vacuum that varies with the rpm and output. A simple valve is not the best solution but this is what we got on most cars.
PCV valve is usually placed on the valve cover in the highest point to avoid oil that splashes to escape into the circuit and into the intake with the gases. However that is an ideal that never happens.
Every time when i replaced a PCV valve i saw it had oil in it. And sometimes oil cooks in there and stuck the ball and spring of the valve either open or closed, again decreasing engine efficiency. But i never had a major problem with it until i owned a Hyundai.
Hyundais are different from other cars at least by two accounts. Valve cover is minimalistically low. Main design engineer there who worked at Daimler chose to copy an improvement from Daimler which they also took from diesel engines. The so called swirl flaps. There are two rows of butterfly like valves inside the manifold that open and close according to vacuum (first row) and actuated by computer (second). Those are installed in there to create turbulence and again get you a few percent of more gas mileage.
Now comes the interesting part.
I recently installed a modified filter for water to catch the oil from PCV line. The filter was transparent and i could see inside it's not only oil coming on PCV line. Oil is emulsified by the water present in exhaust. When that emulsion ends in the intake somehow interferes with the functioning of the first row of flaps, those actuated by vacuum. It changes the weight of the flaps on one end and they start oscillating, creating variations in engine's functioning which in the end translate in vibration. Vibration that surpasses the design performance of the exhaust manifold sealing gasket and starting intermittent exhaust leaks. Again vibration transmits to the hood that intermittently opens and let small amounts of exhaust pass by the seal and into the cabin fan intake. Shall i say more?
The filter i installed after a few improvements catches most of that emulsion however it restricts the flow of gasses at certain rpms decreasing efficiency.
The problem is known to car enthusiasts from race cars. There are what they call oil catch cans that costs up to hundreds of dollars. I once found a cheap one on Amazon made of blue anodized aluminum, looking nice and shiny, and... one quart capacity (hard to find a place under the hoos).
The lead's sealing gasket was made of cardboard and looked weak and i didn't want to take the chance for parts of that gasket to get into the intake so i sent it back. Drop of efficiency with installed filter is more severe in town and generally when accelerating when pressure builds up inside engine. I finally decided to build my own catch can. First i went to NAPA to buy some connectors. Had no idea what to attach them to. The idea was to go later to Home Depot or Lowes an buy anything that looked close to a can and had a detachable lead (you need a detachable lead because you have to screw the connectors). However, conveniently next to the connector there was what they call a "brake bleeder".
Don't know, in auto mechanics slang, for some reason they call purging of the brake fluid "bleeding". At Les Schwab they even have the so called "power bleeder" LOL. It's some sort of round reservoir with several gallons of brake fluid in it where at one end you attach a hose with compressed air and the other all sorts of adapters that go in the place of master cylinder reservoir. Pressurized brake fluid would go into the reservoir. On cars at each wheels brake caliper and pistons have a small screws with halls call again... "bleeder". You unscrew those a bit and usually can have someone press on the pedal to "bleed" the system then screw them back when the pedal goes up. With the power bleeder though, one person can do it. But it's very wasteful. The caps would not fit really well on top of master cylinders and much fluid is lost on the floor. However. You could purge the whole brake fluid from lines and reservoir and cylinder and replace it with new one.
The brake bleeder from NAPA works in the opposite way. You are supposed to attach a vacuum hose (supposed you have a vacuum pump) at one end and connect it to the bleeders at the wheels. Or just attach it and use it to just collect the fluid. While pumping on the pedal fluid would not go on the floor but in the can and air would go out on the other connector. Why it was there at NAPA next to the air connectors? Did they know i was looking for something just like it?
Anyways. It has a tight sealed lead, two connectors and it seemed to fit the purpose. However when i came home and cut those connectors which where too small and again would obstruct the PCV flow, i realized it was all made of cheaper plastic, not nylon as i thought. There is a serious chance it would melt at summer. While working at it was thinking of gluing those connectors that i almost self thread in the very tight holes i made in place of built in connectors, an idea came to me. Why not making the whole thing out of a... tin can. Drill the holes, force self thread the connectors, use JB weld to seal them and voila. Only trouble would be i would not be able to see inside and empty the can. Don't know yet.
However those are exhaust gases and unburned fuel, you can't simply let them escape in the air. Most manufacturers choose an option design called PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation). It's a very simple idea. When pressure builds up (certain rpms and engine output) a valve opens (PCV valve) and lets those gases back into the intake manifold. The parameters of the process are more complicated, cause manifold vacuum that varies with the rpm and output. A simple valve is not the best solution but this is what we got on most cars.
PCV valve is usually placed on the valve cover in the highest point to avoid oil that splashes to escape into the circuit and into the intake with the gases. However that is an ideal that never happens.
Every time when i replaced a PCV valve i saw it had oil in it. And sometimes oil cooks in there and stuck the ball and spring of the valve either open or closed, again decreasing engine efficiency. But i never had a major problem with it until i owned a Hyundai.
Hyundais are different from other cars at least by two accounts. Valve cover is minimalistically low. Main design engineer there who worked at Daimler chose to copy an improvement from Daimler which they also took from diesel engines. The so called swirl flaps. There are two rows of butterfly like valves inside the manifold that open and close according to vacuum (first row) and actuated by computer (second). Those are installed in there to create turbulence and again get you a few percent of more gas mileage.
Now comes the interesting part.
I recently installed a modified filter for water to catch the oil from PCV line. The filter was transparent and i could see inside it's not only oil coming on PCV line. Oil is emulsified by the water present in exhaust. When that emulsion ends in the intake somehow interferes with the functioning of the first row of flaps, those actuated by vacuum. It changes the weight of the flaps on one end and they start oscillating, creating variations in engine's functioning which in the end translate in vibration. Vibration that surpasses the design performance of the exhaust manifold sealing gasket and starting intermittent exhaust leaks. Again vibration transmits to the hood that intermittently opens and let small amounts of exhaust pass by the seal and into the cabin fan intake. Shall i say more?
The filter i installed after a few improvements catches most of that emulsion however it restricts the flow of gasses at certain rpms decreasing efficiency.
The problem is known to car enthusiasts from race cars. There are what they call oil catch cans that costs up to hundreds of dollars. I once found a cheap one on Amazon made of blue anodized aluminum, looking nice and shiny, and... one quart capacity (hard to find a place under the hoos).
The lead's sealing gasket was made of cardboard and looked weak and i didn't want to take the chance for parts of that gasket to get into the intake so i sent it back. Drop of efficiency with installed filter is more severe in town and generally when accelerating when pressure builds up inside engine. I finally decided to build my own catch can. First i went to NAPA to buy some connectors. Had no idea what to attach them to. The idea was to go later to Home Depot or Lowes an buy anything that looked close to a can and had a detachable lead (you need a detachable lead because you have to screw the connectors). However, conveniently next to the connector there was what they call a "brake bleeder".
Don't know, in auto mechanics slang, for some reason they call purging of the brake fluid "bleeding". At Les Schwab they even have the so called "power bleeder" LOL. It's some sort of round reservoir with several gallons of brake fluid in it where at one end you attach a hose with compressed air and the other all sorts of adapters that go in the place of master cylinder reservoir. Pressurized brake fluid would go into the reservoir. On cars at each wheels brake caliper and pistons have a small screws with halls call again... "bleeder". You unscrew those a bit and usually can have someone press on the pedal to "bleed" the system then screw them back when the pedal goes up. With the power bleeder though, one person can do it. But it's very wasteful. The caps would not fit really well on top of master cylinders and much fluid is lost on the floor. However. You could purge the whole brake fluid from lines and reservoir and cylinder and replace it with new one.
The brake bleeder from NAPA works in the opposite way. You are supposed to attach a vacuum hose (supposed you have a vacuum pump) at one end and connect it to the bleeders at the wheels. Or just attach it and use it to just collect the fluid. While pumping on the pedal fluid would not go on the floor but in the can and air would go out on the other connector. Why it was there at NAPA next to the air connectors? Did they know i was looking for something just like it?
Anyways. It has a tight sealed lead, two connectors and it seemed to fit the purpose. However when i came home and cut those connectors which where too small and again would obstruct the PCV flow, i realized it was all made of cheaper plastic, not nylon as i thought. There is a serious chance it would melt at summer. While working at it was thinking of gluing those connectors that i almost self thread in the very tight holes i made in place of built in connectors, an idea came to me. Why not making the whole thing out of a... tin can. Drill the holes, force self thread the connectors, use JB weld to seal them and voila. Only trouble would be i would not be able to see inside and empty the can. Don't know yet.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Focus On Me
After the landscape guys came in Friday they blew some mulch in and partially covered one of the vents of the basement, the one i just cleaned the night before. The nearest to the exhaust pipes from driers where probably there's a broken one. I noticed in the last couple of days no new mole mounds in the yard, don't know about dog poo but it doesn't look like it smells.
Yesterday i vacuumed the apartment. Angela bought Fabreeze bags at Walmart (Bissel nr.7). However the're not as good as Arm and Hammer. Some dust went past them. I vacuum about every month or so, and when i do it it stinks in here about 24 hours. The new Winix filter i bought online from Home Depot has an air quality sensor. But what i call "the after vacuum stink" is not even showing on that one.
The guy with the blue Dodge, after more than two months break started to make the terrible noise again within last two days. Yesterday he started it and went for short trips more than 5 times, including after midnight. I think it stopped the day when i posted the picture of Ariana Grande's ex boyfriend saying he looked like him, the guy with the blue Dodge pickup.
After the old man upstairs moved in early September i haven't been using his parking spot next to ours. However other people started to use it and random cars where being parked next to ours.
So i decided to better use it myself. It didn't seem right for me to park it elsewhere and occupy a much sought for visitor's spot while others to use this one.
Two days ago a team of three maintenance techs went upstairs for about 10 minutes. It seem they didn't have a place to park their cart.
Yesterday they came again and dusted the garages next to our building. Something i've done once about 2 years ago. There was so much dust, back then it looked like they haven't been dusted for many years. Again they parked next to my truck, in the alley. In three years i haven't seen them dusting any of the building except once. I dusted this building three times only this year.
Today, after using that spot for about a month this morning i found a warning label on my truck's right door's window saying to move it or it will be towed.
I think the Dodge noise stopped after i posted this resemblance she showed herself here walking a dog, i saw here when i took out the garbage.
I think after what i posted in the last few days the're trying to move focus on myself.
Last time i saw a warning sign on my truck was in the evening of July 4th, when i came back from a trip in California. I came back a day earlier than estimated time because i drove almost 1000 miles in two days. The truck had a slashed tire and was to be towed the next day. A week later, after i put new tires on it, another one slashed. This time the drive of the towing truck looked like that guy from Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson.
Had big problems with the new car. Oil was getting in the intake manifold through PCV circuit interfering with the swirl flaps, new efficiency additions taken from diesel engines. Oscillating swirl flaps meant engine vibrating, temporary exhaust leaks.
Got the car from an auction, Copart. It was sold under the category of "small dents and scrathces". However it was sold the second time. The car has been in a wreck, somebody bought it, partially fixed it and and sold it back in a different category. When i got at home i saw the engine was vibrating (because of oil in the manifold), there was a broken headlight and windshield reservoir in the trunk, car was painted on the right side including the door. Hood was slightly bent and out of alignment and was not making contact with the seal, exhaust getting in the cabin. Radiator's coolant cap was loose and leaking coolant, there was some sort of salt from the road crystallized on the windshield, etc.. https://www.copart.com/lot/29697838/?eid=email_G2US_mktg_transactional_BT_US_1007_Buyer_Seller_Counters_Rec

A few weeks ago i found a lot of oil in the filter in installed but after i changed oil i think it stopped. Last time at Jiffy Lube on 99 in Tigard they put by mistake 5W30 instead of 5W20 as recommended. Before that at dealerships in Beaverton and Salt Lake City they overfilled it and that caused small amounts of oil to flow through PCV valve. Every time i was getting in tire pressure was changed, including during the trips.
Exhaust and coolant in the cabin, poor driveability, all where potentially safety problems, and i drove it like that more than 5000 miles in two trips across many states in the west.
One of the guys of the maintenance team, the one who speeding with his cart in the parking lot disappeared after i posted this https://similarities-asemanari.blogspot.com/2018/11/radu-almasan-laszlo-barnak.html, and after i thought he just might have looked like him.
I think i've identified some of the others, as being some of the team of Christa Jakobson, ex-Chris Jacobson, ex Chris Brooks (not the famous athlete), a ninja instructor, her(himself) acting as the handy-woman (middle of the picture). They seem not to be present here all the time. One of the guys disappeared after i posted what i thought to be his picture, he's got his own ninja school somewhere but i forgot his name now but he showed back about a week ago.
In this happy ninja group picture he might be the one on the lower left.

Just remembered now. This ninja dude from Christa's team looks exactly like Matt Bennett. Beware ninja use all kinda tricks with modified teeth. (All current fighting technics in modern Japanese martial arts derive from ninjutsu which is at least 900 years old, however ninjutsu is much more than this and includes acting, other performing art, person substituting, disguising, infiltrating, mastering psychology, etc..)
Today as i was writing this post somebody went upstairs and starting making noises. That reminds me of the month from hell that started several weeks after the old man moved from upstairs, when they took out all the old appliances fainted, fixed cabinets etc.. for at least 8 hours a day in the morning. They were times when i simply had to leave because of the noise, smell, etc.. Angela just looked online ans saw the add for the apartment was taken out which means probably somebody is moving in and that explains the warning label on my truck. At least there was no squeaking noises upstairs for the last three months but that is about to change.
Yesterday i vacuumed the apartment. Angela bought Fabreeze bags at Walmart (Bissel nr.7). However the're not as good as Arm and Hammer. Some dust went past them. I vacuum about every month or so, and when i do it it stinks in here about 24 hours. The new Winix filter i bought online from Home Depot has an air quality sensor. But what i call "the after vacuum stink" is not even showing on that one.
The guy with the blue Dodge, after more than two months break started to make the terrible noise again within last two days. Yesterday he started it and went for short trips more than 5 times, including after midnight. I think it stopped the day when i posted the picture of Ariana Grande's ex boyfriend saying he looked like him, the guy with the blue Dodge pickup.
After the old man upstairs moved in early September i haven't been using his parking spot next to ours. However other people started to use it and random cars where being parked next to ours.
So i decided to better use it myself. It didn't seem right for me to park it elsewhere and occupy a much sought for visitor's spot while others to use this one.
Two days ago a team of three maintenance techs went upstairs for about 10 minutes. It seem they didn't have a place to park their cart.
Yesterday they came again and dusted the garages next to our building. Something i've done once about 2 years ago. There was so much dust, back then it looked like they haven't been dusted for many years. Again they parked next to my truck, in the alley. In three years i haven't seen them dusting any of the building except once. I dusted this building three times only this year.
Today, after using that spot for about a month this morning i found a warning label on my truck's right door's window saying to move it or it will be towed.
I think the Dodge noise stopped after i posted this resemblance she showed herself here walking a dog, i saw here when i took out the garbage.
I think after what i posted in the last few days the're trying to move focus on myself.
Last time i saw a warning sign on my truck was in the evening of July 4th, when i came back from a trip in California. I came back a day earlier than estimated time because i drove almost 1000 miles in two days. The truck had a slashed tire and was to be towed the next day. A week later, after i put new tires on it, another one slashed. This time the drive of the towing truck looked like that guy from Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson.
Had big problems with the new car. Oil was getting in the intake manifold through PCV circuit interfering with the swirl flaps, new efficiency additions taken from diesel engines. Oscillating swirl flaps meant engine vibrating, temporary exhaust leaks.
Got the car from an auction, Copart. It was sold under the category of "small dents and scrathces". However it was sold the second time. The car has been in a wreck, somebody bought it, partially fixed it and and sold it back in a different category. When i got at home i saw the engine was vibrating (because of oil in the manifold), there was a broken headlight and windshield reservoir in the trunk, car was painted on the right side including the door. Hood was slightly bent and out of alignment and was not making contact with the seal, exhaust getting in the cabin. Radiator's coolant cap was loose and leaking coolant, there was some sort of salt from the road crystallized on the windshield, etc.. https://www.copart.com/lot/29697838/?eid=email_G2US_mktg_transactional_BT_US_1007_Buyer_Seller_Counters_Rec

A few weeks ago i found a lot of oil in the filter in installed but after i changed oil i think it stopped. Last time at Jiffy Lube on 99 in Tigard they put by mistake 5W30 instead of 5W20 as recommended. Before that at dealerships in Beaverton and Salt Lake City they overfilled it and that caused small amounts of oil to flow through PCV valve. Every time i was getting in tire pressure was changed, including during the trips.
Exhaust and coolant in the cabin, poor driveability, all where potentially safety problems, and i drove it like that more than 5000 miles in two trips across many states in the west.
One of the guys of the maintenance team, the one who speeding with his cart in the parking lot disappeared after i posted this https://similarities-asemanari.blogspot.com/2018/11/radu-almasan-laszlo-barnak.html, and after i thought he just might have looked like him.
I think i've identified some of the others, as being some of the team of Christa Jakobson, ex-Chris Jacobson, ex Chris Brooks (not the famous athlete), a ninja instructor, her(himself) acting as the handy-woman (middle of the picture). They seem not to be present here all the time. One of the guys disappeared after i posted what i thought to be his picture, he's got his own ninja school somewhere but i forgot his name now but he showed back about a week ago.
In this happy ninja group picture he might be the one on the lower left.

Just remembered now. This ninja dude from Christa's team looks exactly like Matt Bennett. Beware ninja use all kinda tricks with modified teeth. (All current fighting technics in modern Japanese martial arts derive from ninjutsu which is at least 900 years old, however ninjutsu is much more than this and includes acting, other performing art, person substituting, disguising, infiltrating, mastering psychology, etc..)
Today as i was writing this post somebody went upstairs and starting making noises. That reminds me of the month from hell that started several weeks after the old man moved from upstairs, when they took out all the old appliances fainted, fixed cabinets etc.. for at least 8 hours a day in the morning. They were times when i simply had to leave because of the noise, smell, etc.. Angela just looked online ans saw the add for the apartment was taken out which means probably somebody is moving in and that explains the warning label on my truck. At least there was no squeaking noises upstairs for the last three months but that is about to change.