Monday, March 23, 2020


They were 3 different major Asian migration in Europe. First, the Huns. Second, the Magars from Nepal. Third, the Mongols,  Genghis Khan. Four if including the Goths. The best documented is that of the Magars, who nowadays call themselves Hungarian and Magyars.

They all but especially the Hun and Mongol one have something in common. Rapid conquest of enormous territories that were lost as rapidly. Infinite, savage greed.

However they have managed, since Attila, to take hold of a sizeable territory of Eastern Europe and to tap into the old gold mines of Romans in Dacia, nowadays Transylvania. That gold and local enslaved population have allowed them, over centuries, to get education, hybridize with Europeans and finally infiltrated them to the point they fully control them for over a century now by replacing all leadership.

What i wanted to talk about is something i have experienced myself and it fits the pattern of both invasions and maybe the third one mentioned above. Use of biological and chemical agents for both direct and psychological effect.

Imagine this. You take a fair supply of hallucinogenic plants, unknown to Europeans. Send a couple of scouts and set a small, invisible fire upstream the village or camp and throw a few pounds of those. Wait for a certain amount of time and take the village or camp with no or very little resistance.

It's the second day that everything inside here stinks. It started Saturday night when i was taking a bath and i heard in the silence of the night the faint sound of drier next wall. Sunday it was stinking here like little children or babies diarrhea. I would assume they incompletely washed some of those ancient type reusable diapers and dried them.

They've done it in different versions in the past. Burning electric insulation smells. Hash oil cooking smell. Burning hair dogs smells. Dog poo set deliberately around the building. Food wraps set deliberately around the building. Marijuana. Name it. Everything that can be explained it happens "naturally in such "communities". Cause nobody who lives in this complex is here by chance.

Today i went in the park and there was persistent smell of smoke. I would not be surprised if they bought properties in all Portland area and deliberately set them on fire. Some with only psychological effect. Some getting everybody a bit sick, a bit annoyed, ready to change minds and influence decisions. Basically all major local fires in the last ten  years or since i started to pay attention. Numerous other "small" fires, or houses.

They gave up some of them, like burning drugs. However there is a group of people in the nearby building that to me seem the same hybrids seen in my lists. They know when to come outside, and smoke, up to 5 at a time and maybe more. Where the wind blows from that direction. Smell of cigarette smoke, combined with other smells, is annoyed, mind changing, influencing.

They have done all these to me for as long as i can remember, even in Romania, where most of them were living around me as part of the mysterious Changu minority in Bacău or the city where i live. At times more intense. When they could control me, they were less. Every time i started to become more conscient of what's happening, they stepped on it.

Tactics developed in old Chinese Empire who financed their great wall with the gold brought from Roman Empire in exchange for luxury goods, like silk, spices, etc.. brought in Europe on the silk road. That was before they decided to move in and settle at the source, causing the fall of Roman Empire.

Something that misses from the books of history. Because we all know who writes it.

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