Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Székelys, Shakya

«The Székelys (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈseːkɛj]), sometimes also referred to as Szeklers (Hungarian: székelyek, Romanian: Secui, German: Szekler, Latin: Siculi), are a subgroup of the Hungarian people living mostly in the Székely Land in Romania

Never heard the expression subgroup of a people (when talking about people of a nation). Note it is avoided off-shot, descendant, related. I think the writer has tried to avoid to say they are Hungarians which are not but also tried to imply it.

After being for centuries in either Hungary, Transylvania or Romania, nobody speaks for them anymore. Nobody knows what their original language is. The only ones who know about them are Romanians and Hungarians, and vast majority of both think they are Hungarians living in an enclave in the middle of Romania. From time to time of course Hungarians claim them as their own. But the important or the original Shackya who were living there are gone, what is left now today are some peasant who might or not speak Magyar.

Truth is they were one of the signatories of the Treaty of the Tree Nations (three tiny "nations" signed a treaty in 1438, after a peasant revolt, laying the foundation of what later became the state of Hungary).

Revolting peasants were the ancient people living in Transylvania, mostly Romanians, which in time have been caught in the middle by more developed militarily Hungarians or Magyars in west, Szekelys in the east and German migrants "Saxons" (brought by invitation by Hungarians to complete the circle around Transylvanian Romanians) in south.

There are a few things i want to mention about them which are the reason of this blog post. First the similarity between their flag and the modern flag of Nepal.

Second, the similarity between the names Székelys, Shakya.

Shakya are an ancient people of India and Nepal which once had their own "republic".

"Its capital was Kapilavastu, which may have been located either in present-day Tilaurakot, Nepal or present-day Piprahwa, India."

Nepalese, including Magars, Shakya, may have come in Europe as hired mercenaries guarding the silk road, on which silk and other luxury goods were coming from Asia into Europe mostly during Roman Empire with caravans made of up to 10,000 beasts of burden and the same weight of gold from Roman mines in Transylvania was going the other way, financing the great wall of China. But it could be something else like a planned spread of Buddhism around the world. Because Buddha was one of them.

My guess is Magars became what today are Magyars, the name for inhabitants of Hungary in their own language and Shakya became the Szekelys.

Capital of Hungary until 1873 was named Buda.

One good example of how influential they became is the Sackler family. Because they even flaunt their name. But that doesn't mean the rest of them are not the same.

May 18. One thing i did not mentioned when i first wrote this blog post, mainly because i wanted to keep it simple.

Most intriguing is also a type of masonic apron that has a cloud with an eye that remind of the map or Romania with Szekely land in the middle.

And of course flag or Romania is contained twice in the Buddhist flag.

As for the letter M on aprons i have a ton of ideas and wanted to write a blog post about but didn't have time and courage.

Last but not least, Shakespeare.

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