Tuesday, September 1, 2020

It Wasn't Me

Pleas try to imagine how hard was to write this. There was a squeak upstairs for every word. I was thinking while at the Refuge. Cause there, on the alley, far from anybody it's the only place where i can do it.

First, i have to leave as early in the morning as possible to break with the influence of the guy upstairs. If i start first writing instead, i get completely entrained.

It's been 4 and a half hour since i awoke and 3 miles of walk in the sun and i'm not fully alert. But squeaking, smoke, whatever does not the same to me like usually because i've been out in the air for at least one hour.

I know i met with celebrities again, at the car wash, then here. What the're trying to desperately or algorithmically prove is it's not me. It's not me that i'm writing and posting, it's not me me when i go out, i've change my ID, my body, my head, my face, and for that reason they bring in celebrities everywhere i go for 25 years and before in Romania to make this point and people didn't get enough of it to this day. It's one strategy over and over that people never figured. One of their points is, i can't recognize them right away. The clowns magicians that is.

There's a big difference when driving, following traffic rules, being bullied and then suddenly seeing someone, unexpected, out of his/her usual environment, no fancy clothes and makeup or opposite makeup than usual. Then, you need some time to realize. After getting home or to your destination where/when you can relax you start thinking and remembering and realizing those were not the right gestures, the right people, the right bodies, you remember a glimpse of a face, etc..

Then if i don't, the market reacts to it. I was so groggy this morning i recorded several audios and didn't realize i have to override the option to upload on wi-fi only in order to get them uploaded and assumed whoever was listening heard the one before. So i asked a question to the market and market never answered because i never uploaded the question. So i had to figure for myself. There was a 50% chance at the car wash those guys where Melania and Jared. The other 50% is they were the actors that play them.

So, for the purpose of their confrontations, it's not me, cause my brain is partially numbed, like it was all this morning.

(Everything i wrote above is from memory from my mental and audio notes i made during the walk. Here, when the're squeaking upstairs, i can't think of one single word).

As i said before and should have written on blog instead of fb. I don't care for the market. Angela's got on 401k about the same amount we have in debt, so she doesn't like when it goes down. But when i see the market goes up because i didn't recognize Melania at the car wash, i hate it.

On the radio, they were playing whey you come around just when i left. Could that have contributed to me going there today?

I also look at this google maps screenshot, picture taken i guess during winter when shadows are longer at noon and that SUV seems narrower. With a longer vehicle you will feel very uncomfortable to drive there and i'm not a shy driver. They should have made it the other way around, so you exit at the U-turn.

Then when you finish the turn you have to work hard to align your car at the rail and follow the signs, not look at the faces. And of course. It's Oregon. Liquor stores to go extra trips and see more faces. ZZ top. Daniel Buffet. Garry Moore, undead. Attended gas station with more possibilities there.

There is of course the possibility that only a narrow audiences is aware of all these. Or some are aware only of some. So only a narrow band will be disappointed if i figure it out on the spot and i will be certifiable of course.

Just remembered  something. At the beginning they told me that if i don't like the way it came out i can come again for free. It was 9 bucks so i said, ok, it wasn't right, trucks wasn't washed in years and i went in one more time. Then the woman who looked like Melania said i could use some rubbing alcohol if it's not coming out right this time. Was that a threat?
Of course rumors need continous fuel to run for such a long time. So that bitch in the loud, smoking Audi that go in front of me on the alleys all the way to my building was indeed Cardi B whom i blackmailed with the match i just posted.

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