11:00 I went to the dentist for an emergency extraction, however, first appointment available was tomorrow at 8. I let them my new number (by caller ID calling at 9:30, cause i gave up memorizing my fast changing phone numbers) just in case there's a cancelation.
11:03 Today would be the first time i know of that America's addiction to their idols pushed the market up. Pragmatically on short term looks good but philosophically, this is so weird. I'm going to binge watch Fringe for the rest of the day. But after i figure the source of smoke outside.
11:17 One hole under wall, two under door. Burnt plastic like smell, probably meth. A utility machine from the city making a noise, probably canceling ambiental. After fixing the holes, i went back inside, the smell was so strong, i had to open the door.
It's hard to understand, buth the smoke from holes, though they are outside, go mostly inside, because of laminar thermal flow around building (Coandă effect). So the smell becomes apparent for an observer only when you open the door and the smoke literally comes out of your place, in which moment a siren went off. Hole is almost impossible to see in a 2D image. It's under the horizontal 4 inch pipe, 6 inches right of the joint.11:25 What would you say if i told the sweetest woman (on screen) is even 3 years older?
12:15 More smoke, one hole just opened back up. I went outside to cover it, a continuous show in the parking lot.
12:25 Lecția pe care trebuie să o învățăm. Cred că o foarte mică minoritate de job-uri în firme strategice ar trebui, prin lege, să nu aibă dreptul la grevă. Dacă vrei să lucrezi acolo, vei ști de la început, va fi o condiție la angajare.
1:36 It is really scary. The way stock market goes up and down with no economical reasons. Stock market of course is not the majority of the capital in the US. Many corporation choose to sell stock, up to a percentage of their total assets or capital. However, many people have their retirement money in funds tied to stock market. But i bet they don't check it regularly to see how their money do.
After an unnatural constant rally since December 2018 (which happened during a so called pandemic) with a "hickup" at the beginning of "pandemic", following again another barely signaled crash back then in December 2018 of more than 20%, breaking record after record, triggering a yet unknown but solid, touchable inflation, with the weirdest part, shortage of... cars in dealerships and raising of prices of second hand cars, stock market crashed this month to a low of aprox. -11.3% at 9:30 PDT this morning which was really scary.
Than it has experienced the biggest rally i saw in one day over many years since i'm watching it, or over 4% until closing time, in two stages, last on Biden declaration of sending more troops, putting troops in allert but especially on him "changing his mind" in this direction which i was expecting cause his first decision on "minor incursions" was a bluff.
Also they never stand up to their decisions, for let's say, more than a while.
It's amazing how the sentiments of americans reflect onto their own money. It's also amazing how main media plays to ignore the most important economical and historical economic phenomena we are experiencing. It was not a crash, most are saying. It's all about Uk reign most will say. However, nobody knows nothing about what's going on in Ukraine. If you asked me, this is what's going on.
After fall of the Soviet Union, many Russians found themselves outside Russia, and some in historical communities where they are/were always majoritary. I don't know exactly, but i would assume some dumbass Ukrainian politicians have irritated those which happened to be on the border with Russia and they were crying for help to their brothers in mainland and Putin is playing on that feeling and masses troops. This is what's happening. Those people don't deserve a war except for their ignorance of what the west is feeling about Putin massing those troops right now. It is, if you like, climbing the ladder of illusions, where each rung disappears after just stepping onto the next (if you look down), like the stock market did today.
If it may lead to war. It would not be the first time when the ladder of illusions lead to hell, not heaven.
And THEY may need a war right now, like they needed the "pandemic" which was not enough for the world which just started to learn who they are, to forget.
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