Sunday, February 20, 2022

February 20

1:28 My first match done entirely on the new setup (Chromebook with my old keyboard, mouse and monitor). Pixlr for cropping. Please be patient, i'm on a learning curve. Again.

2:40 It's all coming together now (it started to make sense). How come i haven't seen this before? I'm too busy i guess.

2:46/12:46 Da bine da modela mamzela mimoza aia din planul secund cine-i?
7:13 Got awakened by the pungent smell. Went outside and found numerous cracks and bulges in the ground, some under door and walls. Being sleepy and groggy, could not find them the first time. Every time i came inside and closed the door, as the direction of the flow at the surface shifted, more smoke was coming, after a brief pause.

12:41 Took half Zyrtec and slept till now.

repetitio est mater studiorum. They are taking turns at saying this for weeks now on Ukraine.

11:30 Why FCC will let her be?

Will perfect our chemistry. Today, about saltpeter.

The name Peter is the root of the word. Closest to alchemists' philosopher stone. Once used to preserve meat, was rumored to cut sexual urges. Though it didn't exist in Japan when first "edition" of Basenshukai was released (1976) with the purpose to bring in more disciples, it is found in many "fire tools" recipes in the book.

I would not be surprised if Dominicans (the influential catholic sect) would believe it has "divine" properties pretty much like the "hounds of the Lord", oftenly portrayed as Dalmatians with a torch in their mouths. After all, Dominican Inquisition burnt their "heretics" at the stake. ( Could it be the Olympic torch relay is inspired by the hounds running with a torch in their mouth?).

No i wouldn't have bothered to write this at this hour of the night, after driving 80 miles and feeling ready to sleep if it wasn't about me or my life in the last decades. It is about this morning, when the place filled again with an irritating smell that believe it or not, comes from the ground. "It will set the Earth on fire" says St.Dominic's mother dream. And they literally believe that. In order to achieve this, they however need some material things. Among those, saltpeter.

A nitrate of potassium or other metals like calcium, etc., it is an unstable mineral that can be used as fertilizer or as main ingredient in old type (black) gunpowder. The most interesting property of saltpeter is it burns by itself, no oxygen needed. Actually, not by itself, it provides oxygen for other things to burn. Because it has oxygen in its unstable molecule. And yes, they did it again, to complete the cycle. Got to go outside to step on cracks, mounds and holes in the ground, to seal them for at least a few hours. When the smoke subsides, the moles come back, crack the ground again to air their galleries and they can start over.

Why would they do this? For religious reasons of course. To make someone act weird, under this precise type of influence described in the prophecy (St.Dominic mother's dream) so it may contribute to starting of the phenomena described in the last Book of the Bible and thus pave the way for the second coming of Christ.

Think about. If Dominicans believe the hounds (Dalmatians) are holy, that means everything in them is holy, including excrement. Which excrement may be mixed with saltpeter, another magic substance, an inhibitor maybe, set on fire and stuck in the ground (moles galleries, other magic animals that may inspire the freemasons), just like in the prophecy. When burnt, excrement may release aerosols that contain unburnt material that may still contain bacteria and protozoa or whatever lives in that dog's intestines. Small amounts that may travel from underground in somebody's house or apartment and infect everybody inside. Infections with T Gondii may have also very weird effects on people, because the parasite releases dopamine (the reward chemical) and interferes with a person's cognitive cycle, feeding back their belief (of those who do that) that dogs are magic.

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