Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Pyramids, Light Bending and Wormholes

When we were kids we were playing with origami style paper we made so called salt boxes. However they had nothing to do with salt but maybe with the name salt box, which in Romanian contains the root sol. Not coming from Latin though. Could it be just another message in a bottle, for the future?

I believe this on the right side is the pyramid configuration with the Sun during those seconds of the day it can open a crack in space time continuum and get connected with another one nearby in the galaxy maybe up to a few hundreds light years away and maybe within the line of sight with no obstacles.

The Sun has to be roughly perpendicular or better said in the middle of faces 7 and 8 (the height will vary during the year, hence the length of the grand corridor and the stones used for tuning) and the photons coming at an angle from the periphery of the Sun have to be parallel with faces 1 and 6

Because of the round shape of the  Sun, variable height throughout the year, things are a bit more complicated, however in that moment the rays comming from the periphery of the Sun near a horizontal diameter "hug" or run parallel with faces 1 and 6 and the photons get pushed aside and then twisted and bent by the faces 2 and 5.

In detail. A number of phenomena will occur. A change of polarization from near horizontal after light passing through atmosphere to one parallel to the surface that will be in opposite direction on faces 2 and 5. A change of direction of the photons during total reflection on faces 2 and 5. A transfer of momentum from the photons to the surface. A red shift with change of frequency and energy.

Polarized light gets bent when grazing a material surface at a low angle (total reflection) a photon is getting very close to the surface and gets repelled by electrostatic forces because the surface is already charged positively by photoelectric effect prior to grazing.

When we have a multitude of photons coming from a distant source, they get synchronized by resonance. Then if we separate the stream in two and bend each in an opposite directions we may create a void in that space time.

Everything that is interesting inside the pyramid is on a plane in the middle of it but most interesting, there is a cave like structure called the grand gallery that probably initiate or guide that split. The three locking rocks and the tree sliding rocks could be tuning or "dialing" devices.

I believe the pyramid was used in the same way they did in the movie Stargate Atlantis. However, there is no ring, it all happens inside the pyramid, i don't think you can "dial" the destination, and another one at the destination has to be opened in the same time which is quite impossible since there is no possibility of synchronization because that planet turns probable at a different speed.

The idea is very simple. When you crack open the space time continuum, inside the void created the space (and time) has no meaning and if you open another one in a different place in that very same instant, only for i don't know, a few seconds, they will overlap with a slight calculated difference, and you can switch an object from one to another one.

But they could have at the other end devices more sophisticated as i suspect they could have here on Earth nowadays.

I got some proof. The recently discovered void inside the pyramid could be an effect of the erosion of the faces leading to focalization above the grand corridor rendering the pyramid useless for that purpose.

Or maybe the crack still appeared daily after the pyramid was abandoned (which suggests a war or evacuation with no time or opportunity to destroy such a wealth of information) and continued to function and the faces got eroded by rainwater, with more erosion at the bottom due to a cascading effect of small debris and the focal point was moved upwards and the void was created with all that matter being sucked and transported somewhere which may lead to the conclusion it did not need an opening at the other end.

Or was it an accident? A solar storm? An earthquake during opening of the wormhole? Or maybe simply the geographic center of Earth landmass could have shifter by erosion of shores, worldwide.

Here is an artist's rendition on how the The Great Pyramid of Cholula might have looked like. Though significantly shorter than the one at Giza, it has a greater volume and side surfaces. It was made of adobe bricks, but the surface could have been highly finished.

Could have been concave (octahedral) like the one at  Giza? Cholula in nahuatl language means "Place of those who fled". It was started in 3rd century BC and abandoned in 8th century.

But there is one more symbol that may be related to my theory of light bending and twisting with two parallel faces of a pyramid to open wormholes (in the middle). 

A later form of the medallion, known as the Sun Stone(!), which also contains a sophisticated calendar depicts the wormhole end as an open mouth probably because all their wealth was going without returning in that wormhole.

Could be the inspiration for the dialing rings in Stargate Atlantis. 

Another movie that was depicting the use of a wormhole was Star Trek Deep Space Nine. 

If all pyramids in the world do the same thing, there are variations in styles suggesting... Or maybe the shape, size, angles were dictated by local availability of materials and they have been the same, fleeing from Egypt when it became too crowed with Greeks and Romans?

We have been tricked 100 years ago by Schrodinger and Heisenberg and gave in into complicated mathematics that very few can understand based on a fake theory while the real theory is straightforward and easy to implement.

However there are few "details" we cannot understand yet. Like what exactly the shafts and the chambers are doing or the subterranean chamber at Giza. Unless we all give up the fakery and  all start brainstorming on this. And then, we will need a destination and i don't believe they are expecting us with a smile on their face.

The medallion is obviously drawn by the locals and shows whoever designed, built and used the pyramid did not make a secret of what they were doing. Maybe because they knew the locals will never able to duplicate it. Though primitive and quite naive, it may provide the most information so far. Except for the Great Pyramid of Giza itself which unlike the others, is pretty well preserved...

Yeah in China building of pyramids started in about the same time period with those in Latin America.

But some claim the opposite and i tend to believe them because Khufu looks Asian...

But make no mistake... It was not the Chinese who built the great ancient Egyptian "civilization"... It was the aliens who built both... And the Aztec. And they weren't really civilizations... They were base of recruitment of slaves for the need of aliens, nothing more... The scars we feel to this days with the fakery of race superiority and stuff... They don't know what they are doing, they are simply imitating the aliens back then.

A true pyramid has to be aligned with North-South direction, to take advantage of maximum solar power ad midday... Some claim there is a pyramid in Bosnia, south of the rich gold mines of Transylvania, with better weather and stuff. It looks like it is aligned and maybe the faces are very eroded and covered with soil which suggests it preceded all of them...

Why the aliens need our gold. According to my theories, gold can be used in specially designed reactors to create pure exotic matter (with negative mass, which some may call today "dark matter"), which may be used to provide enormous amounts of energy. Nothing like we have seen so far.

But i suspect asteroids rich in gold may have been diverted to Earth on purpose, creating an ice age and floods all over after, containing other contaminants, lowering the population to an evolutionary bottleneck that might have shortened the life span of humans about ten times (remember Methuselah who lived 970 years, according to the Bible?), and then they landed to use them as slaves, to mine the gold and send the "remittance" back home using wormholes.

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