Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11

11:15 I was living under the impression that the ona at 4, who shoes at the balcony right in the middle of the building upstairs, talking Spanish for hours was coming through the attic and acting like the woman at 6 (Apartments numbers are confusing), left to right down stairs is 1,2, 5, upstairs is 3,4,6, four is next to 6 and 5 is above.

But no, she is the same person, under a different disguise.

Today after the woman upstairs left, she showed at 4. But i had a revelation. She is no other than the ninja who acts as empress Masako. That explains why authority, Police here could never do, over the years, a thing about her.

12:02 After a short recession, there she is back talking in the balcony. She speaks Spanish with many intonations. I read from the manual that ninja have special methods of learning local accents. I think know she speaks English.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8

2:00 PM Free live music and erotic show at Spirit Mountain. That night at Spirit Mountain. There was a guy from Lincoln City playing live music. There was a plastic foil covering the end of the casino (ex non-smoking area), a dead end.

Next to the foil, inside of the open area, always "playing" at the same machine a woman having one leg on the chair bend under her butt, with a mask with eyes resembling Alexa Crush. Herself, not a meme. Doing the same thing as her meme did at Little Creek. The only thing is the meme got arrested.

I kept staring at her trying to figure what was odd. Bret played one last romantic song at the piano then the show ended.

Today i had a revelation and figured what was going on. Question. How low can these guys at Spirit Mountain go?

They were times when they were offering, like all the other "establishments of culture" free lodging during weekdays. Trying to figure out why they don't anymore. Who comes to stay there during the week when the casino is almost empty? Actors and extras from Hungary, ready at any time for a show?

3:36 On Friday August 18 2023 i went with Angela in the food court at Spirit Mountain. 3 Japanese women came to a table next to ours and started talking very loud. One was sitting, two standing. After about half hour i told them to quiet down. However one of them (on the left) came and sat at our table and told me. "You are ugly!". I like to f... but i will never f... with you because you are so ugly.

Then i pulled the camera in about the same time security came in and filmed them. I am not so proud the way i was talking (tired, a bit drunk) and don't want to post the video. However, when i looked at today, i realized the one sitting may be the current Empress of Japan, Masako.

My computer refuses to upload that screenshot right now. I tried to send the image to Angela's computer to upload it from there however gmail refused to do it. I tried to upload the image on google drive, the same result.

Ok after a number of tries i finally uploaded the image on google drive and i post it from there.
Ok my computer still refuses to upload images on blogger so i will post her picture from a site (there is a chance it will disappear or the link will be broken). 

4:55 How it all started. @ July 4th i put a piece of plastic foil to stop the seeds from falling on the concrete patio because birds and squirrels were making a mess (bringing red wood dust on the concrete, that would then be blown by the AC). A couple of pushpins broke and fell on the ground. One of the broken tips, that was like a 10 mm needle entered one of my toes.

Today or after about a month i had to remove it because too many seeds gathered in there, somehow got wet and started to stink. BTW it stinks badly like dog s...t, at 96 degrees (36 Celsius). Much silence around here after i posted the above, i guess the AI is rebooting, like after any major revealing.

You have to understand i did not put the video (screenshots) at the time out of respect for a most important country. But they did not understand and kept doing the same thing over and over. I think the ninja have outlived their role in unifying and modernizing Japan.

At this moment, after the last episode and after remembering almost every time i went in there i saw some old Japanese ladies probably from their entourage (or themselves, i was always a bit buzzed especially when arriving, and then i wasn't paying much attention), i can only conclude that Spirit Mountain Casino within Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Oregon is actually under direct patronage of the Japanese Imperial Court. To use for propaganda reason (shows with the Antichrist).

5:40 But here at the apartment. Naruhito himself showed as the supervisor of the construction team (BZ Construction) who installed the new windows after i posted those IR images in April 2022.

6:53 PM Micul gid juridic. Mărturiile vin de la procuror... Și de la martori ce vine? Acuzarea?

10:55 PM Alte probe din același dosar penal făcute publice.

9:50 (8-9) How frustrating... Is this real? Can you figure now what these guys are doing and how are they controlling everything?

10:05 (8-9) Wait a minute. The standing one? The one i talked to? It makes sense cause she was speaking perfect English. Also acting as dr.Collier at Woodland Park hospital in 2002. Falsely detaining me in the hospital. Torture. It makes sense since Harrison Ford was dr.Erickson, also detaining and torturing me. She is now dead (or retired in Japan) but dr.Harrison is here and fine.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7

2:05 Got war (updates)?


2:20 (8) Câinele ăla de jos are gulerul alb?

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6

11:50 Triplul omor care nu s-a întâmplat. O știre psihologică. Orice știre-zvon trebuie să fie credibilă doar până își face efectul...

11:55 Circ și iluzionism. S-a spus pe diferite canale de media, inclusiv la CNN că Simone Biles, în timpul exercițiului de la sol, a ajuns cu vârful capului la înălțimea de 12 ft (picioare, un metru este egal cu...).

Având în vedere că înălțimea ei este de 4.8 ft (un metru 46 cm) și nu era chiar în poziție de lumânare, asta ar fi însemnat că picioarele ei au fost deasupra recordului... olimpic de săritură în înălțime deținut de ucraineana Yaroslava Mahuchikh, 6.88 ft sau 2 metri 10 centimetri.

În SUA prevalează sistemul de măsură "standard" (fost imperial). Un galon este 3.78 litri. Un picior (ft) este 12 inch. Un inch este 2.54 mm. Sculele se măsoară în fracțiuni de inch. O cheie de 3/8 se poate folosi ca una de 10 mm, una de 1/2 (half inch) ca 13. Acum, cu importurile masive de mașini din Asia, care folosesc sistemul metric, orice mecanic trebuie să aibă două seturi de scule, una standard și una metrică.

După ce am scris prima dată au apărut numeroase dezmințiri dar iată o știre USA today care citează NBC care spune exact acest lucru.

Franța a fost un far al civilizației moderne. A ajuns un fel de corectă politic iar noi toți știm că politica e o c...ă.

12:26 După ce luni (duminică seara pe coasta de vest) indexul Nikkei în Japonia a scăzut aproape 13%, au înscenat aici la apartamente ceva. Cineva strica help, help, help, help, apoi a venit o ambulanță. A doua zi au apărut înșirate într-unul din tomberoane (cel mai aproape) haine de femeie, care probabil au fost scoase dintr-un sac de plastic. Pe vârful tomberonului erau o pereche de pantaloni de velur, crem, vizibili din avion.

Nu e prima dată când s-a întâmplat așa ceva.

2:45 O banală indexare a pensiilor cu inflația trenează în știri de luni de zile, dând emoții la miloane.

2:50  There is only one "pure" breed of dog with white chest. There could be others, by accident. St.Dominic's dog had a white chest. So the dog at E4. E is of course representing the Holy Trinity (or tripundra) and 4 the cross.

12:35 Upstairs, stomping for a couple of hours now.

12:50 La minutul 9:10 se văd soldați cărând cu targa un corp. În mod bizar, în secundele următoare se văd soldați cărând același corp și niște bagaje (pentru mai mult dramatism) care par intacte . Calitatea video-lui, contițiile meteo indică faptul că a fost filmat atunci.

Nu am găsit nicăieri pe net alte relatări despre corpurile celor 60 de persoane la bord găsite (sau nu) acolo. În nici o altă fotografie sau video din film nu se văd fragmente de rămășite umane.

Nu rămâne decât o singură concluzie. Avionul, care era dintre cele mai moderne la vremea aceea, fiind parțial guvernat de un computer, a fost programat să cadă astfel. Nu a fost  nimeni la bord.

1:08 Tot episodul nu este decât încă un exemplu despre coruperea continuă a românilor. Nu poți să ai oameni sănătoși la cap, o societate sănătoasă, când îi bați la cap (urli la televizor) non stop, tot timpulminciuni (bulismul, insultul, aneantizarea (nimicirea) psihicului).

3:45 Kukur Tihar. Kutya. Yama. Out. In.