Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11

11:15 I was living under the impression that the ona at 4, who shoes at the balcony right in the middle of the building upstairs, talking Spanish for hours was coming through the attic and acting like the woman at 6 (Apartments numbers are confusing), left to right down stairs is 1,2, 5, upstairs is 3,4,6, four is next to 6 and 5 is above.

But no, she is the same person, under a different disguise.

Today after the woman upstairs left, she showed at 4. But i had a revelation. She is no other than the ninja who acts as empress Masako. That explains why authority, Police here could never do, over the years, a thing about her.

12:02 After a short recession, there she is back talking in the balcony. She speaks Spanish with many intonations. I read from the manual that ninja have special methods of learning local accents. I think know she speaks English.

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