Sunday, September 28, 2014

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Adam IoanBRAŞOVPSDGoogle
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Adăscăliţei ConstantinIAŞIPSDGoogle
Alexe CostelIAŞIPNLGoogle
Alexe Florin-AlexandruBUCUREŞTIPNLGoogle
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Anuşca Roxana-FlorentinaBOTOŞANIPNLGoogle
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Iriza ScarlatGORJPSDGoogle
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Kelemen HunorHARGHITAUDMRGoogle
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Kereskényi GáborSATU-MAREUDMRGoogle
Khraibani CameliaGORJPSDGoogle
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Longher GhervazenMino.Google
Lubanovici MirceaDIASPORAPDLGoogle
Manda Iulian ClaudiuDOLJPSDGoogle
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Marcu VioricaBACĂUPNLGoogle
Marian Ion CristinelVÂLCEAPP-DDGoogle
Marica Petru-SorinHUNEDOARAPSDGoogle
Marin GheorgheARGEŞPSDGoogle
Marin LauraGALAŢIPSDGoogle
Markó Attila-GaborCOVASNAUDMRGoogle
Marocico IonMino.Google
Martin Eduard-StelianCONSTANŢAPSDGoogle
Márton Árpád-FranciscCOVASNAUDMRGoogle
Máté András-LeventeCLUJUDMRGoogle
Matei Călin-Vasile-AndreiMARAMUREŞPSDGoogle
Mazilu ConstantinVÂLCEAPSD (membru UNPR)Google
Măduţa Flavius-LuigiARADPSDGoogle
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Mihai AurelianDIASPORAneafiliatGoogle
Mihăilă IoanBUCUREŞTIPSD (membru UNPR)Google
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Mironescu Răzvan HoriaBUCUREŞTIPNLGoogle
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Mîrza GavrilSUCEAVAPSDGoogle
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Mocanu VasileIAŞIPSDGoogle
Mocioi NiculinaGORJPDLGoogle
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Moldovan IosifHARGHITAUDMRGoogle
Molnar ZsoltTIMIŞUDMRGoogle
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Neacşu MarianIALOMIŢAPSDGoogle
Necula CosminBACĂUPSDGoogle
Negruţ ClementALBAneafiliatGoogle
Negruţ CorneliaMARAMUREŞPC-PLRGoogle
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Nica Nicolae-CiprianVRANCEAPSDGoogle
Nichita CristinaIAŞIPSDGoogle
Nicoară Romeo FlorinBUCUREŞTIPNLGoogle
Nicolae AlexandriPRAHOVAPC-PLRGoogle
Nicolae FlorianGIURGIUPSDGoogle
Nicolăescu Gheorghe-EugenBUCUREŞTIPNLGoogle
Nicolescu Theodor-CătălinARGEŞPNLGoogle
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Niculae AurelCĂLĂRAŞIPSD (membru UNPR)Google
Niculescu DumitruOLTPP-DDGoogle
Niculescu Duvăz Bogdan NicolaeARGEŞPSDGoogle
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Nistor Gheorghe-VladBUCUREŞTIPNLGoogle
Nistor LaurenţiuHUNEDOARAPSDGoogle
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Niţă EmilBRAŞOVPSDGoogle
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Roşca LucreţiaGALAŢIPSDGoogle
Roşca MirceaPRAHOVAPNLGoogle
Rotaru RăzvanGORJneafiliatGoogle
Sava Andrei-ValentinPRAHOVAPSDGoogle
Sămărtinean Cornel-MirceaTIMIŞPDLGoogle
Săpunaru NiniVRANCEAPNLGoogle
Săvoiu Ionuţ-CristianDÂMBOVIŢAPSDGoogle
Scarlat GeorgeGALAŢIPNLGoogle
Schelean Valeria-DianaCARAŞ-SEVERINPDLGoogle
Scutaru Adrian GeorgeBUZĂUPNLGoogle
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Sefer Cristian-GeorgeMUREŞPP-DDGoogle
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Smarandache Miron AlexandruBACĂUPSDGoogle
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Vladu IulianDÂMBOVIŢAPDLGoogle
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Vlădoiu AurelVÂLCEAPSDGoogle
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Zgonea Valeriu ŞtefanDOLJPSDGoogle
Zisopol Dragoş GabrielMino.Google
Zlati RaduCLUJPNLGoogle

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Possible Translation of hRdaya sUtra

Years ago i was intrigued by the resemblance of some Sanskrit and Romanian words. There are many, maybe as many as 50% of the lexis of Romanian, but when they match, some of them identically, most of the time they do not coincide as first meaning, neither in Sanskrit nor in Romanian. This indicates a strong but very old connection. Thinking many thousands of years.

After finding more than enough material on the web, i searched of course for any recorded source to hear the best pronunciation. Cause i wanted to know if the resemblance is indeed at the phonetic level.

Then i learned about several Latin transliterations of Sanskrit, that is writing Sanskrit with Latin characters in several different ways, which all lead to about the same pronunciation when pronounced in Latin which coincide with Romanian (Romanian has a phonetic writing which means the words are pronounced exactly how they are written, as in Latin and Sanskrit). I also found mp3s and videos with entire texts like hRdaya sUtra in different interpretations.

By listening and reading i was intrigued by some words and expressions in the text that were telling me that in a possible (out of many) translation, this mantra could be more than a prayer, more exactly, a way of transmitting ancient knowledge. Starting with the syntagm

पञ्च स्कन्ध
paJca skandha

Without knowing a lot of Sanskrit, very little grammar, i just put below the most significant meaning for each word, not ignoring the more... scientific meanings with the above hypothesis in mind. This is what i got, and of course i would try to ... perfect it the future.

I know if you asked any practitioner of Budhism he/her will tell you that is about the five senses. But in the dictionary close to that meaning we have the words shedding, aggregate, elements, moving and a number of words that all seem to converge in their meaning towards a single word that could be force.

Let's also not forget the word boson comes from the name Indian scientist "Satyendra Nath Bose [who] first sent a paper to Einstein on the quantum statistics of light quanta (now called photons), in which he derived Planck's quantum radiation law without any reference to classical physics. Einstein was impressed, translated the paper himself from English to German and submitted it for Bose to the Zeitschrift für Physik, which published it [in 1924]."

प्राज्ञ पारमिता हृदय सूत्र
prAjJA pAramitA hRdaya sUtra
refiningcomplete science plan

अवलोकिते बोधिसत्त्वो
Arya avalokitezvara bodhisattva
wise most revered on the way to attainment
गंभीरम् प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्या चरम
gaMbhIram prajJApAramitA caryA carama
profoundly refining perfection performing ultimate
नो व्य वल्कयति स्म
no vya valkayati sma
and not coverer speak certainly
पञ्च स्कन्ध ताः
paJca skandha tAH ca
five forces they fundamental
स्वाभाव शून्य पश्यति स्म
svAbhAva zUnya pazyati sma
natural state non-existence incure certainly
इह शारिपुत्र रूप
iha zAriputra rUpa
in this reality random form
शून्यता शून्यता इव रूप
zUnyatA zUnyatA iva rUpa
absence of mind non-existence as if form
रूपण पृथक् शून्यता
rUpaNa pRthak zUnyatA
examination separate non-existence
शून्यता या पृथग्रूप
zUnyatA yA na pRthagrUpa
absence of mind generate no discrete form
यद् रूप सा शून्यता
yad rUpa sA zUnyatA
which form itself non-reality
या शून्यता तद् रूप
yA zUnyatA tad rUpa
generate non-existence then form
एवमेव वेधन
evameva vedhana
only in this manner puncturing a hole
संज्ञा संस्कार विज्ञानना नि
saMjJA saMskAra vijJAnanA ni
meaning re-creation perceiving leading
इह शारिपुत्र सर्व धर्म
iha zAriputra sarva dharma
in this reality randomly completely natural state
शून्यता लक्षणा
zUnyatA lakSaNA
non-existence aimed at
अनुत्पन्न अनिरुद्ध अमल
anutpanna aniruddha amala na
not produced self-willed pure not
विमल नाना परिपूर्ण
vimala nAnA na paripUrNa
pristine distinctly not complete
तस्मात् चारी पुत्र
tasmAt cArI putra
therefore particular step descendant
शून्यता आय रूप
zUnyatA Aya na rUpa
non-existence gain no form
वेदना संज्ञा
na vedanA na saMjJA
no transition no signs
संस्कार विज्ञान
na saMskAra na vijJAna
no re-creation no knowledge
क्षु श्रोत्र घ्राणा
na cakSu zrotra ghrANA
without observance hearing smelling
जिह्वा काय मना सि
jihvA kAya manA si
speach assemblage purpose service
रूप शब्द गन्ध
na rUpa zabda gandha
not form sound scent
रस स्प्रष्टव्य धर्म
rasa spraSTavya dharma na
primary soup sensible natural law not
चक् सुर् दातृ यवान
cak sur dhAtR yavAna
repel rule permiting boiled
मनोविज्ञान धातु
manovijJAna dhAtu
psychology divisible
विद्या नविद्य
na vidyA navidya
no knowledge ignorant
विद्या क्षय
na vidyA kSaya
no knowledge decay
यवान जार मारण
yavAna jAra mAraNa
boiled aging destruction
जार मारण क्षय
na jAra mAraNa kSaya
not boiled destruction decay
na duHkha
not difficult
समुदय नीर धा मार्ग
samudaya nIra dhA mArga
assemblage essence wish to gain way
ज्ञान प्राप्ति
na jJAna na prApti
not conscious not attaining
तस्मात् अप्राप्ति त्वद्
tasmAt aprApti tvad
therefore non-attainement thou
बोधिसत्त्व नम् प्रज्ञापारमिता आश्रित्य
bodhisattva nam prajJApAramitA Azritya
on the way to attainemnt one's self refining perfection practicing
विहरति चित्त वर
viharati citta vara na
carry away aimed at best not
चित्तावरण नास्तित्व त्रस्त
cittaavaraNa nAstitva da trasta
aimed at cover unrest offering quick
विपर्यास्यति क्रान्त निष्ट निर्वाण
viparyAsyati krAnta niSTa nirvANa
causing to turn aroun surpassed dependent on final deliverance
त्र्यध व्यवस्थित सर्व बुद्धाः
tryadha vyavasthita sarva buddha
expected for each enlightened
प्रज्ञापारमितायां मा स्रुत्य नतराम्
prajJApAramitA mA srutya natarAm
refinement of perfection no road of pain not at all
सम्यक्सम्बोधि अभिसम्बुद्ध
samyaksambodhi abhisambuddha
complete enlightement having attained
तस्मै ज्ञातव्य
tasmai jJAtavya
therefore to be considered as
प्रज्ञा पर मित महामन्त्र
prajJA para mita mahAmantra
intelectual following strong great text
मह विद्या मन्त्र
maha vidyA mantra
great philosoply text
नतराम् मन्त्र
a natarAm mantra
no not at all text
सम सम मन्त्र
sama sama mantra
equally matching text
सर्व दुःख प्राश मन
sarva duHkha prAsa mana
each difficult spread belief
सत्य अमिथ्या त्व
satya amithyA tva
genuinly truly thou
प्रज्ञापारमितायां मुक्त मन्त्र तद्यथा
prajJApAramitA mukta mantra tadyathA
refining perfection emancipated text
गत गत पारगत परसंगत
gata gata pAragata parasaMgata
बोधि स्वाहा
bodhi svAhA

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Berries, Everywhere!

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