Sunday, July 30, 2017

Thursday, July 27, 2017


"It is described as located in the south of the universe and beneath the earth."

"The gods in heaven are beheld by the inhabitants of hell, as they move with their heads inverted; whilst the god, as they cast their eyes downwards, behold the sufferings of those in hell."

"the different Narakas known as Raurava, Śúkara, Rodha, Tála, Viśasana, Mahájwála, Taptakumbha, Lavańa, Vimohana, Rudhirándha, Vaitaraní, Krimíśa, Krimibhojana, Asipatravana, Krishńa, Lálábhaksha, Dáruńa, Púyaváha, Pápa, Vahnijwála, Adhośiras, Sandansa, Kálasútra, Tamas, Avíchi, Śwabhojana, Apratishta, and another Avíchi. These and many other fearful hells are the awful provinces of the kingdom of Yama, terrible with instruments of torture and with fire; into which are hurled all those who are addicted when alive to sinful practices."

I was thinking the other day what else could have been in ancient Indian scriptures. Now i found one more thing. I don't believe these are names for hell. Could it be geographic names for places in the southern hemisphere after some climatic or other type of disaster that have been misinterpreted, badly written or translated over millennia?

I had this picture in a different post but i put it here because of the 23 degrees angle of the djed. Also the two loops on top of the djed could figure Earth's magnetic field and the four disks high voltage. I got this in a blog post that needs to be rewritten since i started with an idea and ended with two others.
Also this one seem to indicate mass migration or threat from mass migration from the uncivilized South, the ecliptic and the link with heat from Sun.