Thursday, February 8, 2018

Chemical Imbalance

Total redaction time: 10 hours.
I know it sounds very bad for those who had been treated until at least a decade ago in a psychiatric ward. For all of the others let me describe you the picture a little bit. You get in there during some acute episode like insomnia and constipation that lasts a week. You feel like your body is giving up yet they treat you like you would be crazy if you are not sleeping, not eating, drinking or generally not feeling anything anymore or maybe just fear, anxiety and some sort of psychotic high. Tired people simply can't stop themselves from crashing. Psychotic people are the opposite, can't go to sleep.

And in a sense they are right. It's a chemical imbalance. But it's not because of a lack of Prozac or Remeron or Zyprexa in your body that you get there. It's actually a lack of magnesium. Following a spell or command to an area of your subconscious that can actually control physiology, mostly through breathing, your body just got rid of the healthy necessary levels and you actually runs on fumes. Cause since you have over 1 kg of calcium in our bones and you can always pull some from there in case of severe general starvation, magnesium in your body is very limited. Both with essential roles in neurotransmitting and with so many other roles in your body.

One  thing i can say about the anti-psychotic properties of magnesium i know from my own experience. Taking magnesium supplements, especially after a period of imbalance, that is confirmed by the strong effects in the first days, has very similar effects to taking anti-psychotics. It actually puts you down, make you less excitable, tired. Makes you wanna sleep. It relaxes your muscles though from what i read about today is supposed to do the opposite. Lack of it gives you a permanent high and abnormal levels of energy.

But let's take a look at the data first. (click to see a better image of the screenshots).
We can see in the first place that there is about the same or comparable amounts of magnesium and calcium in the inter and intracelular space and accordingly in blood. But there is also a lot more calcium than magnesium in the bones. They are both necessary in neurotransmitting but if we look at the blood tests done in the ER in hospitals we won't see magnesium on the list. The so called metabolic panel. The reason is very simple. It's not critical on short term. Or a severe lack of it is not nearly as bad as a severe lack of any of the other 4 so called electrolytes. Sodium, calcium, potassium are the critical electrolytes or cations they are looking for in the first tests at the ER and mostly the lack of those is life threatening on short term. I am not even aware of the existence of a test for magnesium levels or of "the forgotten cation". We can also see in the screenshot above the role of magnesium in "mitochondrial respiration".
But what is the systematic cause of chronic magnesium deficiency. Actually so simple it is overlooked. Through our diet we have available vast amounts of calcium in dairy products. Milk, butter, cheese, yougurt. There is so much calcium in milk actually the milk is white because of it. Three servings of dairy products give you the necessary 1000 mg a day but it is also present in many other foods. Same goes for potassium. One medium potato or banana is 1000 mg. On the other hand magnesium is so much scarcer. Here is a list of top foods with high magnesium content. As you can see, the magnesium content in our food is much lower than calcium yet the blood serum level is only a bit lower (4-6 mg/dl vs 8 mg calcium). Also the recommended intake level is about half of that of calcium.

As you can see from the list it doesn't seem a problem getting the necessary magnesium of 500 mg from quite normal foods present almost inevitably in our diet. The problem is the high intake of calcium that needs to be eliminated by the kidneys. I suspect magnesium is eliminated unnecessarily following a ratio of a ratio interval. Not talking about the more chaotic minerals elimination from your body under stress, effort, or at a high blood pressure that can last for hours.

I have thought for a long time milk is a complete or well balanced food (only for the fact it is the only food in the first year of humans and many other primates, yet babies can thrive and grow on it). But i never realized until today. Babies or children or even adolescents use the disproportionate amount of calcium in milk to actually grow bones.

Let's hypothesise the anti-psychotic action of magnesium is real and magnesium acts very similarly to some anti-psychotics. Would anybody, including doctors who are actually paid by pharma to push their products prescribe it, especially since it's available over the counter as a supplement?

And last but not least. Long term magnesium deficiency that we can see from some of the first or most critical effects on the list on the screenshots above affects "mitochondrial respiration" or one of the essential mechanisms of aerobic metabolism. Also lack of magnesium promotes lack of motility of the intestine mostly through spasms and prolonged contractions. Building up of the stool in the colon and impossibility of eliminating gases that actually create a positive pressure inside abdominal cavity causing hiatal hernia and slowing of the emptying of the bile and pancreas causing steatosis (fatty liver disease) and self digesting of the pancreas, or the second cause of tipe II diabetes, first being lack of magnesium at celular level.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


2 mai 2014 în Eagle Crest, Lake Oswego. A fost asta ziua când Antonia a fost deportată din SUA, după ce am sunat ca un tâmpit pe 1 mai la Ambasadă și cred că în schimb a răspuns ea? Nu, aia a fost în 2013. Era un tip un vecin jos în apartamentul de dedesubt care pare că seamănă cu Adrian Gambuteanu, asociat cu Nicușor Constantinescu. Nicușor Constantinescu în perioada aia era prin SUA. Nu știu dacă fost atunci perioada când au dat drumul încontinuu la ventilatorul din baie. Poate zic ei au fost bine intenționați adică să tragă fumul din perete care venea de la apartamentul 7. Vrăjeală zic eu. Dacă vroiau să facă ceva puteau să facă o mie de chestii care să-i coste mult mai puțin. Fum tot venea în schimb ventilatorul era defect, vibra și scutura pereții și tavanul la mine și atunci a fost cred perioada când m-am îmbolnăvit de pancreatită. Ventilatorul ăla a mers cam până în jur de Crăciun 2014. Deci a fost mai dinainte fiindcă a mers cred vreo doi ani sau pe toată perioada când a locuit cineva acolo. Mai înainte apartamentul de dedesubt a fost vacant timp de doi ani începând din 2010 când m-am mutat. (fotografia de mai jos a fost făcută printre două lamele de la jaluzele).

8 februarie 2014. A nins. Am ieșit pe afară să fac niște poze. Pe stradă m-am întâlnit cu tipul de la 5, apartamentul de lângă 6, cel de dedesubt. Numerele începeau 1-2 stânga dreapta jos, 5-6 deasupra lor, 9-10 mai sus iar eu stăteam la 10. Îl văzusem foarte puțin înainte. O dată sau de două ori. Deși m-am întâlnit odată cu el și nevastă-sa pe un traseu de drumeție. Aveau doi câini mari și negri, rasa Newfoundland. Am undeva pozele cu câinii, ei s-au ferit însă din calea camerei. Pleca undeva, avea ochelari portocalii de schi și când a trecut pe lângă mine a tras de creanga unui copac și a stârnit ceva zăpadă. Mai în spatele lui era un tip care arăta ca un japonez și avea ceva ca un toiag în mână. Cu vreo câteva zile mai înainte am văzut la apartamentul de dedesubt adică la 6 o sabie de ninja la ușă. Nu știu în acel apartament s-au perindat mulți deși umblau toți îmbrăcați la fel și aveau aceeași mașină.

La o zi două am văzut o știre cu un tip Postelnicu din Constanța care a murit cu un avion undeva la sud de Florida. Cel din poză. Tipul era născut Câmpulung și era de fapt nepotul lui Mikitovici, profesorul meu de la Cineclub. Cu care am mers prin munți și am făcut filmulețe în care am apărut și eu. Mikitovici însă semăna perfect cu Polanski. Când era mic l-am văzut într-un cărucior. Avea un defect din naștere, palma dreaptă despicată ceva în genul salutului vulcanilor din Star Trek. La școala generală era o învățătoare care semăna perfect cu Sharon Tate. Să fie tipa din poză, mama lui Postenicu din Constanța fiica lui Polanski și Tate?

Până atunci cât am stat în Lake Oswego în afară de avioanele de linii care circulau pe deasupra auzeam tot timpul un avion mic făcând un zgomot infernal pe deasupra. Ore pe zi. Adresa din Lake Oswego era chiar pe un vulcan stins. Printre puținele vulcane din lume cuprinse într-un oraș. Mount... Sylvania, înălțime 298 de metri. Eu am locuit la 47 Eagle Crest. Vulcanii au un rol important în Scientologie.

Astăzi. Am fost la o plimbare pe o alee lângă Tualatin City Community Center în Tualatin, Oregon. Acolo am văzut niște ciudățenii inclusiv un tip cu o camionetă care-și trăgea pe el niște pantaloni verzi de vizibilitate peste hainele normale. Părea să fie actorul Sebastian Stan născut în Constanța. Mai erau și alte camionete pe acolo precum și o furgonetă-aspirator pentru curățat covoare cu abur.

Ce bine seamănă însă Sebastian Stan cu românul care e acum în pușcărie pentru că a șantajat-o pe angajatoarea lui milionară!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hiatus Hernia and Palpitations

Took the title out of a forum. But i knew it for a long time. There is a link between the two and i'm going to try to explain it. Doctors don't know because they don't look at this from the mechanical point of view. Here is a video called just like that. The mechanics of breathing.
You don't have to look more than a few seconds at this video to realize diaphragm plays most important role in breathing. But you don't have to look more than a few seconds and the second video to realize what i'm trying to say. They don't regard it as a whole. Can't and wouldn't find an animation that would actually show both motions in the same time. Cause they didn't though of it.

Figure anything already?

What is hiatus hernia? Diaphragm is a large dome shaped muscle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities and also plays an important role in breathing.

Hiatus hernia is when you stomach pushes through you diaphragm and actually the tip of the stomach starts to actually pass through the hole in the diaphragm. It also happens of mechanical causes. Two of them actually. One is gas in the abdominal cavity due to gas retention. Second is nasal congestion. Nasal congestions make breathing more difficult and when the thorax expends not enough air gets in the lung creating a partial vacuum that also "sucks" the stomach through the diaphragm. Heart does not sit there loose on the diaphragm If it was like that it would move all the time and press against the sponge like, soft lungs. It is anchored both on diaphragm and thoracic wall with what they call connective tissue. Also on top of it is the aortic arch, vena cava that won't allow the heart to raise too much during breathing. As a result, if diaphragm raises too much because of gas and congested breathing it will simply start squeezing the heart. Also the tip of the stomach raisng through the diaphragm will start touching the heart interfering with expanding.

Heart like any muscle can only contract. For the left atrium to get filled with blood heart relies only on venous pressure which is low close to nothing cause blood returning from tissues doesn't have much pressure. If heat gets raised too much by the rising diaphragm it will simply would not have enough room for the left atrium to expand under the pressure of venous blood. It will also twist the heart because it is also anchored on the thoracic wall interfering with the heart's pacemaker. In other words the whole mechanics of the beating of the heart are affected by the combination of nose congestion and abdominal gas retention. Usually this happens a lot to sedentary people who sit all they at a computer desk. As soon as you start to move gas will eliminate from you abdominal cavity making more room to heart to beat. Also sober people realize when they have a severe nose congestion and start open the mouth to breath. Trouble begins when under influence of substances like alcohol or drugs. I will not enter now in the details but basically you don't realize you are having difficulties breathing through the nose or you are full of intestinal gas. If that situation gets prolonged in time it may actually lead to heart failure or even death because heart not be able to fill enough with venous blood due to lack of room to expand.

I personally when i have palpitation i simply try and start breathing on my mouth and they go away eventually. My nose congestion also occurs because of vapors of hydrochloric acid coming from stomach again due to hiatal hernia. As soon as i go for a walk and breath on my mouth for a few minutes the stomach gets back into the abdominal cavity and everything gets back to a more normal physiology.

Further references