Monday, September 16, 2019

Happiness of the Sadhu

Detachment, also expressed as non-attachment, is a state in which a person overcomes his or her attachment to desire for things, people or concepts of the world and thus attains a heightened perspective. It is considered a wise virtue and is promoted in various Eastern religions, such as Jainism, Taoism and Buddhism.

Why didn't they say nothing about this verse in New Testament

Or this

"Psychic possessions refer to emotions, likes and dislikes, and attachments of any form."

Graha, the Sanskrit word most likely at the origin of greed in English, gras (fat) in French, Romanian, etc..
(See the entries after the last compound words)

"Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences."

Wondering what could mean when a guy named Palmer says he's addicted to love

Love is cultural and has different meanings in different civilizations.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Tăriceanu, dependent de sex

"Χωρίς κανένα ενδοιασμό, φραγμούς και ταμπού δήλωσε ότι έχει κάνει σεξ με 3.800 γυναίκες και ότι η πρώην σύζυγός του τον έπιασε να την απατά με την κολλητή της, πάνω στο τραπέζι."

"Fără nici o ezitare, bariere și tabuuri, el a spus că a făcut sex cu 3.800 de femei și că fosta lui soție l-a prins înșelând-o cu iubita lui pe masă."

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sadhu and the Rules of Karma

It's very easy to become a Sadhu. In fact so easy, a kid could be initiated by a guru without even know it. What if someone would initiate you as a Sadhu, knowing from the start you will break the rules and bring a bad karma towards you and everybody else around you?

Ar the Sadhu actually those who rule the world?

"There are 4 to 5 million sadhus in India today and they are widely respected for their holiness. It is also thought that the austere practices of the sadhus help to burn off their karma and that of the community at large."

"everything we do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to us in some form or another."

I don't like everything that's not written well in a language that i understand. 12 laws of karma list. For some reason i can't explain it doesn't sound right in English. Though i'm not a native English speaker. A whole phrase acting as an adjective, qualifying the word list. I would have written. The list of the 12 karma rules. But is the first answer google brought up when i searched for "rules of karma". Let's say is one of those bad wrappers against a good sample of eastern philosophy. But is't more than that. The site where google picked its answer it's called "rules of attraction".

Could they intentionally push you into a bad karma, you and your people causing your destruction, without bringing bad karma to themselves?

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Vinyl Symbolism

Kitchen and bathroom vinyl. There are many others. Someday i will try to catch them all. They are meant to set you in a certain mood if not brain reprogramming. Every time you seat in a certain location and your eyes fall on one of theses they make a certain noise. Sorry, i don't have the means on blogger to rotate as some have multiple meanings and i'm in too much hurry now to go rotate them and re-upload. There are maybe 20 in total that are repeating, could not get them all today. Could this guy be the author?

 First. One leg, one hand which is also a wolf. Second. Some sort of hug.

First. Upper left, a thumb of a hand that is buried in a pocket, also an old man as a ghost, possibly others. Second. If you turn your head 90 degrees right can see a woman in a party dress, a fish with jaws like an insect.

Biting one's neck from above middle left a deer's face with dragon's horns, head 90 degrees two faces overlapped exhaling or vomiting. Second. A cow with a calf, head turn left, map of the US with a happy whale.

First. Kissing. Second Jew faces. One big on the left, front, another one smaller, side, kissing a monster, others. Right in the middle there is a chin that could belong to a Obama's face, half white and half black.

Left. Don't know yet. Right. An Arian Face on the left, a jew in the middle, another bigger one center right.

First. Lower, a melting face which reminds me of me. Head 90 degrees left, an Arian face lower middle, embedded on a human's hip and butt, others hard to describe. A woman that is also a shark.

First. Right. A face. Facing another vague face wearing a santa hat. At 90 degrees right, a hat. Left. Map of Romania?