Thursday, January 2, 2020

Another trip to Lucky Eagle Casino

Out of so many places i've been so far this year, one is Lucky Eagle Casino in the state of Washingto, near Chehalis, an ancient Indian place. (I hope all the Indian toponyms in the US are not only a pretext for mystery and hiding stuff from federal legislation, like casinos).

I love that place, and i don't know why. Got to do something with the feng-shui of the location. Or maybe the interior design. With many rooms, much opposed to the gigantic place north of Portland, in the same state, newly built Ilani, targeting Portlanders. I didn't know until last night that Ilani can accommodate 10 thousand people. But last night i stayed half of the time either outside in the parking lot or by the doors and i saw the notice. Basically a rectangular warehouse with 2500 hungry slot machines, it has little appeal to me. Though required by law, (amazing how little stupid laws are applied and most are not), this announcement is irrelevant. 10000 people or less, they can't count themselves. Some of them might brake the law while entering. I assume security knows though cause they have AI software that counts and track every player. Up to a point.

BTW, i just figured why in busy nights like around holidays, the machines are "loose" and you are less likely to lose. Because that sophisticated software may be overwhelmed and the machines go to a default algorithm and while some of them are made to "tease" the player, showing great hands while they are looking the other way, they might be caught by surprise. Last night it was no exception cause Angela broke even after 3 hours or so. But me, i was too frustrated to play. From the beginning when entering the vast parking lot, i've been guided by a guy with LED batons towards an alley were a van was coming on the wrong side of the road and my view was covered by another van.

Being lonely with no other plans going to a casino in the New Year night was the only option. I wanted to go to Lucky Eagle, but Angela said it was too late for that when we left at 9 so we went to Ilani. I believe last night the casino was at least half full. 5000 people playing slots and moving around was not a pretty sight at least in my eyes. Music volume from the live band, so loud other times, was so low i could barely hear it.

At 1 AM it took as 15 minutes to crawl out of parking lot behind so many leaving cars though some were still coming. A Tribal Police car passed us on the right with flashing lights.

I tried to convince Angela to go to Lucky Eagle, 80 miles further north on I5 from Ilani. She accepted, reluctantly though. She said she made her money back, played enough and wanted to go home.

(I don't believe i said it lately. Some screws of my catch can attached on a vacuum port of the intake got mysteriously loose and i had a vacuum leak which i finally discovered this morning, so after that 40 mpg record now i'm getting no more than 35. Driving north in the rain, at mile 32 we passed this plant that was putting out steam that was coming towards freeway and a foul smell filled the car. I had some shortness of breath for a while after, Angela again unaffected. Finally exited the freeway and took a left towards Aberdeen, but at one of the intersections from left a limo came after us).

At 2:15 at Lucky Eagle the parking lot was more than half empty. That limo came after us and parked in an unseen location. Inside i wanted badly a drink but i found out that in the State of Washinto the bars close at 2 AM. Angela tried many machines and ended in the non-smoking area in a room where she always looses less or wins a little. On the other side of the door, next to an ATM there were other machines where she could play without loosing or winning much. Next to her was this woman that looked familiar, with a couple of men escorting her. But only after a while i figured she looked like a Romanian career prosecutor, working at a specialized "Anti Terrorist" agency. Her name and strange face (mainly due to weird make-up probably meant to cover her identity) looked familiar to me, mainly from from news sites as she, like all the others, appeared in a number of scandals in Romania. Same same.

As i don't believe all this BS anymore, when i came home i looked for her in my lists and found she was actually a poet of Hungarian-Jewish nationality born in Romania.

Not long after i thought i recognized her and made a recorded note about her presence they left. We stayed until after 7 and while Angela fell asleep in the car, to me it was one of the worst drives of my life, being so tired and having the sun reflecting in the wet pavement. What kept me awake was some potato chips with lots of Jalapeno on.

At home. Ate something and fell asleep twice but after i got awakened each time the guys upstairs were pretty busy. In the end i figured why. As it became obvious there was dust in here that was burning on the fridge's hot coil under, i searched and found a new hole behind the fridge, in the same place i covered last time, a few more in the bedroom including a big one under the rail of the doors of the closet that i missed in the past. By walking on top, they force more dust out of the holes but mainly that high freq squeaking sound raises dust and mixes stuff from everywhere to everywhere and mostly in my mouth, eyes, skin, etc.. Because the dust is electrified positively and human body is mainly neutral or even negative.

But when i woke up the first time or after 5 hours Angela wanted to air the place and opened the front door. A very strong smell of mold though she said it was smelling better than inside. Lately i found some pieces of food wrappers, an empty cartoon of energizing drink, a bottle with some juice in it under the bushes around. As soon as i was removing hose, the bushes and the mulch, wet from rain, stopped smelling like mold. Today i found a piece about 1 inch long of white cake next to the car on the asphalt. Same thing. After i removed that, within an hour the place stopped smelling at least like that type of mold.

I took a long shower but still feel the dust stinging everywhere.

As the deodorant included with litter dust coming freshly from walls wore out, hours after i covered those holes and "fresh dust" stopped coming, the air started to have the same familiar stuff of mold mixed with dog poo. Starting to get nauseated.

Angela's vacation ended. She got 2 days of work, then 2 days of weekend. She was so worried about not being able to sleep tonight after sleeping during the day but she is sleeping for three hours now at 4 AM.

Earlier i was thinking more about diabetes, as in the few days my body temperature seemed to drop a lot. Besides body lowering temperature due to inflammation due to pollutants, i think there is another mechanism. Obese persons must have troubles eliminating heat from inside their bodies so the response may be lowering metabolism.

Anul nou al ignorantului și Gugalanna

44.Iar Eu zic vouă: Iubiţi pe vrăjmaşii voştri, binecuvântaţi pe cei ce vă blestemă, faceţi bine celor ce vă urăsc şi rugaţi-vă pentru cei ce vă vatămă şi vă prigonesc,
45.Ca să fiţi fiii Tatălui vostru Celui din ceruri, că El face să răsară soarele şi peste cei răi şi peste cei buni şi trimite ploaie peste cei drepţi şi peste cei nedrepţi.
46.Căci dacă iubiţi pe cei ce vă iubesc, ce răsplată veţi avea? Au nu fac şi vameşii acelaşi lucru?
47.Şi dacă îmbrăţişaţi numai pe fraţii voştri, ce faceţi mai mult? Au nu fac şi neamurile acelaşi lucru?
48.Fiţi, dar, voi desăvârşiţi, precum Tatăl vostru Cel ceresc desăvârşit este.

Târâș, la început de an prin nesfârșitele canale de fibră optică ale lui Google. Asta fiindcă nu am fost în stare, vorba lui Creangă, să fac nimic la timpul potrivit.

O altă postare începută pe fb și mutată forțat aici fiindcă imediat ce am început să scriu a început să se crească foarte mult, ca laptele săracului înainte de a da în foc. Odată mutată postarea aici însă totul, până și tonul devine foarte serios.

Deși habar nu am de latină, în afara celor, nu știu, câteva sute de cuvinte din lexicul de bază al limbii române (ne-au ferit, au scos latina din școală exact în anul când treceam eu într-a șasea), care nu știu sigur care sunt, doar presupun, deși îmi stă la îndemână intersecția italienei sau englezei sau francezei cu româna, unde de obicei găsim cuvântul original latin, mai rar, sanscrit, dar nici atunci nu știu exact cuvintele literă cu literă în latină, mai ales chestii ca și conjugări, declinări, topică, acum voi încerca o etimologie a două cuvinte latine, care iată, nu vin din sanscrită sau greacă, ci cel mai probabil din sumeriană. Ceea ce justifică o bănuială născută acum vreo câteva zile, privind niște fețe din niște imagini de înaltă definiție cu basoreliefuri de pe columna lui Traian (coincidență sau nu cu numele Traian Băsescu, care de fapt, din profil încearcă să-l înfățișeze pe Decebal). Adică romanii nu au venit așa de niciunde și au început să cucerească tot începând din jurul Mediteranei.

În treacăt fie spus, online găsim foarte puține dicționare de latină, Google Translate pare să fie baza, cu atât mai puțin dicționare etimologice de latină. DEX e destul de ușor de interogat cu google, putem scoate o listă pe calea aceasta, deși nu e nici pe departe exhaustivă fiindcă google, deși promite mult când spune că a găsit nu știu câte, un googol de rezultate, în realitate nu dă decât vreo câteva sute de rezultate pe căutare.

Mult mai interesant pentru etimologii din alte limbi, o interogare google a DEX pentru cuvinte latine dă mai mult neologisme și încă nu am aflat cum pot să sortez alfabetic o căutare google.

De pe acum pot să spun că îmi voi depăși promisiunea fiindcă mi-a venit în minte și al treilea cuvânt, care pare să vină din aceeași direcție. Înainte de asta însă o etimologie din limba română pe care am găsit-o întâmplător, deschizând pagina de Wikipedia a gramaticii limbii latine. (Al doilea paragraf).

Îmi pare rău că nu mai am timp de fun la ora asta. Toate aceste patru cuvinte au la bază rădăcina An care este sumeriană unde înseamnă cer sau Dumnezeul Ceurilor. Un annum latin ar fi deplasarea și revenirea zodiilor cerești în aceeași poziție. Întoarcerea eternă a lui An, dacă doriți. Wheel in the sky.

(Și ciudățenia. Deși mulți cred și spun că ultimul cuvânt din listă în sensul cel mai folosit în engleză și română vine din latină, nu am găsit nicăieri acest sens. Dar există cuvinte moștenite în italiană și franceză. Anziano și aîné. Mai avem în engleză, franceză, ancient, ancien, antique, etc..)

E greu de căutat online traducerea acestui cuvânt. Însă găsim ușor altceva. Fii cerului.

Și ca să nu uit peste un an, deși pare puțin probabil fiindcă îl folosesc de sute de ori pe zi


Și cum ar trebui să arate un dicționar etimologic. Deși uneori francezii se pierd în propria lor sofisticare.

După aceeași logică, s-ar putea găsi mai departe cuvinte sumeriene în latină după ce se dau la o parte cele de origine greacă și sanscrită.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Babylon 3

Thoughts on eve of New Year 2020.

We've seen in the year that passed that more taboos (read conventions or for the English speaker, rules) have been broken. Diplomacy, separation of powers, powers in the state invented by Montesquieu) were being sacrificed simply for creating noise for combating new ideas. More people are raised without even the knowledge of past social structure, if it ever existed, other than in the imagination of some.

Practicing religions like Christanism has gone long time ago, maybe after Bush II and 911.

Politically correctness have become a slogan of the lost. Heads of state are used to prove we actually live in an delusional anarchy. Can't even say that since i recon, anarchy means more a chaotic manifestation of raw power which to me at least it has proven non-existent. Large masses are without power, without direction, lost in hedonism and adoration of magicians.

I've been browsing recently the TV series Babylon 5. A Sci-Fi series riddled with politics. There are many lessons in there to be learned but again the young are raised without even being thought the basics of what we knew as sociology, politics.

However many of those lessons are naive as our social live has been since better documented in modern times. In a way, we live in a sort of reality that surpasses the scenery of that show. Most important, this year we only saw the tip of the iceberg.

Honestely, i don't know what forces are manifesting, but to me they seem out of this world, by all the concepts mentioned above.

But it may be only the nothingness described in Buddha's hRdaya sUtra that's manifesting. As this Universe was born from a grain of nothingness and came to this impossible to perceive complexity, so may be the philosophy behind the scenes, seeded millennia ago by this most important Buddhist mantra.

One more thought about diabetes and cancer that is linked to the above.

Don't know where it starts but i think it starts with the adoration of idols, things that personifies our deepest desires. Since we cannot reproduce the high given by the complicity of reflection of our sins we get addicted to those and then start either imitating them or deluding ourselves thinking we find those traits in people surrounding us. Nobody can do what those magicians are doing. They are wired this way. They have a society of their own. In the scientific/technological way, they are like the Minbari in the movie, most advanced in the Alliance. But they might have accumulated all that knowledge from others. In the social way, we don't know how they interact among selves. But it is most likely most of the traits are inherited and kept within and thought since early age. To them, hypnotizing the rest of us may be a skill rooted in their collective subconscious. Maybe they are those who were called in Mahabharata "the snakes". But they also may be just a tool of others. Others like Buddha, the extreme bully, who reduced all to nothing in order to re-create a better world. It is the most extreme form of the death/re-creation myth in from all religions.

After you've been touched by your sin accepted by their mirror, you can never reproduce that high. And that's when you start using pain to get it back. Because pain mixed with pleasure is what you feel when you are bullied by beauty by the priests and priestess of Ishtar. You are being crushed with glamour. You loose all your self respect and senses and become, like "Linda Ronstadt" said, a desperado searching for more, something your body cannot obtain anymore. You start turning your face to strange. (There is one country on Earth that has the capital named Buda and God, Ishten.)

Then, to get that, you start to tolerate and ignore pain that may come from pollutants from environment. Your body starting with parts, like lower part, lowers metabolism as a response to inflammation caused by those. Most enzymes and myriad of bio-chemical mechanisms in your body function optimally in a certain range of temperature.

It may be you are lowering metabolism by holding breath. Lowering oxygen triggers high stress that is usually involved with attaining high levels of pleasure.

Lack of oxygen in tissues, lowering of temperature and metabolism, ignoring or killing pain is the key in both diabetes and cancer. In a way, it is the high given by this mix pain/pleasure sought for that's killing you in the end. "These things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow". Or like the Bible says. Wage of sin is death.

Too prove that the song is part of the conspiracy, like many or maybe all others. At the end, there's a rainbow, which is only a reflection, refraction and dispersion of light. Twisted if you like.

Friday, December 27, 2019

A Trip to Canyonville

I knew this was going to happen. I forgot to look at the sign at the door two days ago.

Last night when we came back from Canyonville (200 miles south of Portland) at about 5 AM i heard a large dog walking upstairs. No car in the spot. Then i slept until 4 PM.

I've been reading stuff on the internet for the last hours. Now it's seven. At one time i heard knocking upstairs like hitting a nail in the wall.

Then i went to do some cooking in the kitchen and i started to feel the pain in the area with the vocal chords. Some coarsening on low register. I knew. There was a new hole behind the fridge.

(For the last few days i've been sleeping in the bedroom and after being gone for one more night i finally started to have the "diabetes thirst). But today after i got exposed to that dust the thirst sensation is gone. Because that dust contains dog feces bacteria, it will kill your appetite for water)

Pulled the fridge and found the holes, at the joint between cabinet and wall. Where i already put some foam (years ago) and a new line of silicon caulking (a week ago). Found two holes, one major, and covered it again with silicon.

All the time i've been thinking about what happened yesterday. People bullying me on the road (basically everybody, mostly driving very close behind me than passing on the right exactly when i was thinking to pull out of their way, blinding me with high beams on the mirror, other maneuvers). I looked at their faces several times before dark fell and i saw mostly Japanese guys. Even one with a dark American style goatee. Some whites putting a face show. I saw a guy looking at the sky as he wasn't driving. Perfect coordination between multiple vehicles making me thing they are guided by AI, some maybe self driving.

When we left Portland a traffic slowdown and we ended behind a yellow bus CT (i believe China Tour) while the traffic was slowdown from the other direction so they can take a look.

(I don't know what is happening, it did happen several time in the past, while writing here on fb at about this length of the post there is so much lag, it type three new words before one shows so i'm moving on the blog).

Several miles before Rice Hills exit a guy in a huge black Cadillac (i assume by the shape of the tail lights figuring two parenthesis or horns) came at 10 ft behind me blinding me with his high beams on the mirrors. Then he continued doing the same thing to others as i slowed down and remained behind the group.

About 2 miles before Rice Hills i was doing 80 in a 65 area (130 kmh, like everybody else) with low beam, no car in front of me for a quarter mile, an obelisk of hay (square bale) resting layed several feet on the left side of my lane. A reflex made me pull right as it showed in my low beam and if there was any delay in my maneuver i would have hit it. Several miles after i met with a on old small red pickup with a trailer with more of those bales with an yellow LPN starting with 53).

Finally made it to Canyonville. I pulled at the gas station. A show in there two. The next logic pump had a receipt left in it. 260 miles, 8.1 gallons, freeway only. (about a week ago i fixed a vacuum leak, a loose screw by the catch can). Going to Canyonville is going a bit uphill. When trying to leave, a Japanese woman blocked me and trying to stay here as long as i could to insinuate i was buying gas twice.

Nice decoration and sinister exhaust noises in the parking lot at 7 Feathers. At every intersection people bullying. There was lots of smoke in the parking lot.

I played mostly poker for several hours (learned the rules for Jacks and Better, it's the easiest). According to the card, i cycled about 500 dollars and spent only 50. At 50 cents a hand, that is about 1000 hands. I lost constantly, with only 2 or 3 high hands (four of a kind).

But the show in there. Whites only, country music on the speakers. Tall, no, giants, walking as they didn't see me (had to avoid getting in everybody's path). Moving fast, energetic, as they should being from the country side. At one time i thought i saw a woman who remembered me of Carrie Underwood. She looked upset, no, sad, than she sat at the machine where i though Angela was. So when i ran out of money and went to Angela, she was there in here place. She did that several times.

Just about when we left, there he was. Alex da Kid, with a whole team, smiling at me. He then got in my line of sight as i was near Angela trying to convince her to leave. Then he walked in front of us as we were searching for a restroom before we left (the single ones in non-smoking areas where both closed, there was a security guy watching them).

Then i left. Last night i learned a very important lesson. With instant average fuel consumption display on, i realized that on rain, the consumption between 70 and 80 raises by almost 15%. So it's best to drive at up to 70 on rain. It must be the energy used you raise the cloud of water behind with your tires. On dry condition, with that car which has a drag coefficient of .31, there is no difference in consumption between 40 and 90.

But i didn't know that, i was getting under 32, so i pulled to the next rest area to check tire pressure. However, they were the other way around. 36-38 in front, 34-32 in rear at 35 F. I let them last time at 34 front, 32 rear at same temperature. Over inflation in rain condition (they were places with 32 degrees outside, so black ice could have developed) may lead to skidding so i put them back to where they were. I know tires can deflate by themselves, but how in the world can they inflate?

In the rest area, a huge engine idling, masking the hissing sound of me deflating a bit. Then i had a deja vu. I think i did that again last time when i came from there.

More stuff on the road. At the hill next to Mercedes dealership in Wilsonville a guy in an older car, maybe a square Volvo, with taillights dimmed by dirt slowed down going uphill and i saw it in the last moment and avoided it, etc..

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

One Eyed Wanderer

Quite sexy. The woman on the right.
Babylonian Isthar morphed (they say, the historians) into Isis in Egypt. But her face reminds of something else.

I have never known this expression, "One eyed wanderer", until i listened to Elton John's song. Can you feel the love. Today i started to reason. Isis is the goddess of love, sex and war. What interests me now is her son, Horus. There are Egyptian amulets and papyri that represent Wadjet in the form of the eye of Horus.
But who in mythology of the people is an one eye god? Odin of course. And Odin's son's name, Thor, sounds a bit like Osiris' son's name, Horus. (BTW, numeral one in Russian is один).

We all know the importance of Norse gods in our lives. After all, in English they gave us the names of some of the days of the week. Odin for Wednesday, Thor for Thursday, Freya for Friday. The others, Sunday (day of Sun), Monday (day of Moon), Saturday (from Saturn) i guess come from the Romans. In French the name for Friday is venerdi. Freya and Venere are both godesses of love. Venus is Romanized Isis (note here the Roman name Lucifer for the sometimes horny godess Isis, horned Vikings). Wednesday is mercredi, mercoledi in Italian, obviously from wandering Mercury, Thursday is jeudi or jovedi from Jupiter of course (also a thunderous god) and mardi, martedi is for Mars. Wondering where samedi came from, cause i know about sabbato).

What else do we got. Pyramids. There are pyramids in Sweden or so they say.
Thor with a long cap, goatee and an ank like instrument.