Monday, February 8, 2021

Acest botulinum dificil

(Și totuși azi browser-ul, fb mi-am dat voie iar să postez o postare întreagă de fb aici. E așa de slow totuși, încât nu văd ce scriu fiindcă virgulă codul html rezultat din postarea fb este foarte foarte lung și nu poate fi digerat de browser). Azitromicina este singurul antibiotic de care știu că poate trata inclusiv pancreatita, enterocolita, alte infecții fiindcă nu produce acid suplimentar în stomac și are un timp de înjumătățire foarte mare, acumulându-se în țesuturi, unde "lucrează" câteva zile după ultima doză. 3 capsule de 500 mg de azitromicină, câte una pe zi, poate repetat, l-ar fi salvat. Sau alte antibiotice injectabile descrise mai jos.
Însă aceste infecții sunt de mediu. Mucegaiul, necurățenia în locuință, proximitatea tomberoanelor de gunoi, praf iritant de stradă sau materiale de construcții, etc.. Și de depresie (vezi ultimele comentarii, dependența de toxine create de aceste bacterii).
Multe boli care se ameliorează în spital inclusiv cancerul revin odată pacientul întors în mediul respectiv, mai ales în această perioadă rece și întunecată a anului. Lăsați vrăjeala cu nosocomiale, el a avut aceste boli când s-a internat.
Sepsisul este o boală mortală, cu evoluție rapidă în faza finală, ignorată de toată lumea, inclusiv doctorii. În lipsă de diagnostic, decedații pot intra la alte statisticie, capisci?


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  • "with more than 30% of pancreatic necrosis" Asta se vede la tomograf sau RMN sau poate chiar la o radiografie nu? Analizele trebuie să fie nașpa tare nu?
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  • Normal fiindcă absoarbe toxinele paralizante produse de aceste bacterii, din care putem aminti cu groază botulinum.
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  • Nu știu ce spun nenii ăștia aici dar știu sigur că vitamina B prezentă în cantități copioase în multivitamine agravează infecțiile cu clostridium. Greața și amețeala intensă cu senzație de leșin sunt primele simptome. Dacă pacientul este suficient de hidratat, apare diareea.
    Asta nu se întâmplă de exemplu după o beție, când pierzi multă apă din organism. În mod paradoxal, dacă bei apă nu faci altceva decât să pui la dispoziția bacteriilor un mediu și mai favorabil de creștere. O perfuzie ajută, însă și perfuzia poate crea secreția de lichid în intestin.
    De fapt mahmureala nu e altceva decât o infecție intestinală cu aceste frumuseți de bacterii fiindcă alcoolul schimbă echilibrul între bacteriile bune și rele din intestin. E mai complicat, eu cred că organismul însuși permite bacterii nașpa din cauza dependenței de high-ul cauzat de alcool.
    Sau poate creierul de la intestin se îmbată și el. Și încă vrea high după ce alcoolul se elimină și îl ia din aceste toxine permițând acestor bacterii să se înmulțească însă aceste toxine care îți dau un high suplimentar au efecte secundare mult mai nașpa decât alcoolul din care unul iată poate fi moartea.
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  • Multă amețeală cu chimicale în articolul din primul comentariu, eu cred că azitro creează motilitate pur și simplu fiindcă vindecă (distruge) repede bacteriile care cauzează paralizia mușchilor intestinali în zona respectivă și pe cele care crează gazele intestinale a căror presiune împiedică golirea bilei și sucului pancreatic, ceea ce duce la blocarea ficatului (steatoză) și a pancreasului, cu infecție (pancreatită, cronică, acută, diabet), mai ales datorită ph-ului din sucul pancreatic și mai jos în intestin care e aproape de neutru.
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  • Da, e aceeași chestie din fețele unora.
    botulinum - Google Search
    botulinum - Google Search
    botulinum - Google Search
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Why I Can't Sleep

Tonight i went outside and dusted some board on the wall and sprinkled all over myself fine redwood dust. Did the same this morning at 4 AM and was wondering all day why i could not sleep more than 5 hours. That dust is very irritant. I documented the whole thing on fb and tried to paste it but tonight the browser crashes before i can even complete copy. However i was able to copy and paste using a gadget on my taskbar that records everything i select. Though without formatting and pictures and links.

Last night i tried to get close to this wall to explore from where vapor from drying unwashed dog's or cat's clothes is getting inside the wall and the apartment. Cause this is how that wall smells.
One possibility is the transverse boards seen in the image. By the vertical grooves.

But they were two guys nearby sitting there not doing nothing and watching for about 15 minutes. So i planed and i said aloud when i come home at whater time at night i will go and take a look. The wall on the right is mine but the other isn't.

However at 3:30 AM as i took a brush to brush the dust first one car came and stopped the engine and two guys started to look in the garbage bin.

Finally they left and then another one came that was from here and parked in the only spot from where the area was visible. I thought they went inside (still don't know) but when i went and squeezed the silicon, they started talking and the guy was making that sound like wanted to gather phlegm to spit. I added silicon on the lower side of the board on the right.

When i was done it was all quiet. If they didn't come i would probably added silicon on all four sides of the two boards.

The night before last night i made the biggest mistake lately. I went to Spirit Mountain Casino and Angela had a 10 dollars food coupon and she bought nachos and cheese. The first time ever i ate something like this. But i remembered a similar situation when i bought pizza from that place. A pizza with a lot of cheese in it. In both situations i got really sick. Last night i took up to 10 charcoal caps and then a piece of ginger in my mouth for nausea.

Cause yesterday i vacuumed and i was contaminated with whatever came from carpet that was there coming from the walls, both upstairs and the one in the picture above. And also took an omeprazole. No acid in stomach and how many grams of calcium in maybe 100 gr of cheese i ate.

As that was not enough, today i said to myself, maybe they didn't make the cheese sauce right, and since i liked it (when i ate it not when i got sick) i made fried potatoes in the oven and cheese sauce (as i saw earlier in a commercial on youtube and looked for the recipe and i had all ingredients). I took six more charcoal caps to get rid again of nausea and the feel i was going to collapse the next second.

It is said charcoal can absorb up to 200 times its weight in toxins. However, it does not absorb only toxins. It absorbs most anything organic. 520 mg caps by 6 by 200, most anything i ate could have been absorbed by that charcoal. Once looked inside it gets eliminated, sometimes real quick like it happened to me today.

I am pretty sure that if i didn't take all that charcoal i would have been in the hospital right now.

One gram in 5 ounces? And i got so sick from it? Then i remembered about this video. When Pharell looks sick, maybe from partyin. Things are just like this. Lately i felt like that most of the time.
Ok i figured why those guys came last night and made noise and made me leave too soon. I was really tired, I didn't realize that if i put silicon underneath that board, if it rains the water won't have where to run once it gets under.

Those boards are ornamental, they cover a joint between two pieces of siding. Those pieces of siding cover each other, water from rain can't get in there. But if you plug the board under, the water will fill the space get in there. So i went and covered the upper side as well so water could not get under that board. The clear silicon i put in there is invisible for esthetic purposes and also removable.

BTW the space between the board and siding is variable and there is a place where it's more than 5 mm, maybe up to 10. If there is also an irregularity at the joint, water from rain could have gotten in there but it's over now. Also didn't rain after i put that silicon at 4 AM so there is no damage done.

I had no choice. If i didn't do that i would die from being sick for too long from the smell and bad bacteria like i already am.

BTW there is one more problem at some pipe. Vapor leaks in the basement again, it condenses and bulges the floor, every time someone dries. Once when they came to fix the visiting cover they let it open and one night again i went in the basement, picked two of the pipes from the ground and reconnected them and taped them. But 2 weeks later the people from maintenance came with a rotary tool and cleaned the pipes and they might have created new leaks.

Tonight i was lucky because the moment i realized i jumped outside and did it. They started to come but right after i was done.

It took only a minute anyways. Most of it was dusting so the silicon would stick. BTW kinda got irritated by the dust. It's redwood dus from the chips they put around the building in 2016. People walking on it turned into dust. It's a long story, let me see if i can find some of the posts.

Right after i took the garbage with the paper towels with excess silicon i removed, and two Japanese women posing as islanders i guess passed by and one of them again made that phlegm gathering noise.

So i just figured the allegory with the CTL car and the tables put upside down on top of it. Earlier today the guy upstairs of whom i never got to see the face, came with two tables tightened on top of his car, without any frame attached to the roof of the car.

Most of the story with the redwood mulch is gone with the g+. So i will tell it in a short way. In spring 2016 one day a few Japanese looking guys came with a vehicle and put mulch around the building. It was so thick it was covering the concrete pedestal for all the pillars of the stairs and decks. I think it was more than one foot. At first it was ok, maybe the first year, until people started to walk on it and it got rained upon and started to catch mold. So i started to put it in sacks and remove it. 10-20 13 gallons sacks at the time, maybe up to ten times over the years. Every time it started to stink, i did it. It does so right now. and when i walked on it next to the bushes it still feels like walking on a thick mat. I remember once i filled half of the bin with it. Being wet, it was also heavy, i must have removed in total a least one full bin.

Even right now when i went to put the silicon i felt like walking on a mat. Cause i could not remove all the excess.

Also one winter they didn't remove the leaves in the back and they started to rot. So i went with Angela one day and removed many sacks of it, again filling the bin to the top. Half of it went down after they started to throw sacks on top.

There are areas under the stairs where it never rains. People still walking on it, it turned into the finest and most irritant dust. I have to take care in the days when the come with the blowers to sweep the deck and wipe the rails cause it will come inside and make me feel like i do right now after i dusted that area.

I also believe there is some symbolism attached to it, in similar ways they gave me the LPN with letters JKB, the many cars i see in the street with similar numbers.

Picture taken December 2018 or before. Right click open new tab to enlarge it
This post is since last november when i unclogged the vents. It was not such a good idea since the exhaust vents blow the vapor through the basement vents inside the basement and the vapor condensates and wets the floor that bulges inside.
So i just put some plastic from some water bottles in these two vents. The rest of them being unclogged, were more than all of them together before. But if i go right now they probably are in a similar shape.

One can see the several code violations. No driers' exhaust within 3 ft of other vents or any other feature of the building.


Same thing with drinking and dusting. When exposed to that dust one can drink indefinitely and would not get too drunk because that irritations all over your body is painful enough to keep you sober.

Just remembered something. When the two women who were living upstairs left, on January 1st, after i found maggots in the birds seed from the bird feeder in their balcony that turned into mud between balcony beams, i found the content of a cat litter box in  not far from the door.
The day when i went to remove the maggots i got really sick. Ever since i get sicker and sicker. @ January 20th i saw a guy came in with a car with a CTL logo and Florida LPN and moved upstairs. He pretty much did the same as the women, that is walking for hours, upstairs, pretending moving, releasing more litter dust in the walls and making it here unbearable. He stopped the walks after i downloaded an app that counts noises, like clapps or noisy steps upstairs. That day he did at least an estimated 5000 steps upstairs. His steps was triggering the counter that was set at 64 decibels. 

About a week ago somebody came and cut the catalytic converter out of my car. It is not the first time things like this happened. On July 3rd 2018 they slashed one of my tires, had to buy new ones. A few days later the slashed another one.

Days before this post Angela also had a flat on the Hyundai.
It cost me 500 dollars to weld a new cat. But who was the mechanic? That is a different story, enough to say he looked like a famous lawyer.

I am pretty sure this apartment complex is owned and controlled (like everything else around here) by the Japanese.

First, i am pretty sure Duterte, the President of Philippines is a Japanese actor.
Second, the logo of the management company, also present on the car of the gentleman living upstairs, on many other cars at different apartments, as i saw recently, seem to match the logo of the Filipino chapter of the Dominican religious order. St.Dominics' cross also seem to be present on Hungary's coat of arms. I am also pretty sure most of the whites present in this complex are Hungarian writers or actors like the women leaving upstairs was. The current inhabitant upstairs seem to be Japanese.