Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 30

1:26 Din seria. Am citit pentru dvs.. Într-o limbă română gândită și scrisă ca a doua limbă. Timp scurs, jumătate de oră din viață. Țara se diluează iar contribuitorii ne pun creierul pe moațe confundând nevoia de a poseda cu dorința sinceră (în timp ce  undeva plutind pe deasupra politicieni falși își dau cu moțiuni precum ciorile sau corbii uneori se războiesc cu șoimii).

Despre efectul distructiv al falsei plagiaturi aluzive a impostorilor care de fapt nici măcar nu au fost vreodată în pușcărie deși ne fură mereu bugetul, banii de infrastructură, viitorul fizic în timp ce ne dau teme imposibile pentru acasă spre bulirea și nebăgarea noastră de seamă.
10:57 They continuously adapt, though they keep doing the same thing. In my case, maintaining my image they worked so hard on for decades. Maximum efficiency, smallest possible changes with largest desired effects (using ordinary, contextual means), like Asimov would say. What pisses me off is they have to keep me in an area of very low reputation with very little freedom.

There was smoke inside this morning, enough to create some nose congestion that would turn me dizzy if i keep breathing (hard) on my nose, i had to call a few people regarding buying a car at an auction, then i rushed outside. People smoking in the alley again from wind's direction combined with pieces of garbage on the red mulch in a more distant area from same wind's direction. I picked those, i thought i saw a wet piece of clothing next to a balcony so i could not go and pick it up.

I went for a walk but instead of going towards park in took a right on Sagert and came back through a residential area using google maps for navigating. Though it's 61 degrees outside i was feeling kinda hot and did not zip my rain proof jacket that has a tendency to fall off my shoulders and off me if unzipped, kinda sleepy, kinda relaxed when i saw a car coming from behind, tried to straighten my jacket when i saw the gar was actually a google car taking street pictures. From now on, i started to become a critic of those cause i felt on my own what it means an invasion of privacy from the part of google.

Got home, picked the mail, my phone went off at 10% battery, as i said, every time i start it the settings keep changing. (That would create enough confusion as where i was at that time).

2:42 I think it was not only the cucumber i ate yesterday that lowerd my BS with 100 after eating. Could had been almond butter, coffee, a bit of grapefruit juice with water, being active and out (of this environment with dog poo) all morning, i don't know, trying to reproduce. Wanted to go out, i open the door and what do i see parked behind my truck? I share it here because they did the same, that day when i "forgot" the keys in the door, they put a flyer on my door knob with zip lies though i have ziply as provider already. What i'm gonna see next? A Youcon or RAM truc?
9:51 Am aflat asta cu ceva timp în urmă, vreo 2 săptămâni cred. Am ezitat (nu se poate, fiica mentorului și colegului meu de cameră 3 luni) și de bancă (tot liceul), care probabil era cu vreo 10 ani mai mare ca mine. Între timp la Iași au pus-o de-un scandal, parascandal, ca să acopere preventiv.

10:22 Iar nu am fost atent să văd cât îi trebuie tipului de sus să se "trezească" (presupun că doarme fiindcă e foarte liniște în ultimele zile), începând din momentul când postez ceva nașpa despre japonezi.

Am auzit primul zgomot acum aproximativ 5-10 minute, postarea a fost la și 35, câte minute sunt de atunci, vreo 40. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

September 29

5:35 US debt clock, world debt clock. Question. Where all these money go, if every country (state, government) is in debt?

506 trillion yen is 4.5 trillion dollars. Apparently, Japanese companies don't need to operate on short term loans like the American ones from FED, a semi-private institution. Nevermind that.

5:44 M-am prins. Ce face Iohannis pentru dvs., în SUA se spune "charm offensive". Și încă ține, după opt primi miniștri
6:00 Cațavencii
4:41 It smells really bad like mold inside and no amount of chlorine helps. So i went outside to pick garbage. A new type of item, used baby's pad, not far from where the mat has been (there was a perceptible stench around it, pretty similar to what i have in the apartment right now). The more traditional half full 16 oz water bottle with a cap and the neck facing my apartment. Many others, most on the (redwood, sequoia) mulch, some on grass. I was not alone. When i picked a small toy, a kid showed, etc.. There are some bushes next to the upper garages, in the furthest coin of "the court" as i call the enclosure between buildings and garages visible from my windows, smell like dog poo, but never been able to find any.

5:20 Just lowered my blood sugar from over 300 to 200, after eating a meal including a few small pieces of cucumber. With all the money spent every year for grants, 80 billions handed to individuals, including 30 to students, rest up to 500 billions (half trillion or 1/6 of the annual 3.2 T budget deficit) to firms, and they still don't know why cucumber lowers blood sugar, not to talk about some medicine based on it or God forbid, a cure for diabetes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 28

1:01 No it's not... Tesla is the first electric supercar. Maybe not

7:58 Anywhere the wind blows they got a family scroll with a formula. Got five hours of sleep, woke up with signs of urinary infection. For a while i  thought it was truck's sit, which is made of fabric and is 23 years old. Tried to get more sleep but the whole apartment is stinking really bad and it keeps me awake.

This morning my truck started a new squeak. I went around the buildings to try to reproduce it and saw the mat. Goot thing i did. Now i know where it's coming from. This mat, baby seat (yes, next to red mulch) has been out in the rain for days. It somehow resonate with the bulging floor inside (due to water vapor from clogged drier vent in the basement). Fiberboard floor is made with glue based on animal collagen.
I took the picture above at 7:14. Then i took the baby chair first to the garbage. Five of the yelling kids from 5 years ago, now as big or bigger than me were performing a show around the garbage bin, this time yelling in some sort of vernacular slang. They stayed her enough to watch me wrestling with the wet mat to put it in the bin. A woman moved her SUV next to the bin, when i was finishing. Market started to go up immediately. 8:57 Threw all my clothings i wrestle the mat with in the washer. I bought this real cheap laundry detergent when i've been at WinCo. Was curious what was made of. Benzenesulfonic acid? I hope i don't have to rinse twice.

9:44 Nu sunt sigur, dar cred cam văzut, de la ceva distanță, pe ploaie, un tip ca el acum două zile.

8:45 Fiecare cu moțiunea lui! Important e să mai treacă o săptămână, până va pica și moțiunea PSD. Lasciate...

10:29 1985

September 27

Feelings of missing time... (You'll see when you rich 61). I skipped one day, kept writing on 26 without realizing it was 27 and  now it's 28. Moving the stuff here.

2:16 It all started a few years ago when i was curious about something. I wrote a blog post about US budget, not knowing at the time that it will become one of my major objects of study, for Romanian budget that is. But i just saw in the news something that caught my attention for the first time, though it happens every year. The issue of the debt ceiling.

Let me introduce you first to the concept of annual budget. Every year US President is required by law to submit to Congress a budget for federal spending, based or maybe not on federal income (Spending cannot be greater than income, right?). Then Congress details it on numerous commissions and approves the budget and the budget becomes law after being signed again by the President.
From the smaller graph in upper left above one must also realize the difference between contributions to federal budget made by individuals vs contributions made by corporations. First question of course is why spending (outlays) does not equal income (revenue). The difference is called deficit and it represents the sum that government must borrow every year by "increasing the debt ceiling" and for more clarity it is done towards the end of the year because by then the amount becomes more obvious because budget has two parts, Mandatory spending, which are known at the beginning of the year (fixed) and Discretionary spending (variable) which are not (though there are forecasts), and i think i answered my question i had in mind: If everything, income, spending, is "designed" at the beginning of the year and it is voted and signed into law by the President at the beginning of the year, then why every year by this time they realize they don't have the money they voted for?? Cause the part of deficit for Mandatory Spending is known at the beginning of the year and the rest can be forecast more or less precise, i believe by this time there should be adjustments only and less drama (talking about government shutdown etc.).
4:03 I found a better fix for dog poos. I pour borax on them (and then somebody removes them i think to make room for new fresh ones). I went to pick garbage from lawn and plug some holes (building was surrounded by smoke) and pour borax on poos and a number of Japanese women, dressed either as islanders (Japan is made of islands also) or Latinas. As soon as i finished they left in the same time.

8:00 As soon as weather got colder, Robinho_od upstairs is doing loads of laundry a day and pumps the vapor in the basement with the clogged pipe and because it is cold now, water condensates on other side of the floor striped of insulation (has fallen) and the upper part of the floor made of fiberboard facing inside is bulging, with one to two inches in places around the couch and desk.

8:26 Alles klar, herr kommissar? Aprobați mai repede miniștrii lui Cîțu și lăsați-i să-și vadă de treabă până la sfârșitul anului bugetului, ca ei să ne dea PNRR-ul, cândva, pentru ceva proiecte cu borne. Am găsit PNRR-ul, tot ce e concret sunt cei 434 de km the autostradă până în 2026 (când nu se va mai găsi nici măcar vreo amintire din monștrii lui Cîțu), și 500 MW solar și eoliene. 12,7 km de metrou, la 30-50 milioane de euro/km, de 2-3 ori mai mult decât un km de autostradă, din ce am văzut până acum, un km de autostradă în România costă 20 milioane euro (bineînțeles, cel mai scump din lume, în Bulgaria (aceeași UE, același MCV, aceleași vize) au făcut cu 2-3 milioane, dar prin ei înșiși), cu 29 miliarde s-ar putea construi 1450 km autostradă, care de departe este prioritatea cea mai mare. 300 km cale ferată modernizată? Cu 300 milioane de euro (0.3 miliarde) s-ar putea reabilita (recompacta) complet sistemul de căi ferate din România de 10 mii km.

9:36 I took the cardboard cover from the back of the fridge so many times on and off and wiped it from dust with a wet microfiber rag until i damaged it and bought online a new one. However, it is aftermarket, only half thick and has some sort warning instructions printed with an ink that flies when the fan blows through the small holes. When i installed it i saw the compressor is not aligned with the fridge but it "stands out" so you have to bend the cardboard cover to make it fit. Can't take it off completely because of the ultrasound from the capillary tube next to the expansion valve, (hissing, ringing in the ears, the reason is made of cardboard is to absorb those). And i got in trouble again. All day i felt irritation in my eyes, throat, nauseated and sleepless (a new one). I tried with my finger in a corner and saw ink was coming off. I removed it and googled for the composition of ink. Now i remember the day when the mailwoman gave it to me personally, when she came around with her vintage van, at least one week ahead of scheduled delivery time. Got it. Ink is for writing. Ninja humour that is (forgot to say, many times i found pens on the ground next to smoking holes)

Walmart. I bought it from Walmart. It came one week earlier.

11:59 Poc Poru, sau altă fațetă a PNRR?

Sunday, September 26, 2021

September 26

12:17 Mă demit dar rămân cu tine...
Și totuși, Legea Bugetului pe 2021 a distribuit sumele pe ministerele actuale... (Atenție, pe site-ul Camerei Deputaților, Legea Bugetului încă apare sub formă de proiect, care a fost aprobat). Dar aceste mărunțișuri, ca bugetul de 326 miliarde lei (ultimul rând din pagină, de Stat, căci mai este ce al Asigurărilor Sociale, alte bugete și bugețele, cu un total peste 400 miliarde) nu intră în calculele politico-mediatice.

4:21 Got back home from WinCo, same old story, in the back the two Japanese trained kids screamin, playing and hitting a ball real heard, while Angela's trying to sleep. Now, hitting the cable box. As for what happened at WinCo, i made some audio recordings.

Got this real cheap 10 bucks meter with 10 cents strips at Walmart. Now i got the chance to do these experiments. Fast for hours, until my blood sugar goes close to 200. Then eat something, only one thing and see how much is going up. (Eating cucumbers get your blood sugar down by at least 50). Try different foods. When i left i had 325 for eating pease, though they are shown very low calories (it seems when i type they intensify beating in the box). But it was the only thing i had left in the fridge. Now the funny part of the day. Go to auction sites and see what cars have come up in the last 24.

11:21 Don't know what kinda smoke was here all day by i'm kinda wasted. However, i cleared a bit, read the news, oh boy. Taliban takes a revenge on Figaros. Boris turned the faucet on gasoline so they have something real to talk about. In Romania, the robbery of government towards Romanians continues.

Presimt că, la fel ca în cazul bugetului, PNRR se va duce 37% pe aripile vântului climatic iar restul pe apa sâmbetei. Iar românii stau liniștiți fiindcă știu că cineva acolo sus în Senat sau uneori jos în stradă protestează tot timpul pentru ei.