Monday, January 10, 2022

The Six Kami of Hell

 1. Red dust. Sequoia or redwood trees live up to 1500 years or more also because of tannins, that make a good percentage of the wood mass. Tannins block both molds and bacteria preventing rotting of the wood. But chips and dust of that wood don't rot also and dust can be ground so fine (by the steps or in a ninja crucible) it can pass any filter, except wet filters made with towels on top of low speed fans. It is very irritating, and if spread on large areas of skin, painful. In this image one can see the redust on the blue siding (painted blue recently).

2. Fastly mutating mold and protozoa. Because redwood is so antimicrobial, like anything antimicrobial, it mutates the very few surviving microbes. Garbage, dog poo and bottles with all sort of "witchcraft" thrown on the chips or the grass nearby start to create smelly, ferocious kami... inside.

3. Granite dust. Last year in January snow covered the alleys. By the time snow was almost gone and traffic almost came back to normal, they spread granite gravel on the alleys. The gravel was never removed and cars ground it to a fine dust within the next month. Every Wednesday the blowers came and raised that dust to the sky, in their attempt to "clean" the alleys. Some fell on the buildings and some on the grass.

4. Mole emanations. Mole are venomous. Some modified digestive enzymes present in their saliva paralyse and zombify earthworms, their exclusive food. Those enzymes are present as aerosols in their galleries. Worms once fallen in a gallery go all by themselves and fill poaches with hundreds of fresh, live worms. Sometimes moles bite their head, and the worms enter a slow "regeneration" process that can last months keeping them alive and immobilized, ready to be eaten.

5. Ninja smoke. Once a mole (re)opens a gallery near our building, they come, under the pretext of walking a dog, and stick small burning pellets made by ancient recipes that contain saltpeter and a number of ingredients that mask the smell and get you either high or absent. Moles leave (temporarily) until the smoke is gone or i go and plug the holes and then they come back and the process restarts.

6. Dog droppings. Dog droppings from sick dogs may contain T-gondii, a parasite that once in  your got produces dopamine, hooking  you up. It may go into your blood and cyst in your brain. A high percentage of population is infected, but they don't claim symptoms, probably because of the dopamine, probably the reason so many people "love their pets". The available recommended medication doesn't really work, there are many other unintended medications that suppress the parasite. However, you must eliminate the source first.

January 10

10:56 Water rush

10:54 Last purchased Nov 24, 2020. Just looked into my orders history on Amazon. At this date i bought an air quality monitor for PM 2.5 and 10 with laser diodes for a 32 dollars (for wildfires reason). Apparently made in China of Japanese design, and sensors taken from Sharp air filters. At first it worked but then it started not to work with the phones, but only with a tablet which means i can't take it with me in the park. What is curious though is the image on the front of it, which coincides with the logo and "the face" of a new party named AUR (gold) (in the meantime she was expelled due to numerous scandals which however continued in that party to this day) in Romania which made it in the Parliament with surprising results of over 5% in the last elections held next month after i purchased it (December 2020) (5% being the minimum necessary to enter Parliament). I looked for the image online, couldn't find it, tried to peel off the protective layer but i saw the image was actually on that layer so i just put it back and took a picture.
In the meantime i identified D(ac)iana Șoșoacă with an entertainer from Hungary who in this video is also wearing... gold. Romania did have, documented since Roman times (the reason Romans invaded Dacia) and still has, deeper underground, some of the largest gold reserves in the world, brought by an asteroid which probably fell some 70 million years ago. That gold attracted numerous invaders, starting with Romans under emperor Trajan in 100 AD, all the way to Magyars, 900 AD, and then Mongols while most Romanians being the poorest Europeans to this day, migrating in search for work hard labor in all Europe.  5:32 I wrote yesterday about being kept high and sick for 25+ years. Smoke stopped last night and this morning. I started to come to my senses and worry about things like the phones.

Mine (could not deal with Boost mobile to get unlocked) is a Moto e6 2020 with 3350 mAh that i bought on December 10 for 150 dollars that has good signal and it says on the phone the provider is Hello Mobile on a 10 dollars a month plan. But then i found a better phone for less money, a Moto e7i Power 2021 for Angela (she could also not get away with unlocking her phone from Boost) with 5000 mAh battery for 120. With same provider, similar plan (5 dollars, less data), newer phone, her signal is weaker here though, and on the phone it says T-Mobile. Then i searched and found Hello Mobile is the low cost version of T-Mobile. She's obviously on a different tower. Low signal means more radiating power at the phone.

Worrying about phones, about the dog smell that had a big outburst over the holidays, other things, i forgot about the mole holes.

Simple mole holes, with no smoke, have a thing of their own. The smell itself makes me sick and lethargic. When smoke shows up, i get high and forget about what happened the previous hours, like it just happened.

Today i planned to go outside and fill the last holes with soil taken from near the hydrant, which is at a higher elevation. However Angela after work went to Fred Meyer and came one hour late. Exactly at 3:30 she met with the school bus with the kids at the entrance. Alley was blocked so she took the other alley and came around. I don't know how many of them are in the whole complex, but four of them came and entered last entrance (across the alley) in building D exactly in the same time with Angela parking the car. I know how it is done, it happened myself. Angela is being bullied all day at work and becomes suggestionable. It is then a matter of subconscious suggestions. Tired, stressed out, after work and stopping, all she cared was to get inside. She might have picked or heard something today that made her come at exactly that time. So she didn't mind the four kids, looking so obviously Japanese, pretending or not to be Latinos, passed by exactly when she opened the trunk to pick the groceries. Like showing the "poor kids" what she's got. I went myself a few times, to grab those, soil, fill the holes, the kids came back outside and one of them with a skateboard was skating back and forth next to where i was. Towards the end, planes and sirens got involved. I was telling Angela, who that would looked if someone filmed. Also like what happened when i went back to fix the holes.

She was tired from work, i was sick from the moles. It took me hours to get a little bit better. I was ashamed i could not make a salad for Angela, she did it herself while i was watching TV but when she invited me to eat, i went outside and now there was smoke and we both started to feel better and forget everything that happened to us earlier, separately. So i went only to see that one of the holes that i covered earlier with half bucket of soil mixed with cement just collapsed and part of the material was missing, like someone stole it from underground. After i stepped and hardened the soil with my heels (and deepened the hole) the smoke stopped. For now. That hole was smoking for the last few days, now it's open again. I was telling Angela. This is how we spent most days in the last 25 years or so, except some periods that do not total more than a few years when i was working. Scenes like these with weird coincidences and synchronizations that sometimes were done with unrecognized by us celebrities, or like today, with kids, forgotten immediately, happened to me, us, an innumerable number of times.

After a hell of a day, suddenly being high, feeling good, going to binge watch something, online to read news and/or a good (fake) conspiracy theories, probably the reasons she doesn't believe me that smoke may come out of mole holes.

It took me a great deal of effort for everything i posted today, i pushed myself really hard, before i forgot, being either sick or high or tired of everything.

6:35 Ok just remembered something. Every time i write about smoking mole holes, an old recurrent news popps. Last time, two days ago, from my friends at the Guarian, doubling. Correcting short term memories, in other words, brainwashing.

7:05 So let me inventory for you the kami they used to bully us over the years.

1. Red dust. Sequoia or redwood trees live up to 1500 years or more also because of tannins, that make a good percentage of the wood mass. Tannins block both molds and bacteria preventing rotting of the wood. But chips and dust of that wood don't rot also and dust can be ground so fine (by the steps or in a ninja crucible) it can pass any filter, except wet filters made with towels on top of low speed fans. It is very irritating, and if spread on large areas of skin, painful. In this image one can see the redust on the blue siding (painted blue recently).

2. Fastly mutating mold and protozoa. Because redwood is so antimicrobial, like anything antimicrobial, it mutates the very few surviving microbes. Garbage, dog poo and bottles with all sort of "witchcraft" thrown on the chips or the grass nearby start to create smelly, ferocious kami... inside.

3. Granite dust. Last year in January snow covered the alleys. By the time snow was almost gone and traffic almost came back to normal, they spread granite gravel on the alleys. The gravel was never removed and cars ground it to a fine dust within the next month. Every Wednesday the blowers came and raised that dust to the sky, in their attempt to "clean" the alleys. Some fell on the buildings and some on the grass.

4. Mole emanations. Mole are venomous. Some modified digestive enzymes present in their saliva paralyse and zombify earthworms, their exclusive food. Those enzymes are present as aerosols in their galleries. Worms once fallen in a gallery go all by themselves and fill poaches with hundreds of fresh, live worms. Sometimes moles bite their head, and the worms enter a slow "regeneration" process that can last months keeping them alive and immobilized, ready to be eaten.

5. Ninja smoke. Once a mole (re)opens a gallery near our building, they come, under the pretext of walking a dog, and stick small burning pellets made by ancient recipes that contain saltpeter and a number of ingredients that mask the smell and get you either high or absent. Moles leave (temporarily) until the smoke is gone or i go and plug the holes and then they come back and the process restarts.

6. Dog droppings. Dog droppings from sick dogs may contain T-gondii, a parasite that once in  your got produces dopamine, hooking  you up. It may go into your blood and cyst in your brain. A high percentage of population is infected, but they don't claim symptoms, probably because of the dopamine, probably the reason so many people "love their pets". The available recommended medication doesn't really work, there are many other unintended medications that suppress the parasite. However, you must eliminate the source first.

All these "elements" are quasi natural, omnipresent thus impossible to be used as evidence. Used "wisely", they can stun, make you high, make you forget, annihilate your will, make you take bad decisions or get you into a rage burst and in combination with synchronized events, make you look like something else.

For what? To control a couple of people through which they control so many more either just by influencing or more directly, pretending these people actually decide for the nostalgic in Romania by example.

Da știu ce urmează acum. O postare de-a lor cu Attila Cseke pentru confuzie.

Chestia e așa. Am început să nu mai am așa noroc cu asemănările. Ultimele căutări nu au dat roade. Găsesc din ce în ce mai puțini cu efort din ce în ce mai mare. Nu știu, poate că i-am folosit deja pe cei ușor de găsit. Însă lumea nu știe nici 10% cred din ce am postat deja sau i-au uitat pe primii.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

January 9

9:30/7:30 De ce mă enervez de fiecare dată când ei fac asta? Am pus o hartă cu autostrăzile din Africa, majoritatea statelor acolo au cel puțin una care o traversează dintr-un capăt în altul, iar l-au adus în centru pe fotbalistul ăsta din Boto_sani, care merge pentru Sushi la Sușeava și pentru a vedea viitorul la Tokio. Empire of the Sun, o formație australiană?
Viitorul în care vom avea toți pielea maro, ochii negri și în sus de la mâncat Sushi și de la aplecat unul în fața altuia sau în direcția palatului împăratului.

Știu de mult că ei fac asta, dublează informațiile pentru a crea confuzie în mintea celor indeciși iar chestia ține oricât de mult aș atrage eu atenția. Eram pe cale să mă resemnez când am văzut poza asta. Cine poate spune ce este greșit (ciudat) în această poză? În acest moment am început să strănut fără să mă pot opri, am mers afară, era fum și am călcat în toate locurile unde iarba era umflată, avea "aer" dedesubt, fumul aproape a dispărut, a venit un elicopter care zbura foarte jos, m-am dus să iau telefonul să-l filmez, apărea ca și cum am fugit, etc., înăuntru mirosea tare a fum, cu care mă obișnuisem până am început să strănut, asta se întâmplă aproape de fiecare dată când mă iau de shinobi, acum nu mă mai pot concentra, îmi vine o idee, vreau să scriu dar până pun mâinile pe tastatură, o uit. Nu cred că am respirat aer curat de mult timp, poate doar ieri lângă ocean. De acum, am uitat tot ce plănuiam mai devreme să fac azi, am uitat ce am făcut în ultimele zile, etc.. Dar nu voi uita niciodată asta.
Okio, știu ce vroiam să fac. Am comandat pe Amazon și ebay montanți pentru motor. Am găsit originali, cu aproximativ 100 bucata. Dar trebuie să-i instalez singur, durează jumătate de oră, dacă am ceva cu care să țin motorul când îi schimb (fără montanții de cauciuc, un fel de amortizoare pentru motor motorul normal va cădea sau apleca și îndoi alte chestii pe acolo, ca de exemplu țeava de eșapament).

Mecanicii pe aici nu vor să instaleze piese pe care le cumperi tu, fiindcă ei iau de pe unde iau și ți le dau la prețul de dealer + ceva (dacă vrei piese originale, iar în cazul montanților de motor nu te poți juca).

Practic fac mai mulți bani din piese decât manoperă sau cam la fel. Prețul de dealer la unul din ăsta e în jur de 300 iar mecanicul îți va mai pune un adaos + manopera, deci practic nu poți să scapi fără 5-600 unul. Din trei, unul l-am instalat deja, ăla de dedesubt care e orizontal și nu necesită sprijinirea motorului.

Am văzut video-uri pe youtube, nebunii bagă o bucată de lemn sub baia de ulei. Motorul are vreo 150 kg, normal ar trebui să țină dar nu vreau să risc. Plus că dacă nu se îndoaie tabla se comprimă garnitura și mă pot trezi cu scurgeri de ulei.

Deci oricât ar părea de ciudat, trebuie să-mi iau o mini-macara din acelea de ridicat motorul sau să închiriez una. Una ca asta, probabil vine dezasamblată. Nașpa că are un singur cârlig, îmi mai trebuie unul sau două și încă o bucată de lanț.

Ok deci fumul a ajuns iar aici, aproape nu mă mai pot ține pe picioare. Tastez foarte greu. Fum și afară. Lângă clădire, niște găuri în pământ. Am încercat să le astup. Mă gândesc că trebuie să înlocuiesc elementele de la filtre, fiindcă nu știu dacă mai filtrează sau miroase ele însele. Alți bani, altă distracție. Am încercat să mănânc ceva, fălcile îmi par amorțite.

Asta a fost viața mea începând din 95 de când am venit aici, dar cred că și înainte. Și înainte în bloc în Bacău venea fum (credeam eu de țigară de la vecinul de jos) și mă simțeam "prea" bine.

11:50/9:50 Cred că am nimerit ultima gaură, fumul s-a  mai redus, va ține așa o oră două. De câte ori pomenesc de Horiuchi, vin și ei cu ceva de Horeca. E o luptă surdă, pe care nu o vede nimeni. Adevărul că e o chestie foarte tare, să fi avut românii președinte un shinobi (după care normal nu ar trebui să se mai mire de nimic, mai ales de faptul că Petromidia a fost vândută lui Patriciu cu o lună înaintea expirării mandatului lui Horiuchi), și ei combat informația cum știu ei mai bine. Pentru asta, au inventat sintagma Horeca, pe care o scot la vedere de fiecare dată când eu pomenesc "Horiuchi". Horiuchi Horiuchi Horiuchi.

Până la Michael Jackson muzica era doar cu gimnastică. El a introdus elemente de circ. "Anti-gravity lean"

Apropo, cine cred eu că era Michael Jackson. Un poet ungur "paralizat".

5:09 Damage control. Last night, escape at Chinook Winds, more test driving of the car. Angela was testing her new phone (a 5 dollars a month with Hello Mobile, mine is 10, it gave me some emotions first but it worked after i buttoned the phones for half hour inside the casino on cameras when she won 100 bucks at a very unlikely game), she had her old phone which is prepaid, still working, in "grace period" in the glove compartment in the car, just in case.

The first thing i saw when i got inside after sleeping and drinking in the car was this guy with a T-shirt saying "Faster than a 911 call (or response)" (around 8-9 PM). If i wasn't a bit buzzed and pissed and tired i probably would have taken a picture of it. When i saw her new phone, a Moto E7 power from newegg (Not New York), better and cheaper, i started a return on my new Moto 2020 on Amazon. Motorola, best low end phones. When we had dinner in the car on the beach i saw again several fishing boats all with lights pointing at the shore or on us like usually.

6:09 Diabetes is an environmental disease. When living in company or vicinity of sick animals, and enough dopamine producing protozoa or botulinum producing clostridium gets into your gut, your body does what it can to eliminate all sugar from intestine, to stop multiplication of those, depositing the extra sugar in tissues and blood.

There are medicines like Zyrtec and many others that coincidentally suppress the unwanted microbes, and by identifying and eliminating the source (which sometimes could be mission impossible since it can be your neighbors' pets and your neighbor's pets laundry dried in a dryer that leaks inside walls) your intestinal microbiome can get balanced, but it would take a long time like at least one month of treatment and (moderate) diet for the blood sugar to go all the way down because of tissue, mostly connective, buildup.

6:50 A minute again, on Kink FM, I cheated myself. That doesn't necessarily man i cheated my fate, right?

6:55 Troubled evolution means when that accident happened 6000+ years ago in Australia?

Saturday, January 8, 2022

January 8

8:04 At times, my late next door neighbor in Lake Oswego (2014 - 2015, 47 Eagle Crest dr., Apt 9) was looking just like her.


11:45/9:45 De ce nu are ursul coadă, ci doar vulpea.

12:34/10:43 În știri, totul e minciună. Minciuni care se clădesc pe alte minciuni ca într-un metavers în care regula e minciuna iar adevărul, excepție.

12:35 10:35 Autostrăzi în Africa.
2:36 I thought i heard earlier a drier "turning" real fast while i was watching the last episode of the Expanse. The one with Dog looking God like entities on a planet beyond the ring revive a little boy. So after i went outside to check. The flow is very small which means leaks in the walls and/or basement. Apartment 2 or 4. Perfume like deodorant smell for now. Soon enough, the whole place is goinst to smell like Dog s...t as scheduled, cause i'm headed to the beach cause i cant' take it here no more.
Picture taken last Feburary. Red dust on the blue "walls" is from the sequoaia chips blown by the blowers every Wednesday onto the building.

3:15 I went at the car to do something. Like usually lately, a loud low flying plane passed by. Laundry perfume masking whatever that nauseates me. An older pizza delivery guy negotiating at the door at nr.2 where is saw some old women. At times, like maybe weakly, i see guys younger than me bringing there groceries.

Friday, January 7, 2022

January 7

6:57 Smoke. Animal droppings component, trail type, one small hole under siding in the middle of the long living wall.

8:00/6:00 Ultima postare de ieri: Dependența de gazul rusesc... Prietenia este o stradă cu două direcții, nu? Noi depindem de prietenii lor... Dar nu aș fi adus cele două link-uri din nou în prim plan dacă nu vedeam chestia asta. Prompt vine Predoiu și spune: SIIJ nu va mai exista. SIIJ. Szijjarto. O chestie care mă enervează fantastic. De câte ori postez ceva, vin ei cu ceva ca să dubleze și să confuzeze informația. Și mi-am adus aminte de o chestie. Matematicianul Pál Erdős. Una din teoriile lui se referă la prieteni, deci e vorba de matematică aplicată în sociologie. Cine știe însă ce alte teorii și teoreme mai există de care noi nu avem habar (Hubbard). Poate întreaga noastră realitate socială vizibilă din ultimele sute de ani e modelată după o astfel de teoremă, ceva care poate să transceandă posibilitățile de explorare și modelare a realității de către mințile noastre bidimensionale primitive, de maimuțe terestre, dependente de dresor.

2:26 As soon as i got here after a walk, an older green car, Honda or Toyota, with LPN HSM with a latino looking couple stopped completely on the spot upstairs (56). They were kinda looking at me, the man laid in his passenger seat, like wanting to sleep. It's not the first time, last time it happened when i went to Fred Meyer to buy wine and forgot my phone at home. Inside it all smells like (i once smelled when i was a kid) visiting a circus stable, probably from the smoke last night or last few days. Probably preparation for the yesterday's exit that didn't happen. Or it happened in a branched out Universe.

I looked again and saw them hugging, then i saw him leaving alone at high speed. It was a Honda.

My mask and clothes were smelling like that when i left, the smell was still on after a one hour walk. I guess there's no point in airing. I'm going to try some chlorine diluted with water in a tub.

2:55 Got three towels that i keep wet on top of filters so they collect the extra fine submicronic dust that passes those. As they dry, they got really stinky as all air in the room passes through them many times and i got to wash them. Washed them twice and rinsed them in water with a bit of chlorine, barely got the smell out of them. (While doing so, like this morning, an ambulance yelling in the distance).

I believe it was pointless because they compensate, so they put more smoke and in the end is worse.

3:01/1:01 Kazachstanul este un loc special pentru noi românii, din cauza "chinezoaicei lui Patriciu". O caut acum.

3:28 Another thing i found on Reddit. This time, it seems real. I wish anybody could see what i see when i do the searches. Go to 70s. Click on several names on the third column (with blue, no numbers).

5:19 Place filled with smoke, got nauseated. My lips are irritated, about to develop something. Went outside and filled the two holes in the middle of the area between buildings with about one bucket of soil i took from a higher elevation. Smoke subsided.
5:27 Another Japanese woman that reminds of Mariah Carey. However, Rimi Natsukawa's got the same voice as Mariah, and there's the name clue. Mariah, Rimi. Helps me prove my point though.

6:46 Chinezoaica lui Patriciu, ce am găsit până acum.